About the Author

Natalia Perera has a BA in Psychology and an MA in International Relations from the University of New South Wales in Sydney. She studied mind-body medicine and natural therapies at Nature Care College, Sydney, focusing on Ayurvedic medicine and bodywork and also undertook three years of practical training in gestalt therapy. She is passionate about integrating the sciences of Ayurveda and yoga with the arts of holistic counselling and bodywork to facilitate deep healing and create health on the foundations of a higher consciousness.

Upon completion of her studies, Natalia worked in India as a duty doctor at a prominent Ayurvedic hospital in Kerala for some months. She returned to Australia in 2001 and set up her clinic, Saffronrose, in Woollahra, Sydney. Natalia takes clients through an in-depth consultation to determine their natural constitution and identify the imbalances underlying their health symptoms. She designs individualized lifestyle regimes and therapeutic programs that can involve nutritional advice, food and herbal home remedies, appropriate exercise routines, yoga postures, meditation and breathing techniques, personal counselling sessions, Ayurvedic cooking recipes and Ayurvedic massage treatments.

Natalia Perera can be contacted at: