Appendix 7 Parameters of an Individual Pyramid

Calculations of the parameters of an individual pyramid are based on the length of a person’s spine.


This is so that the three main concentration points of the energy flow within the pyramid precisely coincide with the first chakra (the energy projection of the prostate gland or uterus), the third chakra (projection of the pancreas) and the sixth and seventh chakras (hypothalamus and hypophysis). This arrangement of the pyramid’s internal energy space is a good illustration of the idea that the pyramid is a model of the energy structure of the human being and the Universe that employs the letter’s energy mechanism. Accordingly the pyramid’s effect will be focussed on the organs of the endocrine system, stimulating its activity.

A individual pyramid made of wood, or better still of glass, has a profound, but most importantly gentle effect on the whole of a person’s organism. An individual pyramid makes it possible to stimulate the internal energy, biophysical and physiological processes that it turn make it possible to discover and activate the inner reserves of the human psyche, increasing psychic potential. Apart from that the pyramid has a positive stimulating influence on the immune and nervous systems, creating the preconditions for their improvement.

From experiments that have been carried out make it possible to conclude that the pyramid’s structuring field has a positive effect on factors of natural resistance in the human organism (changes in cellular and humoral immunities). A rise in the organism’s antiviral activity has been reliably detected.

Below there are a number of appendices (See “Appendix 9”), (See “Appendix 18”) and (See “Appendix 19”) containing the results of research into the effect of the pyramid’s structuring field on living nature carried out by scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences. If we bare in mind that the human organism is made up of almost 90% water, then it becomes clear that the pyramid’s structuring field will have a deep-reaching corrective and stimulatory effect on the whole organism. The main thing is that this influence is natural (not medicinal) and that leads to a raising of the immune status of the organism..

Acting in essence as a resonator and generator of cosmic energies on various planes, the pyramid enables us to tap into natural flows of cosmic energy that gently stimulate evolutionary processes in human biological systems and consciousness, as the consciousness exists in a certain degree of dependency on the state of the energy and biological systems.

Depending on the task being pursued the body of an individual pyramid may be truncated in such a way that its field is focus exclusively on the head. In such a pyramid only the upper third will be covered by the surfaces of the facets.

The states experienced in the pyramids will not always be consistent. The appearance of an unusual state suggests that there are certain imbalances in the organism and is connect with the correction process. As soon as the disturbances have been harmonized, the unusual sensations will fade away. This is particularly true if you use the pyramid regularly. Therefore occasional unusual states should not worry you.

A full-size individual pyramid has all the properties of a glass mini-pyramid, as described in (See “Appendix 11”) .

For information on calculating the dimensions of individual pyramids, please apply to the MITSUFI Analytical Centre at:

  • P.O. Box 57, 197342 St. Petersburg, Russia Fax: +7 (812) 544 1756.

  • E-mail:

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Appendix 8 The Language of Symbols

The most important aspects of the knowledge handed down by the priests from generation to generation were recorded in the language of symbols, not words. A hieroglyph might contain several levels of information (meanings). Individual symbols conveyed the meaning of a whole doctrine, while the expression of a single idea sometimes requires the writing of whole volumes of books. Moreover, writing things down in words opens the door to incorrect interpretation and manipulation.

One of the reasons that humanity has still not recognized the depth of the knowledge of the Ancient Egyptian priests has lain in the incorrect reading of the hieroglyphs.

The ability to read the sacred texts was lost long before the sunset of the Egyptian civilization. The priests of the last dynasties were no longer bearers of knowledge who appreciated its true meaning. When they painted their hieroglyphs on the walls of temples, they had as much understanding of them as a Christian priest might have of a quantum physics textbook.

It is for this very reason that the Ancient Egyptian doctrine about, for example, the “water of life” that Aristotle took from Thales of Miletus and has come down to the present was wrongly interpreted.

What actually was the theory of the “water of life” that Thales brought from Egypt?. We shall examine two passages identical except for one change. Aristotle had Thales teaching that:

Water is the chief principle of all things. Everything proceeds from it … constantly arising, and to water everything returns. The changes in things are dictated by compression and hardening.

The incorrect translation of the knowledge coming from the distant past was the consequence of a misunderstanding of the meaning of the relevant hieroglyphs; in particular the hieroglyph that bore the meaning of the concept of energy and resembled a “wave” is still today interpreted as “water”.


Take a look at this symbol . It greatly resembles a sine curve. In mathematics the sine curve is used to describe wave or vibration processes. Such an analogy is natural given the observation of the movement of waves on the surface of the water.

Everything that comprises the nature of material is a consequence of various vibrations in the environment. Therefore the symbol that resembles a wave was used as naturally reflecting the essence of this process.

If we replace the word water in the statement above with “energy”, we get close to what lay at the very foundation of the doctrinal world view of the Ancient Egyptian priests.

Energy is the chief principle of all things. Everything proceeds from it … constantly arising, and to energy everything returns. The changes in things are dictated by compression and hardening [of energy].

The meaning of the symbol becomes even more obvious when the eyes scanning across one of the walls in Toth-Ankh-Amon (Tutankhamen's) burial chamber light on the depiction of a priest.


Above her hands is the familiar hieroglyph, indicating that the priest's hands are radiating energy that is not only ancient, but contemporary psychics and spiritual healers use to influence the energy structure of others.

In the light of this, the “Myth of the Creation of the World” assumes its true meaning, revealing to us the secret of what the ancient priests knew about the beginnings of all that exists.

“In “the beginning of beginnings” there was nothing:

no air,

no light,

no sound,

no sky,

no earth,

no fire,

no life,

no death - only the endless, immobile Ocean of Primordial Energy immersed in gloom (Nun). God created himself out of the primordial energy. His name was Everything and Nothing (Atum)…” 67

Speaking of energy, the vitally active element of creation, from which all the great variety of life proceeds, at the beginning of the new millennium we can understand what lies behind these words. For centuries this ancient knowledge remained inaccessible for humanity immersed in the gloom of ignorance as it had been in Aristotle’s time.

More than 5000 years before Thales visited the country, the Ancient Egyptian priests had precise scientific knowledge.


And only the vanity and blinkered attitudes of certain representatives of the world of science who still do not wish to acknowledge such “predecessors” prevent the study and appreciation of the stone testimony of the Ancient Egyptian culture as an embodiment of scientific learning and techniques, especially in the field of medicine and parapsychology, on a comparable level at least with contemporary attainments, and in a number of instances going far beyond our present mastery.

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Appendix 9 Exposure of Living Organisms in the Pyramid

The Menchikov Vaccine Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

laboratory head N.B. Yegorova Ph.D.

We studied the influence of exposure of living organisms in the pyramid on the organism’s reaction to infection.

The study was carried out on a model infection of mice caused by the bacterium called salmonella typhi murium, strain 415. White, non-pedigree mice weighting 12–14 grammes were exposed in the pyramid for various lengths of time and various numbers of times. After several days the mice were infected peritoneally using four doses of salmonella typhi murium, increasing by a factor of ten from 101 to 104 microbe cells. A control group of mice from the same batch were infected with the same doses of culture, but not exposed in the pyramid.

It was reliably established that the survival rate for the mice exposed in the pyramid is considerably higher than for the control group. At the lower doses 60% of the mice exposed in the pyramid survived, against 7% in the control group. At higher doses the corresponding figures were 30% and 3%.

Conclusion: time spent by mice in the pyramid substantially promotes increased resistance to subsequent infection with salmonella typhi murium. In other words, it is possible to speak of a powerful immuno-modulating effect on the non-specific reactivity of the animals’ organism.

A similar picture was observed when the mice were injected with various carcinogens. Mice in the experimental group drank water exposed in the pyramid; the control group drank ordinary water.


The result: the probability of tumours developing in the control group was several times higher than for the animals that drank water exposed in the pyramid

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Appendix 10 Pyramid Field Effect on the Electrical Resistance of Carbon Materials

Graphite scientific research institute, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Professor V.I.Kostikov

Dr. A.S. Katasonov

We explored the influence of the pyramid field effect on the electrical resistance of carbon materials. The research object was pyrolytic carbon obtained by precipitating the products of the pyrolysis of methane on a graphite liner at a temperature of ~2100C. Measurements were taken by the four-probe method on direct current under normal conditions.


The size of the sheet was ~25x10x1mm; the distance between the potential contacts ~3mm. The measuring current had a density of ~1500mA/cm2. Before exposure in the pyramid the electrical resistance was measured at ~5–7 micro ohms/m. After exposure in the pyramid for 24 hours resistance approximately doubled. Such changes are anomalous for pyrocarbon. Even neutron bombardment with at about 1019 neutrons/cm2 does not produce changes of more than 5%.

Over time the changes taking place in electrical resistance varied from +100% to -100% following a sine curve.


Besides, we discovered a reduction in the electrical resistance of silicon of semiconductor purity from 105 ohms/cm2 to 104 ohms/cm2 and a loss of high temperature superconductivity in samples after exposure in the pyramid.

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Appendix 11 Mini-pyramids 

Pyramids depicted as the “granaries of Joseph”.

Thirteenth-century mosaic in St Mark’s Cathedral, Venice


Scientific experiments studying the effect of pyramids have shown that using them may be of invaluable help to people and become an inseparable part of our lives.

While the construction of large pyramids is an expensive business, the building of mini-pyramids is completely realistic. Of course mini-pyramids do not have such a powerful structuring field as a large pyramid, nonetheless they do make it possible to tackle a fairly broad range of problems.

A miniature energy structure of this kind can easily be set up in the home, as its dimensions are not large — only 70cm at the base. The configuration of such a pyramid will differ somewhat from that of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, due the facets sloping at a different angle, which makes it possible to increase the activeness of the mini-pyramid.

Best of all are mini-pyramids made of glass as that material best matches the resonant qualities required to obtain the appropriate result.

With regard to energy, the pyramid divides up into three levels. The first, lowest level of the glass mini-pyramid has a strong stimulating field with a positive effect on living things.

The focal point (lower platform) has a harsh structuring field capable of affecting inanimate objects. Water placed on this level will not become cloudy for a long time as the structuring field at this level suppresses bacterial activity. In other words, water that has been “processed” in this level is what is known as “dead water”.


Such water is very good, for example, for combating inflammatory processes. “Dead water” has an astonishing capacity to redistribute energy. Afterwards “living water” (produced in the lower or middle level [upper platform] of the pyramid) should be used.

Here too we should add that if you put your household first-aid kit (liquid and solid medicines) in the pyramid, then the effectiveness of antibiotics, for example, will increase by almost 5-10%.

The results of experiments suggest that the mini-pyramid has a corrective effect on any medicinal preparation (the crystal lattice of dry items and the molecular structure of liquids), while the use of medicines that have been processed in the pyramid encourages a rise in the immune status.

