



 -  Abrumadora Mayoría de los Pacientes con COVID usaban Mascarillas - Estudio de los CDC...


 -  A los Ciudadanos que Usan Máscarillas Médicas - Ustedes son Teóricos de la Conspiración Locos


 -  A Message about Suicide to the Pod People Wearing Masks


 -  Child Mask Mandates have 'No Clear Benefits and Cause Harm' - BMJ Review Finds


 -  Cochrane Scandal - We Found No Evidence Masks Worked... and That had to Be Silenced...


 -  Coronavirus 'Face Masks' Q&A - Is the Advice Changing?


 -  Costa Rica Elimina Obligatoriedad de Mascarillas y Vacunas contra COVID-19


 -  Dear humans: Face Masks Don't Work - The study-review was Published by your very own CDC


 -  Descubren Microplásticos de Cubrebocas en los Pulmones de Personas Vivas


 -  Desenmascarando la Verdad - Estudios Demuestran que las Máscaras Deshumanizantes te Debilitan y no...


 -  El Síndrome de la Máscarilla - ¿Cómo Llega el COVID-19 al Cerebro?


 -  El Uso de Mascarillas a Largo Plazo puede contribuir al Cáncer de Pulmón en estadio Avanzado según un estudio


 -  Europe's 'Top Health Officials' say Masks aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19


 -  Face Masks - 'Experts' continue to Spread Misinformation


 -  Face Mask Risk - Stillbirths, Testicular Dysfunction, Cognitive Decline


 -  Face Masks pose Serious Risks to the Healthy


 -  Face Mask Usage correlates with Higher Death Rates - New study


 -  Fauci's 'Latest Prediction' on Masks shows this is all about 'Controlling People' rather than 'Controlling Covid'


 -  Google-YouTube reverses policy Banning Critics of Masks and Vaccines - After Years of Silencing the Truth


 -  Higher Incidence of COVID-19 found among Consistent Mask-Wearers - Study


 -  La Mascherina è il "Marchio della Bestia" nella Forma Larvale


 -  La Miserable Pseudociencia detrás de las 'Máscaras Faciales, el Distanciamiento Social y el Rastreo de...


 -  Landmark Study Finds Masks are Ineffective


 -  Las Máscaras Faciales No pueden Detener el COVID-19 - Ingeniería Social Ilegal e Insalubre


 -  Las Mascarillas causan Daños - Estudio revela 'Conexión entre Mascarilla, Hipoxia y Coágulo Sanguíneo'


 -  Las Mascarillas eran para Ablandarte para el Plan "B"


 -  Las Mascarillas No son Efectivas para Bloquear la Transmisión de COVID-19 - Estudio de Stanford


 -  Las Mascarillas representan Serios Riesgos para las Personas Sanas


 -  La Spregevole PseudoScienza dietro "Le Mascherine, la Distanza Sociale e il Tracciamento dei Contatti


 -  Le Mascherine comportano seri Rischi per le Persone Sane


 -  Le Mascherine provocano Danni - Uno Studio rivela la "Connessione Maschera-Ipossia-Coaguli di Sangue


 -  L'Età Distopica della Maschera - Come Ernst Junger predisse l'Ubiquità delle Mascherine


 -  Los Principales Funcionarios de Salud de Europa dicen que las Máscarillas No son Útiles para el COVID-19


 -  Magnetic Nanomaterials are in the Covid-19 Jabs, Masks and Swabs


 -  Masks cause Damage - Study reveals 'Mask-Hypoxia-Blood Clot Connection'


 - 'Mask Study' imploding Cochrane Collaboration in Latest Debacle


 - "Masks were to Soften You Up for Plan B"


 -  Mask Syndrome - How does COVID-19 get into the Brain?


 -  Médico advierte que "Neumonías Bacterianas están Aumentando" por el Uso de Cubrebocas


 -  Microplastics from Masks found Deep in Lungs of the Living


 -  More Mask Masquerades - Covid Masking had No Effect


 - ¡Mucho Más que Una Máscara!


 -  Múltiples Efectos Dañinos de la Mascara Facial e Implicaciones para la Salud


 -  N95 Masks Never Worked to Stop COVID Virus - Clinical Studies


 -  Neumonía Bacteriana - Un Peligro Latente por el Uso Prolongado de Mascarillas


 -  Neuróloga Alemana sobre Máscaras Faciales - "La Privación de Oxígeno causa Daño Neurológico Permanente"


 -  New Danish Study finds 'Masks Don't Protect Wearers' from Covid-19 Infection


 -  Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere como Ingenuo... - Obedece a la 'Autoridad


 -  ODMS - 'Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome' now Sweeping Across the Globe


 -  Overwhelming Majority of COVID Patients Wore Masks - CDC Study


 - ¿Por qué Bill Gates No Usa una Máscarilla?


