by Brian Shilhavy
August 19, 2020
HealthImpactNews Website

Doctors Adnan Munkarah and Steven Kalkanis.
courtesy of Henry Ford Health System.
As mass murder Dr.
Anthony Fauci continues to appear in the corporate media to attack
the use of
hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), which thousands of doctors have
now said can completely cure COVID, more doctors are coming forward
to expose his lies.
Fauci publicly attacked a recent positive study about HCQ published
by the Henry Ford Health System, prompting two of the leading
doctors of the study, doctors Adnan Munkarah and Steven Kalkanis, to
publish an "Open Letter" refuting the lies of the mass murderer,
Anthony Fauci.
Dr. Munkarah works as the chief clinical officer of the Henry Ford
Health System, and Dr. Kalkanis works as the chief academic officer.
Here is an excerpt:
We want to point out
that scientific debate is a common occurrence with almost every
published study.
In part, this is what fuels the advancement of
knowledge - challenging one another on our assumptions,
conclusions and applications to get to a better place for the
patients we collectively serve.
You can read the original study
here and the senior author's letter to the editor here.
Unfortunately, the political climate that has persisted has made
any objective discussion about this drug impossible, and we are
deeply saddened by this turn of events.
Our goal as scientists
has solely been to report validated findings and allow the
science to speak for itself, regardless of political
To that end, we have made the heartfelt decision to have no
further comment about this outside the medical community -
staying focused on our core mission in the interest of our
patients, our community, and our commitment to clinical and
academic integrity.
Full letter here
Fauci's main complaint
about their study is that it was not a "double-blind, randomized
clinical trial," which is considered the "Gold Standard."
This is an interesting criticism, since almost all of the current
new medical products being fast-tracked by the FDA to treat COVID,
are also not,
"double-blind, randomized clinical trials."
This is especially true for the COVID vaccine drug trials, which do
not even use a true placebo, but instead usually use another vaccine
known for serious side effects, to make the new COVID vaccine appear
to be more safe.
Peter R.
Breggin, MD
Another doctor who has come forward to criticize Fauci is Peter R. Breggin, MD, who published an article yesterday (August 3, 2020)
Why COVID-19 Clinical Trials Cannot Be Trusted
- The "Gold Standard"
for Science Is Gold for the Drug Companies.
Science! We have been
told that science must be relied upon to make our decisions when
dealing with the pandemic called COVID-19. We must in effect bow
down to science, no matter how humiliating and painful it may
But science has an Achilles heel - a fatal flaw that can
completely ruin it and frequently does.
What is the fatal flaw of science? It is conducted by human
beings. Science is only as dependable as the people who conduct
and disseminate it. The adage for judging opinions still holds
true - consider the source!
When Anthony Fauci announced the rollout of his initial clinical
trial for remdesivir as the great hope for knocking out the
coronavirus epidemic, he boasted about the clinical trial's
"A randomized, placebo-controlled trial is the gold
standard for determining if an experimental treatment can
benefit patients."
Since controlled clinical trials involving drugs and vaccines
are very expensive, require access to sick and often highly
infectious patients, and must be approved by the Institutional
Review Boards (IRBs) and the FDA - they can only be conducted
with funding from Big Pharma and Big Government or occasional
other large institutions.
We will see that the tragic result of
this hegemony was remarkably demonstrated in Fauci's government
trial on behalf of his favorite drug company, Gilead.
Meanwhile, the People's Drug Is Running Ahead
As we have documented in earlier reports,
here and
here and on
our Coronavirus Resource Center, hydroxychloroquine and zinc as
a prophylactic, and hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin and
zinc for patients developing COVID-19 could right now greatly
improve the treatment of patients in the US, as it has done
Doctors and entire nations have been and are continuing to use
this drug successfully, especially in combination with
azithromycin and zinc.
The Association of American Physicians
and Surgeons has shown that the countries which actively use hydroxychloroquine have significantly lower death rates than
those that do not.
Full article
Dr. Pascal Sacré
Another doctor who has spoken out in an article published today
(August 4, 2020) is French Dr. Pascal Sacré.
The title of his article
COVID-19 - We have a Treatment: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
- We do Not Need a Vaccine!