Apart from medicines, you can place in the pyramid all kinds of creams, ointments, mineral waters, liquid extracts of medicinal herbs and much else. Creams and ointments processed in the lowest level will further the disappearance of skin irritations, suppressing the activity of harmful bacteria.

At the Ivanovsky Virological Research Institute a study was made of the effect of the pyramid field on the anti-viral activeness of immunoglobulin. A preparation was produced in two different concentrations: 50 mg/ml and 0.5 mg/ml. Aliquot quantities of venoglobulin in both concentrations was exposed in the pyramid. The venoglobulin was introduced into cell cultures, 24 hours before they were infected with a virus.

The study revealed that venoglobulin at a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml, that has protective effect on the cells, did acquire after exposure in the pyramid a virus-inhibiting effect that was more pronounced than the preparation with 100 times greater concentration.

Under further dilution, to concentrations of 0.005 mg/ml and 0.00005 mg/ml with subsequent exposure in the pyramid, the venoglobulin displayed a pronounced anti-viral effect. The anti-viral activity of the venoglobulin practically ceased to depend on its concentration. (See “Appendix 18”) .

It should be stressed particularly that the key to the solution of a whole number of ecological problems lies in the structure of water. If, purely hypothetically, it was possible to suddenly change the structure of water in our environment (and we ourselves are made up of 90% water), the effect would exceed all expectations. Here are the results of just a few experiments on water (liquids) exposed in the pyramid.

Again in the Virological Research Institute a study was made of the effect of the pyramid field on human lymphoblastic cells. The source of the pyramid field was water that had been exposed in the pyramid and then used to produce a nutrient solution.

The study produced data on the stimulating effect of a nutrient solution produced from water exposed in the pyramid on the vitality and proliferation of human cells. It was discovered that cells could be kept alive longer. (See “Appendix 19” on page 83)

Experiments showed that the use in the diet of ordinary or mineral water, as well as juices and decoctions, that had been processed in the pyramid has a pronounced immuno-modulating effect.

A striking effect was observed in mice injected with various carcinogens. One group drank water that had been exposed in the pyramid, the control group drank ordinary water. The result showed that the likelihood of developing tumours was several times higher in the control group.

No less astonishing was the fact that after several days spent in a pyramid mice began to swim, although it is common knowledge that mice cannot swim.

The middle level of the pyramid (upper platform) is intended to influence living nature.

Everything that you place on the middle level will further the processes that heal small wounds, activate the regeneration of skin tissue, have a positive effect on surface vessels and much else besides.

Apart from the structuring processes taking place inside, a pyramid has a powerful effect on its immediate vicinity.

Using radar installations working in the centimeter band located at distances of 60, 32 and 30 kilometers from the 22-metre pyramid situated at the village of Khitino near Ostashkov (between Moscow and Novgorod) a radar scan was made of the space around the vertical axis of the pyramid. The study revealed the presence of a column-like energy structure up to 2000 meters in height and 500 meters in width following the vertical axis of the pyramid. The height of the column was constantly varying between 800 and 2000 meters.

At the All-Russian Lenin Electro-Technical Institute a study was carried out into the influence of the pyramid field on the electrical field within a circular area delimited by 100-gramme pieces of granite that had been exposed in a pyramid. The pieces of granite were placed on a metal surface with a discharge electrode five meters above it. A metal surface enclosed by pieces of granite that had not been exposed in the pyramid was used as a control.

The experiment recorded the trajectory of discharges and the impact damage points within the granite circles.
The experiment showed that the number of impact damage points inside the granite circle that had been exposed in the pyramid was five times less than in the control.

Conclusion: the shape made up of pieces of stone exposed in the pyramid has powerful properties protecting the part of the surface inside it against damage from electrical discharges. (See “Appendix 20” )

A whole book could be devoted to the useful properties of mini-pyramids. We should therefore like to finish this appendix by expressing our certainty that in time mini-pyramids will appear in every home...


At the present time the IUFORIC has begun the production of glass mini-pyramids. Further information is available on our web-site:


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Appendix 12 Osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is one of the most widespread ailments. The reason for its appearance is metabolic disturbance in the organism, long-term incorrect diet, as well as, quite often, unfavourable ecological conditions. And while in days gone by osteochondrosis was the lot of the elderly, today it can be found in one form or another even in new-born infants.

As far as conventional medicine is concerned the disease is practically irreversible and tends to progress with time.
The conventional treatments offered have little effect. At best with a long course of injections and physiotherapy they can suppress an acute condition and put the process into a latent phase.

The method of bio-energetic correction proposed by our specialists makes it possible not only to quickly remove the oedema of nerve endings caused by them being pinched by displaced vertebrae or salt deposits and restore normal blood circulation (roughly three sessions), but also by resonant vibration (5–7 sessions) to reduce or completely break up salt deposits and remove them into the blood where the dissolve in the most natural way.

The method of working with patients proposed by our specialists consists of intensive non-contact influence on the bio-field (bio-energetic structure).

Every living organism (indeed every organ) has its own particular biological rhythm. A shift away from that rhythm leads to the disruption of the functions of one or other organ (in the present case, in osteochondrosis, a focus of inflammation appears). The shift away from biorhythms can take different forms with internal (incorrect lifestyle, diet,…) or external (nervous stress, injury, ecological factors,…) causes.


All those causes, however, are reflected in a person’s biorhythms, and that means in his or her health. It should be particularly stressed that immuno-competent cells are synthesized specifically in the spine (in the spinal cord) and then enter the thymus and the lymph. Therefore the depositing of salts in the spine (osteochondrosis) gradually inhibits this highly important function.

