by Larry Lowe
Phoenix UFO Examiner
June 18, 2009
TheExaminer Website
When Colorado political activist Jeff Peckman strolls onto the stage
at the Tivoli Student Center at Auraria Campus in Denver, Colorado
tonight to introduce
Steven Greer, the race for disclosure in 2009
will have begun in earnest. The moment represents a meeting of one
of the longest running efforts to effect acknowledgment of the ET
presence and one of the youngest.
Exopolitics makes strange bedfellows.
The methods of the two
activists are markedly different, but their goal is the same. The
summer of 2009 has become an old fashioned horse race to see whose
method of changing 'reality' will invoke results first.
Greer and Peckman are not the only horses in the race.
contenders include Steve Bassett's Million Fax on Washington, a
healthy world-wide exopolitical movement that will convene in
Barcelona in July and the Obama administration itself. A late entry
which could upset the field is the emerging involvement of the
technologically adroit Facebook Twitterati that can be thought of as
Disclosure 2.0
There are at least 8 horses in this race ranging from entire
governments to the ephemeral power of P2P social networking. Exactly
how it will shake out is anyone's guess and Las Vegas may well begin
laying odds on the sports book as to which disclosure movement will
make a break down the home stretch and take the win at the wire.
Here are the handicapper's notes:
Dr. Steven M. Greer
Greer is as old-school disclosure as you get. It was Greer who
coined the term ‘Disclosure’ with the historic
Disclosure Project
Press Conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on May
9, 2001.
He will talk to Peckman's public access politics crowd of
his plans for - and the reasons why it's crucial that - the government
of the United States of America begin to publicly acknowledge the
truth: There are advanced intelligences operating sophisticated
technology in and around Earth's biosphere. And there have been for
decades, probably centuries.

Greer's target is the US Congress. For years, Greer has been
agitating for congressional hearings and has assembled a blue-ribbon
panel of high ranking military and esteemed civilian whistle-blowers
prepared to testify before Congress if the right opportunity to do
so presents itself. It hasn't done so, perhaps in part because
Greer's impatience doesn't allow for the nuance of inside the
beltway deal-making.
One promising step towards disclosure was
unwittingly thwarted by Greer himself, when he pressed too hard to
be included in behind the scenes discussions and threatened to go
public if they took place without him. The preliminary deal folded
under the resulting pressure.
Patience is not an asset in abundant supply among disclosure
advocates although Greer seems to have learned from the experience.
His appearance before Peckman's crowd, the second year in a row, is
a step toward community building within the disclosure movement.
It's a key component of a winning solution.
Meanwhile, Greer has his eyes on the prize. It's not disclosure
itself that is the ultimate goal, it's the benefits of sensible
contact with advanced non-human intelligence. In addition to the
Disclosure Project, Greer has founded a non-profit research
foundation named
The Orion Project to develop new, out-of-the-box
energy solutions.
Advanced energy options is a common goal among disclosure advocates,
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon has founded
Quantrek with similar goals. There is increasing evidence to
indicate that ET is finding a way to quietly assist certain
terrestrial research scientists towards novel solutions to critical
problems, the result being advanced technologies that might help a
green revolution to occur.
The ace up Greer's sleeve is his claim to be working with 'a major
G7 nation' - presumed by a number of disclosure-watchers to be
France - which he says is prepared to initiate open contact publicly
and acknowledge it directly to the media.
If another major country
noses out the US with an move of such magnitude, the geopolitical
dynamic will change dramatically.
Morning line: If the G7 country proceeds: 1:1
Race over - America loses If the G7 country withholds: 4:1
Congress has a habit of tying up controversial proposals in
sub-committees, 'doing something' by marking time. By the time there
will be a healthy majority in favor of open hearings, the race will
already be over. The call for congressional hearings goes all the
way back to
former CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter.
Odds the G7 country will proceed: 2 :1
America squandered the respect it had as the moral leader of the
free word during the last two administrations. Other countries are
less inclined than they used to be to defer to American policy
across the board.
Steven Bassett
Steve Bassett is the Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group
and the political action committee X-PPAC. Bassett is second
generation old school disclosure.
While nominally pressuring the Obama administration to be forthcoming with the truth, Bassett's
main focus is actually on the media, specifically the White House
correspondents association.
Until and unless someone raises a hand and starts asking the right
questions, the truth embargo - as Bassett labels it - will stand
unchallenged. The UFO/Alien issue has traditionally the third rail
of American politics and the press has handed the political
establishment a free pass to avoid the issue simply by not bringing
it up. It's Bassett's mission in life to end that practice.
His Paradigm Research Group is in the third phase of a 'Million Fax
on Washington' project which is intent upon documenting public
concern about the ET truth embargo and expressions of that concern
made to the oval office by concerned citizens.
In a recent press conference at the National Press Club, Bassett
made it clear that the longer the Obama administration avoids the
ET/UFO issue, the more it risks being upstaged by another country.
"Our republic and its press will rise or fall together."
- Joseph
It is increasingly clear of the extent to which the press failed the
country during the run-up to the last two wars and in the
investigation of the events of 9-11, serving largely as a public
relations firm for the White House and allowing themselves to be
'embedded' with US forces during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In the process American journalism lost any pretense of objectivity,
but it was arguably an act of self-defense. Independent journalists
in Iraq have suffered alarming casualties during direct and indirect
attacks on their positions by coalition forces.
With the advent of a new more sensible policy on the part of the
administration towards openness and transparency, there is a
semblance of a return to an investigative agency independent of the
policy makers and willing to ask the hard questions. If this
continues it's a matter of time before some brave newsperson
asks Obama one or more of the incisive questions on Bassett's list.
At that point the administration will no longer have the luxury of
ignoring the issue.
Morning line:
Odds Bassett will provoke the press: 3:1
There is a small but detectible shift in media posture on this
issue. In TV reports of UFO sightings across the country, snickers
are getting quieter, the ridicule diminishing, the reporting in the
field more direct. It may not be imminent, but it is a matter of
time before the Washington Press Corps realizes that it's time to do
their job and makes disclosure an issue.
Larry King already has.
National Exopolitics
Exopolitics Institute
The Exopolitics movement in America, lead by Dr.
Michael Salla is
busy laying vital groundwork for disclosure.
Salla is documenting
the undisclosed history of the issue in a series of investigative
historical reports in his role as the Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner.
Exopolitics Institute is offering training for professionals in
the field of Exopolitics. Once the issue gets on the table Salla
will be a source of information as mainstream media and academia
race to get up to speed on a portion of history they were never
taught in grade school.
The rap on Salla is that he may be depending too much on
documentation whose validity has not or can not be proven.
coordination with investigators like Bob and Ryan Wood may be needed
to provide a provenance for the information Salla is refining out of
a vein of secret documents laced with disinformation.
Morning line:
Odds Salla can break the story: 9:1
Salla's paradigm is too far from mainstream understanding to be
totally effective on his own. The good news is he is not alone and
his work is building a bridge between the uneducated skepticism of
mainstream media and the emerging respectability of direct media. It
is only in a post-disclosure world that Salla's work will be widely
The Obama Administration
It's hard to handicap the
Obama administration itself. All of the
obvious factors and signals are there, if you know what to look for,
but the challenge is to make a dramatic move on this issue in the
midst of a depression at home and while revising US foreign policy
overseas without clear and obvious widespread grassroots political
support - the kind of thing that got him into office in the first
The political capital is there if Obama knows how to identify it.
Polls show that 50+% of the American people believe some UFOs are
extraterrestrial space craft and 85+% believe their government is
not telling the truth of the matter. His entire administration is
based on telling the truth. On his first day, Obama signed a
directive to his administration declaring openness and transparency
to be the guiding principles of his term of office.
He has stacked the deck in his administration with key players from
the Clinton administration - many of which are known to be
pre-disposed to be in favor of UFO disclosure.
Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton was fully aware of Laurance Rockefeller's three-year
effort to get President Clinton to release all UFO files in
government hands into the public domain as was Obama transition team
leader John Podesta, CIA Director Leon Panetta, Vice President Al
Gore and then Congressman Bill Richardson.
Clinton White House Chief John Podesta on
UFO disclosure
November 14, 2007
YouTube Website
Obama in his finest moments looks like a leader with planetary
considerations in mind. He has the proper heritage to unite
disparate cultural and religious factions.
Were he to find the right way to manage disclosure it would make him
a shoo-in for president of the world, were such an office to exist.
But given the invisible stigma still associated with the issue,
chances are he will await proper pressure from the public or the
press, or both.
Morning line:
Odds Obama will simply address the issue: 4.5:1 It may be that the only reason Obama has not made the announcement
in a speech to the nation is that they are still working out the
wording - it's a monumental moment and Obama is not by accident known
as an eloquent speaker. He may be lining up support during his early
trips abroad. Or he may be waiting for just the right moment.
The 40th anniversary of the giant leap for mankind of sending a man
to the moon and returning him to earth is coming up next month. A
joint announcement by Obama and Neil Armstrong would clear up some
long standing questions about Armstrong's long reticence to talk
(below video)
about the grandest adventure any man ever took - and why we stopped
suddenly and retreated to low earth orbit to build a space station.
Neil Armstrong's cryptic speech
Jeff Peckman
Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission Ballot Initiative
There was a time when Jeff Peckman would have answered a call from
the White House to consult on the issue, but it is no more. Peckman
insists that today he would not take the call from the President,
because the more effective route to disclosure is hands-on,
grass-roots, one mind at a time, old-fashioned American can-do
community organizing.
If all politics is local, all paradigm shift is personal.
Peckman has tapped a pair of citizen empowerment processes - the
ballot initiative, which lets the citizens make their own laws,
bypassing the back-room powerbrokering of the legislature, and
direct media such as Examiner which bypasses the editorial truth
embargo enforced by the corporate sponsors.
Last year's ballot initiative was so effective it landed Peckman on
David Letterman, which brought the issue national attention. This
year's effort is already off to a better start then the previous one
and Greer's continued support has already become mainstream media
The mirror image media effort of a cadre of Examiner writers
- of
which Peckman is the
Denver UFO Examiner - is also having an effect:
One morning last week, Examiner articles took up 9 of the 10 places
in ranking by relevance on Google News under "UFO" search.
Also, the same day, four Colorado Examiners with UFO-related stories
were in the top 5 out of 180+ Examiners nationally in the "Gadgets &
Tech" category.
The otherwise under-reported UFO story is turning out to be one of
the success stories of the direct media paradigm. As direct media
gains credibility through responsible reporting and fact checking,
it's becoming increasingly clear that the UFO/ET story is now one
that can no longer be contained by a controlled or cowed press.
Morning line:
Odds Peckman will gain enough signatures to place the initiative on
the ballet: 1.3:1 Peckman learned the first time around what not to do and a cadre of
young volunteers, coupled with funding and support that is beginning
to flow into Denver make it the leading contender at the moment to
win the race to disclosure. Thanks to Peckman's media savvy
story is going mainstream.
Mainstream Media
Will the mainstream media finally simply stop approaching the
reports of UFO observations that are increasing daily on a world
wide basis with the quizzical 'Did the observer see an alien space
craft? I don't know' tone of voice?
All it would take to effect disclosure on an effortless basis would
be for the media to just start reporting the UFO reports made daily
to the National UFO Reporting Center or MUFON or local news outlets
with straightforward clarity and in a couple of months the public
would realize how prevalent the phenomenon actually is.
To be sure there are frequent misidentifications and repeated pranks
that would need to be weed out by a responsible reporting staff.
Just recently a 400 foot tall research balloon drifted over Arizona
at over 100 thousand feet, prompting numerous reports of an
unidentified flying object. It was identified by the local MUFON
chapter and the story put to bed.
But any number of true UFO
reports, large black triangles and V-shape craft come in weekly
which are not addressed.
International Exopolitics
Can the international exopolitics movement gain enough momentum to
raise the issue to public awareness?
As recently as several years ago, the question would have been
rhetorical. But the July 25/26
European Exopolitics Summit in
Barcelona, Spain signals the emergence of a world wide movement to
treat the matter of advanced intelligence operating in earth's
biosphere responsibly.
Greer, Bassett, Salla from the US are all
scheduled to speak, along with England's Nick Pope, the Italian
Maurizio Baiata, Robert Freischer from Germany and an all-star
supporting cast, so there already is strong international flavor to
the event.
It's a European counterpoint to the X-Conference and a combination
of the two is already being discussed as a potential World Exopolitics Forum, which would unite the pro-disclosure voices into
one common planetary message - which may be exactly the event ET is
waiting for to begin open contact.
Disclosure 2.0
The long-shot late-entry in the ET/UFO disclosure sweepstakes are
social networkers who are jacked in and can self assemble a massive
social movement at the drop of a tweet.
Clay Shirky described the
ridiculously easy group forming power of the social or semantic web
in his book
Here Comes Everybody.
Clay Shirky on New Book "Here Comes Everybody"
Clay Shirky, author
of the just released
"Here Comes
Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations"
speaking at Harvard
Law School's Austin Hall on Feb. 28, 2008
hosted by the Berkman
Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School
The game changer in the Obama
victory was the massive peer-2-peer networked support of the
Facebook enabled electorate.
Social media is easily dismissed by those not cognizant of its
immense power as a mindless diversion for high-schoolers to text
each other in class with peer-group trivia instead of passing notes
like we did in the old days.
Such assessments don't take into account the power that can be
wielded by the knowledgeable cybernauts once they become aware of an
issue. John Perry Barlow, a founding father of the Electronic
Frontier Foundation is an example. He spent the last several days
fighting a battle to make sure the Iranian election fraud resistance
movement had the kinds of secure twitter proxy servers needed to
maintain vital communications amidst a violent and chaotic
atmosphere of cybernetic repression by the Iranian information
His facebook page reads like a 21st century version of Paul
Revere's diary as Barlow broadcast coded messages on his facebook
page that described the current availability of secure networked
communications for the Iranian students and protesters.
Make no mistake about it
- the Twitterati can make a profound
difference in any issue they become passionate about. The only
reason they are not a factor in the race to disclosure is that many
of them simply don't know the facts of the matter.
To that end, I'm making a call for those who want to volunteer some
technical assistance and server capability to a movement we'll call
Disclosure 2.0. The plans are in place for a series of social
networking tools and processes which will enable disclosure to
proceed on a peer-2-peer basis at the speed electrons go through
If you either have expertise in Facebook App development or can
provide server support, contact me at my facebook page and we'll
talk about taking disclosure viral.
Two basic steps have been taken, the formation of the
World Exopolitics Network Facebook Group at Laughlin earlier this year,
and the release onto YouTube of Disclosure 1.01 (below video) by
Jake Gould, which
establishes a baseline conceptual framework for viral disclosure.
Odds that a viral Disclosure 2.0 movement will render formal
announcements redundant: 9:1
At the moment, the Disclosure 2.0 is a long shot. But those odd can
change in a big hurry.
Disclosure 101
The biggest question mark of all is the
advanced intelligences
They are after all the enigma at the source of the
debate. Clearly, while they have made dramatic gestures from time to
time, they have chosen to take a gentle approach to humanity,
awaiting the moment when it can demonstrate that it is ready for
contact and will conduct itself responsibly. There is no end to the
speculation as to the mindset and motives of ET or whatever it turns
out to be, so there is no sense in starting.
That said, UFO sightings reports are up dramatically world wide and
new technology for acquiring the reports and transmuting them into
viable news streams is close to coming online.
Clearly as the crises
mount on planet Earth, UFO sightings are becoming more and more
obvious. Is there a tipping point where they just decide to show up,
uninvited and settle the issue.
That is very hard to say.
The Stakes
The truth is we are not even alone on the planet.
But the prevailing
consensus myth as it persists in mainstream media is that none of
the mounting evidence in the skies above us and in the personal
experience of hundreds of thousands of witnesses should be taken for
what it is.
The planet is in the midst of a paradigm shift of historic
proportions and its effects can be seen everywhere you look. Large
scale systems are breaking down, reaching the end of their viability
as they scale beyond organic reason. Faced with multiple crises of
environmental abuse, increasingly unpredictable weather, war,
poverty and resource mismanagement, all rooted in an inability to
develop a sustainable lifestyle, humanity is at a crossroads.
In order to transcend our condition, the disclosure advocates
content, we must first come to our senses and admit what the
evidence tells us. We must over come the paranoid xenophobia that
keeps us marked as a species too immature to be trusted with
advanced technology or allowed to conduct spacefaring commerce and
cultural exchange.
A vanishingly small percentage of the population knows any part of
the truth to any degree and they persist in keeping it hidden in
compartmentalized secrecy and maintaining a response posture that
includes sending up armed fighters to investigate the massive silent
craft the traverse - fly cannot be an accurate term - the skies over
places like Phoenix, Stephensville, the Hudson Valley, Lubbock, New
The political activists maintain that we can no longer afford the
luxury of letting a small, unelected, unaccountable, unidentifiable
group of people - who by now have a larger vested interest in
maintaining the status quo than in serving the greater good of
mankind - embargo the truth of ET reality and prevent open, peaceful
and ethical contact with the advance intelligences that operate in
our biosphere.
The only way you can make sense of this time is to look to the last
time it happened, the
Copernican revolution. It was a shift that
triggered one of the greatest bursts of advancement mankind has ever
That the earth orbited the sun and not vice versa seemed paradoxical
to common observation at the time and it took a lifetime to
accomplish, but in the end mankind grew to understand a greater
Handicapping a winner
Barack Obama has his hands full with a world economy in the toilet,
a couple of hot wars running and a couple more threatening to start.
But he has the diplomacy, he has the intellect, he has the vision
and he has the staff to effect disclosure at the conduct of a press
conference. Can he do the political calculus that results in a
decision to announce something of the truth? Or will another nation
beat him to the punch and go down in history to be the first to
admit what the public by and large already know is going on?
Can Disclosure 2.0, fired by the immense power of social media that
elected Obama, drive an understanding of the ET reality into popular
acceptance through the barriers of denial and ridicule.
If the government does not disclose before the citizens become fully
aware, it risks becoming irrelevant.
Meanwhile, a half a dozen wild cards remain hidden in the deck.
Will the military industrial complex
Eisenhower and
Kennedy tried to
warn us about mount a false flag 'alien invasion' in a last ditch
effort to control the spin, maintain the fear, uncertainty and doubt
they have used to manage the population to date?
Could an appearance by
Edgar Mitchell on Charlie Rose break the
mainstream media truth embargo and win a Pulitzer Prize for
television talk show journalism?
Can a Non Governmental Organization address to the United Nations
serve as a citizens announcement that they already know what the
governments have been scared to tell them and thus effect a reverse
Will the assault of direct media in the form of Examiner writers,
who consistently rank highest in public readership on the issue
change the nature of the increasingly less relevant 'mainstream'
media's coverage to the point where UFO reporting is done on a
steady basis with a straight face?
Any of these things - and any number of them can happen and may happen
The race is on.
If I was a betting man, I'd box Peckman, Greer, Bassett and
Disclosure 2.0.
Who will win?
In the long run, humanity wins if the paradigm shifts.
And the odds on that are close to 1:1.
There are too many horses in the race now.
For more info: