Making a Difference

This chapter concerns our usefulness to each other on this planet and also our relationships - and how we deal with them.

Though concerned with what we can do to help the planet and humanity, Tom does warn us about getting too zealous. "It does not help your work for you to be too intense. It is important for you to have some form of relaxation or diversion, such as watching your television, or listening to music, to read, or to walk or to visit with gentle friends and talk of totally different subjects. In your physical world it is important to maintain a balance. You cannot do this if there is not diversion. You must relax in order to function at a higher level.

While there are visualization and meditation instructions in the next chapter here is a practical, helpful thing that you can do to make a difference to the world that we live in. If some of these meditation tips are repeated later on, I make no apologies, it is to be helpful to the ‘skip readers'. Meditation is among one of the most helpful things that anyone can do, both for themselves and the planet.

The Nine have suggested that we make a commitment and join together for eighteen minutes to meditate for the unification of this planet and also for the right of individual countries to exist and then to meditate that all these strengthened, unified countries throughout the world, use their solidification wisely. They have emphasized the need for group energy and cohesiveness, with synchronization of the time of meditation and then a commitment to that arrangement.

The requested time is for eighteen minutes, coordinating with 21.00 hours in Israel (don't forget to check local seasonal time changes!) as a guide this should equate with:

  • 11. 00 in the U. S. A. West Coast

  • 14. 00 in the U.S.A. East Coast

  • 19.00 in the British Isles.

  • 20.00 in Europe

  • The selected day is Sunday. The Nine request that at least once a month a minimum of twelve people be together. On other Sundays if that is not possible, a minimum of three people would be required.

    We are asked to keep our arms and legs unfolded during meditation, and to enter our meditative state in complete love, harmony and peace. If it is necessary for you to do something pre-meditative, be it with sound, colour, breathing, exercise or quiet - do this before starting .

    Also before starting, the Nine suggest a colour cleansing using specifically - emerald green, royal blue and royal purple - visualize these colours; showering down upon you, taking away all the disturbances of the day and allow that shower of colour to flow away into the Earth in purification before beginning your meditation.

    Tom: We each work in service together. Within each server there is an intuition that is the highest. It is your connection with us. Listen to the voice within you. Follow in directness whatever you have surety about. It is important that the peoples upon the planet Earth understand their responsibility for self, for each other, and in turn for the Universe.

    It is important for people on Planet Earth to understand that in death they do not escape responsibility, that there is no death. So that each movement, each thought, each word affects the Universe. It is important that those upon Planet Earth begin to work in harmony, in unison, in balance and in peace with each other.

    This book which we have asked to be written for us will help you to understand the purpose for each person, and for Planet Earth in relation to the Universe. Remember this: we are all one with you. We are you and you are us. We exist on your energy of love.

    Understand that you are not an island alone, that you are part of a whole - and when I say this to you, I refer to all that are in service. Those that have desire to be alone and perform a service according to their own dictates, within themselves, are in truth not in service. To be in service is to give oneself for the love of the Universe and for the love of their fellow humans. It is also important to remember that if you begin to become trapped in looking within yourself, to have total understanding of your self, that is also a form of ego. It is time to put aside your self and go forward. We speak to all. It is the only way and the only form in which the Universe can evolve. We have no objection if looking within themselves can in truth benefit people, and they may then make a step forward, but to sit in a circle and look within, and constantly ask "What about me?" and "See what I have done" then they in truth are not prepared for service. When you can let go of "What about me?" and ask what can be done for the betterment of the Universe, and have the willingness to let go of ego, desires and self-pity, then what you have been trying to find within yourself will be shown in great clarity. The Council say that I should say this to you: the Others, if they can keep those that have desire to serve in a tight circle, and looking within at all times, then in truth they have succeeded, have they not?

    JOHN: Yes. It has been said in the past that the process of change and growth has to take its natural and somewhat slow course, and I feel that at this time of great change.

    Tom: We have not the time that has been said by men: all the souls that have existed, and now exist at this time, and those that are in the spirit world surrounding this Earth, have had their time. It is their selfishness, it is their egos, their self-pity, their physical desires, that they refuse to relinquish. They have had the time. They know within the core of their soul and their very being, that they have had the time. It is their egos that prevent them from change and progressing. If we would permit this, this planet would plunge into darkness, and it would take the greatest portion of the Universe with it. We have given this planet more than sufficient time. In truth we have given to this planet and those that exist upon this planet more time than we have given the souls that exist upon other planets. We cannot give more time. The time that we have given has not been used in a productive manner, but to feed egos again.

    All people have potential. If you take a jar of oil and try to take it in, it does not taste pleasant, and you may take a jar of vinegar alone and it is not pleasant, but if you mix the two together, and then you take it in, it tastes refined. This is what you must understand about those with whom you work.

    JOHN: Yes, thank you, that's beautiful.

    Tom: What we explain to you now, we explain in all truth and sincerity. This is for all those who proclaim to be in the work. We wish you to understand that it is not possible for any people on Earth to escape responsibility for Planet Earth, in order to do what they say they must do. It is not possible for them to be of any service if they look after their own interests only.

    Remember that all those that come to you from distant lands on Earth, and would say to you "I have left all my responsibilities, desires, and all that I have had, and my mother, father and children, because I have come here to work for God." They are in error, because they cannot be working for God when they do not accept the responsibility for those that are close to them. They may in truth think that they do. It might be true a person is dedicated to what she or he believes is a dedication, but you do not remove yourself from what you are responsible for by doing it in a manner that causes friction or great hurt to someone else, because you are then responsible for the soul of that person.

    We wish to explain an Earthly condition to you: you in truth have more understanding of the density of the Earth than we. We created the Earth, but we have not existed upon the Earth. Those that have incarnated upon Earth many times have more understanding of the weakness involved in living on Earth. When we say this we speak of relatively evolved souls. We attempt not to flatter you, we speak the truth of the position and responsibility of evolved souls. These people are teachers in service, for they have greater understanding of service than many that are in service.

    JOHN: Two difficulties we have with this subject of evolved souls is the dangerous feeling of elitism that it can create in some people involved in this work, and, if you are applying this notion of evolved souls to the members of our group, the strangeness that group members should have all come together at one time.

    Tom: It is not strange, for it is now the time. There has been great suffering amongst all of you in your past. In your previous lifetimes of service there have also been great failures, and there have been many that have come at this time that are also now experiencing great failures. It has taken great suffering to have reached this point. It has taken a long consideration among all of you to arrange to return at this point. It has taken great stamina for all of you to remain in your life-situations, to bring you together. And there are many others like you.

    Please explain to servers on Earth that each of them has given all that is possible to be upon the planet Earth at one time or another. And in your situations, in not being world leaders, but in suffering, in despair, in anguish, you are not different from more ordinary souls. All that exist at this time on Earth have suffered in greatness in the past, though some have also been in great joy.

    JOHN: Would that imply that almost anyone on the Earth would have an identity that you could name from the past, one which would be recognisable?

    Tom: Not at this time, for there are millions upon millions of souls. Those that are gathered as servers now are those that were gathered also in the past to raise the evolution of the planet. They are now gathering again to evolve the planet. The Council say I have created difficulty in a system of belief.

    JOHN: Well, the difficulty is not to give the impression that any one person is any more special or has any more special cosmic function than any other.

    Tom: All people have a great cosmic function. It is important for you to relate that each has a responsibility to each other and to the Universe. They have come from many other planets, and they have served on other planets. They are now here to help Planet Earth, but also because of the attractiveness, the density, the physicalness, they have become entrapped in Planet Earth. Perhaps they will recognise that in themselves.

    JOHN: I understand that those of us that have come back to serve in this way, made that decision before this lifetime. What I am not quite clear on is how we have come to be together and to work together in the way that we are, when we have no memory of that decision. How is it that we have all met, and have come to be working together?

    Tom: That was your decision. If you had the memory, would you then be able to relate to the experience of souls on Planet Earth?

    JOHN: Probably not. It seems that there was a sort of subconscious guiding thread that did bring us together, that remembered the past that we had shared.

    Tom: It was your choosing. You are not here by accident. In your accomplishments, and in that which you will accomplish for the purification of the planet Earth, if you choose to be reborn upon the planet Earth in your next life you will then have memory, as those that exist upon other evolved planets have memory.

    ANDREW: We humans on Earth seem to have difficulty in keeping to our commitment, in respect of inner resolutions we make. How does it affect you when someone ends up not doing what they said they would do?

    Tom: We look over your scene and we choose those that we think are most beneficial to the work. They make commitments, they think within their hearts and they verbalise that they are making commitments, but we cannot truly interfere when all of a sudden the commitment does not want to be made. This has been the problem for thousands of years with this planet.

    ANDREW: Yes, I'm beginning to realise that.

    Tom: They will do that which does not interfere with their pleasures.

    ANDREW: I'm well aware of this and I think it makes you sad because it is for the benefit of humankind, on Earth. If we ourselves cannot help each other then it seems to me a very desperate situation as far as the future is concerned.

    Tom: We understand why you humans have difficulty with commitment, and we understand that we ask you to do many things. Then at times, when things do not happen, you understand why they do not, but others do not understand. People expect us to perform miracles for them. We can only do so much. We need your physical energy and your minds on your planet. That is very important.

    ANDREW: I hope to convey this to others as I get a deeper knowledge of this.

    Tom: You have worked with us for many, many years without proof, and for this we are forever grateful.

    ANDREW: I seem to be in a strange position where I don't have dreams, I don't have visions, I don't have insights.

    Tom: You have a knowledge inside.

    ANDREW: I seem to go on what's called faith - I guess it may be knowledge but, anyway...

    Tom: Knowledge is faith. Some people have a great desire to please us, but if in pleasing us it brings sorrow to them, then it does not please us. And if such a person is not in a position to bring forward clearness of complete commitment, we have great understanding, for we understand the nature of the Earth. We have said to you that there will be times of sorrow and times of despair, but they will be in the minimal, not in the most, and it will only come at times when there is a drain on your energy from those that surround you. Your commitment, if it is true commitment, will bring the song of the Universe within you. It will cause you to walk in a light of love, and to walk in lightness. If among any of you there is not understanding of this, then we would ask that you be clear with yourselves about service.

    If your commitment is clear to the extent that it fills you with love, with joy and with the music of the Universe, by verbalizing that commitment, it adds strength to it, for all those forces who are in agreement with you will be strengthened by your joy, and will surround you with the purest of love. But if your commitment brings not joy but sorrow and anguish, and not pleasure, but only a wish to please us, by verbalizing that reservation it dissipates it, and those that love you may then give you the strength to filter it and to understand. Verbalization in love gives you strength, and gives us strength. To be an ostrich, to be not reviewing, it is better not to serve the Universe.

    Your motivation at all times must be the highest. Your purpose and direction must be as clear as is possible in the density of your world. Your generosity, your love, your heart, your joy in life must expand to touch others. There are no teachers, for all are students. There is an exchange that is given, and when you give yourself, if it be your physical, mental or emotional nature, if you give out that energy to touch and expand to others, what you receive is a hundredfold.

    That is the secret of growth, the secret of expansion: the willingness to give yourself completely without question. But at the same time knowing not to give yourself to fools. You know that there are upon Planet Earth those that you call fools? They are there to see if you are willing to give yourself to a fool - that is their position. Only one who is willful and forces his way forward gives to a fool.

    We must tell you also that zeal is futile. When you transfer what you know and become aggressive with this, and try to insist that other people should understand and agree, you are then creating a problem for yourself. You know who you are. It is often beyond people's comprehension, or it can activate their fears. You must be very careful to maintain balance and love and understanding. You are not special -though in truth you are, but this does not remove responsibility from you or give you special accounts in the physical world. There is no way that you can help others if you do not understand the joys, fears, sadness, despairs, loves and angers of the peoples that exist in the physical world. In truth you are to master these things, but one who calls themself a master escapes from them: a master masters those things while existing among them that is the difference between a master who does not claim to be a master, and those that claim to be masters.

    If you remove yourself from the physical world then you have no temptation, no anger, no joy, no love. And by removing from the world, you can easily master those things because there is no temptation, no touching of other beings. You cannot transfer your beliefs or feelings to another: you can only plant a seed. And you cannot condemn others for the manner in which they live: you can only attempt to show them. Without being the highest example, they will not listen. Be gentle with people and drop a seed, and we will handle the rest.

    There is not one soul on your planet that cannot be saved, if in truth it was handled properly with stability, maturity and love. It is important to have love, and it is important to give love and to share love, and it is also important to realise that you are not a perfect being, neither is anyone: but each of you has within you qualities that, blended with the qualities of others, make a perfect being.

    After this there followed a discussion with a guest who had asked for guidance in his teaching of others.

    There are no teachers. If you understand that principle, then you understand much. When one sets themself up as a teacher, they set themselves apart. We, the Council of Nine, are not teachers. The Nazarene was not a teacher. All are students together in the Universe, and when one has an exchange with another, then that that is called a teacher often is taught. That is what the exchange is about.

    Another word needs to be utilized in your language. Yes. We mean there are no teachers of the Universe, you understand? Though there may be a teacher of a musical instrument.

    You see it is now the time in the universe of Planet Earth that people must learn for themselves. The time of teaching such as religion, or another person's idea to another one, what is only needed in these times is a guidance. There are all means and methods and facilities of exchange of information to the far circles of the Earth. In times of past, leaders and teachers of Earth felt that the mass of humankind were not capable of thinking for themselves.

    At this time of the forwardness of Earth, and of the acceleration that has been intensified upon the Earth, even that which you would call 'knowing' is being impregnated with the energy fields that are awakening the innermost voice within. And understand fully that there are no teachers, only facilitators.

    Then an exchange concerning personal faith...

    ALBERT: As a Christian, I am disturbed by the influence of other Christians, who criticise those of us who have a more mystical, meditative approach. Do you have any guidelines on this?

    Tom: Surround yourself with a white light of protection, with the universal consciousness that is Christ, ask for direction and guidance, and above all else, ask yourself: what is my motive? Do I do this for gain, do I do this for exposure, do I do this to be different, do I do this for barter [money], do I do this so I may be 'someone' in my world? If your answer is yes to any of these questions then you are open for those to misguide you. If your motivation is only for love of humanity and to bring about peace upon this planet Earth, and you are able to be happily in silence with this, not to brag upon it, not to speak about those places or energies that have been used, then all good will come.

    MIKI: I feel that I have become spiritually blocked, yet I still have the urge to make a difference in the world. Do you have any advice on this?

    Tom: If you will discipline yourself to meditate for a minimum of nine minutes each day, but preferably eighteen when there is more allowance, to gather inner strength and guidance from your soul, all barriers to your spiritual path will be removed.

    Know this: each and every human is in a position of great responsibility to bring about change in humankind, and that each of you does create a difference in the lives of those that you touch, even though you may not know it.

    Therefore the importance of maintaining an integral self, and being honest within self and with others must be of the highest priority. It is important to know that each of you has within you a crystallisation of the spirit that removes itself from the ins and outs of your life, and comes outward as a beam that touches and inspires, and brings to those in contact with you the necessary energies for changing the self within and creating a difference in their own and others' lives.

    It is important to bring the mind together with the spirit and the emotions, to bring them into a complete whole being. It is important that each of you be a battery for that to happen for other humans also. Know this: at times the battery just needs to be, do you understand? This lifetime is the most important that you have ever chosen. Those of the past were past experiences for preparation for this one.

