On Saturday May 23, 1998, I interviewed two former Apollo astronauts, Ed Gibson and Alan Bean. They were appearing at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex as part of Space Week. I interviewed Ed Gibson first. He had been Capcom on the Apollo 12 mission. I asked him if any of the other Apollo astronauts had ever talked with him about structures they found on the Moon.


Mr. Gibson replied, “The Apollo 12 guys? Not any more so than what’s already out there.” I laid pictures out on the table showing Alan Bean on the Moon with an alien structure reflected in his helmet visor and two other pictures showing the “Lunar Castle,” one taken on the surface, the other from space. I asked, “What do you think they are?” I added, “I have an idea what they are used for.” Gibson said, “Specifically, what are we looking at here?” I said, “This one here is 3 miles across and 9 miles high.”


Gibson said he didn’t know anything about any structures. He said the reflection in Alan Bean’s helmet visor was probably the Alsep science module. When I talked to Alan Bean about the visor reflection, he said it was probably dust, as the Moon was a dusty place. He asked where I got the pictures. I said they were official NASA photographs that I got off the Internet. Bean said that people were trying to make things out to be there that weren’t, and it was being done by certain people to make money. If you could see all this on the videotape, you’d know what was really going on.


When I laid out the pictures on the table for the astronauts, I got the same facial reactions as if I were a homicide detective and just tossed out pictures of the perpetrator at the crime scene with the smoking gun in his hand. If Eddie Egan, the ex-NYPD detective of “French Connection” fame, had been there he would have loved it. He would have spotted all the signs that the astronauts were skirting the truth. It was too obvious.


The suspects faltered and did not protest their “innocence” with any sense of conviction. The astronauts asked how and where I got those pictures. Just like Buzz Aldrin, they knew what the structures were. It startled them to see the photos. It’s time the government stopped forcing honest men to be dishonest. It made me feel really, really bad having to put them on the spot like that. Those men have been pressured to remain silent.


We are at the end of the information trail with the Apollo astronauts. It’s one more example of the government keeping a lid on the terrible truth. So what does this mean to us? It means we have to be the ones to spread the truth. Forewarned is forearmed. We have a major task ahead of us. We have to get the government to disclose the truth, then act on the information to appropriate funds for defense.


Tell your friends and relatives to spread the word. It will help. This alien problem is not a movie or TV show. This is real life. If you have a computer, send your congressman Email messages to hold open congressional hearings with CSETI’s witnesses.


Express your concern. Demand action. “Our government” is supposed to respond to us. Any obstacle to preparedness must be overcome. The threat we face is bad enough. Apathy helps the enemy. A do-nothing congress will leave us wide open to an unopposed roundup like a bunch of sheep. We have maybe a year or two. If you want to survive let nothing stand in your way of getting prepared. I’m trying to promote the idea of starting private defense corporations.


They’d be privately funded businesses utilizing citizen armed forces. Think of them as privately owned security guard companies used to protect all of us. They’d have sufficiently advanced training and weapons to mount a defense against the aliens. Since it would be run as a business they would not be buying any $300 toilet seats. Like any other military force it won’t be expected to make a profit. If they capture alien craft, technology, and weapons, the government should pay them a bounty.


The use of “privateers” is not a new concept. In the past, the US government has paid private ship owners a bounty for capturing enemy vessels. Other governments without defense forces would be wise to hire mercenaries. However, if anyone does get their hands on a copy of, and back-engineers the alien device that melts down other metal weapons, put the plans for it on the Internet. It will give us all a better chance for victory.


We sure need that high tech toy! It can melt down an M-16 rifle from 100 yards away. It should work the same way against any metallic weapon or device the Grays try to use against us, maybe even their spacecraft. We also must find out what frequencies the aliens use to transmit signals to implants in abductees. We could build electronic countermeasure equipment to jam them. If we jammed their implant frequencies, the aliens couldn’t locate or control implantees. The human brain itself transmits telepathically on frequencies from .5 to 30 Hertz. The implants may boost the power of the telepathic signal we put out (on our frequency) to help the Grays monitor us.


It’s a place to start. Reliable information on the implants is scarce. The implants may convert our output to a different frequency and use some fancy data compression technology. That would allow direct mass monitoring of implantees by the Gray’s computers. If the aliens can’t make the “sheep” cooperate in the harvest due to our frequency jamming, it could give us an edge. The Grays and/or Reptoids would have to put large contingents on the ground to round up and remove people, exposing themselves to retaliatory action from armed forces and armed citizens.


Remember, if enough people are armed, every landing zone will become a kill zone. We know what direction they’re coming in from: above. That makes it easy to pinpoint where their forces are landing and apply all local firepower.

It takes a lot of work to prepare and build up an adequate defense, START NOW. Wars are fought on the battlefield, but won in the factories.

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Keep up the good work. I am trying to motivate the public to compel Congress to approve sufficient funding for defense to meet the alien threat. The amount currently allocated for this job from the “black budget” can’t possibly be enough. You are our first line of defense against this threat from space. But to bring Congress on-line, the truth has to be brought out. The American people can “handle the truth.” Right now many people don’t trust the military in this. They think the military is being secretive because they have betrayed us.


There are rumors that an inner circle within military intelligence is in league with the aliens; having sold out the abductees in exchange for advanced alien technology and power over the civilian government. Level with us. Our people have rallied behind the military in times of war for survival. With full financial and material backing, the military will be strong enough to force the aliens to negotiate with us. There can’t be a massive effort unless everybody is involved. Informing the public of the threat is the first step. Take that step. The squeaking wheel gets the grease.


Just lay out the facts for the public. If the military reveals all the known facts about the alien threat, alien weaponry, and the alien harvesting of humans, the public will be “sold” on a massive defense buildup no matter what the cost. Without full financial backing for the military in this matter, the cost will be extremely high. We will pay with our lives.

Are you ex-military or retired military? You have been trained to fight to defend your country. The massive problem that we face in the next few years may require your assistance right where you live. Think of yourselves as modern day Minutemen. Discuss this problem with your families, and with any veterans groups you belong to. Make plans and prepare for defense. Stay alert. An alien attack will be swift and sudden.

If former military personnel can set up an alarm network to alert each other quickly it could help save lives. Maybe NORAD will be willing to give your network the alert directly. If the Emergency Broadcast Network isn’t already tied directly to NORAD for a quick warning, it should be. Coordinated action on a nationwide scale is not what is needed. You are the last ditch local defense. Protect your own area first. If the aliens get through whatever defense forces we have, we need you to fight them wherever they land to harvest our people.


Remember, we got night vision, and infrared thermal imaging vision technology from the aliens, so count on it being used against you by the aliens and plan accordingly. Surplus night vision goggles and rifle scopes might be a good investment for you. Since the alien saucers are disrupted by radar, try to buy surplus radar units. Position them where they’ll do the most good. You will need a diesel generator to power it. National power grids will be knocked out (that is why I was calling for a fast alert network, to get the alarm out before the power was off line).


For communications on a local level, UHF hand held transceivers seem to be unaffected by the saucer’s fields. Be cautious in their use, as I’m sure the aliens can target radio transmission sources. We know what the aliens want (people), and we know where they have to go to harvest them, so it’s just a matter of knocking them down when they get there. The key to the whole operation is speed of mass notification. We need a modern day version of Paul Revere to alert everyone to arms.


My idea for a citizen’s warning net appears at the end of this book. We need more. I’m sure some clever person can work out an alarm alert system that is not dependent on the power grid. Our biggest problem is the down sizing of our military forces. It has affected all services. The US Navy has gotten hit the worst.

It has gone from a 984-ship fleet under President Reagan to 300 under President Clinton, and he was fast heading for 200 ships. The Navy is losing experienced men and officers at an alarming rate as the “small fleet” must remain at sea longer, putting the sailors and their families under a tremendous strain.


This is an outrage! Want to hear something that sounds even more like surrender? We have produced no new nuclear weapons since 1991. And we currently can’t rely on Russian help against an alien attack. Bad finances made them layoff 300,000 soldiers, many others are begging on the street. The Russian Army foray into Chechnya had to drain off a lot of military resources also. Like President Reagan, I believe the Russians should be given any and all Star Wars defensive weapons technology that we have developed.


Those defensive weapons will not only let the Russians help defend Earth against the Grays and Reptoids, but it would make the exchange of nuclear ICBM weapons between our two countries an impossibility. Those weapons systems can vaporize any incoming missile warhead. Just look at what HAARP can do. If the Russians cannot gear up to produce Star Wars weapons, we should supply them with weapons we have built. We are all in this together.


The aliens must learn they are unwelcome here as predators. The Russians can help us make them unwelcome. Those countries that can prepare, must prepare. The harvest could be tomorrow.

Attention US Military leaders:

Please speak out to congress to get funding to build up defense forces sufficient to allow us to negotiate from a position of strength with our alien overlords. That requires money, planning, determination, action, and leadership. The good news is we have the money and leadership. We may even have the planning in place. The new Secretary of Defense has held that position before during times of military conflict, giving him the experience needed to handle an actual conflict situation. General Colin Powell as Secretary of State is the ideal “strong negotiator” to deal with the Reptoids face to face.


What Colin Powell has to do is no job for a diplomat. Diplomacy will not change the ingrained programs of the Reptoids. Diplomats are, of course, diplomatic. Diplomacy could get us killed. There is no strength in diplomacy. Economic sanctions, talks, or any other tools of diplomacy are useless in this situation and would be sneered at by the Reptoids. A diplomat cannot play the role of lizard tamer. The key factor to success though is money. We currently have a 2 trillion-dollar budget surplus that can be put to good use to pay for defense.


Congress seems to be in no hurry to come up with a tax break for the public and we may end up with a 7 trillion-dollar surplus in 10 years. A Wall Street Journal editorial on February 27, 2001 said, “for the pols, this will be pig heaven. They’ll have to invent new things to spend money on.” HELLO. We have something to spend money on. If we don’t spend it on defense now, this won’t be pig heaven, but a pig slaughterhouse.

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The 1947 Roswell UFO crash? All true! Confirmation of this information has come from the man in charge of the hard physical evidence of the crash. Yes, Colonel Philip J. Corso, US Army, Retired. He was chief of the Foreign Technology Division of the US Army. Remember, in 1947 it was the Army Air Force, only later was the Air Force split off as a separate branch. So the craft, equipment, and alien bodies remained in the hands of the Army for many years.


The Army Foreign Technology branch gave Col. Corso the task of evaluating technological items found on the craft to figure out what they were, then give them to appropriate American companies to be patented, developed and produced as if they were invented here. Col. Corso wrote a book titled, “The Day After Roswell.” Get it and read it. You will be thrilled by the wealth of information. It also confirms my findings in this book on the following subjects:

A. An alien spacecraft can be disabled by directed radar beams. Col. Corso tells of a UFO that was brought down by a military radar station that locked on to the UFO and increased the strength of the radar signal, causing the UFO to lose control and crash.
B. The aliens can eat humans. It was the consensus of opinion in the military that the Gray aliens used human organs as a food source that was prepared and then absorbed through their skin like a plant through it’s roots.
C. The aliens have raised and harvested humans for food for a very long time, with major harvests being done periodically for the race of aliens that bioengineered the Grays.

Col. Corso hinted at evidence that humans are converted into some type of prepackaged food product like MREs. That should now stand for “Meals Ready for Extraterrestrials.”

The Grays were genetically bioengineered by another alien race specifically for the job they are doing. They are clones bred to be worker drones, with no sex organs or internal digestive system. They’re the “hired hands,” working the “farm” for the actual users of the MREs. (My guess is the Reptoids are their masters because they have been seen occasionally on the abduction saucers with the Grays, operating in a supervisory capacity.)


Col. Corso goes into great detail about how the US Army developed our MREs, and really emphasized that this type of packaged food can be stored indefinitely without refrigeration, and then eaten without the need for cooking. In our manufacture of MREs we irradiate the food after packaging and it kills all bacteria. His message wasn’t lost on me that humans are just as easily processed and packaged by the aliens, to be eaten during space trips without the need for refrigeration or cooking.


This may be why kitchen facilities are not observed on alien spacecraft by abductees. Col. Corso kept hinting that the MRE preparation process was another technology we picked up from the aliens. One of the alien facilities on the Moon may be an MRE processing plant. Did we copy their method of irradiating food for the purpose of preservation? We sure copied other alien technology and materials. Col. Corso stated in no uncertain terms that the Grays still have an operational base on the Moon, and that NASA will not send our astronauts back there because their lives would be jeopardized. UFOs menaced Apollo astronauts on the lunar surface.


Since NASA is a civilian organization, they had no way to protect the astronauts, and so canceled the last two Apollo missions. The hardware was ready to go, but NASA shut it down claiming a “lack of public interest.” There is a lot of new information in Col. Corso’s book about the aliens and their spacecraft that crashed at Roswell. Autopsy reports on the aliens revealed they had a circulatory system that carried a thin milky white blood. It performed the functions of a lymphatic and circulatory system.

They had no obvious digestive, waste disposal or reproductive systems. They were bred only to work, like worker ants or drone bees. When I found out that they couldn’t reproduce themselves, it made me wonder what was the purpose of their hybrid-breeding program. Was it used to replace Grays killed by accident, old age, or craft shot down by Earth air forces? There is even a chance that it is a renegade breeding program run by the Grays to reproduce themselves so as to perpetuate their species. By creating copies of themselves (but with reproductive organs) they’d live on, in spite of the wishes of their Reptoid masters. It’s a possibility.

High-tech items found aboard the Roswell craft led to the development of the transistor, microchip integrated circuits, Kevlar, the electronics that send light signals through fiber-optic lines, and night vision equipment. A surgical laser was also found on the craft. The Army also developed laser and particle beam weapons systems as the craft mounted both types.


There is another interesting coincidence. Remember in a previous chapter in this book, I reprinted the NY Times article about the 1918 Flu epidemic? Remember it started at Ft. Riley, Kansas Army Base? Well, the Roswell aliens were stored there for a brief period in 1947 on the way to Wright-Patterson field in Dayton, Ohio. Ft. Riley is also the home of the Army’s military intelligence school.


Ft. Riley has been in use a long time. It was the home of Gen. Custer’s Seventh Cavalry. Is there any chance that an alien fifth column has been based there for a long time?


Although the Roswell alien bodies were being shipped immersed in some type of preservative fluid, after leaving Ft. Riley, they started to deteriorate at a rapid rate while being transported to Walter Reed Army Hospital for autopsy. Col. Corso saw the alien bodies himself at Ft. Riley. Col. Corso reported that Neil Armstrong had seen an alien base on the Moon during the Apollo 11 fly over and landing. On subsequent Apollo missions, UFOs buzzed the lunar modules as soon as they left Earth orbit on the way to the Moon. Col. Corso also stated that one of the reasons the military kept such tight control over UFO information was that the Russian KGB had infiltrated the CIA.


If the UFO information had been released to the CIA, it would have gone straight to the Russians. This need for secrecy got in the way many times when the Army needed money from Congress. They had to pretend the “Star Wars” weapons systems were needed to counter the Soviet missile threat, when they were really needed for defense against the aliens. If you would like to see the weapons we were able to develop for protection, visit the US Army Space Command website on the Internet. Check out the High Energy Lasers that are missile launched.


People at NASA, President Carter, and Neil Armstrong all know about this defense system but are still frightened of what the aliens are going to do. It seems we are not out of danger, especially with military intelligence still keeping pressure on them not to talk! In Col. Corso’s book he mentions one piece of advanced equipment that he couldn’t turn over to American industry to develop as if it were their own. He had no way to explain to a manufacturer where the technology came from because it was so advanced.


The item was a headband that had thought pickup coils in it that allowed the Grays to control their spacecraft by thought. The following article comes from a US Air Force web site. It looks like they found an explanation for the thought control system. They now say it is based on EEG (electroencephalograph) technology. An engineer who worked for an EEG manufacturing company for many years told me that EEG machines could not be used this way.


Armstrong Laboratory is not an outside company either. It is an in-house Air Force research lab. In my opinion when the final headband design is presented to a manufacturer, it will probably have been “refined” to the point that it no longer uses EEG equipment, but something more advanced that the lab supposedly developed. This particular lab is located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, home of the Air Force Foreign Technology Division.


That division back-engineers technology recovered from crashed or captured alien spacecraft to see what it is and how it works. The Foreign Technology Division probably turned the headband over to the research lab for the “development program” ruse.

Here is the article:



Researchers harness brain power to control jets Dr. Grant McMillan, an engineering research psychologist at Armstrong Laboratory, monitors the EEG pattern of a subject who is commanding a simulator to roll left and right with his brain waves.

<By Tech. Sgt. Pat McKenna>


Tinkering on bicycles in their shop in Dayton, Ohio, Orville and Wilbur Wright dreamed that man would someday conquer the heavens and saddle flying machines. But until the brothers made their turn-of-the century breakthrough, aviation was only a vision in their minds’ eye. Today, Dr. Grant McMillan is having similar flights of fancy in Dayton.

He and a team of scientists at Wright-Patterson AFB are trying to harness brain power as a means of controlling aircraft systems. Experiments at Armstrong Laboratory’s alternative control technology laboratory have unleashed the energy of brain waves, patterns of cerebral electricity, to command a flight simulator to roll left or right. The technology may eventually permit pilots to manage the deluge of data they’re bombarded with in the cockpit.


In the seat, pilots must contend with a jumble of monitors, dials, knobs, buttons and switches. By installing better human-machine interfaces into the cockpit, the alternative control technology lab seeks to relieve the work load from overtaxed aviators, increasing efficiency and boosting flying performance.

“If somebody walked up to you and asked you a question, you wouldn’t respond by typing an answer into a computer using a keyboard and a mouse,” said McMillan, an engineering research psychologist.

“That’s not natural. When we, as humans, want to communicate, we speak, we gesture, and we use body language. We’re trying to make interfaces between people and machines more intuitive, natural and fluid. If we could control things by just thinking about it, that would be the most natural interface.”

Armstrong Lab has investigated using alternative controls in avionics since the early 60’s, beginning with helmet-mounted sights. The lab now probes into technologies that include eye line-of-sight measurement, head position sensing, voice recognition, hand gesture recognition, electromyography-based interfaces (devices that measure muscle electricity), and brain-actuated control. McMillan doesn’t foresee these links between pilot and plane as controls to fly aircraft or fire weapons, but as tools to direct secondary functions, like changing radar screens or selecting radio frequencies.

“We’re not working toward a totally hands-off cockpit. Nor are we trying to take the joystick away from the pilot,” McMillan said.


“We are, however, trying to make his job easier. For example, instead of punching coordinates into a navigational computer’s keypad with your fingers, you could use your voice or eyes to tell the aircraft where you want to go.”

More than half of the lab’s $300,000 annual budget is spent developing brain-actuated control. Experiments are conducted in a simulator that is mounted on a horizontal shaft. Sensors are placed over each of the brain’s hemispheres near the visual cortex at the back of the head, two more are placed behind the ears as a reference.


These electrodes pick up the brain’s electrical impulses and feed them to a modified electroencephalograph. In the simulator’s cabin, a set of flickering fluorescent lights pulse at 13.25 times a second, evoking a beta wave frequency of 13.25 Hz, which can be isolated from the rest of the brain’s background noise. That signal is relayed in the form of a bar graph to a monitor that the pilot views in the cabin. When the EEG signal is intensified, the simulator banks right, and when suppressed it banks left.


Although emotions, thoughts and moods all influence brain waves, researchers are at a loss to explain how humans rein in this power. “Things start to click in your brain,” said Gloria Calhoun, an engineering research psychologist and veteran of the simulator.

“I’m not really conscious of how it happens. It happens; it’s automatic. I just think about going left or right, and it goes that way.”

Calhoun’s experience is reminiscent of the 1982 movie “Firefox,” in which Clint Eastwood steals a Soviet fighter and controls the weapons system by thinking in Russian. That was science fiction; this is science fact. McMillan said the lab’s project isn’t thought control.

“As a pure scientist, that would be a stretch,” McMillan said. “Brain-actuated control measures changes in a person’s EEG activity and doesn’t read minds. It’s a learned-skill behavior, much like learning to hit a golf ball or ride a bike. People learn from feedback.


“Now we’re providing people a window to their brain’s electrical activity. When you give people biofeedback, they can learn how to control their blood pressure, body temperature and other physiological functions. But we’re a long way from thought control.”

Not only will brain-actuated control aid pilots in high-G, multi-task environments, the technology also has rehabilitative and medical applications. With some tweaking, tamed cerebral energy could give those with handicaps confidence and independence. People with impaired motor control could learn to operate wheelchairs, artificial limbs and household appliances by flexing their brain power. Those who have flown the simulator say that it’s habit-forming.

“After doing this for a while, pushing a button seems so laborious,” said Calhoun. “It’s very addictive—you get lazy and comfortable. Doing something manual becomes cumbersome.” So if thought control does come to pass, will humans be doomed to becoming big-brained couch potatoes?


“It’s unlikely,” McMillan said. “We heard a lot about how computers and automation were going to give everybody all this leisure time, but we’re busier than ever. So I don’t see the human race evolving into brains in glass jars. “I see people getting in even better shape. With voice recognition and thought control, you could do your work while exercising on a stairstepper or a treadmill,” the doctor said. “Militarywise, I think we need to head in that direction. In 10 to 20 years, it could give us a strategic and tactical advantage in combat. Future wars could come down to who has the best human-machine interface.”

<End Article>

As you can see, the Air force claims that it is using EEG technology to allow a pilot to fly a plane in a simulator with the greatest of ease and dexterity. It is an addictive, fun to use system. I told you at the beginning of this article that an engineer had worked for 20 years at an EEG machine manufacturing company, had told me that EEG machines could not be adapted to do what the Air Force claimed it was doing. It looks like the Air Force just may be using alien technology in their headband flight control system. I found information that backs up what the EEG engineer said. It’s almost impossible to adapt EEGs to do the kind of work a pilot must do.


On March 14, 2001, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal titled, “Controlling A Computer By The Power Of Thought,” by Brandon Mitchener. This article told of the progress that had been made by researchers and companies who were trying to adapt EEG machines to read brain waves to assist paralyzed people to use computers.


A personal computer with special software reads the electrical brain activity that the EEG sends to it, allowing a person to print words on a computer monitor. I got the message from this article that the use of EEGs to do this is neither quick nor easy. It took three and half-hours for a test subject to write out three words on the screen, and it left him exhausted. So what is the Air Force really using?


It could be they have an EEG machines hooked to an advanced alien headband that is sending very detailed information to the flight control computer. The state of the art EEG machines mentioned in the WSJ article just don’t seem to be able pick up detailed brain signals by themselves. Col. Corso, it turns out, actually saw a live Gray alien wearing one of their thought control headbands. On the Sept. 30, 2000 Mike Siegel Show, two guests revealed more great information from Col. Phillip J. Corso. Mike Siegel interviewed Paola Harris, a free-lance journalist/researcher, and Philip Corso Jr., the son of the late Col. Corso.

Paola Harris had interviewed Col. Phil Corso during a two-week period in Italy when he had gone there to attend a UFO convention. He told her that he had a face to face encounter in the desert with an alien. Col. Corso told Paola he had been stationed at an Army base near the Trinity nuclear test site.


He had heard on base that radar had tracked a UFO that came down and landed in the desert. When he was off duty he drove his Jeep out to the area. He saw the saucer in a canyon and drove up to the craft. It was hovering and slowly phasing in and out of sight. He said an alien Gray type being came out and talked to him telepathically.


When it approached Corso, he drew his gun and asked, “Friend or foe?” The being responded “neither.” Corso put his gun away. He asked the being what they intended for humanity. The being told Col. Corso that they would take us to a new world, if we could handle it.


Now whether he was talking about a new world of things on Earth, or to a completely new world somewhere else is unclear. It is a kind of ambiguous statement. The main motive of the alien at that time was to leave the area. If the alien promised something fantastic for humanity, that would give Col. Corso a reason to let it go, since it seemed to offer a benevolent reward for humanity. Talk is cheap.


Col. Corso said the being was about 4 feet tall. It wore a one-piece uniform and a silver headband on its head. The headband had what looked like a ruby in front. The aliens use those headbands to control their craft by thought as I stated in this chapter. It was also wearing a glove that appeared to be used to attach electrically to controls inside the ship. The being asked Col. Corso to radio back to his base to ask them to shut off the radar, so their craft could lift off. Radar interferes with their avionics and sensitive headband and they can’t control their ship.


Shortly before his death, Col. Corso told his son that he had been abducted himself right off his front porch from his house in California, Pennsylvania when he was a boy of six. He said he remembered everything that happened to him during the abduction. He said the alien he talked to in the desert seemed to know everything about him. This is especially interesting in light of the fact that Corso eventually wound up in charge of the US Army Foreign Technology Division and was responsible for back engineering all of the high tech pieces that were recovered from the craft that crashed in Roswell.


I think the implication of all of this is that the alien went back in time to when Corso was six and implanted him as a means of damage control to keep a lid on the information of the crashes, contact, etc., until the Grays could get the problem handled when the Reptoids returned in force. Corso said that all of the generals that knew the truth about Roswell pledged to each other that the last man left alive would reveal the truth to the public.


Col. Corso was the last one left alive and his book revealed the truth. Whether this pledge to talk later was made due to their pledge of secrecy to the military, or from mind control by the aliens or our own military using mind control on them will never be known. Alien mind control through an implant could explain why Col. Corso was drawn to the spot where the alien craft was hovering. He also happened to be of enough rank that he could radio back and order that the base radar be shut down so the craft could leave.


It was rumored that our own government was responsible for Col. Corso’s heart attack by use of electronic means. There was an apparent attempt by the government to discredit him immediately after he died. It could be his heart attack was instead triggered by an alien element that felt he had outlived his usefulness and wanted to silence him before he could reveal any more damaging information.

