by Hannah Newman
Lermanet Website
Helena Blavatsky was told by the
"Masters Morya and Koot Hoomi" that humanity would be ready for the
New Age sometime at the end of the 20th century.
By that time,
"besides a large and accessible
literature ready to men's hands, the next impulse will find a
numerous and united body of people ready to welcome the new
torch-bearer of Truth. He will find the minds of men prepared
for his message, a language ready for him in which to clothe the
new truths he brings, an organization awaiting his arrival."
("The Key to Theosophy", p.306).
The Plan itself, Alice Bailey was
told by the "Tibetan Master", was to be meanwhile kept among
adepts, or trusted occult initiates.
"The Plan will be restored on Earth
through illumination [initiation] and goodwill [service], and
when that takes place Christ will return to Earth."
("Discipleship in the New Age"
II, p.171)
Bailey's "Tibetan" guide (aka "Djwahl
Kuhl") confirmed Blavatsky's message that open implementation of the
Plan would not be possible until,
"the end of this [20th] century,"
when the generation then coming of age "will inaugurate the
framework, structure and fabric of the New Age [to] develop the
civilization of the Aquarian Age."
("Rays and Initiations", p.109.)
To all indications, the global transformation of humanity into one
big, happy welcoming committee is nearly on schedule, give or take a
decade. The most intensive preparatory work began in the 1970s, and
it is steadily gaining momentum as it approaches "critical mass".
Following are the ways NAers are achieving this remarkable "paradigm
Conditioning Society to Accept the Plan
Certain stages prior to publicizing the Plan were to be carefully
followed (Djwahl Kuhl to Alice Bailey, "Externalization", Section
IV). Bailey specified that the "Triangles" groups (so named because,
according to Blavatsky, the Triangle "symbolizes the Angelic Beings"
- "Doctrine" II, p.79) are responsible,
"to work with the minds of men, and
with a factor which is used and exploited by leaders everywhere:
the effort is to impress these minds with certain ideas which
are necessary to human progress."
("Discipleship" II, p.171)
The "factor" to be "exploited" is
gradual infiltration of society with "change agents". The ideas
"necessary to human progress" which they must "impress" on the
masses (especially the young) are the occult teachings known as "the
Ageless Wisdom".
They are introduced in a pre-planned
planetary evolution and the
ultimate destiny of man for godhood
the interconnectedness of
all life and matter
the 'kingdom of God' brought
by "soul-controlled men" on earth
all men being at different
stages in this evolution towards the goal of "godness"
some beings having achieved
soul-control already, approaching perfection or godhood
these god-beings having a
Plan to get all men to their level if we will cooperate
1a. Introductory Encounters:
Unlike the East, where these pagan
teachings are familiar, in Western society there is a need to
break down traditional monotheistic (and/or atheistic)
resistance to them. To ease penetration, NA encourages "light
encounters", psychic experiences which seem to carry the
individual beyond normal consciousness into a new realm of
spiritual sensation.
Also known as "a doorway to higher
consciousness", the suitably impressed person will be encouraged
to seek this experience on a regular basis. The only way to
achieve it, however, is through passivity and a willingness to
submit one's mind to outside control of a "guide" [a technique
which the same NAers call "brainwashing" when denouncing
fundamentalist cults].
This "encounter" can be arrived at by individuals making efforts
within themselves, but guided groups are the preferred context.
In this environment, the "higher consciousness" experience is
triggered by willing submission to a leader or moderator who
becomes the "energy channel". (He or she usually remains
detached from the group experience as a facilitator - or as some
would view it, as a manipulator.)
Participants at the New Age lectures
of Bailey disciple Benjamin Creme have reported that he
functions in this manner, silently panning the audience with a
glassy stare, until people begin to exhibit symptoms of a
passive trance state. One observer even witnessed a visible
energy manifestation during Creme's channeling session, which
was explained as "overshadowing by Maitreya" and which had a
mind-numbing effect on the audience. (See
"What I Saw in
Atlanta", by freelance writer Jeff Eastwood)
In many other group settings, gurus
and teachers lead students into self-induced trances before
beginning "learning sessions". For those who want to learn how
to lead groups into these encounters, step-by-step videos are
available, such as "The Complete Guide to Channeling", narrated
by NA leader Barbara Marx Hubbard (1988).
The master occultist Adolph Hitler was also known for his eerie
ability to trigger in people what could be called altered states
of consciousness, either one-on-one or in a crowd. Outsiders who
watched him guide crowds to hysterical euphoria attributed it to
his study of mass psychology (Sklar, "The Nazis and the Occult",
Others who encountered this
phenomenon at close range - beginning with Hitler's early friend
August Kubizek (see "The Young Hitler I Knew", quoted in Sklar,
p.50) - were convinced that his power did not come from himself
but from channeling a supernatural presence, which eventually
was referred to in Nazi circles as the "Unknown Superiors".
Described as a "gift" to "impose his will" on listeners, "moving
them" and drawing them "into his hidden interior", the effect
was "a sort of dizziness, which it took some doing to shake
off." (Jean & Michel Angebert, "The Occult and the Third Reich",
This experience becomes a doorway to various "paths of
enlightenment". The "door" and the "enlightenment" remain
uniform, but the choice of "path" can be tailored to individual
tastes: high-tech, intellectual, well-mannered; or primitive,
bizarre, brutal. The common goal is an almost-continual "altered
state of consciousness".
The mind is trained to shut out all
independent ideas and initiatives, and to passively welcome a
state of "group-think" which follows the Hierarchy's directives
and is freed from any other restraint (such as traditional
morality). Disciples with no patience for plodding toward
enlightenment can "accelerate on their path" through drugs,
blood sacrifices or deviant sex acts. (In Hindu tradition this
path is Tantra Yoga, among Jewish Kabbalists it's the Sabbateans
and Frankists, and under the generic label it is Satanism).
