The Real Da Vinci Code


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Pyramids built in Egypt and elsewhere are usually related to sun worship. The idea of channelling the sun's rays to Earth has given the structure a symbolic value that persists today.

Dan Brown
Official website of the bestselling author of The Da Vinci Code, with a biography and an author FAQ.

Holy Blood, Holy Grail
Online encyclopaedia, cross-referencing to information on The Knights Templar, the Priory of Sion and Mary Magdalene.

Opus Dei
Website of the group that is officially part of the Catholic Church.

Templar History
This site seems to have something for everyone, including an authentic history of the order and a mysteries and myths section. For more speculative stuff, and should you want to know whether the order still exists, there is a legacy section.

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The Da Vinci Code: The illustrated edition by Dan Brown (Bantam Press, 2004)
Brown masterfully concocts an intelligent and lucid thriller that marries the gusto of an international murder mystery with a collection of fascinating material culled from 2000 years of Western history. This edition has photographs and drawings.
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Da Vinci Code Decoded by Martin Lunn (The Disinformation Company, 2004)
An expert historian reveals the truth behind Brown's research. Non-dogmatic and not out to discredit Brown's The Da Vinci Code for religious motives, Lunn delivers a reader's guide to this controversial novel.
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The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln (Arrow, 2004)
The authors spent over 10 years on their own kind of quest for the Holy Grail; looking into the secretive history of early France. What they found is a tangled and intricate story of politics and faith that reads like a mystery novel.
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The Real History Behind the Da Vinci Code by Sharan Newman (Berkley Books, 2005)
Written by an acclaimed medievalist and historian who takes an objective, history-based approach to this literary phenomenon and the questions it has raised.
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The Holy Grail | The Priory of Sion | The Knights Templar | Mary and Jesus | Leonardo da Vinci | Opus Dei | Find out more