Martha M. Christy
extract from Chapters
1 and 2 of
"Your Own Perfect Medicine"
Published in 1994 by FutureMed, Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
When all other medicines and remedies failed, urine therapy
successfully treated this woman’s lifelong ’incurable’ illness. |
There is an extraordinary natural healing substance, produced by our
own bodies, that modern medical science has proven to be one of the most powerful natural medicines known to man. Unlike many other
natural medical therapies, this method requires no monetary
investment or doctor’s intervention and can be easily accessed and
used at any time.
The extensive medical research findings on this natural medicine
have never been compiled and released to the general public before
now, but those who have been fortunate enough to hear about this
medicine and use it have found that it can produce often astounding
healing even when all other therapies have failed.
This book tells of the doctors, medical researchers and the hundreds
of other people who have used this extraordinary medicine throughout
our century to cure a huge variety of common illnesses and combat
even the most incurable diseases. This is the extraordinary untold
story of a natural healing substance so remarkable that it can only
be called our own perfect medicine.
My own experience with this little-known natural medicine began as a
result of my search for an answer to many years of serious chronic
illnesses that had begun very early in life. Like thousands of
people today, I had developed chronic, degenerative disorders that
couldn’t be helped by conventional medicine and which threatened to
destroy permanently my ability to work, function and simply enjoy
When I was young, I suffered through the same measles, mumps,
chicken pox and colds that everyone else did. And like other
children, I played hard, worked hard, and dreamed of the day when I
would become a vigorous, emancipated teenager, just like everyone
else. But, for me, that particular dream wasn’t going to come true.
One beautiful July morning at the age of 12, I awoke with a start.
Suddenly, surprised and frightened, I realized I was lying in a dark
red pool of blood that was so large it had soaked through even the
thick layers of my mattress. Trembling and weak, I pushed myself up
out of bed and felt a horrible, wrenching pain tear through my
My worried mother came running in answer to my screams, but, after
assessing the situation, said there really wasn’t much she could do
about the pain of my first menstrual period. But what neither she
nor I knew at the time was that what should have been a natural
transition to adolescence and menstruating was, for me, going to
become a waking nightmare that lasted almost 30 years.
At the onset of each one of my monthly menstrual periods I would
invariably end up either in my doctor’s office or at the emergency
room of the hospital screaming with pain, bleeding copiously and
passing huge clots of blood.
For several months after my ’periods from hell’ began, my mother
chauffeured me around the city from doctor to doctor with no success
until our family doctor finally instituted a monthly regimen of
painkillers such as Demerol or Darvon injections and then sent me
home with a big, round bottle of full-strength prescription codeine
with which I proceeded to dope myself senseless for the next eight
to 10 days. This same cycle was repeated every month for almost 20
Throughout adolescence, the simple everyday functions of getting up
and going to school were an often monumental and utterly exhausting
effort for me. Unlike the rest of my family and friends, I had
marked periods of extreme exhaustion. I became extremely susceptible
to colds and flu and felt bone-chillingly cold all the time-even in
the warmest summer weather.
By the age of 14, the effort of combating severe chronic pain and
fatigue while trying to keep up normal activities became impossible.
I collapsed and had to be hospitalized and removed from school for
several months. But even after a huge battery of medical tests and
innumerable visits with doctors and specialists, no one was able to
diagnose what was causing my problems.
After many weeks I returned to school and struggled through the
high-school years with the aid of generous amounts of codeine and
other strong painkillers that my doctor willingly prescribed. But by
the time I left home for college, the symptoms of bleeding,
exhaustion, pain and digestive problems became so bad that I often
was unable even to leave my room or take part in daily activities.
I kept up the Demerol injections and codeine for many years and
added to my regimen several other new painkillers and drugs which
had been developed for menstrual problems. But the problems
continued unabated, and in the ensuing years I developed myriad
other serious health problems.
During the years from age 18 to 30 I was diagnosed with pelvic
inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease or ileitis
(a chronic, painful inflammation of the colon), chronic fatigue
syndrome (CFS), Hashimoto’s disease (a disorder of the thyroid
gland) and mononucleosis.
I had severe chronic kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic
cystitis, severe candida and external yeast infections along with
marked adrenal insufficiency and serious chronic ear and sinus
infections for which I was prescribed antibiotics on an ongoing
basis for several years. Food and chemical allergies also became a
big problem, and even though I ate almost nothing because of my
extreme food allergies, I actually kept gaining weight, which only
added to the discomfort of all the other health disorders with which
I was dealing.
The bottles of drugs I had taken during this time could have filled
a small landfill, but none of my illnesses or disorders had been
resolved and, in fact, they were more debilitating than ever. It
seemed as though I had become nothing more than a walking
encyclopedia of disease, and the worst part about the entire
situation was that no matter how many failed drug therapies I tried,
any visit to the doctor’s office only resulted in another
discouraging failure.
Another big problem was the drug side-effects. I felt like a
ping-pong ball, bouncing from one drug to another as my doctors kept
prescribing more and different drugs to counteract the side- effects
of the ones I was already taking.
By the time I turned 30, the natural health movement was really
picking up speed, and, desperate for any solution, I tried out the
Adelle Davis nutrition regimen, megavitamin therapy, acupuncture,
chiropractic care and every herbal preparation and drug-free natural
health therapy that I could find.
Within two years, my chronic cystitis cleared up and the menstrual
pain and bleeding markedly decreased. The ulcerative colitis also
responded and the sinus infections disappeared. I felt that I was
slowly and surely regaining strength and health and even beginning
to experience a portion of the energy and vigor that ’normal’
healthy people enjoy-and all without drugs.
When I conceived my son at 34 and made it through the first
trimester without miscarrying, I felt as though I’d conquered the
final health frontier. Unfortunately, in my burst of enthusiasm, I
underestimated the impact of pregnancy on my understandably frail
health, and the birth for which I had so carefully prepared was a
near-fatal disaster requiring emergency surgery.
As it turned out, even despite all the illness and pain I’d gone
through in the years before the birth, all of it seemed like child’s
play after I ran head-on into the serious complications of a
difficult childbirth.
For months after the birth I hounded my gynecologist, complaining
of unremitting and severe abdominal cramps, cystitis and horribly
painful menstrual periods. My natural health treatments would give
temporary relief but, mystifyingly, didn’t seem to have the same
beneficial and lasting effects that they’d had before my pregnancy.
I underwent every conceivable medical test, each of which came back
negative, but the problems just didn’t go away. My doctor flinched
every time I walked in the door and then sent me back out again with
increasingly severe assurances that the pain was "unwarranted" and
probably all in my head.
After alienating every doctor in town with my complaints, I finally
gave up and decided to ’suffer in silence’ until one hot summer day,
almost 24 months after the birth, I suddenly fell screaming with
pain on my living room floor in front of my terrified two- year-old.
I literally had to crawl to the phone to call my husband. When he
carried me, screeching, into my OB’s office, the doctor clicked his
tongue disapprovingly. "Now it can’t be that bad, dear. We just
checked you out a few months ago," he cajoled.
He gave me codeine and sent me home. Forty-eight hours later I was
in the operating room having emergency surgery for multiple-ruptured
ovarian tumours.
A couple of days after the procedure, my doctor sauntered into my
hospital room with a conciliatory grin on his face. "Gee," he
drawled apologetically,
"we had no idea anything like this was going
to happen. Your ovary looked horrible-engorged to the size of a
grapefruit. No wonder you were hurting. Sorry you had to go so long
without help but, you know, the tests just never turned up anything.
And oh, by the way, the pathologist found a little endometriosis in
your right ovary."
Endometriosis is an incurable women’s disease in which uterine
tissue for some unknown reason detaches itself from the uterus,
moves to other locations in the body and attaches itself to other
organs or body tissue.
This misplaced uterine tissue spontaneously
bleeds in response to hormonal changes, causing internal bleeding,
scarring and often excruciating pain that can destroy the woman’s
ability to live and function normally. This disease is not uncommon
among women, but it is incurable, at least by conventional medical
My "little" endometriosis turned into the monster that ate Tokyo.
