by Jon Rappoport
January 07, 2018
JonRappoport Website

"I have harnessed the cosmic rays
and caused them
to operate a motive device."
Nikola Tesla
Brooklyn Eagle
(10 July 1931)
This is a "what if"
But it's also based
on decades of experience analyzing propaganda and cover stories...
It's based on the
knowledge that military and intelligence operatives are trained to
lie, and they like to lie, and they get up in the morning, licking
their chops, because they know they're going to lie during another
day in paradise.
In any event, cover
stories ARE being floated in great numbers.
Nikola Tesla and other outlier scientists were
anti-gravity in the 20th
Upon his death,
Tesla's research papers were stolen by the government and never
What has
the US government been doing at secret research facilities
since World War 2 - such as the famed Lockheed Skunkworks in
Palmdale, California - and whose technology have they been
Have they
been advancing Tesla's (and other outlier scientists') work?
They would certainly try.
Would this
US research be pointed toward building military craft
capable of extraordinary speeds and maneuverability?
Could this
technology, at the root, have other applications - such as
new modes of energy production that would eliminate the need
for an oil economy? Possibly.
That would be a key
reason for secrecy. Absolute secrecy...
If secrecy was the
goal, extensive cover stories would have been developed and pushed -
to this day.
And what better way
to disseminate those stories than through government insiders, who
feed information to UFO spokespeople?
"The UFOs are ET alien..."
I'm not saying this
notion must be entirely false - I'm saying it can be USED to bury
the root truth.
secret technological advances -
from science and scientists here on Earth - in the areas of energy,
transportation, and space travel - would a cause a revolution in
society - because a vast abundance of energy would be available for
all - how would this fact be managed
by oligarchs who rule through scarcity, war,
and destruction?
float the story that advanced tech comes from ETs.
wrap the ET story up in speculative fairy-tale mythologies,
thus creating an occasion for scorn and mockery.
via guilt by association, reject the entire idea that
advanced secret technology exists, because it is married to
comic book tales of ETs.
Note: the
above step-operation works, whether or not ETs exist and
have visited Earth.
Read this:
"For example, a
new concept of spacecraft and aerospace flight arises from the
possibility of the electromagnetic control of the gravitational
The novel
spacecraft called Gravitational Spacecraft possibly will change
the paradigm of space flight and transportation in general.
Here, its
operation principles and flight possibilities…will be described.
Also it will be
shown that other devices based on gravity control, such as the
Gravitational Motor and the Quantum Transceivers, can be used in
the spacecraft, respectively, for Energy Generation and
The Gravitational Spacecraft
Fran De Aquino
Maranhao State
University, Brazil
December 3, 2013
from the Electric
Space Craft Journal 27
I'm not asserting
these statements are true. I'm merely illustrating one of hundreds
of articles and papers that have appeared on the subject of advanced
technologies outside the realm of conventional science.
Since the beginning
of the 20th century, and even earlier, researchers have
been studying and writing about such technologies. It would be a
mistake to think that military tech centers have blithely ignored
this body of literature.
As they deride it,
they examine it, and they use what they can. In secret...
In secret, because
they want to protect what they learn from their military enemies.
And also because technology which could crack too many barriers and
overturn the control of society must be kept in darkness.
Tesla, 1892:
space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic!
If static our
hopes are in vain; if kinetic - and this we know it is, for
certain - then it is a mere question of time when men will
succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of
Suppose there are
two entire bodies of scientific research:
the one we
know about, which is displayed in published studies, media
articles, and press releases from governments and
a second
body, which is separate and secret and more advanced,
conducted in government and corporate facilities shielded
from view
This would create a
significant problem. How is the second body protected and denied?
That problem falls
into the lap of disinformation specialists. A long-range program
must be developed. It must contain many vectors.
Unidentified Flying Objects
exist. Whatever their origin(s), they appear in the skies. They
execute maneuvers at speeds that are "impossible." Their actions
prove that advanced technology exists.
Who will present
that official disinfo? Why, officials, of course...
Where will they
come from? The intelligence establishment, the military
establishment, because those departments and people "have been
investigating the 'aerial phenomena'."
Over the years,
these high-level officials will, while remaining in the shadows,
pass along "secrets" to independent UFO researchers. The names of
these military/intelligence officials will occasionally surface.
Rumors about them will abound.
Every tidbit they
offer to UFO researchers will be accepted and adored like a superior
Christmas gift under the tree.
In no case will the
leakers say,
developed astounding technology based on the work of Earth
scientists, and we're keeping this tech secret."
Of all the leaks,
that won't be one of them...
Instead, the
implication will be:
we here on
Earth couldn't have developed such engineering capability. Out
of the question.
Finally, in 2017, a
whole group of elite ex-intelligence and military officials will
step forward, together, as a "team" connected to a fledging Academy
in the private sector.
Its spokesman will
Tom DeLonge, a rock
These ex-officials
will confirm that remarkable UFOs exist, and the technology they
exhibit surpasses anything known about on Earth.
Again, the
"could not have
been developed by and from Earth scientists (working in
What does exist is,
"a highly
exotic program to analyze off-planet UFOs."
Over time, this
latter assertion will be met with scorn.
And mainstream
journalists will wonder aloud about the Academy, the rock musician,
and the bizarre gathering of ex-government officials around the
reporters will (as Daniel Liszt, the independent Dark
has already pointed out)
realize how strange it is, for example, that "recovered materials
from UFOs" are being kept in a Las Vegas warehouse, under the
control of billionaire,
Robert Bigelow, instead of at
the nearby
Area 51 labs.
Other anomalies
will surface. The whole UFO Disclosure episode will take on a
woo-woo quality.
It's called "blown
cover as cover":
You admit
secrets, thus appearing to blow your cover, but at the same time
you're hiding the deeper truth.
boys, we need to explain these UFOs whizzing around.
We need to
exclude ourselves as the primary secret engineers of these
craft. So we paint ourselves as the somewhat befuddled and
amazed recipients of technology from ET civilizations.
That's all we are.
trying to figure out what we've been handed on a silver
platter. We don't know what we're doing. We're children
playing with adult machines. We're, in a sense, victims.
This plays
into the whole op about humans as weak, incapable, and
certainly unable to achieve genuinely heroic feats. Now,
we're not going to admit to the ET scenario out in the open.
we don't know anything about that. But we are going to give
the green light to a few of our own guys to step forward and
push the ET story. They'll do it in a way that avoids any
kind of blame directed at them or us.
just throw up their hands and say the technology behind
these UFOs is light years beyond anything that exists on
They'll say
the universe is so big there must be other life out there.
They'll leave the rest to the imagination.
And then,
maybe, just maybe, they'll say YES, these flying craft ARE
ET, as if they can't hold back the truth any longer, as if
they've been painted into a corner and have to confess.
At that
point, the press will go after them. The press will call
them fabulists and fakers and wild exaggerators. And once
again (we've done this before), the house of cards will fall
The press
and the government and the public will shake their heads and
move away from the UFO story and advanced secret technology
to other things…"
Consider this
recent statement Tom DeLonge made about his new Academy:
"Hello, my name
is Tom DeLonge from the Blink-182.
I have brought
together an elite team from CIA, DOD and the FMR Director of
Advanced Programs at Lockheed Martin's SkunkWorks.
We are aiming
to build this ElectroMagnetic Vehicle to Travel INSTANTANEOUSLY
through Space, Air and Water BY ENGINEERING THE FABRIC OF
Our company is
called To The Stars… and you can invest in our plan to
revolutionize the world with technology that can change life as
we know it."
How likely is it
that these "elite team members" have gathered around DeLonge with
confidence that he is the right person to disclose the truth about
They certainly knew
his views before they joined up.
Why did
they pick him?
What are
the "Vegas odds" on this venture succeeding with the press
and public?
Isn't it
likely the operation was put together in order to fail?
In order to
bring a new level of scorn down on the heads of UFO
disclosers in general?
I'll give you an
Suppose you were an
important mainstream vaccine researcher, and after long and hard
reflection, you decided you were going to step forward and blow the
whistle on the enormous dangers of vaccination.
You notice there is
a civilian out there who is making quite a stir about the issue.
He, too, is against
Would you sign on
with him? Would you allow him to front for the vaccine issue and
represent you?
On the other hand,
if you were that vaccine researcher, and you were SENT out, on
purpose, to present anti-vaccine views, with the express purpose of
making those views appear ridiculous, and you could eventually walk
away and obtain a plum job in the private sector or win a series of
grants, and everyone would forget about your brief misadventure in
the "anti-vaccine movement," you would certainly seek out this
person who talks endlessly about viruses from outer space, and you
would make a temporary deal.
You would, for a
short time, be "the leaker."
As a working
disinformation pro, you would take one for the team. The real team:
the medical cartel.
UFOs exist. They're
real. They exhibit very advanced tech. They're designed to work.
But the elite
propaganda about them is designed to fail...
"UFO Disclosure"
- A Covert Op to
Discredit Real Disclosure -
by Jon
January 22,
JonRappoport Website

The current Tom DeLonge disclosure (above report)
happened in a most curious way.
Suddenly, several
high-level ex-CIA spooks and Pentagon insiders joined Blink-182
rocker DeLonge's team, a start-up company called "To the Stars
One of the team members,
Luis Elizondo, rolled out information on a UFO Pentagon
program he headed up. But Elizondo, for years, ran clandestine
covert ops in Latin America for the US intelligence community.
Another DeLonge team member, Steve Justice, was once the
program director of the Lockheed Skunk Works in Palmdale,
California, where super-secret aerospace (and UFO?) research is
carried out.
Jim Semivan, another DeLonge team member,
"retired from the
Central Intelligence Agency's Directorate of Operations after 25
years as an operations officer, both overseas and domestically,"
states the Academy website.
Chris Mellon,
"served 20 years in
the federal government, including as the Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush
Paul Rapp's,
"past honors include
a Certificate of Commendation from the Central Intelligence
Agency for 'significant contributions to the mission of the
Office of Research and Development'."
This office, ORD, was where the CIA's
MKULTRA mind control program
secretly landed, in 1962, after it purportedly ended.
Norm Kahn:
"Dr. Kahn had over a
30-year career with the Central Intelligence Agency…"
This is an impressive
team of insider heavy hitters, with extensive backgrounds in
In order to roll out secret information about UFOs, they,
That's how UFO disclosure
could have happened.
But no. Instead, they chose to align themselves with a rock
musician who has stated:
"Hello, my name is
Tom DeLonge from the Blink-182. I have brought together an elite
team from CIA, DOD and the FMR Director of Advanced Programs at
Lockheed Martin's SkunkWorks.
We are aiming to
build this ElectroMagnetic Vehicle to Travel INSTANTANEOUSLY
through Space, Air and Water BY ENGINEERING THE FABRIC OF
Our company is called
To The Stars… and you can invest in our plan to
revolutionize the world with technology that can change life as
we know it."
Compare how these
government insiders COULD HAVE done disclosure as opposed to how
they actually DID disclosure.
Getting the picture?
They aligned themselves with the perfect person who would bring
down the scorn and mockery of the press.
Why? Because clean and credible and convincing disclosure wasn't
their number-one objective.
What was their objective? Obviously, to attract a certain amount
of negative reaction.
In the world of
intelligence ops, this would be called a limited hangout with a
You put out a few tidbits of information, thus concealing the
largest part of the truth - and at the same time you associate
yourself with a bizarre source who will surely stain the quality of
your limited hangout.
It works...
Again, Elizondo, the point man for recent UFO revelations, could
have stepped up to the podium at a global press conference and said,
"I want to introduce
you to my elite team of former government insiders. After
discussions, we've decided to form OUR OWN group and tell the
truth about UFOs.
We represent no one
in government or outside government. We need no mouthpiece or
promoter. We're simply here to reveal hidden reality…"
But instead, he and the
other insiders signed on with Tom DeLonge, a man they didn't
need and whose reputation would do them no good.
If you believe that choice was a simple error in judgment,
committed by long-time
CIA and military spooks with large
ops experience, I have condos for sale on Venus.
The plan was to,
disclose and
smear the disclosure
confess and stain
the confession
admit and cast
doubt on the admission
If that isn't so, if
there is some other reason for these insiders to join forces with
DeLonge, let's hear it...