by Patrick
Flanagan, M.D., Ph.D.
Pyramid Power by G. Pat Flanagan
I read with great interest the report by Bovis describing his
discovery of the mummifying power of the shape of the Great Pyramid.
Having been experimenting and measuring bio-energy with the
Neurophone and various other instruments described earlier, I began
a series of intensive experiments on the shape of the Great Pyramid
to see if I could discover its great secrets.
I began by duplicating Bovis’ experiments with pyramids of various
dimensions. Using Kirlian photography, GSR, voltage differential,
and electrostatic fields, I was able to measure the differences of
various pyramids and their effects on living organisms such as
plants and people.
The very first experiments were in the area of preserving hamburger
meat, liver, eggs, and milk. The first experiments were very
It was strange to realize I had taken small pieces of cardboard and
made a simple shape that could concentrate some sort of energy that
would mummify food without any external power source. My controls
all got so bad I had to throw them away.
Bovis and Drbal had indicated in their reports that the energy was
focused in the King’s Chamber level bout one third up from the base
in the middle of the pyramid.
My own research indicates that the energy is present throughout the
pyramid. I was able to mummify food anywhere in the pyramid.
By careful measurement, I was able to determine that the maximum
concentration of effect was in the King’s Chamber, but there were
effects in the other areas of the whole pyramid. Further research
with various materials of construction revealed further clues as to
the nature of the phenomenon we were investigating.
A series of energy measuring machines will be described. Some of
these machines measure the effects of the energy on other things,
others are esoteric machines which are extremely sophisticated
dowsing devices that rely on the human computer as a readout
I have tried various other geometric shapes other than the pyramid
and have not had the results obtained with the exact shape of the
Pyramid of Gizeh.
Other geometric structures such as cones, icosahedrons,
dodecahedrons, tetrahedrons, octahedrons, greater stellated
dodecahedrons, etc. all have shape characteristics, but these other
shapes do not have any effects demonstrated by the exact pyramid
shape to be described.
As a result of preliminary research, I began a series of serious
research projects on the pyramid itself.
The following is a list of pyramids in tabular form:

The dimensions
are based on the exact dimensions of the Pyramid of Gizeh. These are
some of the dimensions of pyramids used in my experimental work.
Based on the fact that the Pyramid of Gizeh is the only pyramid in
the world that is ventilated, I have also experimented with pyramids
with windows in the sides. The windows are holes up to 1/3 of the
base length in diameter. The holes do not detract from the function
and seem to actually aid the processes going on inside the
The pyramids were made of various materials including cardboard,
wood, plaster, Plexiglas, steel, copper, aluminum, cement and
combinations of the above materials.
The materials used did not affect the results very much, however the
size and orientation was of primary importance. I at first believed
the pyramid to work best when it was aligned to true north, however,
after very careful research, I discovered the best alignment to be
magnetic north, contrary to the alignment of the Great Pyramid. This
leads me to believe the Great Pyramid was built at a time when the
earth’s field was aligned to the polar axis. It is not unusual for
the poles to shift.
At the time of the writing of this paper, the earth’s magnetic poles
are shifting at a rate of 17 feet per month. In the duplication of
Bovis’ experiments, many perishable food items were tried in the
pyramids of various shapes and sizes, of different materials, and
different orientations, and in different locations in the pyramid
itself. The results of these experiments indicate that the best
alignment is according to the magnetic axis.
An experiment to determine the validity of this theory was performed
by the use of an external permanent magnetic field. This is
illustrated in Figure XVI below.

Figure XVI
Testing the effects of external magnetic fields on the
The pyramid was a six inch base cardboard one.
The magnets are 5 inch alnico, the fields are on the order of 300
Gauss. With the system described, I was able to get mummification of
the foodstuffs with ANY alignment of the set, as long as the pyramid
itself was aligned to the magnetic fields as shown. The tables
regarding the various food experiments are given in my earlier
paper, The Pyramid and Its Relationship to Biocosmic Energy.
contribution to the field in food mummification is in the discovery
that the pyramid will preserve food in any part of the structure as
well as in the King’s Chamber as reported by Bovis.
Razor Blades
In the duplication of Drbal’s razor blade sharpener, the following
discoveries were made:
Whereas Drbal theorized the crystal structure of the blade reformed,
I believe the pyramid prevents a dulling effect due to contamination
of the surface by skin oils and acids as well as the chemicals in
shaving creams and soaps. I shaved over 200 times with the blade
treated in the pyramid.
I also shaved an equal number of times with
another blade by rinsing my razor out in pure deionized distilled
water after every shave. My razors normally go bad in three or four
shaves. There may also be a sharpening effect of a sort by the
action of energy discharge from the sharp edges of the blade.
It is well known that any sharp object charged with any energy,
whether magnetic, electromagnetic, or electric tends to concentrate
and discharge from sharp surfaces and points when placed in a
charged system.
From this point on, the experiments to be described
are entirely the results of my own discoveries in the field.
Effects of Pyramid Energy on Living Organisms
The effects on the pyramid were tested on plants and human subjects.
Measurement of changes in the organism were made by means of Kirlian
photography, GSR measurements of acupuncture points, Alpha wave
detectors, and subjective responses.
Kirlian Measurements
The Kirlian photography set up is the same as illustrated in Figure
IV below.

Figure IV
Kirlian photography set
The basic circuit of the oscillator is shown in Figure XVII

Figure XVII
High frequency high voltage oscillator for Kirlian photography
The unit is a high frequency high voltage oscillator operating at 2
megahertz. The oscillator voltage is continuously adjustable from
zero to one hundred kilovolts by varying the spark gap over a
limited range.
A timer is included in the primary line of the transformer to obtain
precise exposures. In practice, the unit is adjusted in a dark room
so there is no visible corona discharge from the object to be
photographed. The only energy remaining is invisible ultra-violet
light. Almost any film may be used with the system from Kodacolor to
Polaroid. This unit is a valuable tool for the study of the energy
fields around living things.
Several hundred photographs were made of fingerprints and leaves
before and after treatment with the pyramid. Photographs were taken
in both color and black and white. The color photographs are
particularly striking as they show changes in color as well as
changes in brilliance and bioplasmic structure.
Figures XVIII and
XIX below, are typical examples of photographs obtained with this

Figure XVIII is composed of photographs of a man’s fingerprint
before and after treatment with the pyramid.
The voltage setting and
timing of the print remain the same. The subject was placed in a
simple 6 foot base vinyl plastic pyramid properly aligned to the
magnetic poles. The treatment of the subject was for ONE MINUTE in
the pyramid. The effect of the pyramid varies. It sometimes takes as
long as half an hour in the unit to obtain similar results.
The aura or band of energy around the finger is rounder and larger
than the aura in the first photo. The fact that the energy content
of the picture is larger and the shape is more rounded indicated an
increase in aura without any loss of energy.
A more dramatic effect was obtained with a geranium leaf as
illustrated in Figure XIX. The leaf had been off the plant for half
an hour when the first photo was taken.
The energy field was almost
completely gone as the leaf was dying. In the next photograph the
aura has increased considerably showing the recovery from only five
minutes treatment in a small six inch base pyramid made of
cardboard, again properly aligned to the magnetic poles. The best
results were obtained when the pyramids were set up outside the
building. The reason for this will be described in the next section
on theory.
In the second photo, the leaf is filled to the brim, and many of the
black spots are now filled with light.
The Kirlian technique can be used to obtain an instant measure of
the result of various energy techniques such as Yoga breathing,
meditation, and the effects of foods such as natural vs. chemically
grown, alcohol vs. Ginseng, ozone vs. oxygen, etc.
GSR Effects
Figure VIII below, is an example of a sensitive electronic bridge for
measuring minute as well as gross changes in GSR or galvanic skin
resistance in living organisms.

The unit is extremely versatile as it can be balanced for
measurement over a very wide range of input values.
The unit may be
coupled to a recording oscillograph, or other means for permanent
records of results. The sensitivity can be adjusted to detect minute
changes in resistance.
The normal electrode arrangement for plants is by means of German
Silver electrodes.
The electrode arrangement is illustrated in
XX below.

