18 de Julio de 2008

del Sitio Web Investigar11S

El edificio WTC 7, que no fue impactado por los aviones secuestrados,

colapsó en 6,6 segundos, justo 0,6 de segundo más de lo que demoraría en caer

un objeto desde la azotea hasta golpear la tierra.

Por segundo año, va a haber una marcha en Bruselas por la verdad este Septiembre 7 .

United For Truth (Unidos por La Verdad) es una iniciativa ciudadana. Es una plataforma ciudadana, no una ONG u Organización No Gubernamental. Une a personas y grupos de varias organizaciones no gubernamentales y sin ánimo de lucro en Europa. Su objetivo principal es el de dar a cada ciudadano la posibilidad de aprender sobre las cosas que no pueden conocer a través de los diversos medios de comunicación.


Convocamos y organizamos una manifestación y reunión pacífica pan-europea delante del edificio Berlaymont en la Plaza Schuman de Bruselas, el 7 de Septiembre, 2008. Este pensamos el lugar ideal para intercambiar ideas y demandar respuestas de aquellos que pretenden ser nuestros dirigentes y/o funcionarios europeos.

Demasiados acontecimientos del 11 de Septiembre del 2001 no encajan en absoluto con la versión oficial, tal como es el caso de tantos otros precedentes de ataques “terroristas”, incluso históricos. Por eso exigimos una nueva investigación.

Rechazamos cualquier forma de totalitarismo, extremismo o integrismo, sea capitalista, comunista, fascista, etcétera. Procuremos ser sencillos y directos para mantener una postura y objetivo claros. Queremos ser una pesadilla para el Gran Hermano y el Nuevo Orden Mundial elitista.


Pensamos y actuamos independientemente, ¿Y tú?

Compruebe nuestro manifiesto y nuestros colaboradores colectivos e individuales.





7th September 2008 Brussels

by NuoVisoProductions

from YouTube Website




We want an investigation, not a re-investigation of what happened on 911 2001.

Why this is necessary? What do you think?

  • Because those who are in the loop have to make sure that more and more people know it.

  • I am not going to accept that governments are lying to us.

  • Cause there are so many people who think this all is just a big cover-up

  • There are millions of us.

  • We just need a change

Move yourself and ask some questions because its inevidence that we don't know what's happened on this day - on the day of 911 - and its very important to have the answer.

After all, it's about ourselves.

"The world has changed after September 11th. It's changed because we're no longer safe."

These words were used by the George W. Bush, elected President of the United States in 2000, to dictate the political direction for the 21st Century.

Whereas Americans launch attacks relatively quickly, first on Afghanistan and later on Iraq, using falsified evidence, doubts about the official version of the events of September 11th grows. The speculations that surfaced on the internet directly after the attacks were considered to be just wild conspiracy theories until this now. Yet the circumstantial evidence and even the substantial evidence itself paints a clear picture.


The responsibility for the terrible attacks seems to lie not with Islamic Terrorists but with several high-ranking members of the military and administration of the U.S. Government.

This above documentary focuses on the inconsistencies in the official version of the events as well as on the evidence which has been suppressed regarding September 11th.


In addition, it answers the questions of why we still know nothing about it to this day and why we are being deceived - also in European countries.

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