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Part I
"You Create Your Own Reality" (YCYOR)
is the predominant belief system of many New Agers.
This doctrine states that reality is
entirely the product of our minds, and that by controlling our
beliefs, we may determine what happens to us: what events we focus
upon, we attract; what we do not focus upon, we do not experience.
Creating for oneself what one desires is called "manifesting", and
having all one needs in life is called "abundance."
For those who
utilize YCYOR, manifesting abundance is usually a key goal.
Do we create our own reality? Yes we do, but not as freely as
proponents of YCYOR claim. As it exists, YCYOR is a faulty paradigm
whose incomplete nature was made so by design. This belief system is
a dangerous spiritual weapon used by negative forces to disarm their
potential victims. People who seek the New Age as an alternative to
atheism or Christianity are not improving their situations. They are
merely falling for further deception, the same trick with a new
look. Like gravity, such deceptions can be traps, or they can be
used as slingshots to propel one further along if one is careful and
learns from mistakes.
There are several reasons why YCYOR is dangerous.
First, YCYOR fools its followers
into believing they are more spiritually evolved than they truly
are. Such New Agers are lulled into a false sense of security,
an overestimation of their abilities and invulnerability, and
thus fail to prepare against random accidents or attacks from
negative forces.
Second, the practice of
"manifestation" often becomes an act of black magic when used
irresponsibly. Black magic is the manipulation of higher forces
by lower individuals to their own spiritual detriment. For
example, when corruptly implementing "manifestation" through
visualization, ritual, chanting, or meditation, one can
circumvent one's life mission or agenda, extort one's Higher
Self, and violate the freewill of other sovereign humans.
Manifestation is used properly when
it does not initiate a freewill violation. Manifesting or
requesting has different consequences, depending on whether it
is directed toward higher positive, higher negative, or lower
negative beings. "Higher" and "lower" refers to their relative
level of evolution compared to yours.
To explain all this more
clearly, a description of higher positive and negative forces is
One's evolutionary level is determined
by the lessons one has accumulated since metaphysical genesis as an
individuated being. What higher positive and negative forces have in
common is that they are both very aware and near to their respective
evolutionary finish lines. The difference between them lies in their
levels of wisdom, freewill and freedom, and what exactly they are
evolving toward.
Negative beings evolve toward the sleeping half of the Creator,
physicality. They are irresponsible, lack wisdom, and have little
freedom or freewill.
Positive beings evolve toward the active half of the Creator,
consciousness. They possess much responsibility and discernment, are
wise, and enjoy more freedom due to their greater freewill and
The importance of the preceding clarification lies in the fact that,
despite having more awareness than you, higher negative forces
actually have less freewill. Physical matter itself is the end
product of their evolution, and it is obvious that matter has very
little freewill. You can manipulate it at your leisure, and it does
not resist. You can perfectly predict its behavior, meaning it is
all predestined within a single unified equation, leaving no room
for novelty or freewill. Simply by operating under a negative
polarity, a being already acquires some of these characteristics.
The awareness that higher negative forces have, which exceed your
level of awareness, is used only to create ever more sophisticated
technologies and tricks to circumvent your freewill which they
cannot directly violate except through backdoor methods and the
abuse of what permission you have given them. One such permission is
in the form of a contract with physicality you hold while existing
in a physical body. Their abuse of this contract can be seen in
their extreme reliance upon technology to try and manipulate you.
If you attempt to manifest something through the help of negative
higher forces, two factors must be taken into consideration.
First, they will not help you unless
your desire is of a negative orientation, such as lust for
power, financial elitism, or sexual prowess.
Second, these will be given to you
if you pay the maximum price, which is the circumvention of your
life path, the lowering of your soul frequency, a stunting of
spiritual evolution, and a commission of your soul energy paid
to these higher forces.
You lose freedom, freewill,
responsibility and creativity in exchange for illusory power, money
or sex. This Faustian deal is no bargain, but a metaphysical scam.
If you attempt to manifest something through the help of positive
higher forces (including your Higher Self), you can only request
help. Requesting respects their freewill, and leaves it to their
wise discretion whether to help you or not. They also respect your
freewill and do not intervene unless you allow them to help.
Positive higher forces have more wisdom
than you, and you would find it either impossible or detrimental to
force them, via trickery through corrupted visualization and
meditation, into fulfilling your desires. Should you succeed, most
often you will have made a very bad choice which seemed desirable at
the time only due to spiritual short sightedness.
It is clear that attempting to manipulate beings and forces higher
on the spiritual hierarchy, be they of positive or negative
polarity, can cause severe problems. It is best to make requests to
positive higher forces, to allow them to help you in any way they
The positive (or STO, Service to Other) hierarchy is a
This means higher evolved beings help
lower evolved beings learn and evolve. In this way, those higher
beings evolve as well. Here on earth, those who think they can fight
through life alone are failing to make use of this network. They are
succumbing to negative influences because of their pride, and must
learn that because they are part of a network, requesting help from
higher positive forces is perfectly fine. If the request is pure,
those higher positive forces will help, especially if it aids in
unblocking or accelerating one's spiritual evolution.
To make a distinction, requesting is different from manifestation,
in that it is an act of calling upon positive higher forces while
respecting their freewill, leaving it up to them to help you if they
deem it wise. Manifesting, on the other hand, is a direct way of
influencing your reality. Concerning positive higher forces,
requesting is the way to go. But with lower evolved beings,
manifestation is the appropriate method.
Recall that manifestation works best when it does not violate
freewill. It is fact that freewill cannot be violated if it does not
exist or is not being used. Lower beings tend to either not have a
particular aspect of freewill, or else fail to use it.
They are
therefore primed for influence by higher beings with more freewill.
While this sounds insidious, remember that higher freewill implies
greater lessons learned, higher evolution, and thus greater
responsibility and wisdom. Your Higher Self has controlled your
actions countless of times, to ensure that certain scripted events
come to pass. This is no true violation of your freewill, just
influence of behavior to best facilitate evolution.
Thus, when higher positive entities influences lower beings, it is
done carefully and for the greatest benefit of all. It only becomes
insidious when the awareness of the influenced being is purposely
suppressed through technology, disinformation, or trickery, which is
what negative forces do in order to lower the utilized freewill of
their target to a level lower than their own, which makes the target
easily manipulated.
As can be seen, YCYOR either fools a person into thinking he can
control reality more than he really can (thus making him vulnerable
to negative forces who exploit his ignorance), or else ensures that
when he does influence his reality, it becomes an act of black magic
which stunts his spiritual evolution.
This disinformative doctrine is a spiritual booby-trap, plain and
simple. Its targets are tricked into disarming and corrupting
themselves, avoiding the acquisition and utilization of knowledge,
sabotaging their own lives, and later blaming the resultant misery
on their failure to adhere even more strongly to YCYOR protocols.
The reason YCYOR works so well is because it is based on a lot of
metaphysical truth. People awakening from more ignorant belief
systems are lured by the truth content of YCYOR. But as with all
disinformation, its designers care not so much what their targets
know, but what they do. Despite a large truth content which
influences what its followers know, the few lies and logical
inconsistencies in the doctrine is enough to twist what they do.
Negative forces want them to do what is in line with the negative
agenda. Such targets are effectively "tenderized" for consumption or
"disarmed" for elimination.
Through twisted logic, certain faulty inferences are made from the
true idea that we create our own reality. Some of these are listed
below, followed by short explanations which will be elaborated upon
later in this article.
"If you don't believe in evil, it cannot harm
you because it will not exist in your reality"
Not believing that evil can harm you if
you ignore it, is like thinking that a truck cannot run you over if
you close your eyes. It is better to open your eyes and step out of
the way.
Negative beings have freewill and a definite objectivity in your
reality. Many exist outside your range of control, and can choose to
attack you if they wish. Whether they succeed in their attack is
another matter, but the fact is that they will attack and succeed if
they can.
Their ability to succeed depends upon the relative superiority of
your freewill and the awareness required to access it, metaphysical
protection by higher forces or Higher Self, and your physical and
spiritual application of knowledge in the area of personal defense
against such attacks.
Manifestation involves intent, the application of will in a
particular direction of desired experience. This direction is
available only if one is aware of its possibility. Therefore,
ignorance cannot protect against anything. Protecting against an
attack must be based upon awareness of the many ways such an attack
can happen.
Once you are aware of these ways, besides actually
preparing to deal with them, you can take additional preventative
measures by focusing your will upon the probable futures in which
those specific methods of attack fail to materialize or succeed.
