Arjuna is the Veda's version of Enoch of the Bible who visited God.


Rama would now himself return to the earth, a planet he certainly did not favor with its memories of old. The parallel to Arjuna's journey and that of gnostic texts is quite startling, all revealing their common source.


The Bible lists Enoch as the one who,

"walked with God. Then he was no more because God took him envoy."

(Gen 5:21 -24)

...and that is all, which is a shame as it would have revealed more to the Bible's story structure.

We should return first to the Veda version already commenced.


As Rama's command ship lowered, the "chariot of the king of the Gods."1 Arjuna waited impatiently looking above him when suddenly it lifted, "darkness from the sky and shredding the clouds, it filed all of space with a roar like the thunder of the monsoon cloud," (my goodness, but they made the funniest 'chariots' back then!) piloted by one Matali.



"resplendent chariot, held swords, terrible spears, clubs of ghastly aspect, missiles of divine power, and lustrous lightning flashes, as well as thunderbolts, wheeled battering rams, bellows that raised gales, loud like peacock and thunder cloud; Giant Snakes it carried, with fiery mouths, most terrifying, tall like white clouds and hard like mountains; ten thousand bay horses, fast as the wind, drew this eye-fetching, divine, magic chariot. On it he saw the beautiful dork-blue flag Vaijayanta, dark like the blue lotus, and the gold-ornamented flag most."

Giant snakes with fiery mouths tall like white clouds - missiles?


Their emblems of the winged horses graced its sides while the dark blue flag represented the vastness of space and what they considered a male color. The flags were always well represented. Matali descended in a suit of "twice-melted" gold and Arjuna thought he was God in his excitement, his father, which he joked about, as common people referred to his father as a deity.


Matali then bowed to him saying.

"Bhoh bhoh, son of Sokra! The illustrious Sakra desires to see you! Quickly mount this honored chariot of Indra. That greatest of the Gods, the God of the Hundred Sacrifices, your own father, has told me, 'The Thirty Celestials must see Kunti's son here on his arrival!' Sakra himself, surrounded by Gods and the hosts of seers, and by Gandhanas and Apsaras, is waiting anxiously to see you. Ascend with me from this world to the world of the Gods at the behest of the Chastiser of Paka: you will come back after you have obtained weapons."

Looks as if the Bible's Enoch was hiding quite a lot! It was found however, that Arjuna was harboring bacteria and toxins and for that reason he could not enter the "chariot."


He then bathed himself according to the "rules and precepts" and then bade Jerusalem farewell,

"Mount Mandora farewell; Mountain, thou art always the refuge of the good who practice the Law, the hermits of holy deeds, who seek out the road that leads to heaven, it is by thy grace, Mountain, that brahmins, barons, and commoners attain to heaven and devoid of pain walk with the Gods.


King of mountains, great peak refuge of hermits, treasury of sacred places, I must go, farewell; I have happily lived on thee! Many are the peaks of thine that I have seen, the valleys, rivers, and springs, and thy very holy places."

The high hills and mountains of this area were excellent for them to launch and land their crafts from.


Arjuna then mounted the chariot, "brilliant like the sun" and "on this sun-like, divine, wonder-working chariot the wise scion of Kuru flew joyously upward." From here Arjuna saw the immensity of the Nibiruian star fleet which he had seen last when a very young lad.


This is one of the most graphic descriptions of outer space and the earth below and the airships used. It seemed to be a celestial rest camp of sorts and training bases on permanent space stations.


As in the gnostic texts, he passes by the different branches or "worlds" of the kings until he came to Amaravafi,

"the city of Indra." Here were, "God's chariots which can go everywhere, stationed by the thousands and moving by the myriads."

It was further said that,

"While becoming invisible to the mortals who walk on earth, he saw wondrous airborne chariots by the thousands. No sun shone there, or moon, or fire, but they shone with a light of their own acquired by their merits. Those lights that are seen as the stars look tiny like oil flames because of the distance, but they are very large.


The Pandava saw them bright and beautiful, burning on their own hearths with a fire of their own. These are the perfected royal seers, the heroes cut down in war, who, having won heaven with their austerities, gather in hundreds of groups. So do thousands of Gandhaivas with a glow like the sun's or the fire's, and of Guhyakas and seers and the hosts of Asparas."

Note they know the difference between the stars and the 'chariots.' From here were those of "saintly deeds" and only those who "maintained the fires" that is, those who properly assisted the launches.


If you were averse to war, you were not allowed here which can be fairly deduced by the Nibiruian policy to fight to the utmost and never retreat. No liquor was allowed, nor meat, as food here had to be of the purest given the environment, and a strong mental restraint was needed at all times to exact their duties. (I am afraid the space shuttle would never make it with their coffee and coca-colas!) Music is often heard, of "divine instruments" just as in gnostic texts, which was tribute music but also not to be confused with the hum of their machinery.


However, conches and drums greeted Arjuna on the "wide road of the stars," the "Path of the Gods."


He was greeted tumultuously as he traveled on it as a son of God. Protocol was recognized and he then "beheld the king of Gods, the enemy-taking God of the Hundred Sacrifices." He was taken to Rama's throne and Sakra (Rama) embraced him, and kissed him on the head while everyone bowed.


How happy he was to see his son whom he had not seen for sometime. He touched Arjuna's face and stroked his long arms with one hand badly scarred from his duel's of old from holding the "thunderbolt," and if scenes from "Star Wars" rings a bell, you have got it, for these were laser swords used in their personal duels.


He could not take his eyes off his son and like a Nibiruian, rarely smiles. Sakra, "divined everyone's thoughts" as his men knew what he wanted without speech (he could have been using some transmission device). A hint of a smile came to his face as he stared at his son,

"his eyes blooming with joy, and was not sated. Silting together on one throne, they emblazoned the assembly hall as the sun and the moon rising in the sky. "

Later, business was gotten to and Rama showed him the latest weaponry and how to use it.

"With such honors Jisnu dwelled in the house of his father learning all the while great weapons and the means to withdraw them. From Saba's hand he received his favorite weapon, the irresistible thunderbolt, and the loud thunderclaps marked by clouds and peacocks."

Father taught son the use of the laser sword, the "thunderbolt" and the chivalrous use of it.


When taught how to "dance" the drill step he was taught the "celestial music that is unknown in the world of men. Acquire that art, Kaunteya, and it shall stand you in good stead!" He was taught the infamous 'lion's roar' by which they could use auditory emanations to stun their enemy as we saw Bhima use.

The so-called "seven heavens" were literally training bases either satellites or giant meteorites they conducted maneuvers on, for it was here atomic weaponry tests were conducted.


Manu gave Arjuna his "pasupaia weapon," stating gravely,

"Left-handed archer, behold the World Guardians arrayed. Thou hast seen Sakra in order to accomplish a task for the Gods. From us too thou shalt take weapons."


"I purified and prostrated myself before those bulls among Gods, and I received in the proper fashion the grand weapons, my lord. After receiving the weapons I was dismissed by the Gods, enemy-taming Bharata, and all the gods went as they had come," narrated Arjuna.

It was a terrible weapon,

"Once you know the weapons, my son, you will accomplish cruel feats. Then obtain the desire, enemy-burning Pandava, for which you seek to gain weapons. "

But he also gave him a stern warning,

"It should in no way be used on humans. Only if you are severely pressed, you may use it, Dhanamjaya, and you should employ it for no other purpose than to counter other missiles."

The Gods were housed in separate stations to view the experiment.


Afterwards, a wind was caused to blow which made "the world new again" and the "celestial, melodious instruments" were heard everywhere, some sort of sonar waves to rid the area of the fallout. Maruts arrived on "divine wagons" to clean the area further.


Arjuna continued his narration as he watched all the operation,

"The divine, irresistible weapon that defeats all others stood in bodily form beside me by the grace of the Bull-bannered God, bane of all enemies, destroyer of enemy armies, unassailable, impossible to endure even for Gods, Danavas, and Raksasas. With his permission I sat down, and as I looked on the God disappeared."

He promised his father that,

"I shall never, enemy-killer, employ the weapons on humans, except when my other arms have been countered. Bestow on me the celestial weapons, overlord of the Gods. Afterward, bull among Gods, I shall attain to the worlds the weapons have won."

Rama wanted to make sure his son was stable enough to use them and said,

"I spoke as I did in order to test you, Dhanamjaya. Your words are fitting for one begotten by my own body. When you come to my house, you shall learn all the weapons, Bharata, from Wind, Fire, the Vasus, Varuna, the bands of the Maruts, those of the Sadhyas, Grandfather, Gandharvas, Snakes and Raksasas, all those of Visnu as well as Nirrli, and all that I myself have, scion of Kuru."

Arjuna then became expert at missile deployment, under Citrasena,

"I dwelled there in heaven for the sake of the weapons and studied them. Thereafter, having mastered the arms, I lived happily and honorably in the house of Sakra."

The officers, Maruts, told him for his training, there was a "gurus fee."


Stalwartly, Arjuna said, not knowing the old military joke (it goes back this far!), "If I am able to do it, tell me the deed!"


They all laughed and said,

"Now nothing in the three worlds is impossible for you. I have enemies, the Danavas who are called the Nivalakavacas; they live in an inaccessible spot by the ocean bay, they number thirty million and all are the same in shape, strength, and sheen. Kill them right there, Kaunteya; that shall be your guru's fee."

His first mission would be to crush the Nivatahavacar, or Yakas as they were also called, by the Red Sea.


This he would do and earn his fee, this very old joke meaning he would pay back 'Uncle Sam' or the Queen, wherever you may be, for your training.


His officers gave him confidence,

"When I had mastered the arms and become quite confident, the God who drives the bay horses touched my hand with both his hands and said:

"Now even the multitudes of the Gods cannot vanquish you in battle-not to speak of humans in their world, who have not made their souls, for you are beyond measure, unassailable, and matchless in war."

Again, with a shudder that stood his hair on end, the God said,

"No one. hero, shall equal you in arrow combat. You are never distracted, clever, true-spoken, master of your senses, brahminic, and a weapon-wise champion, O scion of Kuru. You have acquired the missiles, the ten and the jive; in all jive ways, Partha, you have no peer. You know how to employ, cancel, return, placate, and counteract them all, Dhanamjaya."

When he first came aboard he had encountered a slight problem when one Lomasa, who was traveling through, a member of the council, questioned Arjuna being allowed entrance to the city as he was polluted with the toxins of the world below and that as a son of Rama he may not be so great if he fell from grace.


He was in the most honored place of these soldier-Gods.

"How is it that the Partha, a baron, has risen to the throne of Sakra? What great merit has he earned, or what worlds won, that he has thus attained to a place that the Gods honor?"

Sakra had already "divined his thought" and put the Brahmin straight,

"This is not a mere mortal who was born to baron-hood, Great seer, this is my great-armed son, who was born from Kunti; because of a certain reason he has come here to obtain weapons. Aho! Is it possible that you do not know this eminent ancient seer?"

He then explained that he and Enlil,

"shall roll the burden off earth, For there are certain Asuras, Nivotokavacas by name, who, driven mad by the gift of a boon, are doing us disfavors. With the insolence of their strength they have designs to slay the Gods, they do not heed the Gods, for such a boon was given them; the terrible and powerful sons of Dnau are living in Patala, arid indeed, all the troops of the Gods ore unable to combat them."

Patala was On, the command base which was in Siva's hands and why they had to devise better weaponry.


His brother Visnu, remained on earth and,

"who of yore with o mere glance destroyed the great-spirited sons of Sagara who were digging toward the netherworld Rasotalo - he has to accomplish in a great battle this task for us, eminent Brahmin, together with the Partha, no doubt of that. He can be a match for them all; after the champion has killed them, he will return to men."

Indra bid Lomasa to return to earth and tell Enlil that Arjuna would be five years with him as the weaponry would take that long to create and learn, and to help protect Enlil in between as it could not be helped, and to tell his brothers not to miss him.


Lomasa argued the radiation and climate would be difficult for him but Indra gave him the locations of "sacred fords" to bath in where he would remain "guiltless" and "feverless," a direct reflection of their fear of contamination. Lomasa then did as ordered.

Siva was enraged when he heard Arjuna had slipped behind his lines and reached Rama. His father was furious with him,

"Do you too perchance know completely of the exploit of the sagacious Partha, which I have heard in full detail, O bard? My mad and evil-intentioned son, slow-witted in his rustic pursuits of the Law, will in his folly massacre the earth. The great spirited man whose words ore always live, even when spoken in jest, and who has Dhoramjaya as his champion, shall win even the entire universe.


When Arjuna shoots his sharp-tipped, eared, iron arrows that have been sharpened on a whetstone, who shall stand firm before him. even if he may transcend death and old age? My evil spirited sons have all fallen into the power of death, for there looms for them a war with the invincible Pandavas.


Worry though I may incessantly, I do not see any one who could stand up in battle lo that Condiva bowman. If Drona and Kama were to counter him in battle, nay even Bhisma himself there would be a dangerous risk for the world itself..."

He then looked away forlornly and spoke of the worst outcome of this madness,

"there will be a most terrifying war, with no one the victor, for they are all experts on arms and champions, they have all won great fame. None of them would even want total supremacy if they had to gain it through defeat - surely peace will only come when either they have been killed, oh Phalguna. But there is no one who will slay Arjuna, no one to defeat him. How can his fury be appeased that has risen against fools?"

How right Indra was.


Everyone was equal in military strength and no contest would ever be made with nuclear weaponry.


The ancients tell us these wars are not over, the great contest between the Prince of Light and the Prince of Darkness are yet to be fought. Doth factions were afraid that man would be caught in the middle, with more destruction and further degeneration of those who survived the first Fall. Indra meanwhile complained that because of his blindness and attending lack of "energy and insight," Siva had taken advantage.

Very revealing, the Veda says thus far no one of the Pandavas was "ill-colored" as yet, or "diseased," referring of course to the fact that their metabolic processes could not stand the poor environment and their olive green skin was not copper, yellow, black or white as yet.


They made the most of their situation seeing that all who had joined them were properly fed; Enlil hunting ruru deer and black gazelles and other "sacrificial" game, meaning kosher!


True to their familial spirits, Arjuna was "sorely" missed, particularly by Draupadi whose spiritual union with all her brothers was very deep and the loss of was very injurious to Nibiru women as Draupadi said,

"Without Arjuna who. two-handed, equaled the many-handed Arjuna, (Another Arjuno, remember these are titles - A.N.) without that best of the Pandavas, I have no joy in the forest. I look upon this earth and find it empty everywhere. This wood with its many marvels and flowering trees is no longer lovely to me without the left-handed archer. This Kamyaka Forest, dark like a rain cloud, overrun by rutting elephants, I find no joy in it without that lotus-eyed man. I remember the left-handed archer, whose bow sounded with the roar of a thunderbolt, and I find no shelter, king."

In a meadow, one day where all were sitting, the impact of her brother's departure brought floods of tears to her eyes and grief to the brothers who could not cry.


Bhima spoke that they must attack the Anunnaki now and they could then go to the "highest heavens," as Arjuna, and if they could only use the same deception Siva used they would not need the "divine weapons."


Bhima reminded all that on earth when they ruled a year was longer as compared to time as registered in the Underworld. Enlil kissed him on the head and said in thirteen years he would break the thigh of Siva and kill him.


And, looking at all his brothers, he further replied,

"the time has come. I cannot tell a lie, for it is not in me."

The time had come...

The journey back to the earth would be long and tortuous as it had to be made mostly on foot, while they had sent word to send ships and meet them at a particular area. They only knew they had to leave as their systems could not take any longer the terrible climate. They had to retreat through the Raksasas country once more which would take all their strength and cunning.


Enlil advised that Draupadi stay but she was too ill from not seeing Arjuna, "the man of me while horses," and to bear all her brothers leaving, the strength of a Nibiruian woman, was too much for her.


Bhima argued, as Enlil well knew,

"this lordly princess who obeys her vows will no more be able to turn back without you, tiger-like man; likewise Sahadeva, who is always avowed to you, will never go back, for I know his mind. Besides, oil of us are eager to set eyes on the left-handed archer, great king; therefore we shall journey together."

They were desperate for they had no airships, only land vehicles which soon gave out, and Bhima said he would carry Draupadi wherever she could not go.


The twin brothers were already weak and Bhima vows to help them too. Lomasa who was there to assist, says they will with austerities, meaning using their instincts, surmount the problem. They headed for the opening in the Himalayas from which they would emerge. This area was a beauteous place, "sought out by the Immortals. "


Here they rested among friends and left the vehicles to continue on foot.


Enlil gave a parting statement before they left,

"It burns my limbs, as fire bums a pile of cotton, that I do not see the heroic Dhanamjaya at my side. This, the desire to see him, and the insult done to Draupadi, burn me... Through his prowess I once owned celestial gems aplenty of many kinds, which have now fallen lo Suyodhono. Through the strength of his arms I once had an assembly hall, hero, a hoi I built of all manner of precious stones, famed in the three worlds, Pandava ..."

They felt themselves rested and physically capable of confronting Natures enemies as Enlil stated as the,

"unprepared encounter flies, gnats, mosquitoes, tigers, lions, and snakes, Partha: the prepared do not see them. So, having prepared our spirits and eating lightly we shall enter Mount Gondhamadana to find Dhanomjayo."

He just said something people in holistic fields have been trying to convince people of, when they are healthy with no lack of B-complex, zinc, etc., they are rarely troubled with natures little pests who can only live off of low alkaline blood and, hence, we get malaria and other diseases.


The lion is most apt to attack as any other, for when man is not healthy, he is in a state of decay, easy prey. They also probably cut out meat as they were in no real position to butcher it properly and the lactic acid in them would have been picked up by the lion. This is why Indians declined meat eating for a week before the hunt, for there is always some lactic acid scent when one eats meat.


The whiteman has always been for the most part ignorant of this fact and has to build decoys, traps, high powered scopes, and scents to compensate for his stupidity. They lived off roots and fruit, passing by glorious mountains and valleys. A heavy dust storm blew upon them and Bhima grabbed Draupadi and they took shelter by trees followed by torrential rains.


The sun reappeared and they resumed but Draupadi, "so very delicate" weakened by the storm, fainted, Nakula catching her. Enlil, Bhima and Sahadeva ran to her immediately.


She was very thin and pale and Enlil took her on his lap,

"She was accustomed to finely spread couches in well guarded houses - how is it that now, radiant and worthy of joy, she has fallen on the ground? How is it that the very delicate feet and the lotus-like face of her who is worthy of the choicest boons have now because of me become darkened?"

Her skin, grown darker now, was paled by the fainting spell.


They laid her on antelope skins. The brothers attended to her with hands dipped in cold water upon her face and she slowly regained consciousness. Even the soles of her feet had turned a red-copper which the twins massaged to bring her to.


Enlil soothed her with words while telling Bhima aside that he did not think she would make it as there were many mountains yet to come. Bhima said not to worry as Ghatotkaca, his son, would meet them soon, being "able to fly."


However, he seems to have lost his way until it seems he read Bhima's thought transfers and he soon appeared, saying to his father,

"You thought of me, and I obeyed and came quickly. Give your orders, strong-armed hero, I shall surely do anything!"

Bhima then embraced his son, and said.

"Son of Hidimba! Your undefeated mother has become very tired; you can travel where you want, son, and you are strong; cany her in the sky. Be blessed, lift her on your shoulder, and accompany us from the sky, flying low so that it may not upset her!"

Like all Nibiru women, having no testosterone as we have spoken of, she was afraid to fly and they only did so in the direst of emergencies and then, as here, they had to be held by their men.


A "long distance" was soon covered shortly, Draupadi with her son, while the others were with other members of the entourage. Passing by "hordes of barbarians" they were fortunate their son arrived when he did. They also passed by many "monkeys" another faction they knew too well.


They soon approached the opening in Tibet, which sounded like the true Shangri-la,

"this blessed place was without darkness though untouched by the rays of the sun, free from the afflictions of hunger and thirst, cold and heat, and dispelling sorrow. It was crowded by hosts of great seers and filled with Vedic luster, difficult of access, great king, lo men outside sacred Heritage, with very fine unguents; and it shone everywhere with offerings of divine flowers. It was full of large fire halls and fine bundles of ladies, and adorned with tall sturdy water jars - o divine place of refuge for oil creatures ..."

The inhabitants were overcome by the approach of Enlil and his brothers and showered them with accolades.


Here were many of their people, the "true born," who had escaped On's fall where they gathered to regain their health and senses. Here the Pandavas rested and recuperated and "delighted in watching the colorful frolics of Krsna (Draupadi)," and observed "the most scrupulous cleanliness" and stayed six nights.

We should return again to the journey of Arjuna and look at its common source as shown in the writings of gnostic literature (that means the things the Bible left out or you would have known what was going on!).


These are good comparisons however, to the candid descriptions of the Veda as we see how religious ecstasy influenced these writings from more graphic, realistic accounts. As we know in the Veda, he was being trained in the latest weaponry, presumably on some planet or man-made satellite only it is referred to as a "wind vehicle" in which he traveled there in these gnostic texts.


As in the Veda, it is insinuated they prepare to fight the opposition for at,

"the blessing of Enoch: with which he blessed the elect and the righteous who would be present on the day of tribulation at the time of the removal of all the ungodly ones." 2

And, as in the Veda, Rama himself appeared and the area of Mount Sinai and Jerusalem was their goal to keep this area from the powers of Siva, their last bastion of the east,

"the God of the universe, the Holy Great One, will come forth from his dwelling. And from there he will march upon Mount Sinai and appear in his camp emerging from heaven with a mighty power. And everyone shall be afraid, and Watchers shall quiver. And great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the earth. Mountains and high places will fall down and b? frightened.


And high hills shall be made low; and they shall melt like a honeycomb before the flame. And earth shall be rent as under and oil that is upon the earth shall perish."

And. Rama would try to preserve those of his oppressed lineages, and as in the Veda a virtual army of millions would be under his command,

"He will preserve the elect, and kindness shall be upon them. They shall all belong to god and they shall prosper and be blessed; and the light of God shall shine unto them. Behold, he will arrive with ten millions of the holy ones in order to execute judgment upon all. He will destroy the wicked anes and censure all flesh on account of everything that they have done, that which the sinners and the wicked ones committed against him."

In Pseudepigrapha, Enoch is taken to the top of a mountain where launching pads and bunkers seem to be, note the reference here to the whirlwind again,

"and they lifted me up into one place where there were the ones like the flaming fire. And when they so desire they appear like men. And they took me into a place of whirlwind in the mountain; the top of its summit was reaching into heaven.


And I saw chambers of light and thunder in the ultimate end of the depth toward the place where the fiery bow, the arrow, and their quiver and a fiery sward and all the lightnings were. And they lifted me up into the waters of life, unto the occidental fire which receives every setting of the sun."

