by Richard C. Hoagland
TheEnterpriseMission Website

On Sunday, May 20, 2012, the first annular solar eclipse visible in
the continental United States for 18 years - after crossing the
entire Pacific Ocean, and then, the North American coastline at the
Oregon/California boundary - ends at sunset in the “Great American
Southwest”... just east of Lubbock, Texas.
Albuquerque, New Mexico - home of The Enterprise Mission - will be
exactly in line with the eclipse path of “maximum annularity” (image
- above) - allowing an unprecedented opportunity for both
spectacular visual observations, as well as a unique “field test” of
its long-controversial “Hyperdimensional/Torsion Physics” Model -
first televised nationally in November, 2010, in NBC/SyFy’s “2012:
Startling New Secrets.”
Based on decades of theoretical and experimental research, by scores
of physicists around the world, and dozens of globally-spanning
field tests carried out by The Enterprise Mission itself, on May
20th Enterprise will be testing LIVE for the first time - during
this “annular solar eclipse” - the core concept of the entire
“Hyperdimensional/Torsion Field Model”:
That, geometric alignments - of
ROTATING planetary/stellar objects - are crucial in creating
scientifically observable changes in the underlying “torsion
field Physics”... across the entire solar system... and, during
solar eclipses, are capable of affecting a wide range of diverse
phenomenon across this entire planet - ranging from altering
actual “physical constants”... to altering “geophysical and
meteorological phenomenon”... to dramatically affecting
biology... and even “consciousness”
The Enterprise Mission plans to televise
- via an Internet “livestream” webcast on May 20th
(details to be posted shortly here...) - the real-time acquisition
of this unprecedented HD/Torsion solar eclipse data.
During this dramatic telecast, in
addition to the LIVE “Enterprise Accutron measurements” of the
eclipse, the much broader technological, sociological and historical
implications of these data - from the availability of “free energy,”
to the feasibility of “anti-gravity”... to the accumulating evidence
that “a Prior, High-Tech Civilization” USED this same HD Physics and
Technology thousands of years ago to construct “ancient, sacred
sites” around the world - will also be presented and discussed.
Including what these eclipse observations mean for a follow-on
field-experiment Enterprise is, even now, planning to carry out...
just days after the eclipse... in Egypt, at the Pyramids!
To use them as gigantic "torsion amplifiers”... measuring the
dramatically changing torsion field at Giza - literally, the
"Ancient Center of the World" - as it is fundamentally affected by
the last (in this Century...) “Venus Transit of the Sun!”
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes directly between Earth
and the Sun - and the Moon’s darkened hemisphere “eclipses” (covers
- because of the matching optical diameters - see diagram, below)
the much more distant (though 400 times larger!) solar surface... 93
million miles beyond.

This remarkable “coincidence of optical
diameters” (above) gives us the extraordinary solar system spectacle
of a “total solar eclipse” (below).

An “annular solar eclipse," by striking
contrast, occurs when the Moon is slightly farther from the Earth
in its elliptical orbit than it is during a total eclipse (below),
and its darkened hemispheric silhouette “doesn’t quite cover the
sun...” as seen from Earth.

Resulting in a totally different visual
eclipse experience (below)...

This particular “ring of fire” annular
eclipse (May 20, 2012) begins, as previously noted, on the other
side of the world... as the Moon’s shadow first encounters the limb
of Planet Earth, at local dawn, in southern China.
The track of maximum eclipse (below) then races east northeast along
the south China coast, crossing the East China Sea... before
darkening the skies over Tokyo - prior to its heading out, at over
~1500 mph - across the vast Pacific, towards North America .…

As noted earlier, after crossing the
Pacific, the center line of the Moon’s shadow makes continental
landfall just south of the border between Oregon and California

At increasing speed (because of the
steepening “shadow projection angle” to the setting Sun), the
central shadow then crosses famed “Mt. Shasta,” California (at
"19.47" PM...), before racing (in quick succession) over portions of
Nevada, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico - only ending (at sunset) in
west Texas - as the Moon’s shadow literally lifts off the Earth and
into space once more...
And here is where THIS eclipse gets very interesting...
The average odds of seeing a solar eclipse (annular or total...) -
if you stay in one place and “wait for one to come to you” - are
about “once every three hundred years.”
Thus, it is most fortunate for Enterprise that
this eclipse (May 20,
2012) is coming right to us; the centerline - and maximum time of
“annularity” (~4 minutes, 20 seconds) - passes just south of
Albuquerque, New Mexico (below), allowing not only a spectacular
front-row seat for witnessing (and photographing!) a
cosmically-astonishing phenomenon... but placing the rare event
directly over our unique,
Enterprise Mission “HD/Torsion-Field acquisition instrumentation!”

So, what is a
Those of you who have been following our published work at
Enterprise for many years, or our recent books, know that we have
been investigating the factual basis for,
“an ancient, previously
lost... and now, rediscovered Physics” for some time.
A set of modern theories and experiments
which could match both the mathematical geometry we “decoded” as the
basis for “Hyperdimensional/Torsion Field Physics” - amid a set of
“artificial ruins” on another planet (Mars!) - as well as the
reported scientific and technological capabilities of VERY ancient
cultures right here on Earth... appearing now as “mere myths” in
“tens of thousands of years old... ancient, sacred texts.”
Our modern search for experimental correlations with these ancient
texts began with the “staggeringly anomalous, contemporary physics
results” reported by one “Dr. Maurice Allais” in the mid-1950’s...
In late June, 1954, Prize-winning “amateur” French physicist (and
later, a
Nobel Laureate in Economics for 1988...)
Maurice Allais
(below - left), was managing a specially-designed series of
“paraconical pendulum experiments” in his basement physics
laboratory in Paris, France.
His unique pendulum design (below -
right) allowed Allais to explore inertial and gravitational
phenomenon not available to the much better known, widely available
(but far longer - and thus, with much slower periods) “Foucault

Because of the “‘round-the-clock” nature
of his unique pendulum observations, Allais was assisted by a small
staff of laboratory technicians, who would work in shifts.
One afternoon, unknown to the technician
on duty, at the time quietly conducting routine pendulum experiments
in the vibration-free, underground, windowless laboratory that
Allais had created for this specific scientific work... a partial
solar eclipse took place over “the City of Light” - June 30, 1954

What that technician (Allais' Laboratory
Head, Jacques Bourgeot - below) observed and reported back to Allais
as soon as his experimental “run” was over - regarding the
pendulum’s unique rotational behavior during (it was later
determined) the actual eclipse - Allais described in his own
experimental notes afterward with just one word,

Allais also used the phrase “a brutal displacement”... to describe
the “sudden, extraordinary backwards movement” of the pendulum his
laboratory chief had seen (and carefully recorded!), even while not
knowing its “mysterious” cause... until later that same afternoon.
Here (below) is what those “anomalous eclipse motions” in Allias’
pendulum looked like; this graphic, adapted from Scientific
American, depicts the mechanical arrangement of Allais’ unique
paraconical pendulum (below - left).
The three vertical panels to its right illustrate the pendulum’s
“highly anomalous motions” - recorded during two partial solar
eclipses to cross Allais’ Paris laboratory in the 1950’s (the first
in 1954, the second in 1959).
The phase of each eclipse that
corresponded with these “anomalous motions,” is depicted in the last
three vertical strips (far right).

Clearly, a “normally swinging pendulum”
- suddenly, REVERSING its direction (as the graphic depicts)... and
rotating BACKWARDS during the actual eclipse - should have been
MAJOR scientific news!
That Allais was able to observe TWO such (partial) solar eclipses -
and from the same laboratory - recording strikingly similar behavior
during BOTH... is strong indication that such “anomalous pendulum
motions” are (somehow) an integral part of the overall “eclipse
phenomenon” - hitherto unobserved by all previous astronomers and
Until... Allais’ unique pendulum experiment, in 1954,
“just happened to be underway that
June afternoon, when a solar eclipse coincidentally occurred
[literally] overhead...”
Here (below) is one of Allais’ graphs,
representing the pendulum’s azimuthal motions (red line) recorded
across the duration (vertical green lines - beginning, middle and
end) of the 1954 Paris eclipse.
In the beginning, the normal pendulum clockwise angular trend (the
downward-sloping white line to the right) - termed the “Foucault
Effect” and due to Earth’s rotation - can be seen at left, before
the eclipse begins over Paris.
This normal, downward-sloping trend is abruptly REVERSED (red line
moving sharply upward)... as the Moon’s disc just “kisses” the
right-hand edge of the Sun (“first contact” - top left).
From there, things rapidly got even more bizarre...
As the pendulum’s azimuth motion continues in an accelerating,
COUNTER-clockwise direction... for the next 45 minutes; then, after
peaking, the pendulum motion REVERSES direction (moving clockwise
again...), only to reverse BACK again (counterclockwise!)... briefly
(as the Moon reaches “mid-eclipse” - the central green line) -
before abruptly reversing once more, accelerating again in a
CLOCKWISE direction... before eventually “bottoming out”... parallel
to the ORIGINAL “Foucault/Earth rotation” downward-sloping trend

After his literally YEARS of painstaking
acquisition of “thousands of hours of ‘normal’ pendulum behavior,”
Allais later wrote,
“...it must be further underscored
that, during all continuous observation periods [from 1953
through 1960], no variation of the azimuth curve similar to
branch BC - corresponding to the solar eclipse of June 30, 1954
[above] - was ever observed...”
Subsequently dubbed “the Allais Effect,”
and considered as “some type of gravitational anomaly” by those
researchers who subsequently tried to replicate Allais’ original
eclipse results - overwhelmingly without consistent success!
Allais himself, describing his stunning
eclipse observations in the
September, 1959 issue of "Aero/Space
Engineering," noted:
“… the current theory of gravitation
(being the result of the application, within the current theory
of relative motions, of the principles of inertia and universal
gravitation to any one of the Galilean spaces) complemented or
not by the corrections suggested by the theory of relativity,
leads to orders of magnitude [many factors of ten] for lunar and
solar action (which are strictly not to be perceived
experimentally) of some 100 million times less than the effects
noted [during the eclipse]...”
In other words, the pendulum motions
Allais observed during his two eclipses - 1954 and 1959 - were
physically IMPOSSIBLE... according to all known “textbook physics!”
Allais’ ultimate “physical explanation” for the dramatic and totally
anomalous paraconical pendulum behavior he observed, is summed up
thus (below):

So, how do Allais’ extraordinary eclipse
observations fit into The Enterprise Mission Model of
“Hyperdimensional/Torsion Field Physics?”
Allais’ eventual (1999) explanation for his pendulum’s erratic
eclipse motions was to propose that “empty” space, in fact, has some
kind of underlying “structure”… or “strain” - a changing
“anisotropy” (in other words, a changing “ether!”) - and, that
during a geometric alignment of planetary bodies (the Sun and Moon,
during an eclipse...) that underlying, constantly “changing spatial
structure” is briefly, physically ALIGNED with the Sun, Moon and
Resulting in an enhanced “anomalous force” exerted on the swinging
pendulum... which temporarily (during the celestial alignment)
counteracts all other forces acting on that pendulum for the
duration of that astronomical event.
This force, present at all
times (according to Allais’ results) as,
“an average of the effects from
multiply interacting, constantly moving celestial objects,”
...especially seeks to bring the plane
of the pendulum’s oscillation into co-alignment with the
instantaneous Earth/Moon/Sun line during a solar eclipse... when the
local “spatial anisotropy” (as measured from Earth) is strongest!
To say that Allais’ ultimate “explanation” for his striking pendulum
anomaly was “controversial” would be a “classic” understatement; the
overwhelming majority of astronomers and physicists even aware of
his experiments in the 1950’s and 60’s, immediately (and trivially)
dismissed Allias’ 1954 observations as “obviously an operator
After the SECOND series of (replicated) “anomalous pendulum
observations,” in 1959, the attacks against Allais’ scientific
credibility subtly shifted; from “it DIDN’T happen”... to a variety
of much more “mundane” explanations, like,
“… the colder air created by the
temporary blockage of sunlight from the eclipse track, produced
over Allais’ laboratory a ‘wind’... which blew against the
pendulum ‘bob,’ resulting in the sudden changing plane of
Seriously? In an underground...
sealed... laboratory?!
The heart of all good science is “replication.”
By repeating his “anomalous 1954 observations” five years later,
during another solar eclipse over Paris (in October, 1959), Allais
fulfilled every essence of “good science” - even if the mainstream
theoretical community was (and still is!) completely baffled by his
remarkable, physically replicable... meticulously empirical
The overlaid graph (below), containing the paraconical pendulum data
from BOTH sets of eclipse observations, proves the elemental point:

While the minute-by-minute details of
the two “pendulum azimuth curves” show fascinating (and important)
differences (in our analysis, due to the significantly different
geometry of the 1959 eclipse - covering only 23.2% of the solar
surface, compared to the 62.9% in 1954), the overall shape of the
“azimuth response curves” of both events is essentially the same!
So, how is this related to The Enterprise Mission’s upcoming
“real-time” physics measurements of the May 20th “annular solar
It is our conclusion, based on extensive reading of all Allais’
available notes on his unique eclipse results, that his description
“an experimentally provable,
anisotropy of space... caused by moving and aligning planetary
bodies”... and ours - of “a vorticular, interactive torsion
field... linking all rotating and aligning interplanetary
objects” (below)... are, essentially, the same!