    It is important to know that what is past is past, and what is coming in the future does not make a difference at this moment: it is this moment in time which makes the difference. Each moment is a new beginning. Each moment should be experienced and touched. The memories of those moments, as also the memories of past lives, benefit you, and it is in preparation for the future. But it is when you are in this moment that you are who you are, that you are at the centre of the Universe. Anticipation over the future causes anxiety. When you be with this moment, the future is but the next moment.

    JOHN: I think it's our relative insignificance in society that makes it hard for us to believe that we are playing an important function.

    Tom: That is your analysis of relative insignificance. A shoemaker may have more significance than the leader of a country.

    The wear and tear factor of being in service can beset anybody. The next exchanges dealt with this specific problem:

    Tom: In the expansion of your energy, in the etheric of each human, when it is extended continually in giving self to others, in forwarding service and direction, then you always leave a portion of your etheric along your path. What is of greatest importance is the retrieval of the etheric. You have in your world a gum-chew, is that not so?

    DEE: Yes. Chewing gum.

    Tom: And when it is new it is a full form, then you make it pliable by adding moisture. Then you masticate it. Then you remove all essence of the taste from it. Is that not so?

    DEE: That's true.

    Tom: Then you may take it and stretch it, and it will have holes. You may continue to put portions here and portions there, and then you cannot put it all back together. And then it not only loses its form, it loses the essence of what it was. That is when you over-gumchew, is that not so?

    DEE: Yes.

    Tom: The teacher that leads and develops cannot extend beyond what has been extended, when they are not of the substance to extend further. So it is necessary to make a complete break. One may curtail expansion of self in helping humankind to grow, until health and balance are restored. In this way it is possible to heal oneself while in service to humanity.

    GUEST: One of the major difficulties in my work is the sheer physical complexity of the matters that I have to deal with: can you suggest how, with the pressures on me, I can deal with this immense complexity?

    Tom: You have within you resources and energies. You have within you a mind, and you also have love surrounding you. To begin to think of great complexities in your hour of stress creates more complexities. To put things into action, do not attempt to do everything, but do one step at each time. Remove yourself from yourself, think not of yourself and your stress: detach yourself, detach yourself from your family, your friends and associates in emotion, detach from all in emotion. Think, for you have that ability, that you are performing a service, or that you are performing upon a stage, and do this with each step. It is important to begin, not to be concerned with difficulties. When you begin, you will see the great challenge it is for you, and it will occupy you, it will give you strength and fortitude. It will keep your mind in a situation of flux, not stuckness, so you may then think in clearness. You have created a situation that was created by you, therefore you can uncreate it, for you have that ability.

    You will find that if you have difficulty in things that are morally right, care not what others attempt to do, or what benefit from your distress they attempt to gain, but know that you have done morally right, and if they attempt to earn more from you, to accuse you or to cover their own losses in making of you a scapegoat, then they in truth will be found out, and it is not your concern.

    For if you are honest and morally right then only truth will come, and those that attempt to take advantage of you, or to use you, will be exposed in their own time and at a greater consequence. Yes.

    There is not one that is better than the other. It is important to understand that amongst all that exist upon Planet Earth, there is none which is in truth more superior or less equal. When we say this, we speak of the soul. And if you look within the soul, you will find that each soul is a particle of divinity. While on the exterior, different people might not look equal, within their souls they are indeed equal. There is none among you that is not equal - and we speak of feeling and emotion. It is important to have this understanding.

    All people have feelings, and feel everything as much as others, even if they seem not to. The difficulty with Earth has been not only the inequality of black people, yellow people, red people, but also of the females of all peoples. It is important to understand that you cannot set a rule. Neither a man nor a woman can set a rule, and say that "This is the way that it is to be". We do not set these rules: it was done by those on Earth in order to control, to manipulate and to use others. This has not been done by the human male alone: it has been done also, in some groups, by the female. We wish you to know that a man, regardless of his background, has the feeling that a woman also has. You cannot set aside a woman and say "This is a woman" and a man, and say "This is a man". For each is a woman and a man. This has been the greatest difficulty - as it has been with people's attitudes toward other people of other races. It is only at this time that both reach true blending, and that is why we have requested that there is work in unison between males and females. It is important to bring the ego into control, and to have the understanding that all others are equal. All humans have an equal claim. We cannot have ego and division in these next days: there must be cleansing within those that create the poison for all. There must be the understanding that if there is difficulty in your societies, it creates difficulty for the cosmos.

    The female gender on Planet Earth has antennae of greater sensitivity to the knowledge of the internal workings of humankind. The male antennae view the surface, not always the inner reality.

    IRENE: Yes. With reference to this, a project I am working on is about female sexuality, and where we have gone in the last thirty years in terms of the way that human beings have begun to deal with, or not deal with, this corrupted area of their lives. Is there something that you can tell me that could help in this, and do you think it's important?

    Tom: It is important, and it is also what you call a Box of Pandora. For if it is not conducted with great sensibility, it can be misconstrued. But of greatest importance is to bring out what has been removed and suppressed from womankind: the true knowledge that in the past all power came from women - and now in recent years, this information and knowledge is emerging out of womankind.

    At times they used their ability to control male humankind, and males have reacted to that - and now it is time for the elimination of the shadow of corruption in the utilizing of women's power, to bring forth the purity of this power in its true form, concerned with creation and returning to the source. That creates a complication for you, but with sensibility and subtlety you can bring this knowledge forth, to those who will comprehend, and it will bear them fruit and release another freedom within themselves, which then also begins an acceleration in the world. This performance of sexuality has created bondage for all humankind. It is now a time of understanding and release of this bondage, without the corruptions.

    IRENE: What has happened in modem times is that we have gone from a period of secrecy and control of the sexual act, done in the darkness, to rampant sexuality in the 1960s and '70s, to relative abstinence in the '80s, because it seems, humankind has not chosen to acknowledge any insight into this area.

    Tom: That is correct, and it is important that sexuality now be understood. Understand this: the sexual plague was not created solely from mistakes in science: it was also created from the consciousness of humankind to break its habitual pattern, so it may review itself. However, as in most cases with your world all things are overdone.

    IRENE: It’s also a story of emotions, and it's also a story of understanding those emotions.

    Tom: It is important to understand this, for the emotion in your bonding is the highest returning to the Source. It is the connection achieved on reaching completion, the feeling of oneness with the other and unity with creation. This is the drive behind the male continuously looking for that other side of being, the female, to make this returning to creation - but because of misunderstanding and misuse it is rare that this return is truly made. Do you understand?

    IRENE: Its brilliant. But what is the drive of the female?

    Tom: The drive in the female is to be given the power to create, and only when the female is charged by male catalytic energy is the creation formed. You see, this sexuality of creating acceleration in the female is, on a subconscious level, an anger at the population of males for the bondage with which it has encapsulated the female for in its unconscious the male knew that all came from the female. The female has now awakened to the strength of her being. This anger emerged through promiscuity, to say to the males "You will not control my most important element, instead I shall abuse it", rather than make a commitment to self-control. It is like throwing it into the face, for the male had done the abusing in the past. Then within the collectivity of minds this abuse by males accelerated out of control, and the destruction of Planet Earth was the logical outcome. It began an inward tendency of devouring oneself. Humankind has brought about the breakdown in sexual relations itself, to stop its limitation and corruption of sexuality, through enforced abstinence and fear. Now it is time for sexuality to be brought out in true understanding, and for humanity to return to a sane understanding of its connection with creation, and of the returning to the light at times of coupling, to rejuvenate oneself.

    IRENE: That is also the beginning of the acknowledgement that Earth is paradise?

    Tom: Only on your planet Earth does this uniting come about. It is the ultimate unity. Yes.

    GUEST: I wish to ask about a statement you made in 1988, that "in the past, all power came from women". Now could you expand on this, and tell us how did this change in history, such that women have lost their power?

    Tom: It is not "All power came from female", but "All power comes from female". It was not lost: it was taken, for control. The male had recognition that this was power, and by controlling it on a level of instinct, believed they then controlled power. This is why, also, in the brutality, the clubbing of women, physical or mental, they can then attempt to destroy that power, rather than understanding that male and female, interchangeable, may be two pillars that hold up the world.

    Now you also understand that there has been lash-back from those of female, and it is now beginning to come back into balance. Also, what was not permitted in the male was the identification of the energy of female that exists within them, for it does as a percentage, as a percentage of male exists within the female. It is only when there is complete understanding of equalness, that the world then begins to evolve to its proper place. In these times, in those countries not evolved - although you may think they are evolved - when they put less emphasis or love on a female child or destroy it, or continue to permit surrounding souls of Planet Earth only male vehicles for entering, then we ask how evolved are they?

    You see it is equal, the power is women, female, and it must be utilized by the male. And the male to be utilized in forwardness by the female. That is the partnership. Do you believe humankind will understand that?

    GUEST: In the course of time they will - some of humankind are beginning to understand, but it will probably take some time yet.

    Tom: Ingrained ideas are difficult to remove, are they not? For they make worms in the brain, and they nest in there, and they make eggs and siblings in there, yes? Therefore there are people of wormy mindness, yes!

    ALL: [Laughter]

    GUEST: Was there any omission or error on the part of women, and the female within men, which brought about this situation, which could have been brought about otherwise, in the case of the male controlling the female?

    Tom: In many many tribes there was understanding of this power. Therefore in the beginning equalness was accepted. Then there were those that regressed to the genetic animal state. It had not to do with what you call 'error'. It had to do with subjugation of one over another. It also had to do with the understanding that the female of the species produced the furtherment of species - and you know that in the early times there was not the understanding that the male energy was needed to produce the furthering of species. Therefore it became an ingrained idea, in mistakenness. The Hoovids understood this, for they know that was the outcome.

    GUEST: If we can clarify that. it became ingrained out of ignorance of the process of reproduction?

    Tom: Not in beginning, but when there was dispersion and moving into other arenas, and not having contact, it then reverted to animalness.

    GUEST: And there was no intuition or sense amongst females about the reproductive process either?

    Tom: They knew where it came from, but would they say to their chieftain? There was that knowledge.

    GUEST: Was that knowledge suppressed, therefore?

    Tom: That is correct. They were also impressed, subjugated with the idea that they had no value, except for aiding the productiveness of males. Do you understand how many souls were evacuated because of being a female, and attempted to recycle over and over?

    GUEST: No, I didn't understand that was a major phenomenon.

    Tom: It is still a major phenomenon, is it not?

    JOHN: In China?

    Tom: Yes. Also in the seven-gods nation.

    GUEST: Which nation is that?