Exploiting the existing close interaction and unity of the physical and bio-energetic shells forming the human organism, with long practice it is possible not only to arrest the process, but even to reverse it.

When we speak of completely curing a person of osteochondrosis we must remember that it is necessary not only to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also to remove the causes behind its appearance. To achieve that, after a course of treatment a person must change many aspects of his or her behaviour (diet, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, …).

Nonetheless, even without changes in lifestyle, a patient who has been through a full course of treatment is guaranteed between 6–8 months and several years of untroubled (symptom-free) existence. The method that has been developed also gives positive results in the treatment of such diseases as intercostal neuralgia, some forms of arthritis, lumbago and the like.

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Appendix 13 Maximum Permissible Levels for Permanent Magnetic Fields

Confirmed by

Deputy Chief State

Sanitary Physician of the USSR

V.Ye. Kovshilo

16 August 1977 No 1742–77






1.0 General Statements

  1. The present MPLs apply to permanent magnetic fields affecting the human body under various conditions (constantly, intermittently)

  2. A magnetic field is generated by various magnetic devices: electromagnets, solenoids, impulse devices of a half-period or capacitor type, cast and metallo-ceramic magnets. The highest magnetic field intensity is found in the gap of electromagnets and other devices generating a magnetic field, and also at the point of work of cast and metallo-ceramic magnets. The intensity of a magnetic field within the working area drops with distance from the centre of the magnetic device or the point of work of an artificial magnet.

  3. Persons working with magnetic devices are subjected to the influence of the magnetic field. Various parts of the body are affected by the action of a magnetic field to differing degrees.

  4. The degree of influence of a magnetic field on workers depends on the maximum intensity of the field in the working area of the device or the point of work of an artificial magnet, the location of the workplace and the working regime.

  5. Constant work in conditions where they are subjected to a magnetic field exceeding the MPLs may adversely affect workers’ health. Most commonly they develop disorders of the nervous and car-dio-vascular systems, the upper respiratory organs, the digestive apparatus, certain biochemical indicators of the blood and urine, as well as of the morphological composition of peripheral blood and ESR [erythrocyte sedimentation rate]. In the initial stages of the development of the pathological process the changes are of a compensatory nature. At this stage under the influence of treatment as an out-patient or at a polyclinic a positive dynamic is observed; after the transition to a sub-com-pensatory state it may become necessary to provide in-patient treatment and a certain degree of incapacity may arise.

  6. To prevent harmful effects of magnetic fields on workers it is necessary to implement protective and prophylactic measures and to avoid exceeding the present MPLs.

  7. The present MPLs apply to the design, installation and use of magnetic installations and magnetic materials with a large induction level at all enterprises, irrespective of the branch of state power to which they belong.

  8. Responsibility for observing the present MPLs is placed on the management of the enterprise, institution or organisation.


2.0 Maximum Permitted Levels

2.1. The maximum permitted level of intensity in the workplace should not exceed 8 kA/m (SI system) or 100 oersted (CGS system), which is equal to 10 milliTesla.

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Appendix 14 “Principle of Correspondence”

One of the astonishing properties of the Great Pyramid is its ability to influence an immense area around it. The construction itself and the materials used by those who planned it indicate that behind the idea lay the “Principle of Correspondence” which is at the basis of all energy- and information-exchange processes in nature. The application of this principle is eloquent testimony to the Ancients’ profound knowledge in the field of natural science.

In order to illustrate the sense of this principle and how it is connected with the pyramid and its effect, we should remind the reader that life arose on our blue planet thanks to the presence there of a liquid hydrosphere. It is also a well known fact that water, while the simplest chemical compound on our planet, is also the most mysterious of substances — all its properties are anomalous due to the peculiarities of its structure.

Science has long since noted the anomalously high speed of sound in water — four times that in air.


The Ancients, however, were also aware that besides that water has the capacity to convey electrical and energy signals over tremendous distances. Evidently this circumstance was taken into account by the Ancients as they constructed the pyramids and other religious edifices close to water. If water was further away then channels were cut to the pyramids or artificial reservoirs created that were called sacred lakes. That was done to link the pyramids with the general planetary energy system (57) .

In 1933 researchers managed to establish that the anomalous properties of water are mainly due to the hydrogen bonds that also play an important role in organic chemistry. The hydrogen bonds form an endless “multi-strand cable” along which information is conveyed instantaneously.

It was evidently out of appreciation for the unusual properties of water that the Ancient Mayas worshipped the gods by gigantic wells called cenotes. Because the Mayas’ knowledge, like that of the Egyptians, was founded on what they received from Atlantean colonists who came to the Yucatan peninsula immediately after the inundation of their homeland, in worshipping the gods by cenotes the Mayan priests established contact through the water with the Atlantean energy sources that were still active at that time as well as natural sources of energy. Thousands of these wells are scattered across the peninsula, many in remote places.


These water arteries form a complex hydrogeological network that discharges directly into the sea.

Studies of the properties of water have shown that it reaches maximum density at +4°C. Therefore the world’s oceans with an average temperature of +3.7°_ represents, excluding negligible distortions on the surface, a single huge liquid crystal or something like a quantum liquid in which all the particles are connected together by collective interaction.[10] In other words the waters of the oceans together with the adjoining seas and lakes and the rivers and streams that flow into all of them form a single energyconducting medium linking the most remote areas of the planet.

Thus, in order that a pyramid as a resonator amplifying the effect of the “Energy Source” inside it might be in energo-informational interaction with objects located far away, the Ancients built near water or on sites of geological fractures and used in their construction work materials that are akin to water in their structure and resonant with the “Energy Source” inside the pyramid.

We have already mentioned that the basis of the “Energy Source” in the pyramid of Cheops was a crystal whose lattice structure was closest to that of quartz which many ancient civilizations regarded as a sacred mineral.

“With the discovery of X-rays and the development of X-ray structural analysis, the very first works showed that liquid water is closer in structure to solids than to gases.

“On this basis Bernal and Fowler constructed a fundamentally new model of the structure of liquid water and the transformations that take place within it with changing temperature. It emerged that water has a tetrahedral structure like quartz of various modifications, which can be rephrased in roughly this way: ‘Quartz has a structure like water.’” [10]

The similarity in structure between these two at first sight different substances or, to use the concepts of the Ancients, their “correspondence”, determines their resonant interaction. Therefore quartz is a highly important material used not only in the construction of the pyramids and energy sources of various kinds, but also as a filling for the Wands of Horus.

The reports of archaeological expeditions that worked in the Giza plateau area do indeed record that a large quantity of large-grain quartzites was used in the construction of the Pyramid of Cheops.

Archaeologists immediately noted a strange, hitherto unknown peculiarity — a distinctive alternation of layers of petrified mortar and sand containing quartz that does not occur in the vicinity of the pyramid.

An examination of a geometric model of the pyramid prompted the conclusion that the pyramid is in essence a powerful resonator, vibrating at a frequency set by the “Energy Source”. We have already stated that according to some Ancient Egyptian texts the pyramid resonates at the frequency of our planet, that is, works in its frequency range. But the “Energy Source” itself, being a highly complex device with an autonomous internal source of energy intended to last several thousand years also works in a low frequency band connected with the core of our planet.

It is worth stating briefly that through the core of the planets using gravitational, electromagnetic and other means of interaction (including resonance) communication is achieved between planetary and galactic systems, joining the whole Universe into a single energo-informational space.

This mechanism is the basic one in the system of energo-informational interaction that operates through the pyramids. Apart from the basic mechanism, there are secondary ones, however.

Under the pressure of the great architectural mass the quartz used in the construction of the pyramid generates what we can define as piezo-electricity. Besides, the heating of the body of the pyramid in the mornings and afternoons leads to a deformation of the surfaces of the quartz crystals that also produces a piezo-electric effect that again is involved in the creation of a sort of electromagnetic shell around the pyramid.

The “Energy Source” inside the pyramid, like the hypothalamus and hypophysis in the human organism, sets the frequency at which the electromagnetic shell created around the pyramid by the quartz crystals begins to vibrate.


This impulse in turn is instantaneously conveyed via atmospheric electricity, water vapor and the waterways surrounding the pyramid over tremendous distances, having an effect on people far away from the pyramid (58).

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Appendix 15 Ancient Way of Looking at the World

An analysis of the Ancients’ level of knowledge and of the religious teachings that formed in the process of historical development leads to the unequivocal conclusion that at the foundation of the ancient way of looking at the world there was one substantial defect that determined the fate of not only Atlantis and Hyperborea, but also the Egyptian, Mayan, Toltec, Aztec and many other past civilizations.

The evolutionary significance of the consequences of that “defect” has proved so powerful that almost fifteen millennia were needed to produce the conditions needed to correct the deformations of moral and ethical standards that arose in the consciousness of the earthly human race.

The chief cause of the general decline in morality and, as a consequence, of the long period of degradation full of tragic events intended to cause mankind to recognize the need to think again is the prevailing attitude towards God. Practically not a single one of the religious teachings and philosophical doctrines existing today provides mankind with the necessary conception of the Creator.


More than that, the subject is not even broached, and all attempts to discuss Him come down in effect to questions of the relationship between man and God. With all the ramifications of the question posed in that way, the attention of many generations ended up being distracted from the key issue that in fact, by forming the basis of the world view, determines the fundamental meaning of existence and the principles for interaction with the World.

Many millennia have gone by in the history of our civilization, but mankind still remains totally ignorant about God. We believe, discuss, debate, draw dividing lines and fall out on the grounds of religious differences. We even kill each other in the name of faith. We have gone so far that we no longer remember our origins — the great revelation with which EVERYTHING began…

The human race has gone down a blind alley, the way out of which may be provided by remembering the origins and the tie between a person and the world around. The knowledge acquired in ancient times, but cosmic in origin (59), including information about the structure of the solar system and the fundamentals of calculating cyclical processes, also included information about the structure of the human organism and of everything that exists — the BA–KA principle.


If we bear in mind that everything in our universe is constructed in accordance with that principle, then it becomes evident that the quintessence of the knowledge passed on in ancient times was the pointing out of the unity of structure between Man and the Universe.(60)

There is hope that at the current historical stage that mankind’s intelligence will prove sufficiently developed to grasp the meaning of the knowledge about God given to humans in earlier times.


And while in the remote past that knowledge belonged to a narrow circle of people, the time has now come to correct that shortcoming and to make it the property of all mankind.


Knowledge of God

For all who inhabit our universe, God remains invisible because no-one knows exactly what God is. In finding out about itself and the world around it, mankind inhabiting our universe will gradually come closer to solving the mystery.


But everything is constructed in such a way that, as we approach the horizon, we will constantly see it moving further on. Therefore the meaning of life will always be to seek knowledge of the Unknowable.

There are several points of view about the nature of God, the most predominant of which amounts to the following:

“Something possessing both male and female aspects. Something that managed to embody within itself all the laws of Time and Space and created myriads of its own ‘projections’ (61) following a single genetic code (62).

“All the ‘projections’ created (by God) do not embody within themselves the laws of time and space. In the process of the evolution of forms that unfolds in accordance with the Creator’s genetic programme, ‘projections’ live in a particular time and place for a given length of time.

“Each ‘projection’ (human being) carries within it several levels (energy bodies) and all those levels are directly connected to the creator. We are HIS eyes, HIS cells (63). Through us the Creator observes the world, learning about HIM who is outside of time and space, without beginning or end…”

Having created our universe, the Creator thus entered the next stage of His evolutionary development.


He will remain in this phase as long as is required to reach a higher stage of evolutionary development through self-knowledge and self-improvement. To make that transition the Creator will have to grasp, master and Himself embody laws of an even higher order. The mechanism of learning through self-knowledge and self-improvement operates according to the following pattern:

The Creator produces within Himself (“in his bosom”) x number of His own “projections” that then begin to develop according to the programme envisaged by the Creator (64). Passing through various evolutionary stages in the course of numerous incarnations, each “projection” accumulates knowledge and experiences, while its energy potential grows.


The Creator Himself, transferring His “projections” from one time to another (different historical ages) and from one space to another, observes the world through them, thus learning about the being in whose bosom He Himself is creating and developing (65)

When, following the long and thorny paths of evolution, the “projections” created by God reach the zenith of their development, the Creator’s potential is accordingly increased by a factor of x (66), and He enters into a state anticipating the transition to the following level of His existence.

Forming the basic position of the world view, this knowledge given to humanity long ago was intended to make people understand that life given to a person by God is a priceless gift and the highest responsibility.

A person’s consciousness becomes cosmic from the moment he or she realizes that the Creator is perfecting Himself through his own creation. Accordingly a person creates not only his or her own life, but also, to some degree, the future of the universe.

Cosmic ethics begin with an awareness that God is watching us through the people around us, irrespective of the colour of their skin or their religion. Therefore, before making any move or taking any decision that might affect someone’s life, you should remember that through people God is watching you (67). In doing something for another person, you indirectly do it for the Creator.

When speaking of the meaning of life, bear in mind that through the works of human beings, through the development of the individual and collective consciousness the Creator is perfecting Himself. Therefore the meaning of life lies in acquiring knowledge, acquiring self-knowledge and improving oneself to the benefit of humanity, which means to the benefit of the Creator (68).

In addressing God, a person addresses that which created the person and the universe with everything that inhabits it. God created all human beings “in his image and likeness” (69). Therefore all the humanoids inhabiting out universe resemble each other apart from insignificant differences due to the conditions of life and the composition of the atmosphere on the various planets. Anthropologically we are all identical. The inhabitants of other universes are not like us, because they have a different genetic code.

The programme laid down in the human being’s genetic code is a road that has at some time been travelled or, to some degree, one that is mapped out by the Creator of our universe. Therefore everything should develop in a natural way and without detriment to the evolution of the mind of the individual.

The representatives of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that visit the Earth do not interfere with the life of us earthlings, understanding that to interfere in the life and works of a person or of humanity as a whole is to interfere in the works of the Creator.

The extraterrestrials understand deeply that in our universe there are no two identical people. Every person is one of the facets (projections) of the Creator. Following his or her own totally unique path through a host of reincarnations, a person, reaching the peak of his or her development, may possibly create a new totally unique universe; while any unwise interference in a person’s works may have a detrimental effect on his or her evolutionary path.

The ancients did not understand the profound meaning of the knowledge that was passed to them and blood was spilt. An irresponsible attitude to human life deformed the very foundation of moral and ethical principles. The situation that arose led to the gradually degradation of our civilization — and all humanity’s problems today have their origins in those times.

In looking at itself and the world through the prism of that ancient knowledge, human beings gain the opportunity, by re-examining their relations with one another (and that means with God) to stop the process of degradation and establish the preconditions for a future ascent.

Any kind of knowledge is not merely a blessing, but also a responsibility. What the world will be like, who and what will be served by the knowledge of God, will depend on human beings.

This ancient knowledge gives the key to understanding that we are linked by an invisible thread to all the world around us as well as to each other.

Modern humanity erroneously believes that the level of a civilization's development is determined by achievements in science or technology. A time will come when people will realize that the true measure of development is the level of knowledge of the Creator.


This is an extremely important aspect of which the modern school gives us no inkling. It follows that the human being deprived of this, not recognizing his close ties with the world around, is primitive. He does not in any way grasp, nor can he grasp, the meaning of this ethical principle, this fundamental natural phenomenon, without which normal, correct development is impossible.

The true achievement of a civilization does not lie in the knowledge of how to create a laser device or a flying machine. The main thing is the factor of human relations, forming on the basis of knowledge about the Creator.

Sometime, having completed a long road, we shall become capable of creating universes, but for the moment we should recognize that before becoming a god, a person needs to become a Human Being.

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Appendix 16 Experience of Paul Branton in the Great Pyramid

The incident that happened to Patrick Flannagan and Eve Bruce was not the only one of its kind. The things that take place in the pyramid do not follow a set plot and are in some astonishing manner connected with the individual nature of each person and what prompts them to spend the night in the Great Pyramid.

Everything that has taken place in the pyramid over its thousands of years of existence has left its informational mark in the pyramid’s structure. Therefore a person who happens to be in the pyramid at the right time (determined by the activation of the “Source”) can become a witness to astonishing events as he or she taps into the “information hologram” — the database outside of time that is a part of the Noosphere.

Here is the account of the experience of Paul Branton, a British journalist popular in the 1930s, who decided to spend a night in the Great Pyramid.

“I do not know exactly how much time passed since then, but suddenly I sensed the presence in the room of a new being that radiated a barely noticeable glittering light that in some incomprehensible manner lit up the space around them…

“It approached me, coming between me and the marble sarcophagus. I looked into its face and saw before me a very, very old man.

“‘Today you are to enter the Chamber of Knowledge,’ he stated dispassionately. ‘You should lie on this stone! In former times it would have taken place there, on a bed of papyrus.’ And he pointed to the stone sarcophagus.

“Without even bothering to think over what I had heard, I immediately obeyed the mysterious visitor and stretched out, face upwards, on the surface of the stone.

“What happened right after that, I still do not understand. All my muscles tensed, after which my body began to be gripped by a strange paralyzing lethargy. My limbs began to grow heavy and stiff. At first cold gripped my feet. It was as if someone had frozen them. Gradually the weird numbness reached my knees, but it did not stop there, going on to embrace my entire body. It was as if I had fallen waistdeep into a snowdrift while ascending some mountain peak. I lost all sensation in my legs.

“I began to drift into oblivion and a vague presentiment of approaching death crept into my mind. But I was not afraid as I had long since managed to free myself from the primitive fear of death and now regarded its inevitability with philosophical calm.

“By now the weird cold had already gripped my spine. My breathing became ever weaker and I myself seemed to begin dropping down somewhere into the depths of consciousness, into some central point of my own brain.

“When, however, the cold reached my chest, having practically paralysed my whole body, I felt something similar to a heart-attack. And although it soon passed, I guessed that the worst moment still lay ahead.

“An astonishingly absurd thought came into my head and if my petrified jaw had been able to move, it might even have made me laugh out loud. This is what I thought:

“In the morning my corpse will be found in the pyramid and that will be the end of all my occult searchings.”

“I have no doubt that all my sensations were evoked by the transition of my own soul from physical life to a posthumous state.

“But although I knew that I was feeling the approach of death, I did not even think of resisting.

“Finally, the moment came when all my concentrated awareness was focussed solely in my head and its last desperate flares gradually extinguished in the depths of the brain. It seemed to me as if I was picked up by a powerful tropical hurricane and dragged somewhere upwards along a narrow corridor. Then came a frighteningly unexpected emergence into endless space and — I had attained Freedom!

“There are no words to describe that serene state of lightness in which I found myself. I had turned into a mental being consisting solely of thoughts and sensations and entirely free of the burdensome weight of physical flesh that had hitherto encumbered me. I cast off my earthly body like a ghost, like a dead man rising from the grave, but my consciousness did not suffer one iota on that account. On the contrary, I began to sense the reality of my existence more clearly than before. Most importantly, though, after my exodus from the physical world, in that unknown dimension in which I now found myself I acquired a sense of boundless and most serene freedom.

“At first I felt that I continued lying horizontally on my back like the body I had just left, only raised a little above my stone couch. Then it seemed to me that someone’s invisible hand, slightly pushing me forward returned me to a vertical position, and I was able to stand on my feet again. Finally I was left with the strange mixed sensation that I was standing and lying at the same time.

“I looked down and saw my abandoned body, still stretched out motionless on the surface of the block of stone. I saw the upturned impassive face: the eyes were half-closed, but the pupils shining beneath the lids indicated that perhaps I continued to gaze attentively into the darkness. The arms were crossed over the chest, although I remembered with certainty that I had left them stretched out alongside my body. The legs remained stretched out and pressed tightly together. I reminded myself of a corpse, a dead form that the soul had already left.

“I noticed that now I a barely visible silvery glow was coming off me — off the new me, shining directly onto the lifeless being that rested on the stone couch below. That was amazing, but even more amazing was the fact that the glow of this mysterious psychic umbilical cord I had noticed lit up the part of the King’s Chamber above which I was now floating. I could even make out separate stones in the wall, as if by moonlight.

“I had turned into a ghost, a disembodied being suspended in space and I understood at last why in their hieroglyphic inscriptions those wise Ancient Egyptians depicted the liberated human soul in the form of a bird. I felt that now I could embrace a far greater volume of space and move within it far more freely as if wings had sprouted from my back. I rose into the air and hung above my abandoned body just like a bird rises into the sky and then circles above its nest. What of the sense of a great emptiness surrounding me? It would undoubtedly be hard to find a more fitting image for this state than a bird.

“Yes, I soared upwards, having freed the soul from mortal bonds. Dividing into two visually identical parts, I left the world to which I was accustomed. In my new tele-double I felt an exceptional lightness, the ethereality of my new nature. Looking down at the cold stone on which my body was stretched out, I suddenly grasped one important thing that long possessed me and I silently said to myself:

“This is the state of death. And now I know that I am a spirit and that I can exist separately from the body. I will always remember that, because I saw it all with my own (albeit non-physical) eyes.’

“That revelation stuck in my mind all the time that i spent in a state of weightlessness above my own emptied material shell. I proved to myself the reality of immortality by what I consider the most reliable method — I simply died and then rose again! I continued to look at the horizontal remains I had left and did not cease to be amazed: is that empty shell really what for many years I believed to be me? In actual fact my body was only a prison in which the real me was incarcerated, but now I had broken free. From time to time I was born on this planet thanks to the latest in a succession of physical organisms that I mistakenly long perceived as my true, chief self.