Again, the central premise underpinning all of Science is the theme
of "replication".
If the same investigator, carrying out the same
experiment a second... and third time, gets the same results (within
small margins of error), this adds to the likelihood of the original
phenomenon under investigation being correctly interpretated.
If totally independent researchers pursue a "similar experiment" re
the same phenomenon, and also independently derive "similar
results," the subject under investigation immediately assumes a much
higher degree of "reality"... rapidly increasing with each such
independent replication.
So, it should be gratifying to discover that - completely
independent of Allais's own confirming results eleven years before
(his two eclipses) - in March, 1970, two other scientists observed
another remarkably similar "anomalous rotational phenomenon"... during another solar eclipse!
The occasion was the
March 7, 1970 "Eclipse of the Century" (as all
the US national media - including CBS News, whom I was advising at
the time - inevitably hyped it).
The black shadow of the Moon racing up
the entire East Coast of the United States (below) - blotting out
the Sun for millions of awe-struck "eclipse watchers," from Florida
to Cape Cod, dashing past Maine and then across Newfoundland
(thereby casually triggering another unforgettable Carly Simon song...) - before heading out over the far northern Atlantic Ocean, east
of the Canadian Coast.

Unfortunately, totally unknown to me at
the time.
[With my hands already full, coordinating and co-producing
our totally unprecedented "CBS News Eclipse Coverage" - which
included design and construction of a literal "flying telescope," to
capture and then televise the spectacle to millions of excited
viewers living outside the narrow "path of totality," from a "pool"
KC-135 jet transport we "borrowed" from the US Air Force
specifically for this event; chasing the eclipse shadow - at ~500
miles per hour ~40,000 feet over Savannah, GA. - while broadcasting
totality (never been done before from ~40,000 feet ...) to all THREE
national television networks, LIVE to the ground]...
Another pioneering "torsion eclipse experiment" was quietly,
simultaneously, being carried out just outside of Boston... far to
the north of our eclipse chaser "707-type" telescope-carrying jet
That non-optical experiment - one of hundreds previously conducted
by industrialist (and physicist) Erwin Saxl, and his scientific
colleague, Mildred Allen - was being carried out this March
afternoon just outside the path of totality (eclipse magnitude
Saxl had spent the previous seventeen
years conducting similar "torsion pendulum" experiments - including,
specific observing "runs" made during previous eclipses - at his own
private laboratory (very similar to Allais), in the basement of his
home in the little town of Harvard, Massachusetts, located about 20
miles west of Boston.
Saxl's lab equipment for these long-running "gravitational
experiments" consisted of a horizontally rotating weight - termed a
"torsion pendulum" (as opposed to the vertically mounted "paraconical"
pendulums of Allias) - which, instead of swinging "to and fro,"
rotated horizontally "left, then right"... on a fine, pre-stressed,
vertically suspended, specially-made ("Ni-span C") steel wire...
during each run of Saxl's rotational experiment.
The concept behind Saxl's device was simple:
The full period of "one clockwise/counter-clockwise partial
rotation" of the vertically-suspended weight (below) - through a
small angle - was optically measured from the pendulum's initial
release point.
The subsequent "left/right" rotational
motion of the "bob" - driven by the weight of the bob and the
"twisting tension" in the wire from which the massive bob was hung -
determined the length of time (the "period") of one "torsion
measurement" [an overall schematic, from his original patent, of
Saxl's massive machine (to eliminate unwanted vibrations) is
illustrated below].

Saxl's torsion pendulum readings (below)
- taken before, during and after the actual March 7 eclipse - are
most revealing.
As he and Allen later reported, in "1970
Solar Eclipse as 'Seen' by a Torsion Pendulum," published in the
February 15, 1971 issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal,
"Physical Review D":
"... Significant variations in the
recorded times [of one "left/right" oscillation] were observed
during the course of the eclipse, as is shown by the full [red]
line in Figure 1.
Each point in this figure is the
result of five consecutive [electrically] grounded readings. The
limited vertical lines indicate the average deviations of the
five readings from the averaged circled values.
The beginning of the eclipse at
12:31 p.m., its mid-point at 1:40 p.m. and its end at 2:58 p.m.
are also indicated [by the three vertical yellow lines, marked
"a"... "b"... and "c"] on the graph. It is to be noted that
these observed time intervals [of pendulum bob partial
rotations/oscillations] level off at about 29.581 sec [for one
full oscillation] after the end of the eclipse, whereas in the
morning [4:00 AM EST] they had started at about 29.570 sec, an
appreciable difference inasmuch as the ["full period"] times can
be read to 0.00001 sec and are significant to about 0.0001 sec.
The precision of the
quartz-crystal-controlled oscillator in the Beckman EPUT (events
per unit time) counter is one part in '10 to the exponent 8'..."

As with Allais' first startling
observations of his eclipse, sixteen years earlier, Saxl and Allen
also noted "peculiar waves" in the torsion pendulum's behavior...
seen well before the eclipse had even begun locally in the Boston
area (above - bottom left)...
They wrote:
"... the irregularities occurring
before the start of the eclipse might be considered accidental,
except that data taken two weeks later at the same hour of the
day (dashed green curve - above) show corresponding humps - an
indication, by the way, that the observations are reproducible.
These maxima and minima may indicate
a kind of gravitational [sic] fine structure which is
reproducible even when the positions of the sun and moon
relative to the earth are quite different.
This apparent wavelike structure has
been observed over the course of many years at our Harvard
laboratory. It cannot be predicted on the basis of classical
gravitational theory nor has it been observed in the
quasistationary experiments underlying this theory (e.g.,
spring-operated gravimeters, seismographs, and interferometer
Saxl and Allen went on to note that to
explain these remarkable eclipse observations, according to
"conventional Newtonian/Einsteinian gravitational theory," an
increase in the weight of the pendulum bob itself on the order of
~5% would be required... amounting to (for the ~51.5-lb pendulum bob
in the experiment) an increase of ~2.64 lbs!
This would be on the order of one hundred thousand (100,000) times
greater than any possible "gravitational tidal effects" Saxl and
Allen calculated (using Newtonian Gravitational Theory/Relativity
Theory) for even the 180-degree, "opposite" alignment of the sun and
moon... which, as previously noted, was also directly measured via
the torsion pendulum (dashed green line - above) two weeks after the
March 7 eclipse!
The two scientists then observed:
"...It is further to be noted that
the greatest change [in the torsion pendulum oscillation period]
occurs between the [local] onset of the eclipse and its midpoint
[below - right].
This agrees qualitatively with
Allais with a paraconical pendulum, where the change of azimuth
increased substantially in the first half of the eclipse of 30
June 1954 [below - left].
Both these effects would seem to
have a gravitational basis [sic] which cannot be explained by
accepted classical theory..."

Saxl and Allen concluded:
"... Quantitative observations made
with a precise torsion pendulum show, in agreement with many
earlier, less precise recordings made at Harvard since 1953,
that the times required to traverse a fixed fraction of its
total angular path [of a 360-degree full rotation] vary markedly
during the hours before the eclipse and during its first half,
i.e. up to its midpoint.
Also the significant changes in
these times do not coincide exactly with the astronomically
determined onset, midpoint, and endpoint of the eclipse.
"These variations are too great to be explained on the basis of
classical gravitational theory, by the relative changes in
position of the moon with respect to the earth and sun. This
leads to the same conclusion arrived at by Allais - that classic
gravitational theory needs to be modified to interpret his (and
our) experimental results..."
Two decades after Allais’ pioneering
pendulum discoveries, and about four years after the equally
remarkable Sax-Allen torsion pendulum confirmations reported above,
another "out-of-the-box" physicist whose work we have been carefully
following for decades - our now departed friend and colleague, MIT
physicist Bruce DePalma (below) - began conducting
an equally
landmark series of similar experiments... in rotation - also
beginning with pendulums, in the mid-1970’s.
But, unlike Allais,’ whose weight on the end of his pendulum rod was
stationary, DePalma's bobs were deliberately ROTATED - as they also
swung to and fro...

To his amazement, DePalma’s rotating
pendulums immediately exhibited very DIFFERENT swinging
characteristics... compared to his (and Allais') pendulums with
non-rotating bobs.
Again, NOTHING in Newtonian mechanics, Relativity, et al. could
account theoretically for such astonishing dynamical behavior...
Reading about DePalma's truly remarkable results (long before we
began to actively collaborate) was the beginning of our own
realization (still unknowing of the remarkably convergent Saxl-Allen
torsion pendulum data - above) that “HD/Torsion Field Physics” (from
“torque”... “spin”) required some form of basic “rotation”... before
it would reveal its deepest secrets - likely, the primary reason why
such extraordinary anomalous effects had escaped generations of
previous experimental physicists.
They, basically because of engineering
and technological limitations, had chosen to conduct the
overwhelming majority of early mechanical experiments - testing
Newton’s Laws, and various gravitational predictions on a laboratory
scale - on non-rotating models...
Because - as Allais,’ Saxl and DePalma each painfully discovered,
independently - it was EXTRAORDINARILY difficult to achieve
consistent (“reproducible”) scientific precision... in any rotating
mechanical system - attempting to measure such easily overwhelmed
(by surface irregularities in the pendulum support, surface
friction, temperature imbalances, etc., etc.) far more subtle,
non-mechanical “spatial forces”...
As I’ve written elsewhere, DePalma slowly realized from his own
pendulum experiments that,
something fundamentally “different” was
going on with his “rotating pendulum bobs”... compared to the
non-rotating versions
that “difference” might be, in
fact, due to the (somehow) literally changing of the
physical inertia of his rotating mechanical systems
It was at this point that Bruce DePalma brilliantly conceived of
using an “Accutron" wrist watch (newly-introduced by Bulova, just
years before, as “the first new thing in timekeeping in 300
years...”) as
a unique "scientific instrument" in his continuing
rotational experiments (below).

To (inexpensively) test his radical
“inertia-changing” rotational hypothesis, DePalma focused on the
unique mechanical properties of this newly commercially-available
“space age” wrist watch.
Based on “a totally new principle in
commercial time-keeping [as advertised by Bulova - below]" - a
miniaturized tuning fork, vibrating at 360 cycles per second (hertz)
inside the watch, powered by a tiny mercury battery (which also
governed a “transistorized feedback circuit” to counter the effects
of “mechanical shocks”) - the Accutron proved to be the ideal
“off-the-shelf” sensor for DePalma’s on-going efforts to understand
the true nature of the mind-blowing “inertia-changing properties” of
simply rotating an object!

Key to this instrumentation breakthrough
was DePalma’s understanding that, the Accutron’s tuning fork
constituted another “rotating object” (below) - as the back and
forth mechanical motion of the fork neatly mimicked a portion of a
pendulum’s much larger (also “rotational”) swing during his earlier

To carry out his tests (in the days
before affordable digital readout systems for non-governmental
projects were readily - and inexpensively! - available), DePalma
simply glued an Accutron “Spaceview” to the face of a grid-driven
“Westclock” (below)!
He then synchronized the second hands of
both time pieces, and placed the combo in close proximity to a
specially-designed, rapidly rotating mechanical system (a ~30-lb
steel/aluminum disc, spun at ~8000 RPM).

