"At last I lifted up mine eyes, and beheld; and lo! the flames of violet were become as tendrils of smoke, as mist at sunset upon the marsh-lands.

"And in the midst of the moon-pool of silver was the Lily of white and gold. In this Lily is all honey, in this Lily that flowereth at the midnight. In this Lily is all perfume; in this Lily is all music. And it enfolded me."

Thus the disciples that watched found a dead body kneeling at the altar. Amen!


65 is the number of Adonai, the Holy Guardian Angel; see Liber 65, Liber Konx Om Pax, and other works of reference.

The chapter title means, "So may he pass away", the blank obviously referring to N E M O.

The "moon-pool of silver " is the Path of Gimel, leading from Tiphareth to Kether; the "flames of violet" are the Ajna-Chakkra; the lily itself is Kether, the lotus of the Sahasrara. "Lily" is spelt with a capital to connect with Laylah.


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