Once a person receives spirit
guides, who go by various names borrowed from the seeker's
background, the paths merge into one "Path" and the
personalities merge into one "Group Mind", preparing everyone
for the "mass planetary initiation" into
the New World Order
under Lucifer's guidance. The "doorway" swings both ways. Guides
actually prefer eventual control of both mind and body, which
necessitates the human tenant to "leave" in a psychic manner of
speaking so that the disembodied spirit can exercise full
control (see the concept of a "walk-in"
There are different degrees of overshadowing, ranging from
divine impressions (resulting in channeling and dictation of
"wisdom" literature) to the host actually "stepping out" of his
body to allow the "master" full control. (see Bailey's "A
Treatise on Cosmic Fire", p.756-757) This last stage
transforms the outwardly normal-looking person into a body
hosting an alien resident; the human owner is known in NA
parlance as a "walk-out", and the spirit-tenant is a benevolent
1b. "Let your mind go, trust your instinct."
This message is repeated endlessly
through the major entertainment, medical and educational
spokespeople in today's society, beginning with TV programs for
the very young and intensifying the message to the teen
approaching adulthood. The process for inviting a "walk-in" to
take over begins with,
"Blank your mind and listen to your
intuition. Don't try to reason with logic."
(Ruth Montgomery,
"Strangers Among Us", p.154)
"Star Wars" creator George Lukas
tells his millions of fans in all sincerity:
"Ultimately the Force is the
larger mystery of the universe. And to trust your feelings
is your way into that."
("Of Myth and Men," "Time
Magazine", Apr.26, 1999)
They have taken up their cue from
the "Masters", who gave this particular principle as the
necessary starting point on the "path" to "initiation":
"In past instructions we have
seen that teaching upon the subject of initiation is given
by me [Djwahl Kuhl] (as by all the Masters) in three ways:
1. By Hints.... Initiation is
never taken unless the intuition is becoming active.
Spiritual instinct, the lowest aspect of the intuition,
indicates readiness for the first initiation...."
("Discipleship" II, p.267) It becomes clear why rational
thinking must be substituted for "instinct", when we look at
the methods of indoctrination which follow this initial
2. By the use of certain great Formulas (one of which [The
Great Invocation] has already been given to you), certain
definite revelations become possible. These formulas are six
in number; they contain the six prerequisites for
initiation... [and] deal with the six relationships: [The
six relationships in summary are]
[1] group feeling, alignment
[and] the group antahkarana [or "rainbow bridge" which
channels the inflow from the Hierarchy]
[2] changes in the soul
nature [living in] the Eternal Now
[3] the nature of life [and]
the circulation and interplay of energy
[4] divine Purpose [of]
[5] the nature of death
[6] the constructive
work of the Destroyer
3. Through the presentation of
Points of Revelation.... [the three Points summarized,
followed by my translation to everyday terms:]
[1] The present vision must
become... a habit... below the threshold of
consciousness [shutting off rational thinking becomes
unconscious habit]
[2] A new and totally
different recognition must assume control.... [inability
to return to rational thinking]
[3] The disciple realizes
that initiation is not a process of soul-personality
fusion but of Monad-personality integration [pretense of
"self-actualization" can then be dropped for the reality
of initiation: having one's identity engulfed by that of
a "Master" - the simplest translation of "Monad"]
("Discipleship" II,
[Note also the six-six-six motif
in point no.2, which periodically crops up in NA doctrine. See
my notes on this "number of the beast"
The number 666, revered by many occultists as Lucifer's sacred
number, is to be used wherever possible to hasten his
appearance. According to Creme (see his radio interview with Art
Bell, July 10, 1998), this number represents "the beast" or the
"Antichrist energy", which is not to be feared but simply
accepted and even welcomed as the "destructive aspect" of God
This energy is "deliberately
released" to destroy the old and make way for the new. Creme
also repeated Bailey's teaching that this destructive energy is
"the Will aspect" of the Divine which worked through both the
Roman emperor Nero and Hitler.
People who are not eager to shut off their minds, or who are
less than enthusiastic about death and destruction, can be
prepared to accept the Plan in gradual increments. They are
introduced to the Ageless Wisdom teachings through less
unsettling "spiritual paths", but still working toward the first
prerequisite for initiation: the point of abandoning cognitive
thinking and passively receiving guidance on an "intuitive"
(non-critical) level.
Some of the more subtle avenues that
lead its practitioners to this point are: holistic health,
global unity, pagan and eastern religions, animal/tree worship,
mind-altering drugs like LSD (endorsed by Bailey and
Ferguson as
"tools for transformation"), hypnosis, alternative healing such
as homeopathy and acupuncture (these two favored by Creme as
"part of the great shift in consciousness"), yoga, TM, kundalini
and chakras, martial arts, science fiction, witchcraft,
Freemasonry, Kabbalah, UFOlogy, black or white magic, spiritism,
psychic powers, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, EST, psychological
rebirthing, self-actualization, Jungian psychology, sex orgies,
and the "magick" of
Aleister Crowley - to name a few.
1c. Global Rallying Points:
While most people are left to their
own devices in choosing paths of enlightenment, the New Age
sponsors group reinforcement at the global level. Besides a show
of strength which has PR value and lends legitimacy to the
movement, this global activity also serves to coordinate
indoctrination efforts, and takes advantage of the "contagious"
nature of crowd psychology to spread altered states of
The more well-known of these
rallying points are:
"Harmonic Convergence" days (to
meditate or pray for world transformation - the first and
best publicized was in 1987),
"Earth Day" (celebrating the
personhood of the Earth and our relations with "Her"),
"Mind-Body-Spirit Festivals" (to
experience oneness in diversity),
"World Instant of Cooperation"
(Dec. 31st of each year, one hour of meditation and
"harmonic resonance" for "the oneness of life"), and
"Declaration of World
Thanksgiving" (interfaith effort "honoring the spirit of
human gratitude" as a "healing force").
[Prominent orthodox rabbis
like Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz have participated in World
Thanksgiving, according to their full-color brochure - no
doubt unaware that they were the only participants whose
"Lord of creation" is not Maitreya or Lucifer! We
might ask, why are they even invited? Their endorsement is
solicited to build credibility in the Jewish community which
implicitly trusts in its leaders.]
