2013 - The Year of The Comets
A Comet shaped like the
'Millennium Falcon from Star Wars'
Español |
Actualización del Meteoro Ruso -
Febrero de 2013
A Key to the Mystery of Comet
in the Current Visit of Hale-Bopp?
Español |
Algo realmente Grande debió
Impactar en la Tierra hace 12.800 Años
A Massive Impact Crater has been
Hiding under Greenland's Ice Sheet
A New Comet
- C2012 S1
Español |
- ¿Asteroide
o Cometa? - Nuevos datos sobre la Extraña Roca Espacial
3200 Faetón
Asteroid Impact - NASA simulation
shows 'We are Sitting Ducks'
Asteroids - Past Impacts/Near
Misses/Future Approaches
A Volcanic Comet Blows its Top
Español |
Campo del Cielo - La
Llanura Sudamericana Sembrada de Meteoritos Descubierta
en 1576
Español |
China puede Salvar a la Tierra del
Español |
Científicos detectan un Gran
Asteroide que impactó en la Tierra hace 66 Millones de
Comet 29P - The Strangest Comet in
the Solar System
Comet 73P/Schwassmann Wachmann and
Eric Julien
Main File
Cometary Asteroids
Cometary Evidence of a Massive
Body in The Outer Oort Cloud
- by J.Matese, P. Whitman, D...
Comet Causes Great Earthquakes,
Tsunami And Bad U.S. Weather
- More Proof Of Solar System...
- "Comet"
Main File
Comet Hale Bopp - A Sign
of the Times
Main File
Comet Holmes
- Obscure Comet Brightens Suddenly
Main File
Comet NEAT
Main File
Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
Comets May Have Caused Earth's
Great Empires to Fall
Español |
Cómo el Cráter del Asteroide que
Acabó con los Dinosaurios se Convirtió Rápidamente en
Cuna de Vida
Español |
la Teoría de un Impacto Cósmico en un Asentamiento Agrícola
de hace 12.800 Años, en actual Siria
Cosmic Connection - Comet's Wars,
Pestilences and Disasters
Comparing Traditional Astronomical
Theory (NASA) Versus The McCanney Plasma Discharge Comet
Español |
- ¿De
dónde viene Faetón?
Deep Impact Mission
Main File
Español |
Descubren un Microorganismo que se
Alimenta de Meteoritos y luego 'Baila' en su Superficie
Español |
Determinan la Causa del
Enfriamiento Global que Acabó con los Dinosaurios
Italiano |
Di Asteroidi e Generatori
Disintegrating Asteroid P/2013 R3
Español |
- ¿Dos
'Tunguskas' en América del Sur en La Década de 1930?
Español |
Antiguo Cometa 'Atlas' mide la Mitad del tamaño del Sol
y está de Regreso!
Español |
El Contexto Cósmico de la
Filosofía Griega - Cometas y Asteroides
Electric Comet
Español |
El Hubble Observa un Asteroide
Desintegrándose Misteriosamente
Español |
El Meteorito de Fukang - Una
Misteriosa Roca que llegó del Espacio
Español |
El Nuevo Sol y La Kachina Roja
Español |
El Planeta-X, Cometas y Cambios Terrestres
Español |
El Vuelo 447 y Eventos de Tipo
Tunguska - ¿Qué Esconden?
Español |
Estamos Indefensos ante el Impacto
de un Gran Asteroide
Exploring abrupt Climate Change induced by
Comets and Asteroids during Human History |
Español |
Extraña y Antigua Roca Espacial Antártica revela un Misterio
de la Vida |
of a Thousand Suns
Fingerprint of a Global Cataclysm
12,800 Years Ago
Forget About Global Warming
- We're One Step From Extinction!
Español |
- ¿Fue
El Meteorito Ruso Una Prueba de Armas de Estados Unidos
y La Advertencia a Los Líderes?
Español |
Hallan por Primera Vez en un
Asteroide compuestos Orgánicos esenciales para la Vida
How Far is the Asteroid
Belt from Earth?