Three months after my doctor had ’successfully’ operated, I was
again sitting in the ultrasound room at the hospital, watching as
several new endometrial tumors appeared on the monitor screen,
accompanied by the usual excruciating pelvic pain, internal
bleeding, constipation, haemorrhagic cystitis and acute exhaustion.
After the ultrasound I decided to contact a doctor who was
recommended to me as an expert on endometriosis. He told me that he
felt that my health problems had originally stemmed from undiagnosed
severe endometriosis and an underactive thyroid which had probably
been present since adolescence. He recommended an immediate
hysterectomy, which I underwent. The day after the operation, the
doctor visited me and compassionately whispered that I would "never
have a problem with endometriosis again". But he was wrong.
Twenty months later, I had more tumors and another operation. Three
months after that, the pain, tumors and internal bleeding
reappeared and I was scheduled for what would by now have been my
sixth surgical procedure in five years, which I refused to undergo.
Desperate and seriously debilitated, I flew to Mexico where I spent
$15,000 on an intensive course of intravenous megavitamin and
live-cell therapy at one of the alternative cancer clinics which had
offered some hope for my case. For weeks, doctors poured nutrients
and natural medicines into my veins and mouth. I watched as many of
the cancer patients around me seemed to get better and better with
the treatments. And I did, too-for about two months.
I spent my 40th birthday hopelessly sick and in bed, which was where
I stayed that entire year. The drugs, operations and Mexican
treatments had completely failed, and my usual herbs and
homoeopathic remedies, although they gave temporary relief, seemed
almost useless against the disease. And by now, even though I had
health insurance, my husband and I had spent over $100,000 of our
own money, and still I couldn’t even get out of bed.
I had one last surgery which removed another large bleeding tumor.
When I got home from the hospital I weighed 89 pounds and developed
a post-surgical infection which required several courses of
antibiotics. After taking the antibiotics, I developed an extremely
severe case of candida (yeast infection). My hands and arms became
covered with a horribly itchy fungal infection that nothing could
relieve or cure, and I remained generally exhausted, bedridden and
in intense pain.
Because of the surgeries, I was also experiencing early and severe
menopausal symptoms: hot flushes, mood swings, water retention and
depression. But because endometriosis is exacerbated by oestrogen,
my doctor recommended that I refrain from taking oestrogen
supplements which she said would have relieved the severe and very
unpleasant symptoms.
Several months after the surgery, the all-too-familiar endometrial
symptoms returned. My doctor assured me that all was well, but when
I asked for and received my surgical records from the hospital I
found she had written that,
"all attempts to remove endometriosis
will be done, but complete surgical care can rarely be guaranteed;
the patient may require further therapy for endometriosis, medically
or surgically".
For my exhausted and bewildered husband and myself,
this prognosis seemed like an insurmountable and final defeat.
I had one more heart-to-heart talk with a gynecologist who told me,
"Given the severity of your case, the reality is that you could be
facing a lifetime of corrective surgery."
Given the state of my
health at the time, I couldn’t envision that "lifetime" meant
anything more for me than a few additional years of mind-numbing
pain and misery before my body finally gave out.
After nearly a lifetime of illness, these last episodes in my late
thirties and early forties seemed like the final blow, and in all
honesty I felt that there was no way out and no hope in sight. No
matter how many times I’d been assured by my doctors that drugs and
surgery would cure the endometriosis and my other disorders and make
it possible for me to live a normal life, the doctors had been
proven wrong.
A few weeks later when I heard that one of my friends from the
cancer clinic had died in his sleep, I felt sad for his family but
happy for him because he was finally free of his pain and suffering.
In many ways I felt that he was the lucky one and I almost wished
that the same thing would happen to me. It seemed that death would
have been a blessing, especially so that my family could be freed
from the seemingly never-ending burden of my illness and be able to
get on with their lives.
