Part II

Martin: I’m looking at some things that are a little further back now. The Secreta Monita. What’s the significance of that?

Phelps: The Secret Instructions [excerpts at the end of this interview] are the handbooks that are given to the professed Jesuits, those under extreme oath. [The oath is presented in full at the end of this interview.] And it tells them how to conduct their plans, subjugating peoples and nations to the Jesuit General, and thus, to the temporal power of the Pope. It tells how they are to deceive. It shows how they are to swindle rich widows out of their fortunes, like they did with Astor’s second wife who survived the Titanic catastrophe. It shows their general approach on how to do things.

This particular book cannot be known, and if it’s ever published, they will deny it’s existence. But when you see the works that the Jesuits have done, it’s in complete agreement with the Secreta Monita.
There is a very interesting section in Edwin

R. Sherwin’s book The Engineer Core Of Hell, written in 1886 I believe - another suppressed work. It’s usually in the archives of all the older libraries back here. And he shows how this Secreta Monita was discovered in South America by a Mason, and the Mason managed to escape to a lodge after being shot. He turned the Secreta Monita over to the lodge, and then these certain Freemasons saw the Secreta Monita. There are certain low-level Freemasons who believe that the Jesuit Order is their enemy, so that’s why it was taken to the lodge and then published. But the high-level Masons, of course, work with them. The Secreta Monita was discovered once that way. It was published in Holland. Then, in 1857, reprinted by England.


Martin: Pascal’s Provincial Letters had a devastating impact on exposing the Jesuits. Why?

Phelps: Blaise Pascal was a Huguenot, a French Calvinist. So here we have another fearless man. He doesn’t fear death; he’s going to tell the truth. So Blaise Pascal wrote a series of letters that were written to and from provincials, and he wrote them in a satirical manner, that of course excited that wonderful French mind. The French, of course, came to the conclusion that this was absolutely the truth, and then they moved to suppress the Jesuits again. But his Provincial Letters are considered a classic. Blaise Pascal also wrote some other great works, too.


Martin: Pope Ganganelli-Clement XIV abolished the Order entirely in 1773, and was murdered as a result.


Phelps: Correct; he was poisoned.


Martin: The Order was similarly abolished 39 times from different kingdoms throughout Europe. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something was terribly wrong with this group!

Phelps: Right. Are all those people bigots? Are all those people brainwashed bigots and fanatical Protestants who abolished the Jesuit Order?

You find the greatest resistance to the Jesuits in Catholic countries, by Catholic monarchs. And that’s why the Roman Catholic monarchs and nobility of today don’t dare resist them. The Kennedys won’t touch them. The monarchs of Europe won’t touch them. The Hapsburgs won’t touch them, because the Jesuits have vindicated their power in the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars -  well, then they went to suppress the Jesuits again in Europe and they were, for the most part, kicked-out of Europe in the 1800s. All the nations of Europe banned them. Germany banned them in 1872. And so, World War I and II, the second Thirty Years War, was pay-back for this. And ever since then, nobody touches them.

Pope Ganganelli abolished the Jesuits with a Papal Bull; the Jesuits call it a “brief ”. It is not a brief; it is in the Library of the Bulls, and it is called Dominic Ac Redemptor Nostor. That is the name of a bull. And when he abolished them, he abolished them forever -  that they were not to talk about their abolition, that they were not to teach. He confiscated all of their wealth and land and property. For the most part, the Dominicans took it over, which is why the Dominicans had their penis cut off during the French Revolution. That’s what the Jacobins did to them. It was payback by the Jesuits: “You don’t dare take our property from us, boy. And you don’t dare take Inquisition from us.” Jacobins killed nearly every Dominican in France.


Martin: Why was the assassination of William of Orange so significant?

Phelps: Williams of Orange was the father of religious liberty. William of Orange is the man who gave the Jews the freedom to come to Amsterdam. And the Jews called Amsterdam, “the new Jerusalem”. William of Orange was a Catholic to begin with. Remember when he was in the forest, hunting with the king of France, and the king of France lay bare to him their plans to destroy all the Protestants in Holland, William kept silent. And that’s why he was called “William the taciturn” or “William the silent”.