Based on his previous “anomalous
pendulum experiments,” DePalma theorized that mere “rotation of
mass” (somehow) produces “an anomalous space-field” around it
(which, with his quirky sense of humor, he decided to call “the OD
field”) - capable of fundamentally altering (and interacting
with...) the inertia of other rotating objects.
DePalma therefore reasoned that the “anomalous effects” of this “OD
field” should significantly alter the inertia (and thus, the
frequency) of the tiny, vibrating tuning fork INSIDE the Accutron,
when the disc was spinning... making (he hoped) the entire Accutron
run visibly (via the synchronized second hands) faster... or slower,
when directly compared with the grid-powered Westclock to which it
was attached!
Again, the “secret” here - in comparing Allais’ pendulum results
with those of Bruce Depalma (and, his planned Accutron experiment) -
is that even a “non-rotating” pendulum (or vibrating tuning fork)
is, in fact, a system in inertial rotation!
DePalma’s attachment of a “spinning bob”
to his pendulums merely amplified their innate, originally much
weaker interactions with the “OD field”... by orders of magnitude...
more than Allais’ own, earlier, non-rotating pendulum observations!
The vibrating tuning fork inside the Accutron, DePalma reasoned,
should be even MORE responsive,
This, in turn, was why Allais’ much shorter (faster swinging)
“paraconical pendulums” quickly revealed their exotic “non-Newtonian
behavior”... that the much longer-length (and thus, much slower
swinging) “Foucault Pendulums” had NOT; the key was the lower
“angular momentum” possessed by Allais’ (more responsive)
pendulums... compared to those of Foucault’s original design!
After placing the Accutron/Westclock combination directly over one
of the “poles” of the high-speed spinning disc, and after shielding
the timepieces from any possible “magnetic or electrical
interference" (with a special layer of “co-netic foil” - see
diagram), when DePalma fired up his ingenuous ”Accutron experiment,”
lo and behold...
After only 17 minutes (1000 seconds...), the Accutron..., LOST
almost... one full second!

For such a revolutionary “space age”
watch technology, being presented in Bulova ads all over as,
“guaranteed for one full year not to
gain or lose more than two seconds a day...”
This staggering loss of “time” - and, in
mere minutes - merely in the presence of “a simple, spinning
flywheel” - and, at a rate exceeding up to 850 percent Accutron’s
much-touted accuracy! - not only resoundingly confirmed DePalma’s
basic premise [that a “rotating mass could change (somehow) the
inertia of the tuning fork inside the Accutron"], it confirmed that
simple rotation of any object could change the inertial properties
of any other rotating object... certainly in its immediate
This confirmation now gave DePalma a reliable means to “map the ‘OD
field’” around any rotating mass.
By experimenting further, DePalma quickly learned that placing the
Accutron above either “pole” of a rotating object... INCREASED the
inertia of the tuning fork - resulting in a dramatic slowdown of the
watch; placing the Accutron alongside the “equator” of the same
rotating disc, by contrast, resulted in a dramatic decrease in the
tuning fork inertia... and a resulting dramatic “gain of time.”
Clearly, the “OD field” surrounding something in rotation was a) NOT
symmetrical, and b) not even of the same “sign”... from point to
point around the spinning disc.
This bizarre “asymmetrical OD field spatial geometry” was also
clearly NOT shared by any of science’s well-established other force
Magnetism... electrostatics...
Which are all spherically symmetric -
and decrease in intensity (measureable force...) “inversely with the
square of distance”... regardless of the direction from which the
field intensity is being measured.
Compared to these, DePalma’s highly geometric “OD field” REALLY
was... completely “odd.”
Allais, two decades earlier, had independently realized that his
“anisotropy of space” - like DePalma’s “OD field” - also ONLY seemed
detectable via interaction with other systems in rotation (in his
case, the swinging pendulum itself - see above).
Further decades later, in his 1999 "Memo
to NASA" - providing new experimental details on his results, and
instructions to all those who would attempt to verify his findings
during the then much-hyped “NASA measurements” of the upcoming “1999
Total Solar Eclipse over Europe” - Allais warned NASA scientists
“These [anomalous eclipse] effects
can only be observed when the pendulum is moving...”
This, of course, now instantly explains
why most investigators across the years - seeking to confirm the
“Allais Effect” with static-based “gravimeters,” during a score of
later solar eclipses taking place all over the world - have
generally FAILED.
They have (almost to a man...),
demonstrably NOT heeded the first principle of “scientific
Duplicate ALL the parameters of the original researcher’s “anomalous

By ASSUMING that the “Allais Effect” was
(somehow) based on “changes to Earth’s gravity” during an eclipse,
these would-be pioneers totally missed the Real “message” of Allais'
They, over and over again (uselessly!), repeatedly tried to
replicate Allais’ startling observations with simple, standard,
static-spring gravimeters; in fact, this “new physics” strikes at
the heart of the so-called “Einstein Equivalence Principle”...
supposedly existing between “mass” (gravity) and “inertia”
(resistance to motion) ever since Relativity was published...
revealing now that a rotating object’s “inertia” can be dramatically
changed, just by being placed it in the vicinity of another rotating
Based on these stunning results, it was clear to us many years ago
that DePalma and Allais (and, when we learned about their remarkable
third confirmation, Saxl and Allen) each, independently,
consecutively, had serendipitously stumbled across the same
fundamental hallmark of what is now known generally as...
Torsion Field Physics...
The “impossible” (by all current
science)... rotational modification... of “inertially-measured”
As we have reported extensively before (Dark Mission: the Secret
History of NASA, Chapter II), work on “torsion fields” is NOT even a
"new" development.
It actually all began with the classic "Einstein-Cartan" theoretical
exploration of "static torsion" equations, in 1913; initially
predicted to be SO weak, that it would have ZERO effect in the
“real” world, later physicists discovered a crucial “flaw” in one of Carten’s mathematical assumptions vis a vis Relativity, changing the
negative "Carten-Einstein" predictions of “NON-observable torsion
field effects...” - upwards... by some “twenty two orders of
While, at the same time, the new calculations revealing that
“torsion waves” could also propagate (unlike the “static torsion” of
Carten’s original calculations) far from their original rotating
sources... spiraling (hence the term “torsion”... ) through
“space-time” (the “aether”), at potentially...
Billions of times the speed of light!

Enter “Nikolai
Aleksandrovich Kozyrev”
Just after WWII, a brilliant Russian astrophysicist, N.A. Kozyrev
- newly-released from Stalin’s Gulag - began in the old Soviet Union
his first experimental investigations into what he eventually would
In fact, though Kozyrev didn’t seem to
realize it while he was conducting his experiments, his own diverse
and highly anomalous mechanical and electrical experimental results,
carried out over more than 30 years, confirmed many of the most
extraordinary theoretical predictions associated with “interacting,
propagating torsion fields...”
Over many succeeding decades, from a variety of physicists around
the world, these same “anomalous phenomena” have
now been
independently rediscovered many, many additional times.
Decades after Kozyrev, Allias and
DePalma carried out their historic rotational experiments - a
Russian theoretical physicist, Dr. Gennady Shipov, following
on the wide-ranging experimental work of Kozyrev himself, wrote:
“… in the science of mechanics,
Torsion Fields prove - through [their propagating] fields of
inertia - that the phenomenon of inertia
is more fundamental
than even the gravitational phenomena...”

Someone - finally, fully - “got it!”
Which brings us back to the “window” for unique research presenting
itself here, in Albuquerque, on May 20th.
The remarkable opportunity to measure,
first-hand - with our own Enterprise Mission significantly modified
Accutron technology - the far-reaching, changing “torsion field
effects” of the upcoming May 20, 2012 annular solar eclipse.

Based on our in-depth study of DePalma’s
stunningly positive, decades-old Accutron results, since 2003 we
have taken this “off-the-shelf, torsion-measuring technology”
literally around the world [in part, with the help of a MAJOR
television network (NBC)], to a variety of “ancient sacred sites”
(as on the summits of the Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the
Moon, at
Teotihuacan, Mexico - below), as well as to two,
“key celestial occultation
[alignment] events”...

Given the “digital revolution” that has
overtaken all of us since Bruce DePalma carried out his
original crude “analog” Accutron experiments ~40 years ago, we have,
of course, been able to make a few “upgrades” to how the tuning fork
motions are permanently recorded.
A read-out (from a sensor “pick-up”
underneath the watch) is now sampled digitally, and a special
computer program written for Accutron watch repairers (to monitor
the frequency performance of the tuning fork during routine
maintenance), is used to sample and display - in real time - the
moment-to-moment “frequency drift” of the tuning fork itself.
These electrical signals are fed, via a shielded cable... into a
specially-designed “crystal reference comparator box” (watch timer)
containing a quartz-crystal frequency standard, vibrating at several
million times per second, thus allowing “millionths of a hertz”
frequency resolution of the Accutron tuning fork’s basic “360 hertz”
From this “frequency comparator box,” the now combined electrical
signals are fed to a laptop or desktop computer, via another
shielded cable - where the specially-written computer program
records the frequency information coming from the Accutron, while
simultaneously displaying the real-time tuning fork read-outs on the
A schematic of this digitized Enterprise Accutron “torsion measuring
instrumentation” is displayed here (below).

When used in an actual field setting by
Enterprise - to measure changes in the “background torsion field” in
the vicinity of (and even on!) several Old and New World “sacred
sites” (including, Mayan Pyramids at Teotihuacan and Tikal) - the
updated Accutron “Hyperdimensional/Torsion Field sensing technology”
performed exactly as DePalma’s pioneering measurements proved it
did... ~40 years before!
Digital Accutron readings taken atop the “Pyramid of the Sun,” at
Teotihuacan, Mexico (below) - recorded precisely at Dawn, in April,
2009 - demonstrated huge “excursions” in the Accutron tuning fork
frequency modulation,
Corresponding EXACTLY to our predicted model:
That, at every sunrise, the Sun -
“poised on the edge of the world... ‘Horus of the Horizon’...” -
as the Earth is rotating directly towards it at maximum
velocity, should produce a MAJOR inertial “hiccup” in the
background torsion field... for all rotating objects at the
“terminator”… if just for a few seconds.
And, it does.

Before Enterprise conducted its readings
with this unique “HD/Torsion Field measurement technology” at
selected global sacred sites (above), it had an earlier opportunity
to try out its new torsion field detection system on an actual, live
(and very rare...) Celestial Alignment Event - ala “Maurice Allais”:
The Venus Transit of June 8, 2004.
Venus (second planet from the Sun...)
and Earth (the third) orbit at a slight inclination to each other’s
paths (3.39 degrees).
This small tilt causes Venus to pass
just “above” or “below” the Sun at almost every “inferior
conjunction” (when Venus is geometrically between the Sun and Earth
- below).

However, there are two rare intervals -
separated by eight years, and occurring at average intervals of ~113
years apart - when the two planets’ orbits synchronize
simultaneously at one of the two “nodes” (where the planes of Venus
and Earth’s orbits cross - above)... and Venus can then appear as “a
small black dot”... moving, over several hours, across the brilliant
background surface of the Sun (below).
This is what is called a “transit.”
The first
Venus Transit, in this century, occurred in 2004; the next
(and last) will occur in mid-2012...

During the 2004 Venus Transit, we were
able to place our Accutron detector inside a mysterious, “~1000-ton
limestone monument" (located south of Miami at "Homestead," in
Southern Florida) - a fascinating place called “Coral
Castle” (below).
Constructed in the 1950’s by one man -
Ed Leedskalnin - the Latvian immigrant stone mason claimed to
have built it single-handedly, “on the secret knowledge of those who
built the Pyramids of Egypt...”

We chose Coral Castle for our first
Accutron “torsion field-test,” because,
a) we couldn’t AFFORD to go
to Egypt to measure the Physics of the Transit at the actual
Pyramids (!)
b) the material which Leedskalnin used to build
his “enigmatic ~1000-ton monument” - oolitic limestone, found as a
“bedrock” under most of Florida - in fact, possesses “torsion
amplification properties” very similar (we believed...) to the much
larger limestone blocks from which
the Great Pyramid (and the
others) in Egypt is also composed...
“Calcium carbonate” - the major mineral component making up
"limestone," both in Florida and at Giza - is (based on Kozyrev’s
results) a very active “torsion material.”
The Enterprise Accutron data (below) - recorded during the
hours-long Venus Transit of 2004 - confirmed ALL these previous

This graph (above) depicts the last ~90
minutes of the 2004 Transit (and its “interesting” aftermath”...).
It specifically covers the moment of
“third contact” - when Venus’ limb first touched the limb of the
Sun, as the Earth-sized planet was ending its hours-long, preceding
Transit across the surface of the Sun, as seen from Earth...
What’s staggering about this graph is the sudden “falling off the
cliff” the Accutron tuning fork displays - EXACTLY, as Venus’ limb
makes third contact with the solar limb; at that precise moment, the
tuning fork goes WILD... rising immediately and dramatically in
frequency (the software plots “rising frequencies,” on this display,
as “down”) - meaning, that the tuning fork’s inertia is suddenly
(somehow) decreasing (so it’s vibrating faster)... PRECISELY as the
two limbs “kiss,” Venus and Sun.
This is telling us something... physically... PROFOUND...
Not only regarding the nature and response of this extraordinary
“torsion tool” that my friend
Bruce DePalma left behind ~40 years
ago, but of the intense “torsion process” itself... a deep, hitherto
unseen variety of physical field interaction between the Earth...
Venus... and the Sun.
A detailed close-up of the end of Venus’ 2004 Transit is even more
This (below) is a
RedShift simulation of the exact moment of third
contact; note where Venus spin axis is pointing... relative to the
spin axis of the Sun (the latter 90 degrees to the faint latitude
lines across the solar surface)...

As Venus progresses from “third contact”
through the “fourth” (last image, below - Venus externally tangent
with the solar limb...), the Accutron fork simultaneously progresses
through a series of sharp, harmonically decreasing “tones”
(remember, higher vibratory rates are displayed “down” in this
software) - the “torsion spikes” shifting progressively to lower and
lower frequencies... as Venus slowly moves off the Sun.
There is real new Science here!
Hidden in this data are priceless new details of how Venus’
backwards rotation (in 243 Earth days), compared to the Sun’s
prograde spin (in ~27 days), are deeply interacting... at a
fundamental torsion level.
And, how the intersection of the two spin axes - Venus' and the Sun
(which were essentially parallel during this entire Transit) - seem
to play a key role in modulating (somehow ...) these rapidly
changing "torsion harmonics"... as the Venus Transit (remember, with
Venus rotating backwards, relative to the sun's spin) physically
comes to an end...
Like “stirring cream backwards... in a solar system 'coffee cup.'”
Rotation... rotation... rotation...

These Enterprise Accutron results,
painstakingly recorded in 2004, now overwhelmingly confirm..., we DO
live in a Hyperdimensional Solar System... with ALL those attendant
Including... the extraordinary concept of a Physics-based, actual "Hyperdimensional
astrology"... involving the relative positions of the planets and
the Sun, and their real, measureable torsion effects (above) on a
variety of phenomenon on Earth, including... Life itself.
What new aspects of these fundamental - if still essentially unknown
- interplanetary forces will we discover next... during our coming
“torsion Eclipse opportunity?”...
May 20, 2012

In a more ways than one, the North
American Solar Eclipse, occurring in the next few days, is the
perfect "dress rehearsal" for the potentially even more revealing
"Last Venus Transit of the 21st Century"... to follow just two weeks
after that.
As can be seen (below), the Solar
Eclipse (this time) is but a geometrically magnified version of the
coming Transit!
Allowing a unique probing - with our Enterprise Accutron technology
- of the same, underlying, baffling torsion phenomenon...
exemplified in both.

* * *
HD/Torsion Physics Observations
...of the Upcoming May 20th Solar
Eclipse... and June 6th Venus Transit
It should now be clear:
The Enterprise Mission - in terms of
the two major, premiere “celestial events of 2012” - is
singularly equipped to conduct ground-breaking scientific
observations of their most fundamental properties - using a
unique “HD/torsion technology,” capable of recording dimensions
of both phenomenon literally unavailable to researchers in any
other way.
Because of the necessity to complete
fundraising for our critical, follow-on HD/torsion observations of
the Last Venus Transit, occurring just two weeks after the May 20th
Eclipse (on June 6th) - this time, from the Giza Plateau
(using the Pyramids as we originally envisioned, testing their
potentials as DELIBERATE “ancient torsion amplifiers”) - it occurred
to us that the significant Enterprise constituency might be willing
to help us achieve this larger Goal, via the Eclipse.

Millions of folks have demonstrably been
following our research work... for decades - on “Coast to Coast AM,”
through The Enterprise Mission website, on various national and
international television Specials, and (recently) on Facebook.
What if, we wondered, we could offer all
these audiences a way to participate - in real time - in our
continuing investigative efforts, as well as a means of supporting
our on-going research into a potential “lost, high-tech Ancient
Global Civilization...” via our upcoming, vital “Egyptian Venus
Transit Expedition”, with a LIVE, subscription webcast of our May 20th
“lunar/solar torsion measurements” - with their unique (and
therefore, totally unpredictable - in terms of torsion readings) -
annular eclipse geometry… accompanied by a minute-by-minute,
illustrated commentary?... during the Eclipse experience!
The clearly revolutionary nature of these fundamental measurements -
throwing both Newton AND Einstein “in the ash can of history,”
simultaneously... through the changed vibrations of a simple tuning
fork - cannot be overstated.
To PROVE, via the dramatically changing
Accutron readings, that “mass” and “inertia” are NOT “equivalent”
(which has been the cornerstone of modern Physics for the last ~100
years), is totally “paradigm changing”... for every level of
As part of this Enterprise "torsion physics democratization effort,"
it also occurred to us that a network of observers - each
simultaneously recording their own Accutron measurements from
diverse geographical locations along the Eclipse path - would
bolster the overall scientific results in way that no single set of
observations could.
So far, we have lined up two additional,
widely-separated "Accutron Eclipse observing stations" (in addition
to our own Enterprise Mission measurements on the central eclipse
track, in Albuquerque, for the May 20th Event - marked with our
logo, below).
One station is located well to the north
of the eclipse track, in Chicago, Illinois (marked with a yellow
"crescent sun" at the bottom of Lake Michigan); the other, to the
south of the track, in Phoenix, Arizona (marked by another yellow
"crescent sun").
The Chicago Accutron
observations will be conducted by one of our Enterprise
Associates, IT specialist Kimberly Reck
The Phoenix data will be
collected by an electrical engineer, Bill Alek, long-time
colleague (Bill assembled our first "Accutron Torsion
Detector," in 2003) and Chief Director and President of

In Chicago, in addition to measuring the
"lunar/solar alignment torsion effects" at the earliest stages of
the eclipse (and, well north geographically of the other stations in
this growing "network"), the maximum solar obscuration by the Moon
in Chicago will occur well after local sunset (!) - thus, allowing
unique Accutron measurements of possible "secondary torsion effects"
- from an indirect resonance with the Earth torsion field itself!
The Phoenix station, by contrast, will "see" the entire geometric
progression of this eclipse, well-placed in the sky above the local
horizon for the duration of the Event - from its beginning, through
the mid-point, to the end.
However, Phoenix will not experience the
"full, central annular event" we will record at Enterprise, in
Albuquerque; this will allow for an important test in Phoenix of the
geometric effects curiously noted previously by other eclipse
observers (Allais, Saxl & Allen - above) - which have all observed
curious "mis-timings" of key pendulum events, NOT correlated with
the optical "beginning," middle" and "end" of their respective
And, during our conversations with Kim about data procedures for her
"Chicago station," she brought up another VERY interesting point:
"What," she asked, "do you suppose
the Torsion Effect will be on the massive electrical generators
for the Grid - situated under or close to the eclipse track
itself - given that they're major, mechanical spinning
It is an exquisite question... one that
we have been wondering about (literally) for years.
A careful examination of the May 20th eclipse track
(below), reveals that the path of "annularity" will pass very close
(~96%) to the largest collection of "spinning generators" in the
Great American Southwest...