    Tom: India.

    Then some discussions were had on the role of youth

    JOHN: Do you have a message for the aware young people of today, who are now growing into adulthood?

    Tom: You are now completing the functions and lessons of children and have begun the identification of who you are. We would wish you to know this: you are not your personality, you are truly the essence of the whole universe. Therefore we make a request for the future, that you take upon yourself total and complete responsibility for yourself, the planet Earth and the cosmos.

    When you were children, you played the game of children. Now you have entered the world of realness. This means that you know who you are, and you will not tarnish it by permitting yourself the games of children. You have entered a new phase. You have stepped through the threshold at the time of the beginning of releasing the bottleneck on Planet Earth. You have begun to enter into the chambers of the initiate. You have begun to identify your source, and if you truly think upon it, you know you can move a mountain, elevate Planet Earth and remove yourself from being stuck in yourself.

    Know always you are loved, and walk in the knowledge of that love and who you are. Work in cohesiveness and love with each other, as we do with you. We have said in the past, you only need to ask.. So drop the pride of children, and ask what you wish with sincerity and joy, and remove the personality that says: "we must sacrifice".

    The sacrifices of the past no longer exist. It is not needed, we do not wish it. We only wish joy for you and the Earth. We are with you in the releasing of Earth from bondage: now at this moment release yourself also. Release yourself now completely, totally - accept who you are and go forward with joy. We thank you, we are in great joy and we love you. You are the manifestation of us upon Earth: hold that in the centre of your being and represent us as we represent you. We give you love, we bring to you peace. We are always with you.

    DEE: I'd like to ask about reaching out to youth: how that would best be done, individually, in small groups, in large groups, teaching, play?

    Tom: What is important is trust, and also to not underestimate their ability for understanding. On this planet at this time are souls who are now young who have come to bring Planet Earth into the future that in truth is a glorious future for all Creation. They have come in trust, but there are some who are in great confusion, for they feel insecure. What is important is to place them in situations of security, trust, and love for the next few years, not to place them in situations of jeopardy - and for males who feel jeopardy is a part of their growing-up process, you must appreciate that jeopardy in this time is real jeopardy: the whole world is in question. Their world. There are energies that are not the best. We do not mean that a child must be pampered: we mean that good reasoning, understanding and explanation be given to your youth, for they understand more than you know. Also they know you better than you know yourself. They also know that they have boundaries, for they have come from a vast universe, and they need a boundary in your physical world, for that boundary creates their safety, and as they expand within themselves, the boundary then expands. But they must be in a spiral, in other words a boundary that helps them to go upward, growing outwards.

    What is needed most, is understanding in the parents, for the youth of today come with a code of knowledge that has never existed before upon Planet Earth, and what is needed is for the parents to understand that all the books that are written cannot help these special youth - it must come from the heart. And the guilt of the parent also comes forth, because parents are not sure that they can carry forth this obligation that these youth have brought to them. Know this: they would not have chosen you if they did not believe you could carry things through, for you can.

    JOHN: We were discussing our concern that so many young people, boys, want to play with toy weapons, fighting and contending with each other. This seems to be almost a necessity amongst boys because of peer group pressure, however much we might not want to give them toy weapons. How can we deal with this situation, and is this creating a problem for them in the future?

    Tom: It creates a great difficulty in future. There is on your planet Earth the illusion that if they are permitted to play out that aggression by attacking each other, then it removes aggression. That is not true: it creates more. You are the guardians of your youth, you must speak. Create ways and means through motion and exercise, and in creating games that have two aims: competitive with others and competitive with self. Create new ways and new means, and involve humankind's youth, and organise parents against weaponry.

    When you force those who create weaponry to not create business through it, another means will be found. You must understand the energies that are created with weaponry, yes. You may be forced by the group pressure of youth, to give in.

    JOHN: Forced by peer pressure to give in - yes, that's what happened with us.

    Tom: What is important is the organization of small groups of parents against weaponry. Make your children proud that they do not need it. That they have other means of expression. Each of you has returned to this planet at this time for the betterment of Planet Earth. Utilize who you are: in your returning know that you have access to all knowledge. Do not limit yourself in what you can attain. Yes.

    MIKI: We were discussing relationships this morning, about each person being ultimately responsible for their experience, and about the possibility of one person being a victim of the other. Could you comment on that?

    Tom: There is in your world a limited understanding of the overall view. It is possible for both people to be victims. Yes.

    MIKI: So, that means that one is not ultimately responsible for one's own experience?

    Tom: Not in all issues. There are situations in which one is drawn into a pattern of another. Sometimes it is possible to clear this pattern, through working with each other's growth. Sometimes it is not possible, because the other is not able to become clear at that time. Each soul has to develop in its own way through learning and evolution. There are times when there is absolute victimization by others, as it is possible also for one to create victimization.

    JOHN: Yes. Is it true that, once you realize you are in somebody else's energy, that you then do regain your responsibility, because you then have the awareness, choice and ability to remove yourself?

    Tom: Not always. If your are in someone else’s blueprint, and their energy touches you on the periphery, it is easier to extricate yourself; but take an octopus – if it wraps its tentacles around you then you have a greater struggle to remove yourself, or to stop being eaten up. Recognizing the problem does not help at that point, for it is too late, too big.

    Miki: So is there any solution to it, not to be victimized?

