Archivos Con Un Solo
Artículo - Single
Files |
Análisis del ADN Mitocondrial
- Moderna Investigación
Genética Confirma la Historia de Edgar Cayce |
Ancient and Occult Genetic Code,
An |
Antropología Humana Anunnaki
- Lloyd Pye |
Astrogenesis |
Bebes Fabricados - El Primer Ser Humano
Sintético |
Biological Chip in Our Cells, The |
Biological Immortality
- Intelligence Briefing |
Biotechnology's Advances - The Knowledge |
Cambios Geneticos, Los |
Case of the Genetically Modified Primate,
The |
Células Vivas Son Unidades Electromagnéticas, Las |
Cerebro Reptil,
El |
Challenges to Darwinism:
Panspermia and Theories of Guided Evolution |
Científicos Encuentran Genes Extraterrestres en ADN Humano
- ¿Existen Civilizaciones de Seres Humanos Avanzados Regadas... |
Clones, Synthetics,
Organic Robotoids and Doubles |
Cloning - The Origins of Man |
Conscious Evolution In
Designer Genes
A Manual For Futants |
Cosmic Serpent
- DNA and The Origins of Knowledge,
The |
DNA Memory Theories - Can We Remember Our Ancestors’ Lives |
Ancient Biotech Create "Nephilim"?
Will Modern Science Bring Them Again? |
DNA & RNA - What is the difference between DNA
and RNA? |
DNA Analysis on
Native Americans |
DNA and
The Origins of Knowledge
- Cosmic Serpent |
DNA's Hyper
Communication - The "Living Internet" Inside of Us |
Phantom Effect, The |
DNA Proven to Have Been Created by
An Intelligent Source |
Do We Have
to Spell it Out?
- Contacting Humans Must Be Frustrating If They Miss The Mess... |
Embryonic Holography
- An Application of the Holographic Concept of Reality |
Engineering A Visionary Race - Entheogenetics and the Future of Mind |
Evidence for
Creation by Outside Intervention |
Exopolitics and the Human Genome
Project |
Expanded Context For Genetic
Exploration and Explanation, An |
Faking Babies -
The First Synthetic Human |
From Helix To Hologram - An Ode on
the Human Genome |
Genetic Agenda - A Double-Cross? |
Genetic Changes |
Genetic Engineering - When Science Becomes a Menace |
Genetic Research on the Ancient
Basques Yields Unexpected Results
- Cayce's Atlantean History is Viable |
Habilidades Extraterrestres Para
Modificar el ADN a Través Una "Internet Biológica"
- Proyecto Ruso del Genoma Descubre... |
Holografía Embriónica
- Una
Aplicación del Concepto Holográfico de la Realidad |
Genome Project - Junk DNA Is Still A Mystery |
Human Genome Project, The |
Human Genome Project
- The MITRE Corporation - JASON Program Office |
Family Tree - 10 Adams and 18 Eves, The |
Humans Have Already Been Cloned |
Investigación Genética de Los
Antiguos Vascos da Resultados Inesperados
- La Historia Atlante de Cayce es Viable |
Junk DNA Possible ET Origin?
- Scientists From Human Genome Project |
Knowledge - Biotechnology's
Advances, The |
Living Cells Are Electromagnetic Units |
"Living Internet" Inside
of Us, DNA's Hyper Communication - The |
Protocol |
Manipulación Genética en
Épocas Ancestrales |
Mitochondrial DNA Analysis
- Modern Genetic Research Confirms Cayce's Story |
NASA - Talleres de Reparación de ADN Roto |
Neanderthal Genome,
The |
Origin of
Information, The |
Origin of
Life and the Suppression of Truth, The |
Origin of
the Genetic Code, The |
Panspermia and Theories of Guided Evolution |
Repair Shops for Broken DNA |
Reptilian Brain, The |
Russian Human Genome Project
Discovers Extraterrestrial Abilities to Modify DNA
Through a “Biological Internet" |
Confirm Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA |
Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA
- Do Civilizations of Advanced... |
Scholars Suggest Extraterrestrial-Like
DNA Fractals Floating in The Human Gene Pool |
Scholars Suggest Human DNA Shows
Signs of Being An Invasive Extraterrestrial Parasite |
Scientists Isolate Genes Responsible for Transport of Vital Element |
Descubrimiento Sobre El Genoma Humano |
Serpiente Cósmica,
La |
What is Ageing? - The
Science of Longevity |
What is the difference between DNA and RNA?