Manifesting protection only works against negative forces who have
less freewill than you, who require that you be unaware of a
particular mode of attack such that they can use it as a bridge into
your reality. Freewill unused is freewill denied, for awareness is
the key that unlocks what freewill you have already gained through
earlier evolution.
Not being aware of an attack possibility leaves it unclaimed by your
freewill, and it is like having no freewill at all. Like an
unguarded bridge, this direction of experience involving a
particular mode of attack is hidden behind a blind spot in your
field of awareness. Negative forces, who would otherwise be unable
to harm you due to their lower freewill status, can cross this
hidden bridge, breach your reality, and implement an attack.
In such a case, preventing the attack does not involve fighting
these forces directly, but merely cutting off their invasion route
by guarding the bridge. This is done by becoming aware of their
attack methods.
Should an attack succeed, whether it is through an unguarded bridge
into your reality, or by negative forces who are simply more
powerful than you, or perhaps were allowed into your reality by your
protectors as a learning lesson for you, dealing with such attacks
requires direct active interaction, physical and psychological
preparation, and utilization of knowledge.
Thus, awareness/knowledge alone passively protects in the sense of
"guarding the bridges" and locking down one's reality against
attempted dislodging by lower negative forces. But once such forces
break through, it is only through the active utilization of
knowledge and awareness that these attacks are thwarted. If they
break through, it means some lesson has not been learned.
For all of us, spiritual evolution is impossible without the active
use and application of knowledge/awareness, for one implies the
other. With this fact in mind, it becomes clear why awareness and
knowledge alone can passively protect, but only sometimes.
explanation follows:
When you are more positively spiritually evolved than another being,
you possess greater freewill than that being. You have learned
everything that being has learned, and then some. All the attacks
this being is capable of are limited to the scope of its awareness,
of what it has learned already.
Because you have learned all this being has learned (evident by
virtue of your higher spiritual evolution), all its attacks against
you are actually redundant as far as learning lessons for you are
concerned, for they cannot teach you anything you have not already
However, they can remind you of things you have forgotten. That you
have forgotten such lessons is the only reason such lesson-redundant
attacks can happen at all. Remember the lesson by becoming aware of
the attack method, and it loses all meaning and justification. Your
freewill then shuts out that attack from happening since it would
serve absolutely no purpose anymore.
In sum, the passive protection of awareness/knowledge happens only
when that awareness/knowledge has already been utilized before,
which led to an increase in one's level of spiritual evolution.
Awareness/knowledge cannot passively protect if it has only recently
been acquired but not yet utilized. It will surely be put to the
test first, either in active preparation and prevention, or in
direct "combat" against an attacking force.
A hostile being who is more evolved than you, despite having less
freewill, will probably be more clever than you and thus trick you
into accepting an attack. Its higher level of awareness means it has
something to teach you. And you will learn the easy way or the hard
way, depending on whether you prepared ahead of time or not.
As can be seen, spiritual osmosis occurs throughout creation. Higher
evolved beings, no matter their polarity, always teach lower evolved
beings, either directly or indirectly.
When a lower being attacks, its attack can be easily averted through
remembrance or awareness of its possibility, which accesses the
freewill required to end the attack whose resulting lessons you have
already learned at some time.
When a higher being attacks, proper passively counteractive freewill
does not exist and can be gained only through struggle and the
application of knowledge/awareness, which increases your spiritual
evolution to a level equal or greater than the attacker, at which
point the attack ceases to materialize as long as you remain aware
of your lesson.
In relation to Reality Creation, the preceding ideas reveal the fact
that "manifestation" is the passive application of
knowledge/awareness, and should not (or often cannot) be used to
protect against things which one needs to experience in order to
This is why YCYOR's "manifestation of protection" fails in many
instances, for a person using this doctrine might attempt to stop an
attack from succeeding by applying passive protection through
manifestation, but the attack is either necessary to help the person
evolve, or to help him remember the lessons he has already learned
but forgotten or ignored.
YCYOR can induce an intentional forgetting
of lessons through:
In fact, the induced ignorance guarantees that an attack happens
successfully so that the person eventually "wakes up" to the truth.
Negative forces count upon this principle to sustain their feeding.
As long as the person can be continuously tricked into ignoring
lessons, the food supply stays plentiful.
In that case, either the person is fed
upon simply because he can be fed upon (requiring active utilization
of knowledge/awareness to stop), or else the Higher Self repeatedly
allows its lower self to be food until the lower self awakens and
puts an end to it (which necessitates the passive use of
"You can transform evil by sending it love"
Because they have freewill, evolved
negative forces can choose whether to accept your love or not. And
most often, they will not allow themselves to be transformed by it.
Trying to change a negative being this way is like pouring a man
many glasses of water and asking him to drown himself.
Often, this sent love can be of such a corrupted nature (due to
misperception of what love is) that it is of a frequency palatable
by negative beings who then feed upon it. Whether
negative beings
can feed upon an emotion depends not so much upon what type of
emotion it is, but whether it is based on awareness or ignorance.
Sympathy and compassion out of ignorance makes better food than
righteous anger, for example.
Sympathy and compassion out of knowledge would mean sending love to
beings who have not yet chosen their polarity, who out of their
suffering request and accept the love they receive. They thirst for
the water set before them. Discernment and experience is required
for any compassionate person to know when this is the case.
Sometimes there are
etheric vampires
seeking to steal the energy of the compassionate by feigning
distress, and giving one's love to these people only leads to an
energy drain in oneself. Whatever the case, one thing is certain:
that the forces commonly considered "evil" have chosen their
polarity and therefore cannot be changed. They can only be
understood, for that results in empowerment of the perceiver rather
than attempted freewill violation of the perceived.
So as far as "transforming evil" is concerned, external events
cannot change one's polarity (positive or negative,
STO or STS),
merely reinforce what one has already freely chosen to be.
Receiving an act of kindness may make a positive person beam with
more positivity, or make a negative person salivate with the
prospect of feasting upon an easy prey. Being physically abused may
make a positive person reflect upon how horrible such abuse is and
how he would not wish the same upon anyone else, while a negative
person may abuse others out of vengeance and hatred.
Therefore, being nice to evil, showing it how act positively,
sending it love and light, and acting chivalrously toward it usually
ends in complete failure for you, and a full stomach for the
intended target. Negative forces do not play by the same rules as
positive forces, as they have no respect for respect, and no empathy
for empathy.
You cannot transform evil, merely help it evolve. Yes, negative
forces are on a path of evolution. They are evolving toward the
Creator just like you are. The only difference is that they are
evolving toward the sleeping half of the Creator, associated with
matter, lack of freewill, and determinism.
Therefore, if you cannot transform a negative being (you can only
cautiously provide the opportunity for change on its behalf, and
allow it to choose its way) you can at least help it evolve, which
also helps you evolve. This is done by acting responsibly and not
feeding them. You learn how to better defend yourself, and they
learn how to better attack their targets.
Within the negative hierarchy, beings force each other to evolve
through constant competition, tricks, manipulation, extortion, and
violence. Within the positive network, beings help each other evolve
through creativity, compassion, teaching, sharing, and learning.
To be positive or STO consists of two qualities:
And here lies another fault of YCYOR,
the idea that all is "love and light" and one need merely think
fluffy thoughts and put on rose colored glasses, and all will be
fine. Another aspect to disinformation is missing information.
New Agers are taught only half the equation. Christians are taught
the same thing with the "turn the other cheek" idea which is
actually a corruption of the original meaning of the phrase.
The half of the equation they do possess involve the ideals of
creativity, compassion, teaching, and so on. But when it comes to
dealing with negative forces, they are wholly ignorant and
unprotected sheep. This is another principle that negative beings
count upon, for it makes their targets easy to feed upon and
When opposite polarities interact, problems can occur if the
positive being treats the negative being as though it were positive.
Rather than simply behaving "nicely", being inclined toward STO
means not feeding STS; being positive means not feeding negative. No
matter your polarity, the only way a negative being will learn is
through resistance against its manipulations or attacks, on your
If you were of negative polarity, you would often take the
initiative to attack another less powerful negative being, but if
you were positive, you would only act in self-defense and never
actively provoke anything, merely respond if your response was
"requested" by another being through its act of aggression.
The best way for positive to interact with negative is to not feed
them, to act only in response to a hostile request, to stick up for
oneself if attacked, and to pick one's battles wisely. Treating them
as though they were positive only feeds them more, and burns oneself
out, like the short-circuiting of two batteries incorrectly
This reveals yet another ploy of the dark side, that of creating the
illusion that a hostile being is just like the positive target.