Figure XX
Typical arrangement for measuring the effect of pyramid on GSR of plants
The electrodes should be cleaned with emery paper before every use.
The plant leaf should be free of dust. The electrodes may be held in
place by means of alligator clips. The stand and flexible wire
arrangement are necessary to prevent stress on the leaf.
Liquid electrodes have been tried, but I prefer the arrangement
Small probe type electrodes have been tried with some gratifying
results, but these have to be tested some more before these results
are released. The theory of using the small electrodes is to trace
the plant’s acupuncture points. The plants exhibit many differing
characteristics of change, they appear to sleep at times, and are
very active at other times.
The main results are recognized as a very rapid change of
resistance, a lowering, when a pyramid is placed over the plant.
Clear plexiglass pyramids as well as opaque cardboard ones have been
used in the experiments. The instantaneous changes occur under any
type of pyramid. An attempt to correlate change in resistance with
strength of energy is somewhat successful. There are no changes when
the plant is sleeping. It is easy to tell when a plant is sleeping
by the response of the meter.
When the plant is responsive, there is a relaxation rate of change
that is a continuous slow, sometimes fast change of resistance.
Changes in the environment, another person coming into the room, a
change in color of illumination, a loud noise, all affect the plant.
Even the thoughts of the researcher have effects.
At times, the plant appeared to be oscillating with the heartbeat of
the investigator. At this time, when the signals are active, the
plant will respond instantaneously to the effect of the pyramid.
Controls were made by lowering a plexiglass cube over the plant. In
the case of the equal volume cube, no changes were observed as they
were with the pyramid.
Human GSR Measurements
The measurements on the body of a person are much more active than
the ones measured with the plants.
The electrodes and arrangements
have been described earlier.
The semiconductor effect, change of resistance with polarity of
measurement from one side of the body to the other were measured, as
well as basic changes in the normal resistance of the points in one
direction. In all cases with both male and female subjects, very
rapid changes in GSR between acupuncture points occurred in all
Typical changes in less than five minutes of treatment were a
balancing of the semiconductor effect, and a general lowering of
resistance in the body. Resistances as great as 150,000 ohms changed
in less than five minutes to 2500 ohms. The treatment pyramids were
both the large 6 foot base and the small 6 inch base pyramids. Tests
were made on all areas of the body and the results all correlated:
the pyramid caused an apparent balancing of the QI or TCH’I flows in
the meridians.
The easiest points to measure are those on the head, and the
semiconductor effect from hand to hand. The exact points were
located by means of the unidirectional electrode placement.
electrode is placed on the earlobe, and the other is a small rounded
test probe of the type used with multimeters. The probe is run in
the area of the point to be found until a gross change in resistance
is found. The exact spot is marked with a small washable marker pen.
The same procedure is then duplicated on the opposite side of the
body for the corresponding opposite point. At this time, two small
electrodes are attached to the opposite points, and the points are
measured from one to the other, changing the polarity of the
electrodes and noting the resistance in both directions. The
differential is then noted.
With the electrodes attached, and the meter polarity adjusted to the
polarity which gives the highest resistance, the pyramid is then
lowered over the subject, or small pyramids are then placed over the
points and adjusted to the magnetic poles. The greatest changes were
again noticed when the experiment was performed outside a building.
A very rapid decrease of resistance will be noted in the resistance
of the point. A change of polarity will show that the other side is
also decreasing, but not as fast. At some point, the resistance
regardless of polarity will be the same or very close regardless of
polarity. The over all resistance of both points is often decreased
If the semiconductor effect is not observed on the first set of
points, another meridian is chosen and measured until an unbalanced
meridian is located. The voltage and current from the GSR bridge is
negligible, and has no effect on the points as the electro
acupuncture described by the Chinese. The balancing of semiconductor
effect is observed after the subject is treated with the pyramid. It
should be stressed that the purpose of the experiments described is
not to treat the subject with acupuncture, but to measure the
pyramid’s effect on the psychic energy points in the body.
The same
results of GSR change were also noted with other developments such
as the pyramid matrix and the pyramid energy plate to be described
Dielectric Constant of the Skin
Changes in skin dielectric constants were also measured on test
The test equipment is described in Figure VI.

