by Sterling D. Allan
October 27, 2010
Famous anti-gravity
John Hutchison, and his associate, Nancy Lazaryan, have come up with a device that emits a
combination of audio and radio frequencies that have the
effect of clearing waters polluted by oil and dispersant
in less than 24 hours, bringing the native life back. |

John Hutchison
inspects his frequency generator (interferometer)
that apparently can
clear nearly a mile radius of polluted waters
in the Gulf in less
than 24 hours.
Concerned about the
BP oil gusher disaster,
John Hutchison and his research
Nancy Lazaryan have come up
with a combination of audio and radio frequencies that now have been
shown scientifically to reduce the oil and grease in polluted waters
in the Gulf of Mexico from 7 ppm to less than 1 ppm, restoring the
water's vitality as manifest by the return of fish, dolphins and
even barnacles to a region of Perdido Bay in Lillian, Alabama, USA,
where they conducted their first test in situ.
John is world famous for his
work in eccentric, maverick research
Now, with Nancy's help, he has applied
his knowledge of frequencies to produce what could be a solution to
the pollution from oil and dispersants in the Gulf and elsewhere in
the world.
"The local residents may now finally
have hope for getting their Gulf back and restoring it to the
healthy body it once was, if not better, before the Oil
Disaster," said Cara Fay, who is a friend of John and Nancy, and
has been following their work on this project, which began in
July, when a sample of polluted water was sent to John's lab in
Vancouver, BC.
Based on success in finding the right
frequencies, John and Nancy recently headed to the Gulf to try a
test on location, with scientific documentation by a chemistry lab
to corroborate their observations.
Test Results
The exact reach and potency of the frequencies is yet to be
determined, but the device John assembled for this research pulls
two kilowatts and, judging subjectively, appears to effect a region
of at least more than 1000 yards radially (like a sphere), as
verified by sympathetic resonance in the water (detected by
oscilloscope) from the projection of audio and radio frequencies
over the water.
Nancy speculates that the effected area
could be as much as several miles. All of the equipment ran off of
one extension cord (110 V, 20 amp).
The area was treated with the frequencies for four hours the first
day, and by the next morning, the waters were cleared. They then did
four more hours of RF frequency that day, to complete the test.
frequency device was situated about 25 feet up the beach from the
Nancy, who is from Minnesota, who has experience as a professional
broadcast TV camera person, filmed the restoration of sea life, with
clearing of the water, new green algae, dolphins, and fish, the day
following their test.
She said:
"The fish were jumping, ...the water
that had been murky brown was a clear green. Two dolphins came
into 5 feet of water to visit. Lots of schools of fish and crabs
[were] very active in the 'healed waters'. These tones were used
by the ancients to HEAL humans."
She doesn't have her computer equipment
with her to retrieve the HD footage from her camera, but will be
making it available later (below video).
John would like to use the footage to
interest local media for coverage; to open doors for subsequent test
The tests were conducted from a KOA campground at Perdido Bay.
Here are some photos John sent me
showing the campground and his lab/trailer, as well as some 'before"
shots of the beach, bay, and foamy water.
The test was also documented by chemist Bob Naman, President
of Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. (ACT) of
Mobile, Alabama.
He is a Fellow of the American Institute
of Chemists, (Reg. 15488).
You can see below a copy of that report
titled: "Chemical Analysis - Water Samples After Frequency Exposure:
BP Oil Spill Study - Perdido Bay Water", dated Oct. 26, 2010.
Samples of the water were collected in quart jars on Oct. 18.
Control samples were taken 60 miles away.
Follow-up samples were collected on Oct.
22. All samples were tested on Oct. 26, showing that the amount of
oil and grease "before" the frequency treatment was measured at 7
ppm (parts per million, or milligrams per liter); while the samples
that had undergone the frequency exposure measured less than 1 ppm.

The report concludes:
Based on testing performed from
samples received, the frequency exposure resulted in the
complete removal of Oil and Grease from the after treatment
sample source tested.
ACT (Analytical Chemical Testing
Laboratory) recommends investigation of this
process further to determine large-scale capabilities in
cleaning water bodies and areas affected by the dissolved
oil/dispersant in water.
This applied Frequency Exposure process may have extreme value
in the removal of petroleum contamination from a large body of
water. It is the opinion of this analyst that the persons
involved with this process could have a very serious positive
effect on the removal of hydrocarbon contamination from bodies
of water.
These individuals should be allowed
to remain in this country to offer their services to State and
Federal Agencies, and Municipalities. I would like to recommend
that interested parties be open-minded to their capabilities
because some petroleum contamination likely exists in all Gulf
of Mexico water sources/bodies.
If this process proves to be capable of clean-up then it should
be given an opportunity to have the process showcased to any
interested party, including The US Federal Government, US EPA,
Homeland Security, as well as BP and any other interested State
Environmental Agencies.
The process may be proven to be an
excellent manner to approach the petroleum-contaminated water
columns that are currently present in the Gulf of Mexico.
The best and easiest-to-see example of water column
contamination can be found in the lack of the existence of
pole-mounted barnacles.
These barnacles have become
non-existent in every affected water-body seen by the
undersigned, in the last few months. It is clear that all water
bodies have been affected by the dissolved hydrocarbons.
Solutions to this condition have not been presented as of the
date of this writing. It is not clear what the impact of
dissolved hydrocarbons in Gulf waters will mean. This process
may help develop a clean-up plan that can reach a large-scale
While the technology is not completely understood by the
undersigned, it is clear that the process may have extreme
value, and it should be given a chance to be presented and
tested on a large scale basis.
At this point the undersigned is not
aware of any entity that has attempted to undertake the biggest
remaining problem that currently exists in the Gulf of Mexico,
which is water column contamination by dissolved petroleum due
to dispersant use in the Deepwater Horizon Spill.
Finding the
Right Frequencies
When samples of polluted Gulf water where sent to John's lab in
Canada, Nancy, who can be described as intuitive, worked together
with him to identify certain ancient harmonics that have been used
for healing.
These frequencies were applied both with
audio and radio waves to the polluted water samples.
Some of the frequencies employed have been used traditionally in
alternative healing for humans. One of the tones, 528 hz, is
considered by some to be
the frequency of the planet Jupiter
(below audio -
more references.)
That frequency is alleged to also be used by the ancients to be the
"healing frequency" and to repair DNA.
Also called
Solfeggio tones, and apparently also tied to Gregorian
chants, the team calls these harmonics a healing "stream of sound",
in contrast to the streams of oil and dispersant that have plagued
the Gulf.
Nancy said:
"The inspiration for these harmonics
comes from the Essenes, a sect of Israel that Jesus was a member
[of]. The Essenes 'inner circle' taught of the 'stream of
sound', the harmonics of the Creator."
Finding success in these limited
experiments in Canada, John and Nancy packed up the necessary lab
equipment into a borrowed trailer, and with a borrowed farm truck,
left Canada to come to the Gulf.
They are now endeavored to bring the "stream of sound" to the
damaged waters of the Gulf, and apparently have very positive
results to show.
The chemical analysis from the first
"open air frequencies" experiment in Perdido Bay has shown that the
Gulf water can be restored to health.
"We declare peace," says Nancy, "the
war upon the Gulf is over."
report from Nancy about this
development stated that they are not asking for money, but that this
is being given as a "gift."
However, I'm sure that with extra funds
they could do a lot more than they can on their shoestring budget.
Because sound frequencies are being used, I would think that the
depth of penetration into the water would be limited. I'd be curious
to see how deep their frequency generator can work.
They also need to do studies to see how far away the water is
cleared, using the same kind of chemical analysis that was reported
above. I would guess that the effect would fall off as a square
function of the distance.
I would imagine that scientists would be curious as to just how
these frequencies clear up the water.
What happens to the chemical
compounds that were there?
Where did they go?
Were the molecules broken up and
dispersed, or were they transmuted into something else?
There results will also need to be
independently verified by other researchers to gain the full
credibility that will lead to much wider adoption of the method.
PESN Coverage in
Reverse Chronological Sequence
A chat with John Hutchison - on anti-gravity and more -
Walter has posted a dialogue he had with John while driving
a couple of hours to their next Gulf waters pollution
clearing work in Grand Isle. John reminisces about his
experiences with anti-gravity and transmutation
experimentation and reactions by neighbors, media, and
government. (PESN;
December 2, 2010)
John Hutchison's interferometer - Two more videos have
been posted about John Hutchison and Nancy Lazaryan's work
in the Gulf coast to clear the waters via sound and radio
frequencies. One video gives a close-up look at the
apparatus. The other talks about the latest in the unfolding
saga. (PESN; November
16, 2010)
Coast Guard chases Hutchison away from clearing section of
Gulf water - While clearing an area of oil- and Corexit-polluted
water and air at Dauphin Island, the "command center" for
the Coast Guard, who appear to be involved in the continued
Corexit spraying, John Hutchison and Nancy Lazaryan were
asked by the police to leave.
(PESN; November 13, 2010)
Colbern's EDX data confirms Hutchison-Lazaryan frequency
generator clearing Gulf gunk - Scientific analysis of
the water samples before and after treatment by the
frequency generator apparatus designed by John Hutchison and
Nancy Lazaryan shows alteration of the chemical composition
of the dissolved solids in the seawater.
(PESN; November 6, 2010)
Happy dolphins update on Hutchison-Lazaryan frequency
generator clearing polluted Gulf waters - Nancy reports
that local captain of a boat that charters dolphin
sightseeing tours, who had no idea what she and John
Hutchison had done in treating the polluted waters with
their radio/audio frequency generator, logged an entry
concerning the change in the water and the dolphins being
"happy". This was in a neighboring bay.
(PESN; November 1, 2010)