by Greg Szymanski
November 15, 2007

from ArticBeacon Website


'The Cuban strongman, Fidel Castro, was and is a Jesuit,' said Skolnick,
'hiding behind a left-wing label. Castro never disbanded the Catholic
Church in Cuba. Under Vatican Canon Law, a Catholic leader of a nation,
like JFK, that attacks another Catholic leader and nation,

is subject to a Death Warrant.'

Before Sherman Skolnick’s untimely passing in 2006, he was right on the money about the Vatican and their Jesuit enforcers, warning Americans about a Papal Inquisition coming to the U.S.

Skolnick passed away May, 22, 2006 and before he did, we had many late night conversations about Vatican infiltration in U.S. foreign and domestic policy.

About two weeks before his passing, I remember him saying in one of our late night conversations:

“The papacy and the criminals in the U.S. government are working hand in glove, especially in the judiciary and the Federal Reserve banking system. Did you know the Jesuits run Bank of America with their partners in the Japanese mafia?” he said in his matter-of-fact style.


“But, remember, if you want to get it right, if you want to figure out their game, always look left when the facts in the corrupt press tell you to look right. That’s why I work at night: so I can read the morning propaganda before it hits the newsstands.”

As many of you already know, Skolnick began investigating judicial corruption in my hometown of Chicago in the 60’s. In the old days, he was hated by Mayor Daley and the Cook County judges, as he put an Illinois Supreme Court Justice behind bars as well as former Gov. Otto Kerner.

Every day from his South Side bungalow, he investigated tirelessly and with never-ending enthusiasm, despite being crippled from childhood polio, trying to wake-up Americans to the satanic partnership between the Vatican, Mafia and world leaders.

Here is a two-part series he was still working on at the time of his death about Jesuit and Vatican corruption:




Part One
by Sherman H. Skolnick
April 04, 2005

Having financial hang-ups, the spy-riddled, oil-soaked, heavily tax-cheating Monopoly Press cannot bring you a balanced view of any subject. If you are well informed, you certainly know that.

So, some will like what they read here. Others will not.

Before he became Pope, he was Papal Nuncio in Berlin. Some contend he was supportive of the rise of Adolf Hitler. For some years before, during, and after World War Two, he was Pope Pius 12th.

  • Some authors accused him of being pro-Nazi.

    [”The Deputy” by Rolf Hochhuth. “Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII”, by John Cornwell,1999.]


  • It is beyond dispute that after World War Two, Pius assisted wanted war-criminal Nazis to escape down the “Rat-lines” to the U.S. South America, and Croatia.
    [”Aftermath” by Ladislas Farago.]

  • As a young man, he was a theater expert and actor. During his later career, was he just acting as well? During World War Two, he held a position in a facility of I.G. Farben, the Nazi poison gas factory, part of a chemical cartel.

    [For background, “The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben” by Joseph Borkin.]

Karol Wojtyla was a sort of chief assistant to the Bishop of Krakow, who being pro-Nazi, controlled fellow Poles with an iron fist and kept them submissive and docile for the benefit of the German occupation forces.


Later, far too many Poles claimed they knew nothing of the round-up of the Jews from the ghettoes and transporting them to concentration camp for slave labor for I.G. Farben.

Millions of Jews, labor leaders, and other “enemies of the State” were worked to death while being starved. Elderly and disabled Jews were quickly disposed of; they were of no use in the Nazi war factories.

Most Poles later either denied knowing of this when it was happening or claimed they did not participate in the crimes against humanity. Presumably, Wojtyla took the same position as his fellow Poles. In his later career, did anyone in the Monopoly Press ever dare ask him?

Then there is the story of another one. In 1978, in their secret Conclave, the Cardinals selected another Italian to be Pope, John Paul 1st. But, soon it became evident from a geopolitical and religious standpoint, they most likely made a wrong selection.

He soon enough let it be known that he was for modifying the Vatican position of absolute prohibition for Catholics to use birth control. In simple terms, he was against birthing more children than a couple could financially take care of. It was a reasonable, humane position to non-Catholics.

Furthermore, he was determined to put an end to the traditional Sicilian and Italian Mafia, jointly with certain corrupt Archbishops, and the American CIA, in using the Vatican Bank as a money laundry for stolen gold treasuries, dope money, illicit weapons deals, assassination funds, and superior counterfeit currency dealings, among other dirty, bloody business.

Some Italian editors dared demand that Pope John Paul 1st, do something about the Continental Bank of Chicago, the majority owners jointly being the Vatican and the Queen of England.


The bank, some Italian editors stated, was a laundry for the Mafia.

[As we dared point out publicly, the Chief Judge of the Chicago Federal Appeals Court, Walter Cummings, Jr., was a “man of trust” for the Vatican, and held a large block of shares, as nominee and front man for the Pope. Judge Cummings, a banker-judge, did NOT disqualify himself when his Continental Bank and their major clients were litigants in his tribunal. Guess who won in his crooked Court?]

[As predicted accurately by this writer, Continental Bank collapsed in 1984 and was taken over later by Bank of America owned jointly by the Jesuits and the Japanese underworld, the Yakuza.]

Thirty-three days after taking office, Pope John Paul 1st was poisoned with a cup of tea. It was a symbolic warning and death warrant by the Free Masons, the Jesuits, and Opus Dei, the super-fascist, super-secret group (by 2005, Opus Dei occupying their own large building in New York city). [More details of the plot against Pope John Paul 1st in the book “In God’s Name” by David Yallop.]


Thereafter, the Vatican secret Conclave of Cardinals put together a scheme, with the urging of the American CIA, to topple the Soviet government.

To understand the rationale, you have to have a good understanding of history. The Anglo-American Aristocracy financed the rise of the Nazis and Adolf Hitler, as a bulwark against the Soviets.

In the beginning, the Prussian/German Aristocracy was reluctant to finance Hitler. [See, “Who Financed Hitler” by Susan Poole.]

With his background with the pro-Nazi Polish Bishop of Krakow, Wojtyla was a suitable and forceful Anti-Communist.

But he lacked humanity for Italians. In 1979, there was a terrible earthquake in the historically impoverished southern part of Italy. The destitute Italians demanded that John Paul 2nd, the new Pontiff, relieve some of their suffering, by sending them financial aid from his Mafia/American CIA controlled Vatican Bank. The Pope refused.

John Paul 2nd kept censored, as best he could, through his helpers, Vatican Intelligence, of the growing scandal of international swindler Michele Sindona operating through the Vatican Bank and the Vatican-owned Continental Bank of Chicago. [See “St. Peter’s Banker” by Luigi DiFonzo.]

Starting about 1980, the American CIA jointly with a deal with the bosses of Time Magazine, arranged tremendous secret financing for their paid-for Polish provocateur, Lech Walesa. As a leader of the Polish Solidarity Movement, Walesa stirred up the workers at the Lenin Shipyards at Gdansk.

As the Soviets understood it, Pope John Paul 2nd, by his statements and speeches, jointly with Western paid-for provocateur Lech Walesa, was stirring up fellow Poles in rebellion against the Moscow government. To the Soviets, Wojtyla was a rotten intermeddler, considering how many Soviet lives were lost in freeing Poland from the Germans.

In May 1981, a deranged supposed left-wing Turk, was grabbed after reportedly being the “lone assassin” attempting to kill Pope John Paul 2nd by shooting him in the abdomen right in Vatican Square.

Thereafter, two opposing spy shops released supposed details that the other side instigated the would-be assassin. The American CIA planted a flood of apparently phony details that the Bulgarian Secret Police were accomplices of the Turk in Italy and maybe even right in Vatican Square.

Various international inquiries tended to show the CIA stories had no basis.

On the other hand, the Soviets planted stories that seemed to have “legs”. The Soviets made a compelling case that the supposed deranged Turk was part of a RIGHT-wing Military group in Turkey financed by the American CIA.

These two versions tended to cancel each other out. Left unanswered were questions that the Polish Solidarity Movement was reportedly not receiving the funding promised them by the West.

So wounding Wojtyla right on the grounds of the Vatican, was perceived by savvy folks as a way of reminding the West to send more money to the Solidarity Movement. Or, maybe it was just a leftover warning for the Pope to be sure to keep covered up the Sindona scandal. After all, some claimed Sindona’s main efforts in accounting were to whisk huge Italian business funds out of Italy to escape the tax collectors. Or, wounding the Pope was a way for the southern Italians and the Sicilians to remind the Pontiff not to be so stingy refusing earthquake relief funds in 1979.

Compare the following with the position of the murdered Pope John Paul 1st regarding possibly modifying the Church’s position on birth control. When Pope John Paul 2nd visited Mexico, implicit in his statements was that he was urging Mexicans to go full speed ahead in fathering children.

Yet, Mexico City, for example, is over-populated with more than 32 million inhabitants. The authorities have no funds left for sanitation. So the streets in many poor sections become the toilet and dumping grounds. It makes for a terribly unhealthy situation. The Pope offered no remedy, only being interested in more members for his Church.

Over a number of years, Pope John Paul 2nd made apologies for various historical crimes of his Church.

For example, in 1492, Columbus landed in the new world. Thereafter, the Catholic Church committed terrible crimes against the natives of Mexico and Central America and black and other slaves. Five hundred years later, in 1992, Pope John Paul 2nd visited Central America and made apologies for the crimes of five hundred years previous. To some it was an idle gesture.

And the Pope visited a memorial to the Holocaust in Israel and made apologies there. To some, it was an idle, worthless ceremony.

Seldom mentioned in Pope John Paul 2nd’s efforts to topple the Soviet Union, was the more important purpose of the Vatican. That is, to smash, if possible, the Eastern Orthodox Church, a competitor if not enemy of the Vatican for more than a thousand years.

Some people conveniently forget a few things. Such as, Popes up to the beginning of the 19th Century, threatened to throw members out of the Church, excommunicate them, for daring to say the Earth is not flat.


That is, the Vatican was the headquarters of the Flat Earth Committee.

  • Also, did any Pope ever urge scientific progress in medicines, healthcare, transportation, and communications?

  • Or urge progress in laborsaving machinery so human beings would not be just above a pack animal?

  • Why does it seem the Popes have their Church in full reverse gear instead of forward and progressive?

[For more background read about the Vatican, as absentee owner of the electricity business in Chicago and Illinois. “The Electric Scandal”. And what happened to “The Pope’s Three Banks in the U.S.”]



Balanced View of Popes

by Sherman H. Skolnick
April 20, 2005

If you have frayed nerves or a weak stomach, you should press DELETE now and take your nerve pills.


You may or may not well digest what you read here.

A well-informed author on the topic of the Vatican, is reportedly coming out with a well put together book, showing that the late Pope John Paul 2nd worked for the Nazi Gestapo in Poland during World War Two. He rounded up Polish Resistance Fighters and turned them over to the Nazis who had them shot, so the book contends. Some. however, survived.

Questions remain, of course. WHY did the author wait so long to come out with this book?


Some belatedly contend that secretive German funds possibly post-war surviving Nazis arranged for and financed the clandestine Conclave that installed Wojtyla as Pope John Paul 2nd.


Remember: the Anglo-American Aristocracy financed the rise of Adolf Hitler as a bulwark against the Soviets.

Enforcers for the Vatican are called Jesuits. The head of the Jesuits, although he is NOT a person of color, is nevertheless called the BLACK POPE. Over the centuries, Jesuits, hiding behind royal court types with Jewish names, called hofjuden, sought to control if not topple various European monarchs, most of them Catholics.

So by Royal Order, Jesuits were banished from Spain, France, and a few other places. Hiding behind others, the Jesuits actually went underground, continuing to plot to control Monarchs. In America, the Jesuits have Hollywood hofjuden (court jews) as a front. Hollywood angers christians by not showing films about non-Jewish holocausts.

Jesuits also hide behind aristocracy fronts, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR.

In his Inauguration speech in 1841, President William Henry Harrison directly angered the Jesuits.


He dared confront the Jesuits and then Pope, by proclaiming:

“We admit of no government BY DIVINE RIGHT, believing that so far as power is concerned, the beneficent Creator has made no distinction among men; that all are on an equality, and that the only legitimate right to govern, is upon the expressed grant of power from the governed.”

