by Gabriel Chiron
ExopoliticBlogs website
It is well-known now by thoughtful and
aware people of the planet Earth that Extraterrestrial Intelligent
Beings (ETIB’s) have been visiting the Earth and interacting with
humanity in a variety of ways from the beginning of human time. All
the nonsense about whether there are or are not ETIB’s is just a
stupid sociological game that is produced and maintained by
government manipulators, willfully ignorant academics and the
distracted masses who do not really want to know what is going on.
The cosmic situation of humanity in this
early 21st Century is not about “proof” or “evidence”, for anyone
who wants it can find plenty of it, nor is it about “belief” (“Do
you believe in Flying Saucers”, “Do you believe in Aliens?”,
“Do you believe in God?”, “Do you believe people have
Souls?” and so on ad nauseam), but rather it is about the
present crisis of self-destruction of humanity, destruction of the
ecosystem and
the role of Extraterrestrial Cosmic Powers in secretly
pushing humanity into such behavior, merely observing such behavior
or standing by to intervene, whether in an invasive, neutral or
compassionate manner.
Who and what are the Extraterrestrial Cosmic Powers that are present
and that may or may not intervene in some way in the near future,
perhaps on or before the natural deadline of late
2012 AD?
Intelligent, thoughtful people of our planet are asking questions
like this, but there is a scarcity of plausible cosmic information
on or around this subject.
Nonetheless, there is cosmic information
available for those who are seriously seeking it and attempting to
process it for deep thinking and attunement. In fact, there are two
current books out by serious cosmic thinkers who have attempted to
give what they believe is the right interpretation of available
cosmic information in terms of an attempt to describe the actual
cosmic situation of present Earth humanity in conjunction with
Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
One of these is
Cosmic Explorers (1999) by
Courtney Brown, himself an
independent Remote Viewer, and the other is
Exopolitics (2004) by
Michael E. Salla, [formerly]
Researcher at the Center for Global Peace, American University,
Washington DC.
Courtney Brown has attempted some scenario planning of the near
cosmic future by building up what he considers to be the only two
alternative futures that will happen to Earth humanity, which are:
A future where a group he calls the
Reptilians” forcibly invade and seize the Earth and
rule humanity with a sadistic oppression into the far future,
basically abusing and torturing human beings in the same manner
as the American Army is currently treating the people of Iraq,
but at least cleaning up the environment, giving some cosmic
education to humanity by force and simultaneously interbreeding
with Earth people to create a hybrid human/reptilian race.
A future where a group of
Little Grays working within a cosmic organization
called the “Galactic Federation” will forcibly prevent the
“Renegade Reptilians” from invading the Earth, but will also
prevent any form of benign intervention from outside humanity.
In this scenario, the Earth sinks into increasing environmental
disasters, deterioration and human deprivation in a world
dominated by thoughtless and irresponsible masses and their
foolish, corrupt leaders.
These two gloomy scenarios are the only
plausible future scenarios Brown wishes to build and think about
from his particular remote viewing perspective.
From the standpoint of genuine Scenario
Planning, even working with his limited cosmic information and
beliefs, other scenarios could and should be built and become part
of the thinking exercise about the future. Also, it would be helpful
if his
Remote Viewing would apply itself to a wider bandwidth which
could include, for instance, the
Pleiadeans, the Iargans, the
Siriusians and other Extraterrestrial Races of our galaxy and even
other galaxies, such as
Andromeda, who apparently have
representatives here. He is, in our opinion, over-focused on
Reptilians, Little Grays and Martians.
And, even in the matter of Little Grays,
he believes (as too many others also do) that
the race from Zeta
Reticulum are also “Little Grays”, but this is not in fact so,
though there are some areas of resemblance. Strictly speaking, the
Little Grays are from our old Lunar evolution of the Moon, and it is
they who have utilized genetic material of Americans to create a
hybrid Little Gray/human race now inhabiting a planet called
This has apparently taken place in
accord with cosmic agreements outside the knowledge and conscious
willingness of Earth humanity, which has created reactions against
“intrusion” in some government circles through some
misunderstanding. So, we would recommend that Remote Viewing tackle
a wider spread of targets in conjunction with greater research and
thoughtfulness toward cosmic information from alternative sources to
Remote Viewing, such as valid accounts of direct contactees, whether
voluntary and conscious and involuntary and semi-conscious
abductees. He should even examine more carefully various kinds of
“channeled” telepathy from Extraterrestrial sources, which are
virtually apposite forms of Remote Viewing.
