by Greg Jenner
from DarkStar1 Website




Part One

Over the years, esoteric researchers and authors have written about the legend of Atlantis to ad nauseam with well over 5,000 books now in print, therefore at the risk of producing repetitive information, I will endeavor to present a unique insight into the age old riddle of Atlantis.

Who were the Atlanteans?


They have been labeled Hyperboreans, Aryans, gods (little g), Titans and yes, Giants.


Investigating the valuable works of Helena Blavatsky, Harold Wilkins and Edgar Cayce, have led me to conclude that the governing Atlantean race was indeed Giants - very physical and very real - linked to the original Nephilim.



But more importantly, why did the most advanced civilization in the world perish? What was the reason or ‘trigger’ for the Giants to scatter within and around the Earth?

According to Edgar Cayce - an American mystic Christian known as ‘The Sleeping Prophet’ - there once existed seven islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

They were created from a series of three continental break-ups and the last Atlantean upheaval occurred as recently as 12,000 years ago. So contrary to popular belief, the continent of Atlantis didn’t sink all at once, which indicates to me some kind of natural cycle at play here.

I argue that the Dark Star binary system is this grand cycle with Nibiru and its celestial entourage the trigger or ‘cause’ for each landmass break-up. However before getting into that, let’s first look at the mysterious Atlantean race of Giants.


I’ve inserted [Brackets] and CAPITALS to emphasize my argument.



Exhibit 1) Edgar Evans Cayce
(Edgar Cayce on Atlantis ©1968) Reading No.364-11

“A question in a…general reading on Atlantis asked about the kind of people that existed then: Q.3: “Please give a few details regarding the physiognomy, habits, customs and costumes of the people of Atlantis during the period just before the first destruction.” A.3:…These took on many sizes as to stature, from that as may be called the midget [Hobbit? - GJ] to the GIANTS - for there were GIANTS IN THE EARTH IN THOSE DAYS, men as tall as (what would be termed today) ten or twelve feet in stature, and well proportioned throughout.


The ones that became the most useful were those as would be classified (or called in the present) as the ideal stature, that was both male and female…””

Page 63.

So, according to Edgar Cayce, the people living in Atlantis were of “many sizes” but none compared to the dominant race of Atlantean Giants.

Exhibit 2) Helena P. Blavatsky
(The Secret Doctrine – Vol. 2 ©1888)

“... The Giants of old are all buried under the Oceans, and hundreds of thousands of years of constant friction by water would reduce to dust and pulverize a brazen, far more a human skeleton. But whence the testimony of well-known classical writers, of philosophers and men who, otherwise, never had the reputation for lying?


Let us bear in mind, furthermore, that before the year 1847, when Boucher de Perthes forced it upon the attention of Science, almost nothing was known of fossil man, for archaeology complacently ignored his existence. Of Giants who were "IN THE EARTH IN THOSE DAYS" of old, the Bible alone had spoken to the wise men of the West, the Zodiac being the solitary witness called upon to corroborate the statement in the persons of ATLAS or ORION, whose mighty shoulders are said to support the world.”

Page 277.

“The claim that physical man was originally a colossal pre-tertiary giant, and that he existed 18,000,000 years ago, must of course appear preposterous to admirers of, and believers in, modern learning.


The whole posse comitatis of biologists will turn away from the conception of this...  Titan [Race] of the Secondary age, a being fit to fight as successfully with the then gigantic monsters of the air, sea, and land, as his forefathers - the ethereal prototype of the Atlantean - had little need to fear that which could not hurt him. The modern anthropologist [would] laugh at [the] Titans... ”

Pages 8-9

“Diodorus Siculus asserts that in the days of Isis, all men were of a vast stature, who were denominated by the Hellenes Giants.”

Page 344.

Exhibit 3) Harold T.Wilkins (Mysteries of Ancient South America ©1946)

Diodorus, speaking of Atlantis, says: “... it is an island of considerable size, a number of days’ voyage to the west... the dwelling-place of a race of gods [Giants], not men. In ancient times this island remained undiscovered, because of its distance from the other inhabitants of the world... ”

“Then, Ammianus Marcellinus, a Greek geographer contemporary with the Roman emperors Julian and Valens (fourth century A.D.), while enumerating the different sorts of vulcanism, says: “It was by a chasmaties (in which the force of the commotion opens gulfs in the Earth and swallows a whole country) that there was engulfed, in the profound night of Erebus, an isle in the Atlantic sea that was more spacious than all Europe... ”

Elian, the Roman sophist and compiler (died A.D. 140) quotes from Theopompus, a Greek historian of Chios, of the fourth century B.C. who, says Elian: “speaks of a continent, infinite and immeasurable, which the ocean circumscribes. THE MEN WHO DWELL THERE HAVE MORE THAN TWICE OUR STATURE and days... Two cities are there, one peaceful, the other warlike. The warlike city sent ten million men to invade Europe.”

Page 78. [War of the Giants between Atlantis and Athens? See Exhibit 7 - GJ]

From Exhibit 2) Helena P. Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine – Vol. 2 ©1888)

“Nevertheless, even the "Giants" have not been left without their witnesses, and one may as well examine both sides of the question. The three Sciences - Geological, Sidereal and Scriptural (the latter in its Universal character) - may furnish us with the needed proofs. To begin with geology; it has already confessed that the older the excavated skeletons, the larger, taller and the more powerful their structure.


This is already a certain proof in hand. "All those bones" writes Frederic de Rougemont... found in the Departments of the Gard, in Austria, Liege...  have all belonged to men of very high stature" . . . ("Histoire de la Terre," p. 154) The same is repeated by Lartet, an authority, who attributes a tall stature to those who were submerged in the deluge (not necessarily "Noah's" [convulsion]) and a smaller stature to the races which lived subsequently.”

“As for the evidence furnished by ancient writers, we need not stop at that of Tertullian, who assures us that in his day a number of giants were found at Carthage - for, before his testimony can be accepted, his own identity and actual existence would have to be proven. But we may turn to the scientific journals of 1858, which spoke of a sarcophagus of giants found that year on the site of that same city.


As to the ancient pagan writers - we have the evidence of Philostratus, who speaks of a giant skeleton twenty-two cubits long, as well as of another of twelve cubits, seen by himself at Sigeus.


This skeleton may perhaps not have belonged, as believed by Protesilaus, to the giant killed by Apollo at the siege of Troy; nevertheless, it was that of a giant, as well as that other one discovered by Messecrates of Stire, at Lemnos - "horrible to behold," according to Philostratus (Heroica, p. 35). Is it possible that prejudice would carry Science so far as to class all these men as either fools or liars?

“Pliny speaks of a giant in whom he thought he recognized Orion, the son of Ephialtes (Nat. Hist., vol. VII, ch. xvi.). Plutarch declares that Sertorius saw the tomb of Antaeus, the giant; and Pausanias vouches for the actual existence of the tombs of Asterius and of Geryon, or Hillus, son of Hercules - all giants, Titans and mighty men.


Finally the Abbe Pegues (cited in de Mirville's Pneumatologie) affirms in his curious work on "The Volcanoes of Greece" that "in the neighborhood of the volcanoes of the isle of Thera, giants with enormous skulls were found laid out under colossal stones, the erection of which must have necessitated everywhere the use of titanic powers, and which tradition associates in all countries with the ideas about giants, volcanoes and magic.”

(Page 48.)

“In the same work above cited of the Abbe Pegues, the author wonders why in Bible and tradition, the Gibborim, (Giants, the mighty ones) the Rephaim, or ... the Nephilim, or the fallen ones - (irruentes) - are shown "as if identical, though they are all men, since the Bible calls them the primitive and the mighty ones" - e.g., Nimrod.


The "Doctrine" explains the secret. These names [are all associated with the ‘Giants’ including] the race of the Atlantean Giants... ”

Pages 278-279.


... As this subject - the fourth great deluge on our globe... The seven great islands (Dwipas) belonged to the continent of Atlantis. The secret teachings show that the "Deluge" overtook the... Giant race, not on account of their depravity, or because they had become "black with sin," but simply because such is the fate of every continent, which - like everything else under our Sun - is born, lives, becomes decrepit, and dies... ”

Pages 349-350.


From Exhibit 2) Helena P. Blavatsky
(The Secret Doctrine – Vol. 2 ©1888)

“... Since the day of [The Archaic Record’s] earliest teachings and the destruction of the great Atlantis, the face of the earth has changed more than once. There was a time when the delta of Egypt and Northern Africa belonged to Europe, before the formation of the Straits of Gibraltar, and a further upheaval of the continent, changed entirely the face of the map of Europe.


The last serious change occurred some 12,000 years ago and was followed by the submersion of Plato's little Atlantic island, which he calls Atlantis after its parent continent. Geography was part of the mysteries, in days of old. Says the Zohar (iii., fol. 10a): "These secrets (of land and sea) were divulged to the men of the secret science, but not to the geographers.”

Pages 8-9.

From Exhibit 1) Edgar Evans Cayce (Edgar Cayce on Atlantis ©1968)

“There are…indications of disturbances about 50,000 years B.C. Another upheaval seems to have taken place at about 28,000 B.C., at which time the continent was split into islands, while the final destruction of the remaining islands took place about 10,000 B.C. It is this last destruction... that Plato describes in his writings.


Each period of destruction lasted months or years rather than days. In each case there was sufficient warning so that many of the inhabitants escaped to Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Thus, according to the Edgar Cayce readings, both of the Americas and portions of Europe have felt the influx of Atlanteans [Giants] more than once in the unrecorded past.”

Page 28.

“[The] second period of destruction did not entirely destroy Atlantis, according to the Edgar Cayce readings. The land was split into islands. Some lost their lives and some migrated elsewhere, but many stayed and for a while things quieted down. A high state of civilization continued, for electricity is mentioned and atomic energy implied.

"This may have been the period of polar shifting, for climatic changes from temperate to torrid are suggested by “the shifting of the activities of the Earth itself.”

Page 105.

So as noted above, Cayce implies the Atlantis continent was split into islands after a shifting of the poles, but yet the Atlanteans continued on.


I maintain that the only way the Earth’s poles could shift is from a near-by celestial intruder. Back in 1882 one of Helena Blavatsky’s teachers wrote to Theosophist A.P. Sinnett and stressed that the last portion of Atlantis sunk in the year 9,565 BC.


Then, low-and-behold, in 1995 two researchers named D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair, who specialize in palaeogeography and cartography, released a book called ‘When the Earth Nearly Died - Compelling Evidence of a Catastrophic World Change 9,500 BC.’ (Exhibit 4).


They concluded that a celestial body came into the solar system causing havoc and destruction and dubbed this event “the Phaeton disaster.”


See quote below:

“Any celestial intruder arriving from more remote cosmic regions would tend to encounter or pass close only to planets nearest its line of advance at that specific time. Those planets which happened to be orbiting the far side of the Sun might, in such circumstances, remain comparatively unaffected by the intruder. This, we shall find, appears to be precisely what occurred during the Phaeton event.”

Page 198.

Planet Earth was not spared during the last upheaval and much more was involved around the globe than merely the sinking of Atlantis.


Their view, derived wholly from science, was and is completely consistent with Theosophy. Their date is only 65 years away from the year given by the teacher of Theosophy more than a century earlier! This is very strong supportive evidence for Blavatsky’s work, although Allan and Delair stopped short of saying Phaeton was a cyclical planet-like object, I beg to differ. Helena Blavatsky gives us clues that Phaeton does indeed return. See below:

From Exhibit 2) Helena P. Blavatsky
(The Secret Doctrine – Vol. 2 ©1888)

“... NATURE HAD BEEN ALTERED AT THE PERIOD OF THE UNIVERSAL DELUGE. Precisely so; and the Secret Doctrine teaches that that "order of nature" has been thus altered, and the series of the Earth's humanities too. For, as the angel Uriel tells Enoch:

"Behold, I have showed thee all things, O Enoch; and all things have I revealed to thee. Thou seest the Sun, the Moon, and those which conduct the stars in Heaven, which cause all their operations, seasons, and arrivals to return. In the days of sinners THE YEARS SHALL BE SHORTENED... the moon shall change its laws, etc... ”

In those days also, years before the great Deluge that CARRIED AWAY THE ATLANTEANS and changed the face of the whole earth - because “THE EARTH (ON ITS AXIS) BECAME INCLINED... ”

“And now the natural question. Who could have informed the apocryphal author of this powerful vision... that THE EARTH COULD OCCASIONALLY INCLINE HER AXIS?”

“There are many such "dark sayings" throughout Puranas, Bible and Mythology; and to the occultist they divulge two facts:

(a) that the ancients knew as well, and better, perhaps, than the moderns do, astronomy, geognosy and cosmography in general

(b) that the globe and its behavior have altered more than once since the primitive state of things.

Thus, on the blind faith of his "ignorant" religion, which taught that PHAETON, in his desire to learn the hidden truth, MADE THE SUN DEVIATE [dance and wobble - GJ] FROM ITS USUAL COURSE... ”

Pages 533-535.

Is Blavatsky hinting that PHAETON occasionally tilts the Earth’s axis causing great deluges? I say yes!


I believe Phaeton is in fact Nibiru, our pole-shifting celestial intruder - cyclical in nature brought about by the Dark Star System. Although I do not agree with all of Blavatsky esoteric philosophy, I do think, however, her knowledge into the Atlantis mystery is plausible and very compelling especially her reasoning as to why the dominant Giant Atlantean race had to flee their homeland.


Plato’s great-grandfather’s friend Solon also recorded that Phaeton is cyclical in nature:



Exhibit 5) Writings of Plato
(Timaeus 22a-23b)

“To this city [Sais, in Egypt] came Solon, and was received there with great honor; he asked the priests who were most skilful in such matters, about antiquity... Thereupon one of the priests, who was of a very great age, said: O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are never anything but children, and there is not an old man among you. Solon in return asked him what he meant. I mean to say, he replied, that in mind you are all young; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition, nor any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you why.


There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; THE GREATEST HAVE BEEN BROUGHT ABOUT BY THE AGENCIES OF FIRE AND WATER...


There is a story, which even you have preserved, that once upon a time PHAETHON, the son of Helios, [Or SON OF THE SUN - GJ] having yoked the steeds in his father’s chariot [influenced the planets orbiting the sun - GJ] because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the Earth...


Now this was the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies [planets] moving in the heavens around the Earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the Earth, WHICH RECURS AFTER LONG INTERVALS; at such times those who live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are more liable to destruction than those who dwell by rivers or on the sea-shore.

"And from this calamity we are preserved by the liberation of the Nile, who is our never-failing savoir. When, on the other hand, the gods purge the Earth with a deluge of water, the survivors in your country are herdsmen and shepherds who dwell on the mountains, but those who, like you, live in cities are carried by the rivers into the sea... The fact is, that wherever the extremity of winter frost or of summer sun does not prevent, mankind exist[ence], sometimes in greater, sometimes in lesser numbers.


And whatever happened either in your country or in ours... if there were any actions noble or great or in any other way remarkable, they have all been written down by us of old, and are preserved in our temples.


Whereas just when you and other nations are beginning to be provided with letters and other requisites of civilized life, AFTER THE USUAL INTERVAL, THE STREAM FROM HEAVEN, LIKE A PESTILENCE, COMES POURING DOWN, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education; and so you HAVE TO BEGIN ALL OVER AGAIN LIKE CHILDREN, [this passage by Solon’s Egyptian priest is an amazing statement because he implies that “the usual interval” of time was known to them! - GJ] and know nothing of what happened in ancient times… you remember a single deluge only, BUT THERE WERE MANY PREVIOUS ONES.”

Exhibit 6) Immanuel Velikovsky (Worlds in Collision ©1950)

“The Greeks as well as the Carians and other peoples on the shores of the Aegean Sea told of a time when THE SUN WAS DRIVEN OFF ITS COURSE and disappeared for an entire day, and the Earth was burned and drowned.


The Greek legend says the young PHAETHON, who claimed parentage of the sun, on that fateful day tried to drive the chariot of the sun. Phaethon was unable to make his way “against the whirling poles,” and their swift axis” swept him away. Phaethon in Greek means “THE BLAZING ONE.”

[Could this be the Freemasons Blazing Star? See Andy Lloyd’s webpage ‘Aphelion in 1881 & Freemasonry’ - GJ]

“Many authors have dealt with the story of Phaethon; the best known version is a creation of the Latin poet Ovid. The chariot of the sun, driven by Phaeton, moved “no longer in the same course as before.”


The horses “break loose from their course” and “rush aimlessly, knocking against the stars set deep in the sky and snatching the chariot along through uncharted ways.” The constellations of the cold bears [Ursa Major and Ursa Minor] tried to plunge into the forbidden sea, [Appeared to descend together below the ocean horizon. This is a great description of how the two constellations would appear from the Earth’s surface during a pole shift - GJ] and the SUN’S CHARIOT [Phaeton] roamed through unknown regions of the air... ...”

“The Earth bursts into flame, the highest parts first, and splits into deep cracks, and its moisture is all dried up. The meadows are burned to white ashes; the trees are consumed, green leaves and all, and the ripe grain furnishes fuel for its own destruction... .Great cities perish with their [Megalithic] walls, and the vast conflagration reduces whole nations to ashes.


The woods are ablaze with the mountains...  Aetna is blazing boundlessly ... and twin-peaked Parnassus… Nor does its chilling clime save Scythia; Caucasus burns… and the heaven-piercing Alps and cloud-capped Apennines.” The scorched clouds belched forth smoke. PHAETHON SEES THE EARTH AFLAME. “He can no longer bear the ashes and whirling sparks, and is completely shrouded in the dense, hot smoke. In this pitchy darkness he cannot tell where he is or whither he is going... ”

“The disturbance in the movement of the sun was followed by a period as long as a day, when the sun did not appear at all. Ovid continues: “If we are to believe report, one whole day went without the sun. But the burning world gave [off its own] light... ” The globe changed the inclination of its axis; latitudes changed too.


Ovid ends the description of the world catastrophe contained in the story of Phaethon: “Causing all things to shake with her mighty trembling, she (the Earth) sank back a little lower than her wonted place... .”

Referencing Plato’s ‘Critias,’ Velikovsky continues:

“These words of the [Egyptian] priest [spoken to Solon] were only an introduction to a revelation of his knowledge about lands that were erased when Greece...  and the entire world were visited with heavenly wrath. He told the story of a mighty kingdom on a great island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that SUBMERGED AND SANK FOREVER INTO ITS WATERS... ”

Pages 143-146.

Exhibit 7) Zoltán Simon (Atlantis: The Seven Seals ©1984)

“In Greek mythology, during the Revolt of the Titans, “Sea and earth resounded with horrifying clamor and the shaken firmament groaned aloud.” Zeus, too, was unable to curb his warlike rage and joined in the fray. From the heights of heavens he hurled thunder and lightning. He flung bolt after bolt, and the air was rent with sound and fury.


The fertile earth shuddered and burned; vast forests flamed and all things melted and boiled; the River Ocean, the immense sea and the entire Earth...  The Earth shook on its very foundations, the sky crashed down from its heights. In spite of their pride and courage the Titans were finally defeated and bound with chains, CAST INTO THE ABYSMAL DEPTHS OF THE EARTH. Then Zeus in the “WAR OF THE GIANTS” put down another revolt... ”

Page 56

As mentioned earlier, was this “War of the Giants” the battle between Athens and Atlantis that Plato spoke of? See below:

Exhibit 8) Writings of Plato
(Critias 108e-109a)

“... Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the pillars of Hercules and all who dwelt within them...


Of the combatants on the one side, the city of Athens was reported to have been the leader and to have fought out the war; the combatants on the other side were commanded by the KINGS OF ATLANTIS, which, as I have said, once existed, greater in extent than Libya and Asia [Minor], and afterwards when sunk by an earthquake, became an impassable barrier of mud to those voyagers from hence who attempt to cross the ocean which lies beyond.


The progress of the history will unfold the various nations of barbarians and families of Hellenes [Giants] which then existed, as they successively appear on the scene... ”

So if you take Plato’s word at face value a ‘World War’ was raging about the same time as Phaeton’s return. In-other-words this scenario had a one-two punch. Will mankind have the same fate in the future  -  World War Three coinciding with the return of Nibiru  -  a one-two punch? I can only speculate here.



Plato continues, from
(Critias 113b-116c)

“... My grandfather had the original writing, which is still in my possession, and was carefully studied by me when I was a child... I have before remarked in speaking of the allotments of the gods, that they distributed the whole Earth into portions differing in extent, and made for themselves temples and instituted sacrifices.


And Poseidon [Giant], receiving for his lot the island of Atlantis, begat children by a mortal woman, [In-other-words “The Sons of God” (Giants) had sexual relations with “The daughters of (primeval) men” - GJ] and settled them in a part of the island, which I will describe.”

“Towards the sea, half-way down the length of the whole island, there was a plain which is said to have been the fairest of all plains and very fertile. Near the plain again, and also in the centre of the island at a distance of about fifty stadia, there was a mountain not very high on ant side.”

“[With]in this mountain there dwelt one of the EARTH-BORN PRIMEVAL MEN [native] of that country whose name was Evenor, and he had a wife named Leucippe, and they had only one daughter who was called Cleito. The maiden had already reached womanhood, when her father and mother died; Poseidon [A Nephilim Giant - GJ] fell in love with her... He…begat and brought up five pairs of twin male children; and dividing the island of Atlantis into ten portions... ”

“[Poseidon] himself, being a god found no difficulty in making special arrangements for the centre island, bringing up two springs of water from beneath the earth, one of warm water and the other of cold, [Subterranean aqueducts. See ‘Exhibit T’ in ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection – Part Two’  - GJ] and making every variety of food to spring up abundantly from the soil... ”

“... In the first place, they dug out of the Earth whatever was to be found there, solid as well as fusile, and that which is now only a name and was then something more than a name, orichalcum, was dug out of the earth in many parts of the island, being more precious in those days than anything except gold. [So it would seem the Atlanteans were in the mining business creating pits or tunnels throughout Atlantis - GJ]


There was an abundance of wood for carpenter’s work, and sufficient maintenance for tame and wild animals. Moreover, there were a great number of elephants in the island... ” [Mastodons? - GJ]

“... meanwhile they went on constructing their temples and palaces and harbors and docks. And they arranged the whole country in the following manner: First of all they bridged over the zones of sea which surrounded the ancient metropolis, making a road to and from the royal palace. And at the very beginning they built the palace in the habitation of the god and of their ancestors [Giant ancestors - GJ], which they continued to ornament in successive generations, every king surpassing the one who went before him to the utmost of his power, until they made the building a marvel to behold for size and for beauty.


And beginning from the sea they bored a canal of three hundred feet in width and one hundred feet in depth and fifty stadia in length, which they carried through the outermost zone, making a passage from the sea up to this, which became a harbor, and leaving an opening sufficient to enable the largest vessels to find ingress... ”



“... All this including the zones and the bridge, which was the sixth part of a stadium in width, they surrounded by a stone wall on every side, placing towers and gates on the bridges where the sea passed in.


The stone which was to be used in the work they quarried from underneath the centre island, and from underneath the zones, on the outer as well as the inner side. [It appears the Giant Atlantean race had acquired the knowledge of subterranean tunnel technology - GJ]


One kind was white, another black, and a third red, and as they quarried, they at the same time hollowed [Tunneled] out docks double within, having roofs formed out of the native rock. Some of the buildings were simple, but in others they put together different stones, varying the color to please the eye, and to be a natural source of delight.


The entire circuit of the wall, which went round the outermost zone, they covered with a coating of brass, and the circuit of the next wall they coated with tin, and the third, which encompassed the citadel, [A temple devoted to Cleito and Poseiden - GJ] flashed with red light of orichalcum... .”

From Exhibit 1) Edgar Evans Cayce (Edgar Cayce on Atlantis ©1968)

“in Atlantean land in first of periods as the people began to apply those laws as pertain to the combustion as made for the filling up of the skins that were used for those of transportation, excelled in the USE OF THE ELEVATOR IN BUILDING [WITH]IN THE EARTH.” Page 62, Reading No.1730-1; Aug. 14, 1930

“ - when Poseidian land was greater in power, when there was a meeting called for those of many lands to determine means and manners in which there would be control of the animals [Mastodons? - GJ] that were destructive to many lands... those who guided the ships that sailed both in the air and under the water, also maker of that which produced the ELEVATORS AND CONNECTING TUBES that were used by compressed air and steam and the metals in their emanations... ”

Pages 78-79, Reading No.2157-1; March 27, 1940

So Cayce tells us here that the Atlanteans were able to build vertical elevator (tunnel) shafts that descended within the bowels of the Earth.

Exhibit 9) Dr. David Zink
(The Stones of Atlantis ©1978)

“Continuing on with Plato’s story, I found reference to a particularly important factor: the location of Atlantis.


In the Timaeus, Critias says that voyagers going west from Atlantis “had access to the islands and from the latter to the opposite continent, which is located at the edge of the real ocean.” many have taken this to be a reference to the Pacific. How could Plato, supposedly ignorant of the existence of the Americas and the Pacific, write with this geographical awareness?”

“The answer may lie with the ancient Piri Re’is chart, compiled by a Turkish admiral around 1513 - twenty years after Columbus’ first attempt to reach America. Amazingly, it shows South America, and may also reveal outlines of land under the Antarctic ice.


Since the coast of Antarctica has been covered with ice for 20,000 years, one can well ask how this information, only recently confirmed during the 1957-58 International Geophysical Year, was known more than 450 years ago.

“Charles H. Hapgood, cartographer and historian, was asked to examine the Piri Re’is map. After careful study he and his students concluded that it was based on a Mercator projection taken from the intersection of the meridian of Alexandria, Egypt, and the Tropic of cancer. In his book, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Hapgood theorizes that the charts used as sources required the knowledge of spherical trigonometry for their construction.


The map is believed to have been based on twenty earlier sources including Alexandrian Greek charts. Before the destruction of the great library at Alexandria by the Emperor Theodosius in 389 A.D. and the Caliph Omar in 642 A.D., it doubtless included ancient charts, perhaps ones known to Plato.


If Hapgood is right, the Piri Re’is map indicates a prehistoric [antediluvian] civilization with scientific knowledge unsuspected by contemporary man.” Page 70.