So, he harbored all of this in his heart, and he went back to Holland determined that he would deliver the Calvinists and the Protestants from this annihilation. William went to Germany with his German wife, and he, according to Motley in his The Dutch Republic, raised an army of Germans and they did not succeed in liberating Holland. And so, it was the Dutch themselves who joined William of Orange in an attempt to liberate the country, which they ultimately did as the “wild beggars of the sea”.

So, William was a great inspiration. He delivered flight from the seige of the fanatical Roman Catholic Spanish, lead by the Jesuits, when the Lord providentially delivered and sent a strong wind over the dikes, and flooded the whole area, and flooded the Spanish soldiers.

And then, after that happened, He sent another strong West wind and blew the water back over the dikes. This is a historical fact! Why don’t we hear this in history? For the same reason we don’t hear when Louis XIV brought his army across the river into Holland to kill all those Dutch, in 1672, right around there, that the river, right where the army was crossing, thawed out, and the whole French army went to the bottom of the river, as a result of the prayers of those Protestants of Holland. We’re not taught that either!

The assassination of William of Orange was probably the second most significant act of Jesuit dominance, next to the murder of Coligny at St. Bartholomew’s Massacre. Because it was first St. Bartholomew’s massacre, and then the murder of William of Orange. And, of course, William of Orange was shot by a Jesuit-controlled assassin, Balthazar Girard, in his own house. And the last words of William, of course, were: “God be merciful to these poor people.”


Martin: What is the Royal Institute of International Affairs?

Phelps: The Royal Institute of International Affairs is the same as the American Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The Royal Institute runs England and the British Empire, what was once the extension of the British, just as the CFR runs our country. They’re sister organizations.


Martin: Where are they based?

Phelps: They’re based in London.


Martin: And who is their head; do you know?

Phelps: I don’t know right now. The John Birch Society wrote a lot about that, and they did expose the CFR and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Allan Stang has written a lot about that.


Martin: What was the “Gunpowder Plot” of 1605?

Phelps: The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was the Jesuits attempt to destroy what William Howitt - and Howitt was the great writer who wrote A Popular History Of Priestcraft, 1835 -  he said it was a Jesuit attempt to destroy our Great King Solomon, King James I, along with the entire Protestant Parliament. Because remember, Elizabeth I had expelled the Jesuits from her empire, and if they were ever caught they were to be drawn and quartered.

After she died, the conspiracy went on there that went on with William Cecil. They named Mary Queen of Scott’s son as the King of England, rather than Elizabeth’s son, because Elizabeth had a son who was the Earl of South Hampton, Wriothesley, and that was the son of Edward Devere, who we know as William Shakespeare.

There was no William Shakespeare. The man was Edward Devere. He ran the Globe Theater. He was the Lord Great Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth, and he secretly had a son who was the Third Earl of South Hampton. He was the rightful heir to the thrown, not King James VI of Scotland.

You can find all this documented in two great works: the first is called Shakespeare Identified and the author is Looney. The explosion of that book is called This Star Of England, written by Carlton and Dorothy Ogborn, in 1952, and it’s a 1200-page work, and in it they explain all the plays of Shakespeare, and that they are, in the words of Hamlet: “A brief abstract and chronicle of the times.” Nothing but history.

And then there’s another book, Wasn’t Shakespeare Someone Else?, written by Tweeny, and in that book he evaluates the 150 sonnets. In those sonnets Edward Devere put his name: Vere or Uvre or Vere - he puts his name in acrostics throughout all the sonnets. And the last couple sonnets he puts his name in double acrostics. It’s amazing, showing that he wrote the sonnets.


Martin: Why were the Jesuits so upset about the Edict of Nantes, and what was it’s significance?

Phelps: Ok, the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes - it can be spelled Nantes or Nantz. Anyway, the Edict of Nantes was put forward by King Henry IV. King Henry IV was a Roman Catholic, but he converted to Protestantism and he became a Huguenot. But he was not allowed to take the throne of France until he renounced his Protestantism. So, for the sake of the kingdom, he renounced his Protestantism, and in 1610, I believe, issued forth the Edict of Nantes.

The Edict of Nantes guaranteed religious freedom to all the French. That included the Protestant, Calvinist, Huguenots, which of course included those who would have followed Admiral Coligny, who the Jesuits murdered with that she-wolf, Catherine de Medici. With the Edict of Nantes we have religious liberty in France. This cannot be. France is a cornerstone of Jesuit power, so it cannot allow this to be in place. The Council of Trent condemns it, because it’s freedom of conscience.

So, after they murder Henry IV with Ravaillac, when they stabbed him through his heart, according to Sully in his memoirs, they murdered Henry IV for this, and also for attempting to reinforce the Dutch. They then, in 1685 - when the Beatles are singing about the “Sun King” in their “white” album, they’re singing about Louis XIV. And that’s telling you that the Beatles are Jesuit-controlled. The Sun King, Louis XIV who reigned, who rules over France for, I believe, 60 years, he, because of his Jesuit confessor, Pere La Chaise, revokes the Edict of Nantes, and with that, no more religious freedom in France.

And then they sent their French dragons out and beheaded and killed every Huguenot they could find, driving 500,000 Frenchmen out of the country, the wealth of France, the manhood of France, all left for Holland and England. That destroyed France. From then on, France became a nothing nation.
The French Revolution could never have happened had not the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes taken place. Because now, there’s no Bible in France. And to this day, the French have never published a French version of the Textus Receptus. Number one, all French Bibles have been produced in foreign countries, when they’ve been translated from the Greek Textus Receptus into French; France has never done it. That shows the Jesuit power over France to this day.

And the French have probably been the most manly, the strongest, the most gracious, the most determined in kicking the Jesuits out of their country. They’ve kicked them out, to my knowledge, three times - and again, they come back, foment wars, kill off the rulers, etc. Drive Eugene Sue into exile; he dies of a broken heart. Drive Calvin into exile; he can never return to France. All the great Frenchmen are driven into exile.

So we have, as American patriots, we have a great camaraderie for the French. They helped us in our American Revolution. And why did they help us? Because they’ve been expelled from France. Why did Spain help us? Why did they help finance our Revolution? The Jesuits had been expelled from Spain. So payback came for Spain and France, for helping this heretic, Protestant nation come into existence, with the Napoleonic Wars, when they killed Louis XVI and drove the Bubons from the Spanish thrown. That was payback.


Martin: For 30 years of war, from 1618-1648, you state that the Jesuits, through Ferdinand II, killed-off 10 million people. That’s quite a statement.

Phelps: That statement comes from Ridpath’s History Of The World, published in 1899. And that is his encyclopedia of his history of the world. That was common knowledge in 1899. The 30 Years War was hell on Earth for Europe. Two-thirds of Germany was brought back to Rome. It was leveled, plundered, and destroyed.

Wallenstein and Tilly were the fanatical Roman Catholic generals who raped, pillaged, and plundered everything in their path. But the Lord raised up certain great generals like Gustavus Adolphus from Sweden. He was called the “Snow King” and he was the one who ultimately, he paved the way for the victory of the 30 Years War.

But without that Protestant victory of the 30 Years War, the peace of Westphalia, which the Pope was not invited to, there would have been no modern era as we know it today. According to any historian, the modern era begins in 1648. That is when the 80 Year War in Holland ended with Spain. That is when the 30 Years War ended with Ferdinand II and the Protestants of Germany, and Sweden, and so-on.
1648 is the wonderful year in which the Modern Era began, when inventors could go to Germany and say: “Well, you know, maybe the Earth isn’t flat.” And maybe Leeuwenhoek could invent the microscope in Holland, and now, later on, James Clerk Maxwell, who was a Bible-believing, Protestant Presbyterian, he can write his treatise called Electricity And Magnetism, the father of what we know today about electricity and magnetism. Now, science can blossom and bloom. Now we can have literature. Now we can have great writers, like Sir Walter Scott, who writes great works like Ivanhoe and Peveril Of The Peak. Now we can have Charles Dickens, another Protestant, who writes A Tale Of Two Cities, one of London and the other of Rome. We have great literature surfacing as a result of the Modern Era.

But the Jesuits, in their determination to destroy the Reformation and the Modern Era and bring us back to the Dark Ages, seek to reverse the effects of the Modern Era, and thus, what was brought about by the 30 Years War. And to know the 30 Years War is to understand the second 30 Years War, which started in 1914 and ended in 1945.