Some excerpts:
We have a treatment
in COVID-19 and it doesn't have the support of Big Pharma and
their experts!
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is effective in treating COVID-19.
It is effective in halting the progression of the disease,
provided it is given early enough and provided it is given in
accordance with "contraindications" and safety of use (cardiac).
It costs nothing and the powerful pharmaceutical industry does
not want to hear about it.
Big Parma has done everything to outlaw and demonize it,
including the publication in the most prestigious medical
journal (Lancet) of a fraudulent article withdrawn 12 days
Let's stop saying that there is no treatment for COVID-19 or
that only a vaccine will save us!
There is a treatment for this disease, not in intensive care,
where it is too late, but to prevent it from going to intensive
care, so to be given early enough, by general practitioners or
emergency doctors.
The key to defeat COVID-19 already exists. We need to start
using it.
Full Article
Dr. Kevin R.
Wheelan and Dr. Peter McCullough
Texas doctors Dr. Kevin R. Wheelan, chief of cardiology at Baylor
Heart and Vascular Hospital in Dallas and Dr.
Peter McCullough, a
clinical cardiologist and professor at the Texas A&M School of
Medicine, have also made public comments and sent a letter to the
FDA a few days ago.
Reported in The Texan:
The number of doctors
publicly supporting the use of hydroxychloroquine for early
treatment or prevention is growing.
Recently, Dr. Kevin R. Wheelan, chief of cardiology at Baylor
Heart and Vascular Hospital in Dallas and Dr. Peter McCullough,
a clinical cardiologist and professor at the Texas A&M School of
Medicine, issued a letter supporting the emergency use
authorization (EUA) of hydroxychloroquine for outpatient
treatment and prophylaxis for COVID-19.
The letter dated July 6 was submitted in support of a petition
by several other doctors asking the Federal Drug Administration
(FDA) to reissue an emergency use authorization for
hydroxychloroquine that has been donated to the national
Wheelan and McCullough say in their letter that,
"when started
earlier in the hospital course…and in outpatients, antimalarials
[hydroxychloroquine] may reduce the progression of disease,
prevent hospitalizations, and are associated with reduced
They cite several studies for support.
In response to concerns that have been raised about cardiac
issues with patients using hydroxychloroquine, the doctors point
out that even with heightened scrutiny of the use of
hydroxychloroquine, no monitoring boards have declared safety
concerns with the 65-year-old drug.
They urge the FDA to allow
physicians to assess the risk to their patients in determining
whether hydroxychloroquine is an appropriate treatment.
This is just a sampling
of the doctors who are coming forward and speaking out, but don't
expect the national corporate media to give them any coverage, and
don't expect to find out anything about these doctors if you do a
Google Search, as
Google and the rest of Big Tech are accomplices to
mass murder along with the big
corporate media outlets, such as,
also Fox News
Google Search is the Greatest Mind Control
Brainwashing Tool in the History of Mankind
Laura Ingram and
Carlson on Fox will at times give exposure to these doctors, but
they will also probably politicize it and use it to attack Democrats
and Joe Biden, even though this is clearly a non-partisan issue.
In spite of this overt censorship, the news seems to be getting out,
and as we reported yesterday, hundreds of thousands of people took
to the streets to protest in Europe over the weekend.
Hydroxychloroquine Scandal Spurs Hundreds
of Thousands to Protest in Europe, While Americans Mostly Just
Because English is now
the common language among the educated around the world, hundreds of
thousands of readers from India and Africa have also been coming to
Health Impact News to learn the truth about HCQ during the past few
The question now is,
will Americans wake up in time to free
themselves of this medical tyranny, or just mostly continue to
willingly comply with their own destruction?
Here is today's broadcast from Dr.
Ron Paul (also a medical doctor)
and his
Liberty Report titled:
Waking Up? More
Americans Skeptical of Media's Covid Narrative.
This is a political
thing (mandating face masks), this is not a medical argument.
And people who think this is a medical argument alone, they're
completely wrong.
This is all politics...
I think it was orchestrated. I think Black Lives Matter,
Coronavirus, and the
Federal Reserve have combined to bring us
one of the most disastrous challenges to our economy and the
world economy in the history of the world.
And its just beginning, and that's threatening, and that's why I
am warning people to wake up...!
Watch the full report: