By Aleister Crowley

Chapter LVI: Marriage—Property—War—Politics

Cara Soror,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Directly or indirectly, you have already all you need about marriage in its relation to Magical Traning. The Hindu proverb sums it all up: "There are seven kinds of wife—like a mother, a sister, a daughter, a mistress, a friend, an enemy and a slave; of these the only good one is the last."

But from your questions I gather that what you want is advice on how to advise, how marriage as an institution is regarded by The Book of the Law.  Very good.

It is not actually mentioned; but that it is contemplated is shown by the use of the word "wife"—AL I, 41.  The text confirms my own thesis "There shall be no property in human flesh."  So long as this is observed I see no reason why two or more people should not find it convenient to make a contract according to the laws of customs of their community.

But my above thesis is all important; note the fury of denunciation in AL I, 41-42!

As to property in general, the Book lays down no law.  So far as one can see, it seems to adhere to "the good old rule, the simple plan that they should take who have the power, and they should keep who can."

I think that your best course is to work out all such problems for yourself; at least it is an admirable if arduous, mental exercise.  One ought, theoretically, to be able to deduce the ideal system from the Magical Formula of the Aeon of Horus.

Now then, as to war.  You need hardly have asked the question; the whole Book is alive with it; it thrills, it throbs, it tingles on almost every page.  It even goes into details. Strategy: "Lurk!  Withdraw!  Upon them! ..." AL III, 9.  Then AL III, 3 - 8.  England, I suppose.  Verse 6 suggests the mine-layer to any one who has seen one in action.  Verse 7 might refer to the tank or the aeroplane—or to something we haven't yet got.

Notice also Verse 28, a surprising conclusion to the long magical instruction about the "Cakes of Light."  Then the mysterious opening of Verse 46 demands attention and research!  Can "...the Forties:..." refer to the years '39 (e.v.) onward—will this war last till '49 (e.v.)?  Can the "...Eighties..." be symbolic, as the decade in which universal peace seemed to nearly everybody as assured for an indefinite period?

There are any number of other passages, equally warlike; but see II, 24.  It is a warning against internecine conflict between the masters; see also III 58,59.  Hitler might well quote these two reminders that the real danger is the revolt of the slave classes.  They cannot rule or build; no sooner do they find themselves in a crisis than mephitic rubbish about democracy is swept into the dustbin by a Napoleon or a Stalin.

There is just one exception to the general idea of ruthlessness; some shadowy vision of a chivalrous type of warfare is granted to us in AL III, 59:  Significant, perhaps, that this and a restatement of Thelema came immediately before "There is an end of the word of the God enthroned in Ra's seat, lightening the girders of the soul."  (AL III, 61) And this is "As brothers fight ye!"  Perhaps the Aeon may give birth to some type of warfare "under Queensbery rules" so to say.  A baptism of those who assert their right to belong to the Master class.  Something, in short, not wholly dissimilar from the jousts of Feudal times.  But on such points I should not care to adventure any very positive opinion.

The last part of your question refers to politics.  "The word politics surprises by himself," as Count Smorltork observed.  Practically all those parts of the Book which deal with social matters may be considered as political in the old an proper sense of the word; of modern politics it disdains to speak.

Love is the law, love under will.

Fraternally yours,


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