Sitting alone and discouraged one morning, I glanced up dismally
from a book I was reading when my husband came into the room. "I’ve
got something else we can try, honey," he chirped enthusiastically,
and proceeded to describe his conversation with a woman who had
cured herself of a serious and reportedly incurable kidney disorder
by using an unusual therapy. "Whaaat!" I responded after he told me
what the therapy was. "I don’t think so," I said, and went back to
reading my book.
But after several more days and many more horrible episodes of pain
and drugs, my husband handed me a small book and said, "You’ve got
to try this." I picked up the book and began to read.
The small, unpretentious-looking book was full of fascinating
stories about people who had been cured of even the worst diseases
with a seemingly strange and little-known natural therapy. The
therapy seemed incredibly effective, yet I still felt reluctant to
try it. But as I read further on in the book, the stories were so
compelling and the therapy was so simple that suddenly it didn’t
seem strange or preposterous to me any more. And at this point in my
now nearly futile existence, I knew I had absolutely nothing to lose
by trying it-so I did.
From the first day I began the therapy, to my immense surprise I got
almost instantaneous relief from my incurable constipation and fluid
retention. Within a week, my severe abdominal and pelvic pain was
unbelievably gone.
The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external)
soon disappeared, and food allergies, exhaustion and digestive
problems all began to heal.
After a few more months of the therapy I noticed that, amazingly, my
colds, flu, sore throats and viral symptoms, all of which had
resurfaced and become chronic after the surgeries, now rarely made
an appearance. My hair, which had fallen out in handfuls after my
fifth surgery, became thick and lustrous, my weight normalized and
my energy and strength increased so markedly that I was even able to
work again.
Last summer I hiked four miles into the Grand Canyon. For the first
time in many years I can swim and even comfortably ride horseback or
on my mountain bike for hours at a time-all formerly unimaginable
activities. Much to my own and my family’s amazement, I am back at
work. After 30 years of almost non-stop illness, I have a rich, full
life again-and all because of an unbelievably simple and effective
natural medicine that almost none of us even knows exists.
This natural therapy became, for me, a priceless gift of health, as
it has for many others. It gave the fastest, most dramatic results
of any natural or manmade medical treatment I have ever tried and
was truly the miraculous happy ending to my long story of illness
and failed medical treatments. By using this simple, natural
medicine, along with other natural healing approaches such as
homoeopathy, herbs, good nutrition and rest, I have been able to
remain consistently disease-free and I feel better and stronger than
I have ever felt in my life since that fateful day in July so many
years ago.
And even though this natural medicine seemed so peculiar to me at
first, I later discovered to my surprise that medical researchers
have been intensively studying and using this medicinal substance
for decades.
As a matter of fact, unknown to the vast majority of the public,
this incredibly simple and wonderful natural treatment is a
well-proven medical therapy that has been used extensively and
successfully throughout the 20th century by doctors and researchers
from many different branches of medicine all over the world and has
been shown to be amazingly effective in treating a huge variety of
It’s time that all of us should know about this therapy and about
the medical research findings on this truly remarkable natural
medicine-which is why I have written this book.
Up until this point, whenever anyone wrote or talked about using
this substance for healing, they’ve been told that it’s just an
unproven folk remedy or old wives’ tale.
But, as you’ll discover in the following pages, this is completely
untrue. The truth is that doctors and medical researchers for years
have scientifically proven the tremendous effectiveness of this
natural medicine. They just haven’t told us about it-for reasons
which we’ll discuss later on in the book.
This simple, natural method may seem less glamorous than commercial
drugs and space-age surgical techniques because it’s not glorified
by the press or hyped by sophisticated, sugar-coated advertising
But when all the manmade medicines in the world can’t help,
people like myself have been eternally grateful to find that nature
has provided this safe, painless solution to even seemingly
incurable illnesses.
So what is this mystery miracle medicine and why don’t any of us
know anything about it? If the body really does produce such an
amazing substance, and doctors and scientists have used it to heal
people, where are the news reports, the accolades, the commercials,
the media hype? You want to know the answer? Then prepare yourself
by first opening your mind. Let go of your initial disbelief and
preconceptions and get ready for the best-kept secret in medical
This extraordinary miracle medicine that numerous doctors,
researchers and hundreds of people have used for healing is human
Surprised? Now before you scream "I don’t believe it!" consider
this. Whether you know it or not, you’ve already re-used and
reingested your urine-large amounts of it for a long period of
time-and it’s one of the reasons you’re alive today.
As medical researchers have discovered:
"Urine is the main component of the
amniotic fluid that bathes the
human fetus."
"Normally the baby ’breathes’ this
urine-filled amniotic fluid into
its lungs. If the urinary tract is blocked, the fetus does not
produce the fluid, and, without it, the lungs do not develop."
(G. Kolata, "Surgery on Fetuses Reveals They Heal Without Scars",
The New York Times, Medical Section, 16 August 1988)
This is a fact that probably none of you without a medical
background know, but the reality is that urine is absolutely vital
to your body’s functioning, and the internal and external
applications of urine have proven medical ramifications far beyond
anything that we, the general public, can imagine.
What amazes people most when they first hear about the medical use
of urine is that they’ve never heard of it before. To the vast
majority of mankind, urine is nothing more than a somewhat repugnant
’waste’ that the body has to excrete in order to function.
But as you’ll discover, urine is not a waste product of the body
but, rather, an extraordinarily valuable physiological substance
that has been shown throughout the history of medical science right
up until today to have profound medical uses that most of us know
absolutely nothing about.
One of the first things we need to clear up is the common perception
of urine. Urine is not what you think it is. As a matter of fact,
you probably have no idea what urine is or how your body makes it.
In reality, urine is not, as most of us believe, the
excess water
from food and liquids that goes through the intestines and is
ejected from the body. I know that we generally think of urine in
just this way: you eat and drink, the intestines ’wring’ out the
good stuff in the food, and the urine is the leftover, dirty, waste
water that your body doesn’t want, so it should never, ever be
reintroduced into the body in any form-right? Wrong.
No matter how popular a conception, this commonly shared scenario
may be, it just isn’t true. Urine is not made in your intestines.
Urine is made in and by your kidneys. So what does this mean, and
why should it change the way you feel about urine?
In layman’s language, this is how and why urine is made in the body.
When you eat, the food you ingest is eventually broken down in the
stomach and intestines into extremely small molecules. These
molecules are absorbed into tiny tubules in the intestinal wall and
then pass through these tubes into the bloodstream.
The blood circulates throughout your body, carrying these food
molecules and other nutrients along with critical immune-defense and
regulating elements such as red and white blood cells, antibodies,
plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones, enzymes, etc., which are all
manufactured at different locations in the body. The blood
continually distributes its load of life-sustaining elements
throughout the body, nourishing every cell and protecting the body
from disease.
As it flows through the body, this nutrient-filled blood passes
through the liver where toxins are removed and later excreted from
the body in the form of solid waste. Eventually, this purified,
’cleaned’ blood makes its way to the kidneys.
When the blood enters the kidneys it is filtered through an
immensely complex and intricate system of minute tubules, called nephron, through which the blood is literally ’squeezed’ at high
pressure. This filtering process removes excess amounts of water,
salts and other elements in the blood that your body does not need
at the time.
These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of
a purified, sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the
constituents of this filtered watery solution, or urine, are then
re-absorbed by the nephron and delivered back into the bloodstream.
The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys into the
bladder and is then excreted from the body.
So, you say, the body’s gotten rid of this stuff for a reason -so why
would we want to use it again? And here’s the catch. The function of
the kidneys is to keep the various elements in your blood balanced.
The kidneys do not filter out important elements in the blood
because those elements in themselves are toxic or poisonous or bad
for the body, but simply because the body did not need that
particular concentration of that element at the time it was
And medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of
the blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and
when they are reintroduced into the body they boost the body’s
immune defenses and stimulate healing in a way that nothing else
As medical research has revealed:
"One of the most important functions of the kidney is to excrete
material and substances for which the body has no immediate need..."