Paola Harris’s website is at:


Additional evidence has come to light showing the Roswell crash occurred, just as Col. Corso stated. In 1947 at Roswell Army Air Field, General Ramey posed for a newspaper picture with a weather balloon that he claimed was what had been mistakenly identified as a flying saucer. He held a memo in his hand in that photograph. The memo contained information that contradicted the weather balloon story. That part of the photo was enlarged recently and analyzed.

The following is an article fromFiler’s Files” on the Internet. It is reprinted here with Mr. Filer’s permission.

General Ramey Holding Memo.



Several groups of researchers are working to read the Roswell message. Researcher Tom Carey provides the following data,

“The Roswell research team of Tom Carey and Don Schmitt continues to break new ground in their attempt to “decipher” the so-called “Ramey Memo.”

In one of the July 8, 1947, photographs taken by Fort Worth Star Telegram reporter/photographer, J. Bond Johnson, Gen. Roger M. Ramey can be seen holding a piece of paper with writing on it as he kneels by some obvious weather balloon debris on the floor of his office. Several teams of researchers, including Carey and Schmitt, have attempted, by means of computer software programs, to “read” what is contained in what has become known as the “Ramey Memo.”

Enlarged section of photograph shows memo


In July, with the support of the International UFO Museum and Research Center in ROSWELL, Carey and Schmitt made arrangements to have the original negative scanned by sophisticated techniques at the University of Texas [Arlington] Archives where it is kept. This was a one-time-only operation as permitted by the University of Texas. The result is, in essence, a new negative of the original picture and not merely a photo of it.


This includes a number of non-UFO-related entities as well as several well-respected Roswell-focused investigators who have attempted to “read” the memo before. One of these, respected Roswell researcher David Rudiak has forwarded his results to me, and they are gratifying to say the least. David advises me that the new scan helped to “clear up” some of the problem areas that he had previously been having trouble with.

Neil Morris from the University of Manchester in England with the Roswell Photo Research Team plus Don Burleson have also provided their interpretations of the message.


Neil states, “In this comparison I have used my standard convention in my ‘take’ of the message.

1) Capitals denote firm interpretation.

2) Lower space are educated guesses (they fit for spelling and syntax but may be incorrect)

3) “*” denote unknown letter,

4) My line format, is to the best I can conclude, correct to the grid layout of the typed text in the Ramey Message.

(M) - Neil Morris current “take”. April 2000

(B) - Don Burleson’s interpretation MUFON Journal March 2000. - ® - David Rudiak September 2000.


This is a work in progress by dedicated researchers. Tom Carey provides some comments after each sentence:

(M) reco VERY Was ROSWELl Head oIc giveN AS THE

[This probably refers to the one of the recovery operations. Remember, we believe that there were at least two, possibly, three sites associated with whatever crashed at Roswell in 1947 - Tom]

(M) [n]ext 4hS EXp VIctIMS of THE WRecK and CONVAy ON TO THE


[This probably refers to the Foster Ranch or possibly another ranch as well as to the “victims” associated with the crash. We believe that there were one, possibly two, “victim” sites. And we know that they went to Ft. Worth prior to heading east. - Tom]

(M) *** at FORT WORTH. Txe.

(M) w**S** SOrTei *e**** thAT- ONUS raaF T&E A3**9* Landparty (B) — SS— ON THE “DISK” MUST- HAVE SENT -0- A-AM— A———
® THE “DISC” THEY will ship FOR A3-AS2 ARrived(.)

[Something in the disk - corpses? - was going to be shipped to Gen. Ramey who is identified as “A1”. Again, we know this in fact happened. • Tom]

(M) SOught CRASHes *O**** are needed sITEone ** **s***** locate


[Following on the previous line, we know that a set of bodies was shipped to Ft. Worth the following day - July 9th, 1947 - by B-29 special transport (“ST”). We also know that flights from Wright Patterson to and from Roswell did in fact take place - Tom]

(M) MIDDAY 509# TOLD newspaPeR segment of STORY Adv


[By this, it appears that the original press release of July 8th, 1947 stating that the RAAF had recovered a flying disk was a local mistake perpetrated by the CIC Team at Roswell, i.e., Sheridan Cavitt., rather than being orchestrated from Washington - Tom]





[This line talks about sending out the weather balloon press release (“PR”), and that is would work better - see next line - Tom]



(M) And Land L*** denver ofww3

[if weather balloon demonstrations using Rawin targets were conducted. These in fact did take place as we can see in the July 10th Alamogordo News and the July 11th Fort Worth Star Telegram. - Tom]

Line 9. XXXXX-
(M) *

Neil Morris writes,

“At the moment, the text seems to me to be more advisory i.e., a report or summery of the situation and seems to cover these main points.

1) It gives early warning “4hr” of “victims” being transferred to ? “at Fort Worth”.
2) It seems to say the “onus” of the search is/was placed on a Technical and Engineering unit and they are requesting further support possibly out at a “site one”.

3) It informs that the 509th Bomb Group released some of the information to the media at noon that day,

4) It advises “adv” that “initially” the theory of the “weather balloon’s” radar reflectors as being responsible had been suggested or given.

I personally get the impression this is info being given from a third party fully aware of what is going on and to what extent, they seem to have a full overview of the situation. From the way the 509th is referred to. I don’t think this document originated there, but it does seem to have the feel of a report from “a forward command.”