Martin: In 1639, the Jesuits were also expelled from Japan. Apparently the Jesuits never forgot that.

Phelps: They never forgot it. For over 200 years they have been expelled. And remember the words of Lincoln: “The Jesuits never forget nor forsake.”

So, payback time was coming for Japan. The Emperor had expelled them, so that dynasty was targeted. Ultimately, the Emperor would be destroyed or his dynasty would end.

And so payback time was the mass fire-bombings by the American Air Force, financed by the Jesuits, as the Jesuits own Lockheed, Boeing, McDonald-Douglas, and Grumman, and they used their B-29 to firebomb Japan to smithereens. You can get the fact that the Jesuits control these aircraft companies from Avro Manhattan’s The Vatican Billions.


Martin: I’m trying to get a little more current here, but some of this older stuff is also so fascinating, I’m going back and forth here. Our readers are just going to have to be a little flexible in their reading. (laughter)

Phelps: Right.


Martin: In 1649 there was the Irish Massacre. What was it, and let’s discuss the hatred between the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland, as a result of the Irish Massacre.

Phelps: Ok. Of course, we believe in freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of the press. That is an outgrowth of Protestantism, because all Protestants were defending their right to believe the Bible in the face of Rome’s expectations to believe the priests and the decrees of the Popes.

Many of the Irish were born-again. They came to know the Lord. Much preaching was done up there. In fact, Patrick, of St. Patrick’s Day, was no Catholic. He was a Protestant. And so, he was a great Protestant preacher of Ireland, and many, many Irish came to know the Lord. And their point of location was primarily in the North, in Northern Ireland, which today is Ulster, Belfast, etc.

Well, the Jesuits, in fulfilling their Bloody Oath that we are making and waging relentless war on all Protestants, and all political liberals, they hatched-out the plot to kill all the Irish Protestants in Ireland with the O’Neil family. And I wonder if that O’Neil family was related to Tip O’Neil?

In 1641, the massacre began, carried out by Roman Catholic nobles and the mobs in Ireland. When they started that massacre, it continued from 1641 to 1649. The massacre ended when they killed 150,000, but they still taught the Catholic children to kill the Protestant children. So, Irish Protestants were being massacred, enmasse, for 8 years.

This is NEVER told whenever anybody is ever talking about Oliver Cromwell, when Cromwell came up with his Puritan Army and ended that, when he took Drogheda, and killed every living thing in Drogheda - men, women, children, animal, everything.

Ones say: “Oh, the beast Oliver Cromwell. Look what he did to Drogheda!” What about those beasts killing those Irish Protestants for 8 years, bashing out the brains of the little babies, smashing them up against the walls like they did, led by the priests?

This was just like they did in Croatia with the Serbs in World War II, when they gouged-out the eyes of all the Serbians, where one particular priest had 23 kilos worth of eyes. They were doing the same thing to the Irish Protestants.

So, when Cromwell came up, and it was vengeance for the Irish Massacre, and the Irish Massacre was NOT started by the Protestants, it was started by the Jesuits according to Fox’s Book Of Martyrs. And you can find the whole narration there, which was a classic that all Englishmen used to read with the King James Bible.


Martin: Do you believe that Great Britain is truly Protestant-controlled, Jewish-controlled, or Jesuit-controlled?

Phelps: Jesuit-controlled.


Martin: Why?

Phelps: Well, let’s go back. To understand today we have to go back to the Napoleonic Wars.

When Napoleon came to power, he was brought to power in Corsica. When the Jesuits were suppressed, one of their main outposts during their suppression was the Isle of Corsica. The Jesuits, remember, had finished the High Rites of Freemasonry with Frederick the Great, and then used their French Freemason Napoleon to execute their vengeance.

However, the Jesuits were also protected during their suppression in England. A very wealthy landowner - and you can find this in Ridpath’s History Of The World - gave his wonderful, beautiful estate Stonyhurst to the Jesuit Order. And from then on, the Jesuits received protection by King George III, and you will find that in Mitchell’s The Jesuits. Mitchell is an English historian.

Ok, so the Jesuits are now protected by King George III. Well, they’re going to uphold his throne. The Jesuits use the English army and navy in the resistance of Napoleon, as both sides are controlled, so that the Jesuits can control the outcome.

The end result is that, after Napoleon accomplishes everything that the Jesuits want him to do - the expulsion of the Knights of Malta, the driving of the Roman Catholics from their throne, imprisoning the Pope for 5 years, etc. - Napoleon is then ordered to abandon his army in the snows of Russia, killing all of those French and German patriots, so that there are very few patriots left in Europe to resist the tyranny coming in France with Louis XVIII, who the Jesuits will put back on the throne.

Louis XVIII was in exile, in England, in King George’s own parlor, waiting for the end of the Napoleonic Wars. So, the Jesuits put Louis XVIII back on the throne. He readmitted the Jesuits, started the Inquisition, just like they did with Ferdinand VII when they restored him to power in Spain after the Napoleonic Wars.

And where do these monarchs get their protection? From King George III. King George was used by the Jesuits to restore their power in Europe, after the Napoleonic Wars, after they punished the Pope and the monarchs.

So, it’s been, really, from 1795, right around there, that the Jesuits have controlled England. They’ve controlled the Knights, they’ve controlled the King. All throughout the 18th century, now, England will never go to war with France again. England will side with the French during the Crimean War. England will be on the side of the French during World Wars I & II. England and France are together, both controlled by the Jesuits - even though France is predominantly a Catholic country, and when England was, at least on it’s face, a Protestant country. Why should both be working together, both having the same foreign policy. Why? Because the Jesuits control both countries.

When Rothschild sent that note, via Roost, into London, saying that Napolean had won the Battle of Waterloo, that’s when the stocks plummeted, and all the Jesuits bought all the stocks up, there in London, and got control of the Bank of England. The Jesuits then made London their commercial center of the world, and Rome their religious center, aiming that one day Jerusalem would be both.

So now the Jesuits are in control of England. After the Napoleonic Wars, we have the Congress of Vienna in 1815, and guess who’s there? All the representatives of King George. England is represented at the Congress of Vienna, the settlement after the Napoleonic Wars. If England was truly Protestant, they would have never went there. Now the Jesuits are in control of England throughout the 1800s, and they use the British Empire to further the power of the Pope. England has been under Rome’s control, the Pope’s control, since, at the very latest, 1850. And I say since 1795.


Martin: Let’s talk about Elizabeth II.

Phelps: Elizabeth II is a wicked, evil queen. She is the head of the Knights of Malta in England. She curtsies to the Lord Mayor in Old London, and she goes and visits the Jesuits of Stonyhurst and kisses their derrières. She has complete allegiance to the Jesuits of Stonyhurst, and will do anything they tell her to do, or they’ll get rid of her just like they got rid of all the rest of the monarchs in Europe.


Martin: So you see her as a pawn.

Phelps: She’s just a pawn, sure. She’s nothing. Remember, White men rule the world. Evil, White, sodomite, homosexual men rule the world, and these are the High Jesuits, with their High Knights of Malta and High Freemasons, they rule. And these women who are involved are just pawns in their game, like the queen, the queen of Holland, just to give the appearance that these nations have a sovereign monarch, when in fact, they’re just tools.

England has done some awful, terrible things, but all of the things that they have done increase and benefit the Jesuit Order. They never resisted Napoleon III. Napoleon III was a fanatical Roman Catholic Freemason, subject to the Jesuits, who was the King of France for 18 years, second Empire. England never resisted him. They fought with him in the Crimean War. And Napoleon III dedicated all of his ships to the Virgin Mary. England has been on the side of the Jesuits since 1815, no later. So, that means that the British Secret Service is totally working for Rome, all throughout the 1800s.


Martin: How did the Jesuits regain control of the Vatican in 1814?

Phelps: Remember that they were in control of Napoleon. A Jesuit by the name of Abbie Sieyes - you can find him, again, in Ridpath’s History Of The World - Abbie Sieyes was a Jesuit-trained individual, and I believe he was a Jesuit. He was on the Directory, and he was also on the Consulate; he was the second counsel. Napoleon was the first; he was the second. He was the advisor and director of Napoleon.