A few of the electrodes are illustrated in Figure XXI.

Figure XXI
The electrodes are three. Coaxial, dual capacitor and single
A constant pressure was applied to the head electrode arrangement by
means of a constant tension band salvaged from an old pair of
headphones. The coaxial electrode is useful for measuring change in
resonance or dielectric constant in a limited precise area. The
instrument used was a little more sophisticated.
It was basically an oscillator consisting of the electrode
arrangement as a frequency determining element. The output of the
oscillator is fed into a discriminator which simply converts the
frequency changes into voltage change. The voltage/frequency changes
are then read directly on a zero centered volt meter.
The dual electrode arrangement is used for measuring the change
across the whole body.
The single capacitor arrangement is coupled with a direct contact
electrode and is used for tracing meridians over the skin surface.
The Capacitor in this arrangement is usually a very small disc or a
small ball. The dielectric or insulator used is 1/2 mil mylar tape
placed over the surface of the capacitor. The capacitors are
conducting silver epoxy. The electrode is made by turning a solid
piece of acrylic stock in a lathe.
The side view of the coaxial
electrode is an example. The dark area is the sunken part of the
block, the electrode area. The wires are inserted in holes drilled
from the other side. The cavities are then filled with silver
conducting epoxy. The surface is then sanded smooth when the epoxy
has set.
The electrode surface is polished with emery paper and the
dielectric covering is then placed on the surface of the electrode
Alpha Rhythm Measurement
Much work needs to be done to correlate the results of the
experiment to be described. This experiment has been performed three
times and needs to be done many more times to be conclusive.
One day while trying out an alpha feedback machine, one person was
having a very hard time turning on
alpha. He would go through the
various stages of relaxation and try as he may, he could not turn on
While his eyes were closed, I placed a 2 foot base pyramid over his
head. When the pyramid was lowered over his head, strong alpha came
over the loudspeaker. When the pyramid was removed, the alpha turned
off. When the test was repeated, the same results occurred.
The experiment has been duplicated on three people with the same
Subjective Reports
Several hundred people have sat in the 6 foot base plastic pyramids.
The tests were first run on friends who were asked to sit in the
pyramid for half an hour and then asked to describe their feelings
when they were in the structure. The subjects were given no
indication of what to expect. In all cases, the subjects reported
intense heat in the body and a tingling sensation in the hands.
pyramid was then ventilated with large holes in the as illustrated
in Figure
XXII below.

