The Apollo 15 Mission Found
Out a Huge Object on the Backside of the Moon - Did Apollo 19-20
Missions Really Take Place?
Evidences Provided by William Rutledge,
CDR of The
Apollo 20 Crew
New and baffling video footages on YouTube
provided by W. Rutledge seem to corroborate
his amazing story
by Luca Scantamburlo
Italian journalist
June 26, 2007
AngeliSmarriti Website
A few weeks ago I interviewed a man by
the name of William Rutledge, who has been claiming his identity: he
would have been an astronaut during the ‘70s, employed by the USAF
in collaboration with NASA during a secret Space mission. My
interview was carried out by my YouTube Account/General Messages.
William Rutledge registered himself on YouTube as a man of 76 years
old (YouTube user: “retiredafb”), who now lives in Rwanda. He told
me he is an American citizen, now civilian, born in Belgium in 1930
and employed by USAF as test pilot on various aircrafts.
According to his report supported by some outstanding videos
uploaded on YouTube since April 2007, after the Apollo 17 (December
1972) and the “Apollo18-Soyuz” mission taken place in July 1975,
there were other two missions on the Moon:
the Apollo 19 (failed
because of "a loss of telemetry, a brutal end of mission without
data", see the
interview with W.Rutledge)
the Apollo 20 (August
1976), which were both classified Space missions launched from the
Vandenberg Air Force Base (California)
Officially many Apollo missions were canceled by NASA during the
Project Apollo, included the Apollo 20 (canceled in 1970).
The goal of these two presumed secret joint space mission, result of
an American-Soviet collaboration, was to reach
the backside of the
Moon (the Delporte-Izsak region, close to the well-known Tsiolkovsky
crater) and to explore a huge object found out during the Apollo 15
mission. What the Apollo 20 crew found, it was a huge and ancient
alien spaceship, "approximately 4 kilometers long" (W. Rutledge).
And as a matter of fact, some official NASA pictures archived by the
LPI (The Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston), which is “a
research institute that provides support services to NASA and the
planetary science community” (,
show a strange and big object on the far side of the Moon. LPI is
“is managed by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA)”.
Here you are some of the details of those NASA pictures which show
that cigar-shaped object:
Details of Apollo 15
Apollo Image Atlas –
Courtesy NASA/LPI

