FourWinds10 Website
Paul Hellyer,
Former Acting
Prime Minister of Canada
Deputy Prime
Minister of Canada
Minister of
Defense of Canada,
...speaking at the 4th X-Conference,
Hilton Hotel in Gaithersburg Maryland, April 19th,2008.
The X Conference is sponsored by the Paradigm Research Group
which is dedicated to disclosure on the truth about the
extraterrestrial presence on earth, and the impact and effect of
that presence on our lives, past, present and future.
At this conference Paul Hellyer, founder of the Canadian
Action Party, former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada,
former Minister of Defense, and other cabinet positions in
previous Canadian governments, was honored with the award for
political courage.
George Noory, host of Coast to Coast talk radio,
received the award for communications courage. Dr Jesse
Marcel, medical doctor whose father in the USA military
collected the significant remnants from
the Rosswell 1947 UFO crash,
received the Stargate award.
Paul Hellyer said:
"I wish I were in a mood for good
humor, but I am not. We are hell-bent in the direction of
destroying our planet, and we appear to be doing precious little
about it.
Decades ago visitors from other planets warned us about where we
were headed, and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least
some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to
shoot first and ask questions afterward. The inevitable result
was that some of our planes were lost; but how many were due to
retaliation, and how many were a result of our own stupidity is
a moot point.
Wilbert Smith, one of the first Canadians to take an
active interest in the subject of UFOs, asked the visitors about
the accidental destruction of our aircraft by flying into the
vicinity of a flying saucer. The response: we were informed that
although a few of our aircraft had come to an unfortunate end by
what they considered colossal stupidity of our pilots, they were
now taking corrective measures to avoid our aircraft.
I asked them what happened, and they said,
'Well, the fields around the
saucers in order to hold them up, in order to produce the
gravity differential, the time field differential which were
necessary to operate the ship, these sometimes produced
field combinations which reduced the strength of materials
to the point where they were no longer strong enough to
carry the load that the materials were expected to carry'.
Now, as we know, aircraft,
particularly, the military type, are built with a rather small
factor of safety, and in these regions of reduced binding, the
materials are no longer strong enough to carry the load and the
craft simply comes apart.
This didn't satisfy our military chiefs who must have thought
that it was more important to secure American nuclear
superiority - even though using it would result in the
annihilation of us all - than to take the hint and start moving
the planet back from the brink of a global holocaust.
They, the military, must have been and still are, so paranoid
that they feel it necessary to use the visitors' technology to
fight them off, rather than welcome them as partners in
development- though they may have seconded some renegades to
assist in what can best be viewed as diabolical developments.
Stephen (Bassett) has said that talking about
UFO's is passé and that we should be talking about exo-politics.
In theory, I agree, but in reality we have a problem when
official U.S. policy insists that UFO's don't exist. The
veil of secrecy must be lifted - and now, before it is too late.
It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating
war-allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction - when
the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in
your own back yard.
It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously
expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan allegedly to bring
democracy to those two countries when it, itself, can no longer
legitimately claim to be called a democracy when trillions of
dollars have been spent on projects about which both the
Congress and the Commander in Chief have been deliberately kept
in the dark
How much has been accomplished in sixty years of feverish
activity by some of the most highly educated minds in the U.S.?
Has America developed flying saucers that are visually
indistinguishable from the visitors, as alleged? And if so, what
do they propose to do with them?
Even more critical, what progress has been made in the
development of clean energy sources that could replace
fossil fuels and save the planet from becoming a veritable
wasteland? Who has the answers? Someone does, but apparently
they aren't telling either secretaries of defense or presidents
because they do not have a need to know.
In a story told by Dr
Stephen Greer, President Clinton was asked a question by White House reporter
Sarah McClendon about why he didn't do something about UFO
Clinton replied,
'Sarah, there is
a government
inside the government and I don't control it'.
Excuse me. Doesn't the Commander in
Chief and the person who allegedly has his finger on the nuclear
trigger have a right to know what his subordinates are doing?
The people of the United States who have paid the bills have a
right to know. The people of the world demand to know because it
is our descendants, too, whose lives are in mortal jeopardy.
It is time for the people of the U.S. to launch a new war
against the evil of lies, deceit, and darkness, and go all out
to win the victory of truth, transparency, and light."