Appendix 1 - What is “harmonic resonance”?

In order to better picture the mechanisms operating in the great pyramid complex at Giza, let us examine an easily understood example. Take two guitars and tune them in unison.


Then put one of the guitars in the next room, come back, pick up the other and strike a note — on the sixth, thickest string, say. If you do that, you will observe that the sixth string of the second guitar, standing in the corner of the other room, has also begun to vibrate, producing a barely audible note, although you have not touched it. That is the physical phenomenon of harmonic resonance in action.

The pyramid, being at one and the same time both an antenna and a resonator, is a re-transmitter of certain energy flows connected with processes taking place in the cosmos, flows that are in turn focused on the “Energy Source” within the pyramid.

The Wands of Horus that the priests and pharaohs used, the concentrators worn on the head, the “Energy Source” within the pyramid, the pyramids themselves and much else besides was created in accordance with the proportions of the Golden Section, which was the precondition for all the objects being attuned to one another (in unison, as it were). It should be remembered that all the physical and energy structures of the human being are subject to the laws of the Golden Section.

Consequently, everything made by nature or constructed by mankind in accordance with that principle is “attuned” to everything else. Therefore when the energy flow acts on the “Energy Source” inside the pyramid, the structure of the pyramid amplifies that effect.

The effect extends not only to people and objects located inside the pyramid.


It extends over a very large area beyond as a result of which cylinders being held in the hands begin to “ring”, or resonate like the sixth string of the guitar in the next room. In this way the energy is transmitted over a distance and the energy reaching the “Energy Source” in the pyramid is transferred to people and to the cylinders in their hands. (See “Appendix 14”)

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Appendix 2 The Westcar Papyrus

His Majesty King Cheops spent all his time trying to find out the number of secret chambers of the sanctuary of Thoth, so as to have the same for his own “horizon” [pyramid]

The Westcar Papyrus

Every civilisation looks back into its past that has been preserved in myths, seeking to find divine sources in it.


The legends of Ancient Egypt recount that cosmic order and its reflection on the soil of Egypt were established very long ago by the gods, in the very first “Golden Age”, which was called Tep Zepi — roughly translating as “the first time”, when the gods dwelt on Earth and could converse with people.

About 12,000 years ago, when the Atlanteans came to northern Africa, their development, knowledge and capabilities were so far above those of the local population that for them the Atlanteans were like gods in human form. [11] [ 15]

The race of gods (Atlanteans) ruled Egypt for many centuries until, as a consequence of assimilation with the local population, power gradually passed to pharaohs who were perceived to be mortal, albeit of divine (Atlantean) ancestry. The pharaohs remained a link to the world of the gods and thus to the world that had existed in the “first time”.

The Westcar Papyrus and the illustrations to the Book of the Dead  (26) contain evidence relating to events that preceded the construction of the pyramid. They tell of Cheops’s striving to build his pyramid in keeping with knowledge (inherited from the gods) that would give the edifice special properties.

It is evident that by the time the Great Pyramid was erected the main elements of the knowledge that the Egyptians had inherited from the Atlanteans had to a considerable extent been lost.

The Westcar Papyrus implies that the reason behind Cheops’s desire to meet a sage named Djedi was prompted by the belief that Djedi knew “the number of secret chambers of the sanctuary of Thoth”.

The number of chambers, or more precisely their location (within the body of the pyramid), is connected with principles founded on fundamental cyclical processes and general planetary constants. This was the very knowledge that formed the basis of the most ancient Canon that the Egyptians inherited from the gods and in accordance with which buildings were designed. The account taken of this knowledge in designing and constructing the pyramid gives it special properties as a consequence of which unusual phenomena begin to be observed in the chambers of the pyramid.

Some of these secret chambers contained special devices (crystals and mirror reflectors) with the aid of which the priests of Atlantis “listened to the Universe”, obtaining wisdom from “Intercourse with the Gods”. It was a desire to be able to do the same that prompted Cheops to spend so much time in seeking knowledge of the “secret chambers of the sanctuary of Thoth” — so as to make his own pyramid the same.


Indeed what idea could have fired Cheops more strongly than that of building a pyramid containing the secret chambers of the ancient sanctuary of the god of wisdom, if we bear in mind that wisdom came from “Intercourse with the Gods”?

The papyrus text contains the words , which can be translated as: “(I know) the place where they are.”


In this case, as is evident from the following question and answer, the ipwt of the sanctuary of Thoth is supposed to be in a flint box in one of the rooms of the temple at Heliopolis.

Cheops asks whether Djedi knows the number of secret chambers in the sanctuary of Thoth. Djedi replies:

“Please, forgive me, I do not know their number, o King, my lord, but I know the place where it is… There is a box made of flint in the room called “the inventory” at Heliopolis; in that box [is what you seek].”

A papyrus that has come down to us through the millennia contains information about the place where what the Egyptians inherited from the Atlanteans and what so interested the pharaoh Cheops was kept.

As Professor Erman demonstrated, another word — sipty — was used to denoted the stocks that constituted the property of a temple.[19]


Hence we can conclude that the word ipwt denotes a “secret chamber” and that Cheops wanted to learn the details of Thoth’s secret chamber so as to reproduce it when building his own pyramid. (It is possible to surmise that the flint box held documents describing in detail the construction of “secret chambers”, or perhaps the “Energy Source” itself that was later installed in the Pyramid of Cheops.)


From Professor Erman’s translation it is possible to conclude that the ipwt was small enough to fit in a box. A Mr Crum linked with this word the Coptic word that is associated with other words for “doors”, “bolts”, “keys” (Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache, XXXVI, 147). Therefore it is possible to surmise that Cheops was looking for some kind of “doors” or “keys” to the wnt, the sanctuary of Thoth. The doors (or keys, in this case it is a symbol for access) to the secret sanctuaries of Thoth.

In the light of the above it is curious to note that as early as the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth C. Ford in the USA and Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and N. Rynin in Russia independently of each other expressed the idea that in the monuments from one of humanity’s oldest cultures traces should remain of visits and work done by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization.


These true creators of the pyramids supposedly encoded in their creations information that even now, forty centuries on, will stagger mankind.

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Appendix 3 Illustration of Energy Projections of the Hypothalamus & Hypophysis

One of the facts confirming and illustrating the existence of energy projections of the hypothalamus and hypophysis may come in the form of photographs taken during investigations into an incident that happened on the night of 8 January 1991 to Alexei Popov, leader of the team of machine-operators at the Komintern collective farm in Sarai district of Riazan region (south-east of Moscow).

That night he was performing his duties in the farm’s feed plant. Making the round of the yards, he got in his car and had driven about two metres when suddenly a narrow beam of white light from above appeared in front of the car. The engine stalled and the cassette that was in the player was ejected. Stunned, Alexei glanced at his watch.


It showed 3.15 a.m. And literally within seconds an object descended from above that somewhat resembled the relatively small, squarish vans used in Russia as ambulances but was very strange in having neither windows or doors. The object came down completely silently about ten metres from the car and — this stuck in Alexei’s mind — exactly on the junction of two local roads.

Obeying his instinctive fear, the witness locked all the doors of the car from the inside and became totally alert.

A rectangular door came out from the object and then moved away to the side and out of the opening came a tall (about two metres) being in a dark, tight-fitting costume who looked like a man. The figure approached the car and as he did so the door locks sprang open by themselves. Coming up to the lefthand side of the car, he opened the door himself and spoke to the terrified driver who was clinging tightly to the steering-wheel in Russian, but with some strange accent.

The figure and Alexei had a brief conversation, after which a woman of the same height came out of the object, approached the car on the opposite side, opened the back door, glanced inside and returned to the object.

“A second person is a hindrance. We should go away now and you will drive to the garage. A man with a tractor is waiting for you there,” the figure said and returned to the UFO.

Three red lights appeared on the top of the object.


The ship rose silently and disappeared. It was 3.20 a.m. Alexei started the car and drove off. On the way he did indeed meet a second person, Ufimov, on a horse, and at the garage the machine-operator Semion Mikhailov was waiting for him as he could not get his tractor to start. This incident was investigated by the Riazan Regional Committee for Anomalous Phenomena.


A slightly raised level of radiation at the putative landing site (15 microröntgen against a background of 8mR) provided indirect support for the witness’s statement about its location. A most interesting aspect of the investigation was the results of photography carried out directly at the landing site.


The photographs produced provided additional support for the witness’s identification of the landing site. In the picture it looks like a large dark patch behind the female figure’s back, although the spot was totally unremarkable to the naked eye.

The most astonishing thing, though, was that the photograph recorded the presence of mysterious bright vertical columns of energy emanating from the heads of the people at the landing site when the photograph was taken. In order to make these columns more easily visible we provide a second version of the photograph with enhanced contrast.

These “columns” are nothing other than the accidentally recorded energy projections of the hypothalamus and hypophysis, on which the “crowns” of the Ancient Egyptian priests and pharaohs were focused.

It is remarkable too that in the photographs we can clearly see the shape of these structures that people relate to the 6th and 7th energy “shells”.

In point of fact these energy structures do not have the shape of a “cocoon” or “shell” around the person’s body. They take the form of energy structures located around and above the person’s head and surging upwards from it. Incidentally it is their height that determines the individual’s parapsychological capacities.

These energy structures perform an extremely important function in the energo-informational interaction of the mind with the surrounding world. With their help a person can receive information from the Earth’s information field, and through the Noosphere make contact with the information sources of other planetary systems. With the aid of these energy structures healers diagnose and treat their patients, sometimes even at a distance.


Finally, with the aid of this energy canal that which people call God or the Creator interacts with us. It is this energy canal that is activated when a person addresses God and as a consequence there is a slight sensation of pressure in the centre of the palm, as that is the location of the energy projections of the 6th and 7th chakras (the hypothalamus and hypophysis).


Already in ancient times it was noticed that regular repetition of a mantra (prayer) improves a person’s psychological and physical state. In other words, addressing God (consciously attuning oneself to God) produces a response in the form of a downward flow that also has a corresponding influence on a person’s psycho-physical structure.

It should be noted that the influence of the residual field at UFO landing sites activates the human energy structure. There are a number of recorded cases when people working at landing sites presented positive shifts connected with the opening of the capacity to see subtle field structures and the activation of sensory abilities.

There are many known examples directly or indirectly indicating the Ancients’ highly profound knowledge in the realm of natural science, parapsychology and the make-up of the human being. The horizons of their knowledge lie far beyond the bounds covered by modern-day science and today we rediscover what was well known to people in the distant past purely by chance.


The photographs shown above are a good illustration of this, linking past and present, helping us to understand what has been obscured by the sands of time.

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Appendix 4 Shafts of the Great Pyramid

There is no small body of evidence to prompt the conclusion that the Ancient Egyptians did not construct the pyramids for the greater glory of their rulers.

The skies have been the mover of [man’s] science for millennia; they are his hopes and dreams of tomorrow; nowhere is the vision of the first men who carved their thoughts on stone so fully displayed as in the tombs of earliest Egypt.
Jane B. Sellers

The Deaths of Gods in Egypt

One of the main reasons for the building of the pyramids lay in the fact that those energy structures were used by the pharaohs and priests to obtain information about the past, present and future. The future has always concerned men’s minds, the more so if it was bound up with the fate of the ruler and the prospects of the state.

We can find direct indications of this in Sothis, one of the original writings by Manetho, a high priest in the Egypt of the 3rd century B.C., which was saved for posterity by the Byzantine historian George Syncellus (about A.D. 800).

* Manetho wrote a noted History of Egypt and, as a historian, he distinguished himself with the accuracy and reliability of his account. He not only wrote on historical matters but also left works on the mystical philosophy and religion of his country. It is generally considered that his works were the source of knowledge about Egypt upon which Plutarch and other later authors drew.



Judging from this work, Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285–246 B.C.) was aware of Manetho’s extensive knowledge of the past and he inquired of the priest whether he could “see something from the archives” and whether Manetho could “use his power of perception to predict the future.”

In this context we should remind the reader of an event that caught the imagination of the whole world in the spring of 1993. At that time news agencies reported a sensation — the unknown engineer and robot technician Rudolf Gantenbrink had made the greatest discovery of the decade.

In March that year Gantenbrink sent a miniature remote-controlled robot mounted with a video camera up the southern shaft of the “Queen’s Chamber” in the Pyramid of Cheops. The machine was called UPUAUT-2, the “opener of the ways” in Ancient Egyptian.

Advancing along the steeply-rising shaft, some 20 centimetres high and 23 centimetres wide, UPUAUT-2 reached a section lined with highly-worked Tura limestone usually only used for lining burial chambers and the like. At the end of this shaft the robot came up against a small door of solid limestone with two metal fittings.

Immediately after the discovery several hypotheses were put forwards as to what might lie behind the door. But what is located there is not a statue of Osiris looking out towards the constellation of Sahu (Orion). The chamber does not contain the mummy of the pharaoh either.


Behind the secret door Gantenbrink discovered there is a system of mirror reflectors that transform in a particular way the energy flow that once entered the “ventilation shaft” from the star Sirius towards which this shaft was directed (in about 2450 B.C.).

This system, that has survived down to the present, is one of the last wonders of the surviving technological creations of the ancient Atlanteans that allowed the priests of Atlantis and Egypt to “listen to the Universe”.


An indirect allusion to this technology is contained in one of Nostradamus’s predictions in which he states that “people will invent wondrous mirrors with the aid of which they will be able to talk and see each other over a great distance.” That technology already existed and, most probably, the system that will soon be discovered behind the secret door will spur the revival and further refinement of this technology.

There are four such shafts in the Pyramid of Cheops and each of them at one time contained a system of this kind. But apart from the reflectors, at the points where the shafts emerge on the surface special crystals were installed that received the radiation emanating from the stars (from different dimensions) while the system of mirrors located immediately behind the crystal transformed that flow (41) .


For objective reasons, however, almost all these components were removed from the pyramid by priests who feared for devices that were not meant to fall into the hands of the uninitiated.

After the Old Kingdom, roughly in the reign of Amenemhat I (about 1990 B.C.) the country experienced considerable political and social upheaval. This can be gathered from several well-preserved papyrus texts.

The text is known to Egyptologists as “the admonition of an Egyptian sage, Ipuwer” who was undoubtedly a priest of Heliopolis. It contains the bitter lament of a man who sees great turmoil at court and in the country. Perhaps it was a time of complete chaos as anyone could enter the temples once carefully guarded by the priests. Sacred inscriptions were defaced; the temples themselves were raided.

Evidently at about this time all the crystals, mirror systems and a number of other devices were removed from the pyramid. Ipuwer’s text makes an unambiguous allusion to something hidden in the pyramid, suggesting that it is no longer there: “that which the pyramid concealed has become empty…”

We should like to hope that the planned UN-supported attempt to penetrate beyond the door Gantenbrink discovered will not lead to the destruction of that system.


It may begin to shed light on the subtleties of a unique technology and provide one further piece of material evidence for the link between the Ancient Egyptians and the more highly developed civilization, in some way dissimilar to us, of the Atlanteans.

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Appendix 5 The King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid

“It is believed that the king was eventually buried in this last chamber [the “King’s Chamber”], which contains a large sarcophagus, but no remains of the king’s mummy or his funeral goods have been found and it is assumed that the pyramid was looted.”[4]

An analysis of the geometry and dimensions of the passage leading to the “burial chamber” and of the sarcophagus itself leaves no doubt that the sarcophagus was installed in the chamber when this level of the pyramid was being constructed.


To carry the sarcophagus in through the Grand Gallery after the pyramid was complete would have been impossible, since its dimensions exceed those of the passage leading to the chamber. This fact alone is sufficient for us to guess that the chamber and the sarcophagus itself were elements of an overall design, well thought out and planned in advance.


Mathematical calculations have shown that the position of the chamber within the body of the pyramid, its proportions and the location of the sarcophagus were not coincidental. In the designer’s conception the room in question had a special intended function and was never conceived as the resting-place of the pharaoh’s mummy.

The study of writings surviving from ancient times leaves increasingly less room for doubt that the knowledge embodied in the architecture and religious conceptions of Ancient Egypt had at one time been inherited whole from another, more ancient and more advanced civilization. Reference to this can be found in a passage from the works of Manetho in which he relates how back before the Flood Thoth set down in hieroglyphs (the sacred writing) on steles (and tablets) the principles of all ancient knowledge. Much later a descendant of Thoth translated those hieroglyphs into the language of ordinary people.

That cosmic knowledge included an explanation of the place and role of our planet in the solar system a conception, wrapped up in myths, of the evolution of the Universe, the structure of the human organism and all that exists (the KA-BA principle) and also information about the potential of the human mind, the structure of the solar system, the basics of calculating cyclical processes, a map of the stars, and much else besides (42)

In their book entitled The Orion Mystery, Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert produce persuasive calculations to show that at the time the Pyramid of Cheops was completed each of the two pairs of “ventilation shafts” running from the “King’s Chamber” and the “Queen’s Chamber” were precisely oriented on particular stars.


The southern shaft of the “Kings Chamber” pointed to Al Nitak (Zeta Orionis), the northern shaft to Alpha Draconis; while the southern shaft of the “Queen’s Chamber” was directed towards Sirius, and the northern shaft to Beta Ursae Minoris.

At one time special crystals were fitted at the point where the shafts come out to the surface.


These crystals and the systems of mirror reflectors (one of which has survived and is located behind the door discovered by Gantenbrink) used to receive and transform the energy flow emanating from the stars to which the shafts were pointed. Then the transformed flow came down the shafts into the room where the sarcophagus stood.

On a particular day the priest or pharaoh lay down in the sarcophagus, and the indentation on the bottom of it in the shape of a human figure oriented his body in such a way that his head (the hypothalamus and hypophysis) were at the focus of the energy field inside the pyramid.

The precise astronomical calculations performed by the priests enabled them to identify in advance the days on which the pharaoh or priest should take his place in the sarcophagus. On the appointed days the “Energy Source” within the pyramid was activated.

The activation of the “Source” was the result of an increase in energy at the core of the planet caused by increased solar activity and the gravitational interaction of the planets in the solar system.

Precise calculations were needed because at the moment when the Earth’s core became more active the flow of energy coming from inside the planet excite the lattice of the “Energy Source” crystal and the “Source” in turn distorted space in the vicinity of the pyramid.


The flows of energy coming down the shafts from the stars were amplified by the pyramid and focused on the (energy projections of the) hypothalamus and hypophysis resulting in an experience of “Intercourse with the Gods”.


In other words, the person’s consciousness was connected to the Noosphere and the Earth’s information systems.


This process was accompanied by a sensation of “leaving the body”, flying in the endless expanse of space, visiting other planets and contact with the energy “prints” (KA) of people who had already died (43) , and sometimes also with representatives of other planetary systems towards which the pyramid shafts were directed. Contact with the Noosphere and with members of highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations (who were taken for gods) provided the opportunity to obtain information about the past and present as well as the possible prospects for the future.


On the one hand through such contact the creators of the pyramids learnt about the world and the nature of things, on the other the idea of building the pyramids was put into people’s heads so that there might be a certain degree of influence through the pyramids (antennae) on the minds of those who, in turn, could influence the course of history and evolutionary processes on Earth.

An analysis of the Ancients’ level of knowledge and of the religious teachings that formed in the process of historical development leads to the unambiguous conclusion that at the foundation of the ancient way of looking at the world there was one substantial defect that ultimately determined the fate of not only Atlantis and Hyperborea, but also the Egyptian, Mayan, Toltec, Aztec and many other past civilizations.


The errors inherited in those distant times have still not been recognised today, which accounts to a large extent for our current problems. (See “Appendix 15”)

The level of knowledge acquired in ancient times clearly exceeded the moral and ethical level of those who possessed it. This is demonstrated by the fact that, while they had very profound knowledge in the fields of parapsychology, mathematics, astronomy, medicine (44) , the Ancients engaged in sacrifice, murder (45) and wars of expansion.


With knowledge of a high order at his disposal, a primitive man can do a great deal of damage, not only to himself. As practical evolutionary experience has displayed, the level of morality should correspond to the level of human abilities. It would be even better if the level of a person’s morality was higher than his or her abilities and technical achievements were the result of a rising level of spirituality in the true sense of that word (46)

The situation that arose in those ancient times required correction, that came about indirectly, that is to say, by the hands of the people themselves. In the history of the Egyptian, Mayan, Toltec, Aztec and many other past civilizations, the instrument of correction took the form of internal feuding and raids by neighbouring barbarian tribes that ended with the gradual extermination of those who possessed knowledge (47) .


Then, gradually, religion came to take the place of knowledge and fanatics of the new faiths burnt and destroyed whole libraries so as to affirm their piety. Therefore the Ancient Egyptian priests and other surviving bearers of knowledge, carefully concealed it so as to carry it down through the ages.

Century followed century and with them the dynasties ruling Ancient Egypt. True knowledge and the real meaning of the powerful practices gradually degenerated into legend and superstition, turning into a sort of “syndrome of power”. Thus the original meaning contained in the knowledge was lost.

The partly extant, considerably distorted knowledge that had its origins in the Golden Age “when the gods lived on the Earth” became the foundation of a state religious cult in which the pharaohs remained a link to the world of the gods and thus to the world that had existed in the “first time”. And while in the remote past Ba and Ka had been component elements of the human being, in the later period of Egyptian history the terms were associated with the attributes of power and might possessed by the rulers and gods.


This is reflected in the Pyramid Texts, where the god Ra, for example, is said to have fourteen Kas.

In order to illustrate the character of the changes that took place in people’s thinking, let us return to the ancient knowledge, according to which Ba and Ka were two formative principles — opposite and united, different and homogenous at the same time. In constant proximity to the human being and interacting between themselves, Ba and Ka were two sources of vital energy. The harmonization of Ba and Ka and their evolution gave rise to the Akh. The Akh is an intermediary between god and people or a lesser divinity capable of interpreting the messages of the gods.

Early on, when discussing the true meaning of the concept of the “Akh”, we stressed that it is in fact something more than just a person, but not, of course, a god. It is a human being with the ability to espy the future at certain moments and to predict it. In other words, the ancient knowledge indicated that conscious harmonization of Ba and Ka enables a person to develop the exceptional psychic and physical abilities necessary to understand oneself and the world around.

When knowledge was succeeded by religion, the ancient practices were transformed into “magic rituals”. The function of the “King’s Chamber” also changed.

In the later religious philosophy of the Egyptians there are already three component elements. Ba and Ka are seen as two particles of the soul (48) . The Ba and Ka remained inseparable from a person throughout his life, including the life beyond the grave. When a person died he received a third particle - the Akh.


How, though, was it possible to become like the gods and acquire seven or fourteen Akhs, when a physical person dies only once? In order to reach that level and become god-like, or better to accord with his own divine origins, a pharaoh needed to “die” and be reborn. Such a feat was accomplished through a special initiation that the pharaoh went through several times during his life: on a particular day, accompanied by priests, he ascended the Grand Gallery leading to the chamber and lay down in the sarcophagus.


Here we should digress briefly and mention Ronald Moody’s book Life after Life (49), which contains the accounts given by people who have experienced clinical death. Practically all of those brought back to life by doctors said that when they died they left their bodies and looked down on them. Beyond that the stories varied, but many spoke of flying down a “corridor” (50) , at the end of which they encountered a “divine light” (51) .


All those who had this experience remarked that their dead relatives came to them to advise them on how to react to what was taking place.

A bird-man, symbol of the liberation of the soul (the leaving of the body)

During the initiation (52) as a result of the influence of the pyramid, the pharaoh left his body in a symbolic death.


The flight through space top the constellation of Sahu (Orion, towards which the southern shaft was directed) that followed symbolised a visit to the heavenly Duat. The return to the body represented the pharaoh’s resurrection (53) .

This ritual act of “death and resurrection” led to the birth of an Akh. It was enough to perform this initiation fourteen times for the pharaoh to acquire fourteen Kas and fourteen Akhs.

It should be stressed that the initiations conducted in the pyramids were full of the most extraordinary and at times truly singular experiences and visions. During the rite another unaccustomed world opened up before the pharaoh, one in which a person felt like a grain of sand and required appropriate help to react to the events that were taking place.


So, in order that the experience did not have a negative effect on the pharaoh’s psyche (54), the priests chanted or intoned the “texts of admonition” that guided the pharaoh during the initiation.


With the help of these texts, imposed thought-images directed the pharaoh through a specific, pre-prepared scenario.


Immediately after the pharaoh left the body, the text pronounced in his name directed his attention to the sky and conducted him to the goal set by the initiation:

‘… The king, a Star brilliant and far-traveling… the king appears as a Star…’

[Pyramid Texts, Utterance 262]


The reed-floats of the sky are set in place for me, that I may cross by means of them to Ra (the rising sun) at the horizon. I ferry across that I may stand on the east side of the sky, when [Ra] is in [his] northern region among the imperishable stars, who stand at their staffs and sit at their east ... I will stand among them, for the Moon is my brother, the Morning Star is my offspring…’

[Pyramid Texts, Utterance 1000–1].


O king, you are this Great Star, the Companion of Orion, who traverses the sky with Orion, who Navigates the (Duat) Netherworld with Osiris; you ascend from the east of the sky, being renewed in your due season, and rejuvenated in your due time. The sky has born you with Orion…
[Pyramid Texts, Utterance 882–3]

O king, the sky conceives you with Orion, the dawn-light bears you with Orion… you will regularly ascend with Orion from the eastern region of the sky, you will regularly descend with Orion in the western region of the sky…your third is Sothis…

[Pyramid Texts, Utterance 820–2]


‘The king has come that he may glorify Orion, that he may set Osiris at the Head…’

[Pyramid Texts, Utterance 925]


‘May you ascend to the sky, may the sky give birth to you like Orion…’

[Pyramid Texts, Utterance 2116]

Despite the fact the thousands of years have passed since and the Great Pyramid has suffered a fair amount of damage, a person today can still experience the states that the pharaoh went through during the initiations.


At a certain time the “Source” becomes active, distorting space in the vicinity of the pyramid, and anyone who happens to be in the pyramid at the time can become a witness to extraordinary phenomena.


One such occurrence is described in print by the American researcher Alan Landsberg.

“In September 1974 circumstances brought a young American couple, Patrick Flannagan and his fianc_e Eva Bruce, to Cairo where they headed for the pyramids immediately on arrival. The next day Patrick and Eva returned there, but this time with an elderly one-eyed Arab guide with whom they agreed that they would spend the night inside the Great Pyramid. The Arab was supposed to meet them in the morning.

“Finding himself in total darkness, the young man switched on a powerful flashlight the bright beam of which was lost in the depths of the stone tunnel. Flannagan and his fiancé stopped to get their breath back and then began the long climb to the King’s Chamber, the heart of the pyramid.

‘When we had reached the top of the Great Gallery,’ Flannagan recalled, ‘we glanced back. It seemed like the gallery disappeared into the depths of the Earth. The first thing that we began to sense were colored lights: blue, green, red and white. At the start I though that they were simply fireflies or the spots of light that can appear when the retina is excited.


But what we were seeing were really balls of light that made no physical contact with our bodies. I could have stretched out my hand and touched those lights. Then we closed our eyes and began to sing. I sensed my body beginning to vibrate. Then I quickly got up and began to walk around the chamber. The lights disappeared. The candle cast irregular shadows on the ancient stones.


Humming, I slowly circled around the King’s Chamber, from one wall to the other. When I passed by the sarcophagus, I sensed the mysterious processions that had once taken place here. I was no longer myself. Suddenly I had ceased to be Patrick Flannagan! I had changed. My individuality slipped from me like a mask and I sensed myself dissolving in the pyramid…’

“Then Patrick sat down on the granite blocks of the floor. Now he was experiencing even stranger sensations. ‘I felt as if an electric current was running up and down my spine. It was painful, so painful that I fell into a sort of cataleptic trance.’ The vibration continued until the physically strong young man dropped from exhaustion.

“Although he had read about instances of astral projection before, he had never experienced it himself. ‘I felt myself leaving my body, as if some outside force was controlling me. Then I found myself in a chamber hidden somewhere in the thickness of the pyramid. The chamber had a vaulted ceiling and there was a pedestal in it.


Resting on it was a heavy gold book with heavy gold pages on which unusual hieroglyphs were engraved. The outside was covered in human handprints. I had the distinct impression that if I were to put my hands on the pages of that gold book, information from the past would flow directly into my brain. When I really did it, then I felt a wave of energy flowing over me. Then I was thrown into the other corner of the chamber. I noticed that there there was an entrance to the room in the form of a stone block that turned on its axis.’

“Flannagan was brought back by a deafeningly painful noise that stopped as quickly as it began. Then Eva and Patrick heard an indistinct chorus of male and female voices. ‘An ancient chant sounded for a time, but the words were completely unknown to me. I had never heard anything like that language.’ Then the singing gradually died away.


Flannagan felt pleasant vibrations in his spine and he was wrapped in a warmth that lasted through the night.” (58) [8].


(See “Appendix 16”)

The room known as the “Queen’s Chamber” was also one of the chambers of the sanctuary of Thoth in which the Ancients obtained “wisdom” through “Intercourse with the Gods”.

In the centre of the chamber stood a device, the most important part of which was two flat crystal quartz screens directed towards the ends of the shafts pointing to Sirius and Beta Ursae Minoris. It would be more accurate to say that the energy flow emerging from the shafts was directed onto these screens.

On a certain day, when the “Energy Source” became more active producing a distortion of space, the priest (Akh) entered this chamber. On his head he wore a special diadem. He occupied a particular position (at the focus of the pyramid field) and fell into a special state in which he was able to “hear the Universe”. Between the quartz screens “three-dimensional holograms” appeared that only the hierophant with the diadem could see. The accompanying priests were unable to observe this. (See “Appendix 17”)

The “Queen’s Chamber” was used to obtain information. The distortion of space produced by the “Energy Source” made it possible not only to see, hear and converse with beings living in parallel dimensions, but also to hear and see what was taking place in a distant part of the world (Stonehenge, say).

The history of the use of the pyramid structures in the course of the “development” of the civilization can be divided into three basic stages.


  • Stage 1

    In the heyday of Atlantis and later when the Atlanteans who survived the catastrophe arrived in northern Africa, the pyramids were used as a means of communication and a tool for gaining understanding. With the aid of the pyramid it became possible to do more than just improve the energy, and consequently psychic, capacities of the human being.


    The pyramids provided a unique opportunity to make “contact” with energy-based forms of life and to interact with representatives of extra terrestrial civilizations. The knowledge obtained in this way raised the capabilities of the Atlanteans who, in the eyes of the primitive peoples around them were like gods.

    In the process of degradation evoked by the breach of fundamental moral and ethical standards, partially preserved teachings passed down a somewhat distorted picture of how the ancient gods had lived and what they did.

  • Stage 2

    The second stage in the use of the pyramid was associated with the performance of certain initiation rituals intended to elevate the pharaoh to a level appropriate to his divine (Atlantean) origins.

    After the pharaoh lay in the sarcophagus the priests were responsible for more than just monitoring everything that happened to him after he “left the body” (“died”). They were supposed to direct the pharaoh, as almost any person in a suggestive (hypnotic) state becomes a passive observer of events.


    Under the influence of the pyramid a person’s consciousness is linked to the information field and, receiving a complete picture of the world, that person is in a state of passive observation. The priest, by constantly pointing out the divine nature of the pharaoh, his affinity with the gods (with Osiris), helped the pharaoh to remain focussed on the main goal and to make an “astral flight” to, for example, the constellation of Sahu (Orion).

    The priest reciting the texts spoke in the name of the pharaoh and was like a voice expressing the will of the pharaoh as he observed the visions.

    • ‘The Winding Waterway is flooded, the Fields of Rushes are filled with water, and I [the dead king — i.e. having left the body] (56) am ferried over thereon to yonder eastern side of the sky, to the Place where the gods fashioned me, where I was born new [reborn] and young . . . Lo, I stand up as a star which is on the underside of the sky ... my sister is Sothis, my offspring is the Morning Star . . .’

      [Pyramid Texts, Utterance 343-57]

    If there are no visions, but the person has entered the hypnotic state, the voice of the “master-of-ceremonies” painting particular pictures may be able to invoke them. Therefore, directing the pharaoh’s attention to the heavens, the priest pronounced texts that formed particular images in the pharaoh’s mind so that what was happening to the pharaoh accorded with the scenario described in the texts.


    Thus by travelling the way of the gods, visiting the heavenly Duat and meeting them, the pharaoh did truly become god-like himself.

    • ‘… The king, a Star brilliant and far-travelling… the king appears as a Star…’

      [Pyramid Texts, Utterance 262]

    • ‘… behold he (the king) has come as Orion, Behold Osiris has come as Orion…’

      [Pyramid Texts, Utterance 820]

    • ‘O king, you are this Great Star, the companion of Orion, who traverses the sky with Orion, who navigates the Duat with Osiris…’

      [Pyramid Texts, Utterance 882]

    • ‘The king has come that he may glorify Orion, that he may set Osiris at the Head…’

      [Pyramid Texts, Utterance 925]

    • ‘May you ascend to the sky, may the sky give birth to you like Orion…’

      [Pyramid Texts, Utterance2116]

    • ‘Live and be young beside your father (Osiris), beside Orion in the sky…’

      [Pyramid Texts, Utterance 2180]


    The Pyramid Texts also relate how, following the scenario, the priests led the pharaoh to an act of divine coition that filled the earthly presence of the pharaoh, his significance with a special meaning. In performing this act the pharaoh linked himself to the gods with special ties, filling his earthly purpose with that which the ancient legend aid about Isis and Osiris.

    • ‘Your sister Isis comes to you rejoicing for love of you. You [the dead King] have placed her on your phallus and your seed issued in her, she being ready as Sothis, and Har-Sopd has come forth from you as Horus who is in Sothis . . . and he (I) protect(s) you in his (my) name of Horus, the son who protects his father…’ [Pyramid Texts, Utterance 632-3]


    In essence the Pyramid Texts are a “plot”, containing a “timetable” and the “addresses” of all the “beings” whom the pharaoh was supposed to meet “in the heavens” during his “astral flight”.


    The pharaoh could also have his own personal set of instructions and he needed to be prepared to change the programme and his own appearance depending at which heavenly “terminus” he arrived and to reflect in his own mind the meaning of the text spoken by the instructor-priest so as to react correctly to unfamiliar situations or to overcome the resistance of “hostile entities”.

    As experience in regressive hypnosis shows, the hardest stage in the process, after the “leaving of the body”, is the moment when the subject should start talking and describe the visions he sees.


    The hypnotist has to literally stimulate the person in the trance so that he opens his mouth and begins to produce words. It is highly likely that the appearance of the ritual of “opening the mouth” was connected with this.

  • Stage 3

    The third and final phase in the history of the use of the pyramid begins from the moment when they started to mummify pharaohs in Ancient Egypt.

    While in the period of the greatest flourishing of the Old Kingdom civilisation such things as mummification had not been heard of, by the time that ritual did appear, knowledge about the practical use of the pyramid had been completely lost. Religion too had its influence on the fate of the ancient practice. Therefore all that modern Egyptology knows about the purpose of the pyramids is associated with the burial of the dead pharaoh.

    In accordance with the prevailing religious cults, the dead body, given the mummified form of Osiris, was placed in a burial chamber of rebirth, where the soul began its transformation into a star.


    The preparation of the mummy was called sahu, the name Osiris had when he became lord of the Duat. It was believed that the rebirth of the mummy could not take place of its own accord, but required actions by the eldest son of the deceased, the new Horus-King who before his coronation was referred to as Horus the Elder.


    The ceremony this Horus had to perform was called the “opening of the mouth”. It required the embalmed body of the dead father dressed in the regalia of Osiris to be raised to a vertical position and that a lotus bloom in all its glory be placed on a small stand before it. The lotus symbolised the “four sons of Horus” (the dead man’s grandsons) who, in turn, symbolised the “four cardinal points”. Wearing a hawk mask, Horus slowly approached the mummy, picked up a small metal instrument and struck open the mouth of the Osiris-King.


    The four sons, using their “fingers” (apparently made of bja) * assisted him in this ritual.[4]

    Thus the ancient knowledge was forgotten and today when speaking of the purpose of the pyramids Egyptologists say:

    • “it is common knowledge that the pyramids are the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, they were erected to preserve their mummified bodies and grave goods.”


    It is for that reason that many generations tried fruitlessly to find even one mummy in the pyramids.

* Although the pyramids were constructed before the Iron Age, the Egyptians of the time did know meteoritic iron. They called iron “bja” and, according to G.A. Wainwright (Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 18, 1931), “meteorites consist of ‘bja’”. The word “bja” occurs repeatedly in the Pyramid Texts.


The Secret Method of Hermes Trismegistos for all Undertakings

“Above all it is necessary that a person who makes a study about undertakings determines the position of the centers and ‘epochs’ of the planets if he wants success and does not want to allow an error in any undertaking of no matter what kind…”

Hermes Trismegistos
p. 285 of the Russian translation by K. Bagutsky

Moscow, Aleteya, 1998

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Appendix 6 Tables of Cycles



Part 1




Historical events develop within the framework of the twelve-year cycle in a way that is subject to a damping effect.


That is to say, the first year of the first four-year period is the maximum. The beginning of the second four-year period is less active; the beginning of the third weaker still. Then comes another powerful impulse and so on.


In the same way 36-year cycles are marked by some sort of epoch-making event


The unshaded years were relatively insignificant, i.e. years without cataclysms, catastrophes or changes of political course.

For comparison with the above, we also give a graph of sunspot activity in August each year, as sunspot activity also follows a four-year cycle.


Many events making up human history are an indirect reflection of particular cyclical energy processes.


Upsurges in energy activity are a subtle stimulating factor affecting each human being and thus humanity as a whole, prompting us to courses of action that determine the dynamics of historical processes. Taking on material form, these phenomena prompt humanity to actions that determine the outcome of historical processes.


However, since “common sense” sometimes gains the upper hand over emotions, there may be a temporal shift of some particular historical event, or something that should take place does not.


It is for this reason that in the first phase of a twelve-year cycle that should be marked by major events, we occasionally witness a shift of a year or two, or indeed the year becomes insignificant. In the past century 1977 provides such an example


Part 2

In the autumn of 1997, partly due to the passing comet, partly due to the fact that the Earth’s electromagnetic field is growing and will continue to grow, several unpleasant events await our planet.

The rise of electromagnetic intensity which in the Pacific is giving rise to the El Niño current, a phenomenon that our scientists are unable to explain completely, is also bound up with a discharge of energy from the core. This is compounded by an external, cosmic factor. The electromagnetic field begins to resonate with processes (radiation) taking place in space. Therefore the final phase of the relatively brief existence of this current is as a rule marked by unpleasant events, such as floods and tsunamis.

Ethnic groups living in particular regions will lose their immunity to individual viruses due to the changing intensity of the Earth’s electromagnetic field. That is to say, diseases that previously passed off relatively easily, might become problematic, even fatal, not to mention serious diseases. Those with a predisposition to cancer are more likely to develop the disease this year than last just because of the changes in the electromagnetic field.

The greater electromagnetic intensity creates favourable conditions for the for the development of viruses and bacteria that will mutate.

Perhaps this year mankind will encounter new forms of immune-deficiency syndrome in animals which will affect mammals and humans. To be more precise, some forms of the syndrome in mammals will affect humans as well.

The influence of the cosmic factors mentioned above will have a fairly deleterious effect on mankind. Beginning to resonate with the energy flows coming in from space the Earth’s electromagnetic field with its growing intensity will begin to interact resonantly with the ancient energy installations that exist on the planet (among them the Pyramid of Cheops). This will lead to certain deviations being observed in the human psyche.

By itself the flow of energy coming in from the cosmos produces no result. It is neither positively or negatively charged as far as the human being is concerned — it simply makes a person do something. It is a sort of activity stimulator.


A person’s basic qualities begin to come out, the deep-lying inclinations that are at the heart of his nature. How that expresses itself is decided by the person himself. As a rule mankind goes down the path of least resistance. A low level of consciousness, the lack of a due degree of spirituality plus aggressiveness leads to the problems that dog the human community — wars and aggression. Conflicts come to the boil, the world is afflicted by acts of terrorism, and so on.

This psycho-physical factor also leads to the natural factor acting on the human one which can lead to catastrophes, and explosions prompted by a persons psycho-physical state. There will be both natural and man-made disasters. Cataclysms of a natural kind will be associated with the Pacific basin — the Far East, Latin America and part of the American west coast. Cataclysms due to the human factor (wars, terrorism) will take place around the globe, These factors will operate for over a year, until the autumn of 1998 or even longer.

A special role in all that takes place will be played by the Great Pyramid and energy installations of artificial origin. They will serve in part as resonators for these processes. Cancer sufferers or those with a predisposition to the disease should avoid visiting the Pyramid of Cheops during this period.


Otherwise unpredictable processes may be started. We all have a predisposition to cancer, but if someone is balancing on the brink, it is better not to tempt fate

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