Sunday, October 28, 2007
Toronto Ontario Canada
October 27, 2007
Exopolitics Toronto announces that it
has made a major breakthrough in mainstream media coverage of the ET
issue as well as profiling the collateral government cover-up,
ultimately asserting the emergence of Exopolitics as a new
socio-political entity.
Today, the TORONTO STAR - Canada's highest-circulation newspaper - a
major force in Canadian and international news - published a
comprehensive and highly constructive review of Exopolitics
and the essence behind how the UFO/ET cover-up has managed to
sustain itself.
www.torstar.com and is traded on
the TSX - the Toronto Stock Exchange. The TOR STAR group has
ownership shares in 24 multi-media operations including the TORONTO
STAR, ten regional news outlets in Ontario and Harlequin Limited.
The constructive and professional approach employed by THE STAR
clearly indicates that exopolitical activity has now been
engaged by a major mainstream media organization as a serious and
credible public political entity and change agent - a significant
point in the history and development of Exopolitics and
Although this article merely scratches the surface of an issue
buried in a governmental morass of silence, by directly mentioning
the government cover-up and the measures Exopolitics is
taking to disassemble the 60 year old truth embargo, the STAR
article has provided a strategic impetus and a tactical opportunity
for other mainstream news outlets and political figures to come
forward to openly, safely and discuss the ET matter without fear of
ridicule or derision.
Today's article by TORONTO STAR staff writer Joanna Smith
comes exactly two months to the day after Exopolitics Toronto's
publication of an
the ET issue. Prime Minister Stephen Harper
remains silent on the issue.
The 8th Paradigm has been
Ex-Defense Minister
Joins Search for Aliens
A New Group is Pushing For Full
Disclosure About Extra-Terrestrials,
And They've Enlisted a Former
Canadian Cabinet Minister to Help Make Their Case
by Joanna Smith
Staff Reporter
Oct 27, 2007 04:30 AM
TheStar Website
Victor Viggiani has one of the toughest jobs in the universe.
The retired elementary school principal spends his time lobbying
reporters to blow a massive government cover-up wide open and reveal
that extra-terrestrials have been visiting our planet for years.
"I have no intention of convincing
anybody of anything," said Viggiani, 59, director of media
relations for Exopolitics Toronto, a non-profit
educational group pushing for full disclosure of the truth about
off-world beings.
"What I do is point them to the evidence."
Exopolitics is a field of study
that has moved far beyond the question of whether we are alone in
the universe. Its supporters believe there is enough evidence out
there that they can state as fact that,
intelligent, sentient,
ethical extra-terrestrials exist
they have made contact
they probably have light
years of lessons to teach us about sustainable energy
sources and countless other matters of global importance
"This has nothing to do with lights
in the sky," Viggiani said. "...We are attempting to put
together a civilian diplomacy movement that will verse people in
these kinds of things so that we can develop a relationship with
these extra-terrestrials and become part of that community."
"But we are not ready yet," said Viggiani, who lives with his
wife in Mississauga. "As a species, we are not ready yet."
A large part of getting ready to deal
with diplomacy on such a high level involves lifting what
exopoliticians often refer to as the "truth embargo" on government
information about the subject.
Viggiani does his part by collecting reams of documents, such
as thick files he obtained from the Canadian Department of
National Defense under the Access to Information Act on what
pilots talk about when they are scrambled to track "non-correlated
targets," also known as UFOs.
But in order to get to the point where a team of investigative
reporters would be willing to dive into what Viggiani calls a
"cosmic Watergate," he faces what is arguably an even greater
hurdle: "the ridicule factor."
Ridicule is a potent weapon that ensures newspapers actually willing
to mention extra-terrestrials in their pages usually add throwaway
lines about little green men.
Viggiani believes this is part of a deliberate government plan to
keep this stuff under wraps because it inhibits potential witnesses
from coming forward.
"The ridicule factor is
extremely powerful," said Viggiani.
As any public relations guru would know,
it helps to have a credible celebrity to champion your cause.
Viggiani found his champion in
Paul Hellyer, who was federal
defense minister in Lester B. Pearson's cabinet and then ran for the
Liberal leadership against Pierre Trudeau in 1968.
"I think the significance – and they
are probably exaggerating it – but the significance is that I'm
the first person of cabinet rank in the G8 to have come out
openly and unequivocally and said the extra-terrestrial presence
is real," said Hellyer, who explained that his interest does not
derive from anything he learned while he was defense minister.
He said he is currently reviewing the
file he had while in cabinet, "but it doesn't really tell me very
much" except that most sightings can be explained by natural
phenomena while others cannot.
It also helps to make the most out of
any step in the right direction.
In May, Exopolitics Toronto, on behalf of the Canadian
Exopolitics Initiative, sent a letter to the governor general of
Canada that outlined much of the documented material and requested
she meet with credible experts to discuss disclosure and diplomacy.
Her secretary's office responded two weeks later, suggesting their,
"concerns would be best addressed by
the Canadian Space Agency and the Canadian Security Intelligence
In a press kit he hands out to reporters
and other media people, Viggiani called the response a,
"major breakthrough in Canada's
disclosure initiatives."
"It's an admission that she now
knows, or her office knows, that we are concerned about this and
gives us the opportunity within the Canadian government to find
out more," Viggiani said in an interview, while at the same time
conceding: "It's a generic response – there's no doubt about
Stephen Bassett, executive
director of the
Paradigm Research Group in
Washington, D.C., said he has noticed a change in the way
extra-terrestrial topics are covered in the media of late.
"They still have to apply the same
sort of phraseologies and some of the lightness and the humor
and – I guess you could call it ridicule – but they get all the
information in," said Bassett, referring in particular to three
recent stories published in the Washington Post.
But the dearth of serious coverage has
Bassett suspecting whether publishers and national security forces
are working together to keep things quiet.
"The failure of the major media
in the United States to cover the ET issue is one of the great
failures of all journalism," he said.