Thirty-five days later, for the benefit if not actually arranged by the Jesuits and the British Monarchy, President Harrison was poisoned to death.

All told, SEVEN U.S. PRESIDENTS were assassinated from 1841 to 1963, as orchestrated if not actually arranged by the Jesuits and the British Monarchy. four by gunfire, three by poisoning. [Visit  and links on Home Page there, to extensive series, “Overthrow of the American Republic”.]

Seldom more publicly mentioned, is that over the last two centuries and more, various Jesuits and Popes have labeled the Declaration of Independence as “wickedness”, and that Popular Government, provided by the U.S. Constitution with its Bill of Rights is a “satanic instrument”.

Are we Americans heading for Nazi doctrines if not actually here already?

It is documented beyond dispute, that Prescott S. Bush, Sr., father of George Herbert Walker Bush, and grandfather of George W. Bush, had instrumentally financed the rise of Adolf Hitler.


The term Homeland Security is an anglicized version of the abbreviated German term Gestapo.

Adolf Hitler, 1933,, and George W. Bush, 2000, and repeated in 2004, were installed in the highest office of their nation by arbitrary and corrupt powers.
[To understand the role of the corrupted gang of five U.S. Supreme Court Justices who installed Bush, December, 2000, in Bush versus Gore, as the occupant and resident of the White House, study the website series, “Coca-Cola, CIA, and the Courts”,]

The new Monarch in the Vatican, Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict 16th, was immediately whitewashed by the liars and whores of the oil-soaked, spy-riddled, massive tax-cheating Monopoly Press. They described his past as his father was so Anti-Nazi that he had to move to another town.


Actually, Joseph Ratzinger was in the Hitler Youth and his family were apparently pro-Nazi.

Over the many years, Germany repeatedly attacked France. So French Catholics are appalled, if not angered, that Joseph Ratzinger is the first German Pope in over one thousand years.

Before the 1960 Election, John F. Kennedy spoke in Texas to a group of Protestant preachers. He said he is only nominally Catholic and that if elected, he will not bow down for the Vatican. Right there, such a bold statement was JFK’s Death Warrant. In 1961, shortly after being Inaugurated, President Kennedy reluctantly went along with a plan left over from the Eisenhower Administration, to attempt to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs.

The Cuban strongman, Fidel Castro, was and is a Jesuit, hiding behind a left-wing label. Castro never disbanded the Catholic Church in Cuba. Under Vatican Canon Law, a Catholic leader of a nation, like JFK, that attacks another Catholic leader and nation, is subject to a Death Warrant.

What Catholic countries want a pro-Nazi Pope?


South America has many such. Included is heavily Catholic Argentina. Toward the end of World War 2, various Nazi war criminals, using Vatican-supplied passports and disguises, escaped down the “Ratlines” to Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and elsewhere in South America.


German submarines loaded with Nazi gold also arrived in South America. So the children and grand-children of escaped Nazis, with their fortunes, dominate the Catholic Church throughout South America. Pope John Paul 2nd was viciously against so-called liberation theology of some South American and Central American archbishops, who sought to cater to the “shirtless ones”.


Such Catholic Church leaders were rooted out, in some instances, assassinated, apparently on the dictates of Pope John Paul 2nd, ostensibly through his enforcer, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

Centuries ago, at the behest of the Vatican, was the bloody, horrible “The Inquisition”.

  • Does it still exist today? Yes, its existence since 1981 was, like centuries ago, to punish “heretics”. Its title is now something like Promoting The Faithful.

  • And who has headed this latter day “Inquisition”? Why, none other than pro-Nazi Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict 16th.

  • Was it just a coincidence that Joseph Ratzinger was selected as the new Pope, April 19, 2005, a day before Adolf Hitler’s birthday?

  • What is the result of part of the planet going back to rule by Nazis?


Editor’s Note

Now ask yourself who would you rather believe Sherman Skolnick or Alex Jones, who won’t say a bloody word about Jesuit and Vatican corruption. Skolnick once told this editor in his Chicago style:

“I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him!”

For more of Skolnick, go to