Matrix agents such as
organic portals, for example, utilize the soul
energies of their targets to mirror back at them their own
personality and essence.
This is a method of spiritual camouflage. The target then stays open
to manipulation and feeding, and since the predatory behavior of the
organic portals often contradicts the image he maintains in the mind
of the target, there will be confusion and psychological friction in
the mind of the target which generates more energies to be consumed
by the organic portal.
The trick in dealing with organic portals is in realizing who and
what they are, then adjusting one's perceptions, emotions, and
actions to reflect that new awareness. Because they are less evolved
than their targets, passive protection of knowledge/awareness often
works very effectively in stopping their attacks.
If this does not
work, then asserting one's freewill by standing up against them and
coolly putting them in their place is necessary.
"There are no limits"
In truth, there really are no limits.
But how easy is it for you to
shed your present limits? Is it enough to merely think to yourself
"there are no limits" and off you float above the ground as gravity,
formerly a limit, no longer remains part of your reality? The fault
of YCYOR is in making the phrase "there are no limits" appear more
general, easily applicable and achievable than it really is.
While we exist here in physicality, there are several types of
Illusory limits are those that truly do not exist, except in your
mind as a consequence of your lack or suppression of awareness.
These include such things as personal insecurities, false beliefs
about your intellectual or physical abilities, glass ceilings, and
subconscious programs.
Practical limits exist at the boundaries of your spiritual
evolution. They are things you are not capable of because you have
not evolved to the point where you can do them. Surpassing these
limits requires spiritual evolution, often through struggle and the
active use of knowledge/awareness.
Imposed limits are those placed upon you by beings with higher
freewill than you. They may be aspects of your own consciousness,
such as your Higher Self. These limits are mere handicaps, placed
upon you so that you can exist within this reality and learn other
One such limit is the
"veil of amnesia" we are born with, which
prevents us from easily remembering all our other incarnations. Not
knowing them, we start each life with a fresh page, keeping only our
soul essence from our "last" life. This system maximizes the
richness of experience and the rate of spiritual evolution. Were we
to recall all our lives all the time, life would get boring very
fast, and old habits would become very hard to drop.
Another imposed limit is our predominant inability to communicate
telepathically or move objects with our minds. Could we do this, the
world would be a much easier place in which to live. There would be
no secrets, no
New World Order. But we did not come to 3D earth to
have such an easy life.
Earth is like a weight training room…resistance all around, the
quickest way to bulk up. Too little resistance, and progress is
slow. Too much resistance, and progress is impossible. The purpose
of true Reality Creation is to remove unnecessary weights so that
resistance is just right.
The greatest example of an imposed limit is that of physicality,
including all its laws which are nicely described in the laws of
physics. Negative forces abuse physics through their technology,
which can result in manipulations so cunning that most people cannot
even fathom their existence.
Practically speaking, then, there are indeed limits.
What you must
do to surpass these limits determines how objective they are.
Illusory limits are mainly psychological, and getting rid of them
will do wonders enough in one's life. No limits are insurmountable,
it is just that some limits are damn hard to break through.
When YCYOR says "there are no limits", it accurately states that
illusory limits are not real. However, one would be a fool to think
that the phrase applies to all types of limits, that imposed or
practical limits are as easily bypassed as illusory ones. Some
extreme forms of YCYOR do incorporate this idea, and its followers
think that reality is so much a function of their belief that they
need merely believe they are invincible, and so they become it.
Never mind that they lack the spiritual
evolution and awareness to do so, and are attempting to violate
their own Higher freewill. They think they can exist in a world
without limits just by changing their 3D mind or subconsciously
programming themselves through visualization or self-hypnosis. While
this does work great to rid oneself of illusory limits, other limits
Now, there are cases of people who can levitate, teleport, bend
spoons, and so on. Mind is definitely capable of bypassing the laws
of nature. We hold a contract with physicality, which states that we
collectively agree to participate by its rules. Our world or imposed
limits is indeed held up by self-imposed limits, but to break
through these limits, one must be at the same level that one created
the limit to begin with.
For example, if you impose upon yourself a limit made on the
subconscious level through some trauma followed by autosuggestion,
then it is on that subconscious level which the limit must be
removed. If it is the Higher Self that holds the agreement with
physicality, then it is the Higher Self which can break that
(Let the distinction be made, however, that using
technology to levitate, teleport, and time travel is a way of
manipulating physicality itself, not our Higher Self).
It is clearly unwise to think that you can, at a lower state of
consciousness, void the limit created and imposed from a higher
state of consciousness without actually going there. Going there is
often the lesson of the limit in the first place. Some of these
imposed limits can be forcedly surpassed through intense meditation,
but it is a way of short circuiting one's own evolution for the gain
of a few new tricks. The tricks themselves are not "bad", merely
When the timing is right and they are well-earned, they
will be put to good use and aid one's evolution.
Occult practitioners of the black arts try to develop their psychic
faculties without a corresponding increase in beingness, which only
results in their descent further into the maw of the negative
For all these reasons, while there are no limits as they can all be
surpassed someday and somehow, due to our present physical and
mental natures, we cannot break through all limits just yet. It is
necessary to be aware of what limits one is truly up against, and
which ones can be changed or voided.
Negative forces with lower freewill, or perhaps higher negative
forces who do not wish to violate freewill but rather coerce their
targets through deception for the purposes of consuming them fresh
and whole, use illusory limits to the fullest extent possible.
Illusory limits are those we give power to, despite their actual
nonexistence. Nonexistent limits do not violate our freewill. If we
give them power and impose those limits upon ourselves, they were
indeed inspired by negative forces but actually implemented by us,
and thus the negative forces do not dirty their hands with our own
freewill violations, for there is no violation if we imposed it upon
Imposed limits, such as physicality, can be used against us by
negative forces as well. If you are falsely accused of a crime,
engineered so by clever negative forces, and are consequently
jailed, what keeps you behind bars is the solidity of the walls and
threat of apprehension and violence if you try to escape. In this
way, despite physicality being voluntarily maintained by a higher
aspect of your own consciousness, it is being used by negative
forces against you.
Your Higher Self does not sit idly by, not noticing any of this. It
allows it to happen to teach you a lesson. Should the case arise
where negative forces attempt to physically harm you in such a way
that no lesson is learned and many other future lessons would be
postponed, the Higher Self can intervene and re-arrange the linear
timeline so that negative forces fail. In this way, some people are
protected from harm despite massive targeting by negative forces.
Nevertheless, the possibility that
physicality itself can be used against you is reason enough to
actively use your knowledge and prepare for contingencies.
Concerning illusory limits of the subconscious nature, be aware that
subconscious programs are actually surrogate motivators. This means
they are passive redirectors of your will, and can in themselves
open you up to undesirable probable futures. Before, it was
mentioned that struggle often accompanies spiritual evolution.
Struggle does not always mean pain, it simply means active
application of one's will to progress and learn.
As an analogy, rock climbing can be
considered a struggle, but it is still fun for many who do it as a
sport. When it comes to spiritual evolution, painful struggle is
actually unnecessary, while fun struggle is the ideal way to evolve.
Psychologically painful struggle happens for one main reason: the
dissolution of old subconscious programs. Struggle itself is an
aspect of spiritual evolution, but the pain results from having to
uproot old programmed illusions that one has held near and dear all
one's life. The less programmed one is with the old ways of viewing
the world, and the more inertia one has against change, the greater
the pain accompanying spiritual evolution. It is not a matter of
struggle versus no struggle, but painful struggle versus fun
Like a stuck rudder, programs or surrogate motivators make it
difficult to get one's "boat" traveling in the right direction.
Moving forward anyway creates friction, which eventually heats and
dissolves the programs, but not without causing some discomfort.
Progressing without pain can only happen in two ways: either you
have already evolved to the approaching level and are merely
retracing your steps, or you are struggling with a fun attitude.
However, painful struggle can also be a sign that you are venturing
beyond the planned boundaries of your pre-incarnational objectives
and the recommendations of your Higher Self. This is most evident if
you feel like you are moving against the grand flow, things are
going terribly for you in life, it takes much willpower to succeed,
and you must often employ negative or STS tactics to do so.
Falling into STS is like sinking into
quicksand. It is a struggle to stay afloat, and even more of a
struggle to get out. Your painful struggles in life are always the
results of errors committed or allowed by some part of you, which
placed you temporarily into a negative orientation that now requires
If you are painfully struggling for any reason other than dissolving
your subconscious programs or resolving karmic issues, it is very
likely that you are not acting in alignment with your Higher Self.
Like assembling flat-pack furniture, if you are struggling and
things keep turning out horribly, you are not following the
Fun struggle is accompanied by a thrust or intense motivation, an
inner glow of joy and enthusiasm, and results in a hearty
satisfaction. This is the ideal way to evolve spiritually, and
virtually guarantees that one is on the right path, in alignment
with one's Higher Self. When in this "flow", events in life click
into place perfectly. Once one is relatively free from negative
surrogate motivators, one is following the flow of the right destiny
current and can simply "let go" and have fun with life, struggling
but evolving in a positive manner.
Lack of struggle is equally suspicious. Fun without challenge,
without inner satisfaction, often comes from surrogate motivators
influencing one's actions and perceptions. More often than not,
something like this is considered "fun" because it is a lack of "pain", be it social, physical, or psychological pain. For example,
if you are programmed with social expectations that drinking and
partying are key steps in securing one's self-worth, and that not
having a bar life makes one lame and unaccepted, then one can
squander away much of life in a drunken stupor, blissfully thinking
all is fun with this programmed lifestyle.
Much of humanity is lost on a permanent detour off their primary
intended life path, due to these surrogate motivators which have
been grafted onto their minds from birth via clever programming by
negative forces through media, culture, religion, and sometimes
directly through abductions and mind control.
Getting rid of these grafts is the first and best action one can
take in one's quest for a limitless reality. This will accelerate
one's evolution, and soon practical limits fall away until an
evolutionary state is reached that is equal to the state where such
limits were imposed. Those limits then dissolve as well.
Another trap of YCYOR and
the New Age paradigm has to do with
"resolving issues" and "removing karmic debt" via cheap gimmicks
which only give a temporary illusion that things have been fixed.
They are merely patched over and ignored, all the while festering
beneath an inflated "happy" persona.
Resolving karma can only happen through forgiveness that permeates
deeply into one's subconscious. It is subconscious regrets and
grudges that make us choose to incarnate again with karmic life
experiences to resolve them. Hypnosis is one of the few methods that
can resolve karma without having to go through these experiences
because this forgives the issues on the subconscious level where
they reside. All karma necessitates is the learning of a lesson, not
necessarily the experience of karmic events. If such lessons can be
learned under hypnosis, then all the better.
Nevertheless, there are those who ignore their issues rather than
confronting them, who try to act positively, think positively, but
are doing nothing to get rid of their surrogate motivators via an
active increase their awareness and utilization of knowledge. Rather
than learning a lesson, they would rather do some meditations,
"clearing" sessions, crystal work, or other methods to cover up the
warning signs that those lessons must be learned.
The way they try to think and act is
opposite of what they are on the inside, and this conflict builds up
a lot of anger and anguish. It is amazing how many people, who claim
to be love and light New Agers, are actually two-faced, petty,
flaky, and moping individuals.
They are an example of the fact that
there is no shortcut to learning.
"Evil is the absence of good"
A rock lacks the quality of good. But it is not evil. So lacking
good does not make something evil, and evil therefore is not the
absence of good.
Evil, characterizing the negative forces, is a
force unto itself. It exists as an independent though parasitic
The sleeping half of the Creator, to which all those on the negative
path are evolving, lacks any and all creativity. This is why matter
itself, though conscious, has almost no freewill and is thus
characterized by physical laws which allow the perfect prediction of
all future states of such matter (not counting
quantum effects,
which arise from the interface between the conscious and sleeping
halves of the Creator on a subatomic level).
If it can be predicted, it can be
controlled, and thus it has no freewill. The point here is to
emphasize that negative forces lack creativity. This is not to say
they are boring, but merely limited in what they can do. They are
always one step behind positive forces, because the latter have the
upper hand spiritually when it comes to metaphysical sovereignty and
who gets to control whom.
The negative hierarchy, despite having its own individuality, must
exploit positive beings and consume their soul energies because they
themselves lack originality, creativity, and negentropy, and use the
creative soul energies of positive beings (which such beings suckle
from the Creator by virtue of their spiritual purity) to counteract
the entropic nature of their own evolution. A clock, once wound,
will wind down again unless more energy is put into the system.
Negative forces need the creative energy to keep up what they are
doing, otherwise they will decay.
So evil is not the absence of good because it has its own identity
and freewill, though it does depend upon good for its survival
because it is parasitic in nature.
YCYOR is once again faulty in inferring that since "evil is the
absence of good", evil can be negated just by putting some good in
its place. An evil person simply lacks good, according to this idea,
and so being good to that person and bombing him with love and light
will fill him up with goodness and thus erase the evil, much like
annihilating a hole in the ground by filling it with dirt.
Of course, in truth
evil has its own
solid identity, and prefers to feed upon good, so YCYOR is the
perfect mechanism allowing them to do this.
"Nothing happens to you unless you
allow it"
This is true, but the question is,
Which part of you allowed it?
If you stand in the street and a
truck is barreling toward you with no intention of stopping,
what will allow it or prevent it from running you over?
Is it the part of you that is
reading this right now, who decides things as mundane as
picking up a newspaper or making some toast, or is it the
part of you considered the Higher Self?
Obviously, it is something like the
That is, unless you have personally evolved in this body to
a state identical with your Higher Self, in which case reality
becomes plastic to you since then you can break the contract with
physicality. And do not let YCYOR fool you into thinking you are by
default functionally identical with your Higher Self, unless you can
stop bullets in mid air like Neo at the end of
The Matrix.
You can only allow/prevent things that have less freewill than you.
And then, only with proper awareness to direct your will in the
right direction. Depending on your level of evolution, these
allowances or preventions can range from stopping attacks from lower
negative entities, to influencing whether or not you get pulled over
by a cop this weekend, or whether your car makes it through without
a breakdown on a road trip.
These things involve situations with
elements that have less freewill than you do, and therefore you can
influence them. You are directing your influences downward on the
spiritual hierarchy, and that is absolutely fine by all universal
While most everything that happens to you has been allowed at some
level or other, there are exceptions. There exist times when,
through the leverage of your ego-level freewill, you take actions
yourself which mess things up. One example is suicide. If you commit
suicide, the Higher Self will not reinsert you in a corrected
timeline where it did not happen. It can make it more difficult to
carry out, however, to get you to think twice about your decision.
Examples include a gun jamming, or rope breaking, etc…
In this case, it was allowed to happen,
but by you personally, not your Higher Self.
When a negative entity more powerful than you attacks, this is
allowed by the Higher Self because nothing negative that can harm
you exists on an equal or greater level than the Higher Self. It
therefore has jurisdiction and authority to control and correct all
that happens beneath it, though the Higher Self has the wisdom and
knowledge to do this with utmost discretion.
When an event happens, be it an attack, an accident, a
synchronicity, or something pleasurable, most likely it happened for
a reason. It would be wise to reflect upon possible meanings and
extract the lessons as efficiently as possible. If not, the lesson
may be introduced again and more unjustified pain introduced. The
reason may be as simple as that an attack happened because it could.
The lesson would then be to ensure than it cannot happen again.
The preceding half of this article listed and described the faults
of YCYOR. Numerous as these faults are, the idea of "reality
creation" is based upon much truth. One must be careful not to throw
out the baby with the bathwater, to discard the facts because of
errors in their interpretation.
Just because YCYOR is dangerous, not all variations of reality
creation are necessarily false. It does not mean that reality is so
objective that our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs have no effect
upon it, that reality is nothing more than harsh struggle for
survival by tooth and claw. Manifestation and requesting are real
tools available to you, that if used properly and wisely, can make
your life as easy as it should be.
What it all comes down to is the following:
You incarnate in this life to learn
a certain set of pre-arranged lessons. Through synchronicity,
your Higher Self guides the flow of your life on an archetypal
level to introduce these lessons when you are ready to learn
them. It is up to you, via your freewill, to determine how you
turn these archetypal scripts into concrete experiences. You
choose how you learn your lessons, the easy way based on
awareness, or the hard way based on ignorance.
Under ideal circumstances, you always
learn these lessons the easiest way, which is a way most closely
aligned with the mindset of the Higher Self, a virtuous spiritual
position endowed with awareness and discernment.
But there is much possibility for going astray. Because you have
freewill, you can commit "errors". Even worse, negative forces exist
to trick and manipulate you into straying as far from your life path
as possible. There is no wrong path through life, as all lead to you
learning the same lessons in the end. Nevertheless, the farther you
stray from the easiest path, the more lengthy, convoluted, and
painful the path toward learning that particular lesson.