2. The "Rainbow
Bridge" or the "Spiral Tower"
These individual and group efforts are ultimately intended to
collectively build what is called the "antahkarana", defined as a
mystical "planetary rainbow bridge", created by the upward thrust of
spiritual/mental energies from humanity at one end and the downward
response of the Hierarchy at the other, which will eventually "unite
Humanity and the Hierarchy". This rainbow bridge is built by a
"science of manipulating [incoming] energies and [outgoing] forces."
(fully dissected in Bailey's "Education in the New Age" chap.V)
Once it is completed, the bridge will be
"electrified" or "energized", and will serve as the avenue by which
the Hierarchy can carry on "full planetary inter-communication" in
order for Sanat Kumara * to direct world affairs.
The god who "created" man: Sanat Kumara.
NA messages to the public encourage "faith in the loving Creator" or
"thanksgiving to the Lord of Creation", phrased to allow everyone
his own interpretation. For themselves, however, the Creator is the
head of the Hierarchy, known as Sanat Kumara [SK]. He has other
titles as well: "Ancient of Days", "Lord of the World", "Youth of
Endless Summers" and "The One Initiator" (ie, the one who initiates
mankind to higher evolutionary levels).
Bailey calls his "Council Chamber" by
the term found in the Jewish book of Psalms, "the secret place of
the Most High". ("Education in the New Age", p.62) SK is credited as
the "founder and initiator of all the most important movements."
Curiously, "the
Masters cannot and do not work [on building this bridge] without Their chosen physical plane focal points", which
Bailey goes on to
explain are the human channels: New Age change agents, working to
bring "new and desirable trends in education." (p.109)
Clearly, the focus of the spiritual
Hierarchy is on the children, and these "trends" are exclusively
religious in nature: "Education is a deeply spiritual enterprise."
("Problems of Humanity", p.34)
[The omnipresence of the
rainbow in modern decor, jewelry, animated media, children's toys
and stories, organizational titles and logos, etc., now takes on new
meaning - especially those symbols which are designed to light up.
The attentive reader will remember that the rainbow as a spiritual
symbol also appears in the Jewish Bible as a sign to Noah after the
Flood, and here the parallels are intriguing. In the Torah, it is a
Divine covenant with humanity. The Hierarchy has claimed it as
different kind of pledge to humanity. Both sides even agree on the
context of the rainbow's first appearance: as Torah relates, G-d's
creation of the rainbow was in the context of a global catastrophe
in which the Hierarchy admits being directly involved - and
inexplicably defeated by a nameless Opponent. What the Hierarchy has
done, then, is to confiscate this Biblical symbol of their final
defeat and reassign it to symbolize their return from defeat.]
[Why did NA steal the "logo" of their archenemy rather than simply
adopting a symbol of their own? The implication is not only the
reliability of Torah, but several other interesting ideas:
(1) The rainbow reminder in Torah
must be so humiliating and dangerous to the defeated ones that
it is imperative to overwrite its meaning, even at the risk of
being considered unoriginal. Perhaps one of the dangers is:
(2) The Torah context surrounding
the rainbow may have more to say about that Cosmic War that
merits further study, and can expose the strategies of these
self-declared enemies of the Jewish G-d. Along this line there
is the possibility that
(3): The Hierarchy views G-d's
promise to man, to never destroy the earth again on their
account, as a limitation that will work in their favor; hence
their flaunting of the symbol by which G-d bound Himself to that
enduring promise. Last but not least:
(4) It shows that this is a War in
which covenantal symbols are hotly contested; Jews would do well
to appreciate the power of the symbols entrusted to us as much
as our enemies apparently do.]
Bailey cited the "New Group of World
Servers" as the best example of Rainbow Bridge builders on a global
level. Not all members of the NGWS are conscious of this process, or
even aware of the existence of the Hierarchy. ("Discipleship" II,
204) The only requirement is that they practice the occult
traditions of group meditation and seek to "serve".
Their main service consists of "constant
and uninterrupted group meditation" on the Plan; specifically the
next stage of the Plan to be put into operation. As the beginners
practice this group-think, they are introduced to their "Ashram" or
inner group; in time, they will be increasingly aware of their
spiritual counterpart, the "greater Ashram of Sanat Kumara", which
is building from the other end of the Rainbow.
In their function as bridge builders,
the NGWS are also conduits to receive "impressions" from the
Hierarchy, as well as radars for homing in on unaffiliated
individuals who can receive those "impressions" through meditation.
The resulting "Path of Light" will allow the "Christ" to come.
Teilhard de Chardin, a NA philosopher who influenced Robert Muller,
Barbara Marx Hubbard, Peter Russell and many other NA leaders of
today, expressed the same bridging process in the symbol of a spiral
tower: representing human evolution revolving in cycles, with a
periodic "leap" in consciousness continually taking humanity higher.
His underlying assumption is a process
of "complexifying" which ultimately will manifest itself as an
interrelated whole with the upper realms (of the spirit), which are
symbolically but also physically trying to descend. The goal at the
end of this process is to meld minds into an intangible dimension
which De Chardin calls the "noosphere", a mystical planetary
consciousness equivalent to Bailey's "Group Mind". (See de Chardin's
book, "The Phenomenon of Man")
As a result, some prominent NA
organizations have adopted the Spiral as an alternate symbol of
ascension. Examples are "The Templeton Foundation" which uses it in
their logo, and "The Center for World Thanksgiving" which has
actually built spiral structures at their headquarters.
[The eerie resemblance of this "modern
architecture" to ancient ziggurats and towers left by extinct pagan
cultures suggests that the symbolism of the spiral structure is as
old and widespread as NA doctrine itself, and that the design of
many pagan temples may indeed have reflected the same theories of
human evolution. It also makes for interesting conjectures about the
design and purpose of the Biblical Tower of Babel, since NA marks
its own beginnings in Babylon.]
2a. What happens once this
Rainbow Bridge is established?
As Barbara Marx Hubbard puts it, the
completion of the Rainbow Bridge will mean the completion of
planetary consciousness, in which all individuality will be
surrendered. The transformation will trigger a kind of "birth".
However, like the physical birth process, it's "dangerous, and
there's nothing guaranteed"; it could lead to "a baby that kills
the mother", in other words, "Armageddon". Or it could result in
a "normal [collective mass consciousness] baby".
But meanwhile, even progress towards
it completion is believed to have an effect on human events.
Hubbard implies that the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 made a
great contribution toward the Bridge building, resulting in
(among other changes) the collapse of Communism. (see
interview with "Thinking Allowed" host Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove,
From Hubbard's point of view, the Bridge is being irrevocably
pieced together, and its completion will be as irreversible as a
birth. But from a different source, we learn that the complete
Bridge may also materialize briefly in history, only to dissolve
Alice Bailey writes of a temporary
formation of the Rainbow Bridge, and proudly points to an
example of what happens when the "Shamballa" force has this kind
of "unimpeded" access to humanity: "the planetary crisis" of
"the World War (1914-1945) [sic]." That crisis was "beneficent"
in several ways from a NA point of view, principally in that it
flushed out "evil from its hidden place and brought the opposing
forces [challenging the Hierarchy] to the surface of existence,
prior to their 'sealing'." ("Externalization" IV, p.535-536 -
See related comments where this evil is likened to a germ and
the War to surgery *.)
Bailey saw the "Shamballa forces" at work during World War II
(and specifically through the Nazis) as an "energy of
destruction [which] has its side of beauty when the spiritual
values are grasped." Its value was in the "great energy of
purification", visibly evidenced by "widespread fires" burning
out "much evil", after which "the new world will be built upon
the ruins of the old... under the guidance of the New Group of
World Servers."
("The Rays and the Initiations",
From the viewpoint of the
Hierarchy, who directed this force in conjunction with "karmic
law" (p.85), the war was "a major surgical operation made in an
effort to save the patient's life. A violent streptococci [sic]
germ and infection had menaced the life of humanity (speaking in
symbols) and an operation was made in order to prolong
opportunity and save life, not to save the form [physical life].
This operation was largely successful. The germ, to be sure, is
not eradicated and makes its presence felt in infected areas in
the body of humanity."
("Education in the New Age",
From Bailey's, or Djwahl Kuhl's,
other remarks, we can be sure that Hitler's Nazism was not the
"evil" being referred to here. We are told that the "sealing" of
evil is "still being carried slowly forward", as the "antahkarana"
nears its final completion.
3. The Role of the
Media in Transformation
Of course, no global indoctrination could get far today without
cooperation from mass media. NAers claim that the major news
networks are firmly in their camp, not as chroniclers of human
events but as educators of the masses. Global leader Robert Muller
enthusiastically supports such a role for the media, urging "all
schools of journalism" and "all media directors" to make use of his
masterpiece on NA education, the World Core Curriculum, which is
already set up in "a framework for World Media Coverage". ("A Letter to All Educators in the
This gives vital context to comments like the following:
"Our job is to give people not what
they want, but what we decide they ought to have." (Richard Salant, ex-President,
CBS News)
"We are going to impose our agenda
on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we
choose to deal with." (Richard Cohan, Sr. Producer,
political news)
"I do have an ax to grind... I want
to be the little subversive person in television." (Barbara
Pyle, CNN Environmental Director)
"I've become even more crafty about
finding the voices to say the things I think are true. That is
my subversive mission." (Dianne Dumanoski, "Boston Globe"
"We in the press like to say we're
honest brokers of information, and it's just not true. The press
does have an agenda." (Bernard Goldberg, CBS "48 Hours")
[Most of these quotes are relayed by
Dr. Henry Lamb, "The Rise of Global Governance",
University of Texas
College of Engineering website.]
[Dr. Lamb was referring here to the media hype about
impending environmental disasters, but an equally subversive media
agenda exists regarding specific religious orientations, revealed in
widespread media bashing of those religions slated for extinction. I
will present my documentation in a later piece. Here I merely
present evidence that key players in the media admit to shaping our
perception of reality following a specific agenda. To all
appearances it is The Agenda of the NA "Masters".]
3a. The Media schedules involve
more than programming:
Not only are specific agendas fed to the public by the
media, but their timing appears to be a factor.
Rockefeller confirmed this by thanking ""The Washington Post",
"The New York Times", "Time Magazine", and other great
publications whose directors have attended our [Bilderberger]
meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost
40 years.
It would have been impossible for us
to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the
bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is
now more sophisticated and prepared." (recorded at a
Bilderberger meeting, Baden Baden, June 1991) NA
personality and "leading spokesman for awakened warriorship"
Dr. Jose Arguelles, indicated in a
1987 interview:
"There are a number of moves
occurring right now attempting to establish global
("Meditation Magazine",
published by the "Intergroup for Planetary Oneness", Summer
Today, the results of those "moves"
are obvious and need no elaboration.
Arguelles went as far as to predict that within 5 years (by
1992), global media would be receiving instructions
telepathically from "the mediarchy" controlled by "the planetary
information council."
[Note: "the" is in the original
quote in both cases, as though their existence were a given
rather than a potential or a theory.]
He continued:
"From that then, as we move
through the next 20-25 years [roughly until 2010], the role
of what we now have been referring to as paranormal
faculties or qualities or powers will become not only
increasingly important but increasingly dominant...."
To which the interviewer added:
"A real science of the spirit
will develop, which will no longer be treated as a strange
religious or occult realm."
In a nutshell, the NA-oriented
global media hopes to function as a teacher of occult ideas,
eventually progressing to a direct channel for the Hierarchy's
directives and displays of power.
4. Use of "The Great
Invocation" for Transformation
The most widely known of the rallying points is "The Great
Invocation", a poetic prayer now in over 50 languages, distributed
by World Goodwill (a division of Lucis Trust, a Roster NGO member of
the powerful UN group known as ECOSOC). Its promoters promise
"transforming life changes" and "healing" if the Invocation is
recited often enough.
The stanzas were given in their present
form to Bailey's disciples by her guide "Djwahl Kuhl" [DK] in 1945.
(See "Discipleship in the New Age II, Part VII) The wording is so
vague that any religion can live with it, but Bailey/DK was quite
clear that "it embodies the divine intent and summarizes the
conclusions of the thinking of the planetary Logos."
("Discipleship", p.156)
It was emphasized at the time that the masses were not ready for the
true nature of this incantation. (p.149) To help its gradual
infiltration, the ambiguity of the Invocation is carefully
calculated to gain public cooperation:
"It can be so presented that the
masses everywhere, the general public, will be prompted to take
it up and will use it widely.... The meaning of this Invocation
has been expressed in terms which are understandable, in a
measure, to the average person because of its familiar wording,
based on many Scriptural terms. But the true inner implications
and significances are... not superficially apparent.... They
mean one thing to the ordinary man...; they mean another thing
to the man upon the Probationary Path [en route to
enlightenment]...; these words mean still another thing to the
disciple...; to initiates and to the senior Members of the
Hierarchy, they convey a still higher and more inclusive
(p.150, 156)
4a. Deceptive use of The
This "universal prayer" was to be explained in conflicting
ways, depending on one's "evolutionary status".
Misinterpretation is not only allowed, but encouraged. The
following instruction is from "Discipleship", starting p.165
(emphasis mine. Portions are repeated by Lucis Trust
booklet, "The Use
and Significance of the Great Invocation", p.8):
"First, the general public will
regard it as a prayer to God Transcendent [something which NAers themselves do not believe in]...; as a demand for the
working out of the will of God - a will of which they can
know nothing.... They will regard it finally as a prayer
that some equally vague primeval condition of blissful
happiness may be restored.... This is, for them, entirely
good and helpful.... I [Djwahl Kuhl] have so worded and
rendered the Invocation that the Christian world, through
its churches, may not find it impossible to use."
The "Tibetan Master" even advised
temporarily altering part of the third stanza (from "Masters" to
"Master") in order to further coax the "Christian public" into
using the Invocation. (p.157)
Why is it helpful for the general public to misconstrue the
meaning of what they are praying? Because in NA teaching, as in
all occult teaching, it is the act and not the intent which
releases power. If the understanding of the one performing it is
defective, others who have the proper "spiritual intelligence"
can still harness the astral [spiritual] power being produced by
the action.
Whenever the Invocation is recited,
says the definitive booklet by Lucis Trust, that individual
"allies himself with the spiritual Hierarchy", whether he knows
it or not.
("The Use and Significance of the
Great Invocation", p.11)
In fact, Alice Bailey (or DK)
"No one can use this Invocation
or prayer for illumination and for love without causing
powerful changes in his own attitudes."
("Discipleship", p.168)
It is expected that those who pray
the Invocation in ignorance of its true purpose will
nevertheless be "transformed" by it. Understanding this point
explains why "The New World Prayer" is being so vigorously
promoted without even an elementary guide to interpretation.
But how are NA disciples to understand the same words?
"To them it will convey the
recognition... of the spiritual Directors of our life [the
Masters of Wisdom].... [As a result,] an era of hierarchical
propaganda, engineered by disciples and carried forward by
esotericists, will mature... [giving rise to] a new type of
mystic... [who can] clearly indicate to others the
techniques of the Path."
Those who Bailey considered the most
potent propagandists for the Invocation and its "Path" are "The
New Group of World Servers", "World Goodwill" and "The
4b. Here is the text from 1945, identical to that promoted in
the World Goodwill Newsletter
(issued 1997, vol.2).
The footnote and capitalizing are in
the original. [Please do not use this in prayer or even read it
out loud - treat it as the idolatrous incantation it is. I would
not even be including it, if I were not convinced that this is a
case of pikuach nefesh, with many lives in the balance.]
From the point of Light within the
Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ* return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men -
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
*In some translations of the Great Invocation the name by which
the Coming One is known in different religions is used, eg. the
Lord Maitreya, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi and the
Bailey explains two key concepts to
be emphasized "once it is permissible" to use the prayer
publicly ("Discipleship", p.149-150):
1. "May Christ return to Earth."... What is referred to
is the externalization of the Hierarchy and its exoteric
appearance on Earth... under its Head, the Christ, [who will]
function openly and visibly on Earth. This will happen when the
purpose of the divine Will, and the plan which will implement
it, are better understood....
2. "May it seal the door
where evil dwells."... The evil referred to has nothing to do
with the evil inclinations, [etc.] found in the hearts and minds
of human beings... [but rather] the loosed forces of evil...
[the neutralizing of which] requires the imposition of a power
beyond the human.... These evil potencies will be occultly
"sealed" within their own place: what this exactly means
naught to do with humanity.
[Never mind that only a few pages
later, "it is not the Hierarchy which forces evil back into the
place from whence it comes. It is struggling, aspiring and
suffering humanity to whom the task is committed." (p.159)]
As the old values like "separateness"
are replaced with the new, "the door where evil dwells" will close
"through the sheer weight of public opinion and through right human
desire. Nothing can possibly stop it." (p.175)
Following is a brief glossary of other coded phrases in the text of
the Invocation. Note the capitalized words; these refer to divine
entities or attributes, as opposed to the same word without caps,
meaning earthly or human replications. Most of these key words are
found in Bailey's description of the "Planetary Logos". The rest can
be deduced from her worldview.
"the point of Light ...Love" -
respectively, the unseen source of mind illumination, or Lucifer
("lightbearer" of the Logos); and spirit activation, or Maitreya.
"the Mind... Heart... Will of God" -
attributes of the Logos expressed in planetary spheres by
Lucifer ("mind" or intelligence), Maitreya ("heart") and Sanat
Kumara ("will" or head, and Plan); this is why "light" is paired
with "mind", "love" with "heart", and "will" with "purpose".
("Discipleship", p.158-159, 169.)
"the centre" - also called
"Shamballa", in Hindu mythology the energy core supporting the
Hierarchy; center with a small "c" refers to their earthly
headquarters, "the City of the Gods... a sacred island in the
Gobi Desert." ("Discipleship",
p.159.) [See the parallel with the "Hyperborea" of gnostic/Nazi
"Let light... love stream forth" -
the "light" experience when one encounters a spirit guide and
receives spiritual illumination; the "love" experience when one
acknowledges unity with the All; "stream forth" means to
externalize and spread the transformation to others.
