by Michael E. Salla

10 January 2007

from AgoraCosmopolitan Website

Reportedly the Ehud Olmert plans to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Iran, irrespective of the dangers of precipitating a Third World War III. The Olmert administration is led by militarists with fascistic zeal, who mis-represent themselves as "defenders of a Jewish State".

According to a January 7, 2007 report from the Sunday Times in Britain, Israel is preparing to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against Iran.


Israel’s intelligence services estimate that Iran is two years away from producing enough enriched uranium to produce nuclear weapons.


Using tactical bunker busting nuclear weapons, Israel plans to take out Iran's core nuclear processing facilities at three main sites. Buried at least 70 feet underground, conventional bunker busting weapons are deemed unlikely to succeed. A similar though more ambitious preemptive attack was earlier planned by neo-conservatives within the U.S. Bush administration.


The attack was eventually abandoned due to a “revolt of the generals” in April 2006 and opposition by the general public. An ‘exopolitical’ factor may have played a role in this policy shift by the Bush administration that put an end to plans for a U.S. preemptive nuclear attack against Iran. See: “Divine Strake” vs. ‘Divine Strike’ – Did Extraterrestrials Deter the Pentagon from a Preemptive Nuclear War Against Iran?.

Exopolitics studies the political implications of what evidence points to as technologically advanced extraterrestrials visiting or residing on Earth. When it comes to the use of nuclear weapons, there has historically been a number of credible whistleblowers coming forward to speak of the relationship between extraterrestrial life and nuclear weapons.


For example, Robert Salas, a retired U.S. Air Force Captain, revealed how UFO’s hovered over Malmstrom Air Force Base in 1967, and deactivated seven to eight Minuteman nuclear weapons. (Faded Giant by Robert Salas and James Klotz). Another whistleblower, Col. Ross Dedrickson, worked for the U.S. Air Force and the Atomic Energy Commission.


He argues that extraterrestrials destroyed a number of nuclear missiles scheduled for detonation in the ionosphere in the 1960’s, and even destroyed a missile targeted towards the moon in the early 1980’s.

Ariel Sharon promised to usher in a new era of peace between Israel and Palestinians, in the spirit of Judaism. Then he suffered a heart attack. The Olmert administration has opportunistically used the absence of Ariel Sharon, a relatively "recent convert" to the peaceful spirit of Judaism, to apparently seek a path of self-destruction for humanity in a nuclear war.

It’s worth examining why extraterrestrials may be interested in Israel’s plans for a preemptive nuclear attack against Iran, and what the implications for world peace may be.

With the election of a Democratic Congress in November 2006, and the growing ascendancy of “realists” in the Republican Party, over their neo-conservatives rivals, Israel has accepted that the U.S. will not launch a preemptive nuclear attack to take out Iran's facilities. Israel is therefore going for Plan B which is to do the job itself and launch its own preemptive attack using nuclear bunker busting weapons.


Israel is prepared to weather the international storm of protest that such a nuclear attack will cause. The January 7 leak of news that two squadrons of the Israeli Air Force are training for such an attack suggests that only a small window of time exists to prevent this.

The Bush administration is aware of Israel’s plans and is preparing itself for the regional consequences. This is the true reason for the contemplated “surge” of up 20,000 extra U.S. troops in Iraq, and the January 5 announcement that US Navy Admiral William Fallon has been nominated to head the Pentagon’s Central Command which is responsible for directing the War effort in Iraq and Afghanistan.


More troops will be necessary to protect U.S. interests from what will likely be a furious response by Iran and its allies in Iraq. Repercussions will also be felt in Afghanistan, Lebanon, and elsewhere where Iranian sympathies are strong. Admiral Fallon will be responsible for ensuring that Iran's response to an Israeli attack doesn't stop the Oil Supply or threaten US allies in the Persian Gulf region.


This will give the US Navy a more prominent role in the Persian Gulf and in the conduct of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Israel is prepared to risk its own, U.S., and the global interests of humanity for a skewed national security argument that Iran simply is too dangerous a nation to possess nuclear weapons. The argument is that Iran’s Islamic rulers are irresponsible and will sanction the use or export of nuclear weapons to destroy Israel either directly or by proxy.


Indeed Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has greatly contributed to this perception due to his irresponsible comments calling for the destruction of Israel: See, WASHINGTON POST.


Furthermore, the Iranian government’s sponsorship of a conference denying the holocaust of Jews has contributed to perceptions that it supports Israel’s destruction. See: BBC.

However, the Iranian President’s power is strictly limited within the Iranian political system and the real power lies with Iran’s clerics and Supreme Spiritual Leader. The Islamic Republic suffers a legitimacy deficit with its own population that prefers dialogue and reform with the West, rather than confrontation and conflict.


Most Iranian citizens were born after the Iranian revolution in 1979, and want to integrate with the West, not be railroaded by a belligerent and desperate leadership into years of confrontation and conflict. President Ahmadinejad’s inflammatory comments skew international perceptions over the real interests and intentions of the Iranian population. He is contributing to a much anticipated “Clash of Civilizations” between the Islamic world and the West.

It is very likely that Israeli plans to move forward with a preemptive nuclear attack to prevent what it believes to be “future nuclear threats” by Iran, given the rhetoric of its current President and general antagonism of the Islamic Republic. This is a weak justification for the proposed use of nuclear weapons in a political conflict with Iran over nuclear enrichment, and should be rejected.


An Israeli attack will greatly inflame the military conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan; weaken the hand of those wanting Iran to play a constructive role in resolving these conflicts; and make it difficult for democratic reforms to occur in Iran itself. There is the real possibility that the proposed attack will spark religious zeal for a “Clash of Civilizations” that threatens not only global interests, but the survival of Israel itself.

The exopolitical situation is very serious. The use of nuclear weapons has long been known to impact in unknown ways on extraterrestrial life. This is the inevitable conclusion that can be drawn from historic cases of nuclear weapons being interfered with or destroyed prior to their possible use.


Given the clear warnings implied in these cases of extraterrestrial intervention with the possible use of nuclear weapons, it appears very foolhardy for any nation to sanction the preemptive use of nuclear weapons. The impact on extraterrestrial life is unknown, and past interventions suggest that extraterrestrials will not stand idly by and observe the use of nuclear weapons that might impact on them in unknown ways.


This information has been kept from the general public and elected political representatives. If disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence occurred, this might significantly impact on local tolerance on the development and possible use of nuclear weapons.

An escalation of military conflict in the Middle East will be a set back for efforts to disclose the extraterrestrial presence, and efforts to introduce transparency and accountability in the management of extraterrestrial affairs. Military conflict, distracts the general public from growing evidence of visiting extraterrestrials, and from government policies secretly dealing with extraterrestrial affairs.


Military conflict makes it more difficult for political legislatures to unravel the deep secrets behind the black budgets, technologies and extraterrestrial knowledge kept from the public arena by various entities from the military-industrial complex. These corporate-military entities are largely unaccountable and operate opaquely in ways suggesting that many have become rogue operations.

It is estimated that many millions of people within hours would loose their lives and suffer from horrific radiation poisoning as a result of such an irresponsible plan to attack Iran. Such use of nuclear weapons would also promote other countries and rogue organizations to purchase and use such weapons toward human Armageddon.

In addition, an Israeli nuclear attack and its aftermath will distract the newly empowered Democratic majority in the U.S. Congress from effectively investigating the truth behind the 911 terrorist attacks, and the skewing of military intelligence to justify the war in Iraq. An Israeli attack will also cause tremendous international turmoil, skyrocketing oil prices, a down turn in international finance, and an escalation of terrorist activities around the globe.


The ultimate consequence of an Israeli nuclear attack is that it will make it far more difficult for political disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence to go forward. This will make it impossible for transparency and accountability into the way extraterrestrial affairs are secretly managed.

The U.S. will likely stand by and allow Israel to go forward with its attack since policy makers perceive little they can do to stop Israel. Indeed, many in the Bush administration will secretly welcome a preemptive Israeli attack.


Key administration figures including President Bush belong to a Christian Evangelical movement uncritically supporting Israel in what is prophesied to be a future Armageddon where Israel’s existence is threatened. See: FPIF. The Israeli public seems to accept that an Israeli attack is inevitable if Iran does not abandon its nuclear enrichment plans. See: JPOST.

There needs to be a concerted international campaign to prevent Israel from going forward with its preemptive nuclear attack. Dialogue with Iran is necessary. The failure to reach agreement with Iran over its nuclear enrichment program should not be used as a pretext to launch an unprovoked and unwarranted preemptive attack against Iran.


This is especially the case due to elements of the political leaderships both inside Iran, Israel and the U.S. that would welcome a clash of civilizations between the West and global Islam that would presage a global Armageddon.

The overwhelming majority of citizens in Iran, Israel and the U.S. desire peaceful cooperation and dialogue between each other’s governments. They should not be held hostage to irresponsible leaderships provoking a dangerous escalation of military conflict through the use of nuclear weapons.


We should individually do all possible to promote peaceful conflict resolution in the Middle East, and responsible decision making by political leaders. The danger a preemptive nuclear Israeli attack poses for world peace is unnecessary. Furthermore, an attack would impact on extraterrestrial life in ways that the general public still is not aware of, and therefore poses an unacceptable risk for world peace.


The use of nuclear weapons also delays political disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence where transparency and public oversight is deeply needed. We need to ensure peaceful relations with extraterrestrial civilizations, and the first step is to speak out clearly against the possible use of nuclear weapons by any nation.


This is the time for genuine international dialogue promoting peace, harmony and goodwill among the people and leaders of the Middle East, and genuine disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence.