by Christina Sarich

Contributing Writer

April 3, 2013
from WakingTimes Website



Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Rob Brezny, Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World.




“Work in the invisible world

at least as hard

as you do in the visible.”




Inaction is not acceptable anymore in a world that poisons our food, pollutes our land, air, and water and commits atrocities against, man, animal and nature that would be too horrid even to put in the most garish and bloodied film. But that's just it.


What we are looking at is the egoic conflagration of a consciousness burning in its own self-created hell. It can be a different world though - but not until we accept our responsibility in making this one 'real.'

While some see 'God' as their savior, a holy man in the sky that will save them from their own egoic acts, others realize that God is within us and can only express through us as we allow.


To be more human, we must be more divine - and that means acting in heavenly ways.


The movie screen before us only shows us what needs to be set right. Namely, it shows us our overarching ability to shrug off responsibility for our own soul's growth.


This is the world we have created by disowning our responsibility to others and ourselves.


For example:

Our governments now figure out how we should live for us, without a true consensus or democratic vote of what best serves society.


We have given up our rights through apathy and greed, understandably focusing on making ends meet, but also by allowing a system that does not govern for the people by the people, but for the elite, by the elite.


As long as we believe we are slaves of this system, we will continue to support it, in conscious and unconscious ways.


Doing nothing, however, also supports the current system. While apathy, sometimes called the democratic disease, is understandable, it doesn't work. People fought so we could vote.

Perhaps we are given the illusion of choice in our political system, but we can vote with more than a slip of paper at a poll. We can vote with our dollars, time and attention. We can vote with our actions in every day things, like telling our grocery stores we won't patronize them if they keep stocking GMO foods, or starting a car pooling service in our neighborhoods so that we don't rely on petroleum.


These are just small examples.


We gave away our ability to heal ourselves by making doctors, pharmaceutical and insurance companies Gods.


The sheer breadth of knowledge about healing and vitality that is offered by mother nature and its keepers, namely our shaman, medicine men and women, tribal elders and ancient teachings from civilizations we have since swept aside, is staggering.


Exactly when we decided to give the power to heal ourselves away to Big Pharma is now irrelevant, but we can start to heal ourselves by educating ourselves. Meditation, for example, may seem like a non-action, but it is more effective at healing pain (when done for 80 minutes as indicated in a recent study) than morphine.


Countless foods and herbs can cure every nameable disease and self-inquiry and forgiveness (as practiced through Ho'oponopono) can heal disease before it even manifests physically.


Just try saying the magic words:

I love You, I am Sorry, Thank You, Please, often as you can throughout the say and see how different you feel.

There are thousands of herbs and natural substances that will cure cancer, alleviate a common cold, and even cure depression. We don't need pharmaceuticals and a health care system that poisons us to 'cure' us.


Modalities like yoga, Thai chi, Qi Gong, Rolfing, acupuncture, energy healing, sound nutrition, exercise, etc. should be the new norm.


They are more effective at preventing disease before it even starts and much cheaper than using pharmaceuticals and chemicals at healing us once disease has taken over our bodies.


We gave people with PhD's high rank, not unlike a military official, and allowed them to tell us what was 'true' or 'untrue' meaning 'good' or 'not good' for the world at large.


While scientific study is key to the advancement of society, it does little to make us a more well-rounded, happier society if not kept in check.


The same experts who made Hiroshima and Fukushima happen could have powered the entire planet with a cleaner (non-uranium based) nuclear energy.


NASA can send a rocket to the moon, but not solar power the entire globe? We have more than enough expertise, technology and resources to completely change the world we live in.


Let's put our money behind the individuals and organizations who use their science for good, and leave the bomb-makers and nuclear-fallout guys empty handed.


We made banks and the fiat currency 'real' when they are totally contrived.


When the central banking system rewards debt by bailing out banks and creating inflation, while supporting gambling on a derivatives based market, and can reprint cash with the push of a button while looking at a computer screen, you have to ask yourself - why have we given such a monetary system so much power?


It isn't based on real goods and services anymore - or even a resource like gold or silver. It is based on debt primarily, and lots of smoke and mirrors. Fiat currencies don't allow accountability and so they don't work. The Chinese tried, the Romans did to. Greece failed miserably.


We can see how miserably the Euro and Dollar are doing.

It's time to refuse the current fiat system and go back to either a bartering system or a currency based on real goods and services, and not the wild speculation by certain fund managers and banking institutions that leave an entire nation in debt.


As Dr. Jude Currivan explains, we need to wake up to the following:

  1. Debt and gambling are all the fractional reserve banking system create.

  2. The current system creates booms and busts - on purpose. They will never go away. The 1920s stock market crash was due to a boom and bust cycle, as was the Internet boom and bust, the real estate boom and bust, etc.

  3. Purely mathematical models of trading and currency valuation don't account for real people and real circumstances.

  4. The debt we have accumulated can NEVER be paid back as things currently stand.

  5. Most government debt is odious and entered into without our conscious agreement, i.e. loans are taken out for reasons we would not agree to, and that don't help the people of a country.

  6. The current system keeps inequality going. It rewards the rich with more riches and makes the poor a slave class indebted to the elite. This doesn't mean that all rich people are evil. It does mean that having money makes getting more money easier, and having little means getting more money much more difficult.



We believed that consumerism would bring us closer to our most innate needs - of warmth, security, food, and love, but what we really want is each other.


It is now proven that human beings receive just as much, if not more pleasure from a meaningful experience wherein they connect with another human being in a positive way, than merely by getting some new material thing.


There are hundreds of studies that prove, beyond having our basic needs met, money doesn't provide happiness, and neither does having a $250,000 car or a jet airplane.


What does make us happier is supporting each other in meaningful ways, sharing what we have and learning something new.


We have enough when we look at people around us and the love we share with friends and family instead of ruminating on our bank accounts.

While it is possible to construct a precarious and quite mechanical unity by political and administrative means, the unity of the human race, even if achieved, can only be secured and can only be made real if the religion of humanity, which is at present the highest active ideal of mankind, spiritualizes itself and becomes the inner law of human life.

Sri Aurobindo

The Ideal of Human Unity



We lost our connection to our own higher selves by relying on a middleman.


We can see endless versions of giving away our own direct-connect to divinity in history.


The Catholic Church has one of the most strident examples of this with the invention of indulgences - you could be forgiven your sins and an eternal damnation in a very literal hell if you just told your priest about all your evil ways and gave him some money.


While the sacrament of penance is all well and good - let's not forget that we can forgive ourselves and our brothers and sisters on this planet without a middleman.


We can also choose to act differently, and instead of sinning - which really means miss the mark - as in make a mistake - in the same way over and over again (which sounds pretty much like hell to me) we can learn from our mistakes and become 'enlightened.'

We are made of earth and ashes, as the great poet Rumi suggests, but we are also made of the primordial, infinite substance that made the entire Universe. Literally.


We don't need a middleman to this connection to the Infinite. It is innate within us. While we don't need to give up our religions, it is interesting to note that over 15% of Americans now claim they 'have no religion.'


Spirituality and religion don't go hand in hand, and its time we realized we could be one without the other.


Our spirituality can only reach as far as our spiritual maturity - and while we were reckless teenagers, we needed a Father-figure to tell us what to do and how to pray. An intermediary to get to God, you could say.


Now, though, we are maturing, and becoming more responsible, so we can see that our actions, do indeed, have very real consequences.


We are behooved to act with charity and kindness, not because someone tells us to, but because we understand the laws of karma as immutable forces in the universe that teach us how to function within it.


We don't need clergy/pedophiles to tell us that diddling young boys is wrong nor do we need a church to tell us that stealing isn't right. Its time that our religious views stopped causing arrested development, so that our spiritual realization can take root in our actions.

This article is not meant to cause guilt or shame, but as a gentle and friendly reproof... a reminder that we can all do more to affect change.


It also aims to enliven the part of you, which still realizes you are powerful beyond measure.


Until we take 100% responsibility for what we have created, we can't crate something new and utterly different, and that is what this self-created hell is calling us to do. It is simply a very acute lesson in being careful what we create.


We created all of this, and now we can create something different.