Michael Salla gives a limited list of possible sources of cosmic
information, which we will be referring to here and there, but his
list includes only seven categories, whereas we acknowledge thirteen
sources of potentially valid cosmic information. Also, his criteria
for the validity of cosmic information is to assess its degree of
acceptance in a human court of law.
But we are aware that human courts of
law have been repeatedly corrupted and prejudiced in a variety of
ways even in regard to ordinary Earth situations. Look at how a
corrupt Supreme Court of the United States upheld election-rigging
in Florida in the 2000 presidential election of America. How are
they then going to be able to adequately process and evaluate cosmic
evidence? Human judges and lawyers do not have the cosmic education
or mental abilities to process cosmic information.
The processing of cosmic information and
evidence is a profound Phenomenological and Sociological problem
which would require a body of organized Cosmologists operating with
full cosmic knowledge and understanding coupled with heightened
awareness. They would have to be without Earth-bound ignorance or
prejudice, just for starters. So, to get around this problem, we
will suggest thirteen sources of cosmic information in a more
natural sequence than this “court of law” business. We rely more on
a kind of common sense approach coupled with higher order logic.
Another aspect of Salla’s work is that he has gone entirely
overboard in projecting that governmental secret agencies and the
Bilderbergers globally, in-the-know about cosmic extraterrestrial
matters and technologies, have opted to invade Iraq not for Oil, but
to capture old Extraterrestrial technological artifacts, such as
some special “stargate” he has decided must be there as a prize the
Americans in particular want to unearth and possess, even possibly
to gain control over possible incursions of
Anunnaki invaders
through that Iraq Stargate.
We would temper these conclusions with a
more logical idea that they are there primarily to capture and
utilize Iraq oil-reserves because of the Peak Oil crisis on the
planet and only secondarily to raid ancient Extraterrestrial
artifacts. Also, he himself acknowledges that the Americans seem to
already possess stargates and time-portals, such as at
Montauk, in
which case it makes one wonder why they would be so caught-up in
retrieving an ancient stargate if they already have one that works.
Salla’s logic here is a bit fuzzy and
frenzied, which in our opinion spoils some of his important work in
evaluating cosmic information and evaluating the governmental
evaluators and their Black Projects as well. That the American
government has been back-engineering Extraterrestrial technology
from captured vessels is rather obvious, but it is not obvious or
necessarily true that the only or even primary reason for the
military conquest of Iraq is to capture a “stargate”.
Who the Extraterrestrial players are upon and around and about the
Earth is not fully and satisfactorily answered by either Courtney
Brown or Michael E. Salla, but they do indeed furnish us
with useful cosmic information and evaluations that cannot be found
in other sources. Nevertheless, there are also other sources that
furnish additional and sometimes apposite cosmic information that
should be taken into consideration.
We will now give our breakdown of all
categories of useful sources of cosmic information and briefly
discuss in each category what its potential value is.
Sources of
Cosmic Information
Category A – Voluntary Conscious Physical
There have been many good, valid reports and studies of these
kind of contactees for over fifty years now. That most of them
have been debunked and treated as hoaxes is more a manifestation
of Earth-bound ignorance and sociological pressures or outright
prejudices against this kind of cosmic information. Secretive
government controllers, for instance, would not want their
populations seriously thinking about what contactees have been
told about the actual cosmic situation of Earth humanity.
Also, most human beings do not like
the idea that Extraterrestrials have picked out certain selected
people as channels of cosmic information to Earth humanity. They
do not want to believe this has been happening because it
threatens their Earthbound non-cosmic worldviews or models of
Reality. They tend to feel and believe that Voluntary Conscious
Physical Contacts do not really happen and must be made-up
stories for getting attention and fame or are even outright
insanity or delusions of the contactees.
So, most people do not acquire and
deeply study the cosmic information available from these direct
contactees. They would even prefer to give more credence to the
next category of freaked-out amnesiacs who have been abducted by
Extraterrestrials. Investigating hypnotists then have to drag
whatever kind of cosmic information they can from out of these
zonked semi-victims who have haven’t got a clue why they were
forcibly contacted.
Often, there is valid and highly
interesting cosmic information derived from abductees, but why
do people give more credence to this secondary information when
the primary information is given from contactees who have
consciously and willingly undergone meaningful contacts?
The cosmic information that comes from the Extraterrestrial
contacts of
Peter Moon and
Billy Meiers with the Pleiadeans, of
Antonio Ribera with the Ummo’s, of Artur Berlet with the people
of Acart, the artificial hollow world revolving around Saturn,
of Ludwig Pallmann with people from Itibi-Ra, and the incredible
revelations of cosmic evolution given to Stefan Denaerde by the
Iargans, is all very significant and important.
And this does not exhaust the whole
list. Robert Charroux, for instance, has reported a contactee,
Mr. N.Y. who lives near Paris in France who went to the planet
Ba’avi of Proxima Centauri. There is also a video documentary
with Robert Bly interpreting a contactee from Peru by the name
of Sixto Paz Wells who was taken to a colony of giants in a
facility on Ganymede who resemble the same people of Ba’avi who
are called the Ba’al. Many of these kind of sources have been
made available through the work of the indefatigable researcher,
Col. Wendelle C. Stevens.
We also should not neglect to
mention the book and film of Shirley MacLaine called Out On a
Limb where a young man, David Manning, describes his meetings
and subsequent work with a woman from the Pleiades by the name
of Mayan. This itself indicates that there are colonists of
ancient Mayans from the Earth dwelling in the Pleiades. In fact,
there is growing evidence that there are various little groups
of colonists from the Earth on various planets in the Galaxy
where they have been gathered together and taken by various
Extraterrestrial races as experimental colonies to see how
peoples from Earth would develop in those situations. That we do
not get reports from these colonies for some reason does not
mean they are not there.
They are also a potentially large
group of unknown contactees.
Category B – Involuntary
Semi-Conscious Physical Contactees (Abductees)
Some of the most famous of these cases need serious examination,
starting with Whitley Strieber of Communion fame, but also
including people abducted by beings from Zeta Reticulum, such as
Betty and Barney Hill, as well as Billy Herman. The abduction of
Betty Andreason by little people apparently from Arcturus, is
also a rich contact with important cosmic information.
Collections of Abductee reports compiled by Dr. John Mack, Budd
Hopkins, Judith and Alan Gonsberg, Edith Fiore, Jenny Randalls
and others are also a rich field of cosmic information.
What makes these abduction reports so important is that they
were physical and vivid, however unconscious and forgotten
immediately after the experiences. Once the memories are
retrieved, they are very cosmic memories indeed. Some of this
cosmic information is virtually on a par with that which
voluntary conscious contactees have gotten. And we should not
forget that sometimes abductees have converted themselves into
voluntary conscious contactees, as with the case of Whitley
Strieber, which is itself a significant psycho-sociological
Salla of course mentions this category as having significance, but
his failure to mention the category of voluntary conscious
physical contactees shows prejudice or undue political
constraint to please those who are either prejudiced or involved
in government cover-up.
Perhaps he will explain himself on this point at some future
date, but the serious researcher can do plenty of investigating
of Category A without the approval of Michael E. Salla.
Category C – Voluntary
Semi-Conscious Alter-physical Contactees (Star People)
These are people who remember past life incarnation as
Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings (ETIB’s) prior to their
present life on Earth, either through taking over a physical
body of Earth (Walk-ins) or through taking birth in and as a
body of Earth (reincarnation). Since most ordinary people in the
Christian and Atheist regions of the Earth, such as America and
Europe do not believe in Soul-transference on the one hand or
Reincarnation on the other hand, taking these unpopular occult
concepts a step farther into the realms of Extraterrestrial
Intelligence is usually too much to ask.
However, this notwithstanding, there
is a complex maze of potential cosmic information available from
such sources as well. Whether memory-retrieval is from the
present physical body or a previous physical body that had the
same mind, it is still based on the same principle, which
requires some serious investigation. Brad Steiger’s The Star
People, Ruth Montgomery’s Strangers Among Us and Zoev Joh/Diana
Luppi’s E.T. 101 are three books that can get you started in
this fascinating area. Cosmic information can sometimes be found
in this category which should not be automatically dismissed.
Of course, Salla does not mention
this category either for rather obvious reasons to do with
wanting to be credible to highly prejudiced and ignorant people
who are in the majority in Western Civilization.
Category D – Voluntary Psychic
Contactees (Channelers and Visionaries)
Salla credits this category and mentions
Barbara Marciniak and
her Pleiadean channeling at some length. However he does not go
into other interesting channeled material as Darryl Anka’s Bashar book, Judi Pope Koteen’s book,
UFOs And The Nature Of
Reality, which is the J.K. Knight channeling of Ramtha, or
Ra Material, which started the big rage for talking about
"density levels" as the knee’s bees descriptique of levels or
dimensions of cosmic existence, which is OK as far as it goes.
Of course, Salla does mention the
Council of Nine stuff, as in
Phyllis V. Schlemmer’s
The Only Planet of Choice.
However much we might like to view all this
channeled material
with a healthy grain of salt, the fact remains that interesting
cosmic perspectives are sometimes opened up to us in this way
that we cannot get from alternative sources. For instance, Marciniak’s laying out of a genetic-blocking of humanity deal
between the Pleiadeans and the Reptilians is more or less valid
and excruciatingly important for the humanity of the future. It
is recommended that you read
Intergalactic Politics, if you want to go deeply into
this issue.
Have ongoing tensions been resolved
between the Tall Blond Aryans of the Pleiades (who sponsored
Hitler and indirectly the Holocaust or genocide of six million
Jews by the Nazi German people) and Courtney Brown’s Renegade
Category E – Neutral Psychic
Contactees (Remote Viewers and Shamans)
Salla rightly mentions this source and the work of Courtney
Brown in particular as expressed in his two books,
Cosmic Voyage and
Cosmic Explorers. What Salla and Brown do not discuss is
that native
Shamans of various tribes have been
“Walking-in-the-Sky” or “Voidwalking” (Remote Viewing) for
thousands of years and sometimes have acquired Cosmic
Information in this way.
There is thus a much wider bandwidth
of this kind of cosmic information gathering than what we get
from government programmed and trained scientific shamans of the
modern age. However, there is no doubt that Courtney Brown and
his associates have found out a great deal in regard to the old
Lunar Little Grays and the plight of the Martian remnant
colonies that survived underground after the orbital catastrophe
on Mars, the death of millions, and the transfer of Martians to
Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago as seed races for the
Earth (Eastern Orientals and Western Red Indians) in Mongolia (Shambhala/ShemBa’al)
and Peru.
There is indeed a colony of
contemporary transferees from Mars in New Mexico, and it is they
who often show up in John Keel’s book, The Mothman Prophecies,
as “Men-In-Black”, though Keel does not know those people are
Martians, though he may figure it out if he reads this article
and Courtney Brown.
Category F – Whistle-Blowers From
Inside Secret Government
Salla goes into this category at great length and cites people
like Colonel
Philip Corso and Dr.
Steven Greer, director of the
Disclosure Project. The problem here is that these people are
dubious precisely because they are coming out from within the
secret government that is addicted to cover-up and
disinformation. If they were genuine whistle-blowers, they
should now be as dead as
William Cooper and
Phil Schneider.
This does not mean they have no cosmic information at all for
us, but it will be imparted selectively with some spin, such as
trying to substantiate that all Extraterrestrial presence is
intrusive, negative and dangerous.
One thing we learn from these Whistle-Blowers is that ruling
members of the secret government departments charged with
investigating, dealing with or making use of Extraterrestrial
beings and their technology have serious limitations of
consciousness and abusive motivations in terms of their attitude
toward humanity and free-thinking individuals. They are control
freaks without a genuine cosmic perspective. They view
Extraterrestrial Cosmic Powers in a most petty and negative
Who or What they think they can
exploit, they will, but Who or What they cannot command or
control, they fear with a great dread, and perhaps rightly so.
Abusers of Power always fear greater and more powerful potential
Abusers of Power most of all, for “what goes around comes
around”, as the saying goes, and they all instinctively sense
this even if their demented and corrupt brains cannot
acknowledge Cosmic Law.
One of the great illusions perpetrated on themselves by modern
people seeking cosmic information is that the governments of the
Earth have all the relevant information and are successfully
covering up the real thing, when in fact, the governments, all
petty-minded and abusive for the most part, do not have the full
and complete cosmic information.
What they cover-up is only those
parts of cosmic information they actually have in their
possession. Some of the best cosmic information they do not have
and do not even suspect that they might need it, so their
cover-up is self-enclosed and insular within their own circles
of secrecy and cover-up. They are not therefore covering up the
Truth, because they do not possess it. They are also often
themselves victims of Extraterrestrial disinformation.
Take for instance, the Roswell UFO
crash and the recovery of “alien” bodies. What they do not know
to this day is that both the dead “aliens” and the live one were
deliberately created and programmed cyborgs for the purpose of
disinforming the government. Also, the crashes were deliberately
done by Extraterrestrial Intelligence so that the government
could learn to back-engineer and develop up-to-speed spacecraft
for the future of mankind.
The Galactic and Intergalatic Powers
have total military control of near-Earth space and are in no
particular danger from anything the secret black government
possesses. It is all just a setup by the Extraterrestrials to
both prepare Earth technology on the one hand and expose the
abusers of the technology on the other hand.
The Roswell Incident should be called the Roswell Rabbit Trap.
The American leaders have been and remain idiots in comparison
to Extraterrestrial Intelligence. I have no doubt that coming
events from Space will bring this out. The American Star Wars
program is just a huge waste of money.
There is no way they can
fend off the Galactic Powers if those Powers choose to intervene
on the Earth.
Category G – Documentary Evidence
From Government
Salla is also somewhat thrilled about this source. He imagines
that the Freedom Of Information Act is squeezing out some
significant stuff and mentions the
Black Vault, a website of
John Greenwald, Jr.
The black government is not about to
voluntarily release any documentary evidence where they do not
consider it useful for their cover-up and disinformation
campaign, which is continuing right through the present and into
the future for as long as they can get away with it. If one
keeps this in mind, one will not ask “What does this information
prove?” but “Why do they want our attention on this particular
kind of information rather than on other kinds?”
What we are dealing with here are
deliberate leaks to try to get us into a certain frame of
Category H- Superficial Excited
Witnesses and Sightings Reports
There is quite a lot of this virtually useless cosmic
information no matter how factually real it may be. If
Extraterrestrials put on phenomenal displays for the ignorant
inhabitants of the Earth, it is for another purpose than
“proving they exist” as such. For instance, why do we still
refer to obviously Extraterrestrial piloted spacecraft as
“UFO’s” or Unidentified Flying Objects.
Think of the inane question,
“Do you believe in UFO’s?” What
is that question, so sickeningly common and stupid, supposed
to mean? It should literally mean, “Do you believe people
are witnessing flying objects they cannot identify?” What
they really mean—without having to spell it out—is, “Do you
believe that people are seeing Alien Spaceships or ETV’s,
Extraterrestrial Vehicles?”
But of course no one ever asks,
“Setting aside all this
phenomenal excitement the Aliens are getting us into, what
should we be asking ourselves about Greater Cosmic Powers
and their Extraterrestrial intentions toward humanity and
our planet Earth?”
Such a question would of course
imply a need for thorough personal investigation, thought and
expanded consciousness. There is a lot of cosmic information to
find and process if one really wants to know what is going on
with Extraterrestrial Intelligence on, around and about the
Earth and humanity. This is a huge learning challenge of an
evolutionary nature if one is up to it, but emotional
excitements over phenomena are wholly superficial and virtually
useless. How can it really matter if a “policeman” or a “member
of government” has “seen a UFO”?
Such sheepish looking up to and
deferring to local insular Earth authorities is an obvious
inability to handle cosmic information. Masses of superficial
emotional people looking to their governments for “explanations”
are obviously looking in the wrong place.
Category I – Astute Debriefers,
Debunkers and Interpreters
Salla does not mention this category precisely because he is in
it. The debriefers are people like Budd Hopkins and Dr.
John Mack. Dealing with lots of Missing Time or Abduction
cases forces them to process some aspects of cosmic information,
however reluctant they may be to do so. There are patterns of
cosmic information there that are partially interpreted,
sometimes with some slight intelligence, by the Debriefers, so
it can sometimes be useful to listen to their conclusions about
what they think it all means.
Some Debunkers, such as
Jaque Vallee and John Keel,
who do not like the obvious fact of physical Aliens from Outer
Space, have sometimes developed interesting insights into
overall patterns of unusual Beings demonstrating a presence to
humanity. For instance, when Gaelic lore is used to point out
that Modern Aliens are hardly different from old legends of
contacts with “Fairy People”, it does not mean so much that
Aliens are as ephemeral or demonic as “Fairies” as it means that
Fairy People were all-too-often what we today call “Aliens” or
What we have there in all that Fairy
Lore is a huge body of potentially useful cosmic information.
The debunkers have not got very good interpretive abilities, but
they have excellent information finding abilities.
Salla himself, as well as others, which for now also includes my
own self, are Astute Interpreters. We are people who gather as
much cosmic information we can from as many sources as we are
capable of accepting. We then try to use our best thinking
ability and intuitive awareness to get the big picture of the
cosmic situation of humanity and where it is going.
Naturally, the more expanded our
consciousness, the more we are able to merge with All-pervading
Awareness as Cosmic Shamans, the better our interpretations of
Extraterrestrial Intelligence will be. Courtney Brown has
himself pointed this fact out quite beautifully toward the end
of his book, Cosmic Explorers. This principle of Cosmic
Perspective is also profoundly brought out by the ancient
Buddhist Extraterrestrial Contactee, Nagarjuna, whose name
literally means, “Friend-of-the-Nagas/Aliens”.
The Little Grays, for instance,
would sometimes attend his lectures disguised as little children
wearing hoods. The Hwa Yen Sutra, a Mahayana Text, is a
masterpiece of Cosmic Perspective and the development of Cosmic
Consciousness through ten stages.
If this text is studied in
conjunction with the Iargan Cosmology of the Twelvefold Universe
Atom, one can use such knowledge to easily expand awareness
beyond the limiting cognitive constraints of Earth-bound views
and opinions of ignorant and prejudiced humanity.
Category J – Alien Artifacts
Crashed ETVs, bodies of Cyborg Aliens, mutilated cattle,
artificial structures on Mars and the Moon (as brought out by
Richard Hoagland), and other such things, including the
photograph of the obvious tiny little Martian rabbit, are all
there to give us cosmic information. The more one investigates
Alien Artifacts, the more obvious it becomes that they are
exactly what they are, no matter how much the government
cover-up manipulators or other debunkers do not want the masses
looking at all such things deeply and thoughtfully.
It is rather surprising that Salla and other Astute Interpreters
do not look into this source of cosmic information, but Hoagland
and others have shown that potentially very important things are
sometimes demonstrated by Alien Artifacts, which includes cosmic
hints on the distribution of Energy within planets and stars.
Superscientific knowledge is made
indirectly available to us in this way if we in fact want such
knowledge, which for the majority of people on Earth is a
debatable degree of interest.
Category K – Independent Archeology
Salla usefully brings up this category and is duly impressed
with Erich von Daniken,
Zechariah Sitchin and others.
Unfortunately, he, like Courtney Brown, has not read
Intergalactic Politics, or he would have a grander and
more useful view on this subject with a better idea of the
interaction of Sirius A with Sumerians in very ancient times.
That situation is not just about
Reptilians or Giants, for instance. It is important that when we
study Independent Archeology theories that we look at as wide a
variety of such theories as possible, for any particular
Independent Archeologist is invariably working with certain
assumptions and a lack of more extensive cosmic information and
this makes it hard for him to form fully correct conclusions.
For instance, it is most likely a
Stargate connected with Sirius A that is buried somewhere in
Iraq. There might be some interesting implications of this if
the Arab peoples are in fact hybrid Atlantian/Siriusian. This
might imply that American attacks on Arab Muslins might be taken
as an indirect declaration of war on Sirius A, which is a
genuine exopolitical issue.
Category L – Occult Societies
Occult Societies, including Theosophy and the traditions of the
Sarmoun Sufis of Central Asia, often have bodies of cosmic
information that are studied within their ranks. If you have not
read, for instance, Helena Blavatsky’s
The Secret Doctrine or P.D. Ouspensky’s
In Search Of The Miraculous, you are missing
significant cosmic information that puts all the sources already
listed into a deeper perspective.
