Asana gets rid of Anatomy-consciousness.

Pranayama gets rid of Physiology-consciousness.

}Involuntary "Breaks"
Yama and Niyama get rid of Ethical consciousness.}Voluntary "Breaks"

Pratyahara gets rid of the Objective.
Dharana gets rid of the Subjective.
Dhyana gets rid of the Ego.
Samadhi gets rid of the Soul Impersonal.


Asana destroys the static body (Nama).
Pranayama destroys the dynamic body (Rupa).

Yama destroys the emotions.

Niyama destroys the passions.


Dharana destroys the perceptions (Sañña).
Dhyana destroys the tendencies (Sankhara).
Samadhi destroys the consciousness (Viññanam).
Homard à la Thermidor destroys the digestion.
The last of these facts is the one of which I am most certain.


The allusion in the title is not quite clear, though it may be connected with the penultimate paragraph.

The chapter consists of two points of view from which to regard Yoga, two odes upon a distant prospect of the Temple of Madura, two elegies on a mat of Kusha-grass.

The penultimate paragraph is introduced by way of repose. Cynicism is a great cure for over-study.

There is a great deal of cynicism in this book, in one place and another. It should be regarded as Angostura Bitters, to brighten the flavour of a discourse which were else too sweet. It prevents one from slopping over into sentimentality.


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