“Unexpectedly the same old priest appeared alongside me, serious and sober as before. Raising his eyes he declaimed:

“O Amon, o Amon who art in Heaven, turn your countenance on the dead body of your son and take him to you into the world of the spirit. Let it be so.’ And then he addressed me:

“Now you have learned this great lesson. A person cannot die, because his soul is born of Immortality.

“The secret of the Great Pyramid is the secret of your own essence. Therein lies the lesson of the Great Pyramid, that each person should try to penetrate inside himself, to reach the unknown focus of his own being and find in it his soul, attain the invisible depths of his own temple and discover for himself its innermost secrets. Farewell!’

“At that point my thoughts were swept up in some unknown maelstrom that seized me. It seemed to be sucking me down, forcing me to descend lower and lower. I was gripped by a strange numbness and I felt myself sinking back into my physical body. I exerted all my will, trying to budge the frozen muscles, but to no avail and finally — I lost consciousness.”

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Appendix 17 “Atlantean Diadem”

Like the Wands of Horus, the device that we call the “Atlantean Diadem” was also inherited by the Ancient Egyptians from the Atlanteans who came to northern Africa long before Egyptian civilization reached its peak.

The very idea on which the construction of the Atlantean Diadem is founded draws on the Ancients’ extremely profound conception of the structural unity that exists between the human being and the Universe, of the human energy system and its projections on the surface of the body.

With its harmonizing effect on the hemispheres of the brain, the Atlantean Diadem is a sort of transformer of the energy flow that passes through the energy projections of the hypothalamus and hypophysis which in its turn has a stimulating effect on the person’s entire energy structure, activating it. (See “Appendix 3” on page 50) .

Alongside the Wands of Horus and copper skin-patches, the Atlantean Diadem is the third element that the Ancients used to prepare a priest or pharaoh for “Intercourse with the gods”.

The mechanism by which the Atlantean Diadem functions, the principles behind its construction and also the unique possibilities that the diadem opens up will not be described in the present publication out of ethical considerations. This is because among the readers there may well be obsessional “enthusiasts” who in the effort to unlock their own higher potential will try to produce a diadem and test it on themselves without possessing the necessary knowledge.

As the properties of the diadem are tightly bound up with the activities of the brain that is in constant interaction with the energy processes taking place in the environment, when using the diadem one should pay very careful attention to solar activity.


During periods of high solar activity, the Atlantean Diadem is capable of affecting the brain very strongly indeed. Besides, it should be emphasised that for about 5% of people the use of the Atlantean Diadem is contra-indicated altogether. This is connected with individual genetic make-up.

Therefore, we issue a warning that the use of the Atlantean Diadem without consulting a specialist from the IUFORIC can lead to serious adverse consequences.

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Appendix 18 Influence of Pyramid Exposed Water on the Coagulatory System


Professor V.A. Makarov

Haematological Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

In order to study the influence of water exposed in a pyramid on the coagulatory system of the blood we carried out a study of the influence of this substance on certain coagulatory parameters in vitro using donor blood as well as standard normal and pathological (reduced level of coagulatory factors) lyophilised human plasma and lyophilised pathological human plasma deficient in factor VIII. Besides this we made a study of pyramid water in vivo, in an experiment with rabbits.

The donor blood was obtained by puncturing the cubital vein and stabilized with a 3.8% solution of sodium citrate (Merck, Germany) in a ratio of 9:1. Blood samples for the evaluation of coagulatory parameters were taken from the marginal vein of the rabbits’ ears using the free-falling drops method.


In order to obtain plasma rich in thrombocytes the blood was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 1000 revolutions per minute, after which the upper layer of plasma was transferred to another test-tube and the remainder was centrifuged again for 20 minutes at 3000 revs/min. to obtain thrombocyte-free plasma.

At one of the stages a study was made of possible changes in the coagulatory system of rabbits in vivo if their ordinary drinking water was replaced by water exposed in the pyramid. The experiments were conducted over 14 days. Blood was taken from the rabbits before they began drinking pyramid water, and also 7 and 14 days into the experiment.


The number of thrombocytes was determined by the optical method proposed by B. Walkowiak et al. A sample of rich plasma was dissolved in ten times the amount of a 0.01-molar phosphate buffer, containing 0.14 moles NaCl (pH 7.3) and the density was measured in plastic dishes at A800 against a weak plasma diluted in the same way. The quantity of thrombocytes before the introduction of the pyramid water was taken as 100%.


On the 7th day of the experiment the quantity had risen to 129±10% and on the 14th day to 167±18%. A reduction in the prothrombin time and a rise in the number of thrombocytes was reliably established.

Professor A.G. Antonov

Head of the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Department, Russian Researh Center of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

(Russian Medical Academy of Sciences).

We studied the influence of a 40% glucose solution given internally and distilled water applied externally after both had been exposed in a pyramid. The patients were new-born babies with serious pathologies. An objective assessment was provided by an analysis of the Immediate State Index, which reflects the state of the patient’s sympatho-adrenal system.


Data on 20 patients was analyzed. In all cases, even in patients with very low indices close to zero, after the administration of 1ml of the 40% glucose solution the ISI rose substantially practically to normal levels.


The same happened after the external application of 1ml of water that had been exposed in the pyramid.

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