Thanks to Neil Morris (, David Rudiak, and Don Burleson, for their continuing efforts in this area of Roswell research.

Editor’s Note: Work continues on the General Ramey message probably written by him to higher headquarters.


<End Article>

The next day Filer’s Files received the balance of the information about the memo.

Here it is:


Tom Carey
writes that a correction should be made on the message held in General Ramey’s hand in and photographed by J. Bond Johnson on July 8, 1947. Dave Rudiak’s line #4, which is a key line to the message, should read:


The key phrase here is “in the disk” referring to something that was inside as well as to where it was being shipped to General Ramey who is the A-1 at Ft. Worth. What kind of balloon or radar target carries something inside?

Dave Rudiak is “absolutely certain” that the memo was addressed to Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg at the Pentagon who at the time was deputy chief of the Army Air Force. With the new scan, Rudiak was able to make out several letters in Vandenberg’s name above Ramey’s thumb which protrudes into the text of the memo.


This ties in neatly with the following statement on page 57 of “THE TRUTH ABOUT THE UFO CRASH AT ROSWELL” by Randle and Schmitt concerning General Vandenberg:

“The Associated Press reported that Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Deputy chief of the Army Air Forces (AAF), hurried to AAF press section in Washington to take active charge of the news about the find in New Mexico.”


The message is addressed,

To: Vandenburg

1)**************************************NEAR OPERATION AT THE

Signed Ramey

EDITORS NOTE: Again I wish to thank those research groups, Dave Rudiak, Tom Carey and Don Schmitt, Don Burleson, Neil Morris and the Roswell Photo Interpretation Team that are making new evidence available to us. Vandenberg was Deputy Commander, US Army Air Forces in 1947. Later he became Chief of Staff, United States Air Force. A review of his official daily activities calendar revealed he returned from Wichita Falls, Texas on July 5, 1947, less than a hundred miles from Ft. Worth, Texas.

On Monday, July 7, General Vandenberg’s Diary is full of UFO reports, and he spends most of the day taking care of a flying saucer recovery in Houston, Texas, an incident that he later claims was a hoax. One entry sticks out. He asked General Van what he thought the flying discs were and General Van was quite noncommittal. General Van said that “Some National Guard planes were put on duty on their own volition to search for the discs, but no planes have been put on duty from Hq. AAF.” It is possible this was a simple code to remind him of the exact date for Roswell and where it was being shipped.

On Tuesday, July 8, Col. Blanchard announces to the world press a flying saucer has been captured near Roswell, NM. Late afternoon J. Bond Johnson takes General Ramey’s photograph in Fort Worth with a copy of the message apparently just sent to Vandenberg in his hand. Vandenberg’s Diary reports he returned from Congressman Wolverton’s office at 5:07 PM and went immediately to Secretary of the Army Air Force Mr. Symington’s Office with reference to personnel for the President’s Air Board.


At 6:20 PM went to Mr. Leo’s office and then home. It is not known what the President’s Air Board means and may refer to UFOs. He should have received Ramey’s message by then or first thing Wednesday morning. On Wednesday, July 9, General Vandenberg’s Diary reports he talked with General Doolittle on the phone and told him to come in at 10:30 AM. He met with Mr. Symington apparently with Doolittle at 10:30. At 10:50 he met with General Eisenhower Army Chief of Staff, and General Norstad Psychological Operations. At 12:15 he met again with Mr. Symington.


At 12:15 Vandenberg is called by the White House and told to be there the next day. His diary also says at 2:15 PM: Vandenberg returned from JCS (Joint Chief of Staffs) and met again with Symington.


At 3:40 he met with General Gardner, General Power and Col. Peterson. He does not mention handling the UFO situation but, General Doolittle is known to have investigated UFO sightings in Sweden.


General Vandenberg’s Diary indicates he meets with virtually all key military personnel in Washington DC and something very important was happening. It should be noted that Vandenberg is concerned that the Air Force was becoming a separate service in a few weeks and he was attempting to obtain funding for 70 Groups. Congress appeared to be cutting the Air Force to only 55 groups. Publicizing the new possible threat from UFOs could help increase Air Force funding. The message stating that there were both victims of the wreck and shipping a disk speaks volumes.

<End Article>

If you would like additional information, check out the following website:

It has an article about Col. Corso’s involvement with Roswell being confirmed. Audiotapes he made were professionally voice-stress analyzed. Col. Corso was found to be completely honest on all the information he spoke about.

Phil Corso Jr. had started a website where he had intended to reveal the information from his father’s notes and other documents. It has since then been closed due to problems of some sort, mostly shots fired at his partners. There is no referral to a new site at this time. Phil Jr. said his dad told him that something major was going to happen in April of 2003, but his dad would never say what it was.


Col. Corso made the following two interesting statements in his book. Maybe he knew that our military had cracked a captured saucer’s computer and found the complete plans the aliens had for correcting the “trouble” they were having with us, or they may have found routine harvest scheduling information, and the next harvest is due to begin after April 2003.

Our military must be ready to stop a big “human cattle roundup.”


Here are Col. Corso’s statements.

From page-250

“THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL” – “and forced the extraterrestrials to change their strategies for this planet is a story that’s never been told. But as spectacular and fantastic as it may sound, the story behind the limited deployment of the SDI is the story of how humanity won its first victory against a more powerful and technologically superior enemy who discovered, to whatever version of shock it experiences, that there was real trouble down on its farm.”


And from page-268

“THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL” – “Whatever we were fighting over became minimally important in the face of a threat from creatures who were so superior to us in technology that we were their farm animals to be harvested as they pleased.”

Based on the fact that our distant early warning satellites in the asteroid belt are looking for incoming “mother ships” specifically, I believe that our military plan of battle is to make it “unsafe” for them to come in for food replenishment. I personally don’t think it is a good idea to destroy lightly armed mother ships carrying many thousands of migrating Reptoids as that would make the Reptoid military come looking to settle the score.


And they would be pissed. Capturing them would be a much better military tactic, if it becomes necessary. I believe the Reptoids value the lives of their own kind very highly. But to capture Reptoid craft and then negotiate a settlement from a position of strength requires, well, you guessed it, strength. We don’t have that strength yet. We need to get there fast. George Washington said, “To be prepared for war is the most effectual means of preventing war.”


It still holds true today. If we are not ready to defend ourselves, we have one option: surrender, and let the other side do whatever they have in mind. Besides, it is not usually a good idea to try to start into a business or trading relationship by us blowing up and killing our prospective customers. So we will have to negotiate from a position of strength, so they will listen.

We should know by now that the Reptoids are not our friends or space brothers. They have been here in the past and only wanted high human body counts from human sacrifices, war, and plagues. They had the power through electronic mass mind control capabilities to stop any wars, sacrifices; and the know-how to cure epidemics. The Grays have cured abductees of major diseases including AIDS. Yet they will let epidemics wipe out millions of people when they need bodies because it was harvest time.


There were always massive saucer flaps seen and recorded during and after those high fatality events, and the aliens did NOTHING to stop the carnage. In fact the aliens have openly helped to create carnage, such as the “flying shield” incident when a saucer used an energy weapon to blast open the walls around the city or Tyre, so that the army of Alexander The Great could rush in and slay all of the inhabitants of the city. LEARN FROM HISTORY!


History is about to repeat itself. We have been caught unprepared in the past when wars started, and it has cost us big time. There are ways alien technology (that we have already acquired) can be utilized to create military hardware to inexpensively send a nonlethal message to the Reptoids when their mother ships do show up. If we can build a stealthy deep space-going automated hunter killer limpet mine type satellite, it can be programmed to seek out and attach itself to the hulls of mother ships.


The nonlethal version could carry a “message” payload instead of a warhead. When a mother ship had passed by it on the way to Earth, the satellite would approach from the rear (hopefully this is a blind spot) and attach itself to the hull. Then using the same technology the aliens use to move through solid walls, the satellite could introduce through the ship’s hull a battery powered TV/DVD player that would play a short movie the Reptoids would understand. It should show that we intend to supply their food needs in the future in exchange for technology, alien reactor fuel, or other items of value. Or if they were unreasonable, we would have nasty surprises for them in the future.


Manned ARVs could also accomplish this nonlethal message mission. They could be manned either by humans or cloned Grays. Then a live emissary could deliver the trade plan/ultimatum. I have heard recently that scientists have been able to grow human muscle tissue in the laboratory. If the Reptoids will not accept some other meat substituted for humans, factories could be developed that could grow human muscle tissue artificially.


Since their migrations come in approximately 50 years cycles, there are even other sources of actual human meat that could be stockpiled to satisfy the Reptoids food needs. Hospitals could save all amputated limbs, etc., for processing into MREs to be stored for the next Reptoid visit for food replenishment. MREs have a long shelf life. According to Col. Corso the process of giving food a long shelf by irradiating it came from the aliens.

He said it was the ideal way to carry food during space travel because it required no refrigeration or cooking. This is especially important for carnivores (like the Reptoids), as meat would normally spoil if not refrigerated, even if it was precooked. As a result the aliens do not have to carry refrigerators or cooking facilities on their craft. If Greyhound Bus Lines had to do that when carrying people cross-country, instead of making fast food stops, they would have to use a much bigger bus. There is most definitely a logistical solution to the Reptoid’s food needs. I am sure we can work out logistical methods and procedures that would be acceptable to the Reptoids.


They are not stupid. I am sure we can accomplish the task in a more efficient way than the Reptoid’s present food acquisition system. It is very inefficient and is counterproductive to our development into a more advanced race. There is definitely a role for our military in this program as they are very efficient in solving logistical problems and running cargo delivery systems.


We could even form something along the lines of a space going merchant marine service to stockpile food supplies on a moon of one of the outer planets for cold storage and easy pickup. It would save the Reptoids a lot of time and trouble. Just like fast food. This should be a good selling point.


By the way, it would be a good idea to give them some food samples at the trade plan/ultimatum encounter. It is kind of a selling operation and the Reptoids can taste the goods. You attract more flies with honey and all that. This all is somewhat akin to a peacekeeping role for the military. It is the best solution to the problem for both sides. But we have to be ready for trouble if the Reptoids are unreasonable. Very ready.


I have asked an acquaintance in the military to pass this proposal up through the chain of command to the appropriate decision-makers. But no matter what course is decided on, an all out defense buildup is priority one, just in case a punch in the nose is the only thing the Reptoids will respect. The swords can be turned into plowshares later, if things ever settle down.


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