Hubble confirms Largest Comet
Nucleus ever seen
Hubble witnesses an Asteroid
mysteriously Disintegrating
Español |
Huella Digital de un Cataclismo
Global de hace 12,800 Años
Ice Core Data Supports Ancient
Bolide Impact
Identifying the Wide Diversity of
Extraterrestrial Purine and Pyrimidine nucleobases in
carbonaceous Meteorites
Impact Hazards on a Populated
Inside Ancient Asteroids - Gamma
Rays made Building Blocks of Life
Jupiter's Cosmic Encounters
- 2009
Español |
La Explosión del Bólido que pudo
haber Provocado una Guerra Nuclear por Error en 2002
Italiano |
La Leggendaria "Cultura Hopewell"
distrutta da una Cometa - Dice uno Studio
Español |
Las Montañas que Caen del Cielo
Español |
La Tierra tuvo un Anillo como los
de Saturno durante Millones de Años - Su Sombra provocó
una Edad de Hielo
Italiano |
Le Agenzie Spaziali del Mondo stanno per Simulare uno
Scenario Apocalittico con Asteroidi
Legendary 'Hopewell Culture'
destroyed by exploding Comet - Study Says
Español |
Lluvia de Cometas
- ¿Los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis?
Español |
Los Verdaderos Orígenes de la
Teoría del Cometa Eléctrico
Meteor - A Different Kind of
- Something Wicked This Way Comes
Meteor Hit on Jupiter Prompts
Russian Warning for Earth
Meteorite Carries Ancient Water from Mars
Meteorites and The European 'Dark
- The Mystery of The Origins
of The Red Dragon Symbol
Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets
- Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close
Meteorites in History and Religion
Meteor New Light on The Black
Death -
The Viral and Cosmic Connection
Español |
Meteoro - Una Especie Diferente de
- Algo Malvado Viene por Este Camino
Mile and A Half Diameter Asteroid
2002 NT7 - Might Impact Earth in 2019
Mining a $10,000 Quadrillion
Narrative Report on the Hazard to
Civilization Due to Fireballs and Comets
Español |
NASA Busca una Bola de Nieve en El
- Porqué Importan las Teorías de Velikovsky - Ahora Más...
NASA Discovers 72 New
Asteroids Near Earth
Español |
NASA Publica un Mapa que Muestra
dónde Impactaron 600 Meteoritos en 19 Años
NASA Searches For A Snowball In
Hell -
Why Velikovsky Matters - Today, More Than Ever
NASA's Strike on Asteroid
Dimorphos - New Results
New Evidence that an
Extraterrestrial Collision 12,800 Years ago Triggered an
Abrupt Climate Change for Earth
Newfound Asteroid is
'Quasi-Moon' of Earth
Of Asteroids and Electrostatic
Phaethon Confirmed as Rock-Comet
by STEREO Vision
Planet-X, Comets and Earth Changes
Project FMM - Fibers, Meteorite &
Español |
Rara Piedra Extraterrestre
encontrada en el Desierto Egipcio podría arrojar luz
sobre los Misterios del Universo
Rosetta Craft to Land on Comet at
Rosetta's Philae Successfully
Lands on Comet 67P
Russia Considering Sending
Spacecraft to Knock Asteroid Off Path and Prevent Earth
Meteor Update - February 2013
Español |
Se observan más Componentes del
ADN en los Meteoritos - Se refuerza la Teoría de la
Shoemaker-Levy 9
Main File
Snowballs in Hell
- Comet 103P/Hartley 2
Stunning Comet Spiral offers
Glimpse of Icy Snowball at its Core
The Comet that Changed
Civilization - And May do Again...
Conflagration of Phaëton
The Dragonstorm Project
The Electric Comet
The Electric Comet - The Elephant
in NASA's Living Room?
The Great Comet Venus
The Hazard to Civilization From
Fireballs and Comets
The Hidden Story of The "Asteroid"
Steins' Encounter
- Rosetta Flies by "Something" Very Strange
The Late Great Bombardment
- The Mystery of The Missing
The Nature and Origin of Comets
and The Evolution of Celestial Bodies
Nemesis Theory
Main File
The New Sun and the Red Kachina
The True Origins of Electric Comet
The Tunguska Explosion
Main File
World's Space Agencies are about to Simulate a Doomsday
Asteroid Scenario
Two "Tunguskas" in South America
in The 1930's?
Español |
Un Asteroide de Diez Metros
Explota Sobre Indonesia Con La Potencia de Tres Bombas
Español |
Un Meteorito Enorme se estrelló en
Ganímedes una Luna de Júpiter y la cambió para siempre
Español |
Un Objeto Interestelar explotó
sobre la Tierra en 2014 - Revelan datos Desclasificados
del Gobierno...
Vulcan and Comets Related Sites
- New Solar Planets
Vulcan and Earth Catastrophism -
The Beginning of the End
Español |
Vulcan y Catástrofes en la Tierra
- El Comienzo del Fin
The Russian Meteorite a U.S. Weapons Test and Warning to
We May have just Seen the First
'Comet' from Another Solar System
Where Do Asteroids Come From?
Why has NASA Announced that a
Meteor is NOT Going to Hit the Earth in September?
Additional Information |
Large Impact Crater beneath Hiawatha Glacier in northwest Greenland
Español |
Amenaza de Asteroide Justo a
Ancient Carvings show Evidence of
a Comet Swarm hitting Earth around 13,000 Years Ago
Urban Collection of Modern-day Large Micrometeorites
- Evidence for
Variations in the Extraterrestrial...
Español |
Aquel a Quien los Dioses quieren
Español |
de Los Antiguos Egipcios
Archeoastronomy of the Ancient
A Star Disturbed the Comets of the
Solar System in Prehistory - The Scholz's Star
Español |
Asteroide - El Arma Definitiva
Menace Right On Time
Asteroid Rendezvous With Mars -
The Second Sun and Red Kachina
Astrobiologists Discover Fossils in Meteorite Fragments,
Confirming Extraterrestrial Life
Español |
Astrónomo Advierte que 'Fragmento
de Nibiru' podría Impactar a la Tierra en Febrero
Carolyn Shoemaker and 'Her Comet'
Collision Earth - The Threat From
Outer Space
Colossal Asteroid Impact forever
changed the Balance of the Moon
Cometary Impact on Neptune
Comets and Contagion - Evolution and Diseases
From Space
Comets and
The End of The Ice Age
Convergence and Destiny
Could Modern Humans Survive an
Asteroid Impact, like what Killed the Dinosaurs? |
- Current and
Prospective Near-Earth Object (NEO) Detection Activities
- October 15, 2010: |
To The House Committee on Science and Technology
2 -
To The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and
Discrete sources of Cryovolcanism
on the Nucleus of Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann and
their Origin
Does a Giant Crater Lie Beneath
The Antarctic Ice?
- Signs of An Ancient Impact Could Help to Explain...
Does Our Sun Have a Twin Star? -
Is "The Twin" the Dual Sun The November 2013 Comet?
- Nibiru-Planet X |
Dynamics of A Small Comet
Air, Fire, and Water - The Archaeology of Bronze Age Cosmic
Earth Must Have Another Moon
- Say Astronomers
Electromagnetic Field Generator and
Method to Generate an
Electromagnetic Field
Español |
El Impacto de un Asteroide acabó
con la Misteriosa Cultura Clovis
Español |
Encuentran por Primera
Vez Polvo Cósmico en los Tejados de Tres Ciudades
Español |
Encuentro de Un Asteroide con
Marte -
El Segundo Sol y La Kachina Roja
Evidence for An Extraterrestrial Impact 12,900
Years Ago
That Contributed to The Megafaunal Extinctions...
Evidence suggesting that Earth had
a Ring in the Ordovician
Water Ice on Comet Reveals Clues about its Evolution
Español |
Fotografían Impacto de Cometa en
Galactic Encounters, Apollo Objects and Atlantis
- A Catastrophical Scenario for Discontinuities in Human...
Geochronological constraints on
the age of a Permo-Triassic impact event - Araguainha
structure of...
Has Nibiru-Planet X Been Sighted?
Hercolubus-Planet X Inbound
- White House Adviser - USA Must Prepare For An Asteroid...
