There has been heightened activity around
Sana'a in Yemen.
from NATO, EU, Russia, China, Japan, US, all running around with not
much to do. There are hundreds of Warships in the Gulf Of Aden right
now. They are surrounding an open StarGate in the Sea.
Seven miles deep
within the sea below
the Aden Stargate is an awakening sentient
consciousness creation with extraordinary capacity to assist in
bringing peace to the world.

The Secret Scientists are monitoring these anomalies and they report
to Military Leaders there is nothing that can stop them.
All Planets
in our Solar System and our Sun are showing transformational changes
in composition and magnetics. All 'Ancient-and-New Grids' are
activating and will shortly demonstrate an unbelievable power by
generating a 5D Crystalline and Electromagnetic shield/Firmament
around the Planet and a horizontal force field that will make
aggressive use of weapons impossible.
With the
Blue Moon Activation the
Earth Grid has powered up the StarGate with FORCE energy.
The energy has been building since December 31st. This second full
moon in December was just the Cosmic boost which was needed to surge
the Crystalline Earth Grid and Activate the Diamond Tetrahedrons
inside Earth and open the StarGate as it had been open in ancient
This Grid Activation is controlled by
Ashtar from the
Federation. On his command ALL WEAPONS will cease firepower. We will
launch the shuttles from our Mother Ships and we will bring the
Servicemen and Servicewomen from all countries around the world home
to their families.
The escalation you see in Yemen is the final outcry from those who
have been in charge of making war a very long time. They can see the
MotherShips exiting the StarGate en Masse. They are aware that when
the StarGate reaches its peak power that their weapons will no
longer work.
At that moment we will HAVE to announce Disclosure to explain why
the soldiers are no longer fighting. Today US Secretary of State,
Hillary Clinton, said Yemen is a threat Regionally and Globally.
She left
out Cosmically. This Statement is her final.
There will be no more
warring she can conjure once the StarGate fully opens.
The Soldiers all around the World will be effected in that instant.
They will look at their weapons in disgust, not understanding. They
will look up at their buddies and at those they are firing at and
notice no one's weapon is firing. They will radio their Commanders
and it will happen in that instant, all over the World.
The StarGate Aden off Yemen's Coast, IS THE FORCE which will
deactivate all guns and weapons around the World. There will be a
simultaneous World Peace.
The Galactic Federation Ships will then
move in to bring the Soldiers back to their Home Land, back to their
Everyone will see these Ships and Decloakings will be
Envision Peace.