Thus, for every given lesson, you choose the degree of painful
suffering necessary to learn it. If you choose with discernment, no
suffering is necessary.
The more ignorant you are, the more painful your struggle. Pain,
anguish, and suffering out of ignorance are what negative forces
feed upon. They have a vested interest in manipulating you into
making ignorant choices. Instead of going home on a clear and
straight highway, they trick you into taking a long detour with many
tollbooths along the way.
The proper use of manifestation and requesting is to help you learn
your lessons as easily as possible. Because learning lessons is all
that matters, there is no virtue in choosing the most painful
struggle toward achieving them. That is actually a sign of
ignorance. Ideally, learning them should be fun, and if you are
aware and make good use of what knowledge you have attained,
learning will indeed be fun.
Not all lessons must be experienced with pain, because it is obvious
that clever people can learn from the mistakes of others. This
arises from the concept that, in truth, we are all "one" on a
fundamental soul level, and learning from the mistakes of others is
an action that illustrates one's correct understanding of this
principle. Always having to experience something negative for
oneself is a sign that one is separate, alone, and more individuated
than one truly is.
The price of that ignorance is having to
suffer through a painful experience. Experience is a means to an end
of learning a lesson. Those who make experience the end goal are
going down the negative path.
There are two ways to end the pain of an unnecessarily arduous path.
One either fights to get back on track (such as completing karmic
issues or eradicating subconscious programs), or one ignores the
pain and continues on the detour thinking all is fine. The latter
path is one advocated by YCYOR, where serious problems are ignored
rather than confronted and overcome.
If you have made a bad choice in life and are presently painfully
struggling because of this choice, the only thing you can do is stop
straying even more; you must grit your teeth and gradually move
forward in the right direction. It may be difficult to do so, but
going forward with a commitment to awareness and discernment is the
only permanent solution.
Those on the negative path are ones who have chosen the detour, the
path of separation, and have accepted the resulting struggle as a
way of life. Rather than getting back on track, they toughen
themselves to face the pain, and make an industry out of pulling
other beings off track and into the wilderness to be fed upon. Their
subjectivity fools them into thinking that their fantasy
interpretations of reality are objective.
Manifestation and requesting are methods at your disposal to help
you stay on smooth road, or to help you to return if you have
strayed. Once you are on that road, you must still move forward.
Manifesting and requesting are auxiliary methods to accompany the
main thrust of your existence which consists of actively using
knowledge to evolve and gather more knowledge, to change your
environment which helps other beings evolve as well.
Manifestation and requesting cannot be
relied upon alone, but they should also not be abandoned.
Part II
Using proper manifesting and requesting in conjunction with
initiative and action on your part is the quickest way to learning
the lessons you came here to learn. Manifesting is how you use your
metaphysical abilities to synchronistically influence components of
your reality, including the lower freewill beings in it, to keep
your life from being unnecessarily difficult.
Requesting is how you allow higher
forces in your network to watch over you and guide you toward what
is best for your evolution and do things that you simply cannot do
because of your practical limits.
The guidance, protection, and ease acquired from these two methods
merely clear the path through life, but you must still make the
effort (fun struggle) to progress and move forward through it. This
is why manifesting and requesting (two components to reality
creation) comprise only half of proper living. The other half is
personal effort and action.
YCYOR promotes the idea that these two things are sufficient to
create everything one needs, that no effort at all is necessary. Its
followers become armchair experiencers. Like spectators of
television football games, they may be watching exercise happen, but
they themselves become increasingly out of shape. Doing reality
creation without putting forth personal effort leads to an analogous
situation, spiritual stagnation.
Here is an example of the balanced application of reality creation
principles with personal action:
Let us say you wish to get a better
job. Just manifesting and requesting alone will often not be
enough to make this happen, if you do not make personal effort
to send out resumes and go to interviews. Although possible, it
is very unlikely that you can simply sit at home next to the
phone and expect a company to call you out of the blue and offer
you the job you want. In addition to reality creation, personal
effort is absolutely necessary to get results.
On the other hand, consider the possibility that you are too
skeptical or proud to even try proper reality creation. In this
case, you can send out resumes and go to interviews, but you
will find that your "luck" is absent. You must apply a great
amount of effort to secure that better job.
If you do reality creation, however,
you will find your luck increasing and the perfect job popping
up after just a few tries. In that case, you would have made
enough personal effort to learn the required lesson, but because
you utilized reality creation, which is part of your toolbox in
life, you did not have to struggle with more pain than
In practice, however, your Higher Self
ultimately decides what is best for you. If your effort at Reality
Creation is in conflict with your Higher Self's judgment, you will
not succeed in getting what you want. Often you will later find that
what you wanted would have really been a bad idea had you gotten it.
To clarify, just the right amount of personal effort is synonymous
with fun struggle. More personal effort than necessary is defined as
painful struggle in this article. Struggle or effort is necessary
for spiritual evolution. Such effort is optional when you have
already learned a particular lesson but are temporarily handicapped
due to amnesia of that lesson. Thus, some people can do well with
reality creation and not need to apply as much personal effort as
others who require that effort to evolve. Reality creation works
best for those who are most highly evolved, who do not need to learn
those lessons from scratch.
YCYOR makes people think they need less personal effort to get
through life than they really do. Illusory limits make people think
they need more personal effort. Both are traps designed by
forces to make their targets either easier to prey upon, or more
productive energy producers.
But remember, as far as manifesting is concerned, you can influence
reality when it does not violate anyone's freewill. Also remember
that freewill cannot be violated if it is not being utilized, and
this fact alone allows one to create stupendous
synchronicities that
incur no spiritual detriment, just by manifesting one's virtuous
desires. So you do not need to be "highly evolved" (whatever that
means to you), just more evolved than the components of reality you
need changed to fulfill your manifestation.
A mundane example is getting a good parking spot at the super
market. You can manifest that reality, and most often it will
materialize. What happens is that everyone else in the parking lot
is too dazed to realize that they can do the same, and they will
either miss that good spot "reserved" for you, or else someone will
pull out just when you need it.
They will pull out at the right
moment because their behavior was influenced by your attempted
manifestation to create that synchronous timing. That they pulled
out at that precise moment does not violate their freewill, either
because the act is too trivial, or because they were too unaware to
behave otherwise.
Awareness is what anchors your freewill to a particular thing.
you do not have awareness of something, your freewill does not claim
it, and it therefore becomes easily malleable by forces who cannot
or choose not to violate your freewill.
The following four
possibilities illustrate the "rule" of this principle:
When you are aware of something no one else is aware of, you can
change it easily by manifestation techniques, declaration of your
intent, and direct physical action. Because no one else is aware of
it, your change of this element of your (and their) reality does not
violate their freewill. The only resistance you may encounter in
this case is non-allowance by your Higher Self who may see some
changes you are attempting to manifest, as detrimental to your
learning curriculum.
When you are aware of something that others are aware of as well, a
potential tug of war between opposing freewill may occur. Who wins
depends on who had the greater amount of freewill and the knowledge
to utilize it. Should you have tremendous amounts of freewill, or
else are no longer bound to the realities of others, your own
reality becomes easily and directly changeable by you, as easily as
is done in a lucid dream. But do not be fooled into thinking you are
necessarily at that level already.
When you are not aware of something that no other humans are aware
of either, then that portion of your environment becomes fluid, much
like an unobserved particle becomes a wave function, an enfolded
hologram. These elements of your environment are most easily changed
by beings who are aware of it, but who cannot or choose not to
violate your freewill otherwise. Because you and no one else is
aware of it, no freewill anchors that element of reality, and it is
free for alteration by lower beings or respectful higher beings.
When you are not aware of something, but another human or entity is
indeed aware, then that portion of your reality coupled to theirs is
easily altered by them, for such an alteration does not violate your
freewill since you did not anchor it to that changeable element.
These four possibilities follow from the laws of freewill and how we
create our reality in concert with others. These possibilities also
follow from the macroscopic consequences of quantum mechanical laws.
Schroedinger's Cat, a classic thought experiment dealing of quantum
mechanics, illustrates these principles, though given a few
corrections to the experiment.
The cat, which at any moment may be dead
or alive, is physically shielded inside a box through which the
scientists can gather no data to determine whether it is, in fact,
dead or alive. In truth, it is not necessarily lack of physical
perception that makes reality fluid, that allows the cat to be in a
wave state of both dead and alive possibilities, but rather lack of
conscious awareness of that element.
The scientists staring at the box,
wondering if the cat is dead or alive, are influencing and
objectifying the state of the cat because despite not being able to
see into the box, their consciousness is still directed toward it,
they are still aware of the experiment and thus influence it.