AS15/M/1333 |

AS15/M/1037 |
Regarding the video entitled “ALIEN
SPACESHIP ON THE MOON flyover bef. landing APOLLO 20”, on YouTube
since May 4, 2007, as introduction we have a sort of marking with
the presumed mission patch, which contains an interesting Latin
"Carpent tua poma nepotes".
I realized later reading an essay of
Latin quotations and sayings, that the Latin inscription on the
presumed patch of the classified mission is from Virgilio’s
“Bucoliche” (IX, 50).
On the presumed patch we have the names
of the crew as well:
"Rutledge - Snyder
- Leonov", which is a typical NASA habit.
But on the video of the flyover of the Lunar Module LM-15 (I checked
on some Space history abstracts: the name of the spacecraft is
coherent with the historical succession, because the Lunar Module
Number begins from Apollo 5, with the LM-1, and for example for the
Apollo 11 mission the name of the Lunar Module is LM-5; for some
reasons not always the progressive number of the LMs is in
accordance with the Apollo mission number), we have just a second of
another marking about a video of the former Apollo 11 Mission.
The presence of an intrusive frame in the footage it would seem to
be a contradiction, but perhaps it is just a result of a probable
former recording on the film. According to William Rutledge (see my
interview already mentioned), the first time he had to do with the
footages was 15 years ago, because somebody he knew, charged to
maintain security around a container, contacted him and told him
what he found out inside (some "archives had to be burn by a plasma
I found another contradiction, which seems a sort of video
pollution: the written comment by Rutledge about the video posted on
April 9 and entitled “APOLLO 20 Legacy liftoff of Apollo 20 Saturn
5”, says:
"Lift off of Apollo 20 Saturn 5 from
Vandenberg AFB august 16 1976. Note the marks on the rocket,
different than the previous Apollo launches."
But the codec audio on YouTube is from
the Apollo 11 mission. I’m sure about it, because I have carefully
compared the video on YouTube with an official NASA video of the
Apollo 11 lift-off. Rutledge, contacted by me about it, has
confirmed the probable mixing. And it could be possible, if you
consider that some of his friends in Rwanda are helping him in the
transfer from the analogical films to the digital, and William
Rutledge told me now he’s not in Africa. So, if his friends have not
a very good knowledge of the subject and of the Space history, they
could make mistakes in assembling the codecs video with the codecs
For the rest the Rutledge’s report is enough coherent and plausible,
and it shows a detailed knowledge of Aerospace history, of Geology,
Chemistry and of Space exploration history, using specific terms.
For example, he mentioned in the
interview a not well-know term:
the “feldspathoid”, a “mineral
consisting of an aluminous silicate that has too little silica
to form feldspar”
(Webster’s Third New
International Dictionary”, Könemann, 1993,pag. 835).
On June 18 2007 William Rutledge (with the help of his friends
in Rwanda) uploaded on YouTube new evidences which seem to
corroborate his amazing story: the APOLLO 20 TEST Launch pad,
the APOLLO 20 Test EVA 1 and the APOLLO 20 TEST Snyder Ingress.
For the last video here mentioned, W. Rutledge wrote the
following text as comment:
"Test Cinepak radius compressor.
Rutledge and L. Marietta Snyder ingress".
In the video you can see some
technicians by a presumed launching pad for astronauts. In the
footage (a capsule Ingress test?) they’re helping two astronauts
(who would be William Rutledge and Leona Marietta Snyder, former
Bell Laboratories), who wear their space suits, to enter into a
presumed spacecraft by a launching pad.
The footage seems to be the editing
of three different moments, in front of the entrance.
Frames from
the - APOLLO 20 TEST Snyder Ingress -
Video added by retiredafb (William Rutledge)on YouTube on June
18, 2007; you can see the Rockwell Corp. logo
The important point is that on the
back of the technician’s overalls, you can see what it seems the
Rockwell corporation logo. Moreover, one of them has on the back
the NASA logo. If you give a look to the Boeing’s official
website, you can find the following statement:
"[…] “North American Rockwell
designed and built the Saturn V second stage and the command
and service modules."
Moreover, besides to be the
manufacturer of spacecrafts, that company (the Rockwell) planned
and developed several military aircrafts. You can find more
information on Wikipedia:
"[…] North American was
responsible for the famous WWII P-51 Mustang fighter and
Korean War-era F-86 Sabre, as well as the Apollo
Since the 1973 the name of the
corporation changed: the North American Rockwell Corporation
became the Rockwell International Corporation. W. Rockwell died
in 1978, and since that time the corporation began a series of
spin-offs. What remains of the company is the Rockwell Collins
(COL) and the Rockwell Automation (ROK). The Rockwell
International no longer exists.
The last video uploaded on YouTube by William Rutledge (retiredafb)
on June 24, 2007, is really amazing:
In the comment he wrote:
"CSM 16mm footage through the
AGC lens... CSM 16mm footage through the AGC lens, made by
Leona Snyder […]. Camera is fixed on the eyepiece of the
telescope, less dropouts or moves than the TV feed from the
LM. Frame transfer is not perfect, speed is faster than
actual, 4 different speeds were used on the 16 mm camera."
Apart from the evocative 16mm
footage by Leona M. Snyder in which you can see the details of
the presumed abandoned alien spaceship on the far side of the
Moon, during the flyover of the Apollo 20 CSM, in my opinion the
decisive frames from the historical point of view are the first.
At the beginning of the footage, in fact, you can see the
Spacecraft controls and instruments.
If you compare them, for example,
with the 35mm photos available from the Apollo 17 Image Library
of the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, you will recognize almost
every part of the capsule inside (source:

controls and instruments. You can see the mission patch and the
American flag.
APOLLO 17 (December 1972)
Frames from the
Apollo 20 footage

Frames from the
Provided by retiredafb on YouTube; added on June 24, 2007
Moreover, instead of the American flag,
you have the union of the American with the Soviet flag, over the
Apollo 20 patch. It does make sense using the same technology to go
to the Moon, already tested with success, if you think that Apollo
17 mission took place at the end of 1972, as the presumed Apollo 20
in August 1976.
And just the year before there was the well-known
Apollo-Soyuz mission:
"[…] Apollo 18 was the Apollo-Soyuz
project, the honeymoon before a moon landing mission, it was
presented as a simple 'shaking hands' mission in 1975"
(from the interview with W.
Waiting for the rest of the Rutledge’s
testimony, we should prepare ourselves for the wait and new
Copernican revolution: we are not alone in the Universe and, at
last, historical and technical evidences are supporting it beyond
any doubt.
What we need is an official declaration from Authorities. Perhaps,
the American Code of Federal Regulations and the Public Law 91-76
created by U.S. Congress could help us to find the truth (see:,
together with a formal recommendation/petition to the NASA
Administrator, to give a right recognition to the Apollo 19-20
It would be a good thing to disclose and spread the truth about the
reality of the extraterrestrial intelligence in the Universe through
an unknown historical fact in which the two great powers of the
World of the past (the USA and the USSR) joined together for
scientific and peaceful activities, in spite of all their
differences and political hostilities.
As pointed out by William Rutledge in one of his comments on
"[…] the Apollo 20 belongs to
all mankind It is a part of all human's heritage".
Virgilio wrote:
"Carpent tua poma nepotes".
The Apollo 20 patch quotes it. Maybe we
are those grandchildren…
Frames from the
CSM 16mm footage through the AGC lens; by Leona M. Snyder
Added on YouTube: June 24, 2007 by retiredafb