by Jon Rappoport
March 24,
NoMoreFakeNews Website

Readers who have been with me the past year know I've dismantled
every piece of the official COVID narrative.
I knew from 30 years of
experience - investigating HIV/AIDS, West Nile, SARS1, Swine Flu,
Ebola and Zika - what to look for in
the fake COVID science.
I also want to look
at the COVID narrative as an occult work of art...
That is, it embroils
the uninformed person in an initiation of sorts, with the
promise of a final revelation and rescue.
Occult initiations are
'mysteries,' in the sense that the believer is fed steps and
procedures which he can't fathom, or only partially understands.
This is purposeful.
The believer's
imagination is engaged without him knowing it.
He attributes meaning
to factual gibberish.
But no one wants to find
out that the images and speculations he is entertaining are empty
and barren. HE PREFERS to think a ceremony is highly charged and, on
some level, is important to him.
Thus, at the beginning, when "the virus is discovered," and the
initiation is introduced, the believer's imagination clicks, and
he senses he is on a new track of experience.
He is entranced:
This is not ordinary
life any longer.
This is different.
Fear, interest,
excitement, anticipation are all available.
Which are exactly
what occult initiations are supposed to provoke: the magnified
sense of possibility.
The Ordinary is
"Researchers have
found a new virus, which is causing an outbreak."
Found a virus?
What does that mean?
The virus has been isolated.
What does that mean?
The virus has been sequenced.
What does that mean?
The believer can automatically apply his own images and thoughts
and sensations and feelings to this mystery.
And indeed, the whole "virus discovery process" HAS been
conducted behind closed doors, in high-security facilities, in a
sanctum where only the priests can operate. Because they possess
the magic.
They have found the enemy...
Next comes a new piece of
magic. The 'test'...
The priests have devised
a highly complex system of amulet arranging and rubbing, in order to
detect the presence of the virus in a human.
How did they accomplish this, and so quickly? Through
The essence of the
specimen taken from the patient - in itself an initiatory
step - is so small, no microscope can register it. But through a
successive series of "doublings," the specimen is transformed into a
visible object.
And the believer will take this (PCR)
test. Another step on the road...
Minor priests will announce the outcome of the test to the
positive or
Now the meaning of "the
virus" sinks in:
infected or not
Either way, the
initiation is proceeding.
If infected, there
will be potions. "Anti-virals"...
Ventilators, to bring
what the believer may not be able to provide himself: the
'breath of life'...
And yes, one possible outcome is death.
This is no
superficial initiation.
The stakes are high,
very high.
We come, of course, to
the mask.
The believer's
identity will be protected.
Masking makes one an
anonymous member of a very large group - all of whom are
undergoing the same ceremony and enforcing it on others. 'Secret
Masking, traditionally, is for criminals as well. (The thrill of
the outlaw.)
Masking also erases identity. The believer can find (imagine) a
new persona.
Masking includes a sense of sacrifice. "I eliminate who I was,
for the Cause."
Masking introduces touches of humiliation, guilt, and pride.
All standard
elements of initiation.
Distancing provides
"necessary isolation," so the initiatory process for the individual
can proceed unhampered.
Distancing (like
masking) separates the Clean from the Unclean.
The lockdown is further isolation.
Removal from the
influences of the outside world and its distractions.
"The monk in his
Great sacrifice of
the means of financial support, in order to attain purity.
Renunciation of
ordinary work (employment) for a higher purpose; purification.
And finally, rescue
and revelation -
the vaccine.
The injection.
The transformation of
cells of the body, which now produce a protein that stimulates
the action of the immune system; a protein that under ordinary
circumstances would never come into being.
Immunity and purity
are attained.
Elite status is won
through enduring the whole preceding ritual.
A document (wellness
certificate) is created and recorded.
The initiate can now
reenter the world.
He is made anew...
If he suffered from the injection - well, that was part of what
he needed to endure.
If he died, that,
too, was "worthy."
A sacrifice on the
altar of 'The Group'...
Of course, this COVID
initiation isn't meant to be a CONSCIOUS occult ceremony.
The person isn't meant to
know he is in a cult. He senses glimmers and rivulets of
ritual. He swims among them. He knows very little, but he FEELS.
As with every occult process, reality is created for him.
The whole purpose of the
steps on the ladder to redemption is:
the quelling of the
person's own creative fire, by which he can invent his own
future, freely...
In effect, the cult
artists say:
"You don't make your
own painting; our painting makes you."
Through the pretended
"science" of virology (fake isolation, fake sequencing) and the
pretended "science" of vaccinology (fake immunity), the State -
which is already an authoritarian entity - becomes a 'Cult'...
Prior law (the Constitution) is ruled out; it is anathema.
It didn't account for the
new great enemy: the virus.
"Eternal vigilance is
the price of liberty" is replaced by "The eternal virus demands
the curtailment of liberty."
"Science" is the
cover story that conceals the occult hypnotic