    Tom: In your planetary evolution there are stages as well as blueprints of life. We will take a tribe that you might call barbaric: in their state they victimize and are victimized because they live in a small framework, they do not understand the wider reality. It is only by experience and education that they extend and expand beyond it. The more aware you become, the less tendency you have to fall into the arms of an octopus. In other words don’t take on anything or anyone you know you do not have the strength to pull away from. Or it has less significance because your ego is not so caught up in it, in the octopus-arms of your self or another.

    Miki: It also seems that people who are very sensitive, psychically receptive, or open to others, or other energies, are more vulnerable than others. Is there any advice to such people, for them to be protected?

    Tom: Yes. Upon waking each morning ask for a protection of light surrounding you, to keep maintaining balance, and constantly check on your reactions within – whose reality you exist within.

    Can you be involved physically with other beings and not hurt them? Remember that you must have compassion, you must have harmony, you must have understanding, but at all times you must detach from the work. We will go one step beyond and explain if you wish.

    In your physical world, in your physical desires and your emotional exchanges, can you in your souls and hearts become involved in a physical relationship, when you are involved in the work of consciousness? And if that person you are involved with is also involved in the work, can you in honesty say that when you go into the work you will be completely separate and objective, when you meet a conflict of priority between the work and your relationship? And can you be firm in your analysis of the situation? Can you say "No, in this matter I believe you are incorrect", or will that physical relationship create a problem? Will you bend towards one side or another because of your physical relationship? Can you explain to your partner that, when you enter the portals of our world, that you must then be cut off from that physical being and act with detachment, completely objective and honest? You do not need to answer these questions to us, but to yourself.

    GUEST: If one could not detach, leave that kind of relationship behind when necessary, does that mean it would contaminate our inner work, with your world - is that what the end result is?

    Tom: It would contaminate the work, but not the relationship with us. Remember, in your physical world, people around you do not always understand who you are, and perhaps may never truly know who you are, but at times, in their own way, without meaning to, they will try to control you. And remember: because they might be in the world, this is their priority, so they may create problems for you. Do you understand fully?

    GUEST: I think I do.

    Tom: We must have complete clarification: you must not say you know, and later not know.

    GUEST: Well, if I could paraphrase it, the work is to be detached from any other relationship we have outside of that work.

    Tom: That is not a hundred percent. I will give you an analogy. We will put you in a situation: you have a business together, and the business is separated from your household. One evening you spend the time together, and you are very loving, very close and in complete balance and harmony in your physical life. In your morning time the two of you go to your business. When you enter that business, can you then detach from your partnership relationship? If your mate does something wrong in that business, or if your mate is not completely detached, or if someone comes into that business, and your mate does not handle the situation as it should be handled, on whose side do you go? Do you go on your customer's side or on your mate's side? Can you detach? Can your mate understand that in your correcting the mate, it was for the business and it was not personal? They say I am not making myself clear to you.

    GUEST: I think we understand that very well, yes.

    Tom: Can you not manipulate your mate, and can your mate not manipulate you? That is what we are trying to say. To the detriment of the work or your business. This is what you have to deal with. Can you stand firm and say you are wrong? Or will you weaken? Do you see?

    GUEST: Total objectivity and total honesty in these situations.

    Tom: Will it then create a problem in your evening?

    GUEST: (Laughing) Yes, it will! So you can't get into this unless your mate is carefully chosen beforehand

    Tom: Will your mate try to then run your business? All areas you must investigate. Will your mate truly know better than you, or will your mate think that they know better than you?

    GUEST: Well, can you comment on whether there is any purpose or validity to the institution of marriage on this planet at this time, during this period?

    Tom: You speak of a marriage that is a legal contract according to the terms of the nation of your existence? A oneness is a oneness. If it is an identifiable structure to bring forth to those in your vicinity, to show to them that there is solidarity and oneness, marriage has value. However, many pairs of people are one, without a legal contract, and at this time they tend to be more at one in their hearts than those who are bound by contract.

    GUEST/2: My wife is now going to separate from me: how can I make her going away easier, for us both, and especially what can I do to let the least harm come to our children?

    Tom: Remove all past emotion as much as is feasible within you. Approach all from the centre of your heart. Be in gentleness, be in confidence with yourself, but be in loving kindness and sincerity. In every world, when there is separation from one who has been close, there is also great pain to many. For your children, always be in truth, in readiness to share yourself, to accept responsibility for them. Be a strength to them, but always in truth. Listen within and follow that. If you wish, call for help.

    Humankind was not meant to be alone. Humankind has come to learn to merge the male and the female, the positive and the negative, the Yang and Yin, and then it becomes one.

    We have difficulty understanding your nature. We are being educated by others in the ways of you beings. It is very difficult for us to understand your physical nature. We understand your emotional and your intellectual nature but it is very difficult for us to understand your physical ways. We are aware of the problems that you are having on Planet Earth with the sexuality of the physical. We cannot remove this: this people must remove from themselves, or refine it.

    ANDREW: Yes, I guess we'll all have to work at it and do the best we can. Is there anyone who does, understand the physical of humans, since it was designed and created by an intelligence?

    Tom: Are you referring to one of us?

    ANDREW: Yes, somewhere in your consortium there must be those who understand it.

    Tom: There are those amongst us that understand. I do not understand that emotion, so I will relate it in the manner that has been given to me. In regard to your physical bodies, the sexual desires you have - and we are speaking now in terms of your physical reproductive areas - these are similar to a safety valve. When you become involved in awakening, and this type of work of service, this is activated to a degree. If the being is not able to raise the vibration it becomes like a furnace that is stoked and the furnace must have a safety valve. The refined way of doing this would be to raise the energy level, or to work off steam in your way. Within all of you there is a pipeline and if the energy level is not funneled upward so the steam can be released properly, it then becomes a hot burning furnace. The only release then is sexuality. I do not understand the emotion: it does not make sense to me.

    ANDREW: The emotion is a kind of feedback loop: if there is heat it wants more heat.

    Tom: As they are explaining to me, there is nothing wrong with this emotion, but if you let off too much steam, then it dissipates the energy of that furnace, and it no longer supplies and functions as it should. This is the problem in your physical world: there is too much involvement in the releasing of energy, rather than refining energy. It is important for this refining to take place... but they are telling me if you eat too much you will get sick. I understand not.

    ANDREW: Yes, if we eat too much we get what is called indigestion, we cannot handle the load, and I take it this refers analogically to this physical desire.

    Tom: This is true. If you eat too much, you dissipate energy gained from eating. If you act too much you dissipate the energy of action. Energy is important, it must not be dissipated and thrown into the ether, it must be channelled properly. We also would like you to know that there is nothing wrong with your physical relationships. It is when they become the central issue of your being that the energy is dissipated.

    CHARLES: Masturbation: is it a normal form of behaviour, or shouldn't it be at all?

    Tom: It is in your world of physicalness, because of the desire in genetic factors within the human body, that has been generated down through generations. We have no objection to masturbation, for it was a form of masturbation that seeded the Earth. But it spills what is of great importance to us: we do not object to the youth, if it releases them of pressure within their physicalness; but in older people, and those who work in service with us, it can be a wastage of energies, which may be utilized otherwise. When it is not utilized, in equality or blending of etherics with one of the other gender, it is not in its best essence. But if it would bring to you the releasing of pressure, then we have not objection, yes.

    MIKI: I know we are not supposed to kill. But when a female is receiving a baby which she does not want to receive, till which month after conception is she allowed to terminate this small one's gestation?

    Tom: We wish for you to know that there will be no extinguishing of a life that has a right to live. That is governed by the universe. When we say a right to live, we mean a soul that chose to come back to serve, or chose to come for the lesson that it needs. Those that are stopped before their birth, in the great majority, are willful spirits that need a longer time to exist in the before-birth state, before their returning to a physical existence. Most of them also should be born in other civilizations. You have used a term of 'kill' - it is not correct. It is a very serious problem upon Planet Earth, because your religions have made it a serious problem in order to control people. We say this to you: a soul that is meant to be born in its proper method will not be extinguished. Those that should not be, in some manner will be not brought forth. There is no death before there is life in the physical world. What is murder in your world? It is the extinguishing of a life that has not yet served its full purpose in the physical: it is not a removal of life, but it is a complication of the process of evolution on Earth. But in reality there is no death. It is wrong to extinguish a life that has not fulfilled its purpose. We mean one that has been brought forth fully to the planet Earth - it has been born. Altea has said that if you want a term, it would be not be past three and a half of your months. For up to that time the soul has no memory of its being in a cocoon of the womb. Therefore it does not get hurt within.

    GUEST: Is there such a thing on this planet as natural or true soul mates? And if so, is there only one true mate, or other half, for each person?

    Tom: When you speak of soul mates we come into an area that is difficult to explain, for there are those that you have existed within the physical past in other lives, that you may have an affinity for, if they pass your path again. But when you speak of a true soul mate, we speak then of a relationship that is made up of two but is in reality one. In that instance you cannot have several possible ones: there is only one. There are those that exist that have integrated as one whole into one being - as in the civilisation of Altea there is no male, no female, but only one gender. On your physical planet, because of its situation, it is necessity to be male, or to be female, but you are in essence one.

    And on the subject of homosexual relationships:

    Tom: There are very few souls who have come to Planet Earth but one time. But those who have come in what you term homosexuality, are beings that have lived many existences, and repeated them in one sex-identification, then came through in the opposite sex, and have confusion. Each of you, you must know this, at one time have lived in this situation. Know this: it is the connection, the coming together of male and female energy, which brings oneness with creation. Man has always innately known that power comes from women, and in your heterosexual relations males who go from one woman to another looking for that connection with the Creation, and they do not take time to understand the energy. They only know, in the darkness of the recesses of their mind, that they have this desire, and it overtakes them, and instead of bringing elevation it degrades their being.

    As in the case of the religions upon Planet Earth, in the beginning people had knowledge, and then men became dogmatic in their attempt to control others. Even though, in the basis of their knowledge, there was truth, it was lost in misuse. You may not wish to hear what we say, but when there is a person that is homosexual, it is a being who has lived as the opposite sex for many lives, repeatedly. What is needed is more understanding of this. For all souls have been of the opposite sex. When you humans understand, then we have a great step forward. Each soul who elevates themselves to understand humankind has lived in this situation. There is a saying in your Christendom that says, "But by the grace of God go I", What it should say is "But by the grace of what I created go I".