Category M – Science Fiction
It has been known for a long time that creative visionaries like
Jules Verne have often through their science fiction stories
anticipated actual future cosmic developments in regard to
humanity. Sometimes real cosmic information infiltrates human
consciousness through works of fiction, which can include even
the X-Files series on television. The works of the American,
Clifford Simak are of very high quality in this respect, as are
the works of Olaf Stapleton, H.G. Wells and David Lindsay in
Do read Olaf Stapleton’s Last And
First Men, as well as, Star Maker, if you have not already done
so. And Lindsay’s A Voyage To Arcturus is a veritable clinic on
varieties of organic cognition shaping worldviews. This is
incredibly important for the future of understanding
Extraterrestrial Intelligence, especially if it is connected
with an article of non-fiction philosophy by the American
philosopher, Thomas Nagel, entitled, What Is It Like To Be A
And if you want to go really deep,
Carlos Castaneda’s The Fire From Within, which is from
category L, Occult Societies, but brings out aspects of
alternative cognition as well.
Processing Cosmic
If you have come this far, it is possible that you are now more
alert to the full spectrum of sources of cosmic information that
will provoke a much vaster perspective and deeper pattern of
understanding than you will get through rejecting one or more of the
categories of sources. Cosmic knowledge like any kind of knowledge,
yields more if you take in as great amount of information without
prejudice as you possibly can.
Another aspect of all this is that you must make yourself aware of
the cognitive principle of the Sequence of Information Trap as
described by Edward de Bono. What he tells us is that the sequence
in which information forms knowledge in our brain will form an
enclosed view in our brain as a pattern that will reject information
the pattern cannot contain or assimilate and remain the same
In order to yield learning and greater
consciousness, the brain must voluntarily break up its existing
pattern of knowledge, information and worldview or paradigm from
time to time and form a better and more accommodating pattern or
cognitive view of total existence. This is the essence of learning
theory, which is also corroborated in the book Holland Et Al
entitled Induction, which is a standard work in Cognitive Science.
Without Paradigm Shifting and Generative
Thinking, how can we update our views of the Cosmic Situation?
Finding and processing cosmic information connected to
Extraterrestrial Intelligence is one of the greatest learning
opportunities a human being can have in our present time on the
planet Earth. If we attempt to find and process cosmic information
from a dogmatic and blinkered cosmic perspective that is afraid of
unusual facts, or if we want such information in order to mislead
and abuse humanity at large, we are unlikely to ever know what is
really going on in the Universe or in regard to Cosmic Powers
dealing with the Earth.
It is also a sad fact that many people, simple cranks, try to
randomly gather some parts of cosmic information in order to set
themselves up as teachers or experts so that they can gather a
following of gullible people who will cling to their leadership.
This social urge then makes it impossible for them to give full
attention to the cosmic information or to go to the trouble and
expense of getting all that is available in all categories.
Eager to appear cosmic to others, they
fail to actually be cosmic for themselves in their own learning. The
New Age people in America and Britain are particularly subject to
this cult-forming tendency, which makes them write and speak in a
useless manner, which just muddies the waters of more useful and
valid sources of cosmic information.
Their behavior then makes it easier for
the governments to debunk valid cosmic information by pointing out
the silly nonsense that the cranks and cultists produce. The only
solution to all this muddying of the waters is for all of us to make
our learning process more viable through seeking and processing
cosmic information as widely and thoughtfully as possible. Nothing
puts an end to the false better than greater and wider truth. We
should remember, as J. Krishnamurti so often pointed out, that
is not a static thing, but a dynamically developing awareness.
The American philosopher, Richard
Rorty has also pointed this out when he says we must progress
beyond our “Final Vocabulary” to a sense of tempered “Irony” wherein
we realize that our Worldview will never be a set of perfect, final
answers. Learning to ask better questions is wholly as important as
finding better answers to the usual questions we ask.
Extraterrestrial Intelligence is beyond both our present beliefs and
disbeliefs that we adhere to. Finding and adequately processing
cosmic information is an intellectual and spiritual adventure, which
means that we must learn to confront Extraterrestrial Presences and
Powers in a wholly new way. No one on Earth can rightly claim to
have the one only true and final Cosmic Perspective. I would not
claim it, nor should you or anyone else.
What I and others can sometimes claim is
that we have taken all this farther out than virtually everybody we
know to date. As Astute Interpreters, we are very aware that most
people have neither the interest nor the present capacity to seek
out or process a great deal of cosmic information.
For most people, they are too pressured
by their problems and disappointments or too distracted by their
ambitions and social frustrations or personal desires to really
focus a genuinely cosmic awareness and search for greater and
greater truth.