by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
November 9, 2009
Examiner Website
A September 15, 2009 report using
Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis
(ALTA) of data collected by the
Web Bot predicts that,
“It is very likely that the
‘whistleblower’ who had been described in previous ALTA reports
(see 1309) as emerging out of the period of the [coagulation] of
the [government/officialdom of the USofA due to financial
structure collapse] is a person by the name of [Andrew D. Basiago].”

Andrew D. Basiago
Clif High, administrator of
the Web Bot
and author of the ALTA report, states that the truth campaign of
American whistle blower Andrew D. Basiago will raise Mr. Basiago’s
public profile “to a very high level within the mainstream media and
that such presence in the media will climb over the next 9/nine
months to a planetary level.”
Basiago published a paper entitled
The Discovery of Life on Mars
December 12, 2008 that contains photographic evidence and textual
analysis of humanoid beings, animal species, carved statues, and
built structures on Mars. These were derived from images taken by
NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit on the surface of Mars. His
paper, which achieves over 50 “firsts” in science, is the first work
to prove that Mars not only harbored life in ancient times but is an
inhabited planet today.
Referring to his paper, the ALTA report states,
“The past forecast
for this person who would make a [planetary impact] of such
magnitude that [a second wave] of other [whistle-blowers] of all
kinds would be drawn into the public view includes descriptors and
archetypes that are currently being fulfilled by reports about
Andrew’s paper.”
The ALTA report also states,
“[T]he linguistics both around Andrew
D. Basiago and by him reach to almost 34/thirty-four percent of the
predicted linguistic set (actually quite significant levels when
attempting to match personality to forecast at this early a stage).”
methodology of Web Bot and ALTA reports
Web Bot project on which the ALTA reports are based uses
software to,
“search the Internet for about 300,000 keywords with
emotional context and record the preceding and following words to
create a ‘snapshot.’ Through this, the technology is claimed to be
able to examine the collective unconscious of the world as a whole.
It is thus said to be able to predict catastrophic [and other]
events 60 to 90 days in advance.”
The Web Bot is claimed to have
accurately predicted the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in June
2001, as well as the blackout of the Northeastern United States in
The project was unsuccessful in predicting a Vancouver, B.C.
and Pacific Northwest earthquake for December 12, 2008.
television reports Basiago’s discovery
A recent interview by reporter Daria Okuneva of TVC-Moscow is
illustrative of the planetary media coverage that is beginning to be
accorded Andrew D. Basiago’s discovery of life on Mars.
is a state-run Russian TV station with the fourth-largest coverage
area in Russia.
Daria Okuneva, TVC - Moscow:
What have you found in NASA's
photographs from Mars?
Andrew D. Basiago, President,
Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS):
First, I have found abundant evidence of humanoid beings of two
types on Mars, one closely resembling modern human beings on Earth
and the other
the Grays of the UFO contact literature.
Second, I have found animal species, including animals that
presently exist on Earth, that once existed on Earth but are now
extinct, and that have never existed on Earth.
Third, I have found many carved statues, especially large heads and
faces of humans and animals made from indigenous rocks, which is a
distinctively Martian art form, as exemplified by
The Face on Mars
at Cydonia.
Fourth, I have found built structures, including aqueducts and
Fifth, I have found dead bodies, including a large mass of dead
humanoids littering the arroyo immediately west of the Home Plate
Plateau in the Columbia Basin of the Gusev Crater of Mars.
Lastly, and most intriguingly, I have found evidence of both large
monuments and small rock carvings establishing the connection
Ancient Egypt and Ancient Mars.
MARS - Humanoid found by Basiago on Tsiolkovski Ridge on Mars
Okuneva: Does this evidence establish the existence of a previous
civilization on Mars?
Basiago: Yes. Mars was inhabited in antiquity and is inhabited
today. The civilization on Mars was impacted by the solar system
catastrophe of 9,500 BC, in which debris elements from the Vela
supernova explosion entered our solar system, devastating Mars and
destroying the great maritime civilization on Earth that built the
Great Pyramid and
the Sphinx.
