from Various Websites
ETs & Indian Point Nuclear Facility
Canada UFOs Over Power Plant
UFO Intelligence Summary
produced for the Nuclear Connection Project
NCP-04 - A Project is Born - A
Nuclear Connection
NCP-11 - Do Nuclear Facilities
Attract UFOs?
ETs & Indian Point Nuclear Facility
ExopoliticsRadio Website
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Extraterrestrials & the Environment: Part II - Nuclear Power Plants
ETs & Indian Point
Nuclear Facility Re-Licensing with Remy Chevalier of FUSEUSA
Advisory Board
Alfred Webre on
Extraterrestrials and Nuclear Weapons Factories-Nuclear Missile
Nuclear Power Plants
1944-2007. |

Remy Chevalier founded the Eco-Saloon at
the environmental nightclub Wetlands in 1989.
He's the
editor-at-large and webmaster for Electrifying Times, a magazine
dedicated to electric vehicles on newsstands since 1993. An
investigative journalist and researcher, Remy contributes to dozens
of blogs and magazines.
With 30 years of experience as a music
promoter, event organizer and environmental activist, Remy created
the Rock The Reactors (www.rockthereactors.com)
campaign in April 2006 to bring national attention to the fight to
shut down Indian Point using viral marketing techniques, securing
the participation of dozens of green product sponsors.
The Bruised Apple in Peekskill has
dedicated an entire section of their bookshop to Remy's
Environmental Library Fund (www.fuseusa.org
- www.remyc.com).
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is the author of
that helped found the field of Exopolitics – the science of
relations between human society and advanced Extraterrestrial
civilizations in the Universe. Alfred is International Director of
the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS),
dedicated to preventing the weaponization of space; transforming the
permanent war economy into a peaceful, sustainable New Energy-based,
Space Age society, and supporting cooperation amongst Life in the
Alfred has proposed a Truth
Amnesty-Disclosure process to facilitate release of advanced
ET-derived New Energy technologies to heal the biosphere and create
a sustainable, peaceful Space Age society.
Back to Contents
Canada UFOs Over Power
Thanks to
Brian Vike
Director HBCC UFO Research
NationalUFOCenter Website
Editor’s Note:
PICKERING , Ontario– UFOs have been seen regularly in
the area for many years. UFOs were seen on June 10, June
14, near the power plant and over Lake Ontario on June
20, at 11:30 PM, and June 25. 2007 |
I am hesitant to make a report like
this but the object I observed over the Pickering Nuclear Generating
Station that was very similar to one reported over the station by
other people, so it made me realize that I wasn't the only one who
thought that this object was a bit odd.
I presently work at the
Pickering Nuclear Generating Station near Toronto and I witnessed
the object described over the station by others on the
# 26 - 2007 report.
I usually arrive at around 6 AM, and have breakfast in the cafeteria
before going to work. My first sighting of the object happened on
the morning of June 25, 2007. I was leaving the security building to
enter the administration building when I glanced up to see an object
that seemed rectangular in shape. The object was fixed in a
horizontal position hanging over the back of the turbine auxiliary
bay on the A side of the building.
What caught my attention was that it was something I had never
noticed from that location before and because it was so perfectly
stationary I stopped walking to take a better look. At first I was
thinking that it may have been part of the superstructure on the top
of the building as it was so immobile. After thinking about it for a
few moments, I concluded that it must be part of the building and it
was connected by a guide wire or something.
I dismissed the original
sighting as being irrelevant and went inside and quickly forgot
about it.

Around 9 AM, I had to go to the Screen House building located toward
Lake Ontario.
After walking from the Screen House going west I
looked up and saw the same object again and this time it was a bit
higher and slightly west of the vacuum building structure. The top
of the vacuum building is about 200 feet and this was about 200 to
300 feet above it. I watched it for about five minutes and it did
not move.
It was absolutely stationary and that is the reason I
stood there watching it. In my mind no objects in flight are so
stationary and that is the reason it caught my attention. After
watching it for a bit I saw a friend of mine and I pointed it out to
him. His analysis was that it maybe a kite being flown from
Frenchman's Bay, to the west of the plant. I was somewhat inclined
to agree with him and went back into the plant to continue my work.
Later on in the morning I walked out to the back of the plant and it
was gone. I searched the sky and to my amazement I saw it again. It
had changed locations. This time it was situated over the cooling
water inflow behind the vacuum building structure at about even with
its height (around 200 feet). I watched it for a couple of minutes.
Later on in the afternoon around 2 PM, I walked back out again to
see it in the same place behind the vacuum building structure. It
had not moved. I again wrote it off as explainable since it reminded
me of a
surveillance drone observing plant activities. In retrospect
I should have informed security. The object was dark and rectangular
and may have been the size of a 45 gallon drum. It was positioned
horizontally not vertically.
I don't make any claims that this was
not a man made object but its behavior was quite peculiar.
Back to Contents
UFO Intelligence Summary
produced for the Nuclear Connection Project
Report Sep., 1944; Oak Ridge, TN. Metal tube hovers
over gaseous diffusion plant
Mid-July,1945; Hanford, WA. UFO over AEC plant tracked by
radar, F84's scrambled
April 5, 1948; White Sands, NM. Team watched UFO performing
violent maneuvers
July 1948; Pasco, WA. Pilot reports domed disc near AEC area
Dec. 5,6,7,8,11,13,14,20 & 28, 1948; Los Alamos, NM. OSI,
pilots, Los Alamos
April 24, 1949; Arrey, New Mexico.
UFO tracking at White Sands Proving Ground
Report May
21, 1949; Moses AFB/Hanford, WA. Disc hov. restricted air
space over AEC Plant
- Report June 29, 1949;
White Sands, NM. Naval rocket expert observed a silvery disc
Report Fall, 1949; Key Atomic Base. 5 metallic objects
traverse 300 miles across scope
April 27, 1950; White Sands, NM. Cinetheodolite film taken
by camera trk station
May 24, 1950; White Sands, NM. Cinetheodolite film taken by
camera trk station
July 30, 1950; Hanford AEC Plant, WA. UFO over AEC plant
triggers scramble of F-94
Report Oct. 13, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. Sightings by AEC
security patrols
Report Oct. 18, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. Unidentified radar
Report Oct. 20, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. UFOs sighted over
"Control Zone"
Report November 10, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. Backgrnd
radiation regist as object in control area
Report December 5, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. FBI document,
possible radar jamming reported
Report December
6, 1950; Northeastern U.S.. National alert when radar picked
up unknowns
Report December 14, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. RADAR targets
over AEC base
- Report December 18,
1950; Oak Ridge, TN. R/V Sightings over AEC plant
Report December 18, 1950; NEPA, Oak Ridge, TN. Army
report to FBI
Report December 20, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. AN&C Radar
tracks UFO
October 9, 1951; Hulman Fld (IN); Paris (IL); Newport atomic
plant Unknown
October 30, 1951; Yucca Flats, NV. Squadrons of UFOs over
atomic test site
Report December 7, 1951; Oak Ridge, TN. 20' square obs
by secty guard; F-47's scrambled
May 10, 1952; SC. UFO Incident at Savannah River (AEC) Plant
Summer of 1952; Kirtland AFB, NM. Famous AF F-86 shooting
Report June 21, 1952; Oak Ridge, TN. R/V sightings over
AEC plant
Report July 5, 1952; Hanford Atomic Plant, WA. Four
pilots rep disc hov over AEC plant
Sept, 1952; Oper. Mainbrace, North Sea area/military
Report December 10, 1952; Washington state, Hanford AEC
Plant, R/V
Report July 19, 1953; Oak Ridge, TN. Black objects
maneuvered over area near an F-86
Report April 7, 1954; USS Curtiss carrying nuclear
weapons buzzed by UFO
Report October 1, 1957; Shippingport, PA. UFO circled
atomic plant
November 4, 1957; Kirtland AFB, NM. Egg-shaped UFO hovers
over base
November 6, 1957; Radium Springs, NM. Rnd object rose
verticalfrom mountain top
- Report February,
1961; Western Europe, France. DDisc near nuclear power
Summer of 1961; Near Moscow. Report of Russian tact missiles
being fired on UFO
August 7, 1962; Oracle, Arizona. UFO over Titan missile
silo, Jets sent up
October, 1962; NORAD Reg 2, nr Palermo AFB, NY. Scramb hot
bird Cuban Missile Crisis
1962; Unidentified A.F. Test Range, UFO blocked tracking of
U.S. rocket
- Report February 7,
1963; Charlottesville, VA. Planes scrambled, UFOs over
missile site.
- Report April 30,
1964; Stallion Test Site, NM. B-57 radios white object
landed, phto recon
- Report May 15, 1964;
Stallion Site, NM. Two scrambles, radar/vis, UFOs sent
proper IFF.
- Report May 22, 1964;
White Sands, NM. Auto radar tracks UFO on tape, sends phony
September 15, 1964; Big Sur, CA. Destroys Atlas warhead,
filmed by mil trk crew
- Report June 5, 1965;
Lynn/Nahant, MA. UFOs over GE facility.
Report October, 1965; Lake Norman, NC. Three UFOs over
McGuire Nuclear Power Station
October 7, 1965; Edwards AFB, CA. Encounter between UFO and
a hot bird
- Report April, 1966;
Malmstrom AFB, MT. UFOs, alarms, 10 missiles inoperative.
- Report June 16, 1966;
Elista, Kalmuk, Russia. Scientist report UFO maneuv nr
missile test.
August 24,1966; North Dakota. UFO jammed a Minuteman site
- Report February 10,
1967; Sandusky, OH. Saucer hovers over AEC facility with
blue beam.
- Report March 2, 1967;
White Sands, NM. 20 silver objects, radar blips at 7 mile
March 5, 1967; Minot AFB, North Dakota. Craft trk on radar
hovered over missile site
March 16, 1967; Malmstrom AFB, MT. UFO and "no-go Fault"
cond at missile facility
- Report March 24,
1967; Los Alamos, NM. Disc hovers for 10 minutes.
- Report March 30,
1967; Malmstrom AFB, MT. Radar/visual, UFO 10 missiles shut
- Report October 26,
1967; Portland, England. Cylinder w/ 4 arms over nuc plant,
Late Summer, 1968; Lake Norman, NC. Domed UFO near AEC plant
- Report September 17,
1968; Nellis AFB, NV. Two military ATCs report violent
July or August, 1972; Lake Norman, NC. Saucer near nuclear
March 1975; Lake Murray, Lexington, SC. CE with octagon near
nuclear site
October 27, 1975; Loring AFB, Maine. UFO circles weapons
storage area
October 30, 1975; Wurtsmith AFB Michigan. UFO chased by
KC-135 tanker
Report Late
October 1975; Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. Night NORAD went
on top alert
Report November 7, 1975; Malmstrom AFB, Montana.
Targeting system tampered with
Report November 8, 1975; Malmstrom AFB, Montana.
F-106's scrambled after UFOs
November 22, 1975; Savannah, Georgia. Pilots observe UFO
near nuclear plant
Report August 9, 1980;
Albuquerque, NM, UFO landing near Kirtland, AFB
October 18, 1982; Lake Norman, NC. Silver oval UFO with
"four legs"
October 13, 1983; Gaffney, SC. UFO near Cherokee Nuclear
June 24, 1984; Peekskill, NY. UFO over nuc plant causes
alert and elect failure
April 26, 1986; USSR. Chernobyl explosion at 1:23 AM,
preceded by UFO activity
March 4, 1988; Eastlake, OH. Triangular objects hd toward
Perry nuclear power plant
April 22, 1998; Washington State. UFOs sighted at sub base
and nuc storage facilityshington State. UFOs
sighted at sub base and nuc storage facility
Back to Contents
A Nuclear Connection
NCP-04 - A Project is Born
Coordinator, NCP
Updated: 6/26/2002
NICAP Website
In 1945, in southern New Mexico, at Los
Alamos Laboratories, scientists were developing and testing the
first nuclear weapons in great secrecy.
The need for
flight support and test facilities reasonably near Los Alamos became
apparent, and during September 1945, units of the Z Division of Los
Alamos Laboratory were moved to Sandia Base at Albuquerque.
The unit was the predecessor of Sandia
Corporation, which was organized in 1949. It became, and (as Sandia
National Laboratories) remains, the largest resident unit on
Kirtland and has consistently been involved with development and
testing of special weapons and energy sources and systems. Today
this includes LASER weapons, particle beams, and plasma weapons -
"Star Wars" weapons.
Other nuclear-related units were formed at Sandia Base and nearby
Kirtland AFB, as the west side was re-designated in 1947. The
Forces Special Weapons Project (later the Defense Atomic Support
Agency, then the Defense Nuclear Agency) operated Sandia Base and
provided support to the Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff,
and military departments in matters concerning nuclear weapons,
nuclear effects, and testing. In addition, the Air Force Special
Weapons Command was established at Kirtland in 1949 and was
re-designated the Air Force Special Weapons Center in 1952 to help
develop advanced nuclear weapons.
During the 1940s and 1950s, air defense, weather, and atomic test
squadrons operated form Kirtland, and people from both bases took
part in the nuclear test series conducted in Nevada and the Pacific.
These facilities in the southwest, including Kirtland, were very
important to us, and apparently, to someone else. On November 4,
1957, an incident occurred at Kirtland AFB (Ref. 1) that for years
got lost in the shuffle and was "explained away" by Air Force
Project Blue Book. Even the
Condon Committee wrote it off.
along came a dedicated researcher, Dr. James E. McDonald from the
University of Arizona. He found that no one had really interrogated
the witnesses and that literally everyone had missed a very
important close encounter with something we still don't have in the
U.S. inventory, an egg-shaped craft that has been seen many times
before to fly with its longer axis in a vertical position.