We see again here, the reference to the fiery bow and arrows and quiver, which seem to be weapons unlike the conventional, perhaps the quiver is slang for a launch site.


Another passage states,

"and it shall come to pass in these days that the children of the elect and the holy ones will descend from the high heaven and their seed will become one with the children of the people. And in those days Enoch received the books of zeal and wrath as well as the books of haste and whirlwind."

Enoch then looked down and,

"saw the mountains of the dark storms of the rainy season and from where the waters of all the seas flow.


And I saw the mouths of all the rivers of the earth and the mouth of the sea. And I saw the storerooms of all the winds and saw how with them he has embroidered all creation as well as the foundations of the earth.


I saw the cornerstone of the earth; I saw the four winds which beat the earth as well as the firmament of heaven. I saw how the winds ride the heights of heaven and stand between heaven and earth. These are the very pillars of heaven."

Again, we see references to the four pillars as in Egyptian writings and I would like to interrupt here and have you notice they mention the four winds which bear the earth.


We have just discovered the bases of the four corners of the earth which radiate into space, highly concentrated magnetic fields, called the "faur labes"3 placed symmetrically on either side of the earth's equator at 60 degrees latitude and 120 degrees W and 120 degrees E longitude.


Did he also see the satellite Rama had installed, the disc or shall we say discs, these stars that appear in the daytime as the Egyptians tell us?

"And I kept moving in the direction of the west; and it was flaming day and night toward the seven mountains of precious stones - three toward the east and three toward the south.


As for those toward the east, they were of colored stones - one of pearl stone and one of healing stone, and as for these toward the south, they were of red stone. The ones in the middle were pressing into heaven like the throne of God, which is of alabaster and whose summit is of sapphire, and I saw a flaming fire."

Did he also see other ships taking off from the earth?

"And I saw what was inside those mountains - a place beyond the great earth, where the heavens come together. And I saw how deep it was with heavenly fire on its pillars; I saw inside them descending pillars of fire that were immeasurable in respect to both altitude and depth. And on tap of that pit I saw a place without the heavenly firmament above it or earthly foundation under it or water. There was nothing an it - not even birds - but it was a desolate and terrible place."

Sounds very much like he saw launching sites and that these mountains were certainly 'holy' in a quite different manner!

Enoch even saw a space prison where others after the Flood were taken or perhaps after the Fall:

"And I come to an empty place. And I saw there neither a heaven above nor an earth below, but o chaotic and terrible place. And there I saw seven stars of heaven bound together in it, like great mountains, and burning with fire.


At that moment I said,

"For which sin are they baund, and for what reason were they cast in here."

Then one of the holy angels, Uriel, who was with me, guiding me. spoke lo me and said to me,

"Enoch, for what reason are you asking and far what reason do you question and exhibit eagerness?"

These are among the stars of heaven which have transgressed the commandments of the Lord and ore bound in this place until the completion of ten million years, according to the number of their sins.

"I then proceeded from that area to another place which is even more terrible and saw a terrible thing: a great fire that was burning and flaming; the place had a cleavage that extended to the last sea, pouring am great pillars of fire; neither its extent nor its magnitude could I see nor was I able to estimate.


At that moment, what a terrible opening is this place and pain to look at! Then Ura'el. one of the holy angels who was with me, responded and said to me, "Enoch, why are you afraid like this?"

I answered and said,

"I am frightened because of this terrible place and the spectacle of this painful thing."

And he said unto me, "This place is the prison house of the angels, they are detained here forever."

From above, Enoch saw how the Gods manipulated the actions of the heavens.


Law and Order in the Universe must have a mind behind it in its entropic furor:

"And there my eyes saw the secrets of lightning and thunder, and the mysteries of the winds, how they are distributed in order to blow upon the earth, and the secrets of the clouds and the dew I saw there from where they proceed in that place and haw from there they satiate the dust of the earth.


At that place, I also saw sealed storerooms from which the winds of the storerooms of hail and the winds of the storerooms of mist are distributed; and these clouds hover over the earth from the beginning of the world. And I saw the storerooms of the sun and the moon, from what place they come out and to which place they return, and their glorious return - how in their travel one festival is celebrated mare than the other.


They do not depart from their orbit, neither increase nor decrease it, but they keep faith one with another; in accordance with an oath they set and they rise. From the first is the sun; and it executes its course in accordance with the commandment of the Lord of the Spirits - his name shall persist forever and ever.


After that is found both the hidden and the visible path of the moon; and the path of its orbit it completes by day and by night at that place. And the two will gaze directly into the glory of the Lord of the Spirits. They give thanks, they praise, and they do not economize an energy, for their very essence generates new power.


Surely the many changes of the sun have both a blessing a curse."