The evidence on Mars of this ancient civilization consists of very
large monuments that can be seen from satellite images and now
smaller details photographed by NASA's rovers Spirit and
Opportunity, such as the image of an Egyptian pharaoh that MARS has
identified on a rock on Mars that was photographed by Spirit, that
we are calling "The Rosetta Stone of Mars" because it establishes
the connection between Ancient Egypt and Mars.
After this catastrophe, the human beings on Mars took refuge
underground, where their post-catastrophe civilization has survived
intact, and where, according to a senior CIA officer who contacted
me after I published The Discovery of Life on Mars in 2008, one
million Martian humanoids of several different types now live.
MARS - The Face of a Pharaoh as seen on "The Rosetta Stone of Mars"
Okuneva: Is there any evidence of forests and water existing on
Basiago: In my opinion, yes. Although the ecology of Mars is fragile
and even tenuous by earthly standards, there is evidence that both
forests and water presently exist on Mars.
Several years ago, the late Dr.
Thomas Van Flandern, the former
chief astronomer of the US Navy, published photographs showing
"possible trees" on Mars. He concluded that they were "ancient
forests remains," that is to say, fossils.
He also studied
The Face on Mars at Cydonia, and concluded that the
probability that it is a built structure is astronomically high − "a
thousand billion billion to one."
He determined, however, that such evidence was from a civilization
that died out on Mars 3.2 million years ago, when life was beginning
on Earth. Dr. Van Flandern concluded that Mars is a dead planet. I
My analysis of NASA image PIA10214 in 2008 proved that Mars is
inhabited today by humanoid beings and by many different animal

NASA image
Mars' biota also includes plant life that we would liken to the
algae, lichen, mosses, ferns, and sedges that we find here on Earth.
As for the presence of water on Mars, I would cite the fact that in
2008, at the very time that NASA was announcing its "chilling
discovery" of ice on Mars, I published data derived from NASA's own
photographs showing evidence of both standing water and flowing
water in the West Valley of the Columbia Basin of the Gusev Crater
of Mars, which is in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere
of Mars, about where Columbus, Ohio is here on Earth.
In NASA image PIA10214, a lake, azure blue in color, can be seen at
the foot of Husband Hill, to the west of the Home Plate Plateau. In
NASA image PIA11049, a pipe can be seen, and from it, water can be
seen flowing downward into a catch basin, around which, in turn,
human beings can be seen standing, to the south of the Home Plate
Such evidence shows that NASA is attempting to conceal the obvious
evidence of life that exists in its own photographs, which is
contrary to the mission that the US space agency was given by the US
Congress in the NASA Act of 1958, which was to foster "the expansion
of human knowledge of… space."
It is trying to do so by making
periodic announcements of discoveries on Mars of a de minimis
nature, most recently, the discovery of methane.
Surely, the people
of this planet have a right to know that the planet that every two
years comes closest to our planet, Mars, is an inhabited planet,
and, in this way, to know and understand the true natural history of
the solar system that we live in as inhabitants of this planet.
Okuneva: What is the probability that all of these forms of evidence
are optical illusions?
Basiago: None. I am a lawyer in Washington State, and I can say with
some authority that the evidence that MARS has already published on
the Web is sufficient to convince any jury in the United States that
Mars is an inhabited planet.
However, we are not at that place in the debate. Where we are at in
the debate is whether President Obama will honor his own call for
"Change" and change the traditional policy of the US government,
established by the CIA's Robertson Panel of 1952-53, which has been
to deny the existence of extraterrestrial life.
You may remember that during the presidential campaign in 2008,
Obama was asked about extraterrestrial life and he joked
that the critical question was whether or not the ET’s were
Democrats or Republicans!
I met Barack Obama in 1982 when we were
college students, and I think that he is smarter than that.
I think
that he recognizes the great contribution that he could make as
president were he to embrace my call to acknowledge that Mars is
inhabited, establish a Mars protectorate under the UN, and normalize
relations with the human civilization on Mars.
