from AlliesOfHumanity Website















Marshall Vian Summers and the Allies of Humanity
by Bret Lueder

from BretLueder website

Born on January 28th, 1949 Summers grew up in Berkeley, California with an Episcopalian upbringing.


So the idea of spiritually advanced beings contacting him was not exactly what he was expecting. He says he was just living his life as a spiritual teacher in California as a pioneer of Inner Guidance Training, making music recordings and being a loving husband and father when he was contacted by what he calls the Angelic Presence.


He says that he has since moved to Colorado and has written 20 books from this presence with his first book, Steps to Knowledge, being given to him for transcription over a 12-day period in December of ’89.

This Angelic Presence further informed Summers that he was to prepare for a particular transmission from a group of beings who have referred to themselves as the “allies” of humanity. So he set up recording equipment and in Dec ’97 the first two briefings were given with what Summers says was a “great sense of compassion.”


It gave birth to the book The Allies of Humanity reviewed above in UFO Magazine (Vol. 19, No. 6) and book II, given to him over a 24-hour period in 2000, is called The Allies of Humanity: Human Unity, Freedom and the Hidden Reality of Contact.


Book II is due out in early ‘05. In fact, he says, he has between 500 and 1000 of hours of recordings recorded over an almost 20-year period.

Summers was kind enough to take the time to explain to me several aspects of the Allies’ message via telephone from his Colorado home.


What is the Way of Knowledge?

“The Way of Knowledge is a really ancient spiritual teaching that focuses on the greater intelligence that we all possess that resides beneath our analytical and thinking minds. We have our own ways of describing this, perhaps the ‘right side of the brain,’ for example. But it is much greater than that. I say that this is an ancient tradition because it has been practiced in the Greater Community since time immemorial.


It is certainly an important component of any of our religious traditions like Gnosticism. The way that this spiritual intelligence is presented to humanity I believe is a much more complete and dramatic way. The Way of Knowledge in its simplest form is the way of ‘inner knowing.’ This far transcends our typical notions of intuition.”

If shamanism and/or magic uses intention, ritual and symbolism as tools to mentally move subtle energies, would I be correct in describing The Way of Knowledge in these terms?

“I think you are correct in your description of shamanism but what we are talking about here I think is something different. The Way of Knowledge uses little or no symbolism and is not really about sending out energies to effect change because these methods can be used for any number of reasons or purposes both for good or ill.


The Way of Knowledge represents more of the mystery of who we are, where we come from and why we are here. It is about our destiny and what we have come to do here in this world. In this Greater Community teaching there is an aspect of our future that is connected with our life, heritage and future within a Greater Community of intelligent life. And this extra Greater Community dimension to our nature is really the threshold of learning for us. It is something that our religions have not gone into or really prepared us for. So without any disrespect for shamanism I just wanted to make a distinction that this does not revolve around a symbol or ritual.


The Way of Knowledge is direct action of a spiritual force that can enable us to do remarkable and very important things. Now this can certainly be expressed through shamanic practices and I think it is in shamanism’s more authentic forms. But what I am talking about can be expressed in any form of art or human endeavor.”

This sounds to me like an all-powerful creative, or Creator force, maybe similar to what scholar Michael Tsarion describes in his book Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation. But I get the feeling that you intentionally do not read up on other scholars?

“Right. Although I am a student of world religion, I have to be careful because I am presenting something here so complete in and of itself. It is not a patchwork of influences but rather has its own integrity. I have to be careful not to try to tie ‘this to that’ but to really focus on presenting, as much as I’m able, as much of the complete picture as I can of what The Way of Knowledge and the Greater Community Spirituality are and why they are being given at this time.


I consider myself a messenger and as a messenger I have to make sure that the message remains undiluted even by things that I find intriguing or fascinating. So I have had to maintain a balance about being aware of certain things but also maintaining my awareness of what I am doing with the Allies. So yes, I think you have made an accurate observation.”

On page 61 of The Allies of Humanity there is an interesting reference to religious rituals being used against humanity. It reads, “Your spirituality must be sound. It must be based upon real experience, for values and beliefs, rituals and traditions can be used and are being used by your visitors for their own purpose.” Does this mean that religious impulses and human spirituality is being used against us?

“This is described in book II as a part of their agenda of those extraterrestrial forces who are intervening on Earth. They recognize that the key to human allegiance is power, wealth, security and fulfillment. And as the Allies describe it, these forces have no religion of their own that we could possibly identify with.


So they tend to use ours in order to condition us, prepare us, condition our values and direct our values in such a way that we will become naturally receptive to them. Of course there is a great deal of literature involving UFO’s and extraterrestrial beings and so forth, and there is an unquestioned belief that they are enlightened beings; that they are here to help us, enhance our genetic makeup, to uplift us, to somehow shepherd us to some kind of higher state.


But the Allies say very clearly that this is the deception. This is really a misapplication of our true values and spiritual teachings. This has a kind of ‘pacification effect’ on people. I think if you look at the last 30 or 40 years there are some very interesting demonstrations of this in modern religion.


There is the notion that everything happens for the greater good, nothing that happens is an accident or that whatever you encounter is there to serve you; these kinds of notions did not exist, or were rarely expressed, in any religious traditions before the end of World War II. And the introduction of these kinds of notions seemed very comfortable and became very popular but which in fact set you up to be very undiscerning about contact with and the impact of greater forces coming to Earth, whether spiritual or extraterrestrial.


But this lack of discernment becomes this very critical problem for people in trying to understand the larger arena of events taking place. Certainly after 50 years of UFO research, we know we are being visited and that the government is concealing a great deal. However, it is being able to tell the difference between a Greater Community contact or a genuine spiritual experience that is paramount.”

Can you give me a brief description of what the Allies say is the situation facing humanity today?

“The Allies’ briefings are attempting to do a few important things. First of all, they are trying to give us a picture of what life is really like in our local universe. Because we have a very, kind of, romantic view that advanced technology equals advanced spirituality. Or that advanced technology means that a nation or society has achieved a certain ‘moral’ state. And this really and unfounded assumption. The Allies are giving us a really prosaic view of life in the Universe, it’s intelligence, its nature. So there is that picture.


Then there is the picture of the counterpoint to the perspective of the extraterrestrial influence of intervention, it’s impact, its designs upon culture, religions and governments. The Allies are here as observers not an interfering force, to promote human unity through sovereignty and freewill, permitting that we become educated in preparation for this contact. And that we are really easy prey for resource explorers and others who seek resources and other commercial interests.


A lot of energy is wasted on the secret government cover-ups and whether the government is hiding anything so there is a kind of gross naiveté in the UFO community where few if anybody is asking ‘Who is really visiting us?’ I wholeheartedly believe that our future is in space. I believe that we are destined for many significant encounters. However, in our current state, we are not ready to do that.


We do not have the unity, we do not have the sobriety and we do not have the understanding of what we are dealing with out there. So while the idea of contact is very popular and creates a lot of excitement and enthusiasm, the preparation is just not there. And the ones that are focused on this view do so with this ‘romantic’ lens. Yet the only thing really stopping preparation are really bad authority figures. The important thing is that we have a spiritual context with life beyond our world.”

And it is because of this lack of direct intervention that we, as humans, can tell that these beings are our allies? Otherwise one would just have to discern, or decide, for themselves, right?

“Well, I believe that the Allies are giving us what an intelligent race should give us and that is their wisdom and an understanding of the threshold at which we are standing. The Allies make this very clear that any intervention, even by your own allies, would be a bad thing. The point is, humanity needs to establish itself as a united race that recognizes its vulnerability and its potential within a greater community.


We need to be able to establish our own “Rules of Engagement” and establish the physical domains with which we have dominion; our bodies and whether or not a race can visit Earth, or come here and take whomever whenever they want. This is about our sovereignty. But we have not done this yet.”

Freewill then is the test. If we do not claim our freewill then we will lose it?

“Well, I see freewill as happening on many different levels. Freewill, in its most complete sense, is responding to knowledge that is within yourself. While there are many people going around talking about freewill and how they are free, I am talking about a kind of spiritual freedom. I am talking about a freedom from being ruled by other minds, which is much more significant kind of freedom.


Then we can take this to the level of humanity and say that if we don’t get our act together we will be dominated. And this is true. The Native Americans on the East Coast did not get their act together. They did not come together and so failed to respond to their intervention and they paid the price for that failure. We are currently failing to respond to what? A very small force. And it is our failure to respond that these Allies have come to warn us. So while it is common to see contact with a comfortable feeling, these briefings say something different. The way I see it today is there are a lot of apologists for intervention and very few critics.”

Skeptics will argue that because there is no hard scientific research included in your book that the message should not be taken seriously? Have you had to encounter this?

“That has happened. But at the same time there is a lot of research to support the Allies’ message. There is the sightings and abductions phenomena testimony from witnesses and victims about what is being done to them aboard these craft; the genetic manipulation.


I mean, if you look at the bulk of science and anecdotal support, you can see that there is an overwhelming amount of support for the Allies claims. That is why you have people at M.U.F.O.N. that say that this information really corresponds to what their data shows. Yet no one is talking about preparation. What we’re dealing with is very dark but no one wants to go there.”

Humanity is being controlled?

“We are being programmed to be passive. And not only are the Interventionists doing it but our government is doing it to us as well. All they want us to do is go out and shop instead of question authority. Don’t question things, just be happy. This pacification dislodges people from who and what they are and what they know. It assures them that everything is being taken care of for them by somebody else, or in this case, the extraterrestrials. I mean, this is a classic strategy. It’s not even ingenious or creative.


