



 -  AIDS - Extracted from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012"


 -  AIDS Fraud - The Marketing of An Epidemic Exposed in House of Numbers Exclusive Film Clip


 -  AIDS is Man-Made



 -  AIDS Ist Hausgemacht



 -  AIDS - The Great Medical Conspiracy



 -  AIDS Vaccines Stop Working After a Few Months - Shocked Researchers Discover


 -  Breakthrough Documentary "House of Numbers" Challenges Conventional Thinking on HIV-AIDS

 -  Cannabinoid Receptors Give Cells The Tools They Need to Defend Against HIV Infection


 -  Covid Vaxxed are Testing Positive for HIV - Multiple Studies Warn


 -  Credo Mutwa Reveals AIDS Treatment


 -  Cytolytic Nanoparticles Attenuate HIV-1 Infectivity



 -  Early Hepatitis B Vaccines and the "Man-Made" Origin of HIV/AIDS


 -  Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals and U.S. DoD?


 -  El Mundo Entero Celebra la Cura contra el SIDA - Veneno de Abeja


 -  El Origen del Mal - Historia de Una Teoría Controvertida Sobre el Origen del SIDA


 -  Global Depopulation, Eugenics Agenda and HIV



 -  HIV Vaccines Cause 50 Percent False Positive Rate in HIV Tests


 -  How the HIV Virus Became the US Government’s Most Successful Bio-Weapon


 -  Is HIV Really the Cause of AIDS?


 -  Is HIV to AIDS what SARSCoV-2 is to COVID?


 -  Kissinger and Rockefeller Connections to American Central Intelligence and The Origins of AIDS and Ebola


 -  La Versión Oficial del Sida se Basa en un Fraude Científico del Dr. Robert Gallo


 - ¿Ha Sido Aislado Alguna Vez el Supuesto "VIH"? - Cuatro Aproximaciones Complementarias a La Científico...


 -  Micronutrients to Control HIV/AIDS - Dr. Rath was RIGHT!


 -  Natural Treatment of Immunodeficiency Disorders


 -  Preventing The Bio-Weapon HIV - New Test Uses Cancerous Nanoparticles


 -  Propuesta de Modelo para la Cura del Cáncer y el SIDA


 -  Shocking Truth About AIDS Exposed on World AIDS Day With "House of Numbers" Un-Cut Footage


 -  SIDA, Ebola, Kissinger, Rockefeller y La CIA



 -  The AIDS-ET Connection Hypothesis



 -  The Seeds of Doom - Story of A Controversial Theory About The Origin of AIDS

 -  The World Health Organization, HIV/AIDS and South Africa - Problems, Programs and Possible Solutions


 -  The Smoking Gun of AIDS - A 1971 Flowchart


 -  Tratamiento Natural para Trastornos de Inmunodeficiencia


 -  WHO Murdered Africa? - The Creation of the AIDS Virus by the World Health Organization


Additional Information


 -  Biomagnetismo Médico


 -  Biomagnetismo Medico - In Italiano


 -  BIRM - Una Promesa de Vida con Plantas Amazónicas

 -  Effect of Micronutrient Supplementation on Disease Progression in Asymptomatic, Antiretroviral-Naive, HIV...


 -  El ADN Transmite Electromagnéticamente Información al Agua - Luc Montagnier


 -  El Biomagnetismo y La Salud


 -  Energética - Medicina de Energía


 -  Energetics - Energy Medicine


 -  HIV Vaccine - Experiment to Re-engineer The Human Immune System


 -  It's Not HIV - What Can Cause AIDS?



 -  La Farmafia! - La Psicopatía del Sistema Sanitario


 -  Medizinischer Biomagnetismus


 -  Method of Curing AIDS With Tetrasilver Tetroxide Molecular Crystal Devices


 -  The Most Mysterious Diseases Known To Man Are Not So Mysterious At All


 -  The Priore Machine and Phase Conjugation


 -  Un Análisis Científico del Par Biomagnético


 -  World "HIV Fraud Liberation Day" - December 1, 2011 on The Robert Scott Bell Show


Book- Treatises


  AIDS Inc. - Scandal of the Century - by Jon Rappoport


 - ¿Es el VIH al SIDA lo que el SARSCoV-2 es al COVID? - por Andrew Kaufman

 -  Inventing the AIDS Virus - by Peter Duesberg

 -  Is HIV to AIDS what SARS-CoV-2 is to COVID? - by Andrew Kaufman




 -  AIDS as Biological Warfare - A Possible Electromagnetic Solution

 -  AIDS Cure - U.S. Patent #5,676,977


 -  AIDS Truth Exposed - Un-cut exclusive footage from House of Numbers

 -  Deconstructing The Myth of AIDS - by Gary Null


 -  Dr. Boyd Graves - AIDS Cure - U.S. Patent #5,676,977 - Feb.2004


 -  El Origen del Mal - Historia de Una Teoría Controvertida Sobre el Origen del SIDA


 -  El S.I.D.A un Montaje Made in U.S.A. - Lluís Botinas


 -  House of Numbers - Further Evidence That HIV Does Not Cause AIDS

 -  House of Numbers Trailers



 -  La Casa de Los Números - La Verdad Sobre El VIH y El SIDA


 -  La Gran Estafa del SIDA


 -  Robert Gallo - The Man That Created AIDS



 -  Sidageist - La Macroestafa del SIDA


 -  The Seeds of Doom - Story of A Controversial Theory About The Origin of AIDS

 -  The Strecker Memorandum


 -  Treating HIV and Cancer - MMS in Africa - Jim Humble


 -  Various Videos of Dr. Boyd Graves



Related Reports


 -  Ebola - Global Pandemic or Global Hoax?  - Main File



 -  Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que Matan - Main File



 -  Miracle Mineral Supplement - Milagroso Suplemento Mineral - Main File


 -  The Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...  - Main File