 - ¿Por qué las Mascarillas son una Farsa? - Dónde están los Estudios Científicos para Justificar su Uso...


 -  Preguntas y Respuestas sobre las Mascarillas para el Coronavirus - ¿Están Cambiando los Consejos?


 -  Study Shows MOST People Now have Microplastics in their Lungs - Found in Disposable Masks...


 - 'Take Off the Mask!' - Thousands gather in London for 'Unite for Freedom' Rally, demanding 'Back to Normal Now'


 - "That Simply doesn't Make Sense" - Lead author of 'Cochrane Mask Review' responds to Fauci's Dismissal...


 -  The Cost of Ignorant 'Expert' Policy Makers during COVID - Face Masks


 -  The Dystopian Age of the Mask - How Ernst Jünger predicted the Ubiquity of Masks


 -  The Fog of War - Proof Masks and Lockdowns are Worthless


 -  The Mask is the 'Mark of the Beast' in Larval Form


 -  The Miserable Pseudo-Science behind 'Face Masks, Social Distancing and Contact Tracing'


 -  To Citizens Wearing Medical Masks: You're whacko Conspiracy Theorists...


 -  Unmasking the Truth - Studies Show Dehumanizing Masks Weaken You and Don't Protect You


 -  Un Nuovo Studio Danese scopre "Le Mascherine Non Proteggono chi le Indossa" dall'Infezione da Covid-19


 -  Wearing 'Face Masks coated in Graphene' can cause serious Lung Problems - Warns Health Canada


 -  Wearing Masks - A Sledgehammer to Health


 -  WHO says 'Masks don't Prevent Infection' - Fauci says 'Not Mandatory Vaccination'


 -  Why won't Bill Gates Wear a Mask?

  Additional Information  

 -  Association between Face Mask Use and Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection

 -  Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 Among Symptomatic Adults ≥18 Years...

 -  Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe

 -  COVID-19 - Performance study of Microplastic Inhalation risk posed by Wearing Masks

 -  Detection of Microplastics in Human Lung tissue using μFTIR Spectroscopy


 -  Efectos Nocivos del Uso Prolongado de Mascarillas - Covid-19

 -  Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2...

 -  Face Masks for Prevention of COVID-19 - Rationale and Design of Randomised Controlled trial DANMAK-19

 -  Face Masks in the COVID-19 Era - A Health Hypothesis

 -  Is a Mask that Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of...?

 -  Lower Airway Dysbiosis affects Lung Cancer Progression

 -  Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings - Personal Protective and...

 -  Possible Toxicity of Chronic Carbon Dioxide exposure associated with Face Mask use

  Books - Treatises  

 -  A State of Fear - How the UK government Weaponized Fear during the Covid-19 'Pandemic' - by Laura Dodsworth

 -  Child Mask Mandates for COVID-19 - A Systematic Review - by Johanna Sandlund et al.

 -  Physical Interventions to Interrupt or Reduce the Spread of Respiratory Viruses - by Tom Jefferson et al

 -  Proof that Face Masks do More Harm than Good - by Dr. Vernon Coleman

 -  Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates - by Ian Miller


 -  Características Símiles de un Ritual de Iniciación y las Medidas Adoptadas antes del "Gran Reset"


 -  El por qué estás Usando una Máscara - El Ritual Pagano de Transformación


 -  Exposing the Occult Corona-Initiation Ritual


 -  La Máscara - Un ritual de Iniciación


 -  Mask - An Initiation Ritual


 -  Revelando el Ritual Oculto de la 'Iniciación del Corona'


 -  Why you're Wearing a Mask - The Pagan Ritual of Transformation


 -  Everything you Wanted to Know about Masks and COVID - On the Effectiveness of Masks - Stephen Petty

 -  German Neurologist on Face Masks - 'Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage'


 -  Las Mascarillas Deshumanizantes - Consecuencias Médicas


 -  Los Médicos sobre el uso de Mascarillas - "No Sirven de Nada al Aire Libre"


 -  Neuróloga Alemana sobre Máscaras Faciales - "La Privación de Oxígeno causa Daño Neurológico Permanente"

 -  The Truth Behind The Mask

  Related Reports  


 -  Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci - Main File


 -  Global Reset - Great Reset - Main File


 -  The WHO - World 'Health' Organization - Main File