The well-known, Depression Era
power-generating "eighth wonder of the world" facility, lying just
east of Las Vegas, Nevada (above)...
Hoover Dam!

At the base of this 726-foot high Dam
(the height of a 60-story skyscraper), inside the two separate
650-foot long, 245-foot high powerhouses - the "Nevada" side (left)
and the "Arizona" side (right) - sit seventeen (17), 2000-ton
electrical generators (each one weighing as much as four and a half
Boeing-400 747s!) - and each spinning at 90 revolutions/minute,
collectively generating a shade over 2000 megawatts (below)!

All those massive, spinning systems...
Over the years, as our investigation turned up more and more
evidence that (in the words of Allais),
"the... [eclipse] effects
observed... are of dynamic origin, not static as for the
deviation of the vertical or of the intensity of gravity..."
It became clear that "rotating systems"
were essential to not only generating torsion waves... but to
detecting them as well!
Thus, given DePalma's astonishing results with his "30-lb spinning
flywheel and the Accutron," it has always been one of our objectives
to someday measure the "torsion effects" of the massive, rotating
turbines and electrical generators... at the base of Hoover Dam!
Kim's perceptive question, and this eclipse, neatly reminded us of
our long-standing intentions.
So, what should we expect to see... if the critical alignment of the
Moon and Sun during this eclipse - almost EXACTLY over Hoover Dam
itself (in the late afternoon of May 20th) - does, indeed,
significantly affect those extraordinary spinning turbine-generator
The easiest way to measure any such effects would be to monitor the
frequency of the alternating current (AC) flowing from those
generators into the rest of the Southwest Electrical Grid.
That "line frequency" - established by
Nikola Tesla himself over 100 years ago, at 60 hertz (60 cycles per
second), could show a detectable deviation across the entire
Southwest Grid of several hertz (!), and for tens of seconds, before
the computer-run "feedback systems" established to maintain the grid
frequency constant, were able to correct the massive, spinning
generators' rotation - with all their combined angular momentum -
back to their crucial "standard 60 hertz!"
So, how can folks reading this participate in looking for
these fascinating "torsion effects" on those crucial electrical
By monitoring the "line frequency" of the alternating electrical
current entering their individual homes and apartments from the
Grid!; using an "off-the-shelf, digital frequency monitor" - which
can be picked up at many local electrical supply outlets, from "Best
Buy" to "Radio Shack!"
Some of those that are commercially available, in addition to an LCD
screen showing the instantaneous display of the frequency of the
online current (once the device is connected through a convenient
wall outlet to the Grid) even have their own digital read-out ports
- allowing direct connection to a PC, where the data can be
digitally monitored in the computer and stored for later analysis
(and, e-mailing to Enterprise!).
Curiously, the best time to look for such revealing, potentially
detectable frequency changes to the Grid (which, incidentally, can
be done hundreds of miles from Hoover Dam itself!), might not be
during the local height of the eclipse over Hoover Dam itself, but
Because of the critical geometric nature
of the lunar/solar alignment effects in creating the torsion weaves
observed during the eclipse, rotating systems located (literally!)
on the other side of the planet from where the eclipse is optically
visible, can experience a detectable change in their own local
frequency of rotation/vibration!

Because of the highly geometric nature
of torsion wave generation and propagation, it is also possible that
detectable effects of spinning systems could be observed at
90-degrees to the eclipse path!
This is why (ultimately) a world-wide grid of "Accutron Torsion
Detection Stations" - for global monitoring of the effects of such
eclipses (and other "celestial alignment events") - needs to be
For this occasion, as the eclipse begins over the south China coast
at 22:09 Universal Time (GMT), with the Moon's shadow just touching
the planet's surface at a tangent, at Dawn, other potential
observing locations - on the other side of the world, but along that
same eclipse track - COULD be detectably affected... even though the
optical eclipse is occurring at that moment on the "far side" of the
As can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere "polar projection" map
(below), this includes a huge swath of Asia and Africa; on those
continents, directly opposite the actual eclipse as the day
progresses, an active Accutron detection system could record some
remarkable results from THIS eclipse, if any were in place; in
addition, their "grid frequencies" could be affected... as the
torsion geometry THROUGH the planet affected the rotating electrical
generators supplying their local power off the grid...
For us, located in New Mexico (below), observing any "90-degree
effects" (BEFORE the local eclipse arrives) seems doubtful, based on
this eclipse geometry... but, we'll be recording anyway.

* * *
Pursuit of the staggering technological implications of these simple
torsion measurements - for
REAL “free energy”... for
“anti-gravity”... for REAL “civilian inheritance of the riches of an
entire solar system...” - are only outdone by the even more
astonishing human implications of development and world-side
distribution of these "HD/torsion technologies"... ranging from
literal torsion “elimination of disease”... to “total clean-up of
the environment of our entire planet” (including, currently
insoluble "nuclear nightmares - like Chernobyl and Fukushima!)...
to radical, non-chemical “upgrades” to human consciousness itself!
All hinging on the demonstrable “scientific anomalies” - and their
extended, revolutionary implications - we will be recording (for
later presentation) during the May 20th Eclipse... and
the soon-to-follow, “Last Venus Transit of the 21st
Century,” June 6th...
Clearly, the earlier Venus Event that we were fortunate to observe
at Coral Castle, in 2004, provided us with a priceless preview of
the stunning “physics anomalies” we can expect to share this time
with all those who have been edified by our unique research for all
these decades... now, coming to a fitting “climax” in these
remarkable Astronomical Events of 2012...
As noted earlier, the implications of “a fundamentally new
understanding of our ‘ultimate’ cosmic reality” knows no bounds...
for changing human beings on this planet... if not as a means of
physically "saving" planet Earth itself.
The only impediment now standing in the way of this crucial,
consciousness and technological revolution”... is the
democratized awareness,
That all of this is now scientifically - if not politically - within
our reach...
