April 7, 2011
PhysOrg Website

The shape-shifting southern vortex of Venus
This image shows the polar region of
Venus, at a wavelength of 3.8 microns.
The arrows denote the motion
of the atmosphere around a centre of rotation (marked with a white
The centre of rotation is found to be displaced on average by
about 300 km from the geographic South Pole.
New analysis of images taken by
ESA's Venus Express
orbiter has revealed surprising details about the remarkable,
shape-shifting collar of clouds that swirls around the planet's
South Pole.
This fast-moving feature is all the more surprising
since its centre of rotation is typically offset from the
geographical pole. The results of this study are published online in
Science Express today.
Several planets in the Solar System, including Earth, have been
found to possess hurricane-like polar vortices, where clouds and
winds rotate rapidly around the poles. Some of these take on strange
shapes, such as the
hexagonal structure on Saturn, but none of them
are as variable or unstable as the southern polar vortex on Venus.
Scientists have known about the presence of swirling clouds around
the poles of Venus since they were first imaged by Mariner 10 in
1974. At the same time, it was discovered that Venus' upper winds
sweep westwards around the planet in only four days, 60 times faster
than the rotation of the solid surface of the planet - a phenomenon
known as super-rotation.
Thermal infrared imagery from the
Pioneer Venus spacecraft
subsequently revealed an enormous depression in the cloud blanket at
the North Pole. This relatively warm polar 'hole' was thought to be
caused by downward movement of gases, rather like water flowing down
a drain. However, detailed examination of the thick clouds and dense
atmosphere over the South Pole had to wait until the arrival of
Venus Express in April 2006.
During its first orbit around the planet, multi-wavelength
observations confirmed for the first time the presence of a huge
'double-eye' atmospheric vortex at the planet's South Pole.
2000 km across, it was comparable to the structure that had
previously been detected at the North Pole.

The shape-shifting southern vortex of Venus
This animation is a reconstruction of the motion of the polar
atmosphere of Venus,
created by taking 3.8 micron radiance maps of
the polar region, obtained during May 2007,
and applying a shift (a
rotation and translation) to the image based on the measured wind
The cross marks the South Pole and the white circle marks
the centre of rotation of the polar atmospheric vortex.
The outer edge of the
figure is the latitude circle of 75 degrees.
Since then, high-resolution infrared measurements obtained by the
Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS)
instrument on Venus Express have revealed that the southern vortex
is far more complex than previously believed.
The VIRTIS images,
taken at wavelengths of 3.8 and 5.0 microns, are ideal for tracking
polar features on both the day and night sides of the planet,
probing the polar cloud layer at an altitude of about 65 km.
The new observations, reported this week in the journal Science on
the Science Express website, show that the vortex has a highly
variable shape and internal structure.
Images show that its
morphology is constantly changing on timescales of less than 24
hours, as a result of differential rotation.
"The southern vortex is very dynamic compared with a hurricane on
Earth, which remains stable for several days," said Håkan Svedhem,
ESA's Venus Express Project Scientist.
"It can take almost any
shape, so although it often looks like an 'S' or figure 8, it may
become completely irregular, even chaotic, in appearance."
The rapid shape changes indicate complex weather patterns, which are
strongly influenced by the fact that the centre of the vortex does
not coincide with the geographical pole.
The VIRTIS images show that the speeds of the zonal (east-west)
winds change rapidly with latitude, revealing that the vortex is
continually being pulled and stretched by wind shear. Although the
mean zonal wind is retrograde (blowing from east to west) and
approximately uniform equator-ward of 84°S, its speed decreases
toward the pole and becomes prograde (blowing from west to east)
close to 87°S.
A slightly slower wind is detected at 75°S,
coinciding with the poleward edge of the cloud collar which
coincides with a region of colder air surrounding the centre of the
The apparent reversal of the zonal wind close to the pole is a
consequence of the non-alignment of the centre of rotation of the
vortex with the planet's rotational axis.
This causes an apparent
inversion of the wind direction between the pole and the centre of

The shape-shifting southern vortex of Venus
This image sequence shows thermal infrared radiation (at a
wavelength of 3.8 microns)
emitted by the cloud-tops at the southern
polar region of Venus,
as viewed by the VIRTIS imaging spectrometer
on Venus Express.
The scale has been
inverted: white regions show cooler cloud, likely to be at higher
The new analysis also reveals that the centre of rotation of the
vortex drifts right around the pole over a period of 5-10 Earth
Its average displacement from the geographical South Pole is
about three degrees of latitude, or several hundred kilometers. The
data show no evidence of any link between the positions of these 'centroids'
and local solar times, as might result from a solar tide-related
forcing of the superrotation.
"Our results highlight the importance of the polar region in the
global dynamics of the Venus atmosphere," said David Luz of the
Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Lisbon,
Portugal, the lead author of the Science paper.
"They provide new
insights into the complex processes that shape the polar vortices
and their role in the atmosphere's super-rotation."
The Venus Express mission is currently funded until 2014, offering
further opportunities for in-depth studies of the super-rotating
atmosphere and the shape-shifting southern polar vortex.
its highly elliptical orbit means that Venus Express flies too close
to the planet's North Pole for detailed imaging studies of its other
polar vortex.
"It seems likely that the northern polar vortex has a similar
structure and behaves in a similar way," noted Svedhem. "However,
the spacecraft flies very close to the North Pole, so it can only
see a small region. Confirmation of the behavior of the northern
vortex will have to wait until future missions."
"Results such as these show how interesting Venus is to study and
how important it is to study other worlds," Svedhem added. "They
enable us to compare the processes that take place on Venus, a
planet with a thick atmosphere, with those on our Earth."
More information:
Luz, D., et al., "Venus's Southern Polar Vortex
Reveals Precessing Circulation", Science Express, 7
April 2011.