Español |
2022 - El Año que se Avecina
A Deeper Understanding of
A Digital Coup d'Etat
Agenda 2030 and the "New Economic
World Order"
- Coming This Year?
Agenda 21 and The Steady-State
Techno-Corporatocracy - An Introduction
Español |
Ahora es Crucial Entender a qué
nos Enfrentamos
Italiano |
Analisi del Piano Generale del
"Great Reset" della Global Elite
Español |
Analizando el Plan Maestro del
'Gran Reinicio' de la Élite Global
Are Corporations Poised to
Overtake Countries?
Bank for International Settlements
Declared 'Bastion of Global Technocracy'
Beyond the Great Reset - 10
Official Documents on Human-Machine Hybrids
Biodiversity - The Genetic
Takeover of All Living Things
Blending Reality - The WEF calls
for 'Creation of Metaverse Identity' in latest push for
Digital Dystopia
Breaking Down the Global Elite's
'Great Reset' Master Plan
Italiano |
Bugie, Propagandisti e Il Gran
Leaders' go to Antarctica to Surrender to
Extraterrestrials and Earth Alliance
China is A Technocracy
China's Plan to Build Global Technocracy using
Artificial Intelligence
Technological System to Control Dissenters
Lockdowns are Coming
Italiano |
Comprendere più Profondamente la
Conquering Earth - Silent Weapons for Quiet
Wars |
Español |
Desde los Bloqueos a "El Gran Reinicio" - "The Great Reset"
Español |
Desenmascarando a los Criminales
detrás del Gran Reinicio
Español |
Despotismo Tecnificado - El Fin de
la Revolución Digital...
Digital Public Infrastructure for
'One Earth, One Family and One Future'
Divide, Conquer, Reset and then
Scientific Dictatorship
Italiano |
Dividi, Conquista, Ristruttura e
poi Dittatura Scientifica
Earth Doomed - Humans must Flee to
Colonize Outer Space - Elon Musk Unplugged
Español |
Delirio Verde Anti-euro-asiático de Biden y la carrera
de Estados Unidos hacia la Irrelevancia
Español |
El Estado Tecnocrático es el
Enemigo Mortal del Individuo
Español |
El 'Gran Reinicio Distópico' y la
Lucha - Reducción de la Población y la Esperanza para
los Hijos de los Hombres
Español |
El Origen de la
Tecnocracia - Neofeudalismo, Campesinos y Horcas
Español |
El Plan para un Sistema Global de
Esclavitud |
Español |
El Reseteo Global - El Gran Reinicio
- Main File |
Español |
Esta es la Razón por la que
Millones todavía Creen en las Absurdas Mentiras de COVID
Flashback 2016 - Technocracy will
Rise Out of the Ashes of Western Civilization
Español |
- 'Formación
de las Masas' - La Ciencia Aplicada a la Ingeniería
Español |
Foro Económico Mundial - La Institución detrás de 'El Gran
Four Billionaire Technocrats are
Creating an Alternate, Autocratic Reality
Español |
Gemelos Siameses - Tecnocracia y
Global Instability and the Rise of
Global Reset -
Great Reset
- Main File |
Global Smart Grid - Technocracy
Technocracy and The 'Great Reset' is coming like a Bullet
Train - Covid-19
Global Technocrats likely behind
Trudeau's 'Sudden Reversal of Emergency Orders'
Español |
Grafeno - El Material para
Here is the Web of Technocrat
Propagandists who Silence Truth
How Technocracy is Using Unseen
Enemies to Panic the World
How to Escape from a 'Sick
How to Explain Technocracy to
Idiots |
Italiano |
Il Tecno-Populismo - Un Nuovo
Regime di Governo Europeo
Initiation Into The Incunabula - The Occult Technology of
Power |
Italiano |
Italia - Terreno Fertile per una
Scalata Tecnocratica |
Italy - Fertile Ground for
Technocrat Takeover |
Crucial to Understand what We're Up Against
It's Now Crucial to Understand
what We're Up Against
Killing Us Softly - Klaus Schwab's
"Great Narrative" for the Global Borg
Klaus Schwab and the World
Economic Forum
- Main File
Klaus Schwab says 'We Must Force
Humanity into Collaboration'
Español |
Klaus Schwab y el Foro Economico
- Main File
Italiano |
La Cina è una Tecnocrazia
Español |
La Esperanza de una Tecnología
Italiano |
La Fase Apocalittica della
Tecnocrazia e del Transumanesimo - In Arrivo Presto
Español |
La Invasión de Rusia a Ucrania ¿hace
parte de 'El Plan'...?
Español |
La Marcha de los Tecnócratas
Italiano |
La Quarta Fase di Schwab
Español |
Las Razones por las que ya No
Debería Utilizar Google y Gmail
Español |
La Tecnocracia es una Locura,
Antihumana y Fallará
Español |
La Tecnocracia Global y el 'Gran
Reinicio' vienen como un Tren Bala - Covid-19
Español |
La Tecnocracia se Puso de Moda
Italiano |
La Tecnocrazia avrebbe il Dominio
su una "Presidenza Biden
Italiano |
La Tecnocrazia è Insana, Anti
umana e Fallirà
Español |
La Vacuna mRNA COVID ¡NO ES una
Italiano |
Le Elite Tecnocratiche dietro il
'Grande Reset' Globale
Liars, Propagandists and The Great
Español |
- 'Líderes
de la Cábala' van a la Antarctica para Rendirse a los
Extraterrestres y a la Alianza de la Tierra
Italiano |
L'Instabilità Globale e l'Ascesa
del Tecnopopulismo
Italiano |
L'invasione della Russia in
Ucraina fa Parte del 'Piano'...?
Español |
Lo que Hitchcock Enseñó a los 'Ingenieros
Español |
Los Médicos están Despertando al
Torbellino de la Retorcida Agenda Tecnocrática
Italiano |
Lo Stato Tecnocratico è il Nemico
Mortale dell'Individuo
- 'Mass
Formation' - The Applied Science of Social Engineering
Masters of Deceit - The
Government's Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control and Brain
Español |
Mezclando la Realidad - FEM pide 'Creación de una Identidad
Metaversa' en empuje a la Distopía Digital
Millennials Increasingly Turning
to Technocracy as Alternative to Democracy - Pew
Monkeypox - Technocracy's next
wave of 'Crimes Against Humanity'
Español |
Movimiento de Agricultores en
Holanda llega al Nuevo Gobierno y arremete contra el
"Pacto Verde"
Next on the Agenda - The Great
Reset Fraud
New World Disorder and the Demise of Capitalism
Origin of Technocracy -
Neofeudalism, Peasants and Pitchforks
Pact for the Future - A Planetary Technocracy to Manage
Global Crises on behalf of the Global Corporatocracy
- "Pandemic
Treaty" will hand WHO keys to Global Government...!
Español |
Pasos para el Dominio Mundial:
Primero, Destruir a la Humanidad...
Physicians are Waking Up to
Maelstrom of Technocracy's Twisted Agenda
Planetary Regime - The Globalists'
Blueprint in Their Own Words
- "Population
Bomb" - Paul Ehrlich blathers on about the "End of
Populist Revolt Spreading Across
the West
Italiano |
Prossimo Punto sull'Agenda - La
Frode del "Grande Reset"
Español |
- ¿Qué
es la "Psicosis de Formación Masiva"?
Babel - Toward the Endgame of Technocracy
Español |
Requisitos Necesarios de la
Español |
- ¡Resistencia
a la Cuarta Represión Industrial...!
Scientism - The Technocratic
Worship of Science
Slavery Ahead - The Technocratic Convergence of Humans
and Data
Smart Grid - The Implementation of
Space-Based Technocracy - Asgardia
Exceeds 1,000,000 Citizens
Steps to World Rule: First,
Destroy Humanity...
Sustainable Chaos - When
Globalists Call for a 'Great Reset'
Español |
Techné, Terraformación y el
Impulso Trascendental - Un Imperativo Evolutivo
Techne, Terraforming and the
Transcendental Impulse - An Evolutionary Imperative
Techno-Authoritarianism - China
and Deep State have Joined Forces
Technocracy and Backlash -
Macron's Victory in France is Less than What It Seems
Technocracy and the Rise
of the Police State
Technocracy Being Woven into Our
Society |
Technocracy - Critics slam 'UN
Climate Scientists' bid for Dictatorial Power
Depends on the Digitalization of Money - CBDC
Technocracy Inside Your Body - Not
Science Fiction...
Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human
and it WILL Fail
Technocracy's Hidden Agenda for
Total Domination
- The Operating System for the New International Rules-Based
was Born in U.S., Grew Up in China, Now Conquering the World
Technocracy would Dominate a
'Biden Presidency'
Technocrat Billionaires Plot
Leaving 'Dying' Earth
Technocratic Governance Seen as
Ruling in China and Asia
Technocratic Totalitarianism - My
Speech in the Parliament of Romania
Technocrat Scientists are Working
on 'Self-Spreading Vaccines'
Technocrats prepare to Meet a
'Never-Ending Parade of Biological Threats'
running 'The WHO' present a Real and Present Danger
Technocrats turn to Ethicists to
'Save their Soul'
Technopopulism - How Technocracy
and Populism are Fitting Together
Español |
Tecnocracia Dentro de Tu Cuerpo -
Esto No es Ciencia Ficción...
Español |
Tecnocracia y Contragolpe - La
Victoria de Macron en Francia es Menos de lo que Parece
Telosa - A Technocratic City 'In
The Making'
Italiano |
Telosa - Una Città Tecnocratica
'In Sviluppo'
Ten Reasons why Human Flourishing
has Reversed
The Apocalyptic Phase of
Technocracy and Transhumanism - Coming Soon...
The Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) is 'A Bastion of Global Technocracy' -
Battle for the World
The Brave New World of 2030 -
"You'll Own Nothing, and You'll be Happy"
The Control Grid
The 'Dystopic Great Reset' and the
Fight Back - Population Reduction and Hope for the
Children of Men
The Elite Technocrats behind the
Global 'Great Reset'
The 'Evil Twins' of Transhumanism
and Technocracy
The Fatal Attraction of
The Fury of Europe's Farmers
shocks EU Technocrats
The 'Great Technocrat War' against
The Hope for a Humanized
The March of the Technocrats
The Mind of a Technocrat is Rooted
in The Religion of Scientism
The mRNA COVID Vaccine is NOT a
Real Reason Why the United Nations Wants Control Over the
Internet - Technocracy
The Rise of 'Corporate Nations'
The Rockefellers created 990 "Climate Change" Institutions,
Foundations and Activist Groups
These 25 Companies are More
Powerful than Many Countries
The Sequel to his Great Reset is
the 'Great Swindle' - Klaus Schwab
The Sixth Mass Extinction - Fact,
fiction or speculation?
The Slippery Slope to Cyborg
The Technocracy's 1984 Predictive
Programming |
The 'Technocratic Global Death
Cult' will cull the Human Population |
The Technocratic State is the
Mortal Enemy of the Individual |
The Technological Revolution and
The Future of Freedom |
The Techno-Optimist Manifesto -
Proof that Technocrats Live in a Simulacrum
The Trilateral Commission and
Technocracy - A short 'Conspiracy-free' history of the
New World Order
The Trilateral Commission Link to
UFO/Alien Mania? - John Podesta
The Ugliness of War and
Technocracy - A look at Weapons of War in the Digital
The WHO - The Most Dangerous
Global Treaty ever Proposed
They're finally Revealing the Deep
State - Here's Why...!
This is Why Millions Still Believe
in the Absurd COVID Lies
Three Disruptive Technologies that
will Transform the World into Technocracy within 10
Years |
Time for a Great Reset of the
Financial System
- Main File
Transhumanism - Bowing Down to a
'Techno-Industrial God'
Twelve Challenges for a Post-Covid
Shattered World
Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by
Español |
Una Comprensión más Profunda de la
U.N. and Bill Gates behind
"Digital Public Infrastructure" for Global Control
United Nations 2.0 - A Whole-Of-World Technocracy
United Nations (UN) digital World Brain seeks to 'Track
Everything and Everyone'
the Villains Behind the Great Reset
Useless Eaters - Drug Them, give
Them Computer Games, let Them Eat Bugs
Vatican goes 'Full Technocracy'
with 'Council for Inclusive Capitalism'
War in Ukraine is the WEF's
Doorway to Global Technocracy
Welcome to 'Life Inside a New World Order'
What is Technocracy?
- "...Who
Masters those Technologies, in some way, will be the
Master of The World" - Klaus Schwab
Zbigniew Brzezinski and The
Trilateral Commission
- Main File
Additional Information |
Artificial Wombs could Replace
Women say Scientists
Italiano |
Data' isola Milioni per la 'Lotta al Coronavirus'
Data' Segregates Millions in China's 'Coronavirus fight'
Data, Data Everywhere... But Not
One Ounce of Wisdom
Event 201 - 'Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation' run a Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation
3 Months Ago!
From "Event 201" to "Cyber
Polygon" - The WEF's Simulation of a Coming "Cyber
Global Warming Swindle - A Scheme
to Redistribute Wealth
Español |
- ¿Gobernado
por la Emoción sobre la Razón? - El Perturbador Culto de
Greta Thunberg
Governed by Emotion over Reason? -
The Disturbing Cult of Greta Thunberg
Español |
Greta - Estás siendo Utilizada
como un Peón para la Tecnocracia
Español |
Greta Thunberg es una Tapadera que
Oculta un Suculento Negocio a cuenta del Cambio
Greta - You are Being Used as a
Pawn for Technocracy
How Automation and Globalization
has Killed the Middle-Class
How to Explain the World Economic
Forum's Agenda to Idiots
Español |
Ingeniería Social y
Invasion of the 'New Normals'...
Is this what's Behind Italy's
Outrageous 10% Mortality Rate from COVID-19?
Italy's Meloni says Technocrats
may join New Government
Español |
La 'Agenda 2030' de las Naciones
Unidas - La Fuerza Impulsora del COVID-19
Italiano |
La 'Agenda 2030' delle Nazioni
Unite - La Forza che Manovrea dietro il COVID-19
Español |
La Invasión de los 'Nuevos
Español |
La Voluntad de Propósito - Cruzar
el Umbral Venidero de la Humanidad
Italiano |
- "L'Occhio
di Sauron" e la Pandemia del Controllo
Manipulating Matter
- The Scientific Dictatorship as a Project in the
Reconfiguration of Reality
Mars Ho! - The Technocrat Cult of
Outer Space
Italiano |
Meloni dell'Italia dice i
Tecnocrati possono unirsi al Nuovo Governo
Neofeudalism and Peasants with
Pitchforks - Corporate Power Destroys Democracy
Español |
Neofeudalismo y Campesinos con
Horquillas - El Poder Corporativo Destruye la Democracia
Radical New Economic System will
Emerge from Collapse of Capitalism
The Biggest Lie 'Tech People' tell
Themselves - And the Rest of Us...
The Chaos "IS" The Plan...
The Controlled Demolition of
The 'Eye of Sauron' and the
Pandemic of Surveillance
The Faustian Face of Modern
- Understanding the Epistemological Foundations of
Fraud of Climate Change and the Drive for Control
The Looting Conspiracy in the
American "Empire"
The Merging of Government with
Artificial Intelligence
The Oil-igarchs - How and Why Big
Oil Conquered the World
Universal Religions
The Venus Project and the New World Order - A Critical
United Nations 'Agenda 2030' -
Driving Force behind COVID-19
United Nations New Urban Agenda in
Latin America calls for Paradigm Shift
United Nations wants $4-$6 Trillion to Prop Up its
'Failing Global Warming Program'
Western Companies Bow to China
Bullying to Censor Mentions of Taiwan, Tibet as
'Separate Countries'
Will the 'Real' Elon Musk please
Stand Up? - Tweet This! |
World's Elite Discuss 'The Davos
Plan' to Capitalize on Coronavirus and Roll Out the NWO |
Smart Cities
(SMART = Self-Monitoring-Analysis
and Reporting Tech)
- Ciudades
Inteligentes |
15-Minute Cities are 'Complete
Impoverishment and Enslavement of All the People' - EU
5G Corporate Grail - Microwave
Radiation: Smart Cities/Dumb People?
Español |
5G, Grial Corporativo - ¿Ciudades
Inteligentes con Gente Tonta?
- "5G
Technology" will be the Backbone of Smart Cities - says
The Trilateral Commission
Agenda 21 in China and the
Technocratic Vision for Global Dictatorship
Agenda 21 'Smart Cities' Are Here!
- Orwell's Dystopic Nightmare Comes True
Español |
Así será 'The Line' - La nueva
Ciudad Distópica en Arabia Saudita
Automated Apartheid - Walking
through Hebron 'Smart City'
British Protest the "15-Minute
Cities" where they will become Prisoners of the State
Centering People in Smart Cities -
A Playbook for Local and Regional Governments
Italiano |
Città Intelligenti - Prigioni
Digitali del Great Reset
Español |
Contra las Ciudades Inteligentes y
la Vigilancia Totalitaria
Dystopia or Utopia - Google's City
of the Future in Toronto
Español |
El Posible Colapso Financiero del
Megaproyecto faraónico de Arabia Saudí
Empty Half the Earth of its Humans
- Drive them into Smart Cities
Exposed how Climate Racketeers aim
to Force Us into 'Smart Gulags'
Español |
Guerra a la Humanidad a través del
Campo Energético
How 'Smart Cities' will Lock-up
Humanity inside open air Concentration Camps
How will We Live in the Year 2065?
- Cities, Cyborgs and Social Science
Is India's 100 Smart Cities
Project a Recipe for Social Apartheid?
Español |
Las Nuevas Ciudades Inteligentes
Neom - Is Saudi Arabia
Constructing the future Babylon?
Net Zero Housing - The Dark Side
of 'Smart' Living and Personal Autonomy
Pioneer Smart Cities chart a
Course towards a More "Ethical" and "Responsible" Future
- The WEF in the Face...
Español |
Planean las Primeras Ciudades Solo
Para las Élites
Saudi Arabia is Building a
$500-Billion New Territory Based on Tech and Liberal
Smart Cities - An Attempted Crime
against Humanity
Smart Cities - Digital Prisons of
the Great Reset
Cities Explained
The Globalist Vision - "15-Minute"
Prison Cities and the End of Private Property
The New SmartCities
The Origins of the "Smart City"
Agenda - How Mass Imprisonment is being Normalized
is nothing 'Smart' about Surveillance Cities
The Technologies Building the
Smart Cities of the Future
Total Data Domination - 5G, IoT,
AI Surveillance and the Smart City
Trump's call for Building 'Freedom Cities' - Globalists'
Plan for 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' Control Grid |
Understanding Smart Cities -
15-Minute Cities and How We Win
Urban Thinkers Turn to Religion to
Help Build Smart Cities
Ushering in a Totalitarian Police
State in Cashless "Smart Cities"
When Capitalism Meets Civic Tech
Discipline and Punish -
The Birth of the Prison
- by Michel Foucault
Smart Cities as Panopticon
- by Lachlan Robb and Felicity
The 15-Minute City - A Solution to
Saving our Time and our Planet - by Carlos
Tyranny - Tiranía |
- "Bastille
2022" - Building a Worldwide Movement Against "Corona
FEMA - Blueprint for Tyranny
Global Tyranny... Step by Step -
The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order
History Warned Us about
Technocracy's coming Tyranny
How the Great Reset is
'Accelerating into Global Tyranny'
How to Win the War Against Tyranny |
Español |
La Tiranía de la Tecnocracia - La
Nueva Normalidad No Es Normal
New World Order ELF Psychotronic
Italiano |
Perchè la Tecnologia favorisce la
Español |
Por qué Caminamos Sonámbulos hacia
la Tiranía - Sobre la Tecnocracia...
Technocracy's Tyranny - The New
Normal Isn't Normal
Technology as Tyrant - A Glimpse
into a Dystopian Technocratic World
The Hidden Tyranny - The Harold
Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976
The History of Health Tyranny -
Codex Alimentarius
The Times of Tyranny
The Tyranny of Convenience - The
Gravest Danger to Your Liberty is Your Complacency
The Tyranny of Faith - Reflections
on The Death of a Patriarch
The Tyranny of Modern Scientism
Why Technology favors Tyranny
we are Sleepwalking into Tyranny - On Technocracy...
Books-Treaties |
Between Two Ages - America's
Role in the Technetronic Era
- by Zbigniew Brzezinski
Elite Transformation in Advanced
Industrial Societies - Empirical Assessment of the
Theory of Technocracy
Foundation Trilogy - by
Isaac Asimov
to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State - by Derrick Bronze
- Navigating the Transformation to a Sustainable World -
by Ervin Laszlo |
New International Economic Order (NIEO)
- Origin, Elements and Criticisms
Nudge - Improving Decisions about
Health, Wealth and Happiness - by R.H. Thaler
and C.R. Sunstein
Technocracy Rising - The Trojan
Horse of Global Transformation - by Patrick
M. Wood
Technocracy - The Hard Road to
World Order - by Patrick Wood
Technopopulism - The New Logic of
Democratic Politics - by Christopher
Bickerton and Carlo Invernizzi Accetti
The Crowd - A Study of the Popular
- by Gustave Le Bon |
The Evil Twins of Technocracy and
- by Patrick Wood |
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
- by Mattias Desmet |
The Question Concerning Technology
- by Martin Heidegger |
The Technocracy Study Course
- An Outline of those Elements of Science and Technology
essential to an... |
Multimedia |
Español |
El Sistema Criminal detrás del
Globalismo, Bill Gates y Elon Musk
Español |
España, Reino Unido y Australia a
la Vanguardia del 'Totalitarismo Global'
Freemason Technocrat Elon Musk
Laura Aboli Delivers Epic Speech
on the Transhumanist PsyOp of 'Transgenderism'
Italiano |
L'Elite Globale e il Colpo di
Stato del Coronavirus - Con Patrick Wood
Plandemic - The Event 201
The Global Elite and The
Coronavirus Coup D'état with Patrick Wood |
Great Reset' - Davos, Soros, Gates, the UN, Trump and
They call it THE GREAT RESET -
"Planned to the smallest detail"
Español |
Todo lo que está Ocurriendo - El
Nuevo Orden Mundial y Covid-19
What is Technocracy, Who are the
Technocrats and What is their Agenda
Related Reports |
Depopulation of Planet Earth
- Main File
George Soros and The Rothschild
- Main File
Globalization - The Octopus of The
New World Order
- Main File
Klaus Schwab
Rockefeller Internationalism
- Main File
The Bushes' Clan and The New World
- Main File
The Global Elite - The
Transnational Capitalist Class
- Main File
Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates
- Main File