Even with large holes in the sides, they still reported an intense
feeling of heat. The description is similar to the Tibetan Tumo.
A number of people decided they wanted pyramids of their own. My own
body energy has increased since I began sleeping in the pyramid
An effect reported by many is a sense of time distortion.
One subject sat in the pyramid for 4 hours and had the subjective
impression that 1/2 hour had passed.
It had been stated by alpha researchers that a person in the
state loses all sense of time and space. This correlates with
observed alpha activity in the pyramid.
Many of the subjects were interested in psychic phenomena and
practice various forms of meditation. ALL subjects who practice
meditation have reported a significant increase in the effects of
meditation in the pyramid.
This correlates with the theory that the
Great Pyramid was built as a meditation chamber to develop psychic
No extensive tests have been conducted on animals at this time.
There are however, three cases of interest.
A friend of mine placed his pet cat in a pyramid once a day for 1/2
hour. The cat liked the pyramid and began to sleep in it. When the
test was begun, the cat had been a voracious meat eater.
After 6
weeks, the cat stopped eating meat and starved rather than eat meat.
Subsequent tests indicated that the cat had changed his diet and
would only eat fruit and vegetables, cheese and nuts. The animal
became a vegetarian! He ate raw vegetables and fruits of all
descriptions; canteloupe, avocado, oranges, and watermelon.
The same thing happened to another cat as well as my own poodle.
Growth of Plants
A series of tests were run on the effects of pyramid treatments on
the growth rate of plants.
The test plants were alfalfa sprouts.
I had some familiarity with sprouts as I had grown over 2500 pounds
of them in the confines of my office!
The sprouts were treated three different ways: 1. treatment of feed
water; 2. direct treatment of the plant in the pyramid; 3. treatment
of the seed in the pyramid. In all cases, identical tests were made
in an identical volume cubic box as a control structure.
In all cases, the pyramid treated plants grew 2 to 3 times as fast
as the controls, were more healthy and lasted longer after harvest.
One California grape farmer used my system on his irrigation system
and his grape yield was 2-1/2 times the average yield of his
neighbors and the California average.
Water Treatment
The water may be treated in several ways.
It may be placed in the pyramid in a container for a period of time
depending on the size of the pyramid and the amount of water
treated. I used a 2 foot base pyramid and treated a quart bottle for
1/2 hour.
Another technique is to run water into a spiral coil placed in the
pyramid and fashioned into a form of fountain.
Direct Treatment of Sprouts
The pyramid used was a one foot base unit made of clear plexiglass.
Four inch holes were cut in the sides for full ventilation. The
sprouts were grown entirely in the pyramid.
The controls were grown
entirely in a well ventilated equal volume cube.
Treatment of Seeds
The seeds were placed in pyramid for 8 hours.
The water and plant treatments were best, the seed treatment was
last. The pyramid grown sprouts lasted over a week without spoilage
after harvesting.
The controls on the other hand lasted 24 to 36
hours before spoilage.
Because of the dehydration or mummification of foods in the pyramid,
I tried a number of experiments to see if the dehydration rate is
accelerated in the pyramid. It is not.
Normal dehydration occurs,
the difference being that items placed in the pyramid do not decay
while dehydrating. Sprouts grown in the pyramid and left without
water 24 hours do not die and decay as the controls do. The controls
developed odor and died.
The sprouts in the pyramid dehydrated
slightly but did not decay and resumed normal growth when watering
was resumed.
Short Term Effects On Foods, Change of Taste
During my original tests on mummification of foods, I used to taste
the foods being treated to make sure they were really good. Although
there was no sign of decay, I wanted to see how the food tasted as
it was undergoing the process of mummification.
I was in for a great surprise!
Not only did the foods taste good, they tasted better than they did
before they were placed in the structure!
I began experimenting in earnest, and discovered that the pyramid
could have an effect on the taste of food even when the food was
treated for a surprisingly short duration. I was so impressed by
this new discovery that I began a series of double blind tests on
the change of taste in foods. I used several dozen people, and the
test was conducted as follows: The foods were all taken from the
same source, that is the foods tested were the same food divided in
half so the control would be the same as the treated sample except
for the treatment.
The samples were then placed in paper cups with
numbers on the bottoms. The cups were then divided and recorded in a
master file. The ones chosen for the pyramid were then treated for
five minutes in the pyramid. The pyramid used for the tests was the
6 inch base ventilated.
The cups of food were then all mixed at random so no one knew which
food was which. Taste tests were conducted and 40 out of 48 people
chose the foods treated in the pyramid as being more to their
I like hundred percent results, so I interviewed the ones who missed
on some of the foods and learned they were either heavy smokers or
drinkers. Subsequent interviews with a licensed wine taster
confirmed my suspicions that people with certain eating and drinking
habits cannot distinguish taste very well.
The foods tested were of all types; sweet, sour, various alcohols,
fruits, and tobaccos.
Bitter and sour foods lose their bite, they become milder.
Sweet foods become sweeter.
Coffee loses its bitterness and tastes as if it were acid free.
Fruits increase in their qualities.
Acid tasting pineapple loses its acid taste and becomes as sweet as
fresh ripe pineapple picked right out of the field.
Tobacco loses its harshness: Mexican black tobacco loses its
harshness and tastes like mild choice Virginia.
The most dramatic
effects occurred on pipe tobacco, unfiltered cigarettes, and cigars.
One of my associates smokes a very harsh unfiltered brand and uses a
crystal type filter cigarette holder. When his cigarettes were
treated in the pyramid, he noticed he did not have to change his
filter crystal so often. Instead of changing it between every pack,
he now has to change it after every three or four packs.
People who had whole cartons of their brands treated with the
pyramid came back wanting their new cigarettes treated because they
could not stand the harsh taste of their normal brand after smoking
pyramid treated cigarettes. Bananas and other perishables keep
longer if they are treated in the pyramid for half an hour after
they are purchased.
Controls all turned bad in a short time, and the fruits treated in
the pyramids kept fresh up to twice as long as the controls.
Cut flowers take longer to die if they are placed in pyramid treated
water. Speaking of water, tests were run on the taste of regular
city water treated in the pyramid. The water used to water the
All people who made the tests noticed the pyramid water
tasted fresher and had less of a chemical or chlorine taste than the
water which was untreated.
Other Pyramid Configurations
During the taste testing experiments, it was discovered that there
was another phenomenon. This new discovery is extremely significant.
I mentioned earlier that in any energy system, energy tends to
discharge from sharp points.
This new discovery is that the pyramid also has energy coming from
all of its five points! A very fast test of this is to take a cup of
coffee and divide it into two cups. Then set up a small, say 6 inch
base pyramid and align it to the magnetic poles. Place one of the
cups on the top of the pyramid for a minute or so and taste the
difference! This test came about as a result of some unexplained
Some researchers tried the mummification experiments and
their controls also mummified without decay. I soon discovered that
the control was affected by energy radiation effects off the points
of the pyramid. If the control is placed too close to the pyramid it
is affected also!
The results of these experiments led to the development of a new
contribution to the subject.
This new device is illustrated in
XXIII below.

