The Brothers of A⁂A⁂ are one with the Mother of the Child.4

The Many is as adorable to the One as the One is to the Many, This is the Love of These; creation-parturition is the Bliss of the One; coition-dissolution is the Bliss of the Many.

The All, thus interwoven of These, is Bliss.

Naught is beyond Bliss.

The Man delights in uniting with the Woman; the Woman in parting from the Child.

The Brothers of A⁂A⁂ are Women: the Aspirants to A⁂A⁂ are Men.


Gimel is the High Priestess of the Tarot. This chapter gives the initiated feminine point of view; it is therefore called the Oyster, a symbol of the Yoni. In Equinox X, The Temple of Solomon the King, it is explained how Masters of the Temple, or Brothers of A⁂A⁂ have changed the formula of their progress. These two formulæ, Solve et Coagula, are now explained, and the universe is exhibited as the interplay between these two. This also explains the statement in Liber Legis I, 28-30.


(4) They cause all men to worship it.


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