(A. H. Free, and
H. M. Free, Urinalysis in Clinical and Laboratory
Practice, CRC Press, Inc., USA, 1975, pp. 13-17)
For instance, the kidneys filter out water and sodium from the blood
into the urine. These are both vital life-sustaining elements
without which your body cannot function. But both elements could be
lethal if there were too much water or sodium in your blood.
Now what about potassium, calcium and magnesium? These are familiar
nutrients that we ingest in our food and vitamin pills every day,
but they’re also in your urine. These nutritional elements are
extremely valuable substances to the body, certainly not toxic, and
yet the kidney excretes these elements into the urine. Why? Because
it’s taking out the excess amounts of potassium, calcium, etc. that
are not needed by your body at the time they are filtered out.
Actually, it is this regulating process of the kidneys and the
excretion of urine that allows us to eat and drink more than our
bodies need at any one time.
"The principal function of the kidney is not excretion,
regulation... The kidney obviously conserves what we need, but, even
more, permits us the freedom of excess. That is, it allows us to
take in more than we need of many necessities-water and salt, for
example-and excrete exactly what is not required."
(Dr Stewart Cameron [Professor of Renal Medicine, Guy’s Hospital,
London], Kidney Disease: The Facts, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
UK, 1986)
But this isn’t the end of the story. Scientists have discovered that
urine, because it is actually extracted from our blood, contains
small amounts of almost all of the life-sustaining nutrients,
proteins, hormones, antibodies and immunizing agents that our blood
"Urine can be regarded as one of the most complex of all body
fluids. It contains practically all of the constituents found in the
(A. H. Free and H. M. Free, Urinalysis in Clinical and Laboratory
Practice, CRC Press, Inc., USA, 1975, pp. 13-17)
Many medical researchers, unlike most of us, know that far from
being a dirty body-waste, fresh, normal urine is actually sterile
and is an extraordinary combination of some of the most vital and
medically important substances known to man. Now this fact may be
unknown to the vast majority of the public today, it is nothing new
to modern medicine.
To us, the public, urine seems like an undesirable waste product of
the body, but to the medical research community and the drug
industry it’s been considered to be liquid gold. Don’t believe it?
Read this:
"Utica, Michigan -
Realizing it is flushing potential profits down
the drain, an enterprising young company has come up with a way to
trap medically powerful proteins from urine. Enzymes of America has
designed a special filter that collects important urine proteins,
and these filters have been installed in all of the men’s urinals in
the 10,000 portable outhouses owned by the Porta-John company, a
subsidiary of Enzymes of America.
"Urine is known to contain minute amounts of proteins made by the
body, including medically important ones such as growth hormone and
insulin. There is a $500-million-a-year market for these kinds of
urine ingredients.
"This summer,
Enzymes of America plans to market its first major
urine product called urokinase, an enzyme that dissolves blood clots
and is used to treat victims of heart attacks. The company has
contracts to supply the urine enzyme to Sandoz, Merrell Dow and
other major pharmaceutical companies. Ironically, this enterprise
evolved from Porta-John’s attempt to get rid of urine proteins -a
major source of odour in portable toilets.
"When the president of
Porta-John began consulting with scientists
about a urine filtration system, one told him he was sitting on a
gold mine.
"The idea of recycling urine is not new, however. ’We thought about
this,’ says 26 Whitcome of Amgen, a Los Angeles biotechnology firm,
’but realized we’d need thousands and thousands of liters of urine.’
"Porta-John and
Enzymes of America solved that problem. The 14
million gallons flowing annually into Porta-John’s privies contain
about four-and-a-half pounds of urokinase alone. That’s enough to
unclog 260,000 coronary arteries."
("Now Urine Business", Hippocrates magazine, May/June 1988)
But urokinase isn’t the only drug derived from urine that, unknown
to us, has been a financial boon to the pharmaceutical industry.
In August of 1993, Forbes magazine printed an article about
Fabio Bertarelli who owns the world’s largest fertility drug-producing
company, the Ares-Serono Group, based in Geneva, whose most
important product is the drug Pergonal which increases the chances
of conception. Guess what Pergonal is made from?
"To make Pergonal,
Ares-Serono collects urine samples from 110,000
postmenopausal women volunteers in Italy, Spain, Brazil and
Argentina. From 26 collection centers, the urine is sent to Rome
where Ares-Serono technicians then isolate the ovulation-enhancing
(N. Munk, "The Child is the Father of the Man", Forbes Magazine, 16
August 1993)
Ares-Serono earned a reported $855 million in sales in 1992, and
people pay up to $1,400 per month for this urine extract.
Obviously, most of us are operating under a gross misconception when
we wrinkle our nose at the thought of using urine in medicine.
Urea, the principal organic solid in urine, has long been considered
to be a ’waste product’ of the body. It’s even been considered to be
dangerous or poisonous, but this, too, is completely untrue.
Like any other substance in the body, too much urea can be harmful,
but urea in and of itself is enormously valuable and indispensable
to body functioning. Not only does urea provide invaluable nitrogen
to the body, but research has shown that urea actually aids in the
synthesis of protein, or, in other words, it helps our bodies use
protein more efficiently.
Urea has also been proven to be an
extraordinary antibacterial and antiviral agent and is one of the
best natural diuretics ever discovered.
Urea was discovered and isolated as long ago as 1773 and is
currently marketed in a variety of different drug forms.
These are a few more examples of commercial medical applications of
urine and urea in use today:
Ureaphil: diuretic made from urea
Urofollitropin: urine-extract fertility drug
Ureacin: urea cream for skin problems
Amino-Cerv: urea cream used for cervical treatments
Premarin: urine-extract oestrogen supplement
Panafil: urea/papain ointment for skin ulcers, burns and infected
Another urine-related product ingredient is carbamide.
Carbamide is
the chemical name for synthesized urea. Where do you find carbamide?
In places you’d never thought of, such as in products like Murine
Ear Drops and Murine Ear Wax Removal System which contain
peroxide, a combination of synthetic urea and hydrogen peroxide.
Medical researchers have also proven that urea is one of the best
and only medically proven, effective skin moisturisers in the world.
In many years of laboratory studies, researchers discovered that,
unlike just about all other types of oil-based moisturisers that
simply sit on the top layers of the skin and do nothing to improve
water retention within skin cells (which gives skin its elasticity
and wrinkle-free appearance), urea actually increases the
water-binding capacity of the skin by opening skin layers for
hydrogen bonding, which then attracts moisture to dry skin cells.
This is a remarkable fact considering that women spend billions of
dollars a year on outrageously expensive skin moisturisers whose
ingredients, even in tightly controlled double-blind comparison
tests, don’t even come close to hydrating dry skin as well as
simple, inexpensive urea.
So, as surprising as it seems, urine and urea do have an amazing,
voluminous history in both traditional and modern medicine.
An article, titled "Autouro-therapy", published in the New York
State Journal of Medicine (vol. 80, no. 7, June 1980), written by Dr
John R. Herman, Clinical Professor of Urology at Albert Einstein
College of Medicine in New York City, points out the general
misconceptions regarding urine and its medical use:
"Autouropathy (urine therapy) did flourish in many parts of the
world and it continues to flourish today... There is, unknown to
most of us, a wide usage of uropathy and a great volume of knowledge
available showing the multitudinous advantages of this modality...
"Urine is only a derivative of the blood... If the blood should not
be considered ’unclean’, then the urine also should not be so
considered. Normally excreted, urine is a fluid of tremendous
variations of composition...
"...Actually, the listed constituents of
human urine can be
carefully checked and no items not found in human diet are found in
it. Percentages differ, of course, but urinary constituents are
valuable to human metabolism..."
Look up urea in a medical dictionary. In
Mosby’s Medical and Nursing
Dictionary, urea is defined not as a useless body waste but as a
systemic diuretic and topical skin treatment. It’s also prescribed
to reduce excess fluid pressure on the brain and eyes.
Uric acid, another ingredient of urine, is normally thought of as an
undesirable waste product of the body that causes gout. But even
uric acid has recently been found to have tremendous
health-promotion and medical implications.
Medical researchers at the University of California at Berkeley
reported in 1982 that they have discovered that:
"Uric acid could be a
defense against cancer and ageing.
"It also destroys body-damaging chemicals, called free radicals,
that are present in food, water and air and are considered to be a
cause of cancer and breakdowns in immune function.
"Uric acid could be one of the things that enables human beings to
live so much longer than other mammals."
(O. Davies, "Youthful Uric Acid", Omni magazine, October 1982)
Urine is a critically important body fluid that has fascinated
medical science throughout the centuries.
Medical scientists study
urine with tremendous intent because, unlike the public, they know
that it contains innumerable vital body nutrients and thousands of
natural elements that control and regulate every function of the
So, whether we know it or not, urine does have an extremely
important and undisputed place in medicine-and not just as a
diagnostic tool or as an ingredient of various synthetic drugs.
Your first reaction once you’ve read the convincing research
demonstrating urine’s often startling medical uses may be a
willingness to use it as long as it’s altered enough to make it
unrecognizable. Many people might consider a synthetic or chemically
altered form of urine-such as urokinase, the blood clot dissolver-as
preferable to using it as a natural medicine.
But, there are many reasons for using urine in its natural form
rather than as a synthetic drug or extract, not the least of which
is the fact that there is no synthetic equivalent for individual
urine, and never will be, owing to the tremendous complexity and
uniqueness of each person’s urine constituents.
Just as nature produces no two people who are exactly the same,
there are also no two urine samples in the world that contain
exactly the same components. Your own urine contains elements that
are specific to your body alone and are medicinally valuable
ingredients tailor-made to your own health disorders.
How can that be? It is because your urine contains hundreds of
elements that are manufactured by your body to deal with your
personal, specific health conditions. Your body is constantly
producing a huge variety of antibodies, hormones, enzymes and other
natural chemicals to regulate and control your body’s functions and
combat diseases that you may or may not know you have.
Modern research and clinical studies have proven that the thousands
of critical body chemicals and nutrients that end up in your
individual urine reflect your individual body functions, and, when
re-utilized, act as natural vaccines, antibacterial, antiviral,
anti-cancer agents, hormone balancers, allergy relievers, etc. (Talk
about the perfect preventive care treatment!)
Many doctors have discovered and shown that it’s extremely important
to use our own natural urine in healing because extracts or
synthetic drug forms of urine don’t contain all of these
individualized elements that address our personal, individual health
Another reason that many doctors have emphasized the use of the
natural form of urine is that it does not produce side-effects
whereas synthetic drugs and therapies all produce side-effects, many
of which are extremely dangerous.
As an example, the urine-extract drug called urokinase, which is
used to dissolve dangerous blood clots, can cause serious abnormal
bleeding as a side-effect; but natural urine itself, which contains
measurable amounts of urokinase, has been used medicinally even in
extremely large quantities without causing side-effects.
If you’re not familiar with just how pervasive and extreme the risk
of chemical drug-taking is, go to the library and look up a copy of
The Physician’s Desk Reference for Non-prescription Drugs (Medical
Economics Data Productions Co., Inc., 1993, 14th ed.). This is the
doctor’s guide to every prescription and over-the-counter drug on
the market, and every one of them is accompanied by a long list of
ominous and frightening potential side-effects.
On the other hand, in almost 100 years of laboratory and clinical
studies on the use of natural urine and simple urea in medicine,
extraordinary results have been obtained, but no toxic or dangerous
side-effects to the user have ever been observed or reported by
either researchers or patients using the therapy.
As we’ve learned, urea, which is the principal solid ingredient of
urine, has been synthesized and medically used with excellent
results and with no side-effects. But again, research has shown that
whole urine can cure many disorders that urea cannot, because urine
contains thousands of therapeutic agents such as important natural
antibodies, enzymes and regulating hormones that urea alone does not
Urine therapy not only has dozens of successful research trials
supporting it, but also thousands of success stories from people all
over the world. As many people today have discovered, conventional
medicine held no answers for either their chronic or acute illnesses
and health disorders-but urine therapy did.
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