by Paul Joseph Watson
January 17,
SummitNews Website

Meanwhile at the WEF meeting, New York Times publisher
A.G. Sulzberger spoke at the panel, "Clear & Present
Danger of Disinformation", and claimed that
disinformation is the "Most Existential Problem" facing
the planet today...
fact, it is the WEF's own narrative that is the biggest
World Economic
"misinformation" a top "global risk".
The pro-censorship group
has released a
new report
to coincide with
its annual event...
The World Economic Forum (WEF)
has published a report, citing, as part of its annual meeting,
"misinformation and
disinformation" among the top
global "risks" in a report covering the period of the next two
years, and of the next decade.
These days, the poorly if at all defined concepts of "misinformation
and disinformation" are often used by governments, and (social)
media they influence, simply as a "one-size-fits-all" excuse to
censor information and stifle free speech.
But in the narrative pushed by
the elites gathered by the WEF,
"misinformation and disinformation" is up there with fears of a
world conflict, out of control inflation, food security, and other
real calamities that could befall the world over the coming years.
And now - agree or not with WEF's view of the planet, as laid out in
Global Risks Report 2023" - where "climate change" and
"action" related to that theory plays a very prominent role, too -
what's really interesting is to see what the WEF thinks should be
done about whatever it identifies as key issues.
The WEF report says that technology will in fact "exacerbate
inequalities" while the "cybersecurity" angle remains a big concern.
The future, as forecast by the group, sees tech as one of the
central targets for state intervention and for what it refers to as
"stronger industrial policies."
Never ones to shy from throwing buzzwords around in their write ups,
the WEF mention things like "AI" and "quantum computing" - as well
as biotechnology - as those sectors that are projected to grow
because of both state (i.e., military) and private money invested
via research and development.
The scary dystopian future of actual AI, biotech, and "quantum
computing" gaining prominence and more and more money invested into
is described in the report as a,
"partial solution to
a range of emerging crises, from addressing new health threats
and a crunch in healthcare capacity, to scaling food security
and climate mitigation."
But that will only be
true of those countries capable of spending money to address future
"risks" - others, that is, poor(er) ones with poorly defined
sovereignty, can expect even more inequality.
It would appear, though, that this in itself isn't considered a
negative by the WEF.
This portion of the
reports next notes that these technologies "also" bring risks - and
those would range from,
misinformation and disinformation to unmanageably rapid churn in
both blue- and white-collar jobs"...
Brian Stelter
"Clear & Present Danger
of Disinformation" in Davos