This new device I call the pyramid matrix or grid.
The matrix has been made in small one inch base pyramids. These
pyramids must be precision machined as a small error will affect
The matrix I have developed is a unit measuring 3 x 5 inches and has
fifteen small pyramids on it. Food placed on the top of the matrix
is affected in the same way that food is affected in the big
pyramid! The matrix has been used with success in all the previously
described experiments.
It is considerably more compact than the
larger bulky pyramid.
Pyramid Energy Plate
As this item is of a highly proprietary nature, I cannot reveal the
exact technique for its manufacture as patent applications are
pending on it as well as the pyramid matrix.
This new device is a
result of these researches and is simply a small aluminum plate
which has been electronically charged with “amplified” pyramid
This small 1/8 inch thick plate does everything the pyramid
does and is very compact. It too has been tested in all the projects
and creates the same effects as the large pyramid. It is not a
primary pyramid structure and loses its charge after a while. Best
estimates of loss are at 3 years. The pyramid experimental energy
plate is a type of psychotronic device on the order of the
Psychotronic Twirler
Figure XXIV is a drawing of a PK device similar in nature to
Pavlita’s devices.

This device is laid out in a pattern so anyone can construct it. The
solid lines are cut with scissors and the dotted lines are creased
and folded. A little experimentation will result in the suspended
unit on the bottom of the page.
The device is suspended from a support by a very fine silk thread.
It may be enclosed in a glass tube to eliminate the effects of air
The psychotronic twirler is basically two pyramids placed top to top
… the proportions are the same as the Great Pyramid.
The use of the device is as follows:
The device is suspended and allowed to settle - so that it is not
moving. In order to start rotation, stare at the device with an
intense gaze and concentrate entirely on it and its movement. It
will help to draw a zig zag figure on the surfaces of the pyramids
to aid in the operation. Follow the zig zags with the eyes. After a
bit of practice the device will spin and gain in velocity!
way of operating the device is as follows:
Operation of Twirler by TCH’I
Stand erect with the arms extended in front of the body. While
breathing deeply and rhythmically, open and close the hands rapidly
many times; do this until the arms start to get tired. The longer it
is done, the more intense the effects.
When the arms are tired, hold the hands a few inches apart with the
palms facing, and a strong flow of tingling energy will be felt.
This is the same as TCH’I or TUMO and KUNDALINI.
Hold the hands near the twirler and it will take off as the energy
from the body energizes it.