Abbie Sieyes, being the Jesuit that he was, ordered Napoleon to imprison the Pope for 5 years, and he did! So, the Pope was in prison for 5 years until 1814, when he restored the Jesuit Order. The Pope, prior to that, was killed. They brought him over the mountains of the Alps, and he died through that debacle.

The Jesuits thoroughly humiliated the papacy. They used their French soldiers to overturn St. Peter’s chair, and they found, written in Arabic: “There is no other God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet.” And THAT is what is under St. Peter’s chair today. That was stolen from some kalif during the Crusades.

So, they completely intimidated the Pope and showed their power. The Pope then restored them with a Papal Bull, calling upon the vengeance of the Apostles Peter and Paul, blah, blah, blah, for anyone who would ever suppress the Jesuit Order ever again. When the Jesuits were “reinstalled” in all their power, that’s when they were in control of the Pope, and from then on they have been.

Any Pope who resists them gets punished or murdered. And all the Popes know it. When Pius IX wanted a liberal constitution for the Italian people in 1849, all of the Italians were delighted. Here is a liberal Pope; he’s going to give us constitutional rights; we’re going to have a constitution.

The Jesuits raised up a revolution with Garibaldi and their Freemasons, and drove Pius IX from his throne. He had to stay in Gaeta for about a year. When he returned to Rome, under the protection of Napoleon III’s French army - actually, it was the republic’s army that would later be his “army of the empire” - but they returned with a French army, protecting the Pope, he became the most fanatical absolutist, pursuant to the wishes of the Jesuits.

So, Piux IX was punished. But the Popes who don’t obey, like, what was it, In God’s Name, the Pope who was murdered after 33 days, when he didn’t go along with the Jesuit Order, they ended his life.


[Editor’s note: Eric is here referring to the very well researched and deeply insightful 1984 Bantam Books gem (that’s very hard to find, for “some” reason!) by David A. Yallop, called In God’s Name, which details the author’s thorough investigation into the murder of Pope John Paul I the night of September 28-29, 1978 after John Paul had been digging into the massive web of corruption surrounding the Vatican Bank. For all of you who look for clues, note well the choosing of day 33 since his election for the execution of the murder.]


When you steal from the Vatican, like the Cardinal did at the PII Lodge, they killed him (Kalvi), and they hanged the other guy, beginning with the admiralty jurisdiction, at their first bridge of the sea. So they have their assassins everywhere to carry out orders. They are machines. They are the perfect “Manchurian Candidates” and they will kill popes, cardinals, presidents, kings, and kaisers, to maintain Jesuit power. They are utterly ruthless - just like they said they would be in the Protocols: “We are merciless.”


Martin: As you look around the world today, who do you see opposing them?

Phelps: It’s interesting. I have a friend who makes quite a few trips to Haiti. I told her about the Jesuits. She got to questioning a few people, and she found that Papa Doc had expelled the Jesuits from Haiti.


Martin: No kidding?

Phelps: That’s right. Isn’t it interesting, his son was also driven from power and the guy put in his place, I believe it was Aristide, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a complete pawn of the Pope and the Jesuit Order - for which reason, when those Haitians wanted to drive Aristide from his power, this filthy, Jesuit-controlled government in Washington put an embargo against Haiti, wrecking the country. See how the U.S. government uses its military, political, and financial power to maintain the temporal power of the Pope? And that’s not only in Haiti; it’s everywhere. Russia is another example.


Martin: Don’t you see, coming up soon in Israel, some of these powers coming head-to-head over the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple? Don’t you see some conflicts with the powers that be?

Phelps: Which powers are you talking about?


Martin: I don’t know; there seem to be so many involved.

Phelps: We first have to remember the creation of the nation of Israel. World War I prepared the land for the people. World War II prepared the people for the land. World War III, the battle of Armageddon, will “prepare the people for their messiah” - with national repentance and realizing that “Jesus, the messiah, is the savior and will deliver them”.

The present government of Israel was set up by the High Masonic Rothschild-controlled Jews, and Rothschild has had an alliance with the Jesuit General since 1876, with Adam Weishaupt. This is the very same Rothschild powers who betrayed the Jews into the hands of the Nazis, killing many Jews all throughout Europe, betraying their own Jewish people. These are the very same powers who run the nation of Israel today.

I read a very interesting paragraph by Mark Lane in his book Plausible Denial when he tells about a Jew in Israel who wrote about certain criminal Jews, involved with the Nazis, who are now with the Mossad, something along those lines. The man who wrote the article was gunned-down in front of his home.

So, Rome controls the Israeli government. It controls the Israeli government through the Mossad.

Who trained the Mossad? Reinhard Gehlen.

We find that fact in Loftus’ work The Secret War Against The Jews in most telling, telling detail.

So what do we have? We have high-level treason and betrayal of the Jewish race; that is there in Israel today, by their own leaders, who are loyal to Rome and the Jesuit Order. And to show this, we have a great big Rockefeller edifice in Jerusalem; we have an ophthalmology center in Jerusalem run by the Knights of Malta. There’s nothing but Knights of Malta, high-level Freemasonry, and the Jesuit Order running all of Israel.

So what’s going to happen, I believe, with the Dome of the Rock is, that has got to be removed - somehow, someway. It’s on the Temple site; it has to be removed.

If I was the Jesuit General, I would make -  somehow, someway - American bombers do it. Because I want to create universal hatred for this nation of the United States, because in the United States there are more Protestants and more Jews than any country in the world, and “we’ve” got to kill all those people. So what better way than to create a Jihad, a Moslem fanatical attack against the United States, coupled with a Chinese invasion from the East. That’s what I think is going to happen.

The Jews are not going to destroy that Temple site because, if they do, Rome will destroy their efforts of rebuilding the Temple.

Because, if Moslems control all of Jerusalem, that Temple will never be rebuilt. It has to stay in Jewish hands - because the Jews, and rightfully so, need their own homeland. They’re entitled to the nation. And they haven’t had their own Temple of worship. They are rightfully entitled to that.

But what they don’t know is that they are being used by the Jesuits to rebuild their own Temple, that they would love to have rebuilt, for the Pope, so he can sit there and be the man of sin, the Anti-Christ of the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9. That’s what I see coming for Israel.

The assassination of Rabin? He wanted to give away too much. He probably wanted to give away some of Jerusalem. The Jesuits will never allow that. So, his bodyguards just step aside and the Mossad kills him. And nothing more is ever heard.

Rome’s - the Jesuit General’s - international intelligence community carries out all high-level assassinations, kills anybody who’s against their program. And Cromwell knew this, back in his day, and that’s why he protected himself - 160 of his finest “ironsides” as his bodyguards, and no one got to him.
So anybody who’s going to resist the Jesuit Order has to be doing it as a matter of a “religious” conviction - being protected by God and good men who are loyal to Him. If it’s simply political, with a hired Secret Service, you can forget it.


Martin: Let’s go back to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. Why is that so significant? You talk about the American Pope. Again, that person is?

Phelps: Cardinal O’Connor.


Martin: Now, what is his role in the United States?

Phelps: Ok, remember first that this title “American Pope” was gotten from Conney’s work. John Conney wrote The American Pope, I believe in 1988, so a lot of this information is from that document. The American Pope is the Cardinal of New York. He is the most powerful Cardinal in the United States. He is what’s called “the military vicar”.

The military vicar is in command of all of the military orders within the United States, they being the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Columbus. He is also in command, and privately, of “the Commission” because Cardinal Spellman was an intimate of Joe Kennedy, and Joe Kennedy was an intimate of Frank Costello.

We also see that it was Cardinal Spellman who enabled “Lucky” Luciano to be released from the prison in New York, to return to Italy in 1946. And this was because of the Luciano Project that I mentioned in my book. But Lucky Luciano, his Mafia on the East Coast, worked in conjunction with the U.S. Navy, supposedly to protect the Eastern seaboard from German U-boat attack.

So, as payback? Cardinal Spellman releases Lucky Luciano - that filthy, wicked, evil, heartless spiritual bastard, who compelled young girls into prostitution, probably one of the cruelest things any man could do. He is released and sent back to Rome.

When the Kennedy assassination comes up, the Cardinal needs a favor. After all, he’s released Luciano. So now the Mafia gets to participate: Jack Ruby, Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, all the High Dons participate. Why? Because that Cardinal in New York controls the Commission.