- DNA & RNA |
World's First DNA PCR Investigation of
Biological Evidence From an Alien Abduction,
The |

Archivos Con Un Solo
Artículo - Single
Files |
Cities in the Gobi
- Khara-Khorum
& Erdene Zuu and Kara-Hot 'The Black & Dead City' |
Ancient Mound Builders - Who Were They
- The Beginning Of The Great Coverup On The History Of Man |
Antiguos Constructores de Montículos - Quienes
- El Comienzo Del Gran Encubrimiento en La Historia del Hombre |
Collapse - Why do Civilizations Fall? |
Herkunft der Europäer
- Genetik und Archäologie wird von Wissenschaftlern kombiniert, um
50.000 Jahre alte Geschichte Europas zu umreißen |
Easter Island - Land of Mystery |
Edad de Oro y Nuestro Imaginario,
La |
Elengoa - La Lengua Celeste |
Esta Vez Estamos Cargándonos con Nosotros Al
Planeta Entero |
Genetic Research on the Ancient Basques Yields
Unexpected Results
- Cayce's Atlantean History is Viable |
Home of The Gods, The |
Isis y Osiris |
Leendanik - "Desde El Principio"
- La Investigación de Alexandre Eleazar - Historia de La Humanidad |
Roman Cave' Unearthed |
Nuestra Historia Borrada |
Origen de Los Europeos
- Combinando Genética y Arqueología, los Científicos
Sacan una Historia de 50,000 Años del Continente, El |
Origin of The Europeans
Genetics and Archaeology,
The |
Phoenicians in Brazil |
Prehistoric Alignment of World
- A New Look At An Old Design, The |
Rebelión de Los Brujos,
La |
Religiones y Evidencia de Una Antigua Civilización Global |
Religions and Evidence of An Ancient Global Civilization |
Retorno De Los Brujos, El |
Robots’ Rebellion
- The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance, The |
This Time We're Taking The Whole Planet With
Us |
Archivos Con Varios
Artículos Incorporados
- Main Files |
Andinas y Americanas, Mensajes de
Civilizaciones |
Anunnaki, The |
Atlantean Heritage -
The Mystery of
Humankind's Ancient Past, The |
La |
Colon - Último en Llegar a América |
Col. James Churchward y
el Continente de Mu |
Dogones, Los |
Dogu, Los |
Dropa, Los |
Egipto - La Tierra de
Kem |
Guanches de las
Islas Canarias, Los |
Historia de La Humanidad y
Civilizaciones Antiguas |
Hopi, Los |
Humanity's History and Ancient
Civilizations |
Khazar - The Thirteenth Tribe |
Lemuria, La |
Lugares Sagrados
del Mundo |
Mensajes de
Civilizaciones Andinas y Americanas |
Merovingios - Los Reyes Perdidos |
Middle East Exopolitical Saga, The |
Mohenjo Daro |
Mu, Col. James
Churchward y el Continente de |
Navajos, Los |
Occult Reptilian Saga,
The |
of The Basque People?,
The |
Orígenes de la Civilización Egipcia |
Sons of The Serpent Tribe, The |
Sumer and The
Anunnaki |
Tierra de Kem - Egipto,
La |
Tuatha de Danaan,
The |

Archivos Con Un Solo
Artículo - Single
Files |
12º Planeta,
El |
12th Planet,
The |
Against Nature
- The Television Program |
se Derrite |
Cover-ups - A plot to Control
History? |
Breathing of The Earth
- Dr. Vladislav Lugovenko, The |
Capa de Ozono,
La |
Cataclysms of The Earth |
de Mer - The
Triple World System 'Sophia' Originally Intended to
Emanate |
Collapsing Cities
- The First Wave of World’s Collapsing Cities |
Coming Global Superstorm, The |
Conquering an Infinite Cave
Vietnam's Hang Son Doong Cave |
Crystal Cave,
The |
Earth Emits Massive Cosmic Blast
in First Recorded Event of Its Kind as Scientists Warn
of ‘Catastrophic’ Earth Changes |
Earths Forbidden Secrets |
Edades de GAIA
- Una Biografía de Nuestro Planeta Vivo, Las |
Encender La Rejilla - Fire The Grid |
Encubrimientos Arqueológicos
- ¿Una Trama para Controlar la Historia? |
Estado Planetofisico de La Tierra y La Vida |
Fire and Ice - The Day After
Tomorrow |
History" of Early Mankind, The |
Four Yugas, The |
- Una Nueva Visión de La Vida Sobre La Tierra |
Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field,
A |
Global Warming Scare, The |
HAB Theory, The |
Hidden History of The Human Race |
Historia Suprimida del Planeta
Tierra, La |
- We All Have a Date With The Planet! - Todos Nosotros
Tenemos Una Cita Con El Planeta! |
Ice Age - One of History’s Biggest
The |
Kingdom of the Ark - Ancient Egypt
settled in Britain? |
Vostok - A Curiosity or a Focus for Interdisciplinary Study? |
Lately Tortured Earth - Exoterrestrial Forces
And Quantavolutions In The Earth Sciences,
The |
- Revealing the Secret Message of the World’s Longest River,
The |
Not by Fire But by Ice
- The Next Ice Age - Now! |
Nuestra Historia Borrada |
Ozono y los CFC - Crónica de una
El |
Planetophysical Function Of Vacuum Domains |
Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life |
Secret Life of Plants,
The |
Size of Our World,
The |
Suppressed History of Planet Earth,
The |
Truth About A Semitic People...,
The |
Tierra en el Sistema Solar, La |
Verdad Acerca de un Pueblo Semitico...,
La |
What is Happening at The South
Pole? |
or 'What' is Killing The Bees?
- Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD |

Archivos Con Un Solo Artículo
- Single Files |
el Mundo en el 2012? |
Adapa's Treatise On Sumerian
Religion |
Occult Translation of the Roswell Event: Count Down
to 2012 |
Apocalypse of
Moses, The |
Atlantis and the Great Deluge |
Atrahasis, The Epic of |
Axiom Faculty, The |
Book of Giants, The |
Book of
The Dead,
The |
Celestial Ship of The North,
The |
Balam Index, The |
Conversations With Nostradamus |
Cosmology of
Tawantinsuyu, The |
Creation Myths From Many Cultures |
Creation of The Pickax,
The |
Cuando los Dioses Extraterrestres Huyeron de
la Tierra |
Cursing of Agade,
The |
Dioses Cosmonautas en la Mitología Guaraní |
Dispute Between Emesh and Enten,
The |
Drona Parva |
Edgar Cayce - 'Russia - The Hope of The
World' |
Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean,
The |
Enki and The World Order |
Enki Speaks |
Epic of Atrahasis,
The |
Epic of Gilgamesh,
The |
Erra and Ishum aka The Erra Epic |
Ezequiel, The Spaceships of
Ezequiel |
Fátima de 1917 - Tercer Mensaje de |
Fatima - Information On 3rd Secret Of |
Flood Mythology |
- A Project Camelot Conversation With Michael St Clair |
Garden of Eden Originally a Pygmy Myth? |
Genesis and Giants |
The Epic of |
Gordon Michael Scallion -
Predicciones y Mapas Futuros |
Hamlet's Mill |
Hermes Trismegistus, The Prophecy
of |
Hero of A Thousand Faces,
The |
Historia del Pueblo Inca |
Hopi Prophecies |
Information on 3rd Secret
of Fatima |
Lamentation Texts |
Legends and Popular Tales of the
Basque People |
Leyenda de Naylamp |
Maps of The Future |
Mithras and The Hypercosmic Sun |
Mystery of The Grail,
The |
Myth of Cattle and Grain, The |
Myth of Etana, The |
Myth of Zu,
The |
Naylamp, Leyenda de |
Night of The Red Sky -
The Prophetic Vision of 'Grandfather' |
Nostradamus and
The Moslem Jihad |
- The Gnosis by Montalk |
Popol Vuh, The |
Profecías de Nostradamus |
Profecías Mayas, Las |
Prophecies of
the Q'ero Inca Shamans |
Prophecy of Hermes Trismegistus, The |
Conferences Members List, The |
Pyramid Texts, The |
Roswell Event - Count
Down to 2012, An Occult Translation of the |
Slavonic Adam
and Eve, The |
Spaceships of Ezequiel, The |
Subida y La
Caída del Rey Arturo, La |
Sumerian King List, The |
Superwave Theory
Predictions and Their Subsequent Verification |
Table of Nations, The |
Tarabich, The Prophecies of Mitar |
Mensaje de Fátima de 1917 |
in Myth and Symbol, The |
Timeline - Past and Future |
Wandjinas de
Australia - "El Tiempo de los Sueños", Los |
Zen of
Stars - Michael St. Clair, Futurist and Visionary |
Archivos Con Varios
Artículos Incorporados
- Main Files |
2012 |
ALTA Process Predictions - HalfPastHuman and Clif High |
Book of Enoch - El Libro de Enoc,
The |
Books of Adam and Eve,
The |
Creation Myths of
Civilizations |
Deluge - Legends, Myths, History,
The |
End of Our Century
- According
to Prophecies, Cyclic Projections and Other Means... |
Enoc (Enoch), El Libro de |
ENUMA ELISH - The Epic Of Creation |
- Mitos y Leyendas |
Hopi, Los |
Inanna - Ishtar - Lilith |
Kolbrin, The |
Libro de Enoc, El |
Libro de
Urantia, El |
Malachy Prophesy and The Popes, The |
Tarabich - The Serbian Prophet |
y Leyendas Sobre los Gigantes |
Mystery of the Cosmic Thunderbolt |
- The Watchers |
- Michel de Notredame |
Pope's And The Malachy Prophesy, The |
Profecías, Predicciones y El
Futuro |
Predictions and The Future |
- A History Of The Future |
- Ningishzidda - Quetzalcoatl |
Watchers - Nephilim,
The |