by Jeff Peckman
Denver UFO Examiner
January 15
TheExaminer Website
Evidence that U.S. space agency
NASA has defrauded U.S. taxpayers for billions of dollars
could scrap NASA’s case against UK hacker
Gary McKinnon. Credible
witnesses have claimed that NASA has altered or destroyed its photos
containing images of UFOs. This could become a legal and public
relations nightmare for NASA.
The space agency is attempting to prosecute McKinnon for hacking
into NASA computer files. McKinnon has stated that he saw
UFO-related files in NASA’s computers. But NASA has denied any
NASA’s claim of innocence faces a serious challenge. Some of the
whistleblowers are former NASA employees and contractors with inside
knowledge of NASA’s operation. If NASA’s destruction of public
property is confirmed, the alleged cost of McKinnon’s hacking would
be insignificant compared to NASA’s annual funding of more than $17
billion. Even worse, NASA’s year 2000 mission statement boasted that
it is “ethical and honest” in all that they do.
Part of NASA's mission is to look for signs of intelligent
life in outer space. So asking for more money to 'look', after
they've already destroyed evidence that they 'found', is a not going
to be easy.
Among these whistleblowers are:
US Air Force Sergeant Karl
former NASA employee Donna
former NASA engineer John
Wolfe and Hare exposed some of NASA’s
misdeeds at the
May 9, 2001 Disclosure Project press conference in
Washington, D.C. They both offered to give similar testimony before
the U.S. Congress.
According to
the Disclosure Project:
Donna Hare (below image) had a secret clearance while working for NASA contractor,
Philco Ford. She testifies that she was shown a photo of a picture
with a distinct UFO. Her colleague explained that it was his job to
airbrush such evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were
released to the public.
She also heard information from other
Johnson Space Center employees that some astronauts had seen
extraterrestrial craft and that when some of them wanted to speak
out about this they were threatened.”
See Hare’s testimony at
100:10 minutes into the May 9, 2001 Disclosure Project press

“Sergeant Karl Wolfe (below
was in the Air Force for 4½ years
beginning in January 1964. He had a top-secret crypto clearance and
worked with the tactical air command at Langley AFB in Virginia.
While working at a NSA [National Security Agency] facility he was
shown photographs taken by the Lunar Orbiter of the moon that showed
detailed artificial structures.
These photos were taken prior to the
Apollo landing in 1969.
Wolfe’s testimony at 57:50 minutes into
May 9, 2001 Disclosure Project press conference.

John Schuessler is a Denver area resident and
retired aerospace
engineer from Lockheed Martin. He worked at NASA on nearly every
manned U.S. space flight since its inception. In a March 19, 2008
lecture in Lakewood, CO, Schuessler talked about seeing an
unfamiliar photo from one of the Apollo moon landings.
Schuessler (image right)
“I went to a conference in Canada, in Toronto. I think it was
[19]82. A guy came up to me and said,
‘I’ve got this NASA photo. Do
you recognize this?’
And it was an Apollo shot. And it was an
official lithograph that they release. I’ve got hundreds of these
I didn’t have that one. And they are all numbered. They have a
photograph number on them and on the back of them is printed the
information about what it is. This photograph had a UFO in the
So as soon as I got back to Houston I went to the photo lab and told
them I’d like to look at the Apollo photos. And we’re old friends
you know, so they said,
‘sure here’s the rack of them.’
So I went down through the rack of the Apollo photos and the numbers
sequentially. And I got to a series of numbers, that this one was in
the middle of, and there were no photos. They were all missing.
I said,
‘well where are these photos?’
He said,
‘well it’s like all
these others, the film was bad.’
And I had seen the thing first hand
with the NASA printing on it so I know it came out. But it was
Schuessler was also the co-founder of
MUFON (Mutual UFO Network)
International and its past Director.
It was Schuessler’s story of
the missing NASA UFO photo that was largely responsible for
inspiring the ballot initiative to create an
Affairs Commission in Denver.
NASA seems intent on making an example of UK hacker Gary McKinnon.
In the end, the public might be intent on making an example of NASA.
After all, how can NASA keep getting $17 billion a year during an
economic crisis after taxpayers find out NASA has been lying to them
for decades and squandering their hard-earned money?
The legal
experts should ask,
“is it a crime for someone to hack into a
government agency that is committing a much bigger crime?”
There's talk that McKinnon might serve
up to 60-70 years in prison
if found guilty. So what is the maximum sentence for NASA officials
if found guilty of defrauding taxpayers?
On Jan. 20, an UK judge is
expected to make a final decision on McKinnon’s extradition to the
That gives NASA less than one week to
avoid a collision with reality.
“Earth to NASA, you have a problem!”