About Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Español |
Acerca de Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Español |
Abducción Extraterrestre, Posesión
Demoníaca, y La Leyenda del Vampiro
Español |
Algo Maligno Viene Hacia Acá
Alien Monsters
Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO
Español |
Aquel a Quien los Dioses quieren
Español |
Ascensión - Los Casiopeos
Ascension - The Quest for the Holy
Wider Perspective on the Bogdanov Affaire -
COINTELPRO and the Speed of Light
Binary Stars - Does our Sun have a
Dark Companion?
Español |
Cointelpro Cósmico - Extractos
Español |
Cometa Elenin, La Conexión Cósmica, y El Debilitamiento
del Velo
- Experimento Casiopea - Sesión 13 Feb.2011
Español |
Cometa Elenin - ¿Portento de Qué?
Elenin, Cosmic Connection, The Weakening of The Veil
- Cassiopaea Experiment - Session 13 Feb.2011
Comet Elenin Is Coming!
Comments on the Pentagon Strike
Cosmic Connection - Comet's Wars,
Pestilences and Disasters
Español |
Destrucción y el Gran Juego del
Cambio Global - Nuestra Civilización se dirige hacia el
Destino de la Edad del...
Dirt on SERPO
Eíriú-Eolas/Growth of Knowledge - Breathing and
Meditation Program
Español |
El Contexto Cósmico de la
Filosofía Griega - Cometas y Asteroides
Español |
Enlightenment and Ascension
- Laura Answers Questions from Readers
Enochian Magicians, Aliens and the
Nazis -
Agents of Cosmic COINTELPRO and The Stargate Conspiracy?
Español |
-¿Es el HAARP una
Conspiración Para Controlar el Tiempo? ¿O es
Más Siniestro?
Español |
Estrellas Binarias - ¿Nuestro Sol
tiene un Compañero Oscuro?
Ethnic Specific Weapons
Fire and Ice - The Day After
Fluorine Compounds Make you Stupid
- Why is the Government not Merely Allowing, but
Promoting Them?
Forget About Global Warming
- We're One Step From Extinction!
Global Pathocracy - Authoritarian
Followers and the Hope of the World
Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted?
Hoagland, Hyperdimensions, Space
and Time
and Assorted Strange Connections
to Spot COINTELPRO Agents
Impact Hazards on a Populated
Josephus, Pilate and Paul - Its Just a Matter of Time
Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of
Lies - 60 Years of State Terrorism
Español |
La Conspiración de la Puerta
Español |
La Onda
Main File
Español |
La Verdad Acerca de un Pueblo
Español |
Lluvia de Cometas - ¿Los Cuatro
Jinetes del Apocalipsis?
Español |
Cassiopaeans Responden Preguntas Acerca de la "Ascensión"
Español |
Los Protocolos de Los Patócratas
Maynerd Most (a pseudonym) AKA "Dr. Strange" - New Age Grifter or
Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets
- Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close
Michael Topper on Stalking
Mukluks, Snowshoes and other
Prophetic Considerations - Whitley Strieber - Excerpts
Multi-Dimensional Soul Essences
O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the
Cassiopaeans and Other Mysterious Beings...
Organic Portals - The "Other" Race
Español |
Ormethion, el 'Dios' de Los SAS… Y los Nombres de 'Dios'
Español |
Patocracia Global - Seguidores Autoritarios y la Esperanza
del Mundo |
Ponerology' by Andrew M. Lobaczewski
- Commentaries and Additional Quoted Material
Español |
Politica' por Andrew M. Lobaczewski
- Comentarios y Material Adicional Citados
Español |
Portales Orgánicos - La "Otra"
Español |
- ¿Qué
ha pasado con la Educación y la Sociedad Occidentales? - ¿De
dónde Viene toda esta Locura?
Español |
Realidades Hiperdimensionales -
Una perspectiva Científica y de la Conciencia
Reining In The Imperial Presidency
- The Conyers Report and What YOU Can Do With It!
Roswell Revisited or Shades of The
Español |
- ¿Qué Significan Realmente?
- Main file
Español |
Ser o No Ser
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Supernovae - Vehicle of Ascension?
Technicians of Ecstasy
- The Shamanic Initiation of The Knighted Ones
The Coming of The Cassiopaeans
- Amazing Grace
The Denver Airport Material
The Destruction of the 9-11 Truth
The French Connection
The Golden Age, Psychopathy and
The Sixth Extinction
The Grail Quest and The Destiny of
Man -
Visa to Magonia
The High Strangeness of
Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien
The Nexus Seven
The Cassiopaeans
The Priory of Sion - from The Grail Quest
and The Destiny of Man
The Protocols of The Pathocrats
Stargate Conspiracy - A Review, analysis, and
commentary on the book by Picknett and Prince
The True Identity of Fulcanelli
and The Da Vinci Code
The Truth About a Semitic People...
Main File
Transient Passengers - Laura Answers Questions
from Readers
Tunguska, Psychopathy and The
Sixth Extinction
Tunguska, The Horns of The Moon
and Evolution
Underground Bases - Information
from The Cassiopaeans
- "V"
is For Vendetta
What is
- Main file
Whom The Gods would Destroy
Who Wrote the Bible
Witches, Comets and Planetary
Additional Information |
Español |
Cambios Planetarios - La Lista de Aciertos de Los
Cassiopaea Esoteric Glossary
Connecting The Dots
- Global Warming Gaffe, Flukraine's Folly, Mossad
Connecting The Dots
- The Mass Poisoning Begins, the Secret Team's Tricks
Continue and the Dollar's...
Changes - The Cassiopaeans Hit List
Español |
Entrevista a
Laura Knight Jadczyck
Laura Knight-Jadczyk Interview on
BBC Radio
- Special Research Project of the Quantum Future School
Español |
- ¿Qué
Es un Psicópata?
Español |
Sinopsis del Material Casiopeo
- Extractos fechados: Octubre, 1994 - Enero 1996
The Cassiopaeans Logs - Cassiopaeans
Transcripts from 1994 to 2002
The High Strangeness of
Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien
- Book Review
The Quantum Leap - A Journey beyond Reality
Towards The New World Order With
The Men Who Count The Votes - Connecting The Dots
William Milton Cooper Killed in
Books - Libros |
Amazing Grace - by
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Comets and the Horns of Moses - by
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic
Connection - by
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Apocalypse - Comets, Asteroids
and Cyclical Catastrophes - by
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Secret History of The World
and how to Get Out Alive - by
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Wave - Book 1 - by
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Wave - Book 2 - by
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Wave - Book 3 - by
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Wave - Book 4 - by
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Multimedia |
Laura Knight-Jadczyk and The
- Video Interview by Project Camelot Productions
Laura Knight-Jadczyk Interview on
BBC Radio
Español |
Laura Knight-Jadczyk y La
Canalización Cassiopea
- Entrevista con La BBC Wales Radio 2007
Español |
Laura Knight y Los Cassiopeos
- Entrevista de Project Camelot Productions
Related Reports |
Boris Mouravieff and 'Gnosis' - Study and Commentaries
on The Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy
Gravity and Antigravity
- Main file
The Council of Nine
- Main file