Exhibit 10) Charles H. Hapgood (Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings ©1966 Revised edition ©1979)

“A great island, No. 93 [See chart to the left] is one of the MAJOR MYSTERIES of the Piri Re’is Map. IT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE AN INVENTION... ”

“In the first place, the details of the island are convincing. Some reproductions of the colored facsimile... suggest by a deeper shade around the coasts that there were coastal highlands or mountains surrounding a great central plain. The harbors and the islands off the coast are inviting. They are carefully drawn.


There seems to have been an effort to achieve accuracy.



"This island, if it really existed, would have been ideally suited by climate and location for agricultural and commercial development. An ideal home for a[n advanced race of] sea people!


A secure base for a maritime empire: whose ships would have had easy access to commercial ports in the Caribbean, in South America, in Europe, in Africa, and even, perhaps, in Antarctica! Here, in this island, there might have developed the people who made these maps!”

Page 55.

An amazing statement by Hapgood, indeed. It’s entirely possible that Island No. 93 was the last Atlantean Island to be recorded on a Sea Chart before sinking below the ocean.


Are there remnant islands from a larger Atlantean continent still in existence today? Ignatius Donnelly says yes.

Exhibit 11) Ignatius Donnelly
(The Destruction of Atlantis - Ragnarok, or the Age of Fire and Gravel ©1883)

“... deep-sea soundings, made of late years in the Atlantic, reveal the fact that the Azores [and the Canaries] are the mountain-tops of a colossal mass of sunken land; and that from this center one great ridge runs southward for some distance, and then...  sends out one limb to the shores of Africa, and another to the shores of South America; while there are evidences that a third great ridge formerly reached northward from the Azores to[wards] the British Islands.”

Page 376.

One of America’s most learned congressmen, Ignatius Donnelly (1831-1901) was a pioneer and spokesman for the lost continent and in 1882 he published his book ‘Atlantis, The Antediluvian World.’

From Exhibit 9 David Zink
(The Stones of Atlantis) writes:

“Donnelly believed that Atlantis represented the first [advanced] civilization on this planet, that it was the center from which these characteristics were diffused, that its far-reaching colonies extended from the Atlantic base to as far as central Asia, and that ITS DESTRUCTION WAS HISTORICALLY FACTUAL.


He set forth his [argument:]”

  1. “There once existed in the Atlantic Ocean, opposite the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea, a large island which was the remnant of an Atlantic continent, and known to the ancient world of Atlantis.

  2. The description of this island given by Plato is not, as has been long supposed, fable, but verifiable history...

  3. The gods and goddesses of the ancient Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Hindus, and the Scandinavians were simply the kings, queens and heroes [physical Giants - GJ] of Atlantis; and the acts attributed to them in mythology...

  4. The mythologies of Egypt and Peru represented the original religion of Atlantis, which was sun-worship.

  5. The oldest colony formed by the Atlanteans was probably in Egypt, whose civilization was a reproduction of that of the Atlantic island.

  6. The implements of the bronze Age of Europe were derived from Atlantis and the Atlanteans were also the first manufactures of iron.

  7. The Phoenician alphabet, parent of all the European alphabets, was derived from an Atlantis alphabet, which was also conveyed from Atlantis to the Mayas of Central America.


  9. A few persons [Giants] escaped in ships and on RAFTS, [See ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection - Part Two; Exhibit T - GJ] and carried to the nations east and west the tidings of the appalling catastrophe, which has survived to our own time in the FLOOD and DELUGE legends of the different nations of the Old and New Worlds.”

“The nearly universal incidence of the flood stories around the world and widely distributed legends of destructions by fire and water provided the background for Donnelly’s theorizing, as they later would for Velikovsky…”

Pages 75-77. [See Exhibit 6 - GJ]



I have to say the one person that prompted me into investigating the notion of a Binary Companion was Edgar Cayce.


Back in the late 1980’s I collected hundreds of his Atlantis ‘readings’ (some I have used in this paper) and as mentioned earlier, came to the conclusion there had to be a celestial ‘common denominator’ at play here involving the island break-ups.


The following Cayce reading, I believe, provides a great example of the solar system’s common denominator:

Exhibit 12) Edgar Cayce
(Except from Reading No. 3976-15; January 19, 1934)

“As to the material changes that are to be as an omen, as a sign to those that this is shortly to come to pass - as has been given of old, the Sun will be darkened and THE EARTH SHALL BE BROKEN UP IN DIVERSE PLACES - and then shall be proclaimed - through the spiritual interception in the hearts and minds and souls of those that have sought His way - that HIS STAR HAS APPEARED, and will point the way for those that enter into the holy of holies in themselves.


For, God the Father, God the teacher, God the director, in the minds and hearts of men, must ever be in those that come to know Him as first and foremost in the seeking of the souls; for He is first the God to the individual and as He is exemplified, as He is manifested in the heart and in the acts of the body, of the individual, He becomes manifested before men.”

It’s clear to me that Cayce’s term HIS STAR refers to CHRIST’S STAR or the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ and Cayce hints that “He (His Star) becomes manifested before men.” From the Christian point of view I reason this could refer to the ‘Second Coming of Christ.’


In-other-words the returning CHRIST STAR is THE SECOND COMING.

From Exhibit 1) Edgar Evans Cayce
(Edgar Cayce on Atlantis ©1968)

“As to the changes physical again: The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America.


There will be upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the Torrid areas, and THERE WILL BE A SHIFTING OF THE POLES - so that where there have been those of a frigid or semitropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will grow. And these will begin in ’58 to ’98 [2058 to 2098? - GJ] when these will be proclaimed as the PERIODS WHEN HIS LIGHT [HIS STAR] WILL BE SEEN AGAIN in the clouds.”

Page 158-159, Reading No.3976-15 continues...

“How do these predictions relate to Atlantis? Many… Atlanteans… lived to see their country being broken up physically. Many…people [living today] may go through a similar experience in the years ahead. In considering what has been said about Atlantis, it is important to remember that the picture here presented does not come from what Edgar Cayce said in merely one or two readings.


The information was gleaned from over 650…readings which were given over a period of twenty-one years... One might say the information contained in these readings concerning Atlantis is incidental, yet the internal consistency and chronological sequence of this Atlantean information is amazing.


These points...  are thought-provoking, to say the least.”

Page 160-161.


In summing up, just as Helena Blavatsky attributes the universal flood to Phaeton and a shifting of the Earth’s poles, Edgar Cayce attributes “His Light” or “His Star” to Earth changes and a shifting of the poles.


To me it’s self-evident they are both the same star-like planetary body and the source for Atlantis’ eventual demise causing the Atlantean people to scatter.


Phaeton is indeed our solar system’s common denominator - the celestial intruder known as Nibiru.






Part Two

“Men began as giants. These first giants were very highly developed, intellectually, artistically and physically: they had power over birds and animals…they misbehaved and were abolished by God, and ordinary men took their place…”
‘The Apocalypse of Baruch’ (From a sixth-century Syriac Vulgate)

In Part-One of this paper a supporting list of material was laid out suggesting the dominant race of Atlantean Giants eventually dispersed from their Island homeland due to the incoming wrath of Nibiru.

Part-Two continues with this theme suggesting they not only fled to Ireland and the rest of Europe but also to South America, particularly Brazil. More importantly though, was anything ever written down or engraved in stone documenting the reason for Atlantean migration?

For those who find it hard to believe that Giants existed in our distant past, one only has to look at this rare photograph obtained from the December, 1895 issue of the British ‘Strand’ Magazine (Exhibit 13) with the following quote:

“Pre-eminent among the most extraordinary articles ever held by a railway company is the FOSSILIZED Irish giant, which is at this moment lying at the London and North-Western Railway Company’s Broad-street goods depot, and a photograph of which is reproduced here…


This monstrous figure is reputed to have been dug up by a Mr. Dyer whilst prospecting for iron ore in County Antrim.


The principal measurements are: entire length, 12 ft 2 in.; girth of chest, 6 ft 6 in.; and length of arms, 4 ft 6 in. There are six toes on the right foot.


The gross [fossilized] weight is 2 tons 15 cwt.; so that it took half a dozen men and a powerful crane to place this article of lost property in position [leaning against a box-car] for the Strand magazine... ”

This magazine article is genuine so why is it that ‘artifacts’ like this eventually go missing or end up in institutional storehouses like the ‘Smithsonian’ or the ‘Royal Geographical Society’ never to be seen or heard of again?


Easy; the conservative administrators of scientific censorship have to maintain their self-appointed, heavily funded paradigm of ‘established knowledge,’ in-other-words whoever controls the funding controls the public mainstream information.


Why is the general public constantly being kept out of the loop and not privy to “the mighty men of renown?” According to my research some members of the Theosophical Society (including me) believe they are still alive today. (See ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection’ Part-One)

Ignatius Donnelly, an Atlantean enthusiast, like me, supports my theory that the Irish Giant shown in the photograph was a godlike member (little g) from the legendary ‘Ice Giant Race,’ called the Asas who roamed across Ireland. See below:

Exhibit 14) Ignatius Donnelly
(The Destruction of Atlantis: Ragnarok, or the Age of fire and Gravel ©1883)

“…the home of the godlike race, the Asas…was surrounded by the ocean, was therefore an island; and that around the outer margin of this ocean, the Atlantic, the godlike race [Nephilim - GJ] had given lands for the ICE-GIANTS to dwell in. And now we read [from the Norse Edda’s] that this Asa-bridge, this Bifrost [Glacial pack-ice from the last ice-age - GJ] reached…across this gulf that separated the island from the colonies of the ice-giants. And now we learn that…these troublesome ice-giants…the bold Northmen would march across it from Great Britain and IRELAND to the Azores, to wit, to Atlantis…”

Pages 380-381.

An additional connection between Ireland and Atlantis can be found in Harold T. Wilkins work. See below:

Exhibit 15) Harold T. Wilkins
(Mysteries of Ancient South America ©1946)

A few years before the World War No.2, I was in a southern county of Eire, of Ireland of the former Irish Free State, when I heard the story of the old Irish myth of O Breasal, or Hy-Brazil - the paradise of the Gael, the land far in the direction of the sunset, over the Western Ocean from the Arran Isles. That legend dates back to the days of the roamings of the old Irish, who, I repeat, are the earliest branch to separate from the Keltic root stock, in Europe.


On a forbidding mountain called Callan - noted for its “hideous moory height” - used to stand what is known as the Ogham stones, cut with old Irish... letters. The peasants in the cabins and bogs, round about Callan mountain, have a legend about a tomb, in the mountain, containing the bones of an Irish king, Conane. [Giant? - GJ]


Find the tomb, say the bog-trotters, and you will Ocean a great city, sunken there. The city was named Hy-Brazil, or the Royal Island [Atlantis].”

Pages 80-81.



As noted above, Harold T. Wilkins believed there was an additional link between Ireland and Brazil with Atlantis being the common denominator so he traveled to South America in search of evidence for his theory:

Exhibit 15) continues...

“I was on my way to South America to try how far I could verify a theory of mine that Atlantis, the famed drowned land, may be looked for in the splendid and mysterious ruins of her old colony in unexplored Brazil and parts of western South America.


In that [Atlantean] colony, if indications be correct, a very high degree of scientific civilization had been attained more than 20,000, perhaps, even 60,000 years ago, in a day when modern archaeologists, who have never come within hundreds of miles of these great ruins in the South American jungles, to confidently assert [with arrogance] that nothing but lowest savagery existed, and perhaps not even a vestige of humanity was found.”

Page 10.

While in South America, Wilkins followed the footsteps of Colonel H. Fawcett - an “Indiana Jones” type adventurer and explorer back in the early 1900’s.


Wilkins basically came to Fawcett’s conclusions about Brazil being a colony and distant outpost of Atlantis:

Exhibit 16) Charles Berlitz
(Atlantis: The Eighth Continent ©1984)

“[According to] Colonel P. H. Fawcett... great stone cities once existed in what is now the thickest jungle area of South America... In his opinion, [and mine] these cities preceded the Incaic culture of the east coast, and their builders [Giants] came originally from the east, REFUGEES FROM LANDS THAT HAD SUNK BENEATH THE SEA.”

“Fawcett, a colonel in the British army, who devoted years to exploration and boundary survey in the largely unexplored center of the South American jungle, believed that these great cities were thousands of years old and that the[re was a] “connection of Atlantis with parts of what is now Brazil…”

“... In his own expeditions, Fawcett heard from a variety of tribes that white men, many generations previously, had built great cities that existed in the deep rain forests and that their high stone houses and stone streets were still illuminated at night by a steadily shining glow, the source of which was not known…”

“Other Indians informed Fawcett that some of the ruined cities were still inhabited by a few descendants of the original [Giant] builders and that certain savage Indian tribes formed an insulating protective barrier against intruders.


Colonel Fawcett, searching for these mysterious cities for a number of years, occasionally met survivors of treasure-hunting expeditions whose companions had died or disappeared in the jungle. Fawcett himself vanished into the Amazonian jungle near the Xingú River in 1925.


His words before his fatal last expedition might serve as his epitaph:

"Whether we get through, and emerge again, or leave our bones to rot in there, one thing is certain. The answer to the enigma of ancient South America - and perhaps to the prehistoric world - may be found when those old cities are opened up to scientific research. THAT THE CITIES EXIST, I KNOW.”

Pages 112-113.

From Exhibit 15) Harold T. Wilkins (Mysteries of Ancient South America ©1946)

“I have but one object: to bare the mysteries that the jungle fastnesses of South America have concealed for so many centuries. We are encouraged in our hope of finding the ruins of an ancient, WHITE CIVILIZATION AND THE DEGENERATE OFFSPRING of a once cultivated race.” The last message sent to London over the Overland Brazilian Telegraph in Rondonia, by Colonel P. H. Fawcett, on April 20, 1925.” Page 5.

“Mr. Richard Oglesby Marsh, a distinguished engineer and scientist, former U.S. Secretary of Legation and chargé d’affaires at Panama, who has made scientific explorations from Bolivia and over the Andes into the headwaters territory of the Brazilian Amazon, has arrived at conclusions similar to my own about this very ancient Matto Grosso civilization.


He thinks that it was from this ancient Atlantean type of Brazilian civilization of bearded men and beautiful women that the Mayans, and later, the Incas, derived their cultures. He has found that this ancient Hy-Brazilian [Royal Atlantean] race used the same names for the zodiacal constellations that are used today.


There are South American geologists, too, who point out that the Roosevelt tableland, on which this ancient civilization founded their dead cities, has been above sea-level probably long before the Glacial periods.”

“Mr. Marsh believes that this ancient race, traditions of which… their mighty empire ranged from the Atlantic to the Pacific shores, are today crystallized in the [tradition] of Brazilian Indian tribes…


The cosmic convulsion [Caused by Phaeton/Nibiru - GJ] rendered these great stone cities uninhabitable… clearly indicated by the BOTTOMLESS CREVASSES found in the plazas and among the ruins of the shivered dead city found by the bandeiristas, in A.D. 1750.”

[It was Colonel Fawcett’s belief that],

“the climatic conditions were such that great reptiles [Dinosaurs], extinct elsewhere on the Earth, moved in making the places their homes. Before long, the green forest covered all of the old Brazilian highlands.”

Pages 88-89.

[See Dr. Cabrera’s South American ‘Ica Stone’ (to the right) that shows Dinosaurs interacting with ancient man - Giants - GJ]

“In 1921 Fawcett used his route map and it was so accurate that, alone without even a guide, he penetrated to his dead city. He subsequently wrote to a friend in Rio:

“I went alone; for I knew I should have much less need to fear the Indians, who will not attack a man alone who meets them fairly. I reached the catinga in the serra, northwards of Bahia…and in the midst of primaeval woods, stood before me a mass of jumbled ruins. The city had been a walled one of ancient date. Here, wreathed in jungle and bush there stood a giant monolith crowned by a weather-worn [Giant] figure, carved in stone…”

“Colonel Fawcett, however, never indicated its location…and said very little about what he saw. It would also appear that Fawcett did not identify this dead city with the one he was seeking when, in 1925, he set out into the unknown wilds of the Matto Grosso, and was lost about the region between the Rios Xingu and Tapajos [rivers].


He makes some very interesting remarks about these dead cities which must indicate their tremendous age. He says:

“There was no jungle against which the walls of these ancient cities served as defense. Those walls must have acted as break-waters in a far-off day when the sea reached far inland. The openings in their walls are arched, filled in with masonry and have no doors. So they feared no attack from any jungle, but from encroachment of the sea.


Each city was destroyed by an earthquake... All the Indian tribes in South America have traditions of their ancestors being ruled by men of a white [Giant] race, very far advanced in the arts of civilization.”

[See ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection – Part Two’ - GJ]

“The amazing, possible age of these dead cities of the Brazilian highlands is suggested in what the German geologist, Friedrich Katzer, says:

“The old highlands of Brazil must once have extended eastwards into the Atlantic, and were LARGELY BUILT OF MATERIALS DERIVED FROM THE DESTRUCTION OF A DROWNED ATLANTIC LAND... ”

Pages 63-64 [See Exhibit 10 from my ‘Nibiru and the Atlantean Connection – Part One’ paper - GJ]



“It was in 1926, when Colonel P.H. Fawcett... and his son Jack, and their friend, Raleigh Rimell, of English descent, left the frontier township of Cuyaba, in the Western Matto Grosso, to try to penetrate to the lost world of the Atlantean [built] dead cities.


Fawcett was sponsored by British and American learned societies and museums, including the Royal Geographical Society of London…Indians had told him of dead cities in the Brazilian mountains, behind ramparts of forest and marsh, and of a strange fixed light, [as mentioned earlier] burning night and day, on ancient pillars. “It never goes out,” said the Indians.”

Pages 65-66.

“…Just before Colonel Fawcett left Cuyaba, the frontier town of the Matto Grosso, an Indian approached him, and told him that the churches in that town were nothing in comparison with the far bigger and better buildings he, the Indian, had seen, with his own eyes, in the dead cities of his remote forest-home.”

Said he:

“These buildings in my forests are of great age, Senor. They are loftier by far than these” (nodding at the town), “and they have doors and windows of stone. Their interior is lit up by a great square crystal on a pillar. So brightly does it shine, Senor Fawcett, that it makes the eyes blink and dazzle. it is a light that never goes out. My forefathers knew it of old. Always it has burned undimmed.”

Page 83.

“There is no need to smile at Colonel Fawcett and call this story a mystical fantasy of his. The Brazillian forest Indians are not really accustomed to flights of imagination of this sort. If one of them told Fawcett he had seen such a fixed, strange light burning in a ruined building in the deep jungle, why, he probably did!…”

Page 85.

“No one knows what happened to the Fawcetts - father and son - and young Mr. Rimell. In fact, the Matto Grosso swamps and jungles are such queer places, with records of white men detained by Indian tribes for twenty-five or thirty years and then returning to civilization, that one would not deem it impossible, if improbable, that Colonel Fawcett himself is still alive, perhaps in the recesses of the Serra do Roncador, even, today, [written in] 1945.”

Page 87.

A bizarre twist relating to the fate of Colonel Fawcett comes from the following internet publication:

Exhibit 17) Bruce Allan Walton or ‘Branton
(The Secrets of the Mojave: The Conspiracy Against Reality-1995±)

The following information is from ‘Commander X,’ a mysterious anonymous U.S. Intelligence official who has revealed much about 'inside' government knowledge of…civilization both beyond and BENEATH THE EARTH.


Commander X writes:

“Of all the countries on the face of the Earth, none is more mysterious, or less explored, than is Brazil. Miles upon miles of this country have never been set foot upon by white man. In these areas live whole tribes of savage Indians whose civilizations are said to be akin to those existing at the time of the Stone Age.


Many of those who have dared venturing into these pockets of unexplored jungle have never come out. Perhaps the case of Colonel Fawcett will be familiar to readers as an example of what I mean. He supposedly was captured by a tribe of wild Indians while in search of a 'hidden city' said to be located in the confines of the dense jungle.


Before his death, Dr. (Raymond) Bernard had sent this writer many personal letters regarding his findings related to...underground civilization(s). We quote from these communications in the following:”

“I arrived in Brazil in 1956 and have been carrying on my research since I met a THEOSOPHICAL LEADER WHO TOLD ME ABOUT THE SUBTERRANEAN CITIES ... that exist in Brazil. He referred to Professor Henrique de Souza, president of the Brazilian Theosophical Society, at Sao Lourenco in the state of Minas Gerais, who erected a temple dedicated to AGHARTA, [See ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection – Part One’ - GJ] which is the Buddhist name of the subterranean World.



“Professor de Souza told me that the great English explorer Colonel Fawcett is still alive, living in a subterranean city in the Roncador Mountains of Matto Grosso, where he found the subterranean city of Atlanteans for which he searched, but is held prisoner lest he reveal the secret of his whereabouts.”

“He (Col. Fawcett) was not killed by Indians as is commonly believed. Professor de Souza claimed he has visited subterranean cities, including Shamballah, the world capital of the subterranean empire of Agharta. I then went to Matto Grosso to find the subterranean city where Fawcett is claimed to be living with his son Jack, but failed to do so. I then returned to Joinville in the state of Santa Catarina, and there continued my research.”

“Our explorer J.D. (name on file - Commander X), who is a mountain guide of the Mystery Mountain near Joinville (where there is supposed to be an entrance), said that several times he saw a luminous flying saucer ascend from the tunnel opening that leads to a subterranean city inside the mountain, in which he heard the beautiful choral singing of men and women, and also heard the 'canto galo' (rooster crowing), a universal symbol indicating the existence of subterranean cities in Brazil.


He said that the saucer was so luminous that it lit up the night sky and converted it into daylight…”

Page 11.

I must admit, this information does seem a little ‘out there,’ but I believe Branton’s research has exposed the fundamental Theosophical and Rosicrucian belief of a subterranean kingdom and has compiled extensive evidence of its physical reality.

Two other supporters of underground passageways and subterranean people are Harold T. Wilkins and Marcel F. Homet. They go one step further suggesting an Atlantean connection. See below:

From Exhibit 15) Harold T. Wilkins
(Mysteries of Ancient South America)

“…the [subterranean] TUNNEL-MAKERS may be men of that same lost white [Giant] Atlantean race, the mantle of whose high culture and science undoubtedly fell on old Peru, ere Hy-Brazil [Imperial Atlantis] vanished into the land of shades, leaving behind only a faint memory in wild, South American Indian traditions…”

Page 171.

In this Aztec manuscript picture (to the right) I have highlighted what I believe to be a horizontal tunnel system depicted within the mountain on their island of Aztlan.


Exhibit 18) Marcel F. Homet
(Sons of the Sun ©1963)

“The original inhabitants in the neighborhood of the San Augustin territory were simply known as the ‘People of the Tierra Dentro,’ because it was assumed that a considerable part of their lives had been spent in SUBTERRANEAN DWELLINGS. They lived ‘tierra dentro’ - in the Earth…”

“We know almost nothing of the people of Tierra Dentro WHO LIVED UNDERGROUND… [although]…it is certain that the mystery-enshrouded intruders who trampled down the culture of the Tierra Dentro are very much closer to us in time than the [subterranean] people of San Augustin. In any case, the stone monuments of Tierra Dentro are of a special stamp: they were erected underground instead of on top of the ground…”

“…If one traces [Homet’s] map of the ‘Migrations of the Sons of the Sun’ one is inclined to assume that there must have been a connection between the people of Tierra Dentro and the general mass of the new race which spread out over all South America. Their stone remains, the evidences of a Megalithic culture, the menhirs, dolmens, tumuli and Crom-lechs prove even today that there was a link and common foundation. These people and remnants of peoples [Giants] of prehistoric times have left behind them stone souvenirs, mute forms.


But their ornamentation of symbols, inscriptions and pictures are only mute for us because we no longer understand what they are saying. Yet on our journeys of exploration in unknown regions of the Amazon, among innumerable inscriptions, we also found some of peculiarly Etruscan character. These are related to the letters of the Mediterranean people, of whom the explorer, Albert Grenier, says the following when urging scientists to take a good look at the linguistics of earliest history:

“THIS IS A PEOPLE WHICH SUDDENLY APPEARED OUT OF THE UNKNOWN, developed a great civilization and founded a considerable state. Where did it come from? Where did it take the germs of its civilization, its whole culture and art? People are still arguing about this…


There are inscriptions, too, on the prehistoric monuments in South America that are related to the documents of the same people who once lived in and ruled Tuscany in pre-Roman days. Their earliest history is likewise veiled in mystery and darkness.


These seals carved in stone are still mute for as yet they suggest a relationship, yes, we may even assume a common derivation for these very peoples of the Old and New World, whose earliest history is still a locked book.


It may perhaps be that the [Subterranean] people of San Augustin and Tierra Dentro and the faraway Etruscans are descendants of the same…tribe: THE ATLANTEANS.”

Pages 154-156.



Part Three


Moving the human population quickly, in this day-and-age, requires transit technology in the form of Trains, Ships and Planes and according to my research Atlantis had a similar transit technology in place just prior to Phaeton’s fly-by.


Therefore it is reasonable to conclude the Atlantean population had to utilize whatever transit means necessary when forced to escape the looming disaster.

See graphic table below:










Mentioned in Part-One of this paper, Edgar Cayce tells us the Atlanteans were able to build vertical tunnel shafts used as ‘elevators’ that descended within the bowels of the Earth:

From Exhibit 1) Edgar Evans Cayce
(Edgar Cayce on Atlantis ©1968) Reading No.1730-1; Aug. 14, 1930

“in Atlantean land in first of periods as the people began to apply those laws as pertain to the combustion as made for the filling up of the skins that were used for those of transportation, excelled in the USE OF THE ELEVATOR IN BUILDING [WITH]IN THE EARTH.”

Page 62.

Reading No.2157-1; March 27, 1940

“ - when Poseidian land was greater in power, when there was a meeting called for those of many lands to determine means and manners in which there would be control of the animals [Dinosaurs? - GJ] that were destructive to many lands... those who guided the ships that sailed both in the air and under the water, also maker of that which produced the ELEVATORS AND CONNECTING TUBES that were used by compressed air and steam and the metals in their emanations... ”

Pages 78-79.

So it would seem that not only did the Atlanteans use ships and flying machines to migrate around the globe, they used underground tunnels as well. Is it possible that one Atlantean tribe eventually became the Brazilian subterranean people of Tierra Dentro? I say yes!

Exhibit 19) Edgar Evans Cayce
(Edgar Cayce on Atlantis ©1968)

“…Many, [Atlanteans] according to the life readings [of Edgar Cayce] traveled west to the Americas. This is deduced from two readings given five years apart. Both refer to migrations westward to escape the final destruction of Atlantis.”

“in the Atlantean land during those periods when there were the activities that brought about the last destruction through the warring of ‘Sons of Law of One’ [Good] and Sons of Belial [Evil] - among those sent to what later became the Yucatan land of the Mayan experiences.”

(1599-1; May 28, 1938)

“in Atlantean land when there were those periods of the last upheavals or the disappearance of the isles of Posedia. [There were] those who went to what later became known as the Inca land - the Peruvian land as called in the present.”

(3611-1; Dec. 31, 1943)

“As I understand [the Edgar Cayce readings], man had migrated to South and Central America and to the western part of North America from Atlantis... This land taken place from 28,000 B.C. (the time of the second upheavals in Atlantis) to around 10,000 B.C. (the time of the final destruction of Atlantis). During the final destruction, some of the settled portions of Central and South America sank and the Caribbean area assumed its present land contours.”

“The inhabitants of Central and South America were now a mixture of those who had come earlier from Atlantis and the Pacific area and those who had come at the final destruction of Atlantis, as indicated by the following paragraph from the same reading (5750-1).”

“Hence, these places partook of the earlier portions of that peoples called the Incal; though the Incals were themselves the successors of those of Oz, or Og, in the Peruvian land, and Mu in the southern portions of that now called California and Mexico and southern New Mexico in the United States.”

Pages 114-115.



From Exhibit 18) Marcel F. Homet (Sons of the Sun ©1963)

As soon as the Moon and the Sun had pierced the darkness, the Giants wished to observe the rising and the setting of the Sun exactly. They went so far, till the sea held them back, there, where the white people live. At last they wanted to raise themselves up to the Sun and determined to erect a tower.


Whereupon the Lord of Creation said to the other Gods:

“It is not right that mortals should lift themselves to us.”


So with thunder and lightning, [Noah’s Flood] they destroyed the work of the Giants, who fled in terror. But the people who until then had spoken one language on the Earth, were now all separated and began to speak in various tongues.’ This Mexican text [Uncannily similar to the Biblical ‘Tower of Babel’ story - GJ] which the first discoverers of America considered very ancient, reports the arrival in [South and Central] America of the Giants, the tale being told in accordance with the oldest traditions. Another old Mexican cosmogony - [Walter] Krikkeberg [Altmexikanishe Kulturen (1956)] relates - tells of the four prehistoric ages, EACH OF WHICH WAS ENDED BY SOME NATURAL CATASTROPHE.”

“In the first age Tezcatlipoca turned himself into a sun and all the people of that time were Giants. But through their arrogance they precipitated the destruction of their age... 


The Aztecs who were, historically speaking, much younger looked upon the culture of Teotihuacan with its massive pyramidal structures in Northern Mexico as dating far back in the primitive history of a vanished age when Giants must have lived.


For it was only these primitive Giants who could have erected such massive buildings as there are in Teotihuacan and the even greater Cholula pyramids... ” [Could this also be said for the great pyramids in Egypt? I wonder - GJ]

“There are also Giants in the [traditions] of the Tiahuanacu civilization on Lake Titicaca concerning the creation of the world. Guaman Poma de Ayala, the picture chronicler of the sixteenth century also speaks of four world ages. [See ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection Part Two’ - GJ] In the first, primitive man ruled, in the second however, it was the race of Giants, who built stone houses for themselves.


[Megalithic structures] ‘Also a coarse race of Giants [renegade group?] did he (the world creator) make out of painted stones,’ is what another version says and do we not recognize them in the gigantic statues in the ruins of Tiahuanacu?


But although they were covered with symbols and inscriptions they communicated nothing to us...


Father Cristobel de Acuna, in 1639 in the sixty-third chapter of his report on the Amazon regions, wrote about the ‘River of the Giants.’ This refers to the Purus [Indians] which comes down from the Andes, East of Cuzco. On its banks, among other tribes, [at one time] there were giants... ”

“And the Giants whose traces we were constantly finding along the Amazon!...  It was the Giants that this mighty race remained in the memory of men, Giants who had lived in faraway times of the sages, and had built gigantic structures of stone.


And their traces, WHICH WE FOUND IN THE NORTH AMAZON COUNTRY, were always accompanied by megalithic monuments weighing several tons.”

“Where was the homeland of these ‘Giants’ and their descendants who perhaps, under particularly favorable external conditions had been able to develop a tall type of men who were quite distinct from the small statured people [local Indians] living in harassed circumstances?


Everything points to their having had their original home on the climatically favored ISLAND CONTINENT BETWEEN EUROPE AND [THE] AMERICA[S], WHICH AFTERWARDS WAS SUBMERGED.”

Pages 176-178.

From Exhibit 15) Harold T. Wilkins (Mysteries of Ancient South America)

“Some of the Mexican [traditions record] what is said of pre-Diluvian men… They who came from the east beyond the sea could not cause the savages [Native Indians] of the land to work or worship, and so there came a great deluge.”

“This is a remarkable reference to the coming of the civilized Atlanteans…: the men in black [robes], missioners, law-givers, teachers, such as the men, QUETZALCOATL, to Central America; BOCHICHA, to old Colombia; MANCO CAPAC and VIRACOCHA to old Peru.”

Page 166. [The image to the right depicts Quetzalcoatl - GJ]

“Don Antonio de Herrera,…(Crown officer of the King of the Indies and Castile, in Peru) was told, by the Peruvians, the story following, about the year A.D. 1600:

“…There presently appeared in the middle of the day, when the sun came out on Lake Titicaca, in the Andes, a white man, OF A GREAT BODY AND VENERABLE PRESENCE, who was so powerful that he lowered the hills, increased the size of the valleys and drew fountains from the rocks [advanced earth excavating technology - GJ] They called him, for his great power,…lord of all created things, and father of the sun…”

Page 110.

“…The ancient Peruvians, as Jesuit missioners discovered, used both painting and characters; and all over South and Central America are traditions of white-bearded men who, in the persons of Quetzalcoatl and Bochicha, taught laws, agriculture and religion to primitive races, who said these men came from the east…Author’s Note: Quetzalcoatl, the civilizer of pre-Mayan Yucatan, Mexico, and Central America, was not a god.


He was, as my researches show, one of the [Giant] race of Hy-Brazil, some 30,000, or fewer, years ago, before the time of the great cataclysm that upheaved the Andes and sank Atlantis…


How far Quetzalcoatl own missioners went, some 30,000 or 20,000 years ago, is shown by my own curious discovery that the Thompson Indians of British Columbia have a story of the Great Deluge-Cataclysm in which Quetzalcoatl actually figures, under the name of Qoaglgal, as a “man who, with two others, worked miracles and transformed things.”

Page 65

“…Quetzalcoatl had come from a land not [yet] submerged, but one which the ruling class considered so unstable, owing to occasional cataclysms, that they looked out for settlement elsewhere. On this point, it will be recalled that Colonel Fawcett pointed out that all the dead cities of brazil had been overthrown by violent earthquakes…”

[Due to Nibiru’s wrath - GJ] Page 99.



“Here, as evidence in the shape of amazing ruins of dead cities [Above and below ground] in the jungles and on the unexplored plateau between Goyaz and the Rio Roosevelt of modern Brazil today attests - to those who have seen them - there lived between 15,000 and 10,000 B.C., perhaps even earlier, a highly civilized race of handsome, intellectual men and beautiful women with classic Greek features and often bright red hair like that of Berenice. (But they were not Greek in origin, nor any colony from old Greece.)


They lived in walled cities - walled not against savages, but the mighty gulf of the Marañon, the older name of the Amazon. They had a gold coinage, fleets, cities of shining WHITE STONE, with magnificent plazas, paved with great flags, and exquisitely ornamented temples and great mansions, with fine fountains.


Their coasts were lit by pharos of lighthouses, for mariners. Lenses they had invented, and refractors they knew - which are the elements of the astronomical TELESCOPE. They built peculiar pyramids, rounded at the tops, and their ruins - seen still, today, deep in the jungle, FOR THIS IS NO FANCY OF A LOST WORLD OF FICTION…


Native traditions say they used a light which seems akin to that of the electric bulb.”

[See Exhibit 16; this paper - GJ]

“It is probable that their priest-astronomers had been perturbed by the increasing frequency of violent earthquakes - such as we, in our modern world, have witnessed…

"They had kept a keen watch on the skies, night and day, and sensed the approach of some COSMIC DISASTER. [Dubbed “The Phaeton Disaster” - GJ]…There is good reason to suppose that the race, like the Carthaginians, hoped to find out some more stable countries, to which they might flee from the wrath they foresaw was at hand.


One of these pioneers was named Quetzalcoatl, [As mentioned earlier] another, Bochicha and a third, Viracocha… Then came the Great Catastrophe which annihilated this strange and mysterious civilization of old Hy-Brazil, the royal colony or empire of Atlantis…”

Pages 23-25

Harold T. Wilkins conveys an interesting reconstruction of the great Catastrophe based on tradition current among certain Brazilian tribes, ages before the Spaniards or Portuguese ever came to the country:

“So Quetzalcoatl, Bochicha and Viracocha, the wise,… bushy-bearded [Giant] men, clad in austere black garments, or robes, departed by sea or land to their home country of Atlantean Hy-Brazil, and the [so called] gods of culture, knowledge, wisdom, civilization and enlightenment began to prepare for a long sojourn in the twilight.”

[Then] “THE WANDERING PLANET STREAMED INTO OUR EARTH”S SKIES, and must have been noted in awe and amazement by the astronomers peering from their high towers in the white cities of Hy-Brazil, and the fatherland of older Atlantis.


Warlike races from old Atlantis had, as the priests of Sais and Heliopolis told Solon, invaded Western Europe and the Mediterranean, and reached almost as far east along the North African shores as the land of Egypt on the Nile.


As the world dominators stood, confronting the pre-Hellenic races of old Attica, who alone opposed their overwhelming power and menace, tremendous earthquakes shook the ground.


The blazing sky turned to night - a night rent with terrific lightning-flashes and a rain of vast meteorites upon the stricken Earth. Men flew to the mountaintops, only to be stricken with fear and madness, at what the skies disclosed. ALOFT, THE [WANDERING PLANET] seemed hourly changing her color, course and size.


Our earth was receding into space backwards from her old orbit, nearer the sun. The stars and planets receded fast, the great glowing ball of fire in the night sky shone like a sphere of sultry copper, while, in the day, only less black than the night of terrors, rising above the ball of fire the orange globe of the sun shot out an ochre penumbra of flame from its periphery, as, of course, seen above the swirling of the dense clouds of smoke and gases arising from the Earth.


On the sea coast, terrific tidal waves rolled in - higher than the highest hills, they crashed on to the beaches, and the immense force and momentum of colossal league-long rollers, coming on behind, drove them far inland, overwhelming cities, drowning whole country sides, swirling up the sides of high mountains, driving the current of rivers backward towards their sources, even as the Earth was being impelled “backward” into space. Man called on the gods to save him.


The gods [Giants] were silent and powerless on the high Atlantis-Olympus, looking down on the reeling globe.”

Pages 111-112

It should be noted here that Harold Wilkins attributed ‘the wandering planet’ to Venus however I beg to differ.


My argument contends that the wandering planet is in fact Phaeton/Nibiru in which I have pointed out in ‘Nibiru and the Subterranean Connection – Part One.’ Authors Allan and Delair give a great description of it, see below:

Exhibit 20) D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair
(When the Earth Nearly Died - Compelling Evidence of a Catastrophic World Change 9,500 BC ©1995)

“…Phaeton [Nibiru] was anciently regarded as a generally round, brilliantly fiery body of appreciable size, and MUCH MORE STAR-LIKE OR SUN-LIKE than conventional comets: and it was held to have in some way caused the Deluge.”

Page 212.

I am very excited to reveal here, for the first time, additional evidence that supports the reality of Nibiru/Phaeton. Explorer and researcher Marcel F. Homet discovered an amazing ‘Sun Crypt’ in the north Amazon region of the Serra Do Machado. Engraved on a stone monument within the Sun Crypt was a SECOND SUN called the ‘Wandering Sun!’


Homet describes his discovery below:






From Exhibit 18) Marcel F. Homet (Sons of the Sun ©1963)

“The ‘Axe Mountain’ or Serra do Machado is a mountainous excrescence that rises straight up out of the earth. Like all the mountains in this North Amazon region it towers steeply over the plain, which itself is only the bottom of a dried-up lake dating back to the Quaternary Period... ”



“…The first thing that took our eye as we arrived at the top was a striking image of the sun engraved in the rock about sixteen feet above the ground. It was over six feet across and had well designed rays…”

“…Scarcely a hundred and fifty feet farther on we came to a rock on which a SECOND SUN was engraved. This one was much smaller… ‘There are two paths, cut into the rock, along the outside!’ [Said their Indian guide]

"I looked sharply in the direction indicated. The first path began where we had found the gigantic sun. The SECOND ONE started from the spot where we were standing and from the SECOND, SMALLER SUN…”

“…The rays from BOTH OF THESE ENGRAVED SUNS did not run in straight lines. Quite the contrary, they were bent… and ran from left to right. There could be no doubt of it, these TWO SUNS were engraved at the entrance of an important burial place: they probably pointed to a forbidden entrance…”



“…This burial place in the caves [at the top] of the Serra do Machado offers extremely valuable evidence concerning ancient religions. It is a genuine burial crypt with urns full of bones that are all painted red…”

“…In the upper part of the crypt we saw a frieze of many red ochre drawings, depicting alligators, turtles, SUNS, archaic letters…”

“…This discovery…was of particular interest if only for the fact that the SUN SYMBOL of the Serra do Machado was perhaps cut into the rock ten thousand years ago. [More like 12,000 years ago - GJ] We were very preoccupied as we climbed down and passed the forbidding emblem of the ‘BEWITCHED SUN’ which guarded the entrance to the sacred burial place…”

Pages 55-61.

“I went back in my thoughts to the superb ethnographical and archaeological collections of the Musée de l’Homme in Paris. There… a stone over fifteen feet long and over nine feet high. It was found in Quiriqua in Yucatan. [Etched out on the stone was a] sun which is represented with feet and called ‘THE WANDERING SUN’…”

“After I had photographed my new discovery and made an exact copy of the inscriptions, we were preparing to return [to Base-camp]. Just then our Indian [guide] called out: ‘Look here! There are drawings of the sun!’ With one jump I climbed up the rock and there, shaded by the overhanging boughs of a tree, I DISCOVERED TWO WONDERFUL ‘WANDERING SUNS.’ [And one of] the sun’s disc was…drawn with feet around it…”

[This would make sense that the true wandering sun (Phaeton/Nibiru) would be symbolized with feet around it - GJ]

“…When we went back to our tent…and with bated breath I read what the famous member of the Institut de France had to say: ‘Dolmens ornamented with inscriptions and WANDERING SUNS are absolutely specialized objects and are to be found only in Brittany, in Scandinavia and in England with special variations. So I was not mistaken.


This was ornamented with inscriptions like the Celtic [and] the Peruvian of the Pre-Inca period…I had discovered at one and the same time master examples of analogous dolmens and also ‘wandering suns’ of the Europo-Celtic culture out here on the Amazon…”

Pages 38-39.

Marcel Homet presents a remarkable connection here stating that the Wandering Sun symbols depicted in the Yucatan and the Amazon regions were also found in Europe! Is the Wandering Sun symbology also shown at Avebury, in England? I believe so. (See ‘Avebury and the Dark Star’ web-page)


I find it amazing however that Homet never made the connection that the Wandering Sun would return one day, in which the Hopi Indian tradition foretells.



The Ute Indians of California also have their own tradition of a Wandering Sun called Ta-wats. What’s interesting here, though, is Ta-wats entourage was accompanied by another sun-like object called Ta-vi. The Ute Indians say a fight occurred between the two and Ta-vi lost favor falling to Earth. See below:

From Exhibit 20) D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair
(When the Earth Nearly Died - Compelling Evidence of a Catastrophic World Change 9,500 BC)

“… The Ute Indians of California state that [long ago there was] a conflict between two brilliant celestial bodies named Ta-vi and Ta-wats. Ta-vi, like Phaeton, is alleged to have roamed the heavens on an erratic course, but when it approached too close to Ta-wats a fight ensued and:

“…the sun was shivered into a thousand fragments, which fell to Earth causing a general conflagration. Then Ta-wats [Phaeton] fled before the destruction he had wrought, and as he fled the burning Earth consumed his feet, consumed his legs, consumed his body, consumed his hands and arms - all were consumed but the head [celestial sphere] alone, which bowled across valleys and over mountains, fleeing destruction from the burning Earth…”

Page 155

“…Thus it was not Phaeton, but its ‘attendants’ which plummeted to Earth…”

Page 291

So, according to D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair, Phaeton continued on to become the only remaining wandering sun-like object within our Solar System.


At the beginning of this paper I asked the question:

Was anything ever written down or engraved on stone documenting a cause for the Atlantean migration?

I conclude the answer lies within the ‘Sun Crypt’ discovered by Marcel Homet.


This burial crypt houses a stone monument with TWO SUNS etched on it and one of them is Phaeton - the Wayward Sun, the Bewitched Sun or the Wandering Sun known as Nibiru.