There are three principal types of objects that eventually belong to
this group of "small" UFOs. One of them is a type "a"; an egg-shaped
machine about 6- to 8-ft long that flies with the long axis
vertical, comparable in size to a compact sedan. Manned or unmanned,
this was not a conventional aircraft that just happened to wander
into Kirtland's restricted airspace. It ha hovered over the
"Drumhead Area" for about a minute, just yards NE of the
Storage Area bunkers, and was very close to the area where the B-58
"Hustler" operated, which was just beginning its nuclear
qualification testing at the time.
And the object had come in from the east
and must have passed just north of the main WSA at Manzano Mountain.
My interest in the "nuclear connection" began in the 1980's, but my
desire to pursue it further began just a few years ago while writing
my book (Ref. 2). I am well-versed in UFO military history, in
particular, and I've always been impressed with the first major
sighting wave in the United States, which was in the summer of 1947.
Two years before, in August of 1945, we were forced to drop two
atomic bombs on Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and almost 200,000
civilians perished.
Without any stretch of the imagination,
it is now easy to see that an "outsider" who had good intelligence
information at the end of the second World War, would have been able
to predict that these weapons of mass destruction, already used by
one of the most civilized countries on Planet Earth, would probably
be used again. With 150 different tribes of people that existed on
the planet, all of which had tribal warfare as their number one
pastime, this must have seemed likely. In 1947 those weapons and
those delivery systems were being tested in the same region as the
massive UFO activity: the Southwest.
The first major sighting wave occurred in the United States in the
summer of 1947 with over 800 reports in six weeks, half of which
were sightings of "daylight discs" or ""flying saucers"? The
sightings peaked and ceased within days of a reported crash of an
object at
Roswell, New Mexico, the HQ for the 509th Bomb Group, the
only atomic bomb group in the world.
A more technically interesting and
potentially-threating area on the face of the Earth did not exist in
the summer of 1947.
The "green fireballs", which were a piece of the UFO puzzle that I
had always avoided because they were very much like meteors, and
very much unlike "flying saucers", began to fit into the puzzle.
These strange objects were not meteors or foreign missiles, and they
had high selectivity for nuclear installations.
A lot of people were concerned; some
were worried.
More Reports
UFO sightings near atomic power plants and other nuclear
installations were already on record. Project Blue Book's, Captain
Edward Ruppelt, in his 1956 book (The Report on Unidentified Flying
Objects) stated that "UFO's were habitually reported from areas
around "technically interesting" places like our atomic energy
installations, harbors, and critical manufacturing areas.
Our studies showed that such vital
military areas as Strategic Air Command and Air Defense Command
bases, some A-bomb storage areas, and large military depots actually
produced fewer reports than could be expected from a given area in
the United States. Large population centers devoid of any major
'technically interesting' facilities also produced few reports.
Whether he didn't know, or couldn't say, the incidents near and over
areas with a nuclear connection were prevalent. There were over 193
There were many, detailed reports, where
objects had violated airspace over atomic installations and caused
major concern, ten years before the one at Kirtland (1957) mentioned
earlier, and they continued after that up until one of the most
dangerous times in world history, 1962.
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
I was the Director of the UFO Filter Center at Mt. Vernon, Indiana,
from 1973 to 1995 and operated the MADAR (UFO detection) Project at
the same time. Whenever I would get on-going sightings referred to
me from law enforcement or the Evansville airport control tower, I
would contact one of our volunteer spotters close to the sighting
area to check the sky sector.
One of our SKYNET spotters (who had
always maintained a low profile because of his former occupation)
had been a defense radar-man. Several of his hair-raising accounts
had to be kept confidential until after his death. When he passed
away I filed his reports with
MUFON, and later, posted
them on the
NICAP site. The most disturbing one was regarding a jet
scramble mission over New York during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The UFO was being pursued by AF jets
with nuclear tipped missiles.
Five years later we were still not being "invaded" by ETs. There had
to be some other purpose behind the surveillance. In March of 1967,
unknown objects had caused eight Minuteman One, nuclear-tipped
missiles, all of which were on different electrical circuits, to go
into a "no-go" condition, meaning that they could not be launched.
This incident was of extreme concern to SAC headquarters and Boeing,
because they couldn't explain it.
At first this seemed like an isolated
Was someone testing our defenses and showing our
Did they favor the United States?
Or was this a
Were we about to do something rash and was stopped, or was
this timed for some other reason or purpose?
We still don't know, but it happened
again in 1975.
When the Freedom Of Information Act documents began to circulate in
the mid-80's, I studied the 1975 northern tier SAC base over
flights, and started taking more interest in similar events. At
about the same time as I was going over my set of the cleared FOIA
documents, I had participated as the sole guest on a two-hour
call-in radio talk show for WGBF in Evansville, Indiana.