Consciousness of the cat aside, if the scientists went out to lunch
and forgot about the experiment, and no one else in the world was
thinking about the experiment either, then is the cat indeed in a
wave state including both possibilities.
But the moment anyone focuses their
attention on the experiment, whether they know the cat's state or
not, the experiment reverts to a non-wave state.
Therefore, when it comes to the fluid nature of elements in one's
own reality, it is not enough to merely close one's eyes, but
actually disengage one's freewill from it by entirely forgetting
about that element. This frees it up for influence by other forces.
Thus, the less aware and alert you are, the more malleable or fluid
your reality is to other beings who wish to change it without
violating your freewill. Having awareness of something locks it
down, then only alterable by direct physical action, or only by
metaphysical action on the part of beings with more freewill than
you who wisely override your lockdown of that element of reality to
ensure your learning lessons flow in smooth sequence.
Therefore, fluidity of your reality is not necessarily detrimental,
for most of reality creation requires such fluidity before reality
can be reshuffled into what you demand or request. The trick is in
becoming aware of all possible changes (locking them down to prevent
influence from lower negative forces), and then stating your request
specifically and honestly, which opens up one of those possibilities
to fluidity. If your request is specific enough, lower negative
forces cannot take advantage of that fluidity because it only flows
in a direction that is as you specified, without loopholes or
opportunity for negative twisting.
It is important to note that if you anchor your freewill to an
element of "reality" that does not actually exist, but was
artificially created by negative forces, then the creator of that
artificial element essentially controls you through that anchor.
These artificial reality elements can consist of false paradigms,
false perceptions, subjective illusions, and so on.
Another critical thing to realize is that when you do reality
creation, unless it is in the form of manifesting which influences
the behavior of lower evolved beings, reality transforms only
because something higher than your present state of consciousness
made it change.
Reality creation, in the form of requesting, changes reality
indirectly via a higher force. This higher force often makes it
clear to you that you were not the creator of that change, merely
its requester. How does it do so? By fulfilling the request in such
a way slightly different from the way you requested it.
synchronicities created to fulfill your request often come as
surprises, in a way you did not expect.
The primary reason for this is to prove that you, the ego-level
consciousness, are not complete master of your reality.
The secondary reason behind surprising synchronicities is that
synchronicities in general happen most easily when that aspect of
reality is fluid; it is fluid because you are unaware of it, which
in turn leads to its surprising nature when the requested change
materializes. If you make a request, then keep expecting it to
materialize, never allowing that possibility to become fluid due to
your constant obsessing and lack of faith whether it happens or not,
if your request is indeed to be fulfilled, it must happen through
elements of your reality that are still fluid, not locked down by
your constant expecting, and thus consist of elements you are not
aware of, which will seem surprising when they create a given
This leads to the core issue of how reality works and how
synchronicities happen. What we know to be physical reality is
nothing but a shared dream maintained by the collective
consciousness of all who participate in this reality. The collective
consciousness is bound via a central coordinating mechanism that may
be called the Grand Matrix of physicality.
Within this physical universe exist
minor matrices, including that overlaying the earth, known as the
earth grid. This is a local mechanism interfacing with the
collective consciousness of humanity to maintain reality on earth as
we know it. Like Einstein said, reality is illusion, albeit a
persistent one. Its persistence makes it objective for all practical
purposes, but its illusory nature makes it malleable enough to be
influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
Our reality consists not only of the present state of things, but
our perceived past as well. The sum of our present and past states
of recorded personal existence comprise a particular timeline.
We are conditioned to accept that the past is written in stone, and
are divided over whether the future is fated, or if it is open. In
truth, it is open because we have freewill to change it, or rather,
choose which future we manifest by our actions and metaphysical
Those who think the future is alterable are comfortable with the
idea of shifting through probable futures, but most are bothered by
the idea of a shifting past. In actuality, the liquidity of the
future is exactly the same as liquidity of the past. Causality only
applies within timelines, and can be thrown out the window if you
move between timelines and have your memories (and anything that
records the past) rearranged in the process.
Linear time, the idea that our past is set and future yet to come,
is all an illusion. Linear time is a product of our minds, a limited
interpretation of the way time actually functions. It is not time
that moves past us while we watch, but our consciousness which moves
through various timelines and experiences. Everything physical, in
all its manifestations and possibilities, has already been created
and exists as a static hologram.
What has not been created yet is the
world path we freely take through these possibilities, which
particular experiences we choose, and what paths we take in learning
a particular lesson. All probable futures have been created, but
which of those futures we choose to move into is open.
All this is not to say that we are hopelessly lost due to the fickle
nature of our past and instability of our memories, because changes
to the linear past obey the same laws as changes to the present or
future, which mean respecting freewill. Manifesting and requesting
things which materialize in one's future work best when they do not
violate freewill, and changes to the past follow the same rule.
In other words, changes to fluid elements in reality does not only
mean changes to present reality, but shifts in an entire timeline,
past and present.
Just as negative entities with lower freewill cannot successfully
attack you and manipulate your future unless you allow them or have
a lapse in awareness, so are they barred from altering your past
unless similar conditions exist. This is because past and future are
identically frayed.
These negative forces, most existing in
hyperdimensional state beyond linear time, do not concern
themselves with causality, with "going back in time" and changing
key events, but rather merging an alternate timeline (or dimension)
with your current one, which is identical to pulling all of mankind
on to that alternate timeline. Whether timelines are merged into
yours, or whether you and mankind are pulled into the alternate
timeline makes no difference, for both are the same concept.
To these
hyperdimensional negative forces, messing with your
timeline is simply a matter of moving you and all connected to you
spatially across timelines into another, if they can. Because of
your freewill and higher protection, they are very limited in where
they can move you, or which timelines they can merge with yours.
This is just another way of saying that they are limited in what
elements of your reality (which includes recorded past and present
circumstances) they can change.
All their timeline manipulations only affect linear time. Linear
time is the progression of physical events which are in actuality
already created and remain a static hologram of quasi- infinite
possibilities. Linear time is like the "time" of a movie or audio
CD, already recorded, but selectively playable. Actual time consists
of one's progression of choices among these possibilities of
experience, and is measured not in tics of seconds, but in
demarcations of lessons learned.
The timeline manipulations cannot affect your freewill path through
the spatial time plane unless that is what you choose, though making
a choice difficult for someone is not a freewill violation if it
does not keeping him from making that choice.
Choosing, the core process engendered by freewill, is necessary to
complete learning lessons in life. With choice denied, freewill is
violated, and a lesson is delayed indefinitely. Thus, while negative
forces with lower freewill cannot deny you choices, they can bias
them toward one most benefiting to their agenda. For them, it is a
If they win, you will make a foolish
choice because you gave in to negative principles such as hatred,
laziness, greed, lust, or fear. In that case, they get some of your
energy, a partial conversion to their polarity, and the temporary
removal of a potential threat to their agenda. If you win, however,
the more difficult they biased your choices, the greater and quicker
your spiritual evolution, and the more invulnerable you become to
further manipulation.
This reveals the ultimate purpose of
negative forces, which is to act as resistance for those striving in
a positive direction just as weights act as resistance for
When it comes to timeline manipulations, negative forces of lower
freewill can only alter your timeline in a way that biases your
choices, that makes things more difficult for you. That is, unless
they possess time travel technology which works on physical
principles you agreed in the contract with physicality, in which
your ego-level freewill can indeed be violated.
Disregarding that possibility, these changes will appear as negative
synchronicities to you, also known as bad luck. Your Higher Self
does not create bad synchronicities for you, it merely opens the
gates and allows a few negative forces to do what they do best. The
purpose of such bad luck is to alert you that a change in belief,
perception, thought, feeling, and action are necessary.
Whether you change them toward a more
negative polarity and carnally fight through them, or whether you
follow a positive polarity and proceed with wisdom, discernment, and
fun struggle, is entirely up to you. Your goal is to learn the
lesson and apply it, so that the particular timeline manipulation
and resultant negative synchronicity does not happen again.
Remember, when implemented by lower negative forces, it happened
only because you were not aware of it, which provided an unguarded
bridge into your reality. Become aware to passively protect, and
utilize knowledge to actively protect.
So far the article has concerned theory, discussing why YCYOR
(You Create Your Own Reality) fails,
and why true Reality Creation works.
My goal is to inform you about the importance of using all your life
tools and help opportunities, to be careful about assessing what you
are truly capable of, and to proceed in life with awareness, wisdom,
and discernment. Your learning lessons should be as fun and easy as
To continue, the subject of "positive thinking" needs to be
clarified. The problem with New Age's version of positive thinking
is that it comes at the expense of awareness, for it is a product of
pure ignorance and denial.
On a scale of awareness, there are two
places where one feels blissful:
either at the point of no
awareness, in which one wallows in ignorant bliss,
or in total
awareness, where one understands that there is nothing to worry
about since all preparations have been made and lessons learned.
YCYOR positive thinking urges one to be at the
bottom of the
awareness scale, while true Reality Creation requires having
True positive thinking is not denial or ignorance of the negative,
but full awareness and understanding of how to deal with the
negative. New Age positive thinking is merely a false fix, an
attempt to suppress internal pressure and misery which arise because
of fundamental misperceptions due to lack of awareness. If a
pressure cooker is about to explode, it is better to turn off the
heat than press down harder on the lid. With true positive thinking,
your awareness fosters correct perceptions, which lead to the
correct emotions and actions to match a given situation.
Perceptions, emotions, and actions are a balanced trinity when
awareness is sufficient.
The less awareness one has, the more unbalanced the trinity, with
resultant detrimental effects which benefit negative forces.
Unbalanced perceptions make it easier for your reality and timeline
to be manipulated, for attacks to happen through gaps in your
awareness. Unbalanced actions lead to self-sabotage, a missed
opportunity to take active protection. Unbalanced emotions lead to
either mechanization of the soul, or an overflow of emotional energy
which are lapped up by negative forces who feed upon it.
Gaining awareness and utilizing knowledge balances perceptions,
emotions, and actions, solving all these problems. For example, we
often mistakenly assume that others act upon motivations that are
identical to our own. Given the same circumstance, it seems we would
behave the same. In reality, there is more to behavior than
environmental circumstance.
We differ in our individual experiences,
what programs we have assimilated into our neural circuits, our
genetic predispositions, what we have learned, our emotional
learning path, and the orientation and degree of sophistication of
our soul development. Often it is our emotional learning path that
determines, via acausal principles and shuffling of the timeline,
what circumstances we are born into and encounter throughout life;
this complicates the "nature vs. nurture" dichotomy concerning human
Nevertheless, the assumption that everyone is functionally equal
leads to much emotional anguish when we fail to reconcile their
behavior with our own. A paradox arises because reality conflicts
with our assumptions, and our attempts to solve the paradox without
further awareness only puts our hearts through the perpetual
grinding stone. In such cases, our perceptions are skewed. For
instance, we may mistakenly see a virtually soulless person as
having a heart, and then attempt to rationalize how he could do such
horrendous things if we ourselves could never commit such cruelty.
False positive thinking would consist of ignoring the paradox rather
than solving it. Changing our perceptions via ignorance or awareness
may both lead to emotional tranquility, but these comprise only 2/3
of the trinity. The third element, action, differs between the two
Those who ignore the paradox will be incapable of taking
appropriate action to rectify the source of their problem.
But were we to gain knowledge about the
true nature of this person, after necessary contemplation and
discernment we may recognize his true nature. If he has no soul, for
example, we would realize that he therefore has no empathy. In other
cases, the person may have a different soul orientation from our
own, different experiences, or differences in any of the other
numerous physical, psychological, and metaphysical variables that
bias freewill and contribute toward human behavior.
Being open to the idea that such
differences exists prevents us from overlooking them. Therefore, in
such cases we neither take offense nor continue to perpetuate the
paradox. This corrects our perceptions, and we may then behave in an
appropriate manner without spilling emotional energy.
If any single element, be it perceptions, actions, or feelings do
not match and balance the others, you will be fed upon, exploited,
controlled, and sometimes even sabotaged. For example, if you
understand the nature of psychopaths and do not shed tears for their
contrived dramas or get into rage over their intentional
provocations, but neglect to take any action to stop them from doing
so, they will just hammer away at you and feed off you in other
That is because despite your perceptions
and feelings being appropriate, lack of action creates the
imbalancing factor. Likewise, if you have balanced perceptions and
take appropriate action, but your feelings are in turmoil, these
etheric vampires stick around to soak up the energy. All elements of
the trinity must be in balance.
More generally, correct positive thinking means viewing life from an
aware perspective, and thinking/acting/feeling in a manner
consistent with this new understanding. The more aware you are, the
higher your evolution, and if you are evolving toward a positive
polarity, the more resonant you become with your Higher Self.
Feeling good emotions is secondary to becoming more aware and acting
upon that awareness.
For some New Agers, feeling good
emotions is the primary goal, and actions or awareness is often
neglected. Unlike this faulty type of positive thinking, the good
emotions that result from correct positive thinking happen because
of a true understanding of the situation. Without taking action,
preparation is avoided, and ignorant bliss becomes short lived. By
taking action, preparation is made, and attacks are prevented or
It is true that you attract what you focus upon. This does not mean
that you can prevent what you ignore, however. Attraction of
probable futures (or merging of alternate timelines), via
manifesting or requesting, does not "prevent" anything, it merely
increases the probability of that focused possibility. Prevention
requires not ignorance, but the active utilization of knowledge.
How can you know if thinking positively about something is an act of
denial or one of understanding?
Sometimes you cannot. The best
course of action is to think positively regardless, but always act
upon your awareness and do what you have to do, be it prevention,
standing up to an imposing force, or actively deconstructing
illusory limits. In this way, you attract positive experiences, but
also take physical measures to prevent negative situations. The
latter is missing from YCYOR, which leaves its followers very
vulnerable to attacks.
One rule of thumb that works well for me goes as follows: Let the
heart be your compass and intellect be your flashlight. The heart
shows you where to go, the intellect shows you where you're
Your Higher Self does not fear anything, nor does it have hatred,
jealousy, vengeance, lust, or greed. These emotions, among others,
are to be avoided, but not suppressed. If you have to suppress them,
this means you are merely patching over faults in your perceptions
rather than increasing your awareness.
You increase awareness by
observing, thinking, contemplating, analyzing,
theorizing, testing,
feeling, and experiencing.
You will know that your positive emotions
match your perceptions and awareness if it thrusts you into taking
action that cuts off the source of an annoyance at its root, that
gets you to change your reality via active participation.
Due to illusory limits and programmed misperceptions, most of us
have a more negative outlook on life than necessary. A negative
outlook is one that makes us feel we have more limits than we
actually do.
When we have negative emotions, they consist of two parts: one
subjective half induced by illusory limits, and the other objective
half induced by provocations in the environment. To solve the
problem of a negative emotion, change must take place both
internally and externally. Internally, we must dissolve subjective
emotions based on limited awareness by filling in perceptual holes
with true understanding. Externally, we cut off the source of an
annoyance by taking action based on discernment.
For example, if a person at work pushes your buttons all the time,
not only must first you understand his true nature and thus diffuse
the subjective half of the negative emotions you would otherwise
generate, but you must also take action and stand up to him or do
whatever is necessary to get him to stop attacking you, which then
removes the other objective half of your negative emotions by
cutting off its external source or removing oneself from it.
It is not enough to only extinguish subjective emotions, because
objective negative emotions remain unsolved and not acted upon.
Thus, the external provocation remains. Ignoring objective emotions
and failing to take well planned action leads to a "turn the other
cheek" attitude, a submission to violence, and one remains a victim.
Victimhood is not only a state of mind, but a state of inaction.
There are some who think that merely changing one's mentality
removes them from victimhood. Plenty of talk exists about ridding
oneself of "victim mentality", but that is only half of the
solution. The other half is to rid oneself of "victim behavior" by
not allowing the predator to feed, exploit, or control oneself.
Although malleable, reality does have much objectivity, which as
already explained is a consequence of contracts one has made with
other beings and forces, contracts made at a level you cannot break
without evolving to that level or requesting your Higher Self to
make such exceptions. Because of the objectivity of reality,
changing your mentality is not always enough to solve a problem;
action is often needed. The proportion of mental to physical change
required depends on the situation, of course.
But to deny the objective component of such an experience is sheer
ignorance, like in the case of a prisoner who thinks he is free just
because he changes his mentality and tries to enjoy being
imprisoned. Besides, is that not one goal of negative forces in
their quest to manipulate us, to get us to love our prison or
perhaps deny that we even exist in one? This is another trap of
YCYOR, to make us believe our reality is more subjective than it
truly is. In truth, our prison is both psychological and physical,
internal and external, and breaking out requires changes in both.
