from Flem-Ath Website



Note: this paper (notarized on the 25th April 1977) has been abbreviated for the Internet. [[double brackets summarize the missing words]].


...During the course of his life, the great physicist Albert Einstein received many unsolicited papers with accompanying requests for Einstein’s opinion.


As Einstein himself wrote [1] most of these theories contained little scientific worth. However, in the mid 1950’s (Einstein-Hapgood Papers) Einstein received an original idea which he said "electrified me". [2]


The theory was by Charles H. Hapgood and James H. Campbell, and it later appeared in the YALE SCIENTIFIC MAGAZINE. The title of the paper was the "Effect of Polar Ice on the Crust of the Earth". [3]


Einstein later wrote the preface to the first edition of Hapgood’s book entitled the EARTH’S SHIFTING CRUST ...[4] (Earth Crust Displacement) Hapgood proposed that the accumulated centrifugal force generated by the unsymmetrical ice packs of the poles caused enough momentum to displace the earth’s crust....


This paper is not primarily concerned with the ’cause’ of the displacement, but rather with the results upon human populations following the event.

[[Hapgood locates the Hudson Bay 60 degrees North and 83 degrees West as the site of crust formerly over the North Pole.]] [5]

For reasons which will become apparent we will present here the movement of the SOUTH Pole. Included in the following map is the true shape of Antarctica as it has now been revealed by seismic surveys. [6]





Interestingly enough, the area intersected by the two circles is in fact the area of thickest ice on Antarctica. [7]


This is true, despite the fact that this same area currently receives the lowest annual snowfall. [8] Notice also the large area of the continent which was not in the last Antarctica Circle. This land lay in a Temperate Zone. Inside the previous Antarctica Circle there must have existed a huge floating ice pack in the Indian Ocean southwest of Australia.


When the displacement of the earth’s crust occurred this ice pack was moved to warmer climatic zones. The resulting ’deluge’ must have destroyed the majority of the peoples and animals who were living on the land masses which now constitute our continental shelves.


For the survivors, the event was so literally ’earth shaking’ that even today legends persist of an event that in fact occurred approximately 12,000 years ago.

To more fully understand some of the implication of this event we must now turn to another earth science. It is an important point that oceanographers now view the world’s oceans as one. [[quote from an introductory work on oceanography stating the world has but ONE ocean]] [9]

The following map includes the World Ocean and the position of the poles. The southern hemisphere perspective is intentional. In the map, land masses are joined as they were approximately 12,000 years ago. Notice also the land surrounding the World Ocean.


We call this land the "World Continent", for at this time in the earth’s development the continents of Africa, Europe, Asia, North America and South America, were geographically united. From the perspective of the southern hemisphere the World Continent surrounded the World Ocean at this time.

...In TIMAEUS, [10] [11] Plato wrote of a conversation between his ancestor Solon and an Egyptian priest of the city of Sais, in the approximate year of 600 B.C. The priest spoke of ’sacred writings’ which recorded a time before the deluge, 9,000 years previous (9,600 B.C. or approximately 12,000 years ago...

(Atlantean Worldview)

We believe the first implication of this ’earth science revolution’ is the physical evidence which supports our claim that Atlantis did in FACT exist. We believe that the account given in TIMAEUS is an accurate southern hemisphere ’global’ view of the planet as it did in fact exist approximately 12,000 years ago.


Further, we believe that the previous Temperate Zone of Antarctica was capable of supporting human populations. We believe that Atlantis was our presently little understood continent of Antarctica. (Discovering Atlantis) In addition, we believe that Atlantis was an advanced civilization which possessed an accurate geographical view of our planet.


To this last point we present the following proofs:

  • The TIMAEUS account accurately identifies the existence of an island continent.

  • The account accurately identifies the islands which in fact do exist between Antarctica and the World Continent (the ’modern’ world learned of these islands only in 1958).

  • The size of the island continent approximates Antarctica. [12]

  • The account speaks of a VERITABLE or REAL OCEAN (this is the current opinion among oceanographers).

  • The account relates an accurate southern hemispheric perspective of a World Continent surrounding the World Ocean.

  • The account records the earthquakes which must have in fact occurred when the earth’s crust was displaced.

  • The account records the floods which destroyed vast areas of the world (as in fact they did).

From two ancient sources we learn more of the priest who spoke to Solon.

  • From Plutarch we learn that Solon received the story of Atlantis from one of Egypt’s most learned priests by the name of Sonchis. [13]

  • From Clement of Alexandria we learn that Sonchis was the instructor of Pythagoras. [14]

  • This is of interest because Pythagoras is commonly regarded as the first person to believe that the earth is a sphere. [15]

  • In addition, Pythagoras is commonly thought of by Antarctica historians as the first theorizer of that continent. [16]

We believe that the accurate maps that exist of Antarctica (Egyptian Map of Antarctica) and the world which appear in Hapgood’s second book entitled MAPS OF THE ANCIENT SEA KINGS are further physical evidence of an advanced civilization in Antarctica...

See Hapgood’s response to this paper (A Letter from Charles Hapgood).


1. Albert Einstein - foreword to the first edition of Charles H. Hapgood’s book the EARTH’S SHIFTING CRUST as it appears in the revised edition entitled the PATH OF THE POLE. Philadelphia. New York. London, Chilton Book Co., 1970 pages xiv and xv.
2. IBID.
3. Campbell, J.H. and Hapgood, C.H., "Effect of Polar Ice on the Crust of the Earth". YALE SCIENTIFIC MAGAZINE, v. XXXI, No. 1, (Oct. 1956).
4. Einstein OP CIT.
5. Hapgood, Charles H. PATH OF THE POLE, (op cit) page xvii.
6. National Geographic Society, THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ATLAS OF THE WORLD, Washington D.C., National Geographic Society, 1975, pages 188 and 189.
7. Strahler, Arthur N. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 3rd edition, New York, London, Sydney, Toronto, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1965) 1973 edition page 355.
8. Rubin, Morton J. "Antarctic Meteorology" in Lewis, Richard S. and Smith, Philip M. FROZEN FUTURE: A PROPHETIC REPORT FROM ANTARCTICA, New York, Quandrangle Books, 1973, page 161.
9. Anikouchine, William A. & Sternberg, Richard W. THE WORLD OCEAN: AN INTRODUCTION TO OCEANOGRAPHY, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall, 1973, page 2.
10. Plato TIMAEUS ...
11. IBID.
12. for example of maps of the time see Grant, Michael GODS AND MORTALS IN CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY, Springfield Mass., G&C Merriam Co. 1973, page 430.
13. Plutarch, THE LIVES OF THE NOBLE GRECIANS AND ROMANS as reproduced and translated by Scott-Kilvert, Ian in the Penguin Books edition, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, (1960) 1971 edition, page 69.
14. Clement of Alexandria, STOMATA, Book I, Chapter XV, as translated by Roberts, Rev. Alexander, THE ANTE-NIOCENE FATHERS Volume II, Buffalo, Christian Literature Pub. Co., 1885, page 315.
15. see for EXAMPLE Clotfelter, Beryl E. THE UNIVERSE AND ITS STRUCTURE, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1976, page 8. OR for the earliest account see Diogenes Laertius LIVES OF EMINENT PHILOSOPHERS, in the Loeb Classical Library series translated by Hicks, R.D., William Heinemann Ltd., London & Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., (1925) 1972 edition page 365.
16. see for EXAMPLE, Lewis, Richard A CONTINENT FOR SCIENCE, New York, Viking Press, 1965, page 3.
17. Hapgood, Charles H. MAPS OF THE ANCIENT SEA KINGS, Philadelphia, New York, Chilton Book Co., 1966