One of the "callers" was a former AF
security team member at NORAD in November of 1975, and he reported
an incident that must have been part of something much bigger going
on in the United States that winter. I was later contacted by the
anonymous caller and was able to fully investigate the incident,
which involved a total "lock-down" of Cheyenne Mountain after
defense radar-men tracked UFOs.
So there were SAC base over flights on
the northern tier and at NORAD HQ, all at the same time. It is
interesting to note that
the Travis Walton abduction occurred at
about the same time.
Late 90's
By April, 2000, my interest had reached a more serious level, and I
began getting incidents and people together. I began to form a
special working group I dubbed the Nuclear Connection Project. At
about the same time I obtained a DVD called "Trinity & Beyond
- The
Atomic Bomb Movie". While viewing this film, narrated by William
Shatner, I became extremely uneasy.
It shouldn't have bothered me at all
because I had been in Civil Defense in the late 50's as a
radiological monitor and had even begun training as a Radiological
Defense Officer. I had shown some of the same films in some of my
training classes. And in the military I was a CBR Specialist. The
only difference was my new perspective after almost forty years of
UFO research involving military incidents, and our recent brush with
potential nuclear threat in the Middle East. The distinct
impression I got was remarkably similar to the world's dealings with
BTW, most people would find it hard to believe that there has been
over 2300 actual or putative atomic tests conducted on Planet Earth,
and some in space!!! And there are rumors that at least once or
twice, nuclear weapons were fired at the Moon!!!!
The suspicions about a nuclear connection and certain UFO incidents
was already strong. It was time to organize and go to work. And this
time the work would be done without the controversy and limitations
of communication with other email lists, which were always loaded
with "skeptibunkers" and weirdoes that would waste what little
precious time we had. The work would be done confidentially, with
occasional help from the "outside" lists.
My forty-plus years experience in UFO investigation and research
began with my chairing Indiana's first NICAP investigation
subcommittee in 1960. My seven-man team for the National
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena took part in some of
the most interesting investigations of the early years and was
selected to support the University of Colorado's investigation and
check on the Air Force
Project Blue Book.
I later became State Director for the
Mutual UFO Network and a Field Investigator for the J. Allen Hynek
Center for UFO Studies. I operated the MADAR (Multiple Anomaly
Detection & Automated Recording) station near Evansville, Indiana,
for 21 years. I began work on the NICAP Public Information Website
on Dec 15, 1997.
Some of the other members of the NCP Working Group had provided some
very interesting information and had submitted reports.
Loren Gross was a perfect candidate for the Project with his
knowledge and meticulous records of the most important years in UFO
research, the late 40's and early 50's. His series of booklets,
"UFOs: A History", provided vital and important information.
In one booklet (Reference 4 is an
extract from one) he states:
"No striking pattern to UFO activity
was evident with one exception - some marked activity in the
U.S. southwest in late 1948 on through 1949. What was so special
about that area?"
Later in the report he gets more
"Due to the difficulties previously
mentioned, it wasn't until the spring of 1949 that the U.S.
manufactured enough bombs to have a 'stockpile.' It is suggested
that the 'green fireballs' that appeared over Sandia in late
1948 bear a direct relationship to a sudden ramp-up of American
nuclear weapon production. Also, later, in March,1949, when
strange 'flares' appeared around the 'Q' area at Fort Hood, it
is suggested that this interest by the UFOs was triggered by the
recent arrival of the first shipment of atomic bombs which was
stored as America's first nuclear bomb stockpile."
The connection began to get better and
our NCP Working Group began to grow in number. I wanted a select,
but small and well-versed group. One of the first to join, and one
of the first to mention a possible nuclear connection, was Richard
Richard Hall was former
Assistant Director and Acting Director of the National
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) in
Washington, DC and is now my chief consultant on the NICAP
Public Information Web Site. Richard has over 40 years of
experience, including extensive work on scientific publications.
He was a consultant to the University of Colorado UFO Project,
sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. He is
the author of, just to name a few books: the "UFO Evidence"
(1964), "Uninvited Guests" (1988), and the latest - "Volume II:
The UFO Evidence" (2001). Richard was thinking about a nuclear
connection about the same time as I was.
Here's what he had to say:
"It was not until I began
reviewing reams of literature while doing research for The
UFO Evidence, Volume II, in the mid-1990s that a more
obvious pattern began to emerge: a strong correlation of
sightings with nuclear weapons." (See Reference 5).
Larry Hatch, an early member
of the NCP Working Group, had something the Project needed
really bad: a database of sightings. Our group needed a
checklist of UFO cases involving a potential or possible nuclear
connection already on-record. After we digested those we would
start looking for more incidents. To our surprise, we found that
his "U" Database already had 193 cases "flagged" with a nuclear
connection. This list is growing as we proceed in our NCP
research. To see the current detailed list, click on Reference
Wendy Connors, who continues to research the modern
history of the unidentified flying object phenomenon, never
ceases to amaze us with her findings. It's going to be hard to
beat her to the "smoking gun" we are all looking for. For the
last seven years she has worked on bringing to the field of
Ufology an illustrative historical perspective of
Project SIGN.
She also operates and maintains the Faded Discs Archive. Her
most recent work, is entitled: Anatomy of a Project – An
Illustrated History of Project SIGN.
Jerry Washington was born and raised in Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, site of the Manhattan Project, birthplace of the
atomic bomb. He is an author and scriptwriter whose
autobiographical tale, "Evacuation Road", chronicles the
oddities of growing up in the Atomic City. An extremely close
encounter near the "bomb factory awakened me to the reality of
the UFO phenomenon". One of our earliest members, this man lived
near one of the hottest UFO areas in the world, Oak Ridge,
Tennessee. Jerry wrote several papers about his experiences
there. See Reference 7.
Our most recent additions to the Project are Steven Dunn,
Carpenter, Robert Duvall and Bruce Maccabee.
Steven Dunn, after receiving a BA in Physics from The
Lincoln University located near Oxford, PA in 1974, joined the
U. S. Navy, obtaining his Surface Warfare Officer qualification.
He served as an officer in the U. S. Navy from 1976 to 1986.
Since leaving the Navy, he has worked in the ASW field for
various government contractors, specializing in software test
and evaluation. He is now concentrating on the Indian
subcontinent for NCP-related sightings, using open sources.
Joel Carpenter's father was stationed at a Strategic Air
Command base in the Midwest at the height of 1960s Cold War
tensions. An avid collector of documentation and photographs on
aircraft, spacecraft and missiles, Joel is interested in the
relationship between post WWII experimental aerospace projects
and the UFO phenomenon. He holds degrees in history and
industrial design. It was Joel who pointed out two nuclear
connections with the 1957 Kirtland incident. With the help of an
informant I was able to verify certain information and found
another "connection", making this one of the best NC cases so
far on record.
Robert Duvall has been in the aerospace electronics field
performing mechanical packaging design for 20 plus years. At the
urging of a fellow researcher from Japan, he became familiar
with the history of nuclear weapons development globally and in
1999 began applying that military/political history to nuclear
sighting data to search for correlation. He is now dedicating
all efforts to studying and documenting this apparent
correlative activity in an attempt to understand intent around
the nuclear weapons issue.
For example, most people are not
aware that there were serious nuclear bomber training missions
from an aircraft carrier in the Vietnam region the summer before
the famous Northeast Power Grid Failure of November 9, 1965. The
correlation between actual UFO sightings and blackouts has been
pretty well confirmed (See
Power Outages & UFOS). And that on
July 16, 1952, just three days before the Washington National
Sightings, the joint chiefs made the recommendation for a first
strike on Red China utilizing atomic weapons. There is much
more. Click on Reference 9.
Bruce Maccabee, a "seasoned" UFO investigator and
well-known researcher, has expertise within the NCP and will be
valuable with his skills as a photo analyst and his knowledge
concerning important UFO events and government involvement.
Bruce investigated the 1980 Kirtland landing near the Manzano
Weapons Storage area.
The NCP Team, along with its demanding workload, is proceeding
very well. The UFO community and the public, will be advised of
our findings at an appropriate time. The work is just beginning
to pay off, even though the Project is already over two years
"Kirtland AFB
Incident - 1957" - NICAP Site
Encounters: The FC Files", (1994) - Francis Ridge
UFO Sightings & Nuclear Sites" - Larry Hatch (*U* UFO
Some Early Patterns" - Loren Gross
The Nuclear Connection" - Richard Hall
UFO Intelligence Summary: Selected Incidents" - Francis
Oak Ridge Native Speak - An Introduction" - Jerry
Working Group"
Nuclear Historical Correlative Research" - Robert Duvall
Back to Contents
NCP-11 - Do Nuclear Facilities
Attract UFOs?
Donald A
Johnson, PhD
Sun River Research
Bow, NH
CUFON Website
On numerous occasions, UFOs have been reported over nuclear power
plants as well as nuclear research facilities and nuclear weapons
storage bunkers at military bases. (1) A good percentage of these
reports occurred at highly restricted government research and
production facilities, such as Los Alamos, Oak
Ridge, Hanford AEC,
and Savannah River AEC. Highly trained government scientists and
military personnel, who had been granted top-secret military
clearances, made many of these reports.
In a well-documented series of incidents in early November 1975,
nocturnal lights and unidentified “mystery helicopters” visited a
wide spectrum of American military bases and missile sites across
the northern tier of this country. Between October 27 and November
10, reports of UFOs over nuclear weapons storage sites were
repeatedly made at Loring AFB in northern Maine, Wurtsmith AFB in
Michigan, Grand Forks and Minot Air Force Bases in North Dakota, and
Malmstrom AFB in Montana.
F-106 interceptors were scrambled out of Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana in response to multiple
reports of UFO visits to nearby missile sites near Moore, Harlowton,
Lewistown, and several missile sites around Malmstrom AFB.
A similar rash of incursions occurred in:
December 1948 (Los Alamos)
December 1950 (Oak Ridge)
July 1952 (Hanford AEC, Savannah River
AEC, and Los Alamos)
August 1965 (Warren AFB near Cheyenne, WY)
March 1967 (Minot AFB, Malmstrom AFB, and Los Alamos)
August 1968
(Ellsworth AFB in South Dakota)
August 1980 (Warren AFB, Sandia
Labs and Kirtland AFB, NM)
December 1980 (Benwaters RAFB, Suffolk,
October 1991 (Chernobyl, Ukraine and Arkhangel’s
Missile Base, Russia)
These reports led some to speculate that the
intelligences behind
UFOs have an interest in nuclear weapons and nuclear power.
feature of these reports suggesting a direct link deals with light
rays or energy beams being focused on nuclear materials.(3) Multiple
independent accounts state that beams of light were directed
downward from the UFOs onto the nuclear storage bunkers and
underground missile silos, perhaps penetrating them beneath the
surface. (4)
In addition, there have been unsubstantiated rumors
from enlisted men that the telemetry of the weapons at some sites
had been changed or that other weapons had been rendered
Some researchers have suggested that the occupants of UFOs have a
deep concern about the safety of nuclear power, and our
proliferation of nuclear weapons, and are therefore keeping a close
scrutiny of these sites. During the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
disaster on April 26, 1986, technicians reported that they observed
a fiery sphere, similar in color to brass, within 1,000 feet of the
damaged Unit 4 reactor during the height of the fire, about three
hours after the initial explosion. Two bright red rays shot out from
the UFO and were directed at the reactor.
It hovered in the area for about three
minutes, then the rays vanished and the UFO moved slowly away to the
northwest. Radiation levels taken just before the UFO appeared read
3,000 milliroentgens/hour, and after the rays the readings showed
800 milliroentgens/hour. Apparently the UFO had brought down the
radiation level.(8)
Is there any statistical evidence that indicates a heightened
attention to nuclear sites? In an effort to determine this, we
applied the techniques of epidemiology to the UFO evidence
accumulated since World War II. Table 1 below was developed from the
UFOCAT 2002 database. It compares 164 counties with nuclear
facilities to a control group of 164 US counties without nuclear
facilities. Nuclear facilities include those plants involved in the
storage or manufacturer of nuclear materials, including military
bases where nuclear weapons are deployed and commercial or research
nuclear power plants.
A nuclear facility might be a small commercial
nuclear power plant such as Vermont Yankee in Windham County,
Vermont; or it might be a nuclear production plant such as Rocky
Flats in Jefferson County, Colorado; or it might be a nuclear
submarine base such as Bangor Naval Base in Kitsap County,
The control group counties were selected on the basis of the closest
match in population, with an attempt to also match the same region
of the country (Northeast, Midwest, South, Mountain, West Coast) as
the county with a nuclear facility, and with an attempt to exclude
control group counties with military bases that might have held
nuclear weapons at one time. The results suggest that there is an
important association between the presence of a nuclear facility and
the rates of both UFO sightings and close encounters (CE).
This association tends to increase with
those counties with smaller populations, so the results are further
stratified by five population categories:
counties with populations
over 500,000
counties with populations
between 225,000 and 500,000
counties with populations
between 101,000 and 225,000
counties with populations
between 50,000 and 101,000
counties with populations
under 50,000
For US counties with populations between
50,000 and 101,000 the rate of UFO reports peaks at 37.03 per
100,000 people for those counties with nuclear facilities, and this
rate is 2.61 times higher than for similar counties without nuclear
Overall, the rate of UFO sighting reports is 13.84 for
nuclear site counties and 9.59 for non-nuclear counties, for a
relative risk of 1.44. In other words, they are 1.44 times more
likely to occur in these counties.
For close encounter reports, the rate is
2.58 per 100,000 compared to 1.79 per 100,000 in non-nuclear
counties, for a relative risk of 1.44. Ninety-two of the nuclear
site counties are considered UFO “hotspots,” having had four or more
UFO close encounters, while only 70 of the non-nuclear counties are
rated as UFO hotspots.
The answer about whether nuclear facilities attract UFOs appears to
be “yes.” There is an excess of 3,051 UFO reports for nuclear site
counties above what would have been predicted based on the
non-nuclear counties. For close encounters, there is an excess of
568 close encounter reports over what should have been expected
based on other UFO reporting dynamics.
In a previous study using US county data, education was found to be
positively correlated with UFO reporting. Those counties with a
higher percentage of residents possessing a high school degree were
found to produce larger numbers of UFO reports.
(9) So it is
important to check if there is a large imbalance in educational
level between the nuclear-site and non-nuclear counties selected for
this study.
From 1960 US Census data, the average percentage of those adults
(over age 25) possessing a high school degree across the 164
nuclear-site counties was 43.7%. This compares to a rate of 38.9%
for the 164 non-nuclear counties. In general, it can be stated that
nuclear facilities tend to require a more highly educated work
force, and this fact may account for the small difference noted
between the two groups. Whether this small difference in educational
level could explain all of the excess in UFO reports and close
encounters seems doubtful.
So we are left with a somewhat troubling finding. Apparently UFO
reports do occur more frequently in the vicinity of nuclear sites,
after controlling for population and the region of the country.
Given that the motives of the intelligences behind UFOs, assuming
that UFOs are intelligently controlled, are not well known, we
should be concerned.
Given the long history of UFO incursions at
sensitive, highly-restricted nuclear facilities; and given that
events of September 11, 2001 have drawn attention to the
vulnerability of nuclear power plants to terrorist acts, it would
seem to behoove national security agencies to re-direct some
attention to the issue of UFOs entering restricted air space over
nuclear facilities.
No matter how possibly benign the motives of the
UFO occupants may be, were I the new Director of Homeland Security I
would certainly be paying attention to this matter.
Table 1.
Do UFO reports occur more
often near nuclear facilities?
A Comparison of United States
counties with nuclear facilities to an equal
number of counties without such facilities,
matched on population and region of country.
Total Population
UFO Reports
CE Reports
Rate UFOs / 100,000
Rate CEs / 100,000
US Counties w Nuclear Facilities
US Counties no Nuclear Facilities
(a.) Counties w Populations greater than
Total Population
UFO Reports
CE Reports
Rate UFOs / 100,000
Rate CEs / 100,000
US Counties w Nuclear Facilities
US Counties no Nuclear Facilities
(b.) Counties w Populations greater than
225,000 and less than 500,000
Total Population
UFO Reports
CE Reports
Rate UFOs / 100,000
Rate CEs / 100,000
US Counties w Nuclear Facilities
US Counties no Nuclear Facilities
(c.) Counties w Populations greater than
101,000 and less than 225,000
Total Population
UFO Reports
CE Reports
Rate UFOs / 100,000
Rate CEs / 100,000
US Counties w Nuclear Facilities
US Counties no Nuclear Facilities
(d.) Counties w Populations greater than
50,000 and less than 101,000
Total Population
UFO Reports
CE Reports
Rate UFOs / 100,000
Rate CEs / 100,000
US Counties w Nuclear Facilities
US Counties no Nuclear Facilities
(e.) Counties w Populations less than 50,000
Total Population
UFO Reports
CE Reports
Rate UFOs / 100,000
Rate CEs / 100,000
US Counties w Nuclear Facilities
US Counties no Nuclear Facilities
(1) The UFOCAT 2002 database lists
289 reports at sites coded as “Missile” or “Nuclear” facilities.
These reports date from March 1944, an aerial encounter near
Yakima, Washington not far from the huge WWII plutonium
production plant at Hanford, to another aerial encounter in
October 2001 over a nuclear power plant in Kent, England. At
least 52 of these cases are close-encounter reports.
(2) Fund for UFO Research (1985). Government documents
concerning over-flights of military bases in 1975, pp. 98=100.
(3) Gestin, Pierre (1973). Phenomena Spatiaux, July 1973, p. 26
(Loqueffret, France, February 1961).
(4) Gross, Loren (1982). UFOs: A History 1950: April - July.
Fremont, CA: Author, p. 34 (Dugway Proving Grounds, UT, April
25, 1950).
(5) Hall, Richard H. (2001). The UFO Evidence Volume II: A
thirty-year report. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press (Bentwaters AFB,
December 27, 1980)
(6) Keyhoe, Donald E (1973). Aliens from Space: The real story
of Unidentified Flying Objects. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, pp.
10-11 (Minot AFB, March 5, 1967).
(7) Hall, Richard H (2001). The UFO Evidence Volume II: A
thirty-year report. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, p. 333 (Malmstrom
AFB, March 16, 1967).
(8) Stonewell, Paul (1998). The Soviet UFO Files. New York:
Quadrillion Publishing, pp. 68-69.
(9) Saunders, David R. (1972). Some new lines for UFO research.
MUFON 1972 Conference Proceedings. June 17, 1972, pp 139-145.
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