"...center which we call the race of
men" - the core of mankind which receives the Shamballa "energy
activation"; the "race" being the "seed" destined to make the
"quantum leap" to the Aquarian Age.
...The "Plan of Love and Light work
out" - the Plan of the Hierarchy, the group of disembodied
spirit beings represented to us earthlings by the triune "Logos"
of Sanat Kumara, Maitreya and Lucifer . This Plan was dictated
verbatim to Alice Bailey. "Plan" is one of Sanat's attributes,
"Love" is the Divine Principle attributed to Maitreya, and
"Light" is Lucifer's trademark (his name means "light-bearer").
To "work out" is to "externalize" from the spiritual plane to
the physical.
"Let Light descend on Earth" (or in
an alternate version, "from the Morning Star... let Christ
stream forth") - let Lucifer (also known as the Morning Star)
"externalize" and "anchor the Plan" on the planet, functioning
as the Initiator of mankind into the next level toward godhood,
taking the position of supreme mediator between humanity and the
"May Christ return" - a prayer for Maitreya to overshadow as many people as possible, and finally
to inhabit one person in order to act publicly.
"Let purpose guide the little wills
of men" - let the Planetary Logos redirect the reluctant and/or
unaware segments of humanity. Bailey consistently refers to the
un-initiated as "those with little wills".
"The purpose which the Masters know
and serve" - "purpose" is equated with "plan" and "will", the
initiative of Sanat Kumara; the "purpose" as Bailey describes it
emanates from "the Council Chamber of Shamballa [which] seeks to
influence human will." ("Discipleship" II, p.172)
"Seal the door where evil dwells"
(or in another version, "bolt and charge the corridor where evil
spirits tarry") is to shut out the "Black Lodge", those workers
of "cosmic evil" who block the Plan, by eliminating their human
tools, those who plunged the world into monotheism (see Bailey,
"The Rays and the Initiations", p.754-5).
"Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth" - permit Lucifer (Light), Maitreya
(Love) and Sanat Kumara (Power) (this is the order of their
"externalization" or appearance on earth, which must take place
in stages) to reactivate the Plan, which was interrupted by the
victory of the Black Lodge. The reactivation involves a deified
Earth (capital "E") goddess.
According to researcher Gary Kah
("The Occult Roots of Global Education"), an earlier (1940) version
of The Great Invocation exists, parts of which express the
Hierarchy's purpose in clearer language:
Come forth, O Mighty One.
The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived.
Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.
Let Light and Love and Power and Death
Fulfill the purpose of the Coming One.
The addition of "Death" here probably
refers to the "Shamballa" force which comes in the wake of Sanat
(Power). Apparently, society wasn't quite transformed enough to
accept such candor; it was revised accordingly in 1945. But the
progress of education is such that we can expect the earlier version
to be re-introduced without undue risk sometime soon.
5. Children's
Entertainment and the Plan
The most vigorous efforts at transformation by far are directed at
the children. Bailey and the Hierarchy
recognized that child education is central to the transformation of
society. So much effort has been focused on that arena that Bailey
wrote an entire book on the subject ("Education in the New Age").
This is a vast subject which cannot be covered in the limited space
here. But a spot-check of the popular
cartoons, movies, toys, pop and rock songs, magazines, computer
games, public school activities and literature will reveal almost
universal reinforcement of the NA teachings mentioned in this
[Anyone can easily verify this: survey
the most widely promoted TV shows, electronic games, children's
movies, public library books and toys; use as a control group the
best of these produced before 1968. You will notice the radical
"paradigm shift" around that time towards Eastern and occult
orientations, radiating from certain landmarks such as "Star Trek",
"2001, A Space Odyssey" and the Beatles. This of course means that
those who have innocently absorbed NA religion include today's young
adults who matured during the last 30 years, with everything this
It is hard to find children's
entertainment today which does not revolve around religious customs and heroes, occult legends (such
as Atlantis, UFO aliens, dragon lore), psychic powers or magic rites
(even using real spells, as in "Dungeons & Dragons").
Virtually all of these have in common a
presentation of disembodied spirits as guides and power sources. As
Western society has become conditioned, NA religious orientation is
becoming so pervasive that those who reject it are seen as
unreasonable (the "sheer weight of public opinion" which
mentions is a calculated part of the Plan - "Discipleship", p.175).
The ruthlessness which which this transformation is being carried
out is obvious in recent remakes of classic tales, "modernized" by
inserting New Age scenes, often without concern for the original
story line. For example, a new version of "William Tell" had Tell and his famous arrows
empowered by spirit guides - it so disrupted the original plot that
half the story had to be rewritten, with several new characters.
[Why didn't the producers simply write
a new story? I'm guessing that such reworked films are deliberately
targeting the families who are trying to filter out overt NA
doctrine, but who relax when they see the title of an old favorite
which they remember from their own childhood as safe viewing. I
personally would never have suspected the violence that had been
done to this old story of Swiss bravery in the face of tyranny - I
just happened to spot it on my way through the TV room.]
Other examples are multiplying as the TV
and movie industries recycle old stories with a NA slant at an
increasing rate.
Radically altering a famous story while keeping the former title
amounts to false advertising and calculated deception. But rather
than denying or defending such duplicity in dealing with children,
NA spokesmen respond with the counter-accusation that children must
be "cured" of the "sick" values they learn in a traditional home. NA
culture is being exported to children all over the world, including
Israel, with this "cure" in mind.
Neutralizing Opposition to the Plan
6a. Name-Calling and Negation:
Accordingly, the NA talent for
hijacking and redefining terms was employed. All three targeted
religions were labeled "fundamentalist" religions. The original
meaning of the word, "back to the source teachings", became lost
in the heavily promoted new definition of "obsolete, inflexible
and intolerant".
[Just how "fundamentalism" came to
be a religious stigma which provokes a negative Pavlovian social
response - and how it is invariably applied only to the faiths
which do not fit in the Plan - would make a fascinating study.
Ever hear reports on "fundamentalist Wiccans" or "Buddhist
fundamentalism"? Why not?]
"Monotheistic" no longer meant
simply "one god", but "exclusivist, narrow," and above all
[Note here also the double
standard in NA that excuses many pagan religions which encourage
and even demand separation from nonbelievers]
A more sophisticated version of this technique was outlined by
Robert Muller in 1981, while he was serving at the UN as the
"idea man" for the Secretary General (he served a total of three SGs, until his "active retirement" in 1984). In an interview
with a New Age magazine, Muller shared a strategy he called
"Entity Promotion":
"If I wanted to make a fortune,
I would leave the UN and start a new profession called
'entity promotion'. It would go far beyond public relations
and advertising. I would say to my customers, 'You want to
promote an entity? A race, a religion, an institution,...
anything, you name it. I will tell you how to do it.' Over
the years, I have gathered two files on entity promotion.
The first deals with every possible technique to prove that
your entity is superior. You need a flag, a hymn, an
education, a creed, a protocol, a language, famous persons,
preferably even heroes and martyrs, etc."
[This was ostensibly meant as a
tongue-in-cheek mockery of nationalism and religious
fundamentalism. However, when one notes that the UN has
established every single one of these "entity promotion" props,
while under the leadership of Muller, it is hard to chuckle.]
Muller goes on to describe a very interesting side of entity
"My second file deals with ways to diminish other
entities. Lie about them, denigrate them, do not cease to repeat
that they are bad, accuse them of anything and everything. The
human species is still at the stage where this is the
predominant game on the planet.... We need entities."
Interview with Robert Muller: Toward a Global Politics [sic]",
"The Center Magazine", Nov-Dec. 1981, emphasis mine.)
6b. "Relocation" or "Purging":
As the Luciferic initiation
approaches, those who refuse to relinquish monotheism and/or
Jewish identity will be sent to "another dimension" or "level of
vibration", somewhere outside of this physical incarnation,
where they will be happier and better off, according to Alice
Bailey, Nicholas Roerich and David Spangler.
The latter put it delicately, saying
"those attuned to the old world" would be "transported
through the [cosmic] law of attraction" to, "another planet, plane of
existence or level of earth's consciousness where they can
be contained.... The main point is that they will lose, for
the time being, their access to the etheric planes of power
and the ability to control or influence the developments
upon earth."
("Revelation, Birth of a New
Age", p.163-4)
[An application of the call to
"seal the door where evil dwells" as it is worded in the Great
Invocation. The "evil" is the one God, the "door" is those who
believe in Him, and the "sealing" is their physical removal.]
This relocation activity, known in the "old age" as mass murder
or massacre, goes by other easy-to-digest euphemisms as well,
and is presented as part of the planetary "global purge" or
"cleansing action". Benjamin Creme's term for it is "a necessary
sword of cleavage". ("The Reappearance of the Christ", appendix,
"How the Plan is Working Out")
As he puts it, there is no choice:
"It is indeed a matter of share
[not only economic resources and governmental power, but
religious belief and identity] or [humanity will] die."
Barbara Marx Hubbard, with her
characteristic directness, explains in her "The Book of
Co-Creation" that "the elders" view those who reject the
"quantum transformation" as a growing cancer which must be
removed "before the whole body is destroyed."
All rebellion against this purge
will simply be recognized as part of the "destructive
one-fourth" of humanity which Hubbard says must be removed to
save the human race, giving the public impression that the Group
Mind stands vindicated by opposition rather than challenged.
6c. Dividing and/or Conquering:
At this present stage, those
opposing the Plan are being neutralized in two less drastic
ways. One is to win them over by infiltration. The other is to turn the various remaining orthodox
monotheists one against another.
The single most notorious tool used by NA propagandists in
history was "The
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion". Composed by
unknown sources whose identity is still debated among scholars,
there is nevertheless ample evidence that NA agents were
involved, if not in its writing, certainly in its distribution.
The individual who is acknowledged in a rare early edition of
"Protocols" to have "found" the document was none other than
Yuliana Glinka, a devoted Theosophist and Helena Blavatsky's
personal companion.
According to the text, Glinka "felt
it her Christian [sic!] duty" to release it in Russia (where it
was called "The Secret of the Jews"). The book was translated
into English by Victor Marsden, a British racial supremacist who
fled England to join Hitler, and then circulated in the U.S. by
occultist Henry Ford.
Ford was not only awarded the Nazi
Supreme Order of the German Eagle in 1938, but he was also
applauded for his "faith" by the Theosophical Society. ("The
Theosophist", December 1938, p.239). Blavatsky herself wrote at
least one antisemitic tract with content remarkably similar to
"Protocols", published by the Theosophical Society in 1888. (see
"The Occult Establishment" by James Webb)
The effect of "Protocols" on the history of Jewish-Christian and
Jewish-Moslem relations hardly needs comment. To this day, most
Jews are convinced that "Protocols" is a disgusting piece of
Christian slander, while far too many Christians and nearly all
Moslems believe the book to be an expose of Jewish ambition.
From the NA point of view it was and
continues to be a stroke of genius which keeps their main
targets at one another's throats, unaware of the need to unite
against the NA Plan to eliminate monotheism.
The divide-and-conquer strategy also works well within the
community, unfortunately. Orthodox-bashing is where the "change
agents" have ample help from the non-orthodox Jewish sector, who
for reasons of their own, see no reason to defend their more
observant brethren - and even enjoy throwing a few punches
The phenomenon is documented in an
article aptly called "Season on the Orthodox", in which author
Avi Shafran reviews a number of serious charges made by secular
Jews against religious Jews in the area of behavior and ethics,
all of which were investigated and proven baseless.
6d. Preventative Indoctrination:
The most effective neutralizing
strategy is intensive "education", starting with the new
generation. The NA has invested so much in this strategy, with
such success, that an entire section is devoted to it. While
today's older adults are still somewhat resistant to NA
transformation, those born in the 1960s have been exposed to
little else.
7. Hiccups in the
All the NA progress aside, there still seem to be blocks to
achieving global transformation. And they have little or nothing to
do with any organized opposition from monotheists, which is
relatively feeble.
7a. Fault lines within NA itself:
These have existed from the earliest
days of the Theosophical Society. The organization founded by
Helena Blavatsky successively broke into 4 competing religious
(1) The Theosophical
Society (headed by Annie Besant)
(2) Anthroposophy (Rudolf
Steiner, David Spangler)
(3) The Arcane School,
the "School of Ageless Wisdom", and Lucis Trust (Alice
Bailey, Benjamin Creme, Robert Muller)
(4) "I AM", "The Church
Universal and Triumphant" (Guy & Edna Ballard, Elizabeth
Clare Prophet).
Even today, cutting comments by one group
toward the other(s) can be found
[Conflicting theologies were not
at issue so much as severe ego clashes. All these offshoots
still have in common a reverence for Blavatsky's writings,
allegiance to Bailey's "Master" Djwhal Khul and the Hierarchy,
and a commitment to the Plan in its entirety.]
Even today, beneath the "unity"
there is an excess of competitive malice, while the leaders
exhorting "simple living" are addicted to luxury and social
elitism. Everything has its price, as former NA leader Randall
Baer notes.
[For a fascinating and
well-documented first-person account, see his book, "Inside the
New Age Nightmare". Baer also relates several attempts on his
life after he left this "network of Light and Love". In fact,
according to the publishers, Huntington House, Baer died under
mysterious circumstances only a week after his book was
released. For those reasons alone, this book is a must-read.]
7b. Chronic delays:
Also, for reasons unpublicized, the
time for Maitreya to show himself as deity to the world, the
"Day of Declaration", has been postponed quite a few times since
the first date set in 1925. In 1981, massive advertising of the
Day drew world attention to the non-event; at that time it was
world media which was blamed for not being enlightened enough to
seek him out (the reason publicized by the Tara Center, then
headquarters for Maitreya followers). Other dates came and went
with less fanfare.
Some sources claim that December 31, 1999 was the most recent
Declaration date, to have been symbolized (or perhaps triggered)
by placing a "gold" (actually, copper) cap on the great Egyptian
pyramid of Khufu at Giza. The mystical significance of this
ceremony is traced to a channeled message by NA prophet Edgar
Cayce (died 1945) which linked capping the pyramid with
rediscovery of the "Hall of Records from Atlantis", the "return
of the Christ" and the establishment of a "New World Order".
Indeed, there was a lavish ritual
scheduled by the Egyptian government for that date, which a
pantheon of global personalities were scheduled to attend; it
was cancelled only two weeks beforehand without a coherent
explanation. Curiously, one of the rumors included Arab
suspicions that the capstone was part of a Zionist and/or
Masonic plot to announce world domination, even though the whole
event was conceived by an Egyptian government official.
(For a detailed report,
including the Cayce prophecy, see the Egyptian News Digest No.
16, and scroll down to 18 December, "The Golden Capstone
7c. Monotheistic influence is likewise showing more longevity
than anticipated.
In 1945, Maitreya announced that he
would reveal himself when (among other global reforms) "people
are released from authoritarian supervision of their religious
thought." By his own admission, he must be invited by mankind to
take over on a religious/spiritual level.
Each postponement of Maitreya's "Day
of Declaration" would indicate that the "release" from religion
is not yet sufficient; meanwhile all three monotheistic
religions appear to be experiencing some measure of revival
among the youth worldwide. This is precisely the group which NA
is counting on most to welcome Maitreya and hand over Planet
Earth, the group which NA change agents have invested most of
their efforts to indoctrinate.
The increasing frustration among some NA spokesmen is vented at
the outdated faith systems which refuse to obey the "laws of
human evolution" and die out. Lucis Trust ("World Goodwill
Newsletter", Summer 1982) cited "three prominent examples" of
"rising fanatical religious fundamentalism [causing a rise in]
blatant militarism"; they named the U.S. - specifying "those who
expect... the biblically prophesied global cataclysm", Iran (no
particulars) and Israel (also no specifics, implying that merely
pairing them would say enough). Goodwill called these three
"frightening... dangerous... a threat to world peace", although
they are only "victims of fear".
Others appear vexed by the new level
of cooperation between articulate conservative Christians and
Jews (for example, the organization called "Toward Tradition"),
the unity of Jews and Christians in support of Israel, and the
rising numbers of self-assertive young Jews and Christians. In
accordance with the first method of neutralizing opposition,
they are branded as a sinister conspiracy of sorts.
[Although these groups are aware
that they inspire a hatred among liberals that seems exaggerated
at times, they usually assume that it is their political agenda
which is the threat, failing to recognize it as a religious
8. The Future of the
In spite of the inexplicable setbacks in the spiritual momentum of
the Plan, NA leaders like Creme are confident that we are about to
see its completion:
"There is no doubt that there will be
opposition... but the need for change will become so overwhelmingly
obvious, that they will find themselves increasingly powerless to
stop the momentum."
("Reappearance of the Christ," 1980)
The overall mood of NA is summed up in a
popular bumper sticker some years back:
"My karma just ran over your
Various comments imply that Maitreya is
not above "convincing" reluctant countries through disasters both
natural (either triggered or allowed without rescue) and man-made
(such as nuclear threats per Alice Bailey's Plan). While these are
regrettable, the end will justify the means:
"These peoples will eventually be
replaced by the new root race about to make its appearance in a
newly cleansed world; nevertheless, for the moment, this is a
("Cosmic Countdown," "Guardian
Action Publications", 1982, p.12)
Any underground resistance movement is
viewed as highly unlikely to succeed, as
Zbigniew Brzezinsky
(National Security Advisor under President Jimmy Carter) assures us:
"Soon it will be possible to assert
almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain
up-to-date complete files [which] will be subject to
instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."
[Date of this statement is not known,
but surrounded as we are today by microchip videos, interactive
software, mobile communication and Global Positioning Satellites, we
cannot doubt the technological capability to execute such a program.
Popular movies like "The Net" and "Enemy of the State" vividly
present scenarios which are entirely plausible with today's