History and Catastrophe
- from "Secret History of the World"
Immanuel Velikovsky
Main File
Español |
La Aparición de un Sol Azul en
Nuestro Sistema Solar
Español |
La Gran Roca Metálica Veas-01
Español |
La Historia de La Kachina Azul
- Leyenda Hopi Cumplida
Large Pt anomaly in the Greenland
ice core points to a cataclysm at the onset of Younger
Español |
Detecta un Objeto de Grandes Proporciones en El Espacio
Español |
Las Crónicas de Vajra
More Bizarre Than Science Fiction
Nanodiamond-Rich Layer across
Three Continents Consistent with Major Cosmic Impact at
12,800 Cal BP
NASA Scientist Claims Conclusive Proof of
Extraterrestrial Life
NASA to Explore an Asteroid
Containing Enough Mineral Wealth to Collapse the World
New clues from Earth's most
Elusive Impact Crater - Evidence of reidite in
Australasian tektites from Thailand |
Scientific Study Claims Extraterrestrial Fossil Found in
Sri Lanka Meteor
New Study Shows that Water and Life is Likely Abundant
in Universe
Our Busy Solar System - What is
NASA Hiding?
- Get Ready for Whast's Coming!
Español |
- ¿Que
se Esconde tras la Creciente 'Preocupación' por los
Rapid Recovery of Life at Ground Zero of the end-Cretaceous
Mass Extinction
Russia Orders Missile Alert After
Mysterious 'Vortex' Slams Into Germany
Russia to Spend Billions on Asteroid Defense
Explosions and Sunspots Caused by Sungrazer Comets
Español |
- ¿Tendrá
Nuestro Sol una Estrella Gemela? - ¿Será "El Gemelo" el
Sol Dual, el Cometa de Noviembre 2013?
Appearance of the Blue Sun in our Solar System
The Cause of The Megafaunal
- Supernova or Galactic Core Outburst?
The Cosmic Tree - by Robertino Solàrion
The Four Horses of The Apocalypse
- An Answer To The Threat of 76P And The Plight of
The Golden Age, Psychopathy and
The Sixth Extinction
The Lately Tortured Earth -
Exoterrestrial Forces And Quantavolutions In The Earth
The Polonnaruwa Meteorite - Oxygen
Isotope, Crystalline And Biological Composition
The Scholz's Star - A Star that
Disturbed the Comets of the Solar System in Prehistory
The Story of The Blue Kachina
- Hopi Prophecy Fulfilled
Vajra Chronicles
The World Won't End The Way You've
Been Told
Younger Dryas interval at Wonderkrater -South Africa- in the context
of a Platinum Anomaly
for The Rock - Did Earth's Oceans Come From The Heavens?
- Research Into The Origin of The...
Water may be an Inevitable Result of the
Process that forms Rocky Planets
Whom The Gods would Destroy
Witches, Comets and Planetary
Comet ISON |
Español |
Armada de Astrónomos en Tierra y
Flota Espacial sin Precedentes a la Espera de "ISON" el
Cometa del...
Español |
Cometa ISON - Investigadores del
Max Planck Institute Piensan que Había Núcleo Antes del
Comet ISON a Dud? - Not for One
Crop Circle Reveals Comet ISON Was
a Spacecraft and July 2014 is an ET Event
Comet ISON - C/2012 S1
Español |
Dos OVNIs Escoltan al Cometa ISON
Español |
Enorme Objeto detrás del SOL - ¿Es
Fire vs. Ice - The Science of ISON
at Perihelion
Is Comet ISON Accompanied by UFOs?
ISON's Approach to Earth - Ancient
Technologies Destroyed
ISON Survives Its Fiery Swing
Around The Sun
Italiano |
L'Osservatorio SECCHI Trasmette le
Immagini di un Enorme Oggetto Vicino al Sole - Si Tratta
di Nibiru?
Preparing for Comet ISON
The Comet of The Century - The Biggest Star of 2013...
Could Be ISON
The Comet-Planet - ISON, Planet X,
Nibiru - Carlos Muñoz Ferrada
Unknown Glowing 'UFO' in Evening
Western Sky - Starship, Comet, Nibiru, Hercolubus?
Multimedia: |
Comet ISON - Visitation
Preliminary Report by The Andromeda Council
It Turns Out Comet ISON is Planet
Richard C. Hoagland about Comet ISON and Mars
Interstellar Visitors
'Oumuamua and Borisov /
Visitantes Interestelares |
Español |
A la Caza del Nuevo 'Oumuamua - Un
Objeto Interestelar de posible Origen Artificial
A Possible Link between 'Oumuamua
and UAP - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Español |
Científicos de Harvard sugieren
que 'Oumuamua es un Dispositivo Alienígena
Collecting Interstellar Fragments
from the Ocean Floor
1I/'Oumuamua be an icy Fractal Aggregate ejected from a Protoplanetarydisk? - A Fluffy Radiation...
Solar Radiation Pressure explain 'Oumuamua's peculiar Acceleration?
Español |
El Objeto Interestelar hundido en el
Pacífico que puede Cambiar el Futuro de la Humanidad
Español |
El 'Piloto' Interestelar que Contactará
Primero con una Civilización Alienígena
Galileo Project's search for ET Techno
Signatures and Advanced Aliens
Harvard Scientists suggest
'Oumuamua is an Alien Device
Interstellar Meteors are Outliers
in Material Strength - IM1 and IM2 - by Amir
Siraj and Abraham Loeb
Interstellar Object 'Oumuamua
still puzzling Scientists 5 years after Discovery
Español |
La NASA detecta Siete Nuevos
Objetos espaciales Anómalos similares a 'Oumuamua
Español |
La Posible Existencia de una Nave
Interestelar oculta en el Sistema Solar según un nuevo
Español |
La Presencia potencial de una Nave
'Alien' en el Sistema Solar no amenaza nuestra
Español |
Nace un Proyecto Espacial para
buscar Tecnología Alienígena - 'Oumuamua
Navy Insiders corroborate Secret
Antarctic Space Fleet and Mission to 'Oumuamua
No, 'Oumuamua is Not an Alien
Spaceship - It might Be even Weirder...
Español |
No, 'Oumuamua No es una Nave
Espacial Extraterrestre - Podría ser incluso Más Extraño...
On the Possibility of an
Artificial Origin for 'Oumuamua - by Avi Loeb
may be a Fully Operational Alien Probe sent to Earth's
Vicinity... - Harvard Scientist Says
Español |
'Oumuamua y Borisov - 4 Diferencias
entre los Dos Objetos Interestelares que llegaron a
Nuestro Sistema Solar
Español |
Podría haber Cuatro Quintillones
de "Naves Extraterrestres" en nuestro Sistema Solar
Booster' mistaken for an Asteroid shows 'Oumuamua is Not
just a Space Rock - Astronomer says
Español |
Se podría haber Descubierto los
Restos de Nave Espacial Extraterrestre en Fondo del
Océano Pacífico - Loeb
The Inferred Abundance of
Interstellar Objects of Technological Origin
The Origin of 'Oumuamua Revealed - Mystery Object came
from the Pleiades |
There are Over 4 Quintillion
(4,000,000,000,000,000,000) Alien Spacecraft in Solar
System - Harvard Professor
The Tail of Interstellar Comet
Español |
Un Astrónomo de Harvard da por
hecho que los Ovnis han llegado a la Tierra - Cómo y
Cuándo fue la Primera...
Books-Treatises |
Español |
Comets - A Chronological History
of Observation, Science, Myth, and Folklore
- by Donald K. Yeomans
Español |
- 'En
el Comienzo'
- de Immanuel
Español |
Extraterrestre - El Primer Signo
de Vida Inteligente más allá de la Tierra -
por Avi Loeb
Extraterrestrial - The First Sign of Intelligent
Life beyond Earth - by Avi Loeb
Interstellar - by Avi Loeb
the Beginning'
- by Immanuel
Ragnarok - The Age of Fire and Gravel
- by Ignatius Donnelly
The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes -
How a Stone Age Comet changed the...
- by Richard Firestone et.al.
The End of Eden - The Comet that
Changed Civilization
- by Graham Phillips
Multimedia |
Alien Fireballs
- Naked Science
Ancient Earth Impact
Asteroids and Comets
- Large file -
could take up to a minute to fully
Comet Collision
Español |
Cuatro Maneras de Acabar el Mundo
Day of the Asteroid
Electric Comets - Reasons the
Universe is Electric
Electric Universe - An Invitation
to Progress in Science
Super Comet - After The Impact
The Asteroid that Flattened Mars
The Massive Asteroid Impact that
separated Australia and Antarctica
Tsunami Asteroid Impact Doomsday for Real
Related Reports |
Brown Dwarfs - Enanas Marrones
- Main File
Climate Changes
- Main File
Earth Changes
- Main File
Nibiru - Planet X
- Main File
The Electric Universe
- Main File
Tsunamis and Earthquakes
- Main File