And that Commission, you know what it controls? All of the trucking, all the supermarkets, it’s power is beyond our wildest imagination, second only to the Knights of Malta. And, of course, they all control the Federal Reserve Bank.

The Cardinal controls the Federal Reserve Bank through the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council on Foreign Relations belongs to the Cardinal. Spellman was not a member of it, during his day, but two of the most powerful members were Knights of Malta: Henry Luce and J. Peter Grace, and also William F. Buckley, to this day.


William F. Buckley is indeed one of my enemies, because I name him, and he is a powerful multi-billionaire who participated in the Kennedy assassination, just like Iacocca, another Knight. Both of those men are subject to Cardinal O’Connor and will do ANYTHING he says.


Martin: Do you know who is head of the Knights of Malta, now?

Phelps: Yes; his name is Flynn. He took over when Grace died in ’93. Flynn is head of the American branch. The head of the worldwide branch, the international Knights of Malta, is Andrew Bertie; he’s an Englishman. And you can find that in the National Catholic Reporter, when you go after their various articles on the Knights of Malta.


Martin: Do the Knights of Malta actually meet, actually hold meetings with the Jesuits?

Phelps: Oh, sure. Remember that Alexander Haig is a powerful  Knight of Malta. His brother is a Jesuit. So, sure they have meetings. The High Knights of Malta, who meet in their palace on Aventino Hill, in Rome, of course, meet with the Jesuit General, and so on. And Count von Hoensbroech, who was a German Noble who became a Jesuit for 14 years - he wrote a two-volume work called Fourteen Years A Jesuit. His father was a Knight of Malta. Yes, the Jesuits work in conjunction and have regular meetings with the Knights of Malta.

The Knights control the money. The Knights control the banks. They control the Bank of Canada, Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of England; they control the banking. They were the ones who were behind the sinking of the Titanic, with the creation of the White Star Line, J.P. Morgan and others.


Martin: Alan Greenspan, then, would be?

Phelps: Alan Greenspan is a Jew, probably a Freemason, because he is the leader of the Temple called the “Federal Reserve Bank” and they always put Jews in the forefront - so that they can blame all of what they do on the Jewish race in this country, to create an anti-Semitism everywhere, just like Charles Coughlin, the radio Jesuit priest of the ’30s did.

Greenspan, Bloomenthal, Warburg, and all those Jews need to be publicly rebuked, because they are creating the mass genocide of the Jewish race in the United States. The Jews are being blamed right now for the foreign policy in Bosnia. Madeline Albright - she’s a Jew - they’re blaming her for what’s going on in Serbia. I’ve got a good Serbian friend who blames her. I said she’s just a pawn of the Jesuit CFR. Don’t blame the Jewish people. It’s these Jewish “pawns” who are loyal to the Pope and the Jesuits who are doing this.

The Zionists - the Jesuits are the Great Zionists. They control all of the historical High Zionists - Theodor Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir. Zionism is a Masonic term, coined by the Jesuits. They are the rulers; they are the Protocols; they are the Elders of Zion. So the Zionists are, indeed, evil and wicked; but they are controlled by Rome. The Jews are not all Zionists.

I remember when I went to Jerusalem and Israel in 1976, and a lady said to this particular man that I had met: “You’re more of a Zionist than we are!” And I thought: “What does that mean? I don’t understand that.”

I only later understood why Yasser Arafat says he doesn’t hate the Jews; he can’t stand the Zionists. And I’m thinking: “What’s the difference?” I, later, learned that there is a GREAT difference between those Zionists and the other Jews. The Orthodox Jews can’t stand the Zionists.

So what’s the difference? The Zionists are socialist communists, controlled by Rome. They are atheists, just like the Jesuits, although they’re being used to rebuild the nation of Israel. They are the enemies of the Jewish people, per se.

There’s no conflict going on in the Middle East. There’s no conflict going on with the Arab nations. All of the Arab nations are under the command of Masonic kings or iotollas. Saddam Hussein is no enemy of George Bush; they’re both brothers, brothers of the lodge.


That whole thing was set up to kill off a whole bunch of Arabs for the protection of the Zionist state of Israel.

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