Ultimately, I think
that he has no other choice, now that the evidence that Mars is
inhabited so far surpasses the possibility that it is an optical
illusion that it falls somewhere between the "substantial evidence"
standard and the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard.
there is still some skepticism, but in my view such skepticism
results from fear of change rather than the courage to confront the
Okuneva: If the artifacts truly exist, what lessons should be
learned by humanity about your discovery of life on Mars?
Basiago: The overarching philosophical lesson to be learned from
this new discovery is that we live in an inhabited Universe and that
human life as we know it on Earth might be more commonplace in the
Cosmos than we once thought. The 21st Century will see something
that human civilization on Earth has not seen for 500 years - the
discovery of a new world.
The immediate lesson to be learned, however, and the reason that I
am leading the campaign to achieve political recognition that Mars
is an inhabited planet, is that we must begin the great debate on
Earth to enact the international treaty that is now required to
protect the ecology and the civilization of Mars from visitation,
exploration, habitation, and colonization by human beings from
We must remember that Mars does not belong to the people of
America or of Russia or, indeed, the people of Earth. Mars belongs
to the Martians! If we fail to recognize this, then we will fail our
first major test of cosmic citizenship.
I think that the people of
the Earth are ready for cosmic citizenship and I think that they are
also ready for the truth.
Note: see Mr. Basiago’s paper
The Discovery of Life on Mars
reveals US government’s “quantum access” capability
What is fascinating about the determination made by Mr. High is that
Mr. Basiago’s high level (34%) in the linguistic set predicted by
the ALTA model might be caused by revelations of his other than
those pertaining to life on Mars.
On August 31, 2009, in
a six-hour
interview by Jessica Schab that has become a YouTube classic, Mr.
Basiago disclosed the existence of a secret US time travel program
called Project Pegasus.
In the interview, Basiago states that the US government’s “quantum
access” capability was so advanced 40 years ago that in 1971, he was
asked to read a copy of his paper The Discovery of Life on Mars that
had been retrieved from the future, so that when he wrote it, in
2008, it would contain as much data about Mars as possible.
interview, in which Mr. Basiago explains the connections between his
childhood involvement in Project Pegasus and later Mars findings,
can be
viewed here.
Project Pegasus was a classified, defense-related research and
development program launched by the US Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) in the late 1960’s.
In the YouTube
interview with Ms. Schab, Mr. Basiago,
“relates his experiences in
DARPA’s Project Pegasus during the period 1969 to 1972, and
describes probes to past and future events that he took via
teleportation and chronovision during the early days of time-space
exploration by the US government.”
According to Mr. Basiago, the US government already had a fully
operational teleportation capability in 1967-68, and by 1969-70, was
actively training a cadre of gifted and talented American
schoolchildren, including himself, to become America’s first
generation of “chrononauts” or time-space explorers.
This training, he said, culminated in 1981, when, as a 19-year-old,
he teleported to Mars, first by himself after being prepared for the
trip by CIA officer Courtney M. Hunt, and then a second time in the
company of Hunt.
Both trips, Mr. Basiago said, were made via a “jump
room” located at a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA.
The apparent
purpose of the trips to Mars was to familiarize him with Mars
because the CIA knew of his destiny pertaining to publicly
establishing the fact that Mars is an inhabited planet and deemed it
important that he visit Mars and experience its conditions
Mr. Basiago’s involvement in advanced US time-space research as a
child, as well as Courtney M. Hunt’s identity as a career CIA
officer, have been confirmed by Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo, an ethicist
who works closely with US military and intelligence agencies, and by
US Army Captain Ernest Garcia, whose storied career in US
intelligence included both serving as a guard on the
Dead Sea Scrolls
expeditions of Israeli archaeologist Yigal Yadin and as the Army
security attaché to Project Pegasus.
Remote sensing
in the time-space continuum
Mr. Basiago has revealed that between 1969 and 1972, as a child
participant in Project Pegasus, he both viewed past and future
events through a device known as a chronovisor and teleported back
and forth across the country in vortal tunnels opened in time-space
Tesla-based teleporters located at the Curtiss-Wright
Aeronautical Company facility in Wood Ridge, NJ and the Sandia
National Laboratory in Sandia, NM.
