by C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D
Presented at the
Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace Conference
Sponsored by the Exopolitics Institute
Kailua-Kona Hawaii
11 June, 2006
Exopolitical Journal - Vol 1:4
(October 2006): 266-283
ExopoliticalJournal Website
the Author
C. B. Scott Jones, Ph.D is founder and president
of the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth.
Previous to this he was co-founder and president of the
Human Potential Foundation. Prior to this position he
was Special Assistant to Senator Claiborne Pell from
January 1985 until March 1991. Retiring as a Commander
in the U.S. Navy, approximately half of his thirty-year
naval career was spent in intelligence service overseas
and in the United States.
In 1989, he and Senator
Claiborne Pell co-founded the Human Potential Foundation
that was involved in a number of research projects. A
major two-year program funded by Laurance Rockefeller
was completed with an international conference, When
Cosmic Cultures Meet, in Washington, D.C. in May 1995.
In November 1998, the Human Potential Foundation was
dissolved and its principal undertaking, a global peace
initiative, transferred to the newly established
and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth, Inc. |
Who will respond to a call from a Planet
in Peril? Be careful whom you ask – the First Responder may come to
harvest, not to heal. Or does that comment pander to fear-based
thinking that blinds us to rational consideration of what the real
issues are, and the development of strategies of self-deliverance?
In the next hour I want to do two
things. The first is to share some ideas and experiences. Some of
these are personal, other are from sources that merit serious
attention. After that opening we will get down to serious, fun work.
I need your input about a project that combines the two components
of this conference: Extraterrestrial Civilization, and Global Peace.
In the concluding paragraph of his book, Exopolitics: Political
Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence,
Michael Salla observes that,
“Rather than non-disclosure being a
bad policy decision imposed by unenlightened public officials on
an ignorant public, non-disclosure is the inevitable policy
consequence of an unprepared humanity for the truth of the ET
presence. Each individual has the power to change this.”[1]
I would add that in addition to the
power to make this change, each individual has a responsibility to
contribute to that change if they have any expectation to live in
sustainable global peace. This afternoon, each of you will have a
focused opportunity to contribute to that change.
Much has been said and written about the issue of non-disclosure,
and I have no doubt that secrets are being kept. However,
suspect that most of the secrets are about fear, frustration and
embarrassment over an inability really to articulate what has been
going on for thousands of years.
There is a basic rationale for disclosure. It is natural consequence
of the common denominator of all cultures that are defined by a
population of highly evolved beings. That denominator is:
we are all
one, there is no separation, and everything interrelates.
It is
interesting that this describes the ethos of many “primitive”
aboriginal cultures. It is also encouraging that these concepts are
the functional core of various articulations of the “Golden Rule”
that weaves together every culture, ancient and modern.
For years I thought that the non-disclosure issue was a government
problem, but it isn’t. The U.S. government probably has make some
poor decisions concerning extraterrestrial issues, but that probably
was because of their late understanding of what was really going on.
It is and has always been a spiritual
issue with assorted footnotes of technology and power, the darlings
of recent generations. If we had had an experienced and respected
Department of Spiritual Relations in the 1950s, this conference
would not be necessary.
What we need to do is to wake up, to remember who we are, where we
came from and what is our destiny. This remembering will be greatly
accelerated by learning about and exploring what other civilizations
– advanced civilizations – are doing. The predictable consequence of
this learning and exploration will be sustainable global peace.
Visiting Others wearing White Hats
populate the cultures that illuminate this pathway of remembering. I
suggest that we will not be surprised when we meet the Visiting
Others wearing Black Hats, as we will be seeing ourselves. I use
‘Visiting Others’ as a label for the folks with whom we are meeting
because I learned it from Turtle Woman Singing, a Native American
colleague from whom much was learned about this subject. One of the
more troubling issues of the subject were reports of mind control
and mind control
A common report in the experiencer literature has been that the
brain/mind is filled with thoughts and a vision of the destruction
of Earth. This is a highly dramatic example of mind control and mind
influence. The experience is powerful, but what is the message and
who is sending it?
If it is orchestrated by the Black Hats, the message may be, “Do
what I tell you, or this will happen.” If it is from the Whites
Hats, the message may be, “Curb your violence to each other and
Earth, or this will be the way it ends.” Either way, what possible
government response could there be? Perhaps our scorn and rants
against the government are inappropriate. I suggest we should help.
It must be noted that others could be and are involved in mind
control. An obvious group that is almost impossible to evade is the
advertising community on TV and radio. They are powerful and
pervasive. And then there are others. We know that
the mind is
sensitive to certain microwave frequencies, and that such exposure
can cause a number of effects including confusion, and liberated
mind-talk that frequently is obscene and threatening.
I was witness to this in the Washington,
D.C. FBI headquarters when they used it on Michael Drosnin in an
outrageous demonstration of their command of the technology, and
willingness to use it to end a meeting that was forced on them by
Senator Pell to discuss FBI involvement in
mind control research.
The senior FBI person at that meeting was Assistant Deputy for
Investigations, Douglas Gow. He was also involved in the February
and April 1993 showdown and tragedy in Waco, Texas with David Koresh.
I do not believe that the Visiting Others use microwave or any other
hardware technology to achieve what appears to us to be mind
control. Over the years I have worked with Native Americans who have
instructed me that communicating with the Visiting Others is like
communicating with the Grandmothers, ancestors in spirit. Turtle
Woman Singing (Paula Spencer) said there is a difference,
Grandmothers speak over one shoulder, and the Visiting Others over
the other one.”
Anyone who is comfortable with telepathic
communications can probably handle what to many may appear to be a
mind control attempt.
Who are the
Visiting Others, what should we call them?
ET is not a bad option. It says, “Not from Earth.” If we think we
know their planet or constellation of origin, that answers the
question at one level, but how do we refer to them – it does make a
difference in attitudes and hence is construction a relationship.
They are not humans are they? That is what we are, and many accounts
of their appearance are certainly different from us. Indeed, they
are quite alien to mankind. Of course, Alien is the most common term
used to describe ETs, and it carries a negative connotation: “Not
one of us!” Maybe that is the good news.
From the first modern public report of UFOs in 1947 by Kenneth
Arnold, and the obvious consideration that there may be crewmembers
aboard them, we had to consider if they were friendly or presented a
threat. We had already been set up for the threat hypothesis in
October 30, 1938, when Orson Wells presented a radio version
of “The War of the Worlds” with realistic interruptions by
announcers reporting the “actual” landing of Martians in New Jersey,
and their attack on New York City, using poison gas.[2]
Those of the Christian faith are told what the principal threat is,
and who is the enemy. In Genesis, the serpent, a metaphor of the
devil and evil, is forever placed at the top of the threat list. I
would have been astounded if
the Reptilians from Orion were ever
reported wearing a white hat. My Native American friends think this
is a hoot. They see snake through a different cultural lens.
It has been suggested that for some it is unnerving not to have a
threat or enemy identified. To ease that, an enemy is selected or
created. President
Reagan spoke openly about ETs more than any other
president. Without exception, he equated “threat” with appearance of
the Visiting Others. It is not a surprise that his response was a
big business, multi-billion dollar Star Wars program. I say, a pox
on any president who would play the fear card. I’m certainly glad
that is not going on any more.
Rockefeller/Clinton initiative
In 1992, Laurance Rockefeller asked me to design a strategy to
encourage President Clinton to review the policy he inherited from
previous administrations concerning disclosure about ET/UFO
information. We met with Jack Gibbons, the president’s science
advisor, on April 14, 1993, to start that dance. We stated that our
objective was modest; to get the president to review the current
policy of secrecy about UFO/ET phenomena and make a fresh decision
whether to maintain the current policy or to change it.
We made it clear that our personal views
were that the current policy was not serving the highest interests
of the American public and the world, that the implications of
cosmic cultures meeting impacted on every aspect of civilization. I
bring up this little bit of history for two points. The first is
that we learned that Clinton was never in the knowledge loop, and
secondly, that one part of the designed strategy that we never used
still has value
For anyone interested in detail about
the Rockefeller initiative, I
refer you to
Grant Cameron’s website.[3]
was one of the first to successfully use a freedom of information
request to get close to a thousand pages of documents from Gibbon’s
office. This cache includes letters between Gibbons and myself, and
letters to and from Rockefeller. Along with Cameron’s commentary, it
provides the heart of an effort to open a door on the UFO/ET enigma.
What is not covered is any information about what Rockefeller and
Clinton discussed in the private meeting they had when it became
clear that the Clinton White House was not allowed access to
whatever program controlled the information.
At the beginning of this effort, Rockefeller and I anticipated that
the odds were that this would be the outcome. We had a Plan B that
Rockefeller revealed to Gibbons, but ultimately decided not to
execute. I agreed with that decision. It would have greatly
embarrassed President Clinton, but more importantly could have
caused chaos without assurance that something positive would have
come from it. A permutation of Plan B could be used with loving
intent, as I will discuss later.
What do people
after poll has indicated that a majority of U.S. citizens “believe”
that there is life on other planets, and that UFOs are real. When
you ask a simple question you only get a simple answer that is easy
to make with a minimum investment of thought.
Do you think that a
majority of Americans would answer, “Yes” to these three questions?
Do you believe that UFOs are
Do you believe that Jesus
will return to earth?
Do you believe that Jesus
will return to earth in a UFO?
What are the Visiting
Others up to?
the Clinton Initiative we did not propose a taxonomy of possible
intent from the force or energy behind UFO/ET phenomena.
Michael Salla has carefully discussed a taxonomy of intent: Intruder,
Manipulator, Helper, and Watcher.[4] Of course, there could be a
variety of combinations of this list.
The first one that comes to
mind would be an intruder (i.e., not invited) who comes to help by
manipulation and hovers around to watch the outcome.
Manipulation need not imply evil intent. Remember the overarching
consequences of culture. Cynic and UFO scoffer, the late Phil Klass,
asked me one time,
“How many people who claim they have been
“abducted” by ETs have reported this to the FBI?”
I told him that I
had no idea of the answer, but that I was sure that in countries and
cultures where bride kidnapping is one of their customs, the
percentage would be different.
What is going on? At some point a clear articulation of what may be
going on will determine the timing and type of resources made
available to respond to the opportunities presented by the meeting
of cosmic cultures and the honoring of multidimensional reality.
What resources do we have to support statements of understanding
that would be compelling? An honest skeptic would probably insist
that the first level of evidence had to be hardware of
extraterrestrial origin. When the existence of such hardware is in
the public domain, the barn door is open and can never be
successfully closed again. In modern times, thousands of witnesses
have reported what to them were sightings of UFOs that met every
test of five-sense reality, and hours of videotapes are available.
However, a link between these sightings
with extraterrestrial origins has never been successfully made.
Recovery of reputed ET hardware and keeping it out of public view
and knowledge has been successfully done with very high priority in
the United States and other countries. A willingness to display such
hardware would obviously open the dialogue to what it means.
The Chinese and the Russian have told me that they have recovered
hardware. The Chinese have told me that when the U.S. makes an
announcement, they will be a quick second. I have pondered that
statement for years. Why would China defer to the U.S.? It implies
that the U.S. has a leading roll to play in disclosure. Why?
Perhaps to some of you, what follows could be the story line of Dan
Brown’s sequel to the
Da Vinci Code. The key components of this
scenario are God, and a multidimensional universe that is populated
by a vast variety of cultures, some of which are extraordinarily
spiritually and technologically advanced. All of these components
are energetically linked in ways that transcend our understanding of
time and distance.
All of these components have been richly discussed in sacred,
scientific and UFO/ET literature.
The faithful believe sacred
literature as a matter of faith.
Scientific literature is deemed
rational when it is based upon accepted scientific research
The UFO/ET literature is based upon whatever sources the
author decides to use.
Some of these sources outrage both scientific
and religious camps, and some of this outrage is undoubtedly
justified. But some are based upon an arrogant satisfaction with the
current size of the box of science, and the conviction of religious
hierarchies that only they hear the voice of God, and only they are
qualified to interpret the message for the masses.
Open the
A rich part of UFO/ET literature comes from channeled information. A
variety of labels are applied to this situation. Some researchers
consider it an embarrassment, but I suspect that more respect it as
potential illumination of a subject that appears to reside in a
celestial Black Hole, and for reasons never articulated, is
additionally hidden by governments that have an impressive
capability to collect electronic and photographic evidence about it.
Channeling takes a wide spectrum of forms and most certainly has
been with humankind throughout the evolution of consciousness.
Sacred literature would not exist without it. The march of
scientific discovery owes more to it in its various
than it recognizes and would ever admit to. It is a ubiquitous
phenomenon. Everyone in this room has personal experience with
channeling. A few at this conference are renowned in this art form.
Jon Klimo’s book, Channeling: Investigations on Receiving
Information From Paranormal Sources, is a classic. Klimo
observes that channeling from and about ETs started after Kenneth
Arnold’s UFO sightings in 1947.[5] The suggestion is that the
sightings of what Arnold perceived and reported to be physical craft
opened at least the imagination of channelers and very probably an
energetic pathway for channeling on this subject. It may follow that
each subsequent Five-Sense state encounter will provoke and promote
additional communications of various types.
At the end of more than one hundred pages that discuss channeling as
a modern and historical phenomenon, Klimo summarizes thusly:
The past two chapters have presented
a rich assortment of examples of channeling, covering 5000
years. As we have seen, the messages of channeling have remained
both timeless and timely in their themes throughout the
centuries and across diverse cultures.[6]
When I said previously that everyone in this room has channeled
information, I was referring specifically to the category of Open
Channeling. Klimo defines Open Channeling as a process that
encompasses much that falls within the traditional concepts of
intuition, insight, inspiration, and imagination. What “comes to
mind” seems to come from a larger realm than one’s self or
experience. Some kind of self-transcendence appears to be
taking place, some kind of reaching beyond the usual possibilities.[7]
If Ramtha was here right now he might say, “Indeed. Masters, what do
you think of that?” And this is what we will be doing in a few
Sir Issac Newton is a premiere example of an Open Source Channeler.
The key word is “open,” but considering the opposite can most
strongly make the case. A closed mind assures a limited information
flow. Consider Newton, he is identified as the single most important
contributor to the development of modern science. A physicist and
mathematician, he was also a philosopher, theologian and more.
In the latter portion of his life he
devoted much of his time to alchemical research in quest of the
Philosopher’s Stone. Expressed in chemical and scientific terms, the
Philosopher’s Stone was the substance that could turn inexpensive
metals into gold and also create an elixir that would make humans
younger and make the dream of immortality a reality.
In her website, psychic Ellie Crystal provides an elegant statement
of what the issue really was:
The Philosopher’s Stone – that which
contains the knowledge of creation – a symbol that represents
the final outcome of man’s inner transformation, of the
conversion of the base metal of his outer character to the
golden properties of his higher self. It is all about the
evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.[8]
Using Channeled
The U.S. intelligence community and those of all other governments
have always used Open Channeling in collection and analysis of
information. Recall that the definition of Open Channeling includes
intuition, inspiration, insight, imagination, all aspects of the
creative process. I consider
Remote Viewing as developed by
Swan and used with significant success, to be a specialized form of
Open Channeling, and there are others you may not have heard about.
Some years ago I proposed a training
program to the CIA to enhance intuitive skills. They gave it serious
consideration and after several meetings said that the program
looked good, but it did not appear to offer anything better than
what they were currently doing. I had good personal contacts in the
Agency and was able to do some collection about their program. The
most interesting story I heard about it was that they opened it up
to a limited number of office secretaries in the Analysis
The surprising result was that the
secretaries without subject matter experience and knowledge came up
with helpful insights on problems being addressed. This validated
the utility of intuition in intelligence work, and demonstrated its
place in Open Channeling.
And God
In this part of my discussion, I am certainly vulnerable to the
charge of Cherry Picking selected channeled information to make a
point. I have selected what I think is interesting, provocative,
germane to the subject of our conference, and most importantly, to
me it passes a credibility test. This test, of course, is subjective
and the responsibility of every person to run for themselves.
Neale Donald Walsch has said that his books are not channeled, but
rather that they are inspired by God. I have previously noted that
inspiration is a concept of Open Channeling. Walsch has described
his process as transcribing the words of God that he hears in his
mind. Millions of books of these transcriptions have been purchased
globally. They have been translated into 37 languages.
On noon, September 11, 2001, Walsch
released a statement about the events of that tragic morning. What
he said is profound and prophetic. The complete statement may be
found on
Larry James’ website. It is not
located on the Neale Walsch website. It is a valuable read.
heart of his statement is this:
There are two possible responses to
what has occurred today. The first comes from love, the second
from fear.
If we come from fear we may panic and do things – as individuals
and as nations – that could only cause further damage. If we
come from love we will find refuge and strength, even as we
provide it to others. A central teaching of Conversations with
God is: What you wish to experience, provide for another.[9]
Did those words come from God, or
from Walsch? The answer is obviously, yes.
with God - Book One
In response to questions from Walsch, God affirms that there
is life on other planets and that we have been visited by it.[10]
with God – Book Two
Again, questions are raised about beings from other space.
God affirms that there is
intelligence throughout the universe. Some of it is more
primitive than life on Earth, and some are far more advanced.
Earth has been visited many times to inquire and in some cases
to gently assist, specifically in areas of technology.
God states that assistance
has also been given to shift consciousness, to increase
spiritual awareness, but this is a slow process. It takes time
and patience. Lifetimes. Generations.
Walsch asked why they don’t reveal
themselves to achieve a greater impact.
God responded that their
purpose is to assist in the change they see that most of you
desire, not create it, to foster, not force. He said that if
they revealed themselves to the public, the sheer power of their
presence would be overwhelming. He said that when our
consciousness is raised, our fear will subside and they will
reveal themselves to all, and closed by noting that some have
already done so with a handful of people.[11]
This means that our best strategy is to
focus on sustainable peace and development, to do our work with the
tools we have, and anticipate that these efforts will be supported
spiritually and technologically and we will earn the right of open
meetings and all good that follows.
God –
Yes, some wear Black Hats
God acknowledged that some Visiting Others are
malevolent, but reminded us to judge not, that:
“No one does anything inappropriate
given one’s model of the universe.” (This concept is frequently
repeated in the three Conversations with God
But God assured that we are being
protected, that we are being given the opportunity to live out our
own destiny.
“You own consciousness will
create the result.”
“What you think is what you
“What you fear is what you will
draw to you.”[12]
To me, God ’s observations are the keys to explain why the
Black Hats
show up, and the keys to send them away. They are spiritually less
evolved beings attracted to a spiritually less evolved planet. What
they see and feel happening on Earth is familiar to them, and they
come. When we raise our level of consciousness and become spiritual
evolved beings, they will not be here.
with God – Book Three
God states,
Advanced technology without advanced
thought creates not advancement, but demise. You have already
experienced that on your planet, and you are very nearly about
to experience it again... You had a civilization on Earth
more advanced than the one now existing. And it destroyed
itself. Not only did it destroy itself, it nearly destroyed
everything else as well. It did this because it did not know how
to deal with the very technology it had developed. Its
technological evolution was so far ahead of its spiritual
evolution that it wound up making technology its God.[13]
Walsch asked God how we can stop
from doing this again. God said that there are books devoted
to this subject that most people ignore. He said that Thom
Hartmann’s book,
The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, was by an
inspired messenger.
Walsch conceded that being technologically advanced and spiritually
primitive presents a problem for Earth. God responded in
detail about the seriousness of the problem:
And if you don’t kill yourself with
your nuclear madness, you’ll destroy your world with your
environmental suicide. You are dismantling your home planet’s
ecosystem and you continue to say that you are not.
As if that weren’t enough, you’re tinkering with the
biochemistry of life itself. Cloning and genetically engineering
and not doing so with sufficient care to have this be a boon to
your species, but threatening instead to make it the greatest
disaster of all times. If you are not careful, you will make the
nuclear and environmental threats look like child’s play.
By developing medicines to do the work that your bodies are
intended to do, you’ve created viruses so resistant to attack
that they stand poised to knock out your entire species.[14]
And the lesson is...?
God ’s answers do not offer assurance of a happy outcome for Earth.
Individual survival in a spiritual sense is not the issue. The
operative issue is development of consciousness that “will create
the result.”
Unsaid, but certainly understood, is what the result will be if we
refuse to accept the challenge of self-transformation. I suggest
that this has been the sad road that this nation and the world have
been on for over one hundred years. But God has said that the shift
in consciousness “takes time and great patience. Lifetimes.
Generations.” However, if we focus on the last six years, there is
an ominous X factor.
It appears that the last groups that may truly awaken are the ones
currently in charge of weapons of mass destruction, and talk about
their willingness to use them against any other country that aspires
to the same status. Equally dangerous is their prostitution of
science on issues of environmental degradation, and global warming.
Most dangerous of all is the potential consequence of pandering to
“their base,” on the impending glories of Armageddon. When their
base discovers that the military-industrial complex doesn’t give a
fig about opening the Seven Seals, the U.S may discover that
marching Christian soldiers at home have learned much from Middle
East asymmetric warfare.
We need to come up with a strategy that finesses knowledge of the Visiting Others’ decision to remain invisible until we demonstrate
our intent and accomplishments in increased spiritual awareness, and
that concomitantly facilitates that shift.
Plan C
- Phase Zero – the rocket
launch, a metaphor for waking up, remembering.
- Phase One will establish the foundation of Plan C. This
will be a body of intellectual material from individuals,
universities and global think tanks that address from the region
and cultures that they serve, a series of questions based upon
the following assumptions:
The consequences of cosmic
cultures meeting will be profound in the extreme. Every
segment of civilization will be affected. Religion,
politics, science, technology, education, the complete
spectrum of life will be challenged by undeniable knowledge
of a larger reality.
Contemplation of what the impact
will be in various cultures, and the likely responses from
those cultures is a worthy project for the best minds
willing to undertake that challenge.
Whether or not such contact has
taken place, and for any reason withheld from public
knowledge, is an interesting question, but it is not an a
priori issue to be addressed.
The meetings take place under
conditions of comity and mutual respect.
Questions and issues to be addressed
1. What will be the impact of
these meetings on the culture(s) of your primary concern?
2. What segments of your culture(s) of concern will be most
3. How will this impact differ from the impact on other
4. How will your culture(s) of concern respond to the
consequences of these meetings?
5. Has your culture(s) of concern anticipated such meetings?
6. On a global basis, how should the response be
7. The matter of primitive and highly evolved cosmic
cultures arises. To be answered, where is Earth in this
- In Phase Two, the material
of Phase One will be synthesized and disseminated broadly around
the world.
- Phase Three will involve international polling to
measure public response to the disseminated material of Phase
- Phase Four will involve requesting written responses
from Heads of State, leaders of organized religions, leaders in
education, the CEOs of the thousand top corporations, and senior
retired military and intelligence personnel, about the material
of Phase One, and the public response of Phase Three.
- Phase Five will be a final report of findings,
assessments and comments of Plan C.
- Phase Six will be determined by the Visiting Others.
The period of performance:
Phase Zero, currently
underway, expected completion by end of 2006.
Phase One, assessment of
consequences and likely response - six months.
Phase Two, Synthesizing and
dissemination – four months.
Phase Three, International
polling – one month.
Phase Four, Global leader’s
response – three months.
Phase Five, Report of Plan C
– four months.
Phase Six, to be determined
Plan C and the rocket
launch of Phase Zero
I would give Plan C a very low probability of ever being realized
without a rocket launch beginning. We might be able to find someone
like Laurance Rockefeller with resources and vision to fund
Plan C,
but the international public interest on the subject that is
absolutely necessary for the plan to work, does not currently exist.
However, there is a way to create that interest, and with that,
funding would quickly follow. Plan C requires a rocket launch to
start. The term “rocket launch” is a metaphor for action that
garners attention, and builds interest about the future success of
the rocket’s mission. It would be counter productive for the “rocket
launch” to take a threatening form. For example, Earth could not
handle the shock of Mother Ships appearing over the capitals of
every nation. The rocket launch needs to be an unfolding event that
appears to be from the minds and hands of man, and then the
discovery and the realization that we have never been alone.
The unfolding, the prelude to the rocket launch, has been taking
place for at least four years. For details see Michael Drosnin’s
The Bible Code II: The Countdown. In his book, Drosnin states
that the Bible Code has revealed the general location of the
Key to
the Bible Code. It is reported to be an artifact buried somewhere on
the Lisan Peninsula in Jordan in ancient times by the Visiting

The Bible Code has also said that
there is a short timetable before civilization will be extinguished
unless adequate steps are taken to end man’s inhumanity to man and
Drosnin has been trying, without success, to get permission from the
government of Jordan to search for and recover this artifact.
Independent of this activity, and to the dismay of all of my Middle
East expert colleagues, the University of Jordan was the first
university to adopt our Sustainable Peace and Development (SPD)
program. Soon after that decision, the U.S. war on Iraq started and
anti-American student riots took place on the University of Jordan
The SPD program was quickly put on the
back burner until it was clear how the war would turn out. The
Jordanian Royal family is the key to get permission for a formal
archeological search and recovery mission for the Key to the Bible
However, Phase Zero has been started. In my last visit to Jordan, I
took a team to the Lisan Peninsula and we successfully dowsed the
Key’s location. To put it more accurately, we know the location
where the artifact will be found when the intent for its discovery
would get nodding approval from highly evolved beings on Earth and
Phase Zero is the plan to get this rocket launched, and it will
work. I am sure that you recognize that while many of us look
forward to the recovery of whatever the Key is and what learning
will come from it, there are others who will be upset by this event.
The potential to influence current power relationships in politics
and industry is there.
The antidote to resistance and
obstruction to the recovery and fruitful exploitation of the Key
will be openness and the declaration that what is found belongs to
the entire world. What we want to avoid is the creation of another
Jerusalem, once a symbol of shared sacredness, inspiration and hope,
now in the shadows of fear and divisiveness.
I ask you for three things:
The first is your understanding
of why revealing the full details of Phase Zero in a public
forum might frustrate its success.
The second is to share what you
perceive the Key will be, and how it will function.
Finally, if your guidance is
that Plan C is in the highest cosmic interest, I ask for
your prayers for a swift countdown to its launch and
successful completion.
1. Michael Salla, Exopolitics:
Political Implication of the Extraterrestrial Presence
(Dandelion Books) page 288. .
2. See
The War of the Worlds (radio) on Wikipedia
3. Grant Cameron’s website:
4. Salla, pp. 20-43.
5. Jon Klimo, Channeling: Investigation on Receiving Information
From Paranormal Sources (Jeremy Tarcher) pages 53-56.
6. Klimo, page 128.
7. Klimo, page 199. See pages 303-319 for a full discussion of
Open Channeling.
8. Ellie Crystal’ website:
9. Larry James website:
10. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God: An Uncommon
Dialogue, Book 1 (Hampton Roads, 1995) pages 208-209.
11. Walsch, Conversations with God, Book 1, pages 237 – 240.
12. Walsch, Conversations with God, Book 2 (Hampton Roads, 1997)
pages 239-240.
13. Walsch, Conversations with God, Book 3 (Hampton Roads, 1998)
pages 269-270.
14. Walsch, Conversations with God, Book 3, pages 277-278.
15. Michael Drosnin, The Bible Code II: The Countdown (Penguin
Books, 2003) pages 25-51.