by Jennifer Sodini
March 13, 2015
Collective-Evolution Website

In a society where many have learned to lead first with their head,
and then with their heart -the irony of this behavior is that in the
womb, the first organ to form before all else is the heart.
While our minds may be the "matrix of all matter," and everything is
sound, frequency and vibration (see: Nikola Tesla's quote) - the
heart may actually orchestrate your energetic surroundings.
Research by the
Institute for HeartMath in
California, has shown that the heart has its own intelligence, as
well as being the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy
in the human body.
Through their research, they have uncovered some fascinating
statistics, including:
The heart's electrical field is about 60
times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity
generated by the brain.
The magnetic field produced by the heart is
more than 5000 times greater in strength than the field
generated by the brain
The electromagnetic energy of the heart not
only envelops every cell of the human body, but also extends
out in all directions in the space around us
Our cardiac field touches those within 8-10
feet of where we are positioned (and perhaps in more subtle
ways at greater distances)
One person's heart signal can affect
another's brain-waves, and heart-brain synchronization can
occur between two people when they interact
Research conducted at the Institute of
HeartMath suggests that the heart's field is an important
carrier of information
When comprehending the magnitude of your inner
magnetism, one can't help but appreciate why the heart is viewed by
so many as sacred.
Aside from the iconic image we are all familiar with,
Jesus Christ's "sacred heart," the Egyptians also understood
the importance of the lightness of the heart through their
"principle of Ma'at":
"The Egyptian principle of Ma'at is a level of
consciousness that revolves around a formula of Love (the heart)
under will (conscious attention).
In the Egyptian
Book of the Dead, the feather
of Ma'at is what your heart is weighed against, to see if you
are worthy of passing through to 'Heaven' or if you are to
suffer in 'Hell.'
If your heart is as light as a feather, you can
pass, otherwise you are condemned to suffering."
During trying times, it may be hard to keep a light
heart, but if you allow your light to shine even through the
darkness, you can remain illuminated in your truth, even when the
world may not seem to make sense.
We are living in epic times, where science is confirming ancient
wisdom, and ancient wisdom is resurrecting for our generation to
remember our human potential, and reunite science with spirit.
The key is that we are remembering, not learning
anything new, and to unlock the door to our fully actualized power,
let your heart be your guide.