What is Really Going On with
Part 1
by Caryn Lipson
August 11, 2024
TheGoldenReport Website
Part 2
HERE and Part 3

Emergency, Oh My!
WHO general director
Tedros Ghebreyesus is expected to
again declare
monkeypox (now also called mpox)
to be a PHEIC (public health emergency of international
concern), as Camus tweeted below.
Tedros cited the spread of monkeypox to other
African countries outside of the Democratic Republic of Congo
and the,
"potential for international spread
inside and outside of Africa",
...as reasons for considering an emergency
The head of the World Health Organisation
said Wednesday he will convene an expert group to determine
if the increasing spread of the mpox virus in Africa
warrants being declared a global emergency.
Camus (@newstart_2024)
7 August 2024
Mpox In 2022 – An Expedient
In 2022, Tedros declared monkeypox a PHEIC, despite the
opinion of the majority of the expert panel he had convened, who
were divided 9 to 6 against declaring an emergency.
Tedros said he had to be the tiebreaker, as
M. Dowling
reported for the Independent
The non-doctor, a former
TPLF terrorist group
member, was the decider.
Tedros admitted after the decision was made public that the
panel vote is just informal. He is the one to make the final
decisions, not the panel.
He declared the global emergency even
though this was a disease limited to gay men.
According to Reuters,
"Although I am declaring a public health
emergency of international concern, for the moment, this is
an outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with
men, especially those with multiple sexual partners," Tedros
Previously, Tedros had taken the advice of
his experts, so Dowling wondered what was behind his unilateral
declaration this time, opining that it was related to the
upcoming November vote on the pandemic treaty which would give
him unilateral power to declare pandemics.
Tedros is tied to Maoist China
and protected them throughout the
Covid debacle. And this one
man decided to declare a disease a global public emergency.
The clincher is that in November, he
wants to be the sole person in the world to decide if
something is a pandemic and what restrictions should be put
in place.
We Have the
Necessary Tools for Control
Expose News shared similar thoughts in an article
penned by Rhoda Wilson.
She extracted text from Dr. Robert Malone's
article "Monkeypox
or Moneypox?" in which Dr. Malone explained that
Tedros convened a meeting to discuss declaring monkeypox a PHEIC.
However, since a survey of the group members
showed that 11 of the 14 argued against a PHEIC, he then
suggested they reconvene four weeks later to look at it again.
It was after this second meeting that Tedros
declared the PHEIC, claiming he had to break the tie of 9 to 6
against the declaration.
Dr. Malone quoted a professor of
international public health at the London School of Hygiene &
Tropical Medicine, Dr. Jimmy Whitworth, who explained
why there was no real need for a PHEIC:
...it seems to be an infection for which
we have the necessary tools for control; most cases are mild
and the mortality rate is extremely low.
Yet, as Wilson quoted Dr. Malone,
Tedros seemed to lack the
moral compass needed by someone in his position,
...since he also held the same opinion as Dr.
Whitworth, that it was really stoppable:
Tedros' statements clearly demonstrate
that he unilaterally substituted his own opinions for those
of the convened panel, raising questions about his
objectivity, commitment to process and protocol, and whether
he has been unduly influenced by external agents.
"Although I am declaring a public
health emergency of international concern, for the
moment this is an outbreak that is concentrated among
men who have sex with men, especially those with
multiple sexual partners," Tedros went on.
"That means that this is an outbreak
that can be stopped with the right strategies in the
right groups."
Fear porn, too?
In another post by Dr. Malone, which Wilson
linked to, he discussed the
fear porn being perpetrated.
These were two media pictures (image below)
he showed to explain what was being orchestrated.

(There is also a "Monkeypox
Meter," a real-time monkeypox tracker to heighten the
perception of a pandemic.)
Did the
Nuclear Threat Initiative Predict Monkeypox?
Dr. Malone also highlighted a March 2021 tabletop
exercise, similar to
Event 201 held right before
Covid-19, during which representatives from various countries
held a tabletop exercise to combat a
bioterror monkeypox threat,
scheduled to commence in May 2022. 1
In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat
Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security
Conference (MSC) to conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing
high-consequence biological threats...
Participants included 19 senior leaders
and experts from across Africa, the Americas, Asia, and
Europe with decades of combined experience in public health,
biotechnology industry, international security, and
The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic
involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged
in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over
18 months.
Ultimately, the exercise scenario
revealed that the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist
attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with
inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak
By the end of the exercise, the fictional
pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270
million fatalities worldwide.
This is the disease timeline scenario from
the NTI, which Dr. Malone included in his post:

Dr. Malone also related the NTI and monkeypox
being declared a PHEIC by Tedros to the IHR amendments and the
pandemic treaty.
Wilson included the following below video clip of Irish GP, Public
Health Doctor, Fellow of the Royal College of Tropical Medicine
and former chair of ARC Cancer Support Centres Dr.
Vincent Carroll, explaining that monkeypox is a political
decision, not a medical one.
"[The declaration of a PHEIC is] the
highest possibility of alert that the World Health
Organisation has,
...firstly, I believe that monkeypox has
been elevated to this status simply as a method, as a way in
which the WHO can twist the arms of governments and twist
the arms of various health care providers
remember, there's the international
Pandemic Treaty coming soon
and 194 countries have signed up to it
...if the WHO
Pandemic Treaty comes in, their monkeypox will be declared
as a pandemic
And the treatment of monkeypox will be
taken out of the gift of national experts and put in the
hands of the WHO which is a political organization
rather than a medical organization
funded in large measure by the private
WHO funded in
large measure
by the private
Vaccination A Potential
Furthermore, Wilson reported, that,
"the European Medicines
Agency (EMA) recommended extending the indication of the
smallpox vaccine Imvanex to include protecting adults from
monkeypox disease."
That, she writes, is not good news since
Covid-19 injections have damaged people's immune systems and
have left them susceptible to many pathogens that they would
have been able to clear easily beforehand.
She is afraid of what
a vaccination campaign could trigger.
Covid injections have damaged immune
responses and many are now susceptible to a range of
previously benign pathogens or pathogens that our innate
immune systems would have vanquished.
The smallpox vaccine
being 85% effective against monkeypox is NOT good news as
potentially millions or even billions of people around the
world, who have had multiple doses of Covid injections, are
now immunocompromised.
The smallpox vaccine used to prevent monkeypox could cause global smallpox epidemics.
She quoted Dr. Paul Alexander who warned a
couple of months earlier (May 2022) against using the smallpox
vaccine against monkeypox.
"I warn, do not be that stupid,
understand you have damaged the immune systems of
m(b)illions with Covid vaccines."
According to the CDC, 1,286,849
people across the US and its 7 territories were vaccinated with
the smallpox vaccine as of 09 January 2024.
Were Gay Raves Responsible for
the Outbreaks?
Interestingly, the monkeypox outbreaks can be traced to two rave
parties in Spain and Belgium, as Marcia Cheng
related for AP News.
This was
used to explain its spread to non-endemic countries.
In an interview with The Associated
Press, Dr. David Heymann, who formerly headed WHO's
emergencies department, said the leading theory to explain
the spread of the disease was sexual transmission among gay
and bisexual men at two raves held in Spain and Belgium.
Monkeypox has not previously triggered widespread outbreaks
beyond Africa, where it is endemic in animals.
Connected to the NTI Tabletop
Exercises, Perhaps?
Dr. Malone also picked up on Spain's Canary Island raves in his
Monkeypox Update.
As a result of the date the raves were held,
between 5 -15 May 2023, precisely the timing referred to in the
NTI Design Scenario Summary (above) and information about what
appeared to him a "lab-manipulated" virus variant found, he
...the preponderance of current evidence
is pointing towards a hypothesis for the origin of this
outbreak which is increasingly consistent with prior "war
game" scenario planning, remarkably akin to that which
occurred during
Event 201, which posits emergence of an
engineered Monkeypox virus into the human population during
mid-May of 2022.
Catastrophic Contagion was
a subsequent tabletop exercise held by the same stakeholders
who devised Event 201, was held in Brussels, Belgium, on 23
October 2022, depicted an
enterovirus pandemic
scheduled for said to take place in 2025 that
disproportionately affects "children"...
Read Part 2
HERE and Part 3