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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section IV - Stages in the Externalization
Again, the Members of the Hierarchy are not only sensitive to impression from the two other planetary centers (Shamballa and Humanity), but They are acutely aware of the Forces of Evil which are fighting furiously against the externalization of the spiritual work. The energy which cosmic evil generates is active along three main channels:
  1. From the center of cosmic evil upon the cosmic astral plane. Of this center you can know nothing, and its emanations and its magnetic aura can only be understood and recognized or interpreted by the senior Masters and by initiates of still higher rank. As the potency of the astral plane (which is so familiar to us all) weakens, and glamor and illusion are negated by a rapid spiritualizing of humanity, the power of cosmic evil will correspondingly weaken and the Forces of Evil will be unable to reach the planet with their present easy effort. It is against the impact of this emanating evil that the Hierarchy stands in protection of humanity. Hitherto it has been the task of Shamballa, working through the Hierarchy, to protect humanity from the "intention to destroy" of the cosmic Forces of Evil, but - in the coming cycle and as a result of the triumph of the Forces of Light in the world war - the potency of Shamballa can be combined with that of the "protecting Agents of Light."
  2. From the Black Lodge which is the externalization of the center of cosmic evil on Earth. Just as the White Lodge is the representative or correspondence of the cosmic center of light upon Sirius (the true Great White Lodge), so the Black Lodge is also representative of ancient and cosmic evil. The Black Lodge is also far more advanced in externalization than is the White Lodge, because materialism and matter are, [689] for it, the line of least resistance. The Black Lodge is therefore far more firmly anchored upon the physical plane than is the Hierarchy. It requires a much greater effort for the White Lodge to "clothe itself in matter and work and walk on material levels" than for the Black Lodge. Owing, however, to the spiritual growth of mankind and to the steady, even if slow, orientation of mankind to the spiritual Hierarchy, the time has come when the Hierarchy can materialize and meet the enemy of good upon an even footing; the Hierarchy need not be further handicapped by working in substance whilst the Forces of Evil work both in substance and in matter. Once the reappearance of the Christ and of the Hierarchy is an accomplished fact, these Forces of Evil face sure defeat. The reason for this is that the trend of human living and thought is turning steadily towards the subjective spiritual values, even if these values are interpreted in terms of material well-being at present and of better living conditions for all - with peace and security also for all. The Black Lodge or the planetary center of evil works almost entirely upon the astral plane, and is impressed directly and guided in detail from the cosmic astral plane.
  3. From the negative or purely material forces of the planet, which are not necessarily either good or bad but which have been used instinctually and oft unconsciously by humanity for purely material ends, and are therefore basically anti-spiritual and subject to the influence of human desire - a desire oriented towards selfishness, and therefore towards separateness. This form of evil is being combated today by the New Group of World Servers. Of this battle you know something because every thinking man and woman is immediately implicated.

I have spoken of the evil present in the planet in very simple terms, and there are phases of it to which I have not referred; the interlocking and interpenetrating of the grades of evil are far more numerous and intricate than you surmise.

In summing up, I would say that the present reorientation of the Hierarchy, in relation both to Shamballa and to [690] Humanity, ushers in the cycle of complete defeat of cosmic evil upon our planet, leaving only an isolated and weakened Black Lodge to die a slow death; this permits the purification of human desire to such an extent that "matter will be redeemed by the sacrificial will of Those Who know, by the will-to-good of Those Who are, and by the goodwill of those sons of men who have turned their faces to the light and who in turn reflect that light."

As all disciples know, one of the problems with which they are constantly confronted is an extreme sensitivity to the thought currents of those with whom they are immediately in contact. The more advanced the disciple, the greater is his problem. The theory that if one lives and works on a high level of consciousness one is immune to that which emanates from the lower level does not in practice hold good. The occult law proclaims that the greater can always include the lesser, and just as that is true of the planetary Logos (Who is the sumtotal of all lesser forms within His manifested universe), so the same law applies also to all human beings. The disciple, therefore, can always include that which emanates from those who are below him on the ladder of evolution. The more a disciple is under the influence of the Law of Love, the more easily does he tune in and absorb the thoughts and register the desires of those around him, and particularly of those who are tied to him in the bonds of affection and of karmic relation. As disciples proceed from initiation to initiation, the will aspect fortifies the intellect and directs the expression of the energy of love, and thus the problem lessens, for the initiate learns certain protective rules which are not available to the neophyte. The latter must learn, first of all, how to identify himself with others, as the basis of a higher identification which conditions the senior initiates in the scale of being.

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