These are the same tactics that the superpowers used in espionage against each other. It is clever, yes, but ingenious? I don’t think so. In reality, the briefings are really advocating the value of humanity, they believe in us. But we don’t believe in ourselves. While there is an undercurrent that humanity is destined for great things, underneath it all we’re really crumby; there is a real cynicism there. And it is unfounded and it is ridiculous. If we do not have this perspective what good are seeing more evidence of sightings?”

The Allies claim that humans do not possess the skills of discernment, that we can not tell the difference between a communication from one of these interventionist extraterrestrial races and a genuine spiritual experience, nor can humans tell the difference between an indigenous human and one of the hybrids that have been created through the interventionists ongoing interbreeding program. So how do we gain these skills of discernment?

“This is what the Greater Community Way of Knowledge is all about. It is direct contact with knowledge. That’s what it is, when you know something, you know. You can feel it. If you’re really connected with this, and this is what I write about in Steps to Knowledge, is developing this connection so that you cannot be deceived.


You will be able to look at two things and be able to tell if something is wrong or something is right. Your innate spiritual intelligence will tell you. This is the greater spiritual intelligence within each of us. If that level of discernment is not there then you are going on assumptions and appearances.”

You said that you felt that there are aspects of magic and/or shamanism within the bigger umbrella that is The Way of Knowledge. Could it be seen then that the many culturally stylized forms of indigenous shamanism from around the world are the fragments from a split of The Way of Knowledge from a remote time in Earth history?

“That’s good. Just think of The Way of Knowledge as the power of the force that enables the shaman to become the shaman. Or enables someone else to receive the shamans power. Shamanism is then an expression of this Knowledge. It becomes the technology through which Knowledge can flow. This goes back to Christian mysticism, or Gnosticism; whatever enables you, or empowers you within, to know something fundamental about your life and your world.”

You mention in The Allies of Humanity that we have direct connections with relatives from other planets?

“The teachings of the Greater Community Way of Knowledge talk about the ties to spiritual families which means that we have intrinsic relationships with other individuals in this world and in other worlds. And in fact, our entire history of evolution as individuals has not only already occurred on this world but in other worlds as well. So we have an inherent relationship; a spiritual, physical, evolutionary one, within the Greater Community. But again we have to come back to the ‘real’ world, the competitive environment we live in.


We have to see that advanced technology does not provide for the necessities of life. The races that come here come with their own sets of problems and choose to explore space for their own benefit. Where as we as the native peoples of Earth, tend to think as native peoples often do, that we are the center of the Universe and that everything revolves around us. So that if we are being visited it is because they are here to nurture us or help us. History has proven this to be a false assumption.”

Right, conquest in America proved this. So there seems to be lessons to be learned from the history and experience of American Indians in relation to the situation today as outlined by the Allies?

“I’m really with you on the American Indian thing. For whatever reasons, when conquest took place the many tribes did not stand together. Many of their cultures were eventually destroyed along with entire tribal populations. They were devastated. But this is exactly what the Allies are saying, that we are the indigenous Earth beings.


All humans are indigenous to Earth. Humanity is now playing the role of the American Indians, so we’re all in the same boat. So our past now becomes a resource from which we can draw upon. The American Indian experience has demonstrated, among other important things, that intervention is real destructive. And the integrity and even survival of any native race is put at immense risk from an imposing force who proclaims themselves ‘benevolent’ but are in fact ‘exploitative.’ And as we know the history and culture of these peoples has been totally devastated.


So when we talk about ‘contact,’ we must look at the Native American experience and see intervention as disastrous. Otherwise these intervening forces believe that they are bringing salvation, or civilization, or advancements, and they often appeal to the native peoples in this way. But the reality is quite the opposite.”

Then the part that really got me was that the Allies say the same thing as Ronald Reagan did to the UN council back in the ‘80’s where he alluded to the idea that if an alien presence came to Earth, how the people of Earth would unite under the common threat?

“Yes. The Allies say that this is the one thing that can unite humanity. So although this intervention is extremely dangerous there is this positive aspect. See, if a house is on fire and we’re all in it, and we know it is burning, we will all work together to put out the fire. So what I’m trying to do is to tell people that, ‘The fire is already burning and we had better work together to put it out before it is too late.’


Again, Discernment is the key and only with the power of Knowing can humanity regain control of its destiny. So in the end I think the briefings are really about restoring human value of themselves, self-esteem. And if we do not have this in our universe we’re fair game; fair play. Look we’re sitting here on this gorgeous planet with immense biological diversity. We’re the natives with an enormous amount of wealth. If we don’t reclaim it we will lose it forever.”


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Interview on Project Camelot

by Kerry Cassidy

September 2011

from YouTube Website






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