When it comes to
organic portals, to apply the preceding principles
you must first dissolve all subjective negative emotions within
yourself by understanding what is really going on, and only then
should you take action to remove the rest of the annoyance. If you
attempt to remove an organic portal without first changing your
perceptions and diffusing the psychologically induced component of
your emotional response, the organic portal will simply feed off of
Crudely put, their behavior will not change because your
over-emotional attempt to tell them off actually gets them off.
By first understanding the situation, what emotions you do have left
are objective, righteous, and in alignment with your perceptions;
these, the organic portal cannot feed upon. By taking action without
submitting food, the organic portal has no choice but to retreat and
find someone else to feed on.
The benefits of true Reality Creation, when used in conjunction with
personal effort and objective action, should be apparent by now.
The remainder of this article describes
two ways of how to apply Reality Creation.
Once again, when it comes to manifesting, you can best influence
elements of your reality that you have already evolved beyond, whose
associated lessons you have learned, and who exist in a lower
frequency of awareness than you.
The less evolved and aware you are,
the more you stay slave to your physical reality, and the more you
might tend to rely upon technology to manipulate it into obeying
your will.
If evolved, you are entrusted with the ability to change lower
elements by virtue of your relative higher awareness and
discernment. If you try to manifest something for negative reasons,
either your attempt will fail due to lack of awareness which
generated the negativity, or else you will tarnish your spiritual
track record and impose upon yourself some karma. Karma is just a
check list of things one needs to experience to learn.
Manifestation requires utilization of one's freewill, the active
employment of will, intent, and focus.
Mere mechanical attempts at
manifestation tend to fail, unless they are of an extremely
ritualistic and symbolic nature which actually comprises a way of
hacking into reality.
Ritual and magic is a type of technology,
crutch that atrophies freewill and hitches one's soul to the
negative hierarchy if used as an ends rather than a means to an
ends. It is recommended that one stay away from ritual and magic,
for they are not necessary, and tend to be detrimental methods of
manipulating higher forces irresponsibly.
Manifesting means changing your reality without applying physical
action. It is a facilitator of physical action, not its replacement.
The basis of manifesting involves using one's mind to create or seek
out an alternate timeline, an alternate possibility to the way
things are now or will most likely go in short time. Present reality
and that alternate reality must be made identical in order for
manifested changes to materialize.
How exactly one goes about doing this varies from person to person.
What works for one might not work for another. To discover what
works for you, just think back to all the times you actually got
what you intended to manifest and what state of mind you were in.
The following method and theory describes my personal application of
Reality Creation principles, which may or may not be identical or
similar to what works for you. Keep in mind that these are no
substitute for direct action, preparation, fun struggle, or
prevention. There merely aid these things, ridding one's life of
unnecessary friction.
Here is the method and theory I use:
First, you must be fully conscious
to manifest something, which means planting your mind firmly
upon this point in space and time, becoming aware of the here
and now. This channels your will and energy into the actual
present reality within which you exist, rather than sloppily
diffusing it across random dimensions and moments as is typical
of daydreams or states of inattention. This energy will be used
to bind present reality to the one you intend to manifest.
While maintaining this alertness of the present moment and
location, visualize what it is you intend to manifest. This
creates an alternate dimension, an assemblage of thought-forms, a
way of seeking out candidate timelines which match the intended
manifestation. The best fitting timelines are automatically
selected, ones that accommodate the freewill of everyone whose
realities are coupled to yours.
Last, you need to merge your visualized dimension or candidate
timeline with present reality. This is done by identifying both
of them as being the same thing, by intending and believing that
what you visualized is present reality. You use the feeling of
full consciousness and awareness of the present reality to
empower the visualized reality. They thus become bound together,
and synchronicities arise to complete their merger.
To summarize, first you consciously grab
hold of the present reality by focusing on this point in space and
time, then construct or select an alternate reality by visualizing
the subject of your manifestation.
You empower that visualization
with the feeling of presence gained from focusing upon the present
reality, and then fully bind the two by seeing them as identical.
This process can be abbreviated by skipping the first step, and
simply placing full focus and intent into the visualized reality.
The purpose of the first step is just to get a feel for "actuality".
In other words,
know what you want
demand what you want
what you demand
The more specific you are in your demands, the more
likely it will happen. This is because manifestation requires the
directing of will, and being specific directs one's will with
precision. Being specific also shows use of awareness, the accurate
pinpointing of one's demands rather than a blind shot in the dark.
Whether manifesting is an act of wishful thinking or the positive
use of one's abilities, depends on whether it aids spiritual
evolution, respects freewill, is demanded with full consideration of
truth and, is directed downward on the spiritual hierarchy, and is
even possible to achieve.
On the one hand, it can be used for negative purposes and the
control of others, or it can be used for positive purposes such as
protection from redundant attacks and hassles.
Whatever the case may be, keep in mind
that the method of manifestation is only auxiliary, to be used for
making things as easy as they should be, but cannot be relied upon
to actually thrust you through life.
This method is also known as prayer, though it does not require
kneeling or folding one's hands.
When requesting something, you can
direct it toward all positive and higher aspects of your own
consciousness, including your Higher Self, positive entities who are
more evolved than you, and the universe itself. The point of
requesting is to make use of the network you are part of, to allow
higher aspects of yourself to do things that you yourself cannot do
because of your limited evolution.
They will help if they deem it a
wise thing to do, if it does not hinder your spiritual evolution.
Unlike the process of manifesting, you are not sending your will and
energy outward to twist the arm of anyone or anything. You are
merely announcing your openness, making an earnest request for help
from higher positive sources, who normally respect your freewill and
therefore do not intervene unless you give them permission.
Help from higher forces is unlike influence from lower negative
forces, who absolutely cannot interfere unless you give them
permission, which unfortunately comes in more forms than mere verbal
submission. Other forms of permission included your contract with
physicality, personal displays of ignorance, and succumbing to
subjective negative emotions.
As the saying goes, "God helps those who help themselves",
and "ask
and ye shall receive".
Reality must be met halfway, and requests are
only granted if one has first done everything one can do. In other
words, do all you can do, and if you request, the rest will be taken
care of.
Like manifestation, requesting is merely an aid to living. Its best
application is in helping you get protection from things you cannot
personally protect yourself from.
We exist to learn and evolve. The nature of a particular reality we
operate within reveal how such lessons should best be learned.
is because at some level, we choose the circumstances of our lives
to best facilitate our evolution. Evolution progresses most
efficiently when full use is made of all available resources,
physical and metaphysical.
Attempting to evolve while adhering to a purely physical paradigm
results in unnecessary pain, friction, and interference. Trying to
evolve while only following a metaphysical perspective leads to
stagnation, vulnerability, and sloth. But combining both to create a
balanced paradigm and approach to life results in efficient learning
and evolving. We exist on earth for a reason, which is to learn and
evolve by both physical and metaphysical means, by transforming both
ourselves and our environment in accordance with divine structure.
Changing our environment without changing ourselves leads to
irresponsibility and refusal to learn, while changing ourselves
without changing the environment is a selfish act that defeats many
people's purpose for even being here. This change of the environment
is simply the physical effect of a higher positive metaphysical
cause, the creative influx of higher energies which lead to personal
actions which change the environment in a way that facilitates the
evolution of all.
Change of oneself means personally
evolving by gaining knowledge and awareness. The purpose of
physicality is to lock different beings into common dimensional
arenas of interaction, so they can evolve via that interaction.
Thus, the goal of physical existence is to personally evolve by
helping others evolve, no matter the polarity.
The objective nature of our reality demands that it is not enough to
change the world by merely transforming our internal psychological
and spiritual state. We do create our own reality, but at a level
beyond our total control at this level of evolution, and thus there
are some things we cannot change by merely changing ourselves. These
require utilization of knowledge, putting what one has learned into
Internal transformation and growth by themselves only have a passive
effect upon reality by setting up synchronicities, passive
protection, and other reality creation processes. These can only do
so much; they cannot do all.
The rest can be achieved only through
active efforts, which occur when internal transformation guides
one's actions. When it comes to seeking to materialize something
positive, it is not enough to only think positively and do reality
creation, but to take action and make it happen. And when it comes
to protection, it is not enough to become aware of dangers and
request protection or intend that they keep away, but to get into
action and take preparatory or preventative measures.
Reality creation facilitates action, but
does not take its place.
While YCYOR is a trap designed by negative forces to disarm its
targets for easier consumption, true Reality Creation provides
metaphysical tools which help one progress through one's learning
lessons as efficiently and painlessly as possible.
Manifestation and requesting are methods
of true Reality Creation which make good use of our position on the
spiritual hierarchy between higher and lower evolved beings and
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