DARPA had, he explains, five reasons for involving American school
children in such new, dangerous, and experimental activities.
the Department of Defense wanted to test the mental and physical
effects of teleportation on children.
Second, Project Pegasus needed
to use children because the holograms created by the
would collapse when adults stood within them.
Third, the children
were tabula rasa and would tend to see things during the time probes
that adults would tend to miss.
Fourth, the children were trainees
who upon growing up would serve in a covert time-space program under DARPA that would operate in tandem with the overt space program
under NASA.
Lastly, the program sponsors found that after moving
between time lines, adult
time travelers were often becoming insane,
and it was hoped that by working with gifted and talented children
from childhood, the US government might create an adult cadre of
“chrononauts” capable of dealing with the psychological effects of
time travel.
In one time probe to the future undertaken by
Project Pegasus from a chronovisor device located at ITT Defense Communications in Nutley,
NJ, Mr. Basiago viewed the US Supreme Court building in Washington,
DC as it would be in the year 2013.
During this probe, he found that
the Supreme Court building was under 100 feet of stagnant water and
reported this to the Lieutenant Commander from the Office of Naval
Intelligence who debriefed him after the probe to the future was
He hastens to add that because the chronovisors did not
identify absolute, deterministic futures but rather alternate
futures in the “multi-verse,” this catastrophic vision of
Washington, DC might be from an alternative time line that does not
materialize on our time line.
In contrast to the chronovisor probes, in which a form of virtual
time travel was achieved, the teleporters developed by Project
Pegasus allowed for physical teleportation to distant locations,
sometimes with an adjustment forward or backward in time of days,
weeks, months, or years.
According to Mr. Basiago, by 1972, the US
government was using “quantum displacement” of this kind to both
send people forward in time several years to store sensitive
military secrets in the future and backward in time several years to
provide the government current intelligence about future events.
impact of chronovision and teleportation
Andrew D. Basiago’s Pegasus revelations establish that a secret,
advanced US time-space program emerged 40 years ago. For four
decades, this program has used esoteric technologies involving
chronovision and teleportation to perform “remote sensing in time”
of past and future events.
For the past three decades, teleportation
has also been used to send individuals from Earth to strategic US
bases on Mars. He is adamant that these technologies be revealed so
that their positive and negative aspects can be debated and their
positive aspects used to advantage humanity.
Chronovision, he said, could be used to create an international
network of virtual museums in which images from the past would be
shown to enlighten and educate the public.
Misapplied, such
technology could also be used to create a Fascist society based on
24-hour surveillance of individuals by government, which may have
been portended by the DARPA project called “Total Information
Awareness” that President
George W. Bush established and placed
under Admiral John Poindexter.
Teleportation is a second quantum access technology developed with
public funds that the public is being denied the full benefits of.
Teleportation could be used, Basiago said, to move people and goods
more quickly and efficiently around the globe, without the pollution
caused by planes, trains, and automobiles or the negative land use
effects from airports, railroad tracks, and highways.
Yet, if it is
not declassified, teleportation will remain what it has been for 40
years, that is, a weapon for use only by the US military, to have
the option to put troops precisely where they are needed on
“I take my responsibilities as a planetary whistle blower very
seriously,” Basiago said.
“This is a truth campaign for positive
human development on this planet. The people of this planet have a
right to a true telling of the natural history of the solar system
that we inhabit. This includes the truth that Mars is an inhabited
planet and also that the United States’ secret space program has
already sent individuals from this planet to the Red Planet.
If we
are to achieve a sustainable human future on this planet, we must
demand that the US government reveal the teleportation that has been
used to reach Mars so that it can now be used to revolutionize human
transport on Earth. The people of this planet have a right to
inhabit a future global society in which all human beings enjoy the
life-advantaging benefits of all of the technologies that all of
human ingenuity has ever produced.
In both of these cases, whether a
treaty protecting Mars or a global network of teleports results, the
truth shall set us free.”