Note the reference to the sun as a blessing and a curse.


Are we in a closed, constructed universe, controlled by the Gods? Why are some scientists believing that the satellites of some of the planets are artificial?


Surely, with entropy, the entire Universe would immediately collapse upon itself without intervention, just as the body will die of malnutrition if a mind does not direct it.

"There is no such thing as non-existence before him. Even before the world was created, he knows what is forever and what will be from generation to generation."

He too had gone to the center of the earth as Arjuna,

"And from there I went into the center of the earth and saw a blessed place, shaded with branches which live and bloom from a tree that was cut. And there I saw a holy mountain: underneath the mountain, in the direction of the east, there was a stream which was flowing in the direction of the north ..."

He describes their "wind vehicles,"'

"advancing upon the air from the east and from the west until midday. And the sound of their chariots was clamorous; and when this commotion look place, the holy ones in heaven look notice of it and the pillars of the earth were shaken from their foundations, and the sound of the noise could be heard from the extreme end of the sky unto the extreme end of the earth in one hour."

In the following I have to chuckle at what is obviously his description of warning lights:

"In those days, my eyes saw the mysteries of lightnings, and of lights, and their judgments, they flash lights for a blessing or a curse, according lo the will of the Lord of the Spirits."

At another part a great roar occurred,

"then a great trembling and fear seized me and my loins and kidneys lost control. So I fell upon my face. Then Michael sent another angel from among the holy ones and he raised me up. And when he had raised me up, my spirit returned; for I had fainted because I could not withstand the sight of these farces and because heaven has stirred up and agitated itself."

I am afraid I would have lost control of my kidneys too!


But just where did these texts come from? The Gods were said to have left a rendering of these tales and these may be translations as the people then would have understood them, and perhaps a blending of those who remembered the events themselves. I do not believe Arjuna would have lost control (although, he was not in the best of health), but someone else who experienced the same, might have.

Enoch, like Arjuna, was given the "garments of Glary" which only the "elect ones" could wear both in heaven and on earth, like the garments given to Adam and Eve and others when they ventured from their Edins.


Apparently, the earth's atmosphere was quickly dissipating for the worse just as it had at the Fall when they left their Edins and they needed these self-contained suits just as the Pandava were stripped of theirs by Siva,

"They shall wear the garments of glory. These garments of yours shall become the garments of life from the Lord of the Spirits. Neither shall your garments wear out, nor your glory come to an end before the Lord of the Spirits."

As in the Veda, some of the angels of the Lord did not like his son. I think the following is quite succinct and also settles the disturbing questions about the color of the true Gods:

"as soon as I reached the heavenly heights, the holy creatures, the ophanim, the seraphim, the cherubim, the wheels of the chariot and the ministers of consuming fire, smelled my odor 365,000 myriads of parasangs off, they said, "What is this smell of one born of a woman? Why does a white drop ascend on high and serve among those who cleave the flames?"


The Holy One, blessed be he, replied and said lo them, "Ministers, my hasts, my cherubim, my ophanim, and my seraphim, do not be displeased at this, for all mankind has rejected me and my great kingdom and has gone off and worshiped idols. Sa I have taken up my Sekinah from their midst and brought it up to the height.


And this one whom I have removed from them is the choicest of them all and worth them all in faith, righteousness, and fitting conduct. This one who I have taken is my sole reward from my whole world under heaven."

It was because the 'Sekinah' or disc was gone that peoples skin tones were changing, and Arjuna was no different for we saw they worried about it themselves in the Veda.


It seems that the reference of the 'white drop' was purely contemptuous, denoting those who had mutated to that color when born from androgynous women who lacked those biochemicals to create the original stock. When Arjuna made his entrance he was met with scorn because his skin was of a very anemic color.


"White drop" is always meant to mean the fallen man in his worst state for that skin color was the most to be wary of for they were biochemically unstable, but they often worked with them hardest in the hopes of returning them back to their true biological color.


Their odor is much more offensive than others, so the Gods would have, with their keen sense of smell, detected them from afar, because they are so low in vitamin A, destroyed by the sun.


If you are white like myself, do not take offense, we have a long way to go yet! There has always been error in assuming the gods were white because of their garments such as in the following:

"And! saw the sons of the holy angels walking upon the flame of fire; their garments were white - and their-overcoats - and the light of their faces was like snow."

In a vision told by Enoch, he trembles in a dream when white cows and bulls were borne upon the earth and all morals of the people weakened, a reflection of the first Fall, when so many degenerated to the white color.


They were referred to as "putrid drops" because they also have more bilirubin flowing in their systems, the waste from the bowels, (more on this later, it has a good, as well as bad side, but it must be handled properly as the Gods tried to tell us) which added to their offensive smell.


As in the Veda, some of them were multi-colored from vitiligo as in the following which also has a statement concerning their bodies being like eagles which we see often and may be that the oxygen support systems they had looked like wings upon their backs:

"I saw that their faces looked like human faces but their bodies were like eagles. Moreover, the faces of the intermediate were a greenish color, on account of their deeds, for they are tainted until purified of their iniquity by fire. And the faces of the wicked souls were as black as the bottom of a pot, because of the multitude of their wicked deeds."

In the following it sounds very much like the Urim and Thummin, the "lights and perfections," the stones and objects set in the priests breastplate by which he communicated with God (Exod. 28:30; Lev. 8:8) and as we will see, actually did:

"Out of the love which he had for me, more than for all the denizens of the heights, the Holy One, blessed be he, fashioned for me a majestic robe in which all kinds of luminaries were set, and he clothed me in it. He fashioned for me a glorious cloak in which brightness, brilliance, splendor, and luster of every kind were fixed, and he wrapped me in it.


He fashioned for me a kingly crown in which 49 refulgent stones were placed, each like the sun's orb, and its brilliance shone into the four quarters of the heaven of 'Arabol,' into the seven heavens, and into the four quarters of the world. He set it upon my head and he called me "The lesser YHWH" in the presence of his whole household in the height, as it is written. "My name is in him."

Singing is often attributed to the angels, but is this rather the hum of equipment?


However, at Arjuna's entrance and Enoch's, it seems as if bagpipes, the antiquity of which we know not, were played:

"In the middle of the heaven I saw aimed troops, worshiping the Lord with tympani and pipes and unceasing voices, and pleasant voices and pleasant and unceasing and various songs, which it is impossible to describe, and every mind would be quite astonished, so marvelous and wonderful is the singing of these angels. And I was delighted, listening to them."

In the heavens, YHWH was a title of distinctive rank, just as Enlil, India, etc... and applied to the Gods in command:

"Whenever the great Law Court sits in the height of the heaven of Arabot, only the great princes who ore called YHWH by the name of the Holy One, blessed be he, are permitted to speak."

There are different ranks of YHWH - Gallisur YHWH, Zakzaki'el YHWH, etc.

The fleets of the chariots of the Gods were well known to the people who looked on in awe and amazement.


The famed cherubim seemed to be a ship of some sort resembling a flying body,

"all these winds blow only from beneath the wings of the cherubim, as it is written;"

"He mounted a cherub and flew, and soared on the wings of the wind."

Enoch was questioned as to how many chariot's his father had:

"R. Ismael said: the angel Mefotran, Prince of the Divine Presence, the glory of highest heaven, said to me:

How many chariots has the Holy one, blessed be he?
He has the chariots of the cherubim, as it is written, "He mounted a cherub and flew."
He has the chariots of wind, as ii is written, "He soared on the wings of the wind."
He has the chariots of swift cloud, as it is written, "See! the Lord comes riding a swift cloud."
He has the chariots of clouds, as it is written, "I am coming lo you in a dense cloud."
He has the chariots of the alter, as it is written, "I saw the Lord standing upon the alter."
He has the chariots of twice ten thousand, as it is written, "The chariots of God are twice ten thousand, thousands of angels."
He has the chariots of the tent, as it is written, "The Lord showed himself in the tent, in a pillar of cloud. "

The following clears up any idea that we may harbor that they were only seeing illusions from passing the goat skin around too much as "He has the chariots of eagles, as it is written, I carried you on eagles' wings" and "They ore not eagles but fly like eagles."


There were many different kinds of chariots:

"He has the chariots of Arabot, as it is written,

"Extol him who rides in the Arobol," and "He has the chariots of clouds, as it is written."

"He makes the clouds his chariots."

The many "eyes" seem to denote windows, or lights,

"He has the chariots of the ophanim, as it is written, "The ophanim were covered all over in eyes."

And, of course, the most famous, those that resemble chariots drawn by horses.

"And Aseneth saw something like o chariot of four horses traveling into heaven toward the east. And the chariot was like a flame of fire, and the horses like lightening. And the man was standing on that chariot."

As described in the Veda, they had open airships of some sort which resembled chariots drawn by horses.




I. THE MAHABHARATA - Vol. 2 & 3 - All quotes from Veda, unless stated otherwise,
2. RELIGIOUS DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN THE OLD AND THE NEW TESTAMENT - R. H. Charles - New York - 1914. Also, the Ethiopic Version of the Book of Enoch - R. H. Charles, Chicago, 1908 (from Old Testament and Semitic Studies in Memory of W. R. Harper -Vol. 2) All quotes on Enoch's journey from these two sources.

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