by Zen Gardner
Aug 21, 2013
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

We appear to currently be in a kind of vortex, or a roiling series
of etheric vortexes and scattered eddies of changing, swirling
currents, carrying newly manifesting energetics as well as debris of
all types, sizes and dimensions.
It's wonderful exciting energy but it can be disconcerting at the
same time.
We need to be careful to dodge the spiraling flak while maneuvering
into and even reveling in the energetic vortex. It's nothing to fear
as long as we're aware of what's going on around us and stay on our
The changes are changing and the winds
are picking up.
A great time for letting go - but it will not be a pleasant ride for
those who refuse to loosen their grip.
While this may seem "spacey" and weird to those not picking up on
these new vibrations, this may explain the strange feelings many of
you are having. But I'm convinced this is what is going on right
The Changes
We're Sensing
I'm certainly experiencing it and from what I'm hearing, it's
happening to a lot of people.
People are wondering,
"Why did I lose my job", or "How
come things just aren't working out as I thought or hoped they
would?" "Why this terrible issue with my dying relative?"
The Universe is giving opportunities for change by nudgingly trying
to change entire paradigms in our lives.
And the only way to
experience what Universe has for us is letting go into it and
letting go of all the trappings. Old hang-ups, outdated
understandings, wrong attachments, etc. Love is all inclusive, as
well as all dissolving.
The fog in the heart must go.
And that takes commitment. Changing friends, locations, means of
provision, trusting your new awake outlook, and... telling the
truth. It means not going along anymore with the Lie and letting go
of old habits and frames of reference.
It's imperative if we want to
move on to the good stuff. Things are coming at us fast and furious
and from strange directions so it's get with the program or get
knocked out of the game.
Once you get into it it's like dodge ball in dance class with your
fellow psychedelic mariners! A laughing, riotous mishmash of fun and

Visitations and Climate Screws
There's a sense of movement and disorientation but there's a
stillness at the same time.
Many are also having profound psychic or
spiritual experiences; floods of dreams, waves of spiritual
intuitions, rapidly changing emotions or sensations for no reason... and perhaps spiritual revealings and even visitations of varying
Those getting the heavier doses of these experiences know what I'm
talking about. It's nothing to fear. Draw close to Source most of
all but also loved ones, share what you're going through with those
you love and trust.
And let go.
And get to where you can dance to it.
We can interact very
consciously and poetically to anything and everything. The challenge
is the changing tides of change coming at us right now. There's not
very much regularity, rhyme or reason, yet we feel called into the
vortex despite the seeming chaos.
Actually, there is no choice as far as entering into the vortex.
It's here, like a massive, morphing yet loving spiritual hurricane.
To handle it consciously and grow with it is the key.
The weather often parallels these changes for me. This inspiration
came while weird gusting winds were blowing around our home and
area, which they've done for days. In fact, in general the weather
just feels different to me, like that expression "something's in the
air" - and it's not just chemtrails and radiation, obvious assaults
on human connectivity to consciousness.
Something wonderful this way cometh! But it isn't anything we've
seen before. And that's a good thing!
So why not dive in and make an interactive dance out of it?
Spiritual yoga, tai chi or a host of other rhythmic conscious
disciplines. A perfect solution for releasing your ki and tuning
into the essence as the changes whirl about you.
How beautiful to behold!

Know Your Way
I'm just trying to lay out these etheric sensations that appear to
parallel the increasingly nonsensical changes we're witnessing.
Hopefully it helps others grasp the
nature of this experience, but more importantly to help people know
they're not alone in all of this. We're all together here, and we
have others involved in this apparent transcendence working and
manifesting at many levels.
Be aware, awake, and awash in love and the innate knowledge that all
is ultimately well and under control. We are unstoppable infinite
consciousness. Bottom line. Stand with conviction, spiritual
But we have to do our part. More than ever. Never negate or minimize
our role.
There's a type of cosmic directive that pivots on the
state of conscious awakening and our response to it. That might
sound a little strange, but responding consciously is our daily
commitment and lesson in life.
Just floating down river with all the
flotsam and jetsam is not living consciously. Think of the receding
tsunami in Japan and all it carried and that's what the world is
currently experiencing - a massive backwash of debris that's heading
out to sea.
To the conscious mariners who have prepared it's game on. And we'll
be busy trying to awaken and rescue anyone we can.
This is Not a
Drill - Conscious Warriors Arise
What's exciting is the spontaneity of our shared experience.
We are
encountering a time in our evolution that has perhaps never been
experienced before.
While the world may currently seem
strictly suicidal in nature in the context of our current
Machiavellian rulers' agenda and their reign of terror, there is
something wonderful happening at the same time that is much more
There are many lessons to be gleaned during our stay here that are
invaluable for eternity.
Number one: Our true state of being and who we are. The realization
of our potential is the ultimate answer.
I realize finding our way is not a process that can easily be
explained. We don't clearly know where we are or where we came from
other than by intuitive understanding and some pieces of difficult
to find research. But one thing massive that we do know: we are
conscious awareness discovering itself. That in itself is enough for
the conscious voyager to keep going and experiencing.
Following that is truly manifesting... with great and profound
assurance that we are the living and loving answer. Just as we are.
We're each becoming the world to be, as
it already is, and we should continue do so with complete confidence
and authority.

Conclusion - Behold the Beauty of Change
What beauty we have the privilege to live and participate in, no
matter what the circumstances.
Our lives during these temporal events
are filled with wonder, excitement and change - expected in some
cases, and unexpected in most. If we fearfully resist what's
swirling around us and drawing us into new realms of realization and
experience we'll only meet serious disappointment, followed by
sadness, angst and frustration.
That's exactly why our state of mind and heart and living in a
higher vibrational state has become imperative. When we release our
old ways in order to embrace the unknown with an attitude of trust
and wonder it becomes the ride of a lifetime.
Dance with it! Let go consciously with spiritual awareness and enter
in! Look around, find your way, make wise decisions, detach from
attachments, and don't be afraid, even if it seems to get a bit
We're in this together. They try to make us feel alone but we are
all connected. We always have been and we always will be - because
we always are!
I'm having my own wild and wonderful experiences I'm currently
tapping into - although it can be a bit daunting when these new
spiritual sensations arise and manifest I'm having a blast.
But hey - would you really refuse a
ticket out of here that's clearly a path to a wonderful new world of
experience that can be shared with any and all?
Take all this on as you feel led. But most of all... turn it into a
powerful, consciously aware dance! We are all entering into new
horizons of living consciousness, and should utilize and enjoy it!
Much love and empowerment to you all.
Keep on "wondering" and dancing to the tunes of the Universe...
synchronistically, as I was writing
this on and off the past several days I checked on
recent uploads, and my eyes went wide when I saw this.
Enjoy! How
Dance With